Orbit ===== Color schemes for SublimeText, intended for use with kkga's [Spacegray](https://github.com/kkga/spacegray). May also contain custom theme files later. Features -------- + Harmonious palettes designed using color theory. + "Focused-based" syntax coloring --- designed to make the most important code elements visually immediate. + Highlighting for invalid and deprecated syntax + Highlighting for diffs. + Support for semi-WYSIWYG (what you see is sort of what you get?) markup in LaTeX, Markdown, and [X]HTML. + Support for the great [MarkdownEditing](https://github.com/SublimeText-Markdown/MarkdownEditing) package. Screenshots ----------- ### Prograde: Editing Java: ![image](Screenshots/prograde_java.png) Editing Python: ![image](Screenshots/prograde_python.png) Editing Markdown (with MarkdownEditing installed): ![image](Screenshots/prograde_markdownediting.png) Font is Monaco 10 with anti-aliasing disabled. Using the custom MarkdownEditing scheme --------------------------------------- Using the custom scheme for MarkdownEditing is very easy - just add the following to the MarkdownEditing user settings files for Github-Flavored Markdown, MultiMarkdown, and standard Markdown: ```json { "color_scheme": "Packages/Orbit Color Scheme/Orbit.prograde.tmTheme", } ```