module Releases2015 where import PlatformDB import Types releases2015 :: [Release] releases2015 = [hp_7_10_2, hp_7_10_2_a, hp_7_10_3] hp_7_10_2 :: Release hp_7_10_2 = release "7.10.2" [ incGHC "7.10.2" , incGHCLib "Cabal" "" , incGHCLib "array" "" , incGHCLib "base" "" , incGHCLib "bytestring" "" , incGHCLib "containers" "" , incGHCLib "deepseq" "" , incGHCLib "directory" "" , incGHCLib "filepath" "" , incGHCLib "hpc" "" , incGHCLib "pretty" "" , incGHCLib "process" "" , incGHCLib "template-haskell" "" , incGHCLib "time" "" , incGHCLib "transformers" "" , incGHCLib "xhtml" "3000.2.1" {- These packages are in the GHC distribution, and hence bundeled with the Platform. However, they are not officially part of the Platform, and as such, do not carry the same stability guaruntees. , incGHCLib "bin-package-db" "" , incGHCLib "binary" "" , incGHCLib "ghc-prim" "" , incGHCLib "haskeline" "" , incGHCLib "hoopl" "" , incGHCLib "integer-gmp" "" , incGHCLib "terminfo" "" -} , notWindows $ incGHCLib "unix" "" --, onlyWindows $ incGHCLib "Win32" "" , incLib "async" "2.0.2" , incLib "attoparsec" "" , incLib "case-insensitive" "" , incLib "cgi" "3001.2.2.2" , incLib "fgl" "" , incLib "GLUT" "" , incLib "GLURaw" "" , incLib "haskell-src" "" , incLib "hashable" "" , incLib "html" "" , incLib "HTTP" "4000.2.20" , incLib "HUnit" "" , incLib "mtl" "2.2.1" , incLib "network" "" , incLib "OpenGL" "" , incLib "OpenGLRaw" "" , incLib "parallel" "" , incLib "parsec" "3.1.9" , incLib "primitive" "0.6" , incLib "QuickCheck" "2.8.1" , incLib "random" "1.1" , incLib "regex-base" "0.93.2" , incLib "regex-compat" "0.95.1" , incLib "regex-posix" "0.95.2" , incLib "split" "0.2.2" , incLib "stm" "2.4.4" , incLib "syb" "0.5.1" , incLib "text" "" , incLib "unordered-containers" "" , incLib "vector" "" , incLib "zlib" "" -- held back because cabal-install needs < 0.6 -- Libs required by newer version of stuff - but not cleared for HP , incLib "tf-random" "0.5" -- needed by alex & QuickCheck -- these two were in the old HP , incLib "old-locale" "" , incLib "old-time" "" -- needed by cabal-install, cgi, & HTTP -- was split out of network, so was in HP, just under different pacakge , incLib "network-uri" "" -- needed by cabal-install, cgi, & HTTP -- needed by cgi , incLib "exceptions" "" , incLib "transformers-compat" "" , incLib "multipart" "0.1.2" -- needed by attoparsec , incLib "scientific" "" -- needed by OpenGL , incLib "ObjectName" "" , incLib "StateVar" "" , incTool "cabal-install" "" , incTool "alex" "3.1.4" , incTool "happy" "1.19.5" , incTool "hscolour" "1.23" , incGHCTool "haddock" "2.16.1" ] hp_7_10_2_a :: Release hp_7_10_2_a = release "7.10.2-a" $ deltaFrom' hp_7_10_2 [ incLib "text" "" , incLib "fgl" "" ] hp_7_10_3 :: Release hp_7_10_3 = release "7.10.3" [ incGHC "7.10.3" , incGHCLib "Cabal" "" , incGHCLib "array" "" , incGHCLib "base" "" , incGHCLib "bytestring" "" , incGHCLib "containers" "" , incGHCLib "deepseq" "" , incGHCLib "directory" "" , incGHCLib "filepath" "" , incGHCLib "hpc" "" , incGHCLib "pretty" "" , incGHCLib "process" "" , incGHCLib "template-haskell" "" , incGHCLib "time" "" , incGHCLib "transformers" "" , incGHCLib "xhtml" "3000.2.1" {- These packages are in the GHC distribution, and hence bundeled with the Platform. However, they are not officially part of the Platform, and as such, do not carry the same stability guaruntees. , incGHCLib "bin-package-db" "" , incGHCLib "binary" "" , incGHCLib "ghc-prim" "" , incGHCLib "haskeline" "" , incGHCLib "hoopl" "" , incGHCLib "integer-gmp" "" , incGHCLib "terminfo" "" -} , notWindows $ incGHCLib "unix" "" --, onlyWindows $ incGHCLib "Win32" "" , incLib "async" "2.0.2" , incLib "attoparsec" "" , incLib "case-insensitive" "" , incLib "cgi" "3001.2.2.2" , incLib "fgl" "" , incLib "GLUT" "" , incLib "GLURaw" "" , incLib "haskell-src" "" , incLib "hashable" "" , incLib "html" "" , incLib "HTTP" "4000.2.20" , incLib "HUnit" "" , incLib "mtl" "2.2.1" , incLib "network" "" , incLib "OpenGL" "" , incLib "OpenGLRaw" "" , incLib "parallel" "" , incLib "parsec" "3.1.9" , incLib "primitive" "" , incLib "QuickCheck" "2.8.1" , incLib "random" "1.1" , incLib "regex-base" "0.93.2" , incLib "regex-compat" "0.95.1" , incLib "regex-posix" "0.95.2" , incLib "split" "0.2.2" , incLib "stm" "2.4.4" , incLib "syb" "0.6" , incLib "text" "" , incLib "unordered-containers" "" , incLib "vector" "" , incLib "zlib" "" -- held back because cabal-install needs < 0.6 -- ick -- Libs required by newer version of stuff - but not cleared for HP , incLib "tf-random" "0.5" -- needed by alex & QuickCheck -- these two were in the old HP , incLib "old-locale" "" , incLib "old-time" "" -- needed by cabal-install, cgi, & HTTP -- was split out of network, so was in HP, just under different pacakge , incLib "network-uri" "" -- needed by cabal-install, cgi, & HTTP -- needed by cgi , incLib "exceptions" "" , incLib "transformers-compat" "" , incLib "multipart" "0.1.2" -- needed by attoparsec, held back due to attoparsec , incLib "scientific" "" -- needed by OpenGL , incLib "ObjectName" "" , incLib "StateVar" "" , incLib "half" "" , incTool "cabal-install" "" , incTool "alex" "3.1.4" , incTool "happy" "1.19.5" , incTool "hscolour" "1.23" , incGHCTool "haddock" "2.16.1" ]