latexTherm <- function(y, name, w=.075, h=.15, spacefactor=1/2, extra=.07, file='', append=TRUE) { ct <- function(..., append=TRUE) cat(..., file=file, append=append, sep='') ct('\\def\\', name, '{\n', append=append) tab <- attr(y, 'table') if(length(tab)) { ct('\\protect\\tooltipn{\n') } ct('\\setlength{\\unitlength}{.001in}\n') k <- length(y) W <- k * w + (k-1) * spacefactor * w z <- function(a) round(a * 1000) ct('\\begin{picture}(', z(W + extra), ',', z(h + extra), ')\n') x <- 0 for(i in 1 : k) { b <- y[i] if(! { if(b < 1) { # Draw frame if not completely filled ct('\\linethickness{.05pt}\n') ct('\\put(', z(x), ', 0){\\line(1, 0){', z(w), '}}\n') ct('\\put(', z(x + w), ', 0){\\line(0, 1){', z(h), '}}\n') ct('\\put(', z(x + w), ',', z(h), '){\\line(-1, 0){', z(w), '}}\n') ct('\\put(', z(x), ',', z(h), '){\\line(0, -1){', z(h), '}}\n') } if(b > 0) { ct('\\linethickness{', w, 'in}\n') ct('\\put(', z(x + w / 2), ', 0){\\line(0,1){', z(h * b), '}}\n') } } x <- x + w + spacefactor * w } ct('\\end{picture}', if(length(tab)) '}{\n', tab, if(length(tab)) '}', '}\n') } latexNeedle <- function(y, x=NULL, col='black', href=0.5, name, w=.05, h=.15, extra=0, file='', append=TRUE) { ct <- function(..., append=TRUE) cat(..., file=file, append=append, sep='') ct('\\def\\', name, '{%\n', append=append) tab <- attr(y, 'table') if(length(tab)) { ct('\\protect\\tooltipn{%\n') } ct('\\setlength{\\unitlength}{.001in}%\n') k <- length(y) col <- rep(col, length.out=k) W <- max(k, 2) * w z <- function(a) round(a * 1000) ct('\\begin{picture}(', z(W + extra), ',', z(h), ')%\n') ## Draw grayscale frame ct('\\linethickness{.05pt}\\color[gray]{0.85}%\n') ct('\\put(0,0){\\line(1,0){', z(W), '}}%\n') # ct('\\put(', z(W), ',0){\\line(0,1){', z(h), '}}%\n') ct('\\put(', z(W), ',', z(h), '){\\line(-1,0){', z(W), '}}%\n') # ct('\\put(0,', z(h), '){\\line(0,-1){', z(h), '}}%\n') ## Draw horizontal reference lines if(length(href)) for(hr in href) ct('\\put(0,', z(h * hr), '){\\line(1,0){', z(W), '}}%\n') ## Draw vertical needles ## If x is given, scale to w / 2 to k * w / 2 x <- if(length(x)) { r <- range(x) w / 2 + (k - 1) * w / 2 * (x - r[1]) / diff(r) } else seq(w / 2, k * w / 2, length.out=k) ct('\\linethickness{1.55pt}%\n') for(i in 1 : k) { b <- y[i] if(! { co <- paste(round(col2rgb(col[i]) / 255, 3), collapse=',') ct('\\color[rgb]{', co, '}') ct('\\put(', z(x[i]), ',0){\\line(0,1){', z(h * b), '}}%\n') } } ct('\\end{picture}', if(length(tab)) '}{%\n', tab, if(length(tab)) '}', '}%\n') } pngNeedle <- function(y, x=NULL, col='black', href=0.5, lwd=3.5, w=6, h=18, file=tempfile(fileext='.png')) { k <- length(y) col <- rep(col, length.out=k) png(file, width=1 + k * w, height=h) par(mar=rep(0,4)) par(usr=c(0, 1, 0, 1)) if(length(href)) { href <- c(0, href, 1) abline(h=href, col=gray(0.8)) } ## If x is given, scale to [0.025, 0.975] x <- if(length(x)) { r <- range(x) 0.025 + 0.95 * (x - r[1]) / diff(r) } else seq(0.025, 0.975, length.out=k) for(i in 1 : k) lines(c(x[i], x[i]), c(0, y[i]), col=col[i], lwd=lwd) invisible(file) }