# # Copyright 2015-2017 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates # and other contributors as indicated by the @author tags. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # --- subsystem: enabled: "${hawkular.agent.enabled:true}" immutable: "${hawkular.agent.immutable:false}" in-container: "${hawkular.agent.in-container:false}" auto-discovery-scan-period-secs: 600 min-collection-interval-secs: "${hawkular.agent.minCollectionIntervalSecs:30}" diagnostics: enabled: true report-to: LOG interval: 1 time-units: minutes storage-adapter: type: HAWKULAR tenant-id: "${hawkular.rest.tenantId:hawkular}" feed-id: "${hawkular.rest.feedId:autogenerate}" url: "${hawkular.rest.host:http://hawkular-server:8080}" username: "${hawkular.rest.user}" password: "${hawkular.rest.password}" # DMR metric-set-dmr: - name: WildFly Memory Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Heap Used interval: 30 time-units: seconds metric-units: bytes metric-type: gauge path: /core-service=platform-mbean/type=memory attribute: heap-memory-usage#used - name: Heap Committed interval: 1 time-units: minutes metric-units: bytes metric-type: gauge path: /core-service=platform-mbean/type=memory attribute: heap-memory-usage#committed - name: Heap Max interval: 1 time-units: minutes metric-units: bytes metric-type: gauge path: /core-service=platform-mbean/type=memory attribute: heap-memory-usage#max - name: NonHeap Used interval: 30 time-units: seconds metric-units: bytes path: /core-service=platform-mbean/type=memory attribute: non-heap-memory-usage#used - name: NonHeap Committed interval: 1 time-units: minutes metric-units: bytes path: /core-service=platform-mbean/type=memory attribute: non-heap-memory-usage#committed - name: Accumulated GC Duration interval: 1 time-units: minutes metric-units: milliseconds metric-type: counter path: "/core-service=platform-mbean/type=garbage-collector/name=*" attribute: collection-time - name: WildFly Threading Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Thread Count interval: 2 time-units: minutes metric-type: gauge path: /core-service=platform-mbean/type=threading attribute: thread-count - name: WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Aggregated Active Web Sessions interval: 1 time-units: minutes path: "/deployment=*/subsystem=web" attribute: active-sessions - name: Aggregated Max Active Web Sessions interval: 1 time-units: minutes path: "/deployment=*/subsystem=web" attribute: max-active-sessions - name: Aggregated Expired Web Sessions interval: 1 time-units: minutes path: "/deployment=*/subsystem=web" attribute: expired-sessions - name: Aggregated Rejected Web Sessions interval: 1 time-units: minutes path: "/deployment=*/subsystem=web" attribute: rejected-sessions - name: Aggregated Servlet Request Time interval: 1 time-units: minutes path: "/deployment=*/subsystem=web/servlet=*" attribute: processingTime - name: Aggregated Servlet Request Count interval: 1 time-units: minutes path: "/deployment=*/subsystem=web/servlet=*" attribute: requestCount - name: Web Subsystem Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Active Sessions interval: 2 time-units: minutes path: "/subsystem=web" attribute: active-sessions - name: Sessions Created interval: 2 time-units: minutes path: "/subsystem=web" attribute: sessions-created metric-type: counter - name: Expired Sessions interval: 2 time-units: minutes path: "/subsystem=web" attribute: expired-sessions metric-type: counter - name: Rejected Sessions interval: 2 time-units: minutes path: "/subsystem=web" attribute: rejected-sessions metric-type: counter - name: Max Active Sessions interval: 2 time-units: minutes path: "/subsystem=web" attribute: max-active-sessions - name: Servlet Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Max Request Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: maxTime metric-units: milliseconds - name: Min Request Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: min-time metric-units: milliseconds - name: Total Request Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: processingTime metric-units: milliseconds - name: Request Count interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: requestCount metric-type: counter - name: Singleton EJB Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Execution Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: execution-time - name: Invocations interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: invocations metric-type: counter - name: Peak Concurrent Invocations interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: peak-concurrent-invocations - name: Wait Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: wait-time - name: Message Driven EJB Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Execution Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: execution-time - name: Invocations interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: invocations metric-type: counter - name: Peak Concurrent Invocations interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: peak-concurrent-invocations - name: Wait Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: wait-time - name: Pool Available Count interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: pool-available-count - name: Pool Create Count interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: pool-create-count - name: Pool Current Size interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: pool-current-size - name: Pool Max Size interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: pool-max-size - name: Pool Remove Count interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: pool-remove-count - name: Stateless Session EJB Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Execution Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: execution-time - name: Invocations interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: invocations metric-type: counter - name: Peak Concurrent Invocations interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: peak-concurrent-invocations - name: Wait Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: wait-time - name: Pool Available Count interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: pool-available-count - name: Pool Create Count interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: pool-create-count - name: Pool Current Size interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: pool-current-size - name: Pool Max Size interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: pool-max-size - name: Pool Remove Count interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: pool-remove-count - name: Stateful Session EJB Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Execution Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: execution-time - name: Invocations interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: invocations metric-type: counter - name: Peak Concurrent Invocations interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: peak-concurrent-invocations - name: Wait Time interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: wait-time - name: Cache Size interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: cache-size - name: Total Size interval: 5 time-units: minutes attribute: total-size - name: Datasource JDBC Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Prepared Statement Cache Access Count interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=jdbc" attribute: PreparedStatementCacheAccessCount - name: Prepared Statement Cache Add Count interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=jdbc" attribute: PreparedStatementCacheAddCount - name: Prepared Statement Cache Current Size interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=jdbc" attribute: PreparedStatementCacheCurrentSize - name: Prepared Statement Cache Delete Count interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=jdbc" attribute: PreparedStatementCacheDeleteCount - name: Prepared Statement Cache Hit Count interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=jdbc" attribute: PreparedStatementCacheHitCount - name: Prepared Statement Cache Miss Count interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=jdbc" attribute: PreparedStatementCacheMissCount - name: Datasource Pool Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Active Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: ActiveCount - name: Available Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: AvailableCount - name: Average Blocking Time interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: AverageBlockingTime - name: Average Creation Time interval: 30 time-units: seconds path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: AverageCreationTime - name: Created Count interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: CreatedCount - name: Destroyed Count interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: DestroyedCount - name: In Use Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: InUseCount - name: Max Creation Time interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: MaxCreationTime - name: Max Used Count interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: MaxUsedCount - name: Max Wait Count interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: MaxWaitCount - name: Max Wait Time interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: MaxWaitTime - name: Timed Out interval: 30 time-units: seconds path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: TimedOut - name: Total Blocking Time interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: TotalBlockingTime - name: Total Creation Time interval: 10 time-units: minutes path: "/statistics=pool" attribute: TotalCreationTime - name: Transactions Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Number of Aborted Transactions interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: number-of-aborted-transactions metric-type: counter - name: Number of Application Rollbacks interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: number-of-application-rollbacks metric-type: counter - name: Number of Committed Transactions interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: number-of-committed-transactions metric-type: counter - name: Number of Heuristics interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: number-of-heuristics metric-type: counter - name: Number of In-Flight Transactions interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: number-of-inflight-transactions - name: Number of Nested Transactions interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: number-of-nested-transactions metric-type: counter - name: Number of Resource Rollbacks interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: number-of-resource-rollbacks metric-type: counter - name: Number of Timed Out Transactions interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: number-of-timed-out-transactions metric-type: counter - name: Number of Transactions interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: number-of-transactions metric-type: counter - name: JMS Queue Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Consumer Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: consumer-count - name: Delivering Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: delivering-count - name: Message Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: message-count - name: Messages Added interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: messages-added metric-type: counter - name: Scheduled Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: scheduled-count - name: JMS Topic Metrics metric-dmr: - name: Durable Message Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: durable-message-count - name: Durable Subscription Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: durable-subscription-count - name: Delivering Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: delivering-count - name: Message Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: message-count - name: Messages Added interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: messages-added metric-type: counter - name: Non-Durable Message Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: non-durable-message-count - name: Non-Durable Subscription Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: non-durable-subscription-count - name: Subscription Count interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: subscription-count avail-set-dmr: - name: Server Availability avail-dmr: - name: Server Availability interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: server-state up-regex: "run.*" - name: Deployment Status avail-dmr: - name: Deployment Status interval: 1 time-units: minutes attribute: status up-regex: "OK" resource-type-set-dmr: - name: Standalone Environment resource-type-dmr: - name: WildFly Server resource-name-template: "WildFly Server [%ManagedServerName]" notification-dmr: - name: resource-added metric-sets: - WildFly Memory Metrics - WildFly Threading Metrics - WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics avail-sets: - Server Availability resource-config-dmr: - name: Name attribute: name - name: Product Name attribute: product-name - name: Version attribute: product-version - name: Running Mode attribute: running-mode - name: Server State attribute: server-state - name: Home Directory attribute: home-dir path: /core-service=server-environment - name: Node Name attribute: node-name path: /core-service=server-environment - name: Hostname attribute: qualified-host-name path: /core-service=server-environment - name: Bound Address attribute: bound-address path: /socket-binding-group=standard-sockets/socket-binding=http operation-dmr: - name: JDR internal-name: generate-jdr-report modifies: true path: /subsystem=jdr - name: Reload internal-name: reload modifies: true params: - name: admin-only type: bool default-value: "false" description: Whether the server should start in running mode ADMIN_ONLY when it restarts - name: use-current-server-config type: bool default-value: "false" - name: Shutdown internal-name: shutdown modifies: true params: - name: restart type: bool default-value: "false" description: "Should the server be restarted after shutdown?" - name: Deploy internal-name: deploy modifies: true - name: Undeploy internal-name: undeploy modifies: true - name: Enable Deployment internal-name: enable-deployment modifies: true - name: Disable Deployment internal-name: disable-deployment modifies: true - name: Restart Deployment internal-name: restart-deployment modifies: true - name: Domain Environment resource-type-dmr: - name: Host Controller resource-name-template: "Host Controller [%ManagedServerName]" notification-dmr: - name: resource-added resource-config-dmr: - name: Product Name attribute: product-name - name: Version attribute: product-version - name: Process Type attribute: process-type - name: Local Host Name attribute: local-host-name operation-dmr: - name: Restart Servers internal-name: restart-servers modifies: true - name: Start Servers internal-name: start-servers modifies: true - name: Stop Servers internal-name: stop-servers modifies: true - name: Deploy internal-name: deploy modifies: true - name: Undeploy internal-name: undeploy modifies: true - name: Enable Deployment internal-name: enable-deployment modifies: true - name: Disable Deployment internal-name: disable-deployment modifies: true - name: Restart Deployment internal-name: restart-deployment modifies: true - name: Domain Profile resource-name-template: "Domain Profile [%-]" path: "/profile=*" parents: - Host Controller resource-config-dmr: - name: Name attribute: name - name: Domain Server Group resource-name-template: "Domain Server Group [%-]" path: "/server-group=*" parents: - Host Controller resource-config-dmr: - name: Profile attribute: profile operation-dmr: - name: Restart Servers internal-name: restart-servers modifies: true - name: Start Servers internal-name: start-servers modifies: true - name: Stop Servers internal-name: stop-servers modifies: true - name: Domain Host resource-name-template: "Domain Host [%-]" path: "/host=*" parents: - Host Controller notification-dmr: - name: resource-added metric-sets: - WildFly Memory Metrics - WildFly Threading Metrics resource-config-dmr: - name: Name attribute: name - name: Product Name attribute: product-name - name: Version attribute: product-version - name: Is Domain Controller attribute: master - name: Host State attribute: host-state - name: Running Mode attribute: running-mode - name: Server State attribute: server-state - name: Home Directory attribute: home-dir path: /core-service=server-environment operation-dmr: - name: Reload internal-name: reload modifies: true - name: Shutdown internal-name: shutdown modifies: true params: - name: restart type: bool description: If true, once shutdown the host controller will be restarted again. - name: Domain WildFly Server resource-name-template: "Domain WildFly Server [%-]" path: "/server=*" parents: - Domain Host notification-dmr: - name: resource-added metric-sets: - WildFly Memory Metrics - WildFly Threading Metrics - WildFly Aggregated Web Metrics avail-sets: - Server Availability resource-config-dmr: - name: Name attribute: name - name: Host attribute: host - name: Product Name attribute: product-name - name: Version attribute: product-version - name: Profile Name attribute: profile-name - name: Server Group attribute: server-group - name: Running Mode attribute: running-mode - name: Server State attribute: server-state - name: Hostname attribute: qualified-host-name path: /core-service=server-environment - name: Node Name attribute: node-name path: /core-service=server-environment - name: Initial Running Mode attribute: initial-running-mode path: /core-service=server-environment - name: Base Directory attribute: base-dir path: /core-service=server-environment - name: Domain WildFly Server Controller resource-name-template: "Domain WildFly Server Controller [%-]" path: "/server-config=*" parents: - Domain Host notification-dmr: - name: resource-added resource-config-dmr: - name: Name attribute: name - name: Server Group attribute: group - name: Auto Start attribute: auto-start - name: Status attribute: status operation-dmr: - name: Destroy internal-name: destroy modifies: true - name: Kill internal-name: kill modifies: true - name: Restart internal-name: restart modifies: true params: - name: server description: The name of the server. - name: blocking type: bool default-value: "false" description: Wait until the servers are stopped before returning from the operation. - name: Start internal-name: start modifies: true params: - name: server description: The name of the server. - name: blocking type: bool default-value: "false" description: Wait until the servers are stopped before returning from the operation. - name: Stop internal-name: stop modifies: true params: - name: server description: The name of the server. - name: blocking type: bool default-value: "false" description: Wait until the servers are stopped before returning from the operation. - name: Hawkular resource-type-dmr: - name: Hawkular WildFly Agent resource-name-template: "Hawkular WildFly Agent" path: "/subsystem=hawkular-wildfly-agent" parents: - WildFly Server - Domain WildFly Server - Domain Host resource-config-dmr: - name: Immutable attribute: immutable resolve-expressions: true - name: In Container attribute: in-container resolve-expressions: true operation-dmr: - name: Start internal-name: start - name: Stop internal-name: stop - name: Status internal-name: status - name: Inventory Discovery Scan internal-name: fullDiscoveryScan - name: Inventory Report internal-name: inventoryReport - name: Deployment resource-type-dmr: - name: Deployment resource-name-template: "Deployment [%-]" path: "/deployment=*" parents: - WildFly Server - Domain WildFly Server metric-sets: - Web Subsystem Metrics avail-sets: - Deployment Status operation-dmr: - name: Redeploy internal-name: redeploy modifies: true - name: Remove internal-name: remove modifies: true - name: Undeploy internal-name: undeploy modifies: true - name: SubDeployment resource-name-template: "SubDeployment [%-]" path: "/subdeployment=*" parents: - Deployment metric-sets: - Web Subsystem Metrics - name: Web Component resource-type-dmr: - name: Servlet resource-name-template: "Servlet [%-]" path: "/subsystem=web/servlet=*" parents: - Deployment - SubDeployment metric-sets: - Servlet Metrics - name: EJB resource-type-dmr: - name: Singleton EJB resource-name-template: "Singleton EJB [%-]" path: "/subsystem=ejb3/singleton-bean=*" parents: - Deployment - SubDeployment metric-sets: - Singleton EJB Metrics - name: Message Driven EJB resource-name-template: "Message Driven EJB [%-]" path: "/subsystem=ejb3/message-driven-bean=*" parents: - Deployment - SubDeployment metric-sets: - Message Driven EJB Metrics - name: Stateless Session EJB resource-name-template: "Stateless Session EJB [%-]" path: "/subsystem=ejb3/stateless-session-bean=*" parents: - Deployment - SubDeployment metric-sets: - Stateless Session EJB Metrics - name: Stateful Session EJB resource-name-template: "Stateful Session EJB [%-]" path: "/subsystem=ejb3/stateful-session-bean=*" parents: - Deployment - SubDeployment metric-sets: - Stateful Session EJB Metrics - name: Datasource resource-type-dmr: - name: Datasource resource-name-template: "Datasource [%-]" path: "/subsystem=datasources/data-source=*" parents: - WildFly Server - Domain WildFly Server metric-sets: - Datasource Pool Metrics - Datasource JDBC Metrics resource-config-dmr: - name: Connection URL attribute: connection-url resolve-expressions: false - name: Driver Name attribute: driver-name - name: Driver Class attribute: driver-class - name: Datasource Class attribute: datasource-class - name: Enabled attribute: enabled - name: JNDI Name attribute: jndi-name - name: Username attribute: user-name - name: Password attribute: password - name: Security Domain attribute: security-domain - name: Connection Properties path: "/connection-properties=*" attribute: value - name: XA Datasource resource-type-dmr: - name: XA Datasource resource-name-template: "XA Datasource [%-]" path: "/subsystem=datasources/xa-data-source=*" parents: - WildFly Server - Domain WildFly Server metric-sets: - Datasource Pool Metrics - Datasource JDBC Metrics resource-config-dmr: - name: Driver Name attribute: driver-name - name: XA Datasource Class attribute: xa-datasource-class - name: Enabled attribute: enabled - name: JNDI Name attribute: jndi-name - name: Username attribute: user-name - name: Password attribute: password - name: Security Domain attribute: security-domain - name: Datasource Properties path: "/xa-datasource-properties=*" attribute: value - name: JDBC Driver resource-type-dmr: - name: JDBC Driver resource-name-template: "JDBC Driver [%-]" path: "/subsystem=datasources/jdbc-driver=*" parents: - WildFly Server - Domain WildFly Server resource-config-dmr: - name: Driver Class attribute: driver-class-name - name: Module Name attribute: driver-module-name - name: Driver Name attribute: driver-name - name: XA DS Class attribute: driver-xa-datasource-class-name - name: Transaction Manager resource-type-dmr: - name: Transaction Manager resource-name-template: Transaction Manager path: "/subsystem=transactions" parents: - WildFly Server - Domain WildFly Server metric-sets: - Transactions Metrics - name: Messaging resource-type-dmr: - name: Messaging Server resource-name-template: "Messaging Server [%-]" path: "/subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=*" parents: - WildFly Server - Domain WildFly Server - name: JMS Queue resource-name-template: "JMS Queue [%-]" path: "/jms-queue=*" parents: - Messaging Server metric-sets: - JMS Queue Metrics - name: JMS Topic resource-name-template: "JMS Topic [%-]" path: "/jms-topic=*" parents: - Messaging Server metric-sets: - JMS Topic Metrics - name: Socket Binding Group resource-type-dmr: - name: Socket Binding Group resource-name-template: "Socket Binding Group [%-]" path: "/socket-binding-group=*" parents: - WildFly Server - Host Controller resource-config-dmr: - name: Name attribute: name - name: Port Offset attribute: port-offset resolve-expressions: false - name: Default Interface attribute: default-interface - name: Socket Binding resource-name-template: "Socket Binding [%-]" path: "/socket-binding=*" parents: - Socket Binding Group resource-config-dmr: - name: Name attribute: name - name: Interface attribute: interface - name: Port attribute: port resolve-expressions: false - name: Multicast Address attribute: multicast-address resolve-expressions: false - name: Multicast Port attribute: multicast-port - name: Remote Destination Outbound Socket Binding resource-name-template: "Remote Destination Outbound Socket Binding [%-]" path: "/remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding=*" parents: - Socket Binding Group resource-config-dmr: - name: Host attribute: host - name: Port attribute: port - name: Clustering resource-type-dmr: - name: ModCluster resource-name-template: "ModCluster" path: "/subsystem=modcluster" parents: - WildFly Server - Domain WildFly Server resource-config-dmr: - name: Connector attribute: connector path: "/mod-cluster-config=configuration" - name: Advertise Socket Binding attribute: advertise-socket path: "/mod-cluster-config=configuration" - name: JGroups resource-name-template: "JGroups" path: "/subsystem=jgroups" parents: - WildFly Server - Domain WildFly Server - name: Infinispan resource-name-template: "Infinispan" path: "/subsystem=infinispan" parents: - WildFly Server - Domain WildFly Server - name: Infinispan Cache Container resource-name-template: "Infinispan Cache Container [%-]" path: "/cache-container=*" parents: - Infinispan resource-config-dmr: - name: Cluster Name attribute: cluster-name - name: Coordinator Address attribute: coordinator-address - name: Is Coordinator attribute: is-coordinator # JMX metric-set-jmx: - name: Runtime Metrics metric-jmx: - name: VM Uptime attribute: Uptime interval: 30 time-units: seconds metric-units: milliseconds metric-type: counter - name: Used Heap Memory object-name: java.lang:type=Memory attribute: HeapMemoryUsage#used interval: 30 time-units: seconds metric-units: bytes metric-type: gauge - name: Aggregate GC Collection Time object-name: "java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=*" attribute: CollectionTime interval: 30 time-units: seconds metric-units: milliseconds - name: Memory Pool Metrics metric-jmx: - name: Initial attribute: Usage#init interval: 2 time-units: minutes metric-units: bytes metric-type: gauge - name: Used attribute: Usage#used interval: 1 time-units: minutes metric-units: bytes metric-type: gauge - name: Committed attribute: Usage#committed interval: 1 time-units: minutes metric-units: bytes metric-type: gauge - name: Max attribute: Usage#max interval: 2 time-units: minutes metric-units: bytes metric-type: gauge avail-set-jmx: - name: Runtime Availability avail-jmx: - name: VM Availability interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: StartTime up-regex: "[0123456789]+" - name: Memory Pool Availability avail-jmx: - name: Memory Pool Availability interval: 30 time-units: seconds attribute: Valid up-regex: "[tT].*" resource-type-set-jmx: - name: Main resource-type-jmx: - name: Runtime MBean resource-name-template: JMX [%_ManagedServerName%][%type%] object-name: java.lang:type=Runtime metric-sets: - Runtime Metrics avail-sets: - Runtime Availability resource-config-jmx: - name: OS Name attribute: Name object-name: java.lang:type=OperatingSystem - name: Java VM Name attribute: VmName - name: Memory Pool resource-type-jmx: - name: Memory Pool MBean parents: - Runtime MBean resource-name-template: JMX [%_ManagedServerName%] %type% %name% object-name: "java.lang:type=MemoryPool,name=*" metric-sets: - Memory Pool Metrics avail-sets: - Memory Pool Availability resource-config-jmx: - name: Type attribute: Type - name: Hawkular resource-type-jmx: - name: Hawkular WildFly Agent resource-name-template: "Hawkular WildFly Agent" object-name: "org.hawkular:type=hawkular-javaagent" resource-config-jmx: - name: Immutable attribute: Immutable - name: In Container attribute: InContainer operation-jmx: - name: Start internal-name: start - name: Stop internal-name: stop - name: Status internal-name: status - name: Inventory Discovery Scan internal-name: fullDiscoveryScan - name: Inventory Report internal-name: inventoryReport # MANAGED SERVERS managed-servers: local-dmr: name: Local DMR enabled: true resource-type-sets: - Standalone Environment - Deployment - Web Component - EJB - Datasource - XA Datasource - JDBC Driver - Transaction Manager - Messaging - Socket Binding Group - Clustering wait-for: - name: / local-jmx: name: Local JMX enabled: true resource-type-sets: - Main - Memory Pool - Hawkular wait-for: - name: java.lang:type=Runtime remote-dmr: - name: Remote DMR EAP6 enabled: false protocol: remote host: port: 9999 username: adminUser password: adminPass resource-type-sets: - Standalone Environment - Deployment - Web Component - EJB - Datasource - XA Datasource - JDBC Driver - Transaction Manager - Messaging - Socket Binding Group - Clustering wait-for: - name: / remote-jmx: - name: Remote Jolokia Server enabled: false url: http://localhost:8080/jolokia-war resource-type-sets: - Main - Memory Pool wait-for: - name: java.lang:type=Runtime platform: enabled: true interval: 5 time-units: minutes #machine-id: my-machine-id-here