======================================================================= Harbour TODO list ======================================================================= Tasks for after v1.0 release: ----------------------------- Assign to: Ryszard Detail...: SQLRDD. Status...: Working on it. *** Assign to: Przemek Detail...: Define multi platform platform API for GTs which can mix graphics objects with standard text output. Now it's possible in GTXWC, GTWVT and GTALLEG. This I will discuss yet also with Harbour developers. Status...: Open. *** Assign to: Detail...: Add support for remotely controlled GUI objects so we will be able to create GUI programs with GTNET. Status...: Open. *** Assign to: Detail...: Add NETRDD - meta RDD which will allow transport layer between client application and server application with any other chosen RDD driver. Idea similar to GTNET but for RDD drivers - it's something like ADS does. Status...: Open. *** Assign to: Przemek Detail...: Extended HB_IT_POINTER. In practice we can give them the same functionality as for objects and use them for fast creation objects at C level. We can also add HB_VALTYPE() function which will return the extended type name, f.e. "WINDOW", "FONT", "SOCKET" or anything what 3rd party programmers may want to use. It will greatly simplify writing some libraries. Status...: Open. *** Assign to: Jean-Francois Lefebvre (JFL) Detail...: The following need to be added to the OO system: Class Method, Multiple Constructor, Class init Support. Status...: Open. *** Assign to: Ryszard Detail...: Static/gradual ("strong") typing in the compiler. Status...: Open. *** ======================================================================= Harbour FIXME list ======================================================================= Assign to: Przemek Detail...: Clean RDD code to be safe for return from RT errors Status...: Open. *** =======================================================================