import os import zipfile import shutil def find(name, path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): if name in files: return os.path.join(root, name) return None def get_config_path(): path = find('.HA_VERSION', '/') if not path: return None path = path[:len(path) - 11] print("Home Assistant configuration path found: %s" % (path)) return path def uninstall_old(path): print("Uninstall molohub old version...") path += '/custom_components/molohub' try: shutil.rmtree(path) except Exception: pass def download_file(): global start_time print("Downloading file...") curl = 'curl --show-error --retry 5 >>' os.system(curl) def extract_file(): print("Extracting file...") try: shutil.rmtree('molo_install_temp/') except Exception: pass with zipfile.ZipFile("", 'r') as f: for file in f.namelist(): f.extract(file, "molo_install_temp/") def copy_file(path): print("Copying file...") path += '/custom_components/molohub' frompath = 'molo_install_temp/molohub-master/molohub' shutil.copytree(frompath, path) def configurate(path): print("Configurating...") path += '/configuration.yaml' shutil.copy(path, path + '.bak') file_str = open(path, 'r').read() if '\nmolohub:' in file_str: return with open(path, 'a') as f: f.write('\nmolohub:\n') def delete_file(): delete_list = ['', '', 'molo_install_temp/'] for item in delete_list: try: shutil.rmtree(item) except Exception: pass try: os.remove(item) except Exception: pass if __name__ == '__main__': path = get_config_path() if not path: print("Error finding Home Assistant configuration path!") print("Install failed.") exit(0) uninstall_old(path) download_file() extract_file() copy_file(path) configurate(path) delete_file() print("Successfully installed.") print("configuration.yaml has backed up to configuration.yaml.bak") print("For any questions, please contact us:") print(" - Email:") print(" - QQGroup: 598514359")