require 'json' require 'uri' module ArchiveAPI def get_raw_list_from_api url, page_index, http request_url = URI("") params = [["output", "json"], ["url", url]] params += parameters_for_api page_index request_url.query = URI.encode_www_form(params) begin json = JSON.parse(http.get(URI(request_url)).body) if (json[0] <=> ["timestamp","original"]) == 0 json.shift end json rescue JSON::ParserError [] end end def parameters_for_api page_index parameters = [["fl", "timestamp,original"], ["collapse", "digest"], ["gzip", "false"]] if !@all parameters.push(["filter", "statuscode:200"]) end if @from_timestamp and @from_timestamp != 0 parameters.push(["from", @from_timestamp.to_s]) end if @to_timestamp and @to_timestamp != 0 parameters.push(["to", @to_timestamp.to_s]) end if page_index parameters.push(["page", page_index]) end parameters end end