[ { "title":"Drums of hope", "lines":["When the day comes","The Earth drums","Mankind wakes up","Coffee in the cup","Life dances away","Things will be okay"] }, { "title":"Beautiful Mind", "lines":["Thinking out loud","Lost in a crowd","Bright like a light","On a dark night","Found in my head","With words I said"] }, { "title":"Odd nights", "lines":["One of these nights","I put on the lights","Blessings from above","I can feel the love","Pouring like rain","Enough to sustain"] }, { "title":"The Brave Kite", "lines":["Watching over us","Never making a fuss","Through ups and downs","Standing our grounds","Leading with ease","Life is a breeze"] }, { "title":"Give thanks", "lines":["I wake up today","Give thanks and pray","Food in a plateful","I am grateful","I face what will be","Create a better me"] }, { "title":"A new day", "lines":["Thanks I give","One life to live","Enjoy the now","Take a bow","Break from strife","Cheers for life"] }, { "title":"When the rains came", "lines":["Roofs became a rhythm section","Clouds staged an insurrection","Putting the sun's scorch on pause","With thunderous applause","Pretty flowers started smiling","Winding to strikes of lightning"] }, { "title":"POETRY", "lines":["Power of words","Of lyrical nerds","Emotions in rhyme","Test of time","Rhythm in mind","You are unwind"] }, { "title":"Unity", "lines":["All of our hands","As grains of sands","Together as one","Better than none","This too is our test","Give conflict a rest"] }, { "title":"Dear Friend", "lines":["I see that you are trying","Your footprints I am following","Through the highs and lows","Only the Almighty knows","My esteem does not end","Thanks for being my friend"] }, { "title":"Inner Voice", "lines":["No words to say","But I could pray","I could not talk","But I could walk","My lips were tight","But I could write"] }, { "title":"Dear Sunshine", "lines":["You make me smile","I walk a mile","Time after time","Love so sublime","Worries unwind","All in my mind"] }, { "title":"Wandering Soul", "lines":["I saw the distance, vast and wide","I felt the thrill, deep inside","I smelt the scent of nature's bloom","I heard the whisper in the gloom","I tasted joy upon my tongue","I embarked on a journey, forever young"] }, { "title":"I am strong", "lines":["One day at a time","This mountain I climb","To be able I pray","He leads the way","I may stumble","I stay humble"] }, { "title":"Freedom", "lines":["Free like birds","Free with words","Free to feel","Free to heal","Free to think","Plea to my shrink"] }, { "title":"New Year", "lines":["Count down time","Old years lime","Colour the sky","Music on high","Bubbly tastes","Dancing waists"] }, { "title":"MKBHD", "lines":["The best tech reviewer","I am his number one viewer","He started with a dream","Now he's working with a team","Creator of the decade","Master of his trade"] }, { "title":"Say Anything", "lines":["Today is good","I did what I could","What can I say","Another day","Thanks and praises","God amazes"] }, { "title":"Say Something", "lines":["Some day","You find a way","To utter","Even stutter","How you feel","For real"] }, { "title":"A picture", "lines":["A bright smile","Eclectic style","Too shy","To say hi","Ragged clothes","Humble pose"] }, { "title":"Tobago", "lines":["Walking along the sand","Camera in my hand","Memories we create","Great food we ate","Throw my troubles away","Give thanks and pray"] }, { "title":"Equity", "lines":["We come together and we toil","Sons and daughters of the soil","We dream of a brighter future","We raise our voices louder","We all win when each of us wins","As one our journey now begins"] }, { "title":"Pass the ball", "lines":["Welcome to Qatar","Wish on a star","Flag in your hand","Drums in the band","The beautiful game","The world came"] }, { "title":"Facing Fears", "lines":["Let fears go","To grow","Be tough","It rough","With grit","You made it"] }, { "title":"A river of clocks", "lines":["Drop by drop, time goes by","How many seconds can we buy?","Where does this river go?","We just go with the flow","Time has made my boat holey","This is what I have solely"] }, { "title":"What if", "lines":["What if there was no illness","No wars but only chillness","There was no hate","And no borders to separate","Everyone had riches","With millions of wishes"] }, { "title":"Better Days", "lines":["Better days are coming","That song I like humming","Change it up","Never stop","Today is done","Tomorrow soon come"] }, { "title":"Another Poem", "lines":["Playing with words","Rhyming nerds","Thinking out loud","Word cloud","Mindful art","Feeling heart"] }, { "title":"Colourful", "lines":["Handful of marbles","Worried troubles","Painted emotions","Dancing motions","Colourful glee","What do you see?"] }, { "title":"Time", "lines":["That time we went","Time well spent","Well dressed event","Expensive scent","Plenty and a cent","Our hearts content"] }, { "title":"Wonder", "lines":["What, where and why?","A million thoughts reply","Deep in the ocean","A sudden notion","The sky's the limit","A curious spirit"] }, { "title":"Sweet Talk", "lines":["I went for a walk","Pass the sweet talk","Busy wind chimes play","Flowered curtains sway","Bouncing dogs bark","On my way to the park"] }, { "title":"Standing", "lines":["Stand tall my friend","My hands I lend","You are brave","My words I gave","Said a prayer","My heart I share"] }, { "title":"Sometimes", "lines":["Sometimes things are bad","Even we are sad","But dont forget the happy times","Those late night limes","Appreciate things all","Move on after we fall"] }, { "title":"Rainy Day", "lines":["It was a rainy day","In the month of May","I was wet","This is how we met","I am alone","I miss home"] }, { "title":"Smiling", "lines":["I said good day","Sitting down to pray","The wind blew","Sky so blue","Quiet noise","Simple joys"] }, { "title":"Super Friends", "lines":["City walks","Chatty talks","Halal food","Jolly mood","Ice cream","Fun stream"] }, { "title":"Waiting", "lines":["Waiting for sunset","Rain after sunrise wet","Birds after a meal","Breezes we can feel","On the Tobago ferry","No cares we carry"] }, { "title":"Divali", "lines":["Rows of lighted hearts beat","People meet and greet","Melodies fill the night air","Hands in prayer","Mouth watering foods","Content moods"] }, { "title":"We Dream", "lines":["Crispy mountain top","Birds on a hop","Charming river flow","Golden sunset glow","Perfect rows of trees","Calm fluffy breeze"] }, { "title":"The Immigrant", "lines":["New lands","Praying hands","Dreamy goals","Brave souls","Strong minds","Cheery kinds"] }, { "title":"Elections", "lines":["Big music truckers","House shakers","Bachannal talks","Constituency walks","Inked fingers","Losers and winners"] }, { "title":"Good morning", "lines":["Hot cocoa mix","Cheese and crix","Birds chirping","Internet surfing","Music on play","Have a great day"] }, { "title":"Nobody", "lines":["No frame","No flame","No game","No fame","No claim","No name"] }, { "title":"Steel Pan", "lines":["Hammer beat","Island heat","Notes chime","Panorama lime","Flag man","Steel band"] }, { "title":"Climate Change", "lines":["Discard excuse","Please reuse","CO2 we produce","Trees reduce","Solar, water, wind","These renew"] }, { "title":"ART", "lines":["Lines like trees","Rivers and seas","Colours and shapes","Mind escapes","Touch our feels","Body heals"] }, { "title":"Labourer", "lines":["Hard hands","Dusty sands","Heavy feet","Midday heat","Tired eyes","Bright skies"] }, { "title":"V", "lines":["World peace","Roman five","We thing","Victory","Voice","Vision"] }, { "title":"Feary Tale", "lines":["Oh dear","They are","Over there","Their stare","Dare move","Angry deer"] }, { "title":"Pot Hound", "lines":["French hops bread","Solo sweet red","Pepper in roti","Crix and coffee","Doubles so hot","Callaloo big pot"] }, { "title":"Colours", "lines":["Cool dark","Light spark","Day bright","Shady sight","Clouds came","Rainbow rain"] }, { "title":"John Do", "lines":["Do smile","Do laugh","Do good","Do walk","Do talk","Do sing"] }, { "title":"Race", "lines":["Base","Lace","Pace","Chase","Trace","Place"] }, { "title":"Ill Lost Sons", "lines":["Fantasy books","Suited looks","Get educated","Gold plated","Climb above","Society shove"] }, { "title":"See Sons", "lines":["Leaves fall","Stand tall","Roots deep","Sky weep","Spring joy","Sonny boy"] }, { "title":"Rise", "lines":["Slope","Mope","Nope","Hope","Cope","Lope"] }, { "title":"Bus Stop", "lines":["The wait","City gate","Nuts man","Street pan","Buy ticket","Buss it"] }, { "title":"JOY", "lines":["Feel it","See lit","Be glad","Sing lad","Oh boy","The joy"] }, { "title":"Short Drop", "lines":["Wave hand","Tour land","Bread van","Road band","Tout man","Maxi stand"] }, { "title":"Laughs", "lines":["Lol speeks","Aha cheeks","Up faces","Glad places","High spaces","Sole laces"] }, { "title":"Love on hill", "lines":["High ways","Love days","Limited room","Pan boom","Each share","Harts stare"] }, { "title":"Miss Take", "lines":["Let live","For give","For get","Better","Forever","He rote"] }, { "title":"He Vents", "lines":["Moody talks","Footy walks","Heaven sense","Moody vents","Needy fees","Have keys"] }, { "title":"Vegan", "lines":["Green piece","Organic please","Plant raised","Earth praised","Tasty grace","Animal place"] }, { "title":"Miss Education", "lines":["Old mindset","Lets forget","Open mind","Wise kind","Tech he","Teach we"] }, { "title":"Econo Miss", "lines":["Malady","We ready","We street","We pie","We buy","We eat"] }, { "title":"Trini Dad", "lines":["Dem stress","Island bless","Be glad","Old lad","Soca wine","Sole time"] }, { "title":"We Work", "lines":["Work smart","Your part","Grow worth","Tech forth","Our hands","These islands"] }, { "title":"Free", "lines":["See","The","Me","Be","We"] }, { "title":"Maracas", "lines":["Wave brakes","Sand flakes","Photo takes","Memory makes","Shake and bakes","Wind down breaks"] }, { "title":"Eid", "lines":["Moon glare","Dawn 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to impress","Head to barber","Trim shorter","Mirror stare","Cute hair"] }, { "title":"You Too Bro", "lines":["You Too Bro","Hit subscribe","Join my tribe","Add sense","In the comments","Make this viral","Views spiral"] }, { "title":"Baker Maker", "lines":["Order taker","Batter mixer","Cake shaper","Sprinkles shaker","Taste giver","Satisfied taster"] }, { "title":"Oh Mango", "lines":["Juicy escape","Swell shape","Sweet smell","Sugary spell","Ripe peel","Yummy reveal"] }, { "title":"More Poetry", "lines":["Words that link","Make us think","Words in motion","Voiced emotion","Make us feel","Make us heal"] }, { "title":"Spark", "lines":["Bitter dark","Inner spark","Hollow bark","Hallow hark","Hating snark","Loving mark"] }, { "title":"Rain Dance", "lines":["Feet prance","Hands palance","Rain chance","Flowing dance","Sky glance","Hoping chants"] }, { "title":"Angel", "lines":["Angel up above","Descending like a dove","Happiness and love","Guide my going","Protect my being","From seen and unseen"] }, { "title":"2̶0̶1̶8̶ 2019", "lines":["Midnight debut","Plans anew","Better you","Gym shoe","Time flew","Want redo"] }, { "title":"Carnival", "lines":["Fete pump","Street jump","Soca vibe","Costume tribe","Calypso bard","Pan yard"] }, { "title":"Ramen", "lines":["Hunger fight","Pocket tight","Late night","Stove light","Spice right","Taste delight"] }, { "title":"Naipaul", "lines":["Ink","Think","Word","Nerd","Old sage","Last page"] }, { "title":"No words / Nightpaul", "lines":["What to write?","Dark at night","Would it be write?","This is my plight","Passage write","I see daylight"] }, { "title":"San Juan", "lines":["That way","The Croisee","Busy feet","Roads meet","Ramsingh","Liming"] }, { "title":"World Cup", "lines":["We waited for four years","Through the tears and cheers","Scoring and saving","Colours and flags waving","All these big teams","Chasing big dreams"] }, { "title":"Allone", "lines":["Dear anyone","Feeling done","Everyone","Needs someone","No one","Does it alone"] }, { "title":"Smile", "lines":["Ocean swallowed my mobile","Smile","Washed up on a deserted isle","Smile","Wake up after a while","Smile"] }, { "title":"Chaguanas", "lines":["Budget stores","Sales outdoors","Shouting deals","Honking wheels","Busy streets","Central beats"] }, { "title":"Pepper Sauce", "lines":["Hit the spot","This thing hot","Taste growers","Flame throwers","Spicy stings","Mouth sings"] }, { "title":"The Little Pawpaw Tree", "lines":["Here you can't","Let's replant","Terrified","Leaves died","Watered faithfully","Now growing happily"] }, { "title":"Miro", "lines":["In mirror see","Hero in me","Key to unlock","My own rock","What it took","My own book"] }, { "title":"Indian To Ship", "lines":["It was a sweet tale","And they set sail","With a humble","Jahaji bundle","New arrived nations","With planted traditions"] }, { "title":"Betterfly", "lines":["From rough draft","To fluttering aircraft","From knowledge eater","To better creature","From grounded","To well rounded"] }, { "title":"Peace", "lines":["One under the sun","Piece for everyone","One with God","Peas in a pod","Hand in hand","Peace we demand"] }, { "title":"Ramadan", "lines":["Hungry man","Sunrise to sunset ban","Test your iman","God's plan","Dawn of the Quran","Month of Ramadan"] }, { "title":"Age", "lines":["Another page","Another stage","Another tier","Another year","Another rally","Another tally"] }, { "title":"Hands Of Time", "lines":["Time beckons","In seconds","Never pauses","Whatever causes","Hourglass sands","Clock hands"] }, { "title":"River Lime", "lines":["Wooden huts","Noisy pots","Music flows","Swim clothes","Drinks on rocks","Wild talks"] }, { "title":"Window Sea It", "lines":["Bus stops","Through hilltops","Granny market bags","Many zig zags","Bus driver skill","We reach Charlotteville"] }, { "title":"Poui", "lines":["What a sight","Coloured and bright","Easily found","On the ground","Showers","Of flowers"] }, { "title":"Feelings", "lines":["Some happy","Times scary","She sad","He mad","They angry","We hungry"] }, { "title":"Simple", "lines":["Dimples","Giggles","Talk","Walk","Smile","Profile"] }, { "title":"The Broken Piano", "lines":["No keys","Pedal seize","Worn strings","Age brings","Rotten wood","It once could"] }, { "title":"The Empty Bag", "lines":["Handy holder","On my shoulder","Midday heat","Tired feet","Call after call","Sold it all"] }, { "title":"May", "lines":["May is here","Best time of the year","Maia's powers","May flowers","May you blossom","May is awesome"] }, { "title":"Day and Night", "lines":["Moon light","Sun bright","Starry eyes","Cloudy cries","Night dreams","Day cleans"] }, { "title":"Gains", "lines":["Banana protein shake","Pumping to Drake","Set after set","Dripping in sweat","Pose for the gram","Growing by the kilogram"] }, { "title":"Doubles", "lines":["The price is right","Gimme two with slight","Made in a flash","It does lash","Nutritious and fulling","When the wife not cooking"] }, { "title":"The Market Vendor", "lines":["3 bundles for 10 dollars","She hollas","Veges and fruits in abundance","Scales that balance","Battles with the haggler","The market vendor"] }, { "title":"Rainy Days", "lines":["Sounds of rain drops","On the roof tops","Umbrellas come out","Gushing water spout","Avoid the puddles","Weather for cuddles"] }, { "title":"Rhymes With Word Smith", "lines":["I make rhymes","In my spare times","Sounds the same","Word game","Lyrical flows","I compose"] }, { "title":"Twitter", "lines":["Happy, sad, philosophical, bitter","Post to Twitter","Efficient with words","Sweet tweets like birds","Follows and retweets","Currency in these streets"] }, { "title":"Champions", "lines":["Fans live for the weekend","We fight until the end","Pass after pass","This team is class","Another trophy in the case","And that smile on Pep's face"] }, { "title":"Sunny Days", "lines":["Clothes on the lines","This cold drink is mines","Jump in a pool","To make you cool","Heat from the sky","AC on high"] }, { "title":"The IT Guy", "lines":["Error screens","Broken machines","He is on the scene","This stuff routine","Carrying a bag","Full of tech swag"] }, { "title":"Soca Cola", "lines":["Addictive beat","Quench the heat","Grab a bottle","Wine full throttle","Rhythmic bubbles","Forget your troubles"] }, { "title":"Walking", "lines":["Laced up sneakers","Fitness seeker","Explore the surround","Then homeward bound","Body and mind","Unwind"] }, { "title":"LOVE IS", "lines":["Let it guide me","Offer for free","Value for life","Even in strife","I am a lover","Say it forever"] }, { "title":"Coconut What", "lines":["Coconut drops","Sweet pops","Coconut bakes","Sugar cakes","Coconut flan","Anything chef can"] }, { "title":"Caroni Planes", "lines":["Wheels down","Above this town","Northern hilltops","Planted crops","Precious cargo","Hello Trinbago"] }, { "title":"That Test", "lines":["Worn books","Thoughtful looks","I did my best","Time to rest","Teachers words","Parents nerds"] }, { "title":"Mango Chow", "lines":["Wash and prepare","Make enough to share","Season to savor","Bursting with flavor","Taste bud party","Tummy says yummy"] }, { "title":"Bird Song", "lines":["Early morning","He came calling","Steady chirping","Busy prancing","Song so nice","Paradise"] }, { "title":"Email Tale", "lines":["Email notification","Take action","Reduce the stack","Clickity clack","Feeling like a hero","Inbox zero"] }, { "title":"Pot of Pelau", "lines":["One pot","Bubbling hot","Stew sauce","Kitchen boss","Add your mix","Quick fix"] }, { "title":"Outside Inside", "lines":["Outside is hello","Inside is jello","Outside is chatter","Inside is scatter","Outside is fun","Inside is run"] }, { "title":"Tassa Drums", "lines":["Fiery hot drum","Traditional custom","Bass smash","Cymbals clash","Speedy hands","Dancing fans"] }, { "title":"Music", "lines":["Bouncing beats","Parties in the streets","Funky melodies","Scales and keys","Chant and sing","Music is healing"] }, { "title":"The Beach", "lines":["We reach","The beach","Sand in our toes","Salt water flows","Wave after wave","This is what we crave"] }, { "title":"The Photographer", "lines":["Plenty of pics","Click, click and more clicks","Frozen in time","Treasured for a lifetime","Worth a thousand words","Bounded by the rule of thirds"] }, { "title":"Wake Up", "lines":["Wake up and shine","Never mind that it is after nine","It is your time","You will be fine","Don’t whine","Just shake your waistline"] }, { "title":"Silence", "lines":["Say what we want to hear","And we will cheer","Otherwise be quiet","Keep it shut","Bias is king","Money talking"] }, { "title":"The Internet", "lines":["Log on","Click the icon","The world is your window","Thanks to your gizmo","Click, type, share, create, read","At super fast internet speed"] }, { "title":"Poems", "lines":["Dancing words in leotards","Written by singing bards","Flowing like water","To the beat of a crazy drummer","Intoxicating like fancy wine","Line after line"] }, { "title":"Snacks", "lines":["Packed neatly in stacks","The grocer has them by the racks","For all tastes","Sweet, salty, chewy, crunchy, pastes","I will buy a combo","Because there’s always tomorrow"] }, { "title":"Good old future days", "lines":["We order goods in our sleeps","Awaken by robot beeps","Energy and things ample","We renew and recycle","I am getting my new braintop","From the alien shop"] }, { "title":"Them vs Me", "lines":["Why don't you pretend to be nice?","What is the price?","Why don't you suck up?","Look at the lineup","Why don't you dress to impress?","Is that another word for oppress?"] }, { "title":"I Am", "lines":["I am a techie","Sometimes I am messy","I like creating","Stupid things have me debating","I cooked up a plateful","Happy. Belly full."] }, { "title":"Clay Hands", "lines":["A couple of days","To make this vase","Every fault a fashion","Fuelled by passion","From those clay lands","Made by these clay hands"] }, { "title":"Clumpsy", "lines":["I bounce my big toe","Screamed like a farting hippo","There is pee pee on the floor","I am not getting drunk anymore","I laugh so I don't cry","That clumpsy guy"] }, { "title":"Plants", "lines":["With tears from the sky","Ingredients for my pie","Cleaning the air","With little fanfare","Take a stance","Plant more plants"] }, { "title":"These Islands", "lines":["This island and that island","Home to the steelpan","Travel to our region","Just over the horizon","Join other legends","And come visit these islands"] }, { "title":"City Scores", "lines":["This is football","Pass the ball","The fans want a goal","And the team is on a roll","City scores another one","Then the match was won"] } ]