# VERSION: 0.08 # AUTHORS: nindogo (nindogo@gmail.com) # LICENSING INFORMATION import re import math import http.cookiejar import time import urllib.request import urllib.parse import random import string import threading from helpers import retrieve_url from novaprinter import prettyPrinter # some other imports if necessary try: # Python 3 from html.parser import HTMLParser except ImportError: # Python 2 from HTMLParser import HTMLParser class torrentgalaxy(object): url = 'https://torrentgalaxy.to/' name = 'TorrentGalaxy' supported_categories = { 'all': '', 'movies': 'c3=1&c46=1&c45=1&c42=1&c4=1&c1=1&', 'tv': 'c41=1&c5=1&c6=1&c7=1&', 'music': 'c23=1&c24=1&c25=1&c26=1&c17=1&', 'games': 'c43=1&c10=1&', 'anime': 'c28=1&', 'software': 'c20=1&c21=1&c18=1&', 'pictures': 'c37=1&', 'books': 'c13=1&c19=1&c12=1&c14=1&c15=1&', } class TorrentGalaxyParser(HTMLParser): DIV, A, SPAN, FONT, SMALL, = 'div', 'a', 'span', 'font', 'small' count_div, = -1, get_size, get_seeds, get_leechs = False, False, False this_record = {} url = 'https://torrentgalaxy.to' def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if tag == self.DIV: my_attrs = dict(attrs) # if (my_attrs.get('class') == 'tgxtablerow txlight'): if my_attrs.get('class') and 'tgxtablerow' in my_attrs.get('class'): self.count_div = 0 self.this_record = {} self.this_record['engine_url'] = self.url if my_attrs.get('class') and ('tgxtablecell' in my_attrs.get('class')) and self.count_div >= 0: self.count_div += 1 if tag == self.A and self.count_div < 13: my_attrs = dict(attrs) if 'title' in my_attrs and ('class' in my_attrs) and 'txlight' in my_attrs.get('class') and not my_attrs.get('id'): self.this_record['name'] = my_attrs['title'] self.this_record['desc_link'] = \ self.url + my_attrs['href'] if 'role' in my_attrs and my_attrs.get('role') == 'button': self.this_record['link'] = my_attrs['href'] if tag == self.SPAN: my_attrs = dict(attrs) if 'class' in my_attrs and 'badge badge-secondary' in my_attrs.get('class'): self.get_size = True if tag == self.FONT: my_attrs = dict(attrs) if my_attrs.get('color') == 'green': self.get_seeds = True elif my_attrs.get('color') == '#ff0000': self.get_leechs = True if self.count_div == 13 and tag == self.SMALL: prettyPrinter(self.this_record) self.this_record = {} self.count_div = -1 def handle_data(self, data): if self.get_size is True and self.count_div < 13: self.this_record['size'] = data.strip().replace(',', '') self.get_size = False if self.get_seeds is True: self.this_record['seeds'] = data.strip().replace(',', '') self.get_seeds = False if self.get_leechs is True: self.this_record['leech'] = data.strip().replace(',', '') self.get_leechs = False def do_search(self, url): webpage = retrieve_url(url) tgParser = self.TorrentGalaxyParser() tgParser.feed(webpage) def search(self, what, cat='all'): query = str(what).replace(r' ', '+') search_url = 'https://torrentgalaxy.to/torrents.php?' full_url = \ search_url + \ self.supported_categories[cat.lower()] + \ 'sort=seeders&order=desc&search=' + \ query opener = self.init_opener(full_url) response = opener.open(full_url) webpage = response.read().decode('ISO-8859-1') tgParser = self.TorrentGalaxyParser() tgParser.feed(webpage) # Return early bc I don't want to spam their server with my hacked script return all_results_re = re.compile(r'steelblue[^>]+>(.*?)<') all_results = all_results_re.findall(webpage)[0] all_results = all_results.replace(' ', '') pages = math.ceil(int(all_results) / 50) threads = [] for page in range(1, pages): this_url = full_url + '&page=' + str(page) t = threading.Thread(args=(this_url,), target=self.do_search) threads.append(t) t.start() # self.do_search(this_url) for thread in threads: thread.join() def init_opener(self, full_url): # New browser comes in cookie_jar = http.cookiejar.CookieJar() opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie_jar)) opener.open(full_url) # Wait 5s to generate our "browser fingerprint" and send it off time.sleep(5) hex_length = 32 random_hex = ''.join(random.choices(string.hexdigits.lower(), k=hex_length)) post_data = urllib.parse.urlencode({'fash': random_hex}).encode() post_url = "https://torrentgalaxy.to/hub.php?a=vlad&u=" + str((int)(time.time() * 1000)) post_request = urllib.request.Request(post_url, data=post_data) opener.open(post_request) # Our opener is ready to go return opener if __name__ == '__main__': a = torrentgalaxy() a.search('ncis new', 'all')