import os, random, subprocess import subprocess import time import sys import string # checking if the user has passed the -n command # if the -n command is passed then no need to retreive the previous song played information try: if(sys.argv[1] == "-n"): old = False else: old = True except IndexError: old = True # function to write the song played to the txt file def writeSong(songName): with open("played.txt" , "a") as fil: fil.write("\n{}".format(songName)) # function to reset the txt file def writeSongBlank(): with open("played.txt" , "w") as fil: fil.write("") # function to retrive the song name from the txt file def readSongList(): with open("played.txt" , "r") as fil: dataList = fil.readlines() return dataList """your folder name / folder path here""" folderName = "English" # list containig the lower case and space allowed = list(string.ascii_lowercase) allowed.append(" ") # renaming the files to eliminate any special chars from them for count, filename in enumerate(os.listdir(folderName)): filename1 = filename.lower()[:-4] dst = "" for i in filename1: if(i in allowed): dst = dst + i src = folderName + "/" + filename dst = folderName + "/" + dst + filename[-4:] os.rename(src, dst) # list containing the already played songs played = [] # if old songs need to be played if(old): # read the songs from txt file dataList = readSongList() newDatalist = [] # remove "\n" from the elements in list for i in dataList: i = i[:-1] if(i != ""): newDatalist.append(i) played.extend(newDatalist) # function to get the video length def get_length(filename): result =["ffprobe", "-v", "error", "-show_entries", "format=duration", "-of", "default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1", filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return float(result.stdout) # list containing the song names myList = os.listdir("/winSddOne/0Share/music/{}".format(folderName)) # remove the song which is already played from the song list for i in myList: if(i in played): myList.remove(i) # function to play a random song def playRandomSong(): global myList # if old music is remembered if(old): if(len(myList) > 0): randomfile = random.choice(myList) else: # if the music list is empty means the all songs as alredy been played writeSongBlank() # so re creating the list myList = random.choice(os.listdir("/winSddOne/0Share/music/{}".format(folderName))) else: randomfile = random.choice(myList) file = """/winSddOne/0Share/music/{}/{}""".format(folderName , randomfile) try: # re conforming the song as not already been played if(randomfile not in played): print("\nplaying {}".format(randomfile)) played.append(randomfile) # writing the song for record if(old): writeSong(str(file)) # playing it os.system("xdg-open '{}'".format(file)) # wait until the song it completed try: time.sleep(get_length(file)) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception as e: print("\nExpection while playing {} = {}".format(file , str(e))) n = int(input("Enter the number of songs to play : ")) for i in range(n): playRandomSong()