import copy import itertools import platform import sys import threading import time import types from queue import Queue # standard numeric/scientific libraries import numpy as np import scipy.signal as sps import scipy.interpolate as spi import numba from numba import njit import scipy.fft as npfft # internal libraries from . import efm_pll from .utils import get_git_info, ac3_pipe, ldf_pipe, traceback from .utils import nb_mean, nb_median, nb_round, nb_min, nb_max, nb_abs, nb_absmax, nb_diff, n_orgt, n_orlt from .utils import polar2z, sqsum, genwave, dsa_rescale_and_clip, scale, rms from .utils import findpeaks, findpulses, calczc, inrange, roundfloat from .utils import LRUupdate, clb_findbursts, angular_mean_helper, phase_distance from .utils import build_hilbert, unwrap_hilbert, emphasis_iir, filtfft from .utils import fft_do_slice, fft_determine_slices, StridedCollector, hz_to_output_array from .utils import Pulse, nb_std, nb_gt, n_ornotrange, nb_concatenate try: # If Anaconda's numpy is installed, mkl will use all threads for fft etc # which doesn't work when we do more threads, do disable that... import mkl mkl.set_num_threads(1) except ImportError: # If not running Anaconda, we don't care that mkl doesn't exist. pass # XXX: This is a hack so that logging is treated the same way in both this # and ld-decode. Probably should just bring all logging in here... logger = None # If profiling is not enabled, make it a pass-through wrapper try: profile except: def profile(fn): return fn # This is the size of each block of data which is processed in # parallel. The beginning and end are cut off so that there's # no distortion from the FFT and filtering. BLOCKSIZE = 32 * 1024 # These are constant, system-level parameters for PAL and NTSC SysParams_NTSC = { "fsc_mhz": 315.0 / np.double(88.0), # NTSC LD doesn't have a pilot signal, so just recycle FSC "pilot_mhz": 315.0 / np.double(88.0), "frame_lines": 525, "field_lines": (263, 262), "ire0": 8100000, "hz_ire": 1700000 / 140.0, "vsync_ire": -40, # most NTSC disks have analog audio, except CD-V and a few Panasonic demos "analog_audio": True, # From the spec - audio frequencies are multiples of the (color) line rate "audio_lfreq": (1000000 * 315 / 88 / 227.5) * 146.25, "audio_rfreq": (1000000 * 315 / 88 / 227.5) * 178.75, # On AC3 disks, the right channel is replaced by a QPSK 2.88mhz channel "audio_rfreq_AC3": 2880000, "colorBurstUS": (5.3, 7.8), # Known-good area for computing black SNR - for NTSC pull from VSYNC # tuple: (line, beginning, length) "blacksnr_slice": (1, 10, 20), # In NTSC framing, the distances between the first/last eq pulses and the # corresponding next lines are different. "firstFieldH": (0.5, 1), "numPulses": 6, # number of equalization pulses per section "hsyncPulseUS": 4.7, "eqPulseUS": 2.3, "vsyncPulseUS": 27.1, # What 0 IRE/0V should be in 16-bit digital output "outputZero": 1024, "fieldPhases": 4, # Likely locations of solid white in VITS on LD's (line, start, length) # The first three are typical VITS locations (first most common), and last # is the MCA Code first-field flag. "LD_VITS_whitelocs": [(20, 14, 12), (20, 52, 8), (13, 13, 15), (11, 12, 45)], # Similar but with percentile to use to compute white level # (in case VITS white test areas are not present) "LD_VITS_code_slices": [(16, 12, 48, 85), (17, 12, 48, 85), (10, 13, 39, 85)], } # Calculate the exact line length for a given situation (such as # 4FSC) def calclinelen(SysParams, mult, mhz): if type(mhz) == str: mhz = SysParams[mhz] return int(nb_round(SysParams["line_period"] * mhz * mult)) # Compute dictionary entries for things tht use FSC, etc. # In color NTSC, the line period was changed from 63.5 to 227.5 color cycles, # which works out to 63.555(with a bar on top) usec SysParams_NTSC["line_period"] = 1 / (SysParams_NTSC["fsc_mhz"] / np.double(227.5)) SysParams_NTSC["activeVideoUS"] = (9.45, SysParams_NTSC["line_period"] - 1.0) SysParams_NTSC["FPS"] = 1000000 / (525 * SysParams_NTSC["line_period"]) SysParams_NTSC["outlinelen"] = calclinelen(SysParams_NTSC, 4, "fsc_mhz") SysParams_NTSC["outfreq"] = 4 * SysParams_NTSC["fsc_mhz"] SysParams_PAL = { "FPS": 25, # from wikipedia: 283.75 × 15625 Hz + 25 Hz = 4.43361875 MHz "fsc_mhz": ((1 / 64) * 283.75) + (25 / 1000000), "pilot_mhz": 3.75, "frame_lines": 625, "field_lines": (312, 313), "line_period": 64, "ire0": 7100000, "hz_ire": 800000 / 100.0, # only early PAL disks have analog audio "analog_audio": True, # From the spec - audio frequencies are multiples of the (colour) line rate "audio_lfreq": (1000000 / 64) * 43.75, "audio_rfreq": (1000000 / 64) * 68.25, "colorBurstUS": (5.6, 7.85), "activeVideoUS": (10.5, 64 - 1.5), # In PAL, the first field's line sync<->first/last EQ pulse are both .5H "firstFieldH": (1, 0.5), # Known-good area for computing black SNR - for PAL this is blanked in mastering # tuple: (line, beginning, length) "blacksnr_slice": (22, 12, 50), "numPulses": 5, # number of equalization pulses per section "hsyncPulseUS": 4.7, "eqPulseUS": 2.35, "vsyncPulseUS": 27.3, # What 0 IRE/0V should be in digitaloutput "outputZero": 256, "fieldPhases": 8, # Likely locations of solid white in VITS on LD's # (an array of line/start/length) "LD_VITS_whitelocs": [(19, 12, 8)], # Similar but with percentile to use to compute white level # (in case VITS white test areas are not present) "LD_VITS_code_slices": [(16, 11, 49, 85), (17, 11, 49, 85)], } SysParams_PAL["outlinelen"] = calclinelen(SysParams_PAL, 4, "fsc_mhz") SysParams_PAL["outlinelen_pilot"] = calclinelen(SysParams_PAL, 4, "pilot_mhz") SysParams_PAL["outfreq"] = 4 * SysParams_PAL["fsc_mhz"] SysParams_PAL["vsync_ire"] = -0.3 * (100 / 0.7) FilterParams_NTSC = { # The audio notch filters are important with DD v3.0+ boards "audio_notchwidth": 350000, "audio_notchorder": 2, "video_deemp": (120e-9, 320e-9), # This BPF is similar but not *quite* identical to what Pioneer did "video_bpf_low": 3400000, "video_bpf_high": 13800000, "video_bpf_order": 4, # This can easily be pushed up to 4.5mhz or even a bit higher. # A sharp 4.8-5.0 is probably the maximum before the audio carriers bleed into 0IRE. "video_lpf_freq": 4500000, # in mhz "video_lpf_order": 6, # butterworth filter order # MTF filter "MTF_basemult": 0.4, # general ** level of the MTF filter for frame 0. "MTF_poledist": 0.9, "MTF_freq": 12.2, # in mhz # used to detect rot "video_hpf_freq": 10000000, "video_hpf_order": 4, # audio filter parameters "audio_filterwidth": 150000, "audio_filterorder": 512, } # Settings for use with noisier disks FilterParams_NTSC_lowband = FilterParams_NTSC.copy() FilterParams_NTSC_lowband['video_bpf_low'] = 3800000 FilterParams_NTSC_lowband['video_bpf_high'] = 12500000 FilterParams_NTSC_lowband['video_lpf_freq'] = 4200000 FilterParams_PAL = { # The audio notch filters are important with DD v3.0+ boards "audio_notchwidth": 200000, "audio_notchorder": 2, "video_deemp": (100e-9, 400e-9), # XXX: guessing here! "video_bpf_low": 2300000, "video_bpf_high": 13500000, "video_bpf_order": 2, "video_lpf_freq": 5200000, "video_lpf_order": 7, # MTF filter "MTF_basemult": 1.0, # general ** level of the MTF filter for frame 0. "MTF_poledist": 0.70, "MTF_freq": 10, # used to detect rot "video_hpf_freq": 10000000, "video_hpf_order": 4, "audio_filterwidth": 100000, "audio_filterorder": 900, } # Settings for use with noisier disks FilterParams_PAL_lowband = FilterParams_PAL.copy() FilterParams_PAL_lowband['video_bpf_low'] = 3200000 FilterParams_PAL_lowband['video_bpf_high'] = 13000000 FilterParams_PAL_lowband['video_bpf_order'] = 13000000 FilterParams_PAL_lowband['video_lpf_freq'] = 4800000 class RFDecode: """The core RF decoding code. This decoder uses FFT overlap-save processing(1) to allow for parallel processing and combination of operations. Video filter signal path: - FFT/iFFT stage 1: RF BPF (i.e. 3.5-13.5mhz NTSC) * hilbert filter - phase unwrapping - FFT stage 2, which is processed into multiple final products: - Regular video output - 0.5mhz LPF (used for HSYNC) - For fine-tuning HSYNC: NTSC: 3.5x mhz filtered signal, PAL: 3.75mhz pilot signal Analogue audio filter signal path: The audio signal path is actually more complex in some ways, since it reduces a multi-msps signal down to <100khz. A two stage processing system is used which reduces the frequency in each stage. Stage 1 performs the audio RF demodulation per block typically with 32x decimation, while stage 2 is run once the entire frame is demodulated and decimates by 4x. EFM filtering simply applies RF front end filters that massage the output so that ld-process-efm can do the actual work. references: 1 -–save_method """ def __init__( self, inputfreq = 40, system = "NTSC", blocklen = BLOCKSIZE, decode_digital_audio = False, decode_analog_audio = 0, has_analog_audio = True, extra_options = {}, decoder_params_override = {}, ): """Initialize the RF decoder object. inputfreq -- frequency of raw RF data (in Msps) WARNING: only tested at 40Msps w/other frequencies scaled to 40 in system -- Which system is in use (PAL or NTSC) blocklen -- Block length for FFT processing decode_digital_audio -- Whether to apply EFM filtering decode_analog_audio -- Whether or not to decode analog(ue) audio has_analog_audio -- Whether or not analog(ue) audio channels are on the disk extra_options -- Dictionary of additional options (typically boolean) - these include: - PAL_V4300D_NotchFilter - cut 8.5mhz spurious signal - NTSC_ColorNotchFilter: notch filter on decoded video to reduce color 'wobble' - lowband: Substitute different decode settings for lower-bandwidth disks - AC3: Supports AC3 """ self.blocklen = blocklen self.blockcut = 1024 self.blockcut_end = 0 self.system = system self.setupcount = 0 self.NTSC_ColorNotchFilter = extra_options.get("NTSC_ColorNotchFilter", False) self.PAL_V4300D_NotchFilter = extra_options.get("PAL_V4300D_NotchFilter", False) lowband = extra_options.get("lowband", False) freq = inputfreq self.freq = freq self.freq_half = freq / 2 self.freq_hz = self.freq * 1000000 self.freq_hz_half = self.freq_hz / 2 self.mtf_mult = extra_options.get("MTF_level", 1.0) self.mtf_offset = extra_options.get("MTF_offset", 0) if system == "NTSC": self.SysParams = copy.deepcopy(SysParams_NTSC) if lowband: self.DecoderParams = copy.deepcopy(FilterParams_NTSC_lowband) else: self.DecoderParams = copy.deepcopy(FilterParams_NTSC) elif system == "PAL": self.SysParams = copy.deepcopy(SysParams_PAL) if lowband: self.DecoderParams = copy.deepcopy(FilterParams_PAL_lowband) else: self.DecoderParams = copy.deepcopy(FilterParams_PAL) # Make (intentionally) mutable copies of HZ<->IRE levels for irekey in ['ire0', 'hz_ire', 'vsync_ire']: self.DecoderParams[irekey] = self.SysParams[irekey] for k in decoder_params_override.keys(): self.DecoderParams[k] = decoder_params_override[k] self.SysParams["analog_audio"] = has_analog_audio self.SysParams["AC3"] = extra_options.get("AC3", False) if self.SysParams["AC3"]: self.SysParams["audio_rfreq"] = self.SysParams["audio_rfreq_AC3"] fw = extra_options.get("audio_filterwidth", 0) if fw is not None and fw > 0: self.DecoderParams['audio_filterwidth'] = fw deemp = list(self.DecoderParams["video_deemp"]) # note that deemp[0] is the t1 (high freuqency) coefficient, and # deemp[1] is the t2 (low frequency) one. These are passed in as # microseconds, but are converted to seconds here. deemp_low, deemp_high = extra_options.get("deemp_coeff", (0, 0)) if deemp_low > 0: deemp[1] = 1 / (deemp_low * 1000000) if deemp_high > 0: deemp[0] = 1 / (deemp_high * 1000000) self.DecoderParams["video_deemp"] = deemp self.DecoderParams["video_deemp_strength"] = extra_options.get("deemp_str", 1.0) linelen = self.freq_hz / (1000000.0 / self.SysParams["line_period"]) self.linelen = int(np.round(linelen)) self.samplesperline = self.freq / self.linelen # How much horizontal sync position can deviate from previous/expected position # and still be interpreted as a horizontal sync pulse. # Too high tolerance may result in false positive sync pulses, too low may end up missing them. # Tapes will need a wider tolerance than laserdiscs due to head switch etc. self.hsync_tolerance = 0.4 self.decode_digital_audio = decode_digital_audio self.decode_analog_audio = decode_analog_audio self.computefilters() # The 0.5mhz filter is rolled back to align with the data, so there # are a few unusable samples at the end. self.blockcut_end = self.Filters["F05_offset"] def computefilters(self): """ (re)compute the filter sets """ self.setupcount += 1 self.computevideofilters() # This is > 0 because decode_analog_audio is in khz (44.1, 48, 3xHSYNC, etc). if self.decode_analog_audio != 0: self.computeaudiofilters() if self.decode_digital_audio: self.computeefmfilter() if self.SysParams['AC3']: apass = 288000 * .5 fpass = lambda apass: [(self.SysParams['audio_rfreq_AC3'] - apass) / self.freq_hz_half, (self.SysParams['audio_rfreq_AC3'] + apass) / self.freq_hz_half] # This analog audio bandpass filter is an approximation of # with resistor 2200ohm, # inductor 180uH, and cap 27pF (taken from Pioneer service manuals) # self.Filters['AC3_iir'] = sps.butter(5, [1.48/20, 3.45/20], btype='bandpass') # However, the above didn't work, and we wound up with two IIR filters self.Filters['AC3_bp1'] = sps.butter(3, [(2.88-.5)/20, (2.88+.5)/20], btype='bandpass') self.Filters['AC3_bp2'] = sps.butter(3, fpass(apass), btype='bandpass') filt1 = filtfft(self.Filters['AC3_bp1'], self.blocklen) filt2 = filtfft(self.Filters['AC3_bp2'], self.blocklen) self.Filters['AC3'] = filt1 * filt2 self.computedelays() def computeefmfilter(self): """Frequency-domain equalisation filter for the LaserDisc EFM signal. This was inspired by the input signal equaliser in WSJT-X, described in Steven J. Franke and Joseph H. Taylor, "The MSK144 Protocol for Meteor-Scatter Communication", QEX July/August 2017. This improved EFM filter was devised by Adam Sampson (@atsampson) """ # Frequency bands freqs = np.linspace(0.0e6, 1.9e6, num=11) freq_per_bin = self.freq_hz / self.blocklen # Amplitude and phase adjustments for each band. # These values were adjusted empirically based on a selection of NTSC and PAL samples. amp = np.array( [0.0, 0.215, 0.41, 0.73, 0.98, 1.03, 0.99, 0.81, 0.59, 0.42, 0.0] ) phase = np.array( [0.0, -0.92, -1.03, -1.11, -1.2, -1.2, -1.2, -1.2, -1.05, -0.95, -0.8] ) phase = [p * 1.25 for p in phase] """Compute filter coefficients for the given FFTFilter.""" # Anything above the highest frequency is left as zero. coeffs = np.zeros(self.blocklen, dtype=complex) # Generate the frequency-domain coefficients by cubic interpolation between the equaliser values. a_interp = spi.interp1d(freqs, amp, kind="cubic") p_interp = spi.interp1d(freqs, phase, kind="cubic") nonzero_bins = int(freqs[-1] / freq_per_bin) + 1 bin_freqs = np.arange(nonzero_bins) * freq_per_bin bin_amp = a_interp(bin_freqs) bin_phase = p_interp(bin_freqs) # Scale by the amplitude, rotate by the phase coeffs[:nonzero_bins] = bin_amp * ( np.cos(bin_phase) + (complex(0, -1) * np.sin(bin_phase)) ) self.Filters["Fefm"] = coeffs * 8 # Lambda-scale functions used to simplify following filter builders # Split out the frequency list given to the filter builder def freqrange(self, f1, f2): return [f1 / self.freq_hz_half, f2 / self.freq_hz_half] # Like freqrange, but for notch filters def notchrange(self, f, notchwidth, hz = False): return [ (f - notchwidth) / (self.freq_hz_half if hz else self.freq_half), (f + notchwidth) / (self.freq_hz_half if hz else self.freq_half) ] def computevideofilters(self): self.Filters = {} # Use some shorthand to compact the code. SF = self.Filters SP = self.SysParams DP = self.DecoderParams # This high pass filter is intended to detect RF dropouts Frfhpf = sps.butter(1, [10 / self.freq_half], btype="highpass") self.Filters["Frfhpf"] = filtfft(Frfhpf, self.blocklen) # First phase FFT filtering # MTF filter section # compute the pole locations symmetric to freq_half (i.e. 12.2 and 27.8) MTF_polef_lo = DP["MTF_freq"] / self.freq_half MTF_polef_hi = ( self.freq_half + (self.freq_half - DP["MTF_freq"]) ) / self.freq_half to_z = lambda pole: polar2z(DP["MTF_poledist"], np.pi * pole) MTF = sps.zpk2tf([], [to_z(MTF_polef_lo), to_z(MTF_polef_hi)], 1) SF["MTF"] = filtfft(MTF, self.blocklen) # The BPF filter, defined for each system in DecoderParams filt_rfvideo = sps.butter( DP["video_bpf_order"], self.freqrange(DP["video_bpf_low"], DP["video_bpf_high"]), btype="bandpass", ) # Start building up the combined FFT filter using the BPF SF["RFVideo"] = filtfft(filt_rfvideo, self.blocklen) # Notch filters for analog audio RF. DdD captures on NTSC need this. if SP["analog_audio"] and self.system == "NTSC": cut_left = sps.butter( DP["audio_notchorder"], self.notchrange(SP["audio_lfreq"], DP['audio_notchwidth'], True), btype="bandstop", ) SF["Fcutl"] = filtfft(cut_left, self.blocklen) cut_right = sps.butter( DP["audio_notchorder"], self.notchrange(SP["audio_rfreq"], DP['audio_notchwidth'], True), btype="bandstop", ) SF["Fcutr"] = filtfft(cut_right, self.blocklen) SF["RFVideo"] *= SF["Fcutl"] * SF["Fcutr"] SF["hilbert"] = build_hilbert(self.blocklen) SF["RFVideo"] *= SF["hilbert"] # Second phase FFT filtering, which is performed after the signal is demodulated video_lpf = sps.butter( DP["video_lpf_order"], DP["video_lpf_freq"] / self.freq_hz_half, "low" ) SF["Fvideo_lpf"] = filtfft(video_lpf, self.blocklen) if self.system == "NTSC" and self.NTSC_ColorNotchFilter: video_notch = sps.butter( 3, [DP["video_lpf_freq"] / 1000000 / self.freq_half, 5.0 / self.freq_half], "bandstop", ) SF["Fvideo_lpf"] *= filtfft(video_notch, self.blocklen) # The deemphasis filter deemp1, deemp2 = DP["video_deemp"] SF["Fdeemp"] = filtfft( emphasis_iir(deemp1, deemp2, self.freq_hz), self.blocklen ) # The direct opposite of the above, used in test signal generation SF["Femp"] = filtfft(emphasis_iir(deemp2, deemp1, self.freq_hz), self.blocklen) # Post processing: lowpass filter + deemp SF["FVideo"] = SF["Fvideo_lpf"] * (SF["Fdeemp"] ** DP['video_deemp_strength']) # additional filters: 0.5mhz and color burst # Using an FIR filter here to get a known delay F0_5 = sps.firwin(65, [0.5 / self.freq_half], pass_zero=True) SF["F05_offset"] = 32 # Reduced because filtfft is half-strength on FIR F0_5_fft = filtfft((F0_5, [1.0]), self.blocklen) SF["FVideo05"] = SF["Fvideo_lpf"] * SF["Fdeemp"] * F0_5_fft SF["Fburst"] = filtfft( sps.butter(1, self.notchrange(SP["fsc_mhz"], 0.1), "bandpass"), self.blocklen, ) SF["FVideoBurst"] = SF["Fvideo_lpf"] * SF["Fdeemp"] * SF["Fburst"] if self.system == "PAL": SF["Fpilot"] = filtfft( sps.butter( 1, self.notchrange(SP["pilot_mhz"], 0.1), btype="bandpass", ), self.blocklen, ) SF["FVideoPilot"] = SF["Fvideo_lpf"] * SF["Fdeemp"] * SF["Fpilot"] def computeaudiofilters(self): SP = self.SysParams DP = self.DecoderParams apass = DP["audio_filterwidth"] afilt_len = DP["audio_filterorder"] = {} for channel, center_freq in zip(['left', 'right'], [SP['audio_lfreq'], SP['audio_rfreq']]):[channel] = types.SimpleNamespace() # Build an FIR filter for each channel's RF audio1_fir = filtfft( [ sps.firwin( afilt_len, self.notchrange(center_freq, apass, True), pass_zero=False, ), 1.0, ], self.blocklen, ) # Determine the frequency offset (a1_freq) and bins (lowbin+nbin) that cover the audio RF # frequencies for this channel[channel].lowbin,[channel].nbins,[channel].a1_freq = fft_determine_slices( center_freq, 200000, self.freq_hz, self.blocklen ) # Make a lambda to slice the regular block FFT into what we're demodulating # note, "ch=channel" is necessary to bind the channel ID to the lambda[channel].slicer = lambda x, ch=channel: fft_do_slice(x,[ch].lowbin,[ch].nbins, self.blocklen) # Build a 'short' hilbert transform around the sliced FFT sliced_hilbert = build_hilbert([channel].nbins) # Add the demodulated output to this to get the actual audio wave frequency[channel].low_freq = self.freq_hz * ([channel].lowbin / self.blocklen) # Finally create the stage 1 demodulation filter (including hilbert transform)[channel].filt1 =[channel].slicer(audio1_fir) * sliced_hilbert # XXX: look into revisiting/using this for stage 2 audio?[channel].audio1_buffer = StridedCollector(self.blocklen, self.blockcut + self.blockcut_end) # Compute stage 2 audio filters: 20k-ish LPF and deemphasis. N, Wn = sps.buttord(20000 / ([channel].a1_freq / 2), 24000 / ([channel].a1_freq / 2), 1, 9) audio2_lpf = filtfft(sps.butter(N, Wn), self.blocklen) # 75e-6 is 75usec/2133khz (matching American FM emphasis) and 5.3e-6 is approx. # a 30khz break frequency audio2_deemp = filtfft( emphasis_iir(5.3e-6, 75e-6,[channel].a1_freq), self.blocklen )[channel].audio2_filter = audio2_lpf * audio2_deemp # Compute the sample rate decimation caused by stage 1 binning self.Filters['audio_fdiv'] = self.blocklen //[channel].nbins def iretohz(self, ire, spec=False): params = self.SysParams if spec else self.DecoderParams return params["ire0"] + (params["hz_ire"] * ire) def hztoire(self, hz, spec=False): params = self.SysParams if spec else self.DecoderParams return (hz - params["ire0"]) / params["hz_ire"] def demodblock(self, data=None, mtf_level=0, fftdata=None, cut=False): mtf_level *= self.mtf_mult mtf_level += self.mtf_offset mtf_level *= self.DecoderParams["MTF_basemult"] return self.demodblock_cpu(data, mtf_level, fftdata, cut) def demodblock_cpu(self, data=None, mtf_level=0, fftdata=None, cut=False): rv = {} if fftdata is not None: indata_fft = fftdata elif data is not None: indata_fft = npfft.fft(data[: self.blocklen]) else: raise Exception("demodblock called without raw or FFT data") rotdelay = 0 if getattr(self, "delays", None) is not None and "video_rot" in self.delays: rotdelay = self.delays["video_rot"] rv["rfhpf"] = npfft.ifft(indata_fft * self.Filters["Frfhpf"]).real rv["rfhpf"] = rv["rfhpf"][ self.blockcut - rotdelay : -self.blockcut_end - rotdelay ].astype(np.float32) if self.system == "PAL" and self.PAL_V4300D_NotchFilter: """ This routine works around an 'interesting' issue seen with LD-V4300D players and some PAL digital audio disks, where there is a signal somewhere between 8.47 and 8.57mhz. The idea here is to look for anomolies (3 std deviations) and snip them out of the FFT. There may be side effects, however, but generally minor compared to the 'wibble' itself and only in certain cases. """ sl = slice( int(self.blocklen * (8.42 / self.freq)), int(1 + (self.blocklen * (8.6 / self.freq))), ) sq_sl = sqsum(indata_fft[sl]) m = np.mean(sq_sl) + (np.std(sq_sl) * 3) for i in np.where(sq_sl > m)[0]: indata_fft[(i - 1 + sl.start)] = 0 indata_fft[(i + sl.start)] = 0 indata_fft[(i + 1 + sl.start)] = 0 indata_fft[self.blocklen - (i + sl.start)] = 0 indata_fft[self.blocklen - (i - 1 + sl.start)] = 0 indata_fft[self.blocklen - (i + 1 + sl.start)] = 0 indata_fft_filt = indata_fft * self.Filters["RFVideo"] if mtf_level != 0: indata_fft_filt *= self.Filters["MTF"] ** mtf_level hilbert = npfft.ifft(indata_fft_filt) demod = unwrap_hilbert(hilbert, self.freq_hz) # use a clipped demod for video output processing to reduce speckling impact demod_fft = npfft.fft(np.clip(demod, 1500000, self.freq_hz * 0.75)) out_video = npfft.ifft(demod_fft * self.Filters["FVideo"]).real out_video05 = npfft.ifft(demod_fft * self.Filters["FVideo05"]).real out_video05 = np.roll(out_video05, -self.Filters["F05_offset"]) out_videoburst = npfft.ifft(demod_fft * self.Filters["FVideoBurst"]).real if self.system == "PAL": out_videopilot = npfft.ifft(demod_fft * self.Filters["FVideoPilot"]).real video_out = np.rec.array( [ out_video.astype(np.float32), demod.astype(np.float32), out_video05.astype(np.float32), out_videoburst.astype(np.float32), out_videopilot.astype(np.float32), ], names=[ "demod", "demod_raw", "demod_05", "demod_burst", "demod_pilot", ], ) else: video_out = np.rec.array( [out_video.astype(np.float32), demod.astype(np.float32), out_video05.astype(np.float32), out_videoburst.astype(np.float32)], names=["demod", "demod_raw", "demod_05", "demod_burst"], ) rv["video"] = ( video_out[self.blockcut : -self.blockcut_end] if cut else video_out ) if self.decode_digital_audio: efm_out = npfft.ifft(indata_fft * self.Filters["Fefm"]) if cut: efm_out = efm_out[self.blockcut : -self.blockcut_end] rv["efm"] = np.int16(np.clip(efm_out.real, -32768, 32767)) # NOTE: ac3 audio is filtered after RF TBC if self.decode_analog_audio: stage1_out = [] for channel in ['left', 'right']: afilter =[channel] # Apply first stage audio filter a1 = npfft.ifft(afilter.slicer(indata_fft) * afilter.filt1) # Demodulate and restore frequency after bin slicing a1u = unwrap_hilbert(a1, afilter.a1_freq) + afilter.low_freq stage1_out.append(a1u.astype(np.float32)) audio_out = np.rec.array( [stage1_out[0].astype(np.float32), stage1_out[1].astype(np.float32)], names=["audio_left", "audio_right"] ) fdiv = video_out.shape[0] // audio_out.shape[0] rv["audio"] = ( audio_out[self.blockcut // fdiv : -self.blockcut_end // fdiv] if cut else audio_out ) rv['setupcount'] = self.setupcount return rv # Second phase audio filtering. This works on a whole field's samples, since # the frequency has already been reduced. def runfilter_audio_phase2(self, frame_audio, start): outputs = [] clips = None for acname, center_freq, channel in [["audio_left", self.SysParams["audio_lfreq"], "left"], ["audio_right", self.SysParams["audio_rfreq"], "right"]]: raw = ( frame_audio[acname][start : start + self.blocklen].copy() ) raw -= center_freq if acname == "audio_left": clips = findpeaks(raw, 500000) for l in clips: replacelen = 8 raw[max(0, l - replacelen) : min(l + replacelen, len(raw))] = 0 a2_in_real = raw if len(a2_in_real) < len([channel].audio2_filter): a2_in = np.zeros_like([channel].audio2_filter) a2_in[: len(a2_in_real)] = a2_in_real else: a2_in = a2_in_real a2_fft = npfft.fft(a2_in) fft_out = a2_fft *[channel].audio2_filter output = npfft.ifft(fft_out).real[: len(a2_in_real)] + center_freq outputs.append(output) return np.rec.array(outputs, names=["audio_left", "audio_right"]) def audio_phase2(self, field_audio): # this creates an output array with left/right channels. output_audio2 = np.zeros( len(field_audio["audio_left"]), dtype=field_audio.dtype, ) # copy the first block in it's entirety, to keep audio and video samples aligned tmp = self.runfilter_audio_phase2(field_audio, 0) #print(len(tmp), len(output_audio2), len(field_audio["audio_left"]), len(['left'].audio2_filter)) if len(tmp) >= len(output_audio2): return tmp[: len(output_audio2)] output_audio2[: tmp.shape[0]] = tmp end = field_audio.shape[0] askip = 512 # length of filters that needs to be chopped out of the ifft sjump = self.blocklen - askip ostart = tmp.shape[0] for sample in range(sjump, field_audio.shape[0] - sjump, sjump): tmp = self.runfilter_audio_phase2(field_audio, sample) oend = ostart + tmp.shape[0] - askip output_audio2[ostart:oend] = tmp[askip:] ostart += tmp.shape[0] - askip tmp = self.runfilter_audio_phase2(field_audio, end - self.blocklen - 1) output_audio2[output_audio2.shape[0] - (tmp.shape[0] - askip) :] = tmp[askip:] return output_audio2 def computedelays(self, mtf_level=0): """Generate a fake signal and compute filter delays. mtf_level -- Specify the amount of MTF compensation needed (default 0.0) WARNING: May not actually work. """ rf = self filterset = rf.Filters fakeoutput = np.zeros(rf.blocklen, dtype=np.double) # set base level to black fakeoutput[:] = rf.iretohz(0) synclen_full = int(4.7 * rf.freq) # sync 1 (used for gap determination) fakeoutput[1500 : 1500 + synclen_full] = rf.iretohz(rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"]) # sync 2 (used for pilot/rot level setting) fakeoutput[2000 : 2000 + synclen_full] = rf.iretohz(rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"]) porch_end = 2000 + synclen_full + int(0.6 * rf.freq) burst_end = porch_end + int(1.2 * rf.freq) rate = np.full(burst_end - porch_end, rf.SysParams["fsc_mhz"], dtype=np.double) fakeoutput[porch_end:burst_end] += ( genwave(rate, rf.freq / 2) * rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"] * 20 ) # white fakeoutput[3000:3500] = rf.iretohz(100) # white + burst fakeoutput[4500:5000] = rf.iretohz(100) rate = np.full(5500 - 4200, rf.SysParams["fsc_mhz"], dtype=np.double) fakeoutput[4200:5500] += ( genwave(rate, rf.freq / 2) * rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"] * 20 ) rate = np.full(synclen_full, rf.SysParams["fsc_mhz"], dtype=np.double) fakeoutput[2000 : 2000 + synclen_full] = rf.iretohz( rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] ) + ( genwave(rate, rf.freq / 2) * rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"] * rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] ) # add filters to generate a fake signal # NOTE: group pre-delay is not implemented, so the decoded signal # has issues settling down. Emphasis is correct AFAIK tmp = npfft.fft(fakeoutput) tmp2 = tmp * (filterset["Fvideo_lpf"] ** 1) tmp3 = tmp2 * (filterset["Femp"] ** 1) # fakeoutput_lpf = npfft.ifft(tmp2).real fakeoutput_emp = npfft.ifft(tmp3).real fakesignal = genwave(fakeoutput_emp, rf.freq_hz / 2) fakesignal *= 4096 fakesignal += 8192 fakesignal[6000:6005] = 0 fakedecode = rf.demodblock_cpu(fakesignal, mtf_level=mtf_level) vdemod = fakedecode["video"]["demod"] vdemod_raw = fakedecode["video"]["demod_raw"] vsync_cross_hz = rf.iretohz(rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] / 2) # XXX: sync detector does NOT reflect actual sync detection, just regular filtering @ sync level # (but only regular filtering is needed for DOD) rf.delays = {} rf.delays["video_sync"] = calczc(vdemod, 1500, vsync_cross_hz, count=512) - 1500 rf.delays["video_white"] = ( calczc(vdemod, 3000, rf.iretohz(50), count=512) - 3000 ) rf.delays["video_rot"] = int( np.round(calczc(vdemod, 6000, rf.iretohz(-10), count=512) - 6000) ) rf.limits = {} rf.limits["sync"] = ( np.min(vdemod_raw[1400:2800]), np.max(vdemod_raw[1400:2800]), ) rf.limits["viewable"] = ( np.min(vdemod_raw[2900:6000]), np.max(vdemod_raw[2900:6000]), ) return fakedecode, fakeoutput_emp ''' The DemodCache class keeps track of each block of data, from the raw input to the demodulated output. This is threaded code and therefore a bit of a mess, full of queues and locks and memory copies. ''' class DemodCache: def __init__( self, rf, infile, loader, rf_args, cachesize=256, num_worker_threads=6, MTF_tolerance=0.05, ): self.infile = infile self.loader = loader self.rf = rf self.rf_args = rf_args self.currentMTF = 1 self.MTF_tolerance = MTF_tolerance self.blocksize = self.rf.blocklen - (self.rf.blockcut + self.rf.blockcut_end) # Cache dictionary - key is block #, which holds data for that block self.lrusize = cachesize # should be in self.rf, but may not be computed yet self.bytes_per_field = int(self.rf.freq_hz / (self.rf.SysParams["FPS"] * 2)) + 1 self.prefetch = int((self.bytes_per_field * 2) / self.blocksize) + 4 self.lru = [] self.lock = threading.Lock() self.blocks = {} self.q_in = Queue() self.q_out = Queue() self.waiting = set() self.q_out_event = threading.Event() self.threadpipes = [] self.threads = [] self.request = 0 self.ended = False self.deqeue_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.dequeue, daemon=True) self.num_worker_threads = num_worker_threads for i in range(num_worker_threads): t = threading.Thread( target=self.worker, daemon=True, args=() ) t.start() self.threads.append(t) self.deqeue_thread.start() def end(self): if not self.ended: # stop workers for i in self.threads: self.q_in.put(None) for t in self.threads: t.join() self.q_out.put(None) self.deqeue_thread.join() # Make sure the reader is closed properly to avoid ffmpeg warnings on exit # Might want to do this in a cleaner way later but this works for now. if hasattr(self.loader, "_close") and callable(self.loader._close): self.loader._close() self.ended = True def __del__(self): self.end() def prune_cache(self): """ Prune the LRU cache. Typically run when a new field is loaded """ if len(self.lru) < self.lrusize: return with self.lock: for k in self.lru[self.lrusize :]: if k in self.blocks: del self.blocks[k] self.lru = self.lru[: self.lrusize] def apply_newparams(self, newparams): for k in newparams.keys(): if k in self.rf.SysParams: self.rf.SysParams[k] = newparams[k] if k in self.rf.DecoderParams: self.rf.DecoderParams[k] = newparams[k] self.rf.computefilters() def worker(self, return_on_empty=False): ''' return_on_empty is used when running non-threaded so this can be directly called ''' blocksrun = 0 blockstime = 0 rf = RFDecode(**self.rf_args) while True: if return_on_empty and self.q_in.qsize() == 0: return item = self.q_in.get() if item is None or item[0] == "END": return if item[0] == "DEMOD": blocknum, block, target_MTF, request = item[1:] output = {} if "fft" not in block: output["fft"] = npfft.fft(block["rawinput"]) fftdata = output["fft"] else: fftdata = block["fft"] if True or ( "demod" not in block or np.abs(block["MTF"] - target_MTF) > self.MTF_tolerance ): st = time.time() output["demod"] = rf.demodblock( data=block["rawinput"], fftdata=fftdata, mtf_level=target_MTF, cut=True ) blockstime += time.time() - st blocksrun += 1 output["MTF"] = target_MTF output["request"] = request # print(blocknum, output) self.q_out.put((blocknum, output)) elif item[0] == "NEWPARAMS": self.apply_newparams(item[1]) @profile def doread(self, blocknums, MTF, redo=False, prefetch=False): need_blocks = [] queuelist = [] reached_end = False with self.lock: if redo: for b in self.flush_demod(blocknums): queuelist.append(b) for b in blocknums: if b not in self.blocks: LRUupdate(self.lru, b) rawdata = self.loader( self.infile, b * self.blocksize, self.rf.blocklen ) if rawdata is None or len(rawdata) < self.rf.blocklen: self.blocks[b] = None return None self.blocks[b] = {} self.blocks[b]["rawinput"] = rawdata if self.blocks[b] is None: reached_end = True break waiting = False if b in self.blocks: waiting = self.blocks[b].get("waiting", False) # Until the block is actually ready, this comparison will hit an unknown key if ( not redo and not waiting and "request" in self.blocks[b] and "demod" in self.blocks[b] ): continue if redo or not waiting: queuelist.append(b) need_blocks.append(b) elif waiting: need_blocks.append(b) if not prefetch: self.waiting.add(b) for b in queuelist: self.blocks[b]['MTF'] = MTF self.blocks[b]['request'] = self.request self.blocks[b]['waiting'] = True self.blocks[b]['prefetch'] = prefetch self.q_in.put(("DEMOD", b, self.blocks[b], MTF, self.request)) self.q_out_event.clear() return None if reached_end else need_blocks def flush_demod(self, blocknums): """ Flush all demodulation data. This is called by the field class after calibration (i.e. MTF) is determined to be off """ blocks_toredo = [] for k in self.blocks.keys(): if k not in blocknums: continue self.blocks[k]['MTF'] = -1 self.blocks[k]['request'] = -1 self.blocks[k]['waiting'] = False if 'demod' not in self.blocks[k]: continue if k not in blocks_toredo: blocks_toredo.append(k) del self.blocks[k]['demod'] return blocks_toredo def dequeue(self): # This is the thread's main loop - run until killed. while True: rv = self.q_out.get() if rv is None: return with self.lock: blocknum, item = rv if "MTF" not in item or "demod" not in item: # This shouldn't happen, but was observed by Simon on a decode logger.error( "incomplete demodulated block placed on queue, block #%d", blocknum ) self.q_in.put((blocknum, self.blocks[blocknum], self.currentMTF, self.request)) continue if item['request'] == self.blocks[blocknum]['request']: for k in item.keys(): self.blocks[blocknum][k] = item[k] if 'demod' in item.keys(): self.blocks[blocknum]['waiting'] = False if blocknum in self.waiting: self.waiting.remove(blocknum) if not len(self.waiting): self.q_out_event.set() if "input" not in self.blocks[blocknum]: self.blocks[blocknum]["input"] = self.blocks[blocknum]["rawinput"][ self.rf.blockcut : -self.rf.blockcut_end ] @profile def read(self, begin, length, MTF=0, getraw = False, forceredo=False): # transpose the cache by key, not block # This is a list of entries in the output from the threaded # demodblock function that if they exist is to be merged together # to form contigous arrays for further processing. This excludes "fft" # as while that is contained in the output, it is only there so # it can be re-used case mtf checking fails and is not used later and # thus does not need to be concatenated. t = {"input": [], "video": [], "audio": [], "efm": [], "rfhpf": []} self.currentMTF = MTF if forceredo: self.request += 1 end = begin + length toread = range(begin // self.blocksize, (end // self.blocksize) + 1) toread_prefetch = range( end // self.blocksize, (end // self.blocksize) + self.prefetch ) need_blocks = self.doread(toread, MTF, forceredo) if getraw: raw = [self.blocks[toread[0]]["rawinput"][begin % self.blocksize :]] for i in range(toread[1], toread[-2]): raw.append(self.blocks[i]["rawinput"]) raw.append(self.blocks[-1]["rawinput"][: end % self.blocksize]) rv = np.concatenate(raw) self.prune_cache() return rv while need_blocks is not None and len(need_blocks): if self.num_worker_threads == 0: self.worker(return_on_empty=True) self.q_out_event.wait(.01) need_blocks = self.doread(toread, MTF) if need_blocks: self.q_out_event.clear() if need_blocks is None: # EOF return None # Now coalesce the output for b in range(begin // self.blocksize, (end // self.blocksize) + 1): for k in t.keys(): if k in self.blocks[b]["demod"]: t[k].append(self.blocks[b]["demod"][k]) elif k in self.blocks[b]: t[k].append(self.blocks[b][k]) self.prune_cache() rv = {} for k in t.keys(): rv[k] = nb_concatenate(t[k]) if len(t[k]) else None if rv["audio"] is not None: rv["audio_phase1"] = rv["audio"] rv["audio"] = self.rf.audio_phase2(rv["audio"]) rv["startloc"] = (begin // self.blocksize) * self.blocksize need_blocks = self.doread(toread_prefetch, MTF, prefetch=True) return rv def setparams(self, params): for p in self.threadpipes: p[0].send(("NEWPARAMS", params)) # Apply params to the core thread, so they match up with the decoders self.apply_newparams(params) @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def _downscale_audio_compute_locs_and_swow( lineinfo, line_period, linelen, linecount, timeoffset, freq, scale ): """compute locations and wow for audio scaling Parameters: lineinfo (list(float)): line locations line_period (int): Length of a line in usecs linelen (int): Length of a line in samples linecount (int): # of lines in field timeoffset (float): time of first audio sample (ignored w/- frequency) freq (int): Output frequency (negative values are multiple of HSYNC frequency) scale (int): sample rate decimation factor Returns: (tuple) locs (np.ndarray(float)): output location of audio sample? swow (np.ndarray(float)): offset/wow of sample? arange (np.ndarray(float)): "ticks" to align samples to? frametime (float): how long a (audio?) frame lasts """ if freq < 0: # Override timeoffset value and set frequency to a multiple horizontal line clock timeoffset = 0 freq = (1000000 / line_period) * -freq frametime = linecount / (1000000 / line_period) soundgap = 1 / freq # include one extra 'tick' to interpolate the last one and use as a return value # for the next frame arange = np.arange( timeoffset, frametime + (soundgap / 2), soundgap, dtype=np.double ) locs = np.zeros(len(arange), dtype=numba.float64) swow = np.zeros(len(arange), dtype=numba.float64) for i, t in enumerate(arange): linenum = ((t * 1000000) / line_period) + 1 intlinenum = int(linenum) # XXX: # The timing handling can sometimes go outside the bounds of the known line #'s. # This is a quick-ish fix that should work OK but may affect quality slightly. if linenum < 0: lineloc_cur = int(lineinfo[0] + (linelen * linenum)) lineloc_next = lineloc_cur + linelen elif len(lineinfo) > linenum + 2: lineloc_cur, lineloc_next = lineinfo[intlinenum : intlinenum + 2] else: # Catch things that go past the last known line by using the last lines here. lineloc_cur = lineinfo[-2] lineloc_next = lineloc_cur + linelen sampleloc = lineloc_cur sampleloc += (lineloc_next - lineloc_cur) * (linenum - np.floor(linenum)) swow[i] = (lineloc_next - lineloc_cur) / linelen swow[i] = ((swow[i] - 1)) + 1 # There's almost *no way* the disk is spinning more than 1.5% off, so mask TBC errors here # to reduce pops if i and np.abs(swow[i] - swow[i - 1]) > 0.015: swow[i] = swow[i - 1] locs[i] = sampleloc / scale return locs, swow, arange, frametime @njit(cache=True, nogil=True) def _downscale_audio_to_output( arange, locs, swow, audio_left, audio_right, audio_lfreq, audio_rfreq ): """decimate audio to final output samples. Parameters: arange (np.arange(float)): "ticks" to align samples to? locs (np.ndarray(float)): output location of audio sample? swow (np.ndarray(float)): offset/wow of sample? audio_left (np.array(float)): left channel demodulated audio audio_right (np.array(float)): right channel demodulated audio audio_lfreq (float): left audio channel frequency audio_rfreq (float): right audio channel frequency Returns: (tuple) output (np.ndarray(int16)): output audio waveform failed (bool): whether there were any failed samples that were muted """ output = np.zeros((2 * (len(arange) - 1)), dtype=np.int16) failed = False for i in range(len(arange) - 1): start = int(locs[i]) end = int(locs[i + 1]) if end > start and end < len(audio_left): output_left = nb_mean(audio_left[start:end]) output_right = nb_mean(audio_right[start:end]) output_left = (output_left * swow[i]) - audio_lfreq output_right = (output_right * swow[i]) - audio_rfreq # Flipping audio here to line up with ralf/he010 digital sample # (when comparing, remove the first 265 samples of ralf.pcm as well) output[(i * 2) + 0] = -dsa_rescale_and_clip(output_left) output[(i * 2) + 1] = -dsa_rescale_and_clip(output_right) else: # TBC failure can cause this (issue #389) failed = True return output, failed # Downscales to 16bit/44.1khz. It might be nice when analog audio is better to support 24/96, # but if we only support one output type, matching CD audio/digital sound is greatly preferable. def downscale_audio(audio, lineinfo, rf, linecount, timeoffset=0, freq=44100, rv=None): """downscale audio for output. Parameters: audio (float): Raw audio samples from RF demodulator lineinfo (list(float)): line locations rf (RFDecode): rf class linecount (int): # of lines in field timeoffset (float): time of first audio sample (ignored w/- frequency) freq (int): Output frequency (negative values are multiple of HSYNC frequency) Returns: (tuple) output16 (np.array(int)): Array of 16-bit integers, ready for output next_timeoffset (float): Time to start pulling samples in the next frame (ignore if sync4x) """ locs, swow, arange, frametime = _downscale_audio_compute_locs_and_swow( lineinfo, rf.SysParams["line_period"], rf.linelen, linecount, timeoffset, freq, rf.Filters["audio_fdiv"], ) output16, failed = _downscale_audio_to_output( arange, locs, swow, audio["audio_left"], audio["audio_right"], rf.SysParams["audio_lfreq"], rf.SysParams["audio_rfreq"], ) if failed: logger.warning("Analog audio processing error, muting samples") if rv is not None: rv['dsaudio'] = output16 rv['audio_next_offset'] = arange[-1] - frametime return output16, arange[-1] - frametime # XXX: bring this enum-like thing into Field # state order: HSYNC -> EQPUL1 -> VSYNC -> EQPUL2 -> HSYNC HSYNC, EQPL1, VSYNC, EQPL2 = range(4) # The Field class contains common features used by NTSC and PAL class Field: def __init__( self, rf, decode, prevfield=None, initphase=False, fields_written=0, readloc=0, use_threads=True ): self.rawdata = decode["input"] = decode self.initphase = initphase # used for seeking or first field self.readloc = readloc self.prevfield = prevfield self.fields_written = fields_written self.rf = rf self.freq = self.rf.freq self.inlinelen = self.rf.linelen self.outlinelen = self.rf.SysParams["outlinelen"] self.lineoffset = 0 self.needrerun = False self.valid = False self.sync_confidence = 100 self.dspicture = None self.dsaudio = None # On NTSC linecount rounds up to 263, and PAL 313 self.outlinecount = (self.rf.SysParams["frame_lines"] // 2) + 1 # this is eventually set to 262/263 and 312/313 for audio timing self.linecount = None self.use_threads = use_threads @profile def process(self): self.linelocs1, self.linebad, self.nextfieldoffset = self.compute_linelocs() #print(self.readloc, self.linelocs1, self.nextfieldoffset) if self.linelocs1 is None: if self.nextfieldoffset is None: self.nextfieldoffset = self.rf.linelen * 200 return self.linebad = self.compute_deriv_error(self.linelocs1, self.linebad) self.linelocs2 = self.refine_linelocs_hsync() self.linebad = self.compute_deriv_error(self.linelocs2, self.linebad) self.linelocs = self.linelocs2 self.wowfactor = self.computewow(self.linelocs) self.valid = True @profile def get_linelen(self, line=None, linelocs=None): # compute adjusted frequency from neighboring line lengths if line is None: return self.rf.linelen # If this is run early, line locations are unknown, so return # the general value if linelocs is None: if hasattr(self, "linelocs"): linelocs = self.linelocs else: return self.rf.linelen if line >= self.linecount + self.lineoffset: length = (self.linelocs[line + 0] - self.linelocs[line - 1]) / 1 elif line > 0: length = (self.linelocs[line + 1] - self.linelocs[line - 1]) / 2 elif line == 0: length = (self.linelocs[line + 1] - self.linelocs[line - 0]) / 1 if length <= 0: # linelocs aren't monotonic -- probably TBC failure return self.rf.linelen return length def get_linefreq(self, line=None, linelocs=None): return self.rf.samplesperline * self.get_linelen(line, linelocs) def usectoinpx(self, x, line=None): return x * self.get_linefreq(line) def inpxtousec(self, x, line=None): return x / self.get_linefreq(line) @profile def lineslice(self, l, begin=None, length=None, linelocs=None, begin_offset=0): """ return a slice corresponding with pre-TBC line l, begin+length are uSecs """ # for PAL, each field has a different offset so normalize that l_adj = l + self.lineoffset _begin = linelocs[l_adj] if linelocs is not None else self.linelocs[l_adj] _begin += self.usectoinpx(begin, l_adj) if begin is not None else 0 _length = length if length else self.rf.SysParams["line_period"] _length = self.usectoinpx(_length) return slice( int(_begin + begin_offset), int(_begin + _length + begin_offset + 1), ) def usectooutpx(self, x): return x * self.rf.SysParams["outfreq"] def outpxtousec(self, x): return x / self.rf.SysParams["outfreq"] #@profile def hz_to_output(self, input): if type(input) == np.ndarray: return hz_to_output_array( input, self.rf.DecoderParams["ire0"], self.rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"], self.rf.SysParams["outputZero"], self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"], self.out_scale ) reduced = (input - self.rf.DecoderParams["ire0"]) / self.rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"] reduced -= self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] return np.uint16( np.clip( (reduced * self.out_scale) + self.rf.SysParams["outputZero"], 0, 65535 ) + 0.5 ) def output_to_ire(self, output): return ( (output - self.rf.SysParams["outputZero"]) / self.out_scale ) + self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] def lineslice_tbc(self, l, begin=None, length=None, linelocs=None, keepphase=False): """ return a slice corresponding with pre-TBC line l """ _begin = self.rf.SysParams["outlinelen"] * (l - 1) begin_offset = self.usectooutpx(begin) if begin is not None else 0 if keepphase: begin_offset = (begin_offset // 4) * 4 _begin += begin_offset _length = ( self.usectooutpx(length) if length is not None else self.rf.SysParams["outlinelen"] ) return slice(nb_round(_begin), nb_round(_begin + _length)) @profile def get_timings(self): pulses = self.rawpulses hsync_typical = self.usectoinpx(self.rf.SysParams["hsyncPulseUS"]) # Some disks have odd sync levels resulting in short and/or long pulse lengths. # So, take the median hsync and adjust the expected values accordingly hsync_checkmin = self.usectoinpx(self.rf.SysParams["hsyncPulseUS"] - 1.75) hsync_checkmax = self.usectoinpx(self.rf.SysParams["hsyncPulseUS"] + 2) hlens = [] for p in pulses: if inrange(p.len, hsync_checkmin, hsync_checkmax): hlens.append(p.len) LT = {} LT = {} if len(hlens) > 0: LT["hsync_median"] = np.median(hlens) else: LT["hsync_median"] = self.rf.SysParams["hsyncPulseUS"] hsync_min = LT["hsync_median"] + self.usectoinpx(-0.5) hsync_max = LT["hsync_median"] + self.usectoinpx(0.5) LT["hsync"] = (hsync_min, hsync_max) LT["hsync_offset"] = LT["hsync_median"] - hsync_typical # ??? - replace self.usectoinpx with local timings? eq_min = ( self.usectoinpx(self.rf.SysParams["eqPulseUS"] - 0.5) + LT["hsync_offset"] ) eq_max = ( self.usectoinpx(self.rf.SysParams["eqPulseUS"] + 0.5) + LT["hsync_offset"] ) LT["eq"] = (eq_min, eq_max) vsync_min = ( self.usectoinpx(self.rf.SysParams["vsyncPulseUS"] * 0.5) + LT["hsync_offset"] ) vsync_max = ( self.usectoinpx(self.rf.SysParams["vsyncPulseUS"] + 1) + LT["hsync_offset"] ) LT["vsync"] = (vsync_min, vsync_max) return LT def pulse_qualitycheck(self, prevpulse: Pulse, pulse: Pulse): if prevpulse[0] > 0 and pulse[0] > 0: exprange = (0.4, 0.6) elif prevpulse[0] == 0 and pulse[0] == 0: exprange = (0.9, 1.1) else: # transition to/from regular hsyncs can be .5 or 1H exprange = (0.4, 1.1) linelen = (pulse[1].start - prevpulse[1].start) / self.inlinelen inorder = inrange(linelen, *exprange) return inorder #@profile def run_vblank_state_machine(self, pulses, LT): """ Determines if a pulse set is a valid vblank by running a state machine """ done = 0 vsyncs = [] # VSYNC area (first broad pulse->first EQ after broad pulses) validpulses = [] vsync_start = None # state_end tracks the earliest expected phase transition... state_end = 0 # ... and state length is set by the phase transition to set above (in H) state_length = None for p in pulses: spulse = None state = validpulses[-1][0] if len(validpulses) > 0 else -1 if state == -1: # First valid pulse must be a regular HSYNC if inrange(p.len, *LT["hsync"]): spulse = (HSYNC, p) elif state == HSYNC: # HSYNC can transition to EQPUL/pre-vsync at the end of a field if inrange(p.len, *LT["hsync"]): spulse = (HSYNC, p) elif inrange(p.len, *LT["eq"]): spulse = (EQPL1, p) state_length = self.rf.SysParams["numPulses"] / 2 elif inrange(p.len, *LT["vsync"]): # should not happen(tm) vsync_start = len(validpulses) - 1 spulse = (VSYNC, p) elif state == EQPL1: if inrange(p.len, *LT["eq"]): spulse = (EQPL1, p) elif inrange(p.len, *LT["vsync"]): # len(validpulses)-1 before appending adds index to first VSYNC pulse vsync_start = len(validpulses) - 1 spulse = (VSYNC, p) state_length = self.rf.SysParams["numPulses"] / 2 elif inrange(p.len, *LT["hsync"]): # previous state transition was likely in error! spulse = (HSYNC, p) elif state == VSYNC: if inrange(p.len, *LT["eq"]): # len(validpulses)-1 before appending adds index to first EQ pulse vsyncs.append((vsync_start, len(validpulses) - 1)) spulse = (EQPL2, p) state_length = self.rf.SysParams["numPulses"] / 2 elif inrange(p.len, *LT["vsync"]): spulse = (VSYNC, p) elif p.start > state_end and inrange(p.len, *LT["hsync"]): spulse = (HSYNC, p) elif state == EQPL2: if inrange(p.len, *LT["eq"]): spulse = (EQPL2, p) elif inrange(p.len, *LT["hsync"]): spulse = (HSYNC, p) done = True if spulse is not None and spulse[0] != state: if spulse[1].start < state_end: spulse = None elif state_length: state_end = spulse[1].start + ( (state_length - 0.1) * self.inlinelen ) state_length = None # Quality check if spulse is not None: good = ( self.pulse_qualitycheck(validpulses[-1], spulse) if len(validpulses) else False ) validpulses.append((spulse[0], spulse[1], good)) if done: return done, validpulses return done, validpulses @profile def refinepulses(self): self.LT = self.get_timings() i = 0 valid_pulses = [] num_vblanks = 0 while i < len(self.rawpulses): curpulse = self.rawpulses[i] if inrange(curpulse.len, *self.LT["hsync"]): good = ( self.pulse_qualitycheck(valid_pulses[-1], (0, curpulse)) if len(valid_pulses) else False ) valid_pulses.append((HSYNC, curpulse, good)) i += 1 elif ( i > 2 and inrange(self.rawpulses[i].len, *self.LT["eq"]) and (len(valid_pulses) and valid_pulses[-1][0] == HSYNC) ): # print(i, self.rawpulses[i]) done, vblank_pulses = self.run_vblank_state_machine( self.rawpulses[i - 2 : i + 24], self.LT ) if done: [valid_pulses.append(p) for p in vblank_pulses[2:]] i += len(vblank_pulses) - 2 num_vblanks += 1 else: i += 1 else: i += 1 return valid_pulses #@profile def getBlankRange(self, validpulses, start=0): vp_type = np.array([p[0] for p in validpulses]) vp_vsyncs = np.where(vp_type[start:] == VSYNC)[0] firstvsync = vp_vsyncs[0] + start if len(vp_vsyncs) else None if firstvsync is None or firstvsync < 10: return None, None for newstart in range(firstvsync - 10, firstvsync - 4): blank_locs = np.where(vp_type[newstart:] > 0)[0] if len(blank_locs) == 0: continue firstblank = blank_locs[0] + newstart hsync_locs = np.where(vp_type[firstblank:] == 0)[0] if len(hsync_locs) == 0: continue lastblank = hsync_locs[0] + firstblank - 1 if (lastblank - firstblank) > 12: return firstblank, lastblank # there isn't a valid range to find, or it's impossibly short return None, None def getBlankLength(self, isFirstField): core = self.rf.SysParams["numPulses"] * 3 * 0.5 if self.rf.system == "NTSC": return core + 1 else: return core + 0.5 + (0 if isFirstField else 1) def processVBlank(self, validpulses, start, limit=None): firstblank, lastblank = self.getBlankRange(validpulses, start) """ First Look at each equalization/vblank pulse section - if the expected # are there and valid, it can be used to determine where line 0 is... """ # locations of lines before after/vblank. may not be line 0 etc lastvalid = len(validpulses) if limit is None else start + limit if firstblank is None or firstblank > lastvalid: return None, None, None, None loc_presync = validpulses[firstblank - 1][1].start pt = np.array([v[0] for v in validpulses[firstblank:]]) pstart = np.array([v[1].start for v in validpulses[firstblank:]]) plen = np.array([v[1].len for v in validpulses[firstblank:]]) numPulses = self.rf.SysParams["numPulses"] for i in [VSYNC, EQPL1, EQPL2]: ptmatch = pt == i grouploc = None for j in range(0, lastblank - firstblank): if ptmatch[j : j + numPulses].all(): if ptmatch[j : j + numPulses + 4].sum() != numPulses: break # take the (second) derivative of the line gaps and lengths to determine # if all are valid gaps = np.diff(np.diff(pstart[j : j + numPulses])) lengths = np.diff(plen[j : j + numPulses]) if np.max(gaps) < (self.rf.freq * 0.2) and np.max(lengths) < ( self.rf.freq * 0.2 ): grouploc = j break if grouploc is None: continue setbegin = validpulses[firstblank + grouploc] firstloc = setbegin[1].start # compute the distance of the first pulse of this block to line 1 # (line 0 may be .5H or 1H before that) distfroml1 = ((i - 1) * self.rf.SysParams["numPulses"]) * 0.5 dist = (firstloc - loc_presync) / self.inlinelen # get the integer rounded X * .5H distance. then invert to determine # the half-H alignment with the sync/blank pulses hdist = nb_round(dist * 2) # isfirstfield = not ((hdist % 2) == self.rf.SysParams['firstField1H'][0]) isfirstfield = (hdist % 2) == (self.rf.SysParams["firstFieldH"][1] != 1) # for PAL VSYNC, the offset is 2.5H, so the calculation must be reversed if (distfroml1 * 2) % 2: isfirstfield = not isfirstfield eqgap = self.rf.SysParams["firstFieldH"][isfirstfield] line0 = firstloc - ((eqgap + distfroml1) * self.inlinelen) return int(line0), isfirstfield, firstblank, 100 """ If there are no valid sections, check line 0 and the first eq pulse, and the last eq pulse and the following line. If the combined xH is correct for the standard in question (1.5H for NTSC, 1 or 2H for PAL, that means line 0 has been found correctly. """ if ( validpulses[firstblank - 1][2] and validpulses[firstblank][2] and validpulses[lastblank][2] and validpulses[lastblank + 1][2] ): gap1 = ( validpulses[firstblank][1].start - validpulses[firstblank - 1][1].start ) gap2 = validpulses[lastblank + 1][1].start - validpulses[lastblank][1].start if self.rf.system == "PAL" and inrange( np.abs(gap2 - gap1), 0, self.rf.freq * 1 ): isfirstfield = inrange((gap1 / self.inlinelen), 0.45, 0.55) elif self.rf.system == "NTSC" and inrange( np.abs(gap2 + gap1), self.inlinelen * 1.4, self.inlinelen * 1.6 ): isfirstfield = inrange((gap1 / self.inlinelen), 0.95, 1.05) else: self.sync_confidence = 0 return None, None, None, 0 return validpulses[firstblank - 1][1].start, isfirstfield, firstblank, 50 return None, None, None, 0 #@profile def computeLineLen(self, validpulses): # determine longest run of 0's longrun = [-1, -1] currun = None for i, v in enumerate([p[0] for p in validpulses]): if v != 0: if currun is not None and currun[1] > longrun[1]: longrun = currun currun = None elif currun is None: currun = [i, 0] else: currun[1] += 1 if currun is not None and currun[1] > longrun[1]: longrun = currun linelens = [] for i in range(longrun[0] + 1, longrun[0] + longrun[1]): linelen = validpulses[i][1].start - validpulses[i - 1][1].start if inrange(linelen / self.inlinelen, 0.95, 1.05): linelens.append( validpulses[i][1].start - validpulses[i - 1][1].start ) if len(linelens) > 0: return np.mean(linelens) else: return self.inlinelen def skip_check(self): """ This routine checks to see if there's a (probable) VSYNC at the end. Returns a (currently rough) probability. """ score = 0 vsync_lines = 0 vsync_ire = self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] for l in range(self.outlinecount, self.outlinecount + 8): sl = self.lineslice(l, 0, self.rf.SysParams["line_period"]) line_ire = self.rf.hztoire(nb_median(["video"]["demod"][sl])) # vsync_ire is always negative, so /2 is the higher number if inrange(line_ire, vsync_ire - 10, vsync_ire / 2): vsync_lines += 1 elif inrange(line_ire, -5, 5): score += 1 else: score -= 1 if vsync_lines >= 2: return 100 elif vsync_lines == 1 and score > 0: return 50 elif score > 0: return 25 return 0 # pull the above together into a routine that (should) find line 0, the last line of # the previous field. #@profile def getLine0(self, validpulses, meanlinelen): # Gather the local line 0 location and projected from the previous field self.sync_confidence = 100 # If we have a previous field, the first vblank should be close to the beginning, # and we need to reject anything too far in (which could be the *next* vsync) limit = None limit = ( 100 if (self.prevfield is not None and self.prevfield.skip_check() >= 50) else None ) line0loc_local, isFirstField_local, firstblank_local, conf_local = self.processVBlank( validpulses, 0, limit ) line0loc_next, isFirstField_next, conf_next = None, None, None # If we have a vsync at the end, use it to compute the likely line 0 if line0loc_local is not None: self.vblank_next, isNotFirstField_next, firstblank_next, conf_next = self.processVBlank( validpulses, firstblank_local + 40 ) if self.vblank_next is not None: isFirstField_next = not isNotFirstField_next fieldlen = ( meanlinelen * self.rf.SysParams["field_lines"][0 if isFirstField_next else 1] ) line0loc_next = nb_round(self.vblank_next - fieldlen) if line0loc_next < 0: self.sync_confidence = 10 else: self.vblank_next = None # Use the previous field's end to compute a possible line 0 line0loc_prev, isFirstField_prev = None, None if self.prevfield is not None and self.prevfield.valid: frameoffset =["startloc"] -["startloc"] # print(self.prevfield.linecount) line0loc_prev = ( self.prevfield.linelocs[self.prevfield.linecount] - frameoffset ) isFirstField_prev = not self.prevfield.isFirstField conf_prev = self.prevfield.sync_confidence # print(line0loc_local, line0loc_next, line0loc_prev) # Best case - all three line detectors returned something - perform TOOT using median if ( line0loc_local is not None and line0loc_next is not None and line0loc_prev is not None ): isFirstField_all = ( isFirstField_local + isFirstField_prev + isFirstField_next ) >= 2 return ( np.median([line0loc_local, line0loc_next, line0loc_prev]), self.vblank_next, isFirstField_all, ) if line0loc_local is not None and conf_local > 50: self.sync_confidence = min(self.sync_confidence, 90) return line0loc_local, self.vblank_next, isFirstField_local elif line0loc_prev is not None: new_sync_confidence = np.max(conf_prev - 10, 0) new_sync_confidence = max(new_sync_confidence, 10) self.sync_confidence = min(self.sync_confidence, new_sync_confidence) return line0loc_prev, self.vblank_next, isFirstField_prev elif line0loc_next is not None: self.sync_confidence = conf_next return line0loc_next, self.vblank_next, isFirstField_next else: # Failed to find anything useful - the caller is expected to skip ahead and try again return None, None, None def getpulses(self): # pass one using standard levels # pulse_hz range: vsync_ire - 10, maximum is the 50% crossing point to sync pulse_hz_min = self.rf.iretohz(self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] - 10) pulse_hz_max = self.rf.iretohz(self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] / 2) pulse_hz_min = self.rf.iretohz(self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] - 20) pulse_hz_max = self.rf.iretohz(-20) pulses = findpulses(["video"]["demod_05"], pulse_hz_min, pulse_hz_max) if len(pulses) == 0: # can't do anything about this return pulses # determine sync pulses from vsync vsync_locs = [] vsync_means = [] minlength = self.usectoinpx(10) for i, p in enumerate(pulses): if p.len > minlength: vsync_locs.append(i) vsync_means.append( np.mean(["video"]["demod_05"][ int(p.start + self.rf.freq) : int( p.start + p.len - self.rf.freq ) ] ) ) # print(len(vsync_means), [self.rf.hztoire(v) for v in vsync_means]) if len(vsync_means) == 0: return None synclevel = np.median(vsync_means) if np.abs(self.rf.hztoire(synclevel) - self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"]) < 5: # sync level is close enough to use return pulses if vsync_locs is None or not len(vsync_locs): return None # Now compute black level and try again # take the eq pulses before and after vsync r1 = range(vsync_locs[0] - 5, vsync_locs[0]) r2 = range(vsync_locs[-1] + 1, vsync_locs[-1] + 6) black_means = [] for i in itertools.chain(r1, r2): if i < 0 or i >= len(pulses): continue p = pulses[i] if inrange(p.len, self.rf.freq * 0.75, self.rf.freq * 2.5): black_means.append( np.mean(["video"]["demod_05"][ int(p.start + (self.rf.freq * 5)) : int( p.start + (self.rf.freq * 20) ) ] ) ) blacklevel = np.median(black_means) pulse_hz_min = synclevel - (self.rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"] * 10) pulse_hz_max = (blacklevel + synclevel) / 2 return findpulses(["video"]["demod_05"], pulse_hz_min, pulse_hz_max) #@profile def compute_linelocs(self): self.rawpulses = self.getpulses() if self.rawpulses is None or len(self.rawpulses) == 0: if self.fields_written: logger.error("Unable to find any sync pulses, skipping one field") return None, None, None else: logger.error("Unable to find any sync pulses, skipping one second") return None, None, int(self.rf.freq_hz) self.validpulses = validpulses = self.refinepulses() meanlinelen = self.computeLineLen(validpulses) line0loc, lastlineloc, self.isFirstField = self.getLine0(validpulses, meanlinelen) self.linecount = 263 if self.isFirstField else 262 # Number of lines to actually process. This is set so that the entire following # VSYNC is processed proclines = self.outlinecount + self.lineoffset + 10 if self.rf.system == "PAL": proclines += 3 # It's possible for getLine0 to return None for lastlineloc if lastlineloc is not None: numlines = (lastlineloc - line0loc) / self.inlinelen self.skipdetected = numlines < (self.linecount - 5) else: self.skipdetected = False linelocs_dict = {} linelocs_dist = {} if line0loc is None: if self.initphase is False: logger.error("Unable to determine start of field - dropping field") return None, None, self.inlinelen * 200 # If we don't have enough data at the end, move onto the next field lastline = (self.rawpulses[-1].start - line0loc) / meanlinelen if lastline < proclines: return None, None, line0loc - (meanlinelen * 20) for p in validpulses: lineloc = (p[1].start - line0loc) / meanlinelen rlineloc = nb_round(lineloc) lineloc_distance = np.abs(lineloc - rlineloc) if self.skipdetected: lineloc_end = self.linecount - ( (lastlineloc - p[1].start) / meanlinelen ) rlineloc_end = nb_round(lineloc_end) lineloc_end_distance = np.abs(lineloc_end - rlineloc_end) if ( p[0] == 0 and rlineloc > 23 and lineloc_end_distance < lineloc_distance ): lineloc = lineloc_end rlineloc = rlineloc_end lineloc_distance = lineloc_end_distance # only record if it's closer to the (probable) beginning of the line if lineloc_distance > self.rf.hsync_tolerance or ( rlineloc in linelocs_dict and lineloc_distance > linelocs_dist[rlineloc] ): # print(rlineloc, p, 'reject') continue # also skip non-regular lines (non-hsync) that don't seem to be in valid order (p[2]) # (or hsync lines in the vblank area) if rlineloc > 0 and not p[2]: if p[0] > 0 or (p[0] == 0 and rlineloc < 10): continue linelocs_dict[rlineloc] = p[1].start linelocs_dist[rlineloc] = lineloc_distance rv_err = np.full(proclines, False) # Convert dictionary into list, then fill in gaps linelocs = [ linelocs_dict[l] if l in linelocs_dict else -1 for l in range(0, proclines) ] linelocs_filled = linelocs.copy() self.linelocs0 = linelocs.copy() if linelocs_filled[0] < 0: next_valid = None for i in range(0, self.outlinecount + 1): if linelocs[i] > 0: next_valid = i break if next_valid is None: return None, None, line0loc + (self.inlinelen * self.outlinecount - 7) linelocs_filled[0] = linelocs_filled[next_valid] - ( next_valid * meanlinelen ) if linelocs_filled[0] < self.inlinelen: return None, None, line0loc + (self.inlinelen * self.outlinecount - 7) for l in range(1, proclines): if linelocs_filled[l] < 0: rv_err[l] = True prev_valid = None next_valid = None for i in range(l, -1, -1): if linelocs[i] > 0: prev_valid = i break for i in range(l, self.outlinecount + 1): if linelocs[i] > 0: next_valid = i break # print(l, prev_valid, next_valid) if prev_valid is None: avglen = self.inlinelen linelocs_filled[l] = linelocs[next_valid] - ( avglen * (next_valid - l) ) elif next_valid is not None: avglen = (linelocs[next_valid] - linelocs[prev_valid]) / ( next_valid - prev_valid ) linelocs_filled[l] = linelocs[prev_valid] + ( avglen * (l - prev_valid) ) else: avglen = self.inlinelen linelocs_filled[l] = linelocs[prev_valid] + ( avglen * (l - prev_valid) ) # *finally* done :) rv_ll = [linelocs_filled[l] for l in range(0, proclines)] # print(self.vblank_next) if self.vblank_next is None: nextfield = linelocs_filled[self.outlinecount - 7] else: nextfield = self.vblank_next - (self.inlinelen * 8) # print('nf', nextfield, self.vblank_next) return rv_ll, rv_err, nextfield #@profile def refine_linelocs_hsync(self): linelocs2 = self.linelocs1.copy() for i in range(len(self.linelocs1)): # skip VSYNC lines, since they handle the pulses differently if inrange(i, 3, 6) or (self.rf.system == "PAL" and inrange(i, 1, 2)): self.linebad[i] = True continue # refine beginning of hsync ll1 = self.linelocs1[i] - self.rf.freq zc = calczc(["video"]["demod_05"], ll1, self.rf.iretohz(self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] / 2), reverse=False, count=self.rf.freq * 2, ) if zc is not None and not self.linebad[i]: linelocs2[i] = zc # The hsync area, burst, and porches should not leave -50 to 30 IRE (on PAL or NTSC) hsync_area =["video"]["demod_05"][ int(zc - (self.rf.freq * 0.75)) : int(zc + (self.rf.freq * 8)) ] if nb_min(hsync_area) < self.rf.iretohz(-55) or nb_max( hsync_area ) > self.rf.iretohz(30): # don't use the computed value here if it's bad self.linebad[i] = True linelocs2[i] = self.linelocs1[i] else: porch_level = nb_median(["video"]["demod_05"][ int(zc + (self.rf.freq * 8)) : int(zc + (self.rf.freq * 9)) ] ) sync_level = nb_median(["video"]["demod_05"][ int(zc + (self.rf.freq * 1)) : int( zc + (self.rf.freq * 2.5) ) ] ) zc2 = calczc(["video"]["demod_05"], ll1, (porch_level + sync_level) / 2, reverse=False, count=400, ) # any wild variation here indicates a failure if zc2 is not None and np.abs(zc2 - zc) < (self.rf.freq / 2): linelocs2[i] = zc2 else: self.linebad[i] = True else: self.linebad[i] = True if self.linebad[i]: linelocs2[i] = self.linelocs1[ i ] # don't use the computed value here if it's bad return linelocs2 def compute_deriv_error(self, linelocs, baserr): """ compute errors based off the second derivative - if it exceeds 1 something's wrong, and if 4 really wrong... """ derr1 = np.full(len(linelocs), False) derr1[1:-1] = np.abs(np.diff(np.diff(linelocs))) > 4 derr2 = np.full(len(linelocs), False) derr2[2:] = np.abs(np.diff(np.diff(linelocs))) > 4 return baserr | derr1 | derr2 def fix_badlines(self, linelocs_in, linelocs_backup_in=None): self.linebad = self.compute_deriv_error(linelocs_in, self.linebad) linelocs = np.array(linelocs_in.copy()) if linelocs_backup_in is not None: linelocs_backup = np.array(linelocs_backup_in.copy()) badlines = np.isnan(linelocs) linelocs[badlines] = linelocs_backup[badlines] for l in np.where(self.linebad)[0]: prevgood = l - 1 while prevgood >= 0 and self.linebad[prevgood]: prevgood -= 1 nextgood = l + 1 while nextgood < len(linelocs) and self.linebad[nextgood]: nextgood += 1 firstcheck = 0 if self.rf.system == "PAL" else 1 if prevgood >= firstcheck and nextgood < (len(linelocs) + self.lineoffset): gap = (linelocs[nextgood] - linelocs[prevgood]) / (nextgood - prevgood) linelocs[l] = (gap * (l - prevgood)) + linelocs[prevgood] return linelocs def computewow(self, lineinfo): wow = np.ones(len(lineinfo)) for l in range(0, len(wow) - 1): wow[l] = self.get_linelen(l) / self.inlinelen # smooth out wow in the sync area for l in range(self.lineoffset, self.lineoffset + 10): wow[l] = np.median(wow[l : l + 4]) return wow #@profile def downscale( self, lineinfo=None, linesout=None, outwidth=None, channel="demod", audio=0, final=False, lastfieldwritten=None, ): if lineinfo is None: lineinfo = self.linelocs if outwidth is None: outwidth = self.outlinelen if linesout is None: # for video always output 263/313 lines linesout = self.outlinecount if lastfieldwritten and audio >= 16000: # This computes the current field based on checking the raw data location # against the last written field's, then computes the location of the # last audio sample written, so the A/V sync will remain (hopefully) correct rf_samples_per_field = self.rf.freq_hz / self.rf.SysParams['FPS'] / 2 read_gap = (self.readloc - lastfieldwritten[1]) / rf_samples_per_field field_number = nb_round(lastfieldwritten[0] + read_gap) linecount = sum(self.rf.SysParams["field_lines"]) * (field_number // 2) if not self.isFirstField: linecount += self.rf.SysParams["field_lines"][0] # Now compute the # of audio samples that should be written, and then the # location of that relative to the current line samples_per_line = (self.rf.SysParams['line_period'] / 1000000) / (1 / audio) audsamp_count = linecount * samples_per_line audsamp_offset = (audsamp_count - np.floor(audsamp_count)) if audsamp_offset > .5: audio_offset = (1 - audsamp_offset) * (1 / audio) else: audio_offset = -audsamp_offset * (1 / audio) else: # Either analog audio is disabled, or we're using hsync-locked sampling audio_offset = 0 audio_thread = None if audio != 0 and self.rf.decode_analog_audio: audio_rv = {} dsa_args = (["audio"], lineinfo, self.rf, self.linecount, audio_offset, audio, audio_rv) if self.use_threads: audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=downscale_audio, args=dsa_args) audio_thread.start() else: # return values will still be in audio_rv later downscale_audio(*dsa_args) dsout = np.zeros((linesout * outwidth), dtype=np.double) # self.lineoffset is an adjustment for 0-based lines *before* downscaling so add 1 here lineoffset = self.lineoffset + 1 for l in range(lineoffset, linesout + lineoffset): if lineinfo[l + 1] > lineinfo[l]: scaled = scale(["video"][channel], lineinfo[l], lineinfo[l + 1], outwidth, self.wowfactor[l], ) dsout[ (l - lineoffset) * outwidth : (l + 1 - lineoffset) * outwidth ] = scaled else: # Massive TBC error detected self.sync_confidence = 1 #logger.warning("WARNING: TBC failure at line %d", l) dsout[ (l - lineoffset) * outwidth : (l + 1 - lineoffset) * outwidth ] = self.rf.DecoderParams["ire0"] if self.rf.decode_digital_audio: self.efmout =["efm"][ int(self.linelocs[1]) : int(self.linelocs[self.linecount + 1]) ] else: self.efmout = None if final: dsout = self.hz_to_output(dsout) self.dspicture = dsout if audio != 0 and self.rf.decode_analog_audio: if audio_thread: audio_thread.join() self.dsaudio = audio_rv["dsaudio"] self.audio_next_offset = audio_rv["audio_next_offset"] return dsout, self.dsaudio, self.efmout @profile def rf_tbc(self, linelocs=None): """ This outputs a TBC'd version of the input RF data, mostly intended to assist in audio processing. Outputs a uint16 array. """ # Convert raw RF to floating point to help the scaler fdata =["input"].astype(float) if linelocs is None: linelocs = self.linelocs # Ensure that the output line length is an integer linelen = int(round(self.inlinelen)) # Adjust for the demodulation/filtering delays delay = self.rf.delays["video_white"] # On PAL, always ignore self.lineoffset startline = self.lineoffset if self.rf.system == "NTSC" else 1 endline = startline + self.linecount output = [] for l in range(startline, endline): scaled = scale(fdata, linelocs[l] - delay, linelocs[l + 1] - delay, linelen) output.append(np.round(scaled).astype(np.int16)) return np.concatenate(output) def decodephillipscode(self, linenum): linestart = self.linelocs[linenum] data =["video"]["demod"] curzc = calczc( data, int(linestart + self.usectoinpx(2)), self.rf.iretohz(50), count=int(self.usectoinpx(12)), ) zc = [] while curzc is not None: zc.append( (curzc, data[int(curzc - self.usectoinpx(0.5))] < self.rf.iretohz(50)) ) curzc = calczc( data, curzc + self.usectoinpx(1.9), self.rf.iretohz(50), count=int(self.usectoinpx(0.2)), ) usecgap = self.inpxtousec(np.diff([z[0] for z in zc])) valid = len(zc) == 24 and np.min(usecgap) > 1.85 and np.max(usecgap) < 2.15 if valid: bitset = [z[1] for z in zc] linecode = np.int64(0) for b in range(0, 24, 4): linecode *= 0x10 linecode += (np.packbits(bitset[b : b + 4]) >> 4)[0] return linecode return None def compute_syncconf(self): """ use final lineloc data to compute sync confidence """ newconf = 100 lld = np.diff(self.linelocs[self.lineoffset : self.lineoffset + self.linecount]) lld2 = np.diff(lld) lld2max = np.max(lld2) if lld2max > 4: newconf = int(50 - (5 * np.sum(lld2max > 4))) newconf = max(newconf, 0) self.sync_confidence = min(self.sync_confidence, newconf) return int(self.sync_confidence) def get_vsync_area(self): """ return beginning, length in lines, and end of vsync area """ vsync_begin = int(self.linelocs[0]) vsync_end_line = int(self.getBlankLength(self.isFirstField) + 0.6) vsync_end = int(self.linelocs[vsync_end_line]) + 1 return vsync_begin, vsync_end_line, vsync_end def get_vsync_lines(self): rv = [] end = 10 if self.isFirstField else 9 for i in range(1, end): rv.append(i) if self.rf.system == 'PAL': start2 = 311 if self.isFirstField else 310 for i in range(start2, 318): rv.append(i) return rv @profile def dropout_detect_demod(self): # current field f = self isPAL = self.rf.system == "PAL" rfstd = nb_std(["rfhpf"]) # iserr_rf = np.full(len(['video']['demod']), False, dtype=np.bool) iserr_rf1 = (["rfhpf"] < (-rfstd * 3)) | (["rfhpf"] > (rfstd * 3) ) # | (f.rawdata <= -32000) iserr = np.full_like(iserr_rf1, False) iserr[self.rf.delays["video_rot"] :] = iserr_rf1[ : -self.rf.delays["video_rot"] ] # build sets of min/max valid levels valid_min = np.full_like(["video"]["demod"], f.rf.iretohz(-70 if isPAL else -50) ) valid_max = np.full_like(["video"]["demod"], f.rf.iretohz(150 if isPAL else 160) ) # Look for slightly longer dropouts... valid_min05 = np.full_like(["video"]["demod_05"], f.rf.iretohz(-30)) valid_max05 = np.full_like(["video"]["demod_05"], f.rf.iretohz(115)) # Account for sync pulses when checking demod hsync_len = int(f.LT['hsync'][1]) vsync_ire = f.rf.SysParams['vsync_ire'] vsync_lines = self.get_vsync_lines() # In sync areas the minimum IRE is vsync - pilot/burst sync_min = f.rf.iretohz(vsync_ire - 60 if isPAL else vsync_ire - 35) sync_min_05 = f.rf.iretohz(vsync_ire - 10) for l in range(1, len(f.linelocs)): if l in vsync_lines: valid_min[int(f.linelocs[l]):int(f.linelocs[l+1])] = sync_min valid_min05[int(f.linelocs[l]):int(f.linelocs[l+1])] = sync_min_05 else: valid_min[int(f.linelocs[l]):int(f.linelocs[l]) + hsync_len] = sync_min valid_min05[int(f.linelocs[l]):int(f.linelocs[l]) + hsync_len] = sync_min_05 # detect absurd fluctuations in pre-deemp demod, since only dropouts can cause them # (current np.diff has a prepend option, but not in ubuntu 18.04's version) n_orgt(iserr,["video"]["demod_raw"], self.rf.freq_hz_half) n_ornotrange(iserr,["video"]["demod"], valid_min, valid_max) n_ornotrange(iserr,["video"]["demod_05"], valid_min05, valid_max05) # filter out dropouts outside actual field iserr[:int(f.linelocs[f.lineoffset + 1])] = False iserr[int(f.linelocs[f.lineoffset + f.linecount + 1]):] = False return iserr @profile def build_errlist(self, errmap): errlist = [] firsterr = errmap[np.nonzero(errmap >= self.linelocs[self.lineoffset])[0][0]] curerr = (firsterr, firsterr) for e in errmap: if e > curerr[0] and e <= (curerr[1] + 20): pad = ((e - curerr[0])) * 1.7 pad = min(pad, self.rf.freq * 12) epad = curerr[0] + pad curerr = (curerr[0], epad) elif e > firsterr: errlist.append((curerr[0] - 8, curerr[1] + 4)) curerr = (e, e) errlist.append(curerr) return errlist @profile def dropout_errlist_to_tbc(field, errlist): """Convert data from raw data coordinates to tbc coordinates, and splits up multi-line dropouts. """ dropouts = [] if len(errlist) == 0: return dropouts # Now convert the above errlist into TBC locations errlistc = errlist.copy() lineoffset = -field.lineoffset # Remove dropouts occuring before the start of the frame so they don't # cause the rest to be skipped curerr = errlistc.pop(0) while len(errlistc) > 0 and curerr[0] < field.linelocs[field.lineoffset]: curerr = errlistc.pop(0) # TODO: This could be reworked to be a bit cleaner and more performant. for line in range(field.lineoffset, field.linecount + field.lineoffset): while curerr is not None and inrange( curerr[0], field.linelocs[line], field.linelocs[line + 1] ): start_rf_linepos = curerr[0] - field.linelocs[line] start_linepos = start_rf_linepos / ( field.linelocs[line + 1] - field.linelocs[line] ) start_linepos = int(start_linepos * field.outlinelen) end_rf_linepos = curerr[1] - field.linelocs[line] end_linepos = end_rf_linepos / ( field.linelocs[line + 1] - field.linelocs[line] ) end_linepos = nb_round(end_linepos * field.outlinelen) first_line = line + 1 + lineoffset # If the dropout spans multiple lines, we need to split it up into one for each line. if end_linepos > field.outlinelen: num_lines = end_linepos // field.outlinelen # First line. dropouts.append((first_line, start_linepos, field.outlinelen)) # Full lines in the middle. for n in range(num_lines - 1): dropouts.append((first_line + n + 1, 0, field.outlinelen)) # leftover on last line. dropouts.append( ( first_line + (num_lines), 0, np.remainder(end_linepos, field.outlinelen), ) ) else: dropouts.append((first_line, start_linepos, end_linepos)) if len(errlistc): curerr = errlistc.pop(0) else: curerr = None return dropouts @profile def dropout_detect(self): """ returns dropouts in three arrays, to line up with the JSON output """ rv_lines = [] rv_starts = [] rv_ends = [] iserr = self.dropout_detect_demod() errmap = np.nonzero(iserr)[0] if len(errmap) > 0 and errmap[-1] > self.linelocs[self.lineoffset]: errlist = self.build_errlist(errmap) for r in self.dropout_errlist_to_tbc(errlist): rv_lines.append(r[0] - 1) rv_starts.append(int(r[1])) rv_ends.append(int(r[2])) return rv_lines, rv_starts, rv_ends @profile def compute_line_bursts(self, linelocs, _line, prev_phaseadjust=0): line = _line + self.lineoffset # calczc works from integers, so get the start and remainder s = int(linelocs[line]) s_rem = linelocs[line] - s lfreq = self.get_linefreq(line) fsc_mhz_inv = 1 / self.rf.SysParams["fsc_mhz"] # compute approximate burst beginning/end bstime = 25 * fsc_mhz_inv # approx start of burst in usecs bstart = int(bstime * lfreq) bend = int(8.8 * lfreq) # copy and get the mean of the burst area to factor out wow/flutter burstarea =["video"]["demod_burst"][s + bstart : s + bend] if len(burstarea) == 0: return None, None burstarea = burstarea - nb_mean(burstarea) threshold = 5 * self.rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"] burstarea_demod =["video"]["demod"][s + bstart : s + bend] burstarea_demod = burstarea_demod - nb_mean(burstarea_demod) if nb_absmax(burstarea_demod) > (30 * self.rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"]): return None, None zcburstdiv = (lfreq * fsc_mhz_inv) / 2 # Apply phase adjustment from previous frame/line if available. phase_adjust = -prev_phaseadjust # a proper color burst should have ~12-13 zero crossings isrising = np.zeros(16, dtype=np.bool_) zcs = np.zeros(16, dtype=np.float32) # The first pass computes phase_offset, the second uses it to determine # the colo(u)r burst phase of the line. for passcount in range(2): # this subroutine is in, broken out so it can be JIT'd zc_count, phase_adjust, rising_count = clb_findbursts(isrising, zcs, burstarea, 0, len(burstarea) - 1, threshold, bstart, s_rem, zcburstdiv, phase_adjust) rising = rising_count > (zc_count / 2) return rising, -phase_adjust # These classes extend Field to do PAL/NTSC specific TBC features. class FieldPAL(Field): def refine_linelocs_pilot(self, linelocs=None): if linelocs is None: linelocs = self.linelocs2.copy() else: linelocs = linelocs.copy() plen = {} zcs = [] for l in range(0, 323): adjfreq = self.rf.freq if l > 1: adjfreq /= (linelocs[l] - linelocs[l - 1]) / self.rf.linelen plen[l] = (adjfreq / self.rf.SysParams["pilot_mhz"]) / 2 ls = self.lineslice(l, 0, 6, linelocs) lsoffset = linelocs[l] - ls.start pilots =["video"]["demod_pilot"][ls] peakloc = np.argmax(np.abs(pilots)) zc_base = calczc(pilots, peakloc, 0) if zc_base is not None: zc = (zc_base - lsoffset) / plen[l] else: zc = zcs[-1] if len(zcs) else 0 zcs.append(zc) angles = angular_mean_helper(np.array(zcs)) am = np.angle(np.mean(angles)) / (np.pi * 2) if (am < 0): am = 1 + am for l in range(0, 323): linelocs[l] += (phase_distance(zcs[l], am) * plen[l]) * 1 return np.array(linelocs) def get_burstlevel(self, l, linelocs=None): lineslice = self.lineslice(l, 5.5, 2.4, linelocs) burstarea =["video"]["demod"][lineslice].copy() burstarea -= nb_mean(burstarea) if max(burstarea) > (30 * self.rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"]): return None return rms(burstarea) * np.sqrt(2) def calc_burstmedian(self): burstlevel = [] for l in range(11, 313): lineburst = self.get_burstlevel(l) if lineburst is not None: burstlevel.append(lineburst) if burstlevel == []: return 0.0 return np.median(burstlevel) / self.rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"] def get_following_field_number(self): if self.prevfield is not None: newphase = self.prevfield.fieldPhaseID + 1 return 1 if newphase == 9 else newphase else: # This can be triggered by the first pass at the first field # logger.error("Cannot determine PAL field sequence of first field") return 1 def determine_field_number(self): """ Background PAL has an eight field sequence that can be split into two four field sequences. Field 1: First field of frame , no colour burst on line 6 Field 2: Second field of frame, colour burst on line 6 (319) Field 3: First field of frame, colour burst on line 6 Field 4: Second field of frame, no colour burst on line 6 (319) Fields 5-8 can be differentiated using the burst phase on line 7+4x (based off the first line guaranteed to have colour burst) Ideally the rising phase would be at 0 or 180 degrees, but since this is Laserdisc it's often quite off. So the determination is based on which phase is closer to 0 degrees. """ # First compute the 4-field sequence # This map is based in (first field, has burst on line 6) map4 = {(True, False): 1, (False, True): 2, (True, True): 3, (False, False): 4} # Determine if line 6 has valid burst - or lack of it. If there's rot interference, # the burst level may be in the middle (or even None), and if so extrapolate # from the previous field. burstlevel6 = self.get_burstlevel(6) if burstlevel6 is None: return self.get_following_field_number() burstlevel6 /= self.rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"] if inrange(burstlevel6, self.burstmedian * 0.8, self.burstmedian * 1.2): hasburst = True elif burstlevel6 < self.burstmedian * 0.2: hasburst = False else: return self.get_following_field_number() m4 = map4[(self.isFirstField, hasburst)] # Now compute if it's field 1-4 or 5-8. rcount = 0 count = 0 self.phase_adjust = {} for l in range(7, 22, 4): # Usually line 7 is used to determine burst phase, but # take the best of 5 if it's unstable prev_phaseadjust = 0 try: # For this first field, this doesn't exist (so use a try/except/pass pattern) # and on a bad disk, this value could be None... if self.prevfield.phase_adjust[l] is not None: prev_phaseadjust = self.prevfield.phase_adjust[l] except AttributeError: pass rising, self.phase_adjust[l] = self.compute_line_bursts( self.linelocs, l, prev_phaseadjust ) if rising is not None: rcount += (rising is True) count += 1 if count == 0 or (rcount * 2) == count: return self.get_following_field_number() rising = (rcount * 2) > count is_firstfour = rising if m4 == 2: # For field 2/6, reverse the above. is_firstfour = not is_firstfour return m4 + (0 if is_firstfour else 4) def downscale(self, final=False, *args, **kwargs): # For PAL, each field starts with the line containing the first full VSYNC pulse return super(FieldPAL, self).downscale(final=final, *args, **kwargs) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FieldPAL, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def process(self): super(FieldPAL, self).process() self.out_scale = np.double(0xD300 - 0x0100) / ( 100 - self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] ) if not self.valid: return self.linelocs3 = self.refine_linelocs_pilot(self.linelocs2) # do a second pass for fine tuning (typically < .1px), because the adjusted # frequency changes slightly from the first pass self.linelocs3a = self.refine_linelocs_pilot(self.linelocs3) self.linelocs = self.fix_badlines(self.linelocs3a) self.wowfactor = self.computewow(self.linelocs) self.burstmedian = self.calc_burstmedian() self.linecount = 312 if self.isFirstField else 313 self.lineoffset = 2 if self.isFirstField else 3 self.linecode = [ self.decodephillipscode(l + self.lineoffset) for l in [16, 17, 18] ] self.fieldPhaseID = self.determine_field_number() # self.downscale(final=True) # ... now for NTSC # This class is a very basic NTSC 1D color decoder, used for alignment etc # XXX: make this callable earlier on and/or merge into FieldNTSC? class CombNTSC: """ *partial* NTSC comb filter class - only enough to do VITS calculations ATM """ def __init__(self, field): self.field = field self.cbuffer = self.buildCBuffer() def getlinephase(self, line): """ determine if a line has positive color burst phase. This is based on line # and field phase ID """ fieldID = self.field.fieldPhaseID if (line % 2) == 0: return (fieldID == 1) | (fieldID == 4) else: return (fieldID == 2) | (fieldID == 3) def buildCBuffer(self, subset=None): """ prev_field: Compute values for previous field subset: a slice computed by lineslice_tbc (default: whole field) NOTE: first and last two returned values will be zero, so slice accordingly """ data = self.field.dspicture if subset: data = data[subset] # this is a translation of this code from tools/ld-chroma-decoder/comb.cpp: # # for (qint32 h = configuration.activeVideoStart; h < configuration.activeVideoEnd; h++) { # double tc1 = (line[h] - ((line[h - 2] + line[h + 2]) / 2.0)) / 2.0; fldata = data.astype(np.float32) cbuffer = np.zeros_like(fldata) cbuffer[2:-2] = (fldata[:-4] + fldata[4:]) / 2 cbuffer[2:-2] -= fldata[2:-2] return cbuffer def splitIQ_line(self, cbuffer, line=0): """ NOTE: currently? only works on one line This returns normalized I and Q arrays, each one half the length of cbuffer """ linephase = self.getlinephase(line) sq = cbuffer[::2].copy() si = cbuffer[1::2].copy() if not linephase: si[0::2] = -si[0::2] sq[1::2] = -sq[1::2] else: si[1::2] = -si[1::2] sq[0::2] = -sq[0::2] return si, sq def calcLine19Info(self, comb_field2=None): """ returns color burst phase (ideally 147 degrees) and (unfiltered!) SNR """ # Don't need the whole line here, but start at 0 to definitely have an even # l19_slice = self.field.lineslice_tbc(19, 0, 40) l19_slice_i70 = self.field.lineslice_tbc(19, 14, 18) ire_out1 = self.field.dspicture[l19_slice_i70] # fail out if there is obviously bad data if not ((np.max(ire_out1) < 100) and (np.min(ire_out1) > 40)): return None, None, None cbuffer = self.cbuffer[l19_slice] if comb_field2 is not None: ire_out2 = comb_field2.field.dspicture[l19_slice_i70] # fail out if there is obviously bad data if not ((np.max(ire_out2) < 100) and (np.min(ire_out2) > 40)): return None, None, None cbuffer = (cbuffer - comb_field2.cbuffer[l19_slice]) / 2 si, sq = self.splitIQ_line(cbuffer, 19) sl = slice(110, 230) cdata = np.sqrt((si[sl] ** 2.0) + (sq[sl] ** 2.0)) phase = np.arctan2(np.mean(si[sl]), np.mean(sq[sl])) * 180 / np.pi if phase < 0: phase += 360 # compute SNR signal = np.mean(cdata) noise = np.std(cdata) snr = 20 * np.log10(signal / noise) return signal / (2 * self.field.out_scale), phase, snr class FieldNTSC(Field): def get_burstlevel(self, l, linelocs=None): burstarea =["video"]["demod"][self.lineslice(l, 5.5, 2.4, linelocs)] # Issue #621 - fields w/skips may be complete nonsense, so bail out if so try: return rms(burstarea) * np.sqrt(2) except Exception: # Should we warn here? (Provided this can actually occur.) return 0 @profile def compute_burst_offsets(self, linelocs): rising_sum = 0 adjs = {} for l in range(0, 266): rising, phase_adjust = self.compute_line_bursts(linelocs, l) if rising is None: continue adjs[l] = phase_adjust / 2 even_line = not (l % 2) rising_sum += 1 if (even_line and rising) else 0 # If more than half of the lines have rising phase alignment, it's (probably) field 1 or 4 field14 = rising_sum > (len(adjs.keys()) // 4) return field14, adjs @profile def refine_linelocs_burst(self, linelocs=None): if linelocs is None: linelocs = self.linelocs2 linelocs_adj = linelocs.copy() field14, adjs_new = self.compute_burst_offsets(linelocs_adj) adjs = {} for l in range(1, 266): if l not in adjs_new: self.linebad[l] = True # compute the adjustments for each line but *do not* apply, so outliers can be bypassed for l in range(0, 266): if not (np.isnan(linelocs_adj[l]) or self.linebad[l]): lfreq = self.get_linefreq(l, linelocs) try: adjs[l] = adjs_new[l] * lfreq * (1 / self.rf.SysParams["fsc_mhz"]) except Exception: # Not sure if this is an error or just control flow. # print("Something went wrong when trying to compute line length adjustments...", file=sys.stderr) # traceback.print_exc() pass if len(adjs.keys()): adjs_median = np.median([adjs[a] for a in adjs]) lastvalid_adj = adjs_median for l in range(0, 266): if l in adjs and inrange(adjs[l] - adjs_median, -2, 2): linelocs_adj[l] += adjs[l] lastvalid_adj = adjs[l] else: linelocs_adj[l] += lastvalid_adj # This map is based on (first field, field14) map4 = { (True, True): 1, (False, False): 2, (True, False): 3, (False, True): 4, } self.fieldPhaseID = map4[(self.isFirstField, field14)] else: self.fieldPhaseID = 1 return linelocs_adj def downscale(self, lineoffset=0, final=False, *args, **kwargs): if final is False: if "audio" in kwargs: kwargs["audio"] = 0 dsout, dsaudio, dsefm = super(FieldNTSC, self).downscale( final=final, *args, **kwargs ) return dsout, dsaudio, dsefm def calc_burstmedian(self): burstlevel = [self.get_burstlevel(l) for l in range(11, 264)] return np.median(burstlevel) / self.rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"] def apply_offsets(self, linelocs, phaseoffset, picoffset=0): #, (phaseoffset * (self.rf.freq / (4 * 315 / 88)))) return ( np.array(linelocs) + picoffset + (phaseoffset * (self.rf.freq / (4 * 315 / 88))) ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FieldNTSC, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @profile def process(self): super(FieldNTSC, self).process() self.out_scale = np.double(0xC800 - 0x0400) / ( 100 - self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] ) if not self.valid: return self.linecode = [ self.decodephillipscode(l + self.lineoffset) for l in [16, 17, 18] ] self.linelocs3 = self.refine_linelocs_burst(self.linelocs2) self.linelocs3 = self.fix_badlines(self.linelocs3, self.linelocs2) self.burstmedian = self.calc_burstmedian() # Now adjust the phase to get the downscaled image onto I/Q color axis shift33 = 84 * (np.pi / 180) self.linelocs = self.apply_offsets(self.linelocs3, -shift33 - 0) self.wowfactor = self.computewow(self.linelocs) class LDdecode: def __init__( self, fname_in, fname_out, freader, _logger, est_frames=None, analog_audio=0, digital_audio=False, system="NTSC", doDOD=True, threads=4, inputfreq=40, extra_options={}, DecoderParamsOverride={} ): global logger self.logger = _logger logger = self.logger self.demodcache = None self.branch, self.commit = get_git_info() if fname_in == '-': self.infile = sys.stdin else: self.infile = open(fname_in, "rb") self.freader = freader self.est_frames = est_frames self.numthreads = threads self.fields_written = 0 self.blackIRE = 0 self.use_profiler = extra_options.get("use_profiler", False) if self.use_profiler: from line_profiler import LineProfiler self.lpf = LineProfiler() self.lpf.add_function(Field.process) self.lpf.add_function(Field.compute_linelocs) self.lpf.add_function(Field.getpulses) self.lpf.add_function( #self.lpf.add_function(self.decodefield) self.analog_audio = int(analog_audio) self.digital_audio = digital_audio self.ac3 = extra_options.get("AC3", False) self.write_rf_tbc = extra_options.get("write_RF_TBC", False) self.has_analog_audio = True if system == "PAL": if analog_audio == 0: self.has_analog_audio = False self.outfile_json = None self.lastvalidfield = {False: None, True: None} self.lastFieldWritten = None self.outfile_video = None self.outfile_audio = None self.outfile_efm = None self.outfile_pre_efm = None self.outfile_ac3 = None self.ffmpeg_rftbc, self.outfile_rftbc = None, None self.do_rftbc = False if fname_out is not None: self.outfile_video = open(fname_out + ".tbc", "wb") if self.analog_audio: self.outfile_audio = open(fname_out + ".pcm", "wb") if self.digital_audio: # feed EFM stream into ld-ldstoefm self.efm_pll = efm_pll.EFM_PLL() self.outfile_efm = open(fname_out + ".efm", "wb") if extra_options.get("write_pre_efm", False): self.outfile_pre_efm = open(fname_out + ".prefm", "wb") if self.write_rf_tbc: self.ffmpeg_rftbc, self.outfile_rftbc = ldf_pipe(fname_out + ".tbc.ldf") self.do_rftbc = True if self.ac3: self.AC3Collector = StridedCollector(cut_begin=1024, cut_end=0) self.ac3_processes, self.outfile_ac3 = ac3_pipe(fname_out + ".ac3") self.do_rftbc = True self.pipe_rftbc = extra_options.get("pipe_RF_TBC", None) if self.pipe_rftbc: self.do_rftbc = True self.fname_out = fname_out self.firstfield = None # In frame output mode, the first field goes here self.system = system self.rf_opts = { 'inputfreq':inputfreq, 'system':system, 'decode_analog_audio':analog_audio, 'decode_digital_audio':digital_audio, 'has_analog_audio':self.has_analog_audio, 'extra_options':extra_options, 'blocklen': 32 * 1024, 'decoder_params_override': DecoderParamsOverride } self.rf = RFDecode(**self.rf_opts) if system == "PAL": self.FieldClass = FieldPAL self.readlen = self.rf.linelen * 400 self.clvfps = 25 else: # NTSC self.FieldClass = FieldNTSC self.readlen = ((self.rf.linelen * 350) // 16384) * 16384 self.clvfps = 30 self.blocksize = self.rf.blocklen self.output_lines = (self.rf.SysParams["frame_lines"] // 2) + 1 self.bytes_per_frame = int(self.rf.freq_hz / self.rf.SysParams["FPS"]) self.bytes_per_field = int(self.rf.freq_hz / (self.rf.SysParams["FPS"] * 2)) + 1 self.outwidth = self.rf.SysParams["outlinelen"] self.fdoffset = 0 self.mtf_level = 1 self.fieldstack = [None, None] self.doDOD = doDOD self.fieldinfo = [] self.leadIn = False self.leadOut = False self.isCLV = False self.frameNumber = None self.autoMTF = True self.useAGC = extra_options.get("useAGC", True) self.verboseVITS = False self.demodcache = DemodCache( self.rf, self.infile, self.freader, self.rf_opts, num_worker_threads=self.numthreads ) self.bw_ratios = [] self.decodethread = None self.threadreturn = {} def __del__(self): del self.demodcache def close(self): """ deletes all open files, so it's possible to pickle an LDDecode object """ if self.ffmpeg_rftbc is not None: try: self.ffmpeg_rftbc.kill() except Exception: pass # use setattr to force file closure by unlinking the objects for outfiles in [ "infile", "outfile_video", "outfile_audio", "outfile_json", "outfile_efm", "outfile_rftbc", "outfile_ac3", ]: setattr(self, outfiles, None) self.demodcache.end() if self.use_profiler: self.lpf.print_stats() def roughseek(self, location, isField=True): self.prevPhaseID = None self.fdoffset = location if isField: self.fdoffset *= self.bytes_per_field def checkMTF(self, field, pfield=None): oldmtf = self.mtf_level if not self.autoMTF: self.mtf_level = np.max(1 - (self.frameNumber / 10000), 0) else: if len(self.bw_ratios) == 0: return True # scale for NTSC - 1.1 to 1.55 self.mtf_level = np.clip((np.mean(self.bw_ratios) - 1.08) / 0.38, 0, 1) return np.abs(self.mtf_level - oldmtf) < 0.05 @profile def detectLevels(self, field): # Returns sync level, 0IRE, and 100IRE levels of a field # computed from HSYNC areas and VITS sync_hzs = [] ire0_hzs = [] ire100_hzs = [] for wl in field.rf.SysParams['LD_VITS_whitelocs'] + field.rf.SysParams['LD_VITS_code_slices']: # Code slice areas have a fourth value for percentile. ls = field.lineslice(*wl[:3]) cut =['video']['demod'][ls] freq = np.percentile(cut, 50 if len(wl) == 3 else wl[3]) freq_ire = field.rf.hztoire(freq, spec=True) if inrange(freq_ire, 95, 110): ire100_hzs.append(freq) for l in range(12, self.output_lines): lsa = field.lineslice(l, 0.25, 4) begin_ire0 = field.rf.SysParams["colorBurstUS"][1] end_ire0 = field.rf.SysParams["activeVideoUS"][0] lsb = field.lineslice(l, begin_ire0 + 0.25, end_ire0 - begin_ire0 - 0.5) # compute wow adjustment thislinelen = ( field.linelocs[l + field.lineoffset] - field.linelocs[l + field.lineoffset - 1] ) adj = field.rf.linelen / thislinelen if inrange(adj, 0.98, 1.02): sync_hzs.append(nb_median(["video"]["demod_05"][lsa]) / adj) ire0_hzs.append(nb_median(["video"]["demod_05"][lsb]) / adj) return np.median(sync_hzs), np.median(ire0_hzs), np.mean(ire100_hzs) def AC3filter(self, rftbc): self.AC3Collector.add(rftbc) blk = self.AC3Collector.get_block() while blk is not None: fftdata = np.fft.fft(blk) filtdata = np.fft.ifft(fftdata * self.rf.Filters['AC3']).real odata = self.AC3Collector.cut(filtdata) odata = np.clip(odata / 64, -100, 100) self.outfile_ac3.write(np.int8(odata)) blk = self.AC3Collector.get_block() def writeout(self, dataset): f, fi, picture, audio, efm = dataset if self.digital_audio is True: if self.outfile_pre_efm is not None: self.outfile_pre_efm.write(efm.tobytes()) efm_out = self.efm_pll.process(efm) self.outfile_efm.write(efm_out.tobytes()) fi["audioSamples"] = 0 if audio is None else int(len(audio) / 2) fi["efmTValues"] = len(efm_out) if self.digital_audio else 0 self.fieldinfo.append(fi) self.outfile_video.write(picture) self.fields_written += 1 if self.do_rftbc: rftbc = f.rf_tbc() if self.outfile_rftbc is not None: self.outfile_rftbc.write(rftbc) if self.outfile_ac3 is not None: self.AC3filter(rftbc) if self.pipe_rftbc is not None: self.pipe_rftbc.send(rftbc) if audio is not None and self.outfile_audio is not None: self.outfile_audio.write(audio) @profile def decodefield(self, start, mtf_level, prevfield=None, initphase=False, redo=False, rv=None): """ returns field object if valid, and the offset to the next decode """ if rv is None: rv = {} rv['field'] = None rv['offset'] = None readloc = int(start - self.rf.blockcut) if readloc < 0: readloc = 0 readloc_block = readloc // self.blocksize numblocks = (self.readlen // self.blocksize) + 2 rawdecode = readloc_block * self.blocksize, numblocks * self.blocksize, mtf_level, forceredo=redo ) if rawdecode is None: #"Failed to demodulate data") return None, None f = self.FieldClass( self.rf, rawdecode, prevfield=prevfield, initphase=initphase, fields_written=self.fields_written, readloc=rawdecode["startloc"], ) if self.use_profiler: if self.system == 'NTSC': self.lpf.add_function(f.refine_linelocs_burst) self.lpf.add_function(f.compute_burst_offsets) self.lpf.add_function(f.get_linelen) self.lpf.add_function(f.get_burstlevel) self.lpf.add_function(f.compute_line_bursts) lpf_wrapper = self.lpf(f.process) else: lpf_wrapper = f.process try: lpf_wrapper() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except Exception as e: raise e rv['field'] = f rv['offset'] = f.nextfieldoffset - (readloc - rawdecode["startloc"]) if not f.valid: #"Bad data - jumping one second") rv['offset'] = f.nextfieldoffset return rv['field'], rv['offset'] @profile def readfield(self, initphase=False): done = False adjusted = False redo = None df_args = None f = None offset = 0 if len(self.fieldstack) >= 2: # XXX: Need to cut off the previous field here, since otherwise # it'll leak for now. if self.fieldstack[-1]: self.fieldstack[-1].prevfield = None self.fieldstack.pop(-1) while done is False: if redo: # Drop existing thread self.decodethread = None f, offset = self.decodefield(redo, self.mtf_level, self.fieldstack[0], initphase, redo) # Only allow one redo, no matter what done = True redo = None else: if self.decodethread and self.decodethread.ident: self.decodethread.join() self.decodethread = None # In non-threaded mode self.threadreturn was filled earlier... # ... but if the first call, this is empty if len(self.threadreturn) > 0: f, offset = self.threadreturn['field'], self.threadreturn['offset'] # Start new thread self.threadreturn = {} if f and f.valid: prevfield = f toffset = self.fdoffset + offset else: prevfield = None toffset = self.fdoffset if offset: toffset += offset df_args = (toffset, self.mtf_level, prevfield, initphase, False, self.threadreturn) if self.numthreads != 0: self.decodethread = threading.Thread(target=self.decodefield, args=df_args) self.decodethread.start() else: self.decodefield(*df_args) # process previous run if f: self.fdoffset += offset elif offset is None: # Probable end, so push an empty field self.fieldstack.insert(0, None) if f and f.valid: # Downscaling is time consuming, but currently things are # blocking on the decode thread started above finishing picture, audio, efm = f.downscale( linesout=self.output_lines, final=True, audio=self.analog_audio, lastfieldwritten=self.lastFieldWritten, ) metrics = self.computeMetrics(f, None, verbose=True) if "blackToWhiteRFRatio" in metrics and adjusted is False: keep = 900 if self.isCLV else 30 self.bw_ratios.append(metrics["blackToWhiteRFRatio"]) self.bw_ratios = self.bw_ratios[-keep:] redo = f.needrerun or not self.checkMTF(f, self.fieldstack[0]) if redo: redo = self.fdoffset - offset # Perform AGC changes on first fields only to prevent luma mismatch intra-field if self.useAGC and f.isFirstField and f.sync_confidence > 80: sync_hz, ire0_hz, ire100_hz = self.detectLevels(f) actualwhiteIRE = f.rf.hztoire(ire100_hz) sync_ire_diff = nb_abs(self.rf.hztoire(sync_hz) - self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"]) whitediff = nb_abs(self.rf.hztoire(ire100_hz) - actualwhiteIRE) ire0_diff = nb_abs(self.rf.hztoire(ire0_hz)) acceptable_diff = 2 if self.fields_written else 0.5 if max((whitediff, ire0_diff, sync_ire_diff)) > acceptable_diff: hz_ire = (ire100_hz - ire0_hz) / 100 vsync_ire = (sync_hz - ire0_hz) / hz_ire if vsync_ire > -20: logger.warning( "At field #{0}, Auto-level detection malfunction (vsync IRE computed at {1}, nominal ~= -40), possible disk skipping".format( len(self.fieldinfo), np.round(vsync_ire, 2) )) else: redo = self.fdoffset - offset self.rf.DecoderParams["ire0"] = ire0_hz # Note that vsync_ire is a negative number, so (sync_hz - ire0_hz) is correct self.rf.DecoderParams["hz_ire"] = hz_ire self.rf.DecoderParams["vsync_ire"] = vsync_ire if adjusted is False and redo: adjusted = True self.fdoffset = redo else: done = True fieldlength = f.linelocs[self.output_lines] - f.linelocs[0] fieldlength /= f.inlinelen if ((f.sync_confidence < 50) and not inrange(fieldlength, self.output_lines - 2, self.output_lines + 2)): logger.warning("WARNING: Possible player skip detected - check output") self.fieldstack.insert(0, f) if f is None and offset is None: # EOF, probably return None if self.decodethread and not self.decodethread.ident and not redo: self.decodethread.start() if f is None or f.valid is False: return None if f is not None and self.fname_out is not None: # Only write a FirstField first if len(self.fieldinfo) == 0 and not f.isFirstField: return f # XXX: this routine currently performs a needed sanity check fi, needFiller = self.buildmetadata(f) self.lastvalidfield[f.isFirstField] = (f, fi, picture, audio, efm) if needFiller: if self.lastvalidfield[not f.isFirstField] is not None: self.writeout(self.lastvalidfield[not f.isFirstField]) self.writeout(self.lastvalidfield[f.isFirstField]) # If this is the first field to be written, don't write anything return f self.lastFieldWritten = (self.fields_written, f.readloc) self.writeout(self.lastvalidfield[f.isFirstField]) return f def decodeFrameNumber(self, f1, f2): """ decode frame #/information from Philips code data on both fields """ # CLV self.isCLV = False self.earlyCLV = False self.clvMinutes = None self.clvSeconds = None self.clvFrameNum = None def decodeBCD(bcd): """Read a BCD-encoded number. Raise ValueError if any of the digits aren't valid BCD.""" if bcd == 0: return 0 else: digit = bcd & 0xF if digit > 9: raise ValueError("Non-decimal BCD digit") return (10 * decodeBCD(bcd >> 4)) + digit leadoutCount = 0 for l in f1.linecode + f2.linecode: if l is None: continue if l == 0x80EEEE: # lead-out reached leadoutCount += 1 # Require two leadouts, since there may only be one field in the raw data w/it if leadoutCount == 2: self.leadOut = True elif l == 0x88FFFF: # lead-in self.leadIn = True elif (l & 0xF0DD00) == 0xF0DD00: # CLV minutes/hours try: self.clvMinutes = decodeBCD(l & 0xFF) + ( decodeBCD((l >> 16) & 0xF) * 60 ) self.isCLV = True except ValueError: pass elif (l & 0xF00000) == 0xF00000: # CAV frame # Ignore the top bit of the first digit, used for PSC try: rv = decodeBCD(l & 0x7FFFF) self.isCLV = False return rv except ValueError: pass elif (l & 0x80F000) == 0x80E000: # CLV picture # try: sec1s = decodeBCD((l >> 8) & 0xF) sec10s = ((l >> 16) & 0xF) - 0xA if sec10s < 0: raise ValueError("Digit 2 not in range A-F") self.clvFrameNum = decodeBCD(l & 0xFF) self.clvSeconds = sec1s + (10 * sec10s) self.isCLV = True except ValueError: pass if self.clvMinutes is not None: minute_seconds = self.clvMinutes * 60 if self.clvSeconds is not None: # newer CLV # XXX: does not auto-decrement for skip frames return ( (minute_seconds + self.clvSeconds) * self.clvfps ) + self.clvFrameNum else: self.earlyCLV = True return minute_seconds return None # seeking won't work w/minutes only def calcsnr(self, f, snrslice, psnr=False): # if dspicture isn't converted to float, this underflows at -40IRE data = f.output_to_ire(f.dspicture[snrslice].astype(float)) signal = np.mean(data) if not psnr else 100 noise = np.std(data) return 20 * np.log10(signal / noise) def calcpsnr(self, f, snrslice): return self.calcsnr(f, snrslice, psnr=True) def computeMetricsPAL(self, metrics, f, fp=None): if f.isFirstField: # compute IRE50 from field1 l13 # Unforunately this is too short to get a 50IRE RF level wl_slice = f.lineslice_tbc(13, 4.7 + 15.5, 3) metrics["greyPSNR"] = self.calcpsnr(f, wl_slice) metrics["greyIRE"] = nb_mean(f.output_to_ire(f.dspicture[wl_slice])) else: # There's a nice long burst at 50IRE block on field2 l13 b50slice = f.lineslice_tbc(13, 36, 20) metrics["palVITSBurst50Level"] = rms(f.dspicture[b50slice]) / f.out_scale return metrics def computeMetricsNTSC(self, metrics, f, fp=None): # check for a white flag - only on earlier discs, and only on first "frame" fields wf_slice = f.lineslice_tbc(11, 15, 40) if inrange(np.mean(f.output_to_ire(f.dspicture[wf_slice])), 92, 108): metrics["ntscWhiteFlagSNR"] = self.calcpsnr(f, wf_slice) # use line 19 to determine 0 and 70 IRE burst levels for MTF compensation later c = CombNTSC(f) level, phase, snr = c.calcLine19Info() if level is not None: metrics["ntscLine19ColorPhase"] = phase metrics["ntscLine19ColorRawSNR"] = snr ire50_slice = f.lineslice_tbc(19, 36, 10) metrics["greyPSNR"] = self.calcpsnr(f, ire50_slice) metrics["greyIRE"] = nb_mean(f.output_to_ire(f.dspicture[ire50_slice])) ire50_rawslice = f.lineslice(19, 36, 10) rawdata = f.rawdata[ ire50_rawslice.start - int(self.rf.delays["video_white"]) : ire50_rawslice.stop - int(self.rf.delays["video_white"]) ] metrics["greyRFLevel"] = np.std(rawdata) if not f.isFirstField and fp is not None: cp = CombNTSC(fp) level3d, phase3d, snr3d = c.calcLine19Info(cp) if level3d is not None: metrics["ntscLine19Burst70IRE"] = level3d metrics["ntscLine19Color3DRawSNR"] = snr3d sl_cburst = f.lineslice_tbc(19, 4.7 + 0.8, 2.4) diff = ( f.dspicture[sl_cburst].astype(float) - fp.dspicture[sl_cburst].astype(float) ) / 2 metrics["ntscLine19Burst0IRE"] = np.sqrt(2) * rms(diff) / f.out_scale return metrics def computeMetrics(self, f, fp=None, verbose=False): system = f.rf.system if self.verboseVITS: verbose = True metrics = {} if system == "NTSC": self.computeMetricsNTSC(metrics, f, fp) else: self.computeMetricsPAL(metrics, f, fp) # FIXME: these should probably be computed in the Field class f.whitesnr_slice = None for l in f.rf.SysParams["LD_VITS_whitelocs"]: wl_slice = f.lineslice_tbc(*l) #, np.mean(f.output_to_ire(f.dspicture[wl_slice]))) if inrange(np.mean(f.output_to_ire(f.dspicture[wl_slice])), 90, 110): f.whitesnr_slice = l metrics["wSNR"] = self.calcpsnr(f, wl_slice) metrics["whiteIRE"] = np.mean(f.output_to_ire(f.dspicture[wl_slice])) rawslice = f.lineslice(*l) rawdata = f.rawdata[ rawslice.start - int(self.rf.delays["video_white"]) : rawslice.stop - int(self.rf.delays["video_white"]) ] metrics["whiteRFLevel"] = np.std(rawdata) break bl_slice = f.lineslice(*f.rf.SysParams["blacksnr_slice"]) bl_slicetbc = f.lineslice_tbc(*f.rf.SysParams["blacksnr_slice"]) delay = int(f.rf.delays["video_sync"]) bl_sliceraw = slice(bl_slice.start - delay, bl_slice.stop - delay) metrics["blackLineRFLevel"] = np.std(f.rawdata[bl_sliceraw]) metrics["blackLinePreTBCIRE"] = f.rf.hztoire( np.mean(["video"]["demod"][bl_slice]) ) metrics["blackLinePostTBCIRE"] = f.output_to_ire( np.mean(f.dspicture[bl_slicetbc]) ) metrics["bPSNR"] = self.calcpsnr(f, bl_slicetbc) if "whiteRFLevel" in metrics: metrics["blackToWhiteRFRatio"] = ( metrics["blackLineRFLevel"] / metrics["whiteRFLevel"] ) outputkeys = metrics.keys() if verbose else ["wSNR", "bPSNR"] metrics_rounded = {} for k in outputkeys: if k not in metrics: continue if "Ratio" in k: digits = 4 elif "Burst" in k: digits = 3 else: digits = 1 rounded = roundfloat(metrics[k], places=digits) if np.isfinite(rounded): metrics_rounded[k] = rounded return metrics_rounded @profile def buildmetadata(self, f, check_phase=True): """ returns field information JSON and whether or not a backfill field is needed """ prevfi = self.fieldinfo[-1] if len(self.fieldinfo) else None fi = { "isFirstField": True if f.isFirstField else False, "syncConf": f.compute_syncconf(), "seqNo": len(self.fieldinfo) + 1, "diskLoc": np.round((f.readloc / self.bytes_per_field) * 10) / 10, "fileLoc": int(np.floor(f.readloc)), "medianBurstIRE": roundfloat(f.burstmedian), } if self.doDOD: dropout_lines, dropout_starts, dropout_ends = f.dropout_detect() if len(dropout_lines): fi["dropOuts"] = { "fieldLine": dropout_lines, "startx": dropout_starts, "endx": dropout_ends, } # This is a bitmap, not a counter decodeFaults = 0 fi["fieldPhaseID"] = f.fieldPhaseID if prevfi is not None: if check_phase and (not ( ( fi["fieldPhaseID"] == 1 and prevfi["fieldPhaseID"] == f.rf.SysParams["fieldPhases"] ) or (fi["fieldPhaseID"] == prevfi["fieldPhaseID"] + 1)) ): logger.warning( "At field #{0}, Field phaseID sequence mismatch ({1}->{2}) (player may be paused)".format( len(self.fieldinfo), prevfi["fieldPhaseID"], fi["fieldPhaseID"] ) ) decodeFaults |= 2 if prevfi["isFirstField"] == fi["isFirstField"]: #'WARNING! isFirstField stuck between fields') if inrange(fi["diskLoc"] - prevfi["diskLoc"], 0.95, 1.05): decodeFaults |= 1 fi["isFirstField"] = not prevfi["isFirstField"] fi["syncConf"] = 10 else: logger.error("Skipped field") decodeFaults |= 4 fi["syncConf"] = 0 return fi, True fi["decodeFaults"] = decodeFaults fi["vitsMetrics"] = self.computeMetrics(self.fieldstack[0], self.fieldstack[1]) fi["vbi"] = {"vbiData": [int(lc) for lc in f.linecode if lc is not None]} self.frameNumber = None if f.isFirstField: self.firstfield = f else: # use a stored first field, in case we start with a second field if self.firstfield is not None: # process VBI frame info data self.frameNumber = self.decodeFrameNumber(self.firstfield, f) rawloc = np.floor((f.readloc / self.bytes_per_field) / 2) disk_Type = "CLV" if self.isCLV else "CAV" disk_TimeCode = None disk_Frame = None special = None try: if self.isCLV and self.earlyCLV: # early CLV disk_TimeCode = f"{self.clvMinutes}:xx" # print("file frame %d early-CLV minute %d" % (rawloc, self.clvMinutes), file=sys.stderr) elif self.isCLV and self.frameNumber is not None and self.clvMinutes is not None: disk_TimeCode = "%d:%.2d.%.2d Frame #%d" % ( self.clvMinutes, self.clvSeconds, self.clvFrameNum, self.frameNumber, ) elif self.frameNumber: # print("file frame %d CAV frame %d" % (rawloc, self.frameNumber), file=sys.stderr) disk_Frame = f"{self.frameNumber}" elif self.leadIn: special = "Lead In" elif self.leadOut: special = "Lead Out" else: special = "Pulldown/Telecine Frame" if self.est_frames is not None: outstr = f"Frame {(self.fields_written//2)+1}/{int(self.est_frames)}: File Frame {int(rawloc)}: {disk_Type} " else: outstr = f"File Frame {int(rawloc)}: {disk_Type} " if self.isCLV and disk_TimeCode: outstr += f"Timecode {disk_TimeCode} " elif disk_Frame: outstr += f"Frame #{disk_Frame} " if special is not None: outstr += special self.logger.status(outstr) # Prepare JSON fields if self.verboseVITS: if self.frameNumber is not None: fi["cavFrameNr"] = int(self.frameNumber) if self.isCLV and self.clvMinutes is not None: fi["clvMinutes"] = int(self.clvMinutes) if self.isCLV and not self.earlyCLV: fi["clvSeconds"] = int(self.clvSeconds) fi["clvFrameNr"] = int(self.clvFrameNum) except Exception: logger.warning("file frame %d : VBI decoding error", rawloc) traceback.print_exc() return fi, False def seek_getframenr(self, startfield): """ Reads from file location startfield, returns first VBI frame # or None on failure and revised startfield """ """ Note that if startfield is not 0, and the read fails, it will automatically retry at file location 0 """ curfield = None prevfield = None self.roughseek(startfield) for fields in range(10): f, offset = self.decodefield(self.fdoffset, 0) if f is None: # If given an invalid starting location (i.e. seeking to a frame in an already cut raw file), # go back to the beginning and try again. if startfield != 0: startfield = 0 self.roughseek(startfield) else: return None, startfield elif not f.valid: self.fdoffset += offset else: prevfield = curfield curfield = f self.fdoffset += offset # Two fields are needed to be sure to have sufficient Philips code data # to determine frame #. if prevfield is not None and f.valid: fnum = self.decodeFrameNumber(prevfield, curfield) if self.earlyCLV: logger.error("Cannot seek in early CLV disks w/o timecode") return None, startfield elif fnum is not None: rawloc = np.floor((f.readloc / self.bytes_per_field) / 2)"seeking: file loc %d frame # %d", rawloc, fnum) return fnum, startfield, f.readloc return None, None, None def seek(self, startframe, target): """ Attempts to find frame target from file location startframe """"Beginning seek") if not sys.warnoptions: import warnings warnings.simplefilter("ignore") curfield = startframe * 2 for retries in range(3): fnr, curfield, readloc = self.seek_getframenr(curfield) if fnr is None: return None cur = int((readloc / self.bytes_per_field)) if fnr == target:"Finished seek") print("Finished seeking, starting at frame", fnr, file=sys.stderr) self.roughseek(cur) return cur curfield += ((target - fnr) * 2) - 1 return None def build_json(self): """ build up the JSON structure for file output. """ jout = {} jout["pcmAudioParameters"] = { "bits": 16, "isLittleEndian": True, "isSigned": True, "sampleRate": self.analog_audio, } vp = {} vp["numberOfSequentialFields"] = len(self.fieldinfo) vp["osInfo"] = f'{platform.system()}:{platform.release()}:{platform.version()}' # get the first valid field in the stack if any for f in self.fieldstack: if f: break if not f: return None vp["gitBranch"] = self.branch vp["gitCommit"] = self.commit vp["system"] = f.rf.system vp["fieldWidth"] = f.rf.SysParams["outlinelen"] vp["sampleRate"] = f.rf.SysParams["outfreq"] * 1000000 vp["black16bIre"] = float(f.hz_to_output(f.rf.iretohz(self.blackIRE))) vp["white16bIre"] = float(f.hz_to_output(f.rf.iretohz(100))) vp["fieldHeight"] = f.outlinecount # current burst adjustment as of 2/27/19, update when #158 is fixed! badj = -1.4 spu = f.rf.SysParams["outfreq"] vp["colourBurstStart"] = int(np.round( (f.rf.SysParams["colorBurstUS"][0] * spu) + badj )) vp["colourBurstEnd"] = int(np.round( (f.rf.SysParams["colorBurstUS"][1] * spu) + badj )) vp["activeVideoStart"] = int(np.round( (f.rf.SysParams["activeVideoUS"][0] * spu) + badj )) vp["activeVideoEnd"] = int(np.round( (f.rf.SysParams["activeVideoUS"][1] * spu) + badj )) jout["videoParameters"] = vp jout["fields"] = self.fieldinfo.copy() return jout