--- layout: "docs" page_title: "Server Configuration" sidebar_current: "docs-config" description: |- Vault server configuration reference. --- # Server Configuration Outside of development mode, Vault servers are configured using a file. The format of this file is [HCL](https://github.com/hashicorp/hcl) or JSON. An example configuration is shown below: ```javascript backend "consul" { address = "demo.consul.io:80" path = "vault" } listener "tcp" { address = "" tls_disable = 1 } ``` After the configuration is written, use the `-config` flag with `vault server` to specify where the configuration is. ## Reference * `backend` (required) - Configures the physical backend where Vault data is stored. There are multiple options available for physical backends, and they're documented below. * `listener` (required) - Configures how Vault is listening for API requests. "tcp" is currently the only option available. A full reference for the inner syntax is below. * `disable_mlock` (optional) - A boolean. If true, this will disable the server from executing the `mlock` syscall to prevent memory from being swapped to disk. This is not recommended. * `statsite_addr` (optional) - An address to a [Statsite](https://github.com/armon/statsite) instances for metrics. This is highly recommended for production usage. * `statsd_addr` (optional) - This is the same as `statsite_addr` but for StatsD. ## Backend Reference For the `backend` section, the supported backends are shown below. Vault requires that the backend itself will be responsible for backups, durability, etc. * `consul` - Store data within [Consul](http://www.consul.io). This backend supports HA. It is the most recommended backend for Vault and has been shown to work at high scale under heavy load. * `inmem` - Store data in-memory. This is only really useful for development and experimentation. Data is lost whenever Vault is restarted. * `file` - Store data on the filesystem using a directory structure. This backend does not support HA. #### Common Backend Options All backends support the following options: * `advertise_addr` (optional) - For backends that support HA, this is the address to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for request forwarding. If this isn't specified, it'll default to the first private address on the machine running Vault. #### Backend Reference: Consul For Consul, the following options are supported: * `path` (optional) - The path within Consul where data will be stored. Defaults to "vault/". * `address` (optional) - The address of the Consul agent to talk to. Defaults to the local agent address, if available. * `scheme` (optional) - "http" or "https" for talking to Consul. * `datacenter` (optional) - The datacenter within Consul to write to. This defaults to the local datacenter. * `token` (optional) - An access token to use to write data to Consul. #### Backend Reference: Inmem The in-memory backend has no configuration options. #### Backend Reference: File The file backend has the following options: * `path` (required) - The path on disk to a directory where the data will be stored. ## Listener Reference For the `listener` section, the only supported listener currently is "tcp". Regardless of future plans, this is the recommended listener, since it allows for HA mode. The supported options are: * `address` (optional) - The address to bind to for listening. This defaults to "". * `tls_disable` (optional) - If non-empty, then TLS will be disabled. This is an opt-in; Vault assumes by default that TLS will be used. * `tls_cert_file` (required unless disabled) - The path to the certificate for TLS. * `tls_key_file` (required unless disabled) - The path to the private key for the certificate.