# Copyright (c) HashiCorp, Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0 global: # Image pull secret to use for registry authentication. # Alternatively, the value may be specified as an array of strings. imagePullSecret: "" # imagePullSecrets: # - name: image-pull-secret server: # If not set to true, Waypoint server will not be installed. enabled: true # The image to use for the installation. image: repository: "docker.io/hashicorp/waypoint" tag: "0.11.4" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # tag: "latest" # pullPolicy: Always # Arguments to pass to the `waypoint server run` command. Will overwrite default options. runArgs: ["-vv"] certs: # The name of the Kubernetes secret of type "kubernetes.io/tls" that # contains the TLS certificate and key to use for the server API. # If this is not set, then a self-signed certificate will be generated # and used per instance. secretName: null # certName and keyName are the names of the files within the secret for # the TLS cert and private key, respectively. These have reasonable # defaults but can be customized if necessary. certName: tls.crt keyName: tls.key # This configures the Waypoint Statefulset to create a PVC for data storage. storage: # Size of the PVC created size: 10Gi # Name of the storage class to use. If null it will use the # configured default Storage Class. storageClass: null # Annotations to apply to the PVC annotations: {} # Optionally specify extra list of additional volumes for server pods extraVolumes: [] # Optionally specify extra list of additional volumeMounts for server container(s) extraVolumeMounts: [] resources: requests: memory: 256Mi cpu: 250m # limits: # memory: 256Mi # cpu: 250m # Priority class for server pods priorityClassName: "" # Extra labels to attach to the server pods # This should be a YAML map of the labels to apply to the server pods extraLabels: {} # Extra annotations to attach to the server pods # This can either be YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string map # of the annotations to apply to the server pods annotations: {} # nodeSelector labels for server pod assignment # This should be formatted as a multi-line string. # Example: # ```yaml # nodeSelector: | # beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64 # ``` nodeSelector: null # Definition of the serviceAccount used to run Waypoint. serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: true # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" # Extra annotations for the serviceAccount definition. This can either be # YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string map of the # annotations to apply to the serviceAccount. annotations: {} # Settings for the statefulSet used to run Waypoint. statefulSet: # Extra annotations for the statefulSet. This can either be YAML or a # YAML-formatted multi-line templated string map of the annotations to apply # to the statefulSet. annotations: {} # Configures the headless service to be used by the statefulset. service: # Extra annotations for the service definition. This can either be YAML or a # YAML-formatted multi-line templated string map of the annotations to apply # to the service. annotations: {} runner: # If not set to true, the Waypoint runner will not be installed. At least # one static runner must exist in a Waypoint cluster for on-demand runners # to work properly. If this is false, on-demand runners will also not # be configured for this cluster. enabled: true # Unique ID for the runner. If this is not specified, Waypoint will generate a # unique ID automatically. id: "" # The number of runners to run. This normally only has to be 1 or 2 since # the way Waypoint works is by using runners to launch on-demand runners. # Therefore, this usually isn't a bottleneck to scalability. replicas: 1 # The image to use for the installation. image: repository: "docker.io/hashicorp/waypoint" tag: "0.11.4" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # tag: "latest" # pullPolicy: Always # Arguments to pass to the `waypoint runner agent` command. Will overwrite default options. agentArgs: ["-vv"] # Address to talk to the server with. If this is not specified, this will # default to the server installed with this Helm chart release. If you're # installing additional runners, you must specify this since additional runners # are installed using Helm releases. server: addr: "" tls: true tlsSkipVerify: true # Cookie must be specified for runner adoption. The cookie can be retrieved # using the `waypoint server cookie` CLI command or the API. cookie: "" # A secret to read the auth token from. This is optional. If this isn't # set, runner adoption will be used. This only applies for runner-only # installs. For server installs, the bootstrap token is used. tokenSecret: "" # This configures the Statefulset to create a PVC for data storage for the # runner. Runners do not require much data storage. storage: # Size of the PVC created size: 1Gi # Name of the storage class to use. If null it will use the # configured default Storage Class. storageClass: null odr: # The image to use for the on-demand runner. image: repository: "docker.io/hashicorp/waypoint-odr" tag: "0.11.4" pullPolicy: IfNotPresent # tag: "latest" # pullPolicy: Always # List of namespaces that waypoint can access and deploy into. # By default, the Waypoint on-demand runner will create a rolebinding granting the # edit clusterrole in the namespace the chart is installed into. # If any managedNamespaces are specified, rolebindings will be created to # grant permissions in those namespaces instead. # If Waypoint should be able to generate deployments in it's own namespace and # additional other namespaces, Waypoint's own namespace must also be appended to # this set. managedNamespaces: [] # Definition of the serviceAccount used to by Waypoint on-demand runners. # On-demand runners execute the kubernetes plugin, so they need permission to # and destroy deployments, services, etc. serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: true # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" # Extra annotations for the serviceAccount definition. This can either be # YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string map of the # annotations to apply to the serviceAccount. annotations: {} resources: requests: memory: 256Mi cpu: 250m # limits: # memory: 256Mi # cpu: 250m # Priority class for runner pods priorityClassName: "" # Extra labels to attach to the runner pods # This should be a YAML map of the labels to apply to the runner pods extraLabels: {} # Extra annotations to attach to the runner pods # This can either be YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string map # of the annotations to apply to the runner pods annotations: {} # nodeSelector labels for runner pod assignment # This should be formatted as a multi-line string. # Example: # ```yaml # nodeSelector: | # beta.kubernetes.io/arch: amd64 # ``` nodeSelector: null # Definition of the serviceAccount used to by Waypoint static runner. # If using on-demand runners (enabled by default), this primarily # needs permissions to run tasks. serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: true # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" # Extra annotations for the serviceAccount definition. This can either be # YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string map of the # annotations to apply to the serviceAccount. annotations: {} # Settings for the deployment used to run Waypoint static runners. deployment: # Extra annotations for the deployment. This can either be YAML or a # YAML-formatted multi-line templated string map of the annotations to apply # to the deployment. annotations: {} # Values that configure the Waypoint UI. ui: # Configure the service for the Waypoint UI. service: # This will enable/disable registering a Kubernetes Service for the UI. enabled: true # The service type to register. # @type: string type: LoadBalancer # Annotations to apply to the UI service. # # Example: # # ```yaml # annotations: | # 'annotation-key': annotation-value # ``` # @type: string annotations: null # Additional ServiceSpec values # This should be a multi-line string mapping directly to a Kubernetes # ServiceSpec object. # @type: string additionalSpec: null # Ingress allows ingress services to be created to allow external access # to the Waypoint server. This is disabled by default and requires some # configuration. ingress: # Set this to true to enable the ingress. Please set some additional # config below as noted. enabled: false # Hosts is the set of hosts that should be routed to this ingress. hosts: - host: chart-example.local paths: [] labels: {} # traffic: external annotations: {} # | # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" # or # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true" ## Extra paths to prepend to the host configuration. This is useful when working with annotation based services. extraPaths: [] # - path: /* # backend: # serviceName: ssl-redirect # servicePort: use-annotation # TLS certs to use for termination. This will default to the manually # specified TLS certs for the server if set. Otherwise, this will set # no certs and only insecure HTTP will be supported (not recommended) tls: [] # - secretName: chart-example-tls # hosts: # - chart-example.local bootstrap: # Definition of the serviceAccount used to bootstrap Waypoint. serviceAccount: # Specifies whether a service account should be created create: true # The name of the service account to use. # If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template name: "" # Extra annotations for the serviceAccount definition. This can either be # YAML or a YAML-formatted multi-line templated string map of the # annotations to apply to the serviceAccount. annotations: {}