#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu # This script is used to download latest harmony node release # And run the binary. Many codes are copied from prysm.sh (eth2 client). # Downloaded binaries is saved in staging/ directory # Use HARMONY_RELEASE to specify a specific release version # Example: HARMONY_RELEASE=v3.0.0 ./node.sh harmony HARMONY_SIGNING_KEY=539910B02B5BAC637F6615C9799ACE3A9B83DF60 DOWNLOAD_URL=https://github.com/harmony-one/harmony/releases/download HARMONY_PUB_KEY=https://harmony.one/releases/pgp_keys.asc version="v3 20201206.0" unset -f progname color usage print_usage get_version do_verify do_download progname="${0##*/}" color() { # Usage: color "31;5" "string" # Some valid values for color: # - 5 blink, 1 strong, 4 underlined # - fg: 31 red, 32 green, 33 yellow, 34 blue, 35 purple, 36 cyan, 37 white # - bg: 40 black, 41 red, 44 blue, 45 purple printf '\033[%sm%s\033[0m\n' "$@" } # return the harmony release version get_version() { if [[ -n ${HARMONY_RELEASE:-} ]]; then readonly reason="specified in \$HARMONY_RELEASE" readonly harmony_rel="${HARMONY_RELEASE}" else # Find the latest Harmony release available for download. readonly reason="automatically selected latest available release" harmony_rel=$(curl -f -s https://harmony.one/releases/latest) || (color "31" "Get latest version failed. You may manually download the binaries from Github release page. https://github.com/harmony-one/harmony/releases/" && exit 1) readonly harmony_rel fi } ######## main ######### print_usage() { cat <<- ENDEND usage: ${progname} [OPTIONS] PROCESS [ARGS] PROCESS can be: validator/harmony, btcrelay, ethrelay OPTIONS: -h print this help and exit -d download only (default: off) -v print out the version of the node.sh -V print out the version of the Harmony binary ARGS will be passed to the PROCESS. Ex: ${progname} -d validator ${progname} validator --help ${progname} validator --run explorer --run.shard=0 ENDEND } usage() { color "31" "$@" print_usage >&2 exit 64 # EX_USAGE } failed_verification() { MSG=$( cat <<-END Failed to verify Harmony binary. Please erase downloads in the staging directory and run this script again. Alternatively, you can use a A prior version by specifying environment variable HARMONY_RELEASE with the specific version, as desired. Example: HARMONY_RELEASE=v2.4.0 If you must wish to continue running an unverified binary, specific the environment variable HARMONY_UNVERIFIED=1 END ) color "31" "$MSG" exit 1 } do_verify() { local file=$1 local binary="${file}-${arch}" skip=${HARMONY_UNVERIFIED-0} if [[ $skip == 1 ]]; then return 0 fi checkSum="shasum -a 256" hash shasum 2>/dev/null || { checkSum="sha256sum" hash sha256sum 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "SHA checksum utility not available. Either install one (shasum or sha256sum) or run with HARMONY_UNVERIFIED=1." exit 1 } } hash gpg 2>/dev/null || { echo >&2 "gpg is not available. Either install it or run with HARMONY_UNVERIFIED=1." exit 1 } color "32" "Verifying binary integrity." gpg --list-keys $HARMONY_SIGNING_KEY >/dev/null 2>&1 || curl --silent -L $HARMONY_PUB_KEY | gpg --import ( cd "$wrapper_dir" $checkSum -c "${binary}.sha256" || failed_verification ) ( cd "$wrapper_dir" gpg -u $HARMONY_SIGNING_KEY --verify "${binary}.sig" "$binary" || failed_verification ) color "32;1" "Verified ${binary} has been signed by Harmony." } do_download() { local file=$1 local binary="${file}-${arch}" if [[ ! -x "${wrapper_dir}/${binary}" ]]; then color "32" "Downloading ${binary} (${reason})" curl -L "${DOWNLOAD_URL}/${harmony_rel}/${binary}" -o "${wrapper_dir}/${binary}" curl --silent -L "${DOWNLOAD_URL}/${harmony_rel}/${binary}.sha256" -o "${wrapper_dir}/${binary}.sha256" curl --silent -L "${DOWNLOAD_URL}/${harmony_rel}/${binary}.sig" -o "${wrapper_dir}/${binary}.sig" chmod +x "${wrapper_dir}/${binary}" else color "37" "${binary} is up to date." fi cp -f "${wrapper_dir}/${binary}" "$file" } unset OPTIND OPTARG opt download_only OPTIND=1 download_only=false while getopts ":hdvV" opt do case "${opt}" in '?') usage "unrecognized option -${OPTARG}";; ':') usage "missing argument for -${OPTARG}";; h) print_usage; exit 0;; d) download_only=true;; v) color "32" "$progname version: $version" exit 0 ;; V) INSTALLED_VERSION=$(./harmony version 2>&1) RUNNING_VERSION=$(curl -s --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "hmyv2_getNodeMetadata", "params": [], "id": 1}' | grep -Eo '"version":"[^"]*"' | cut -c11- | tr -d \") echo "Binary Version: $INSTALLED_VERSION" echo "Running Version: $RUNNING_VERSION" exit 0 ;; *) color "31" "unhandled option -${OPTARG}";; # EX_SOFTWARE esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then usage "Missing PROCESS parameter" fi get_version color "37" "Latest Harmony release is: $harmony_rel." readonly wrapper_dir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")/staging/${harmony_rel}" VALIDATOR="harmony" BTCRELAY="hmy-btcrelay" ETHRELAY="hmy-ethrelay" mkdir -p "${wrapper_dir}" arch=$(uname -m) arch=${arch/x86_64/amd64} arch=${arch/aarch64/arm64} case "$1" in validator|harmony) readonly process=${VALIDATOR} ;; btcrelay) readonly process=${BTCRELAY} ;; ethrelay) readonly process=${ETHRELAY} ;; *) usage "Process $1 is not found" ;; esac do_download "${process}" do_verify "${process}" if ${download_only}; then color "37" "Only download operation is requested, done." exit 0 fi color "36" "Starting harmony $1 ${*:2}" exec -a "$0 ${process}" "./${process}" "${@:2}" # vim: set expandtab:ts=3