const { run, build } = Deno; //WSL is not supported //because "platform" in WSL returns just `{ arch: "x64", os: "linux" }` //and there is no `os.release()`. const isWsl = false; export interface OpnOptions { /** * Specify the app to open the `target` with, * or an array with the app and app arguments. */ app?: string[]; /** * Wait for the opened app to exit before fulfilling the promise. * If `false` it's fulfilled immediately when opening the app. */ wait?: boolean; } /** * Returns a promise for the child process. * @param target The thing you want to open. Can be a URL, file, or executable. * @param opnOptions */ export async function opn(target: string, opts?: OpnOptions) { const optsWithDefault: OpnOptions = Object.assign( { wait: true, app: [] }, opts, ); let cmd: string; let args = []; const wait = optsWithDefault.wait; const appArgs = || []; const openApp: string | undefined = ?[0] : undefined; if (build.os === "darwin") { cmd = "open"; if (wait) { args.push("-W"); } if (openApp) { args.push("-a", openApp); } } else if (build.os === "windows" || isWsl) { cmd = "cmd" + (isWsl ? ".exe" : ""); args.push("/c", "start", "/b"); target = target.replace(/&/g, "^&"); if (wait) { args.push("/wait"); } if (openApp) { args.push(openApp); } if (appArgs.length > 0) { args = args.concat(appArgs); } } else { //Linux if (openApp) { cmd = openApp; } else { cmd = "gio"; args.push("open"); } if (appArgs.length > 0) { args = args.concat(appArgs); } } args.push(target); if (build.os === "darwin" && appArgs.length > 0) { args.push("--args"); args = args.concat(appArgs); } const process = run({ cmd: [cmd, ...args], stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit", }); if (wait) { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let status = await process.status(); if (status.success) { resolve(process); } else { reject(new Error("Exited with code " + status.code)); } }); } return Promise.resolve(process); }