#' Moving and Hiding Table of Contents #' #' Moving and hiding table of contents for Rmd HTML documents #' #' \code{hidingTOC} creates a table of contents in a Rmd document that #' can be hidden at the press of a button. It also generate buttons that allow #' the hiding or unhiding of the diffrent level depths of the table of contents. #' #' @param buttonLabel the text on the button that hides and unhides the #' table of contents. Defaults to \code{Contents}. #' @param levels the max depth of the table of contents that it is desired to #' have control over the display of. (defaults to 3) #' @param posCollapse if \code{'margin'} then display the depth select buttons #' vertically along the side of the page choosen by \code{buttonSide}. If #' \code{'top'} then display the depth select buttons horizontally under the #' button that hides the TOC. Defaults to \code{'margin'}. \code{'bottom'} is #' currently unimplemented. #' @param tocSide which side of the page should the table of contents be placed #' on. Can be either \code{'right'} or \code{'left'}. Defaults to #' \code{'right'} #' @param buttonSide which side of the page should the button that hides the TOC #' be placed on. Can be either \code{'right'} or \code{'left'}. Defaults to #' \code{'right'} #' @param hidden Logical should the table of contents be hidden at page load #' Defaults to \code{FALSE} #' #' @return a HTML formated text string to be inserted into an markdown document #' @author Thomas Dupont #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' hidingTOC() #' } #' @export hidingTOC <- function(buttonLabel="Contents", levels=3, tocSide=c('right','left'), buttonSide=c('right','left'), posCollapse=c('margin','top','bottom'), hidden=FALSE) { ## Make javascript functions that controll the hiding and unhiding of ## different levels of the TOC ## This is done by switching on elements with id equal to TOC or class equal ## tocify-subheader and with attribute data-tag values less then or equal to ## the requested level and by switching off elements with attribute data-tag ## values greater then the requested level. makeLevelExpandFun <- function(level, maxLevels) { ## Sanity check to make sure that level is never greater then maxLevels if (level > maxLevels) stop("level value ", level, " is greater then maxLevels value ", maxLevels) ## There are 2 special cases. return(if (level == 1L) { ## Where the reqested level equals 1. Unhide the element with id ## equal to TOC and hide the elements with class equal to ## tocify-subheader. 'function expandLevel1(){$("#TOC").toggle(true);$(".tocify-subheader").toggle(false)}' } else if (level == maxLevels) { ## Where the requested level is equal to maxLevels then just unhide ## all elements with id equal to TOC or class equal to ## tocify-subheader. paste0('function expandLevel', level, '(){$("#TOC,.tocify-subheader").toggle(true)}') } else { ## General case level greater then 1 and less then maxLevels. Unhide ## the elements with id equal to TOC or class equal to ## tocify-subheader with attribute data-tag values less then or ## equal to the requested level. Then hide elements with class ## tocify-subheader with attribute data-tag values greater then the ## requested level but less then or equal to maxLevels. paste0("function expandLevel", level, '(){$("#TOC,', paste0('.tocify-subheader[data-tag=',seq.int(2L, level),']', collapse=','), '").toggle(true);$("', paste0('.tocify-subheader[data-tag=',seq.int(level+1L, maxLevels),']', collapse=','), '").toggle(false)}') }) } ## basic HTML skeleton to inwhich to place various values skeleton <- '
' buttonSide <- match.arg(buttonSide) tocSide <- match.arg(tocSide) posCollapse <- match.arg(posCollapse) if(posCollapse == 'bottom') { stop("arguement posCollapse = bottom is not supported yet") } if(tocSide != buttonSide) stop("non-symmetric values for tocSide and buttonSide are not supported") if(!missing(hidden) && (length(hidden) == 0L || (!is.logical(hidden) && !is.numeric(hidden)))) stop("hidden must be of logical type") levelSequence <- seq_len(levels) ## CSS text cssText <- paste0(".toc-level-select-group{clear:both}#TOC{position:fixed;top:0;", tocSide, ':0;margin:', switch(posCollapse, margin = '23px ', top = '44px '), switch(posCollapse, margin = '20px ', top = '0px '), '20px ', switch(posCollapse, margin = '20px', top = '0px'), ';z-index:9', if(hidden) ";display:none", '}#toc-controls{position:fixed;top:0;', buttonSide, ':0;margin:0px}.col-md-3{width: 0%}.col-md-9{width: 100%}', 'div.container-fluid.main-container{max-width:none;margin-left:0px;margin-right:none}') ## Generate the javascript text needed for the TOC level display buttons' ## functions. scriptText <- paste0(vapply(levelSequence, makeLevelExpandFun, "", maxLevels=levels), collapse="") ## Which side the buttons should be pulled to. pullClass <- if(buttonSide == "right") { "pull-right" } else { "pull-left" } ## Generate the hiding button HTML text. buttonText <- paste0('') ## Generate the level buttons' HTML text. levelButtonText <- paste0('
', paste0('', collapse=switch(posCollapse, margin = "
", top="", stop("Unknown value for posCollapse ", posCollapse))), "
") return(sprintf(skeleton, cssText, scriptText, buttonText, levelButtonText)) }