#!/bin/sh # exit the script if any command has a non-zero exit value set -e DEV_SUPPORT_DIR=~/haplo-dev-support HAPLO_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR=$DEV_SUPPORT_DIR/haplo-plugin mkdir -p $HAPLO_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR cd $HAPLO_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR # you must update the checksum if updating the version jruby_version="" jruby_filename="jruby-bin-$jruby_version.tar.gz" jruby_checksum="71932970f8ea6b9a1d226a3e833ec2b1bfb6fab3" # clear up any previous install clutter if [ -d jruby ]; then rm -r jruby; fi if [ -d jruby-$jruby_version ]; then rm -r jruby-$jruby_version; fi last_field() { awk -F' ' '{ print $NF }' } jruby_checksum_matches() { downloaded_checksum="`openssl sha1 < $jruby_filename | last_field`" [ "$jruby_checksum" = "$downloaded_checksum" ] } download_jruby() { echo "Downloading JRuby $jruby_version ..." curl -O "https://s3.amazonaws.com/jruby.org/downloads/$jruby_version/$jruby_filename" } if [ -f $jruby_filename ]; then if ! jruby_checksum_matches; then download_jruby else echo "Found $jruby_filename - skipping download ..." fi else download_jruby fi echo "Verifying SHA1 checksum ..." if ! jruby_checksum_matches; then echo "ERROR: SHA1 checksum mismatch, couldn't verify JRuby download"; exit 1 fi echo "Unpacking JRuby ..." tar -zxf $jruby_filename # assumes that jruby maintains "jruby-version" naming scheme for release tarballs mv jruby-$jruby_version jruby export PATH=$HAPLO_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR/jruby/bin:$PATH echo "Installing Haplo plugin tool gem ..." jgem install haplo if grep -q "# added by haplo-plugin-install" ~/.profile; then echo "****" echo " Not automatically adding install location to PATH in ~/.profile:" echo " > Found a line in ~/.profile from a previous run of the install tool" echo "" echo " Please check your ~/.profile and either:" echo " 1) Delete the line inside ~/.profile containing \"# added by haplo-plugin-install\"" echo " and re-run the install tool" echo " or" echo " 2) Manually fix the line to point to the correct location as below:" echo " export PATH=\$PATH:$HAPLO_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR/jruby/bin" echo " and then run:" echo " source ~/.profile" echo " to complete the installation" echo "****" else echo "" echo "Appending JRuby to user path in ~/.profile to persist across sessions ..." echo "export PATH=\$PATH:$HAPLO_PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR/jruby/bin # added by haplo-plugin-install" >> ~/.profile echo "" echo "JRuby & Haplo plugin tool successfully installed" echo "" echo " For the changes to the PATH to be reflected in your shell run:" echo " source ~/.profile" echo " or open a new Terminal window" echo "" echo "To get started with the plugin tool run: haplo-plugin --help" echo "or view the documentation at: http://docs.haplo.org/dev/tool/plugin" echo "" fi