import openfl.display3D.*; import openfl.errors.*; import openfl.Vector; import starling.rendering.*; import starling.filters.*; import starling.utils.Color; import starling.core.Starling; import haxegon.*; @:access(haxegon.Core) @:access(haxegon.Gfx) class Filter { public static function enable(){ if (!enabled){ enabled = true; Core.registerplugin("filters", "0.1.1"); Core.checkrequirement("filters", "haxegon", "0.12.0"); if (Starling.current.stage3D.context3D.driverInfo.indexOf("Software") == -1) { available = true; } if(available){ createfilters(); reset(); Core.extend_startframe(updatefilters); }else{ trace("Warning: Filters are not available on this machine, so they have been disabed."); } } } public static function require(){ if (!enabled) enable(); if (!available){ throw( "Error: This program requires GPU features that don't appear to be available on this machine. " + "Try updating your graphics drivers, or contacting the developer for help." ); } } private static function createfilters(){ bloomfilter = new CustomFilter(bloomprogram); bloomfilter.setfc0(0, 0, 0, 2.5); bloomfilter.setfc1(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 9.0); bloomfilter.setfc2(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); colortransformfilter = new Simplefilter(); chromaticaberrationfilter = new CustomFilter(chromaticaberrationprogram); chromaticaberrationfilter.setfc0(0, 1, 0, 0); chromaticaberrationfilter.setfc1(0, 0, 0, 0); pixelsizefilter = new CustomFilter(pixelsizeprogram); pixelsizefilter.setfc0(1 / Gfx.screenwidth, 1 / Gfx.screenheight, 1, 1); vcrfilter = new CustomFilter(vcrprogram); vcrfilter.setfc0(1, 1, 0.4, 1); // Random variables for snow vcrfilter.setfc1(-.001, 0, 0, 0); // Red offset vcrfilter.setfc2(1, 3, 1, 1); // For tracking effect vcrfilter.setfc3(12.9898, 4.1414, 43758.5453, 1); // Random variables vignettefilter = new CustomFilter(vignetteprogram); vignettefilter.setfc0(1, 1, 1, 1); vignettefilter.setfc1(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); vignettefilter.setfc2(1.0, 0, 0, 0); vignettefilter.setfc3(0, 1.0, 0, 0); vignettefilter.setfc4(0, 0, 1.0, 0); } private static var colortransformfilter:Simplefilter; private static var bloomfilter:CustomFilter; private static var chromaticaberrationfilter:CustomFilter; private static var pixelsizefilter:CustomFilter; private static var vcrfilter:CustomFilter; private static var vignettefilter:CustomFilter; private static var _hueshift:Float = 0; private static var _saturationshift:Float = 0; private static var _lightnessshift:Float = 0; private static var _contrastshift:Float = 0; private static var _invert:Bool = false; private static var _blur:Float = 0; private static var _bloom:Float = 0; private static var _tint:Int = 0x000001; private static var _redshift:Float = 0; private static var _greenshift:Float = 0; private static var _blueshift:Float = 0; private static var _pixelsize:Float = 0; private static var _vcr:Bool = false; private static var _vignette:Float = 0; private static var dirty:Bool = true; /* Turn all filter effects off */ public static function reset() { if (!enabled) enable(); _blur = 0; _bloom = 0; _invert = false; _hueshift = 0; _saturationshift = 0; _lightnessshift = 0; _contrastshift = 0; _redshift = 0; _greenshift = 0; _blueshift = 0; _pixelsize = 1; _tint = Col.TRANSPARENT; _vcr = false; _vignette = 0; if (Gfx.screen != null){ if(Gfx.screen.filter != null){ Gfx.screen.filter.dispose(); } Gfx.screen.filter = null; } dirty = true; updatefilters(); } public static var tint(get, set):Int; static function get_tint():Int { return _tint; } static function set_tint(_t:Int):Int { _tint = _t; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _tint; } public static var vignette(get, set):Float; static function get_vignette():Float { return _vignette; } static function set_vignette(_v:Float):Float { _vignette = _v; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _vignette; } public static var pixelsize(get, set):Float; static function get_pixelsize():Float { return _pixelsize; } static function set_pixelsize(_p:Float):Float { _pixelsize = _p; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _pixelsize; } public static var redshift(get, set):Float; static function get_redshift():Float { return _redshift; } static function set_redshift(_r:Float):Float { _redshift = _r; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _redshift; } public static var greenshift(get, set):Float; static function get_greenshift():Float { return _greenshift; } static function set_greenshift(_g:Float):Float { _greenshift = _g; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _greenshift; } public static var blueshift(get, set):Float; static function get_blueshift():Float { return _blueshift; } static function set_blueshift(_b:Float):Float { _blueshift = _b; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _blueshift; } public static var hue(get, set):Float; static function get_hue():Float { return _hueshift * 360; } static function set_hue(_b:Float):Float { _hueshift = _b / 360; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _hueshift; } public static var saturation(get, set):Float; static function get_saturation():Float { return _saturationshift; } static function set_saturation(_b:Float):Float { _saturationshift = _b; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _saturationshift; } public static var lightness(get, set):Float; static function get_lightness():Float { return _lightnessshift; } static function set_lightness(_b:Float):Float { _lightnessshift = _b; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _lightnessshift; } public static var contrast(get, set):Float; static function get_contrast():Float { return _contrastshift; } static function set_contrast(_b:Float):Float { _contrastshift = _b; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _contrastshift; } public static var vcr(get, set):Bool; static function get_vcr():Bool{ return _vcr; } static function set_vcr(s:Bool):Bool{ _vcr = s; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _vcr; } public static var invert(get, set):Bool; static function get_invert():Bool{ return _invert; } static function set_invert(inv:Bool):Bool{ _invert = inv; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _invert; } public static var blur(get, set):Float; static function get_blur():Float { return _blur; } static function set_blur(_b:Float):Float { _blur = _b; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _blur; } public static var bloom(get, set):Float; static function get_bloom():Float { return _bloom; } static function set_bloom(_b:Float):Float { _bloom = _b; dirty = true; updatefilters(); return _bloom; } private static function updatefilters() { if (!enabled) enable(); if (!available) return; if (_vcr){ vcrfilter.setfc0(Math.random(), Math.random(), 0.4, 1); vcrfilter.setfc2(flash.Lib.getTimer(), 24.0, 4.0, 1.25); } if (!dirty) return; //When a filter changes, call this function internally to update the currently active filter if (Gfx.screen != null){ Gfx.screen.filter = null; var filterchain:Array<FragmentFilter> = []; //Colour transforms colortransformfilter.reset(); if (_hueshift != 0) colortransformfilter.adjustHue(_hueshift); if (_saturationshift != 0) colortransformfilter.adjustSaturation(_saturationshift); if (_lightnessshift != 0) colortransformfilter.adjustBrightness(_lightnessshift); if (_contrastshift != 0) colortransformfilter.adjustContrast(_contrastshift); if (_tint != Col.TRANSPARENT) colortransformfilter.tint(_tint); if (_invert) colortransformfilter.invert(); if (_invert || _hueshift != 0 || _saturationshift != 0 || _lightnessshift != 0 || _contrastshift != 0 || _tint != Col.TRANSPARENT){ filterchain.push(colortransformfilter); } //Chromatic Aberration if (_redshift != 0 || _greenshift != 0 || _blueshift != 0){ chromaticaberrationfilter.setfc0( -_redshift, -_greenshift, -_blueshift, 0); filterchain.push(chromaticaberrationfilter); } //pixelsize effect if (_pixelsize > 1){ pixelsizefilter.setfc0(_pixelsize / Gfx.screenwidth, _pixelsize / Gfx.screenheight, 1, 1); filterchain.push(pixelsizefilter); } //Bloom and blur use the same filter object if (_bloom > 0) { bloomfilter.setfc0(0, Gfx.screenwidth, Gfx.screenheight, 1 / (Geom.clamp((_bloom + 0.5) * 2, 0, 2.5) + _blur)); bloomfilter.setfc2((_bloom / 2) + 0.5, (_bloom / 2) + 0.5, (_bloom / 2) + 0.5, 1.0); filterchain.push(bloomfilter); }else if (_blur > 0) { bloomfilter.setfc0(0, Gfx.screenwidth, Gfx.screenheight, 1 / _blur); bloomfilter.setfc2(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, _blur); filterchain.push(bloomfilter); } if (_vcr){ filterchain.push(vcrfilter); } if (_vignette > 0){ vignettefilter.setfc0(0.3, 0.3, 1, 1); vignettefilter.setfc1(_vignette * 0.7, 1.0, 0.5, 0.4); filterchain.push(vignettefilter); } if (filterchain.length == 0){ Gfx.screen.filter = null; }else{ Gfx.screen.filter = new FilterChain(filterchain); } dirty = false; } } private static var enabled:Bool = false; private static var available:Bool = false; private static inline var vignetteprogram:String = "sub ft0.xy, v0.xy, fc0.xy \n" + "mov ft2.x, fc1.w \n" + "mul ft2.x, ft2.x, fc1.z \n" + "sub ft3.xy, ft0.xy, ft2.x \n" + "mul ft4.x, ft3.x, ft3.x \n" + "mul ft4.y, ft3.y, ft3.y \n" + "add ft4.x, ft4.x, ft4.y \n" + "sqt ft4.x, ft4.x \n" + "dp3 ft4.y, ft2.xx, ft2.xx \n" + "sqt ft4.y, ft4.y \n" + "div ft5.x, ft4.x, ft4.y \n" + "pow ft5.y, ft5.x, fc1.y \n" + "mul ft5.z, fc1.x, ft5.y \n" + "sat ft5.z, ft5.z \n" + "min ft5.z, ft5.z, fc0.z \n" + "sub ft6, fc0.z, ft5.z \n" + "tex ft1, v0, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + // sepia "dp3 ft2.x, ft1, fc2 \n" + "dp3 ft2.y, ft1, fc3 \n" + "dp3 ft2.z, ft1, fc4 \n" + "mul,, \n" + "mov ft6.w, ft1.w \n" + "mov oc, ft6"; private static inline var pixelsizeprogram:String = "div ft0, v0, fc0 \n" + "frc ft1, ft0 \n" + "sub ft0, ft0, ft1 \n" + "mul ft0, ft0, fc0 \n" + "tex oc, ft0, fs0<2d, clamp, linear>"; private static inline var chromaticaberrationprogram:String = "tex ft0, v0, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n"+ //Red shift "mov ft1, fc1 \n"+ "add ft1.x, v0.x, fc0.x \n" + "mov ft1.y, v0.y \n"+ "tex ft3, ft1.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n"+ "mov ft0.x, ft3.x \n" + //Green shift "mov ft2, fc1 \n"+ "add ft2.x, v0.x, fc0.y \n" + "mov ft2.y, v0.y \n"+ "tex ft4, ft2.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n"+ "mov ft0.y, ft4.y \n" + //Blue shift "mov ft5, fc1 \n"+ "add ft5.x, v0.x, fc0.z \n" + "mov ft5.y, v0.y \n"+ "tex ft6, ft5.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n"+ "mov ft0.z, ft6.z \n" + "mov oc, ft0"; private static inline var bloomprogram:String = "tex ft0, v0, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + //output "mov ft1, fc0.xxxx \n" + //size "mov ft2.x, fc0.y \n" + "mul ft2.x, ft2.x, fc0.w \n" + "div ft2.x, fc1.z, ft2.x \n" + //rcp isn't working? line should be "rcp ft2.x, ft2.x" "mov ft2.y, fc0.z \n" + "mul ft2.y, ft2.y, fc0.w \n" + "div ft2.y, fc1.z, ft2.y \n" + //rcp isn't working? line should be "rcp ft2.y, ft2.y" // START UNWRAPPED LOOP //1 "mov ft3.xy, fc1.xx \n" + "mul ft3.xy, ft3.xy, ft2.xy \n" + "add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, v0.xy \n" + "tex ft4, ft3.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + "add ft1, ft1, ft4 \n" + //2 "mov ft3.xy, fc1.xy \n" + "mul ft3.xy, ft3.xy, ft2.xy \n" + "add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, v0.xy \n" + "tex ft4, ft3.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + "add ft1, ft1, ft4 \n" + //3 "mov ft3.xy, fc1.xz \n" + "mul ft3.xy, ft3.xy, ft2.xy \n" + "add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, v0.xy \n" + "tex ft4, ft3.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + "add ft1, ft1, ft4 \n" + //4 "mov ft3.xy, fc1.yx \n" + "mul ft3.xy, ft3.xy, ft2.xy \n" + "add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, v0.xy \n" + "tex ft4, ft3.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + "add ft1, ft1, ft4 \n" + //5 "mov ft3.xy, fc1.yy \n" + "mul ft3.xy, ft3.xy, ft2.xy \n" + "add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, v0.xy \n" + "tex ft4, ft3.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + "add ft1, ft1, ft4 \n" + //6 "mov ft3.xy, fc1.yz \n" + "mul ft3.xy, ft3.xy, ft2.xy \n" + "add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, v0.xy \n" + "tex ft4, ft3.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + "add ft1, ft1, ft4 \n" + //7 "mov ft3.xy, fc1.zx \n" + "mul ft3.xy, ft3.xy, ft2.xy \n" + "add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, v0.xy \n" + "tex ft4, ft3.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + "add ft1, ft1, ft4 \n" + //8 "mov ft3.xy, fc1.zy \n" + "mul ft3.xy, ft3.xy, ft2.xy \n" + "add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, v0.xy \n" + "tex ft4, ft3.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + "add ft1, ft1, ft4 \n" + //9 "mov ft3.xy, fc1.zz \n" + "mul ft3.xy, ft3.xy, ft2.xy \n" + "add ft3.xy, ft3.xy, v0.xy \n" + "tex ft4, ft3.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n" + "add ft1, ft1, ft4 \n" + // END LOOP // average out "div ft1, ft1, fc1.wwww \n" + "add ft1, ft1, ft0 \n" + // multiply by color "mul oc, ft1, fc2"; private static var vcrprogram:String = // original texture "tex ft0, v0, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n"+ // jack up red offset "add ft1.xy, v0.xy, fc1.xy \n"+ "tex ft3, ft1.xy, fs0<2d, clamp, linear, mipnone> \n"+ "mov ft0.x, ft3.x \n"+ // Random snow "mov ft1.xy, v0.xy \n"+ "add ft1.xy, ft1.xy, fc0.xy \n"+ "mov, fc1.zz \n"+ "mov ft6.xy, fc3.xy \n"+ "mov, fc1.zz \n"+ "dp3 ft1.x, ft1, ft6 \n"+ "sin ft1.x, ft1.x \n"+ "mul ft1.x, ft1.x, fc3.z \n"+ "frc ft1.x, ft1.x \n"+ "mov, \n"+ "mov ft2.w, ft0.w \n"+ // multiply snow by snow amount "mul,, fc0.zzz \n"+ /* // tracking (black bar(s)) "mov ft1.x, v0.y \n"+ "mov ft1.y, fc2.x \n"+ "mul ft1.y, ft1.y, fc2.z \n"+ "mul ft1.x, ft1.x, fc2.y \n"+ "add ft1.x, ft1.x, ft1.y \n"+ "sin ft1.x, ft1.x \n"+ "add ft1.x, ft1.x, fc2.w \n"+ "sat ft1.x, ft1.x \n"+ // multiply black bar in "mul,, \n"+ */ // add snow and original "add oc, ft0, ft2 \n"; } private class Simplefilter extends FragmentFilter { // Most of the color transformation math was taken from the excellent ColorMatrix class by // Mario Klingemann: -- THANKS!!! private static inline var LUMA_R:Float = 0.299; private static inline var LUMA_G:Float = 0.587; private static inline var LUMA_B:Float = 0.114; // helpers private static var sMatrix:Vector<Float> = new Vector<Float>(); /** Creates a new ColorMatrixFilter instance with the specified matrix. * @param matrix a vector of 20 items arranged as a 4x5 matrix. */ public function new(matrix:Vector<Float>=null) { super(); if (matrix != null) colorEffect.matrix = matrix; } /** @private */ override private function createEffect():FilterEffect { return new ColorMatrixEffect(); } // color manipulation /** Inverts the colors of the filtered object. */ public function invert():Void { concatValues(-1, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, -1, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, -1, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); } /** Changes the saturation. Typical values are in the range (-1, 1). * Values above zero will raise, values below zero will reduce the saturation. * '-1' will produce a grayscale image. */ public function adjustSaturation(sat:Float):Void { sat += 1; var invSat:Float = 1 - sat; var invLumR:Float = invSat * LUMA_R; var invLumG:Float = invSat * LUMA_G; var invLumB:Float = invSat * LUMA_B; concatValues((invLumR + sat), invLumG, invLumB, 0, 0, invLumR, (invLumG + sat), invLumB, 0, 0, invLumR, invLumG, (invLumB + sat), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); } /** Changes the contrast. Typical values are in the range (-1, 1). * Values above zero will raise, values below zero will reduce the contrast. */ public function adjustContrast(value:Float):Void { var s:Float = value + 1; var o:Float = 128 * (1 - s); concatValues(s, 0, 0, 0, o, 0, s, 0, 0, o, 0, 0, s, 0, o, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); } /** Changes the brightness. Typical values are in the range (-1, 1). * Values above zero will make the image brighter, values below zero will make it darker.*/ public function adjustBrightness(value:Float):Void { value *= 255; concatValues(1, 0, 0, 0, value, 0, 1, 0, 0, value, 0, 0, 1, 0, value, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); } /** Changes the hue of the image. Typical values are in the range (-1, 1). */ public function adjustHue(value:Float):Void { value *= Math.PI; var cos:Float = Math.cos(value); var sin:Float = Math.sin(value); concatValues( ((LUMA_R + (cos * (1 - LUMA_R))) + (sin * -(LUMA_R))), ((LUMA_G + (cos * -(LUMA_G))) + (sin * -(LUMA_G))), ((LUMA_B + (cos * -(LUMA_B))) + (sin * (1 - LUMA_B))), 0, 0, ((LUMA_R + (cos * -(LUMA_R))) + (sin * 0.143)), ((LUMA_G + (cos * (1 - LUMA_G))) + (sin * 0.14)), ((LUMA_B + (cos * -(LUMA_B))) + (sin * -0.283)), 0, 0, ((LUMA_R + (cos * -(LUMA_R))) + (sin * -((1 - LUMA_R)))), ((LUMA_G + (cos * -(LUMA_G))) + (sin * LUMA_G)), ((LUMA_B + (cos * (1 - LUMA_B))) + (sin * LUMA_B)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); } /** Tints the image in a certain color, analog to what can be done in Adobe Animate. * * @param color the RGB color with which the image should be tinted. * @param amount the intensity with which tinting should be applied. Range (0, 1). */ public function tint(color:UInt, amount:Float=1.0):Void { var r:Float = Color.getRed(color) / 255.0; var g:Float = Color.getGreen(color) / 255.0; var b:Float = Color.getBlue(color) / 255.0; var q:Float = 1 - amount; var rA:Float = amount * r; var gA:Float = amount * g; var bA:Float = amount * b; concatValues( q + rA * LUMA_R, rA * LUMA_G, rA * LUMA_B, 0, 0, gA * LUMA_R, q + gA * LUMA_G, gA * LUMA_B, 0, 0, bA * LUMA_R, bA * LUMA_G, q + bA * LUMA_B, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); } // matrix manipulation /** Changes the filter matrix back to the identity matrix. */ public function reset():Void { matrix = null; } /** Concatenates the current matrix with another one. */ public function concat(matrix:Vector<Float>):Void { colorEffect.concat(matrix); setRequiresRedraw(); } /** Concatenates the current matrix with another one, passing its contents directly. */ public function concatValues(m0:Float, m1:Float, m2:Float, m3:Float, m4:Float, m5:Float, m6:Float, m7:Float, m8:Float, m9:Float, m10:Float, m11:Float, m12:Float, m13:Float, m14:Float, m15:Float, m16:Float, m17:Float, m18:Float, m19:Float):Void { sMatrix.length = 0; sMatrix[0] = m0; sMatrix[1] = m1; sMatrix[2] = m2; sMatrix[3] = m3; sMatrix[4] = m4; sMatrix[5] = m5; sMatrix[6] = m6; sMatrix[7] = m7; sMatrix[8] = m8; sMatrix[9] = m9; sMatrix[10] = m10; sMatrix[11] = m11; sMatrix[12] = m12; sMatrix[13] = m13; sMatrix[14] = m14; sMatrix[15] = m15; sMatrix[16] = m16; sMatrix[17] = m17; sMatrix[18] = m18; sMatrix[19] = m19; concat(sMatrix); } /** A vector of 20 items arranged as a 4x5 matrix. */ public var matrix(get, set):Vector<Float>; private function get_matrix():Vector<Float> { return colorEffect.matrix; } private function set_matrix(value:Vector<Float>):Vector<Float> { colorEffect.matrix = value; setRequiresRedraw(); return value; } public var colorEffect(get, never):ColorMatrixEffect; private function get_colorEffect():ColorMatrixEffect { return cast this.effect; } } private class ColorMatrixEffect extends FilterEffect { private var _userMatrix:Vector<Float>; // offset in range 0-255 private var _shaderMatrix:Vector<Float>; // offset in range 0-1, changed order private static var MIN_COLOR:Vector<Float> = Vector.ofArray([0, 0, 0, 0.0001]); private static var IDENTITY:Array<Float> = [1,0,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0,0, 0,0,1,0,0, 0,0,0,1,0]; // helpers private static var sMatrix:Vector<Float> = new Vector<Float>(20, true); public function new():Void { super(); _userMatrix = new Vector<Float>(); _shaderMatrix = new Vector<Float>(); this.matrix = null; } override private function createProgram():Program { var vertexShader:String = FilterEffect.STD_VERTEX_SHADER; var fragmentShader:String = [ FilterEffect.tex("ft0", "v0", 0, texture), // read texture color "max ft0, ft0, fc5 ", // avoid division through zero in next step "div,, ft0.www ", // restore original (non-PMA) RGB values "m44 ft0, ft0, fc0 ", // multiply color with 4x4 matrix "add ft0, ft0, fc4 ", // add offset "mul,, ft0.www ", // multiply with alpha again (PMA) "mov oc, ft0 " // copy to output ].join("\n"); return Program.fromSource(vertexShader, fragmentShader); } override private function beforeDraw(context:Context3D):Void { super.beforeDraw(context); context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 0, _shaderMatrix); context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 5, MIN_COLOR); } // matrix manipulation public function reset():Void { matrix = null; } /** Concatenates the current matrix with another one. */ public function concat(matrix:Vector<Float>):Void { var i:Int = 0; for (y in 0...4) { for (x in 0...5) { sMatrix[i+x] = matrix[i ] * _userMatrix[x ] + matrix[i + 1] * _userMatrix[x + 5] + matrix[i + 2] * _userMatrix[x + 10] + matrix[i + 3] * _userMatrix[x + 15] + (x == 4 ? matrix[i + 4] : 0); } i += 5; } copyMatrix(sMatrix, _userMatrix); updateShaderMatrix(); } private function copyMatrix(from:Vector<Float>, to:Vector<Float>):Void { for (i in 0...20) to[i] = from[i]; } private function updateShaderMatrix():Void { // the shader needs the matrix components in a different order, // and it needs the offsets in the range 0-1. _shaderMatrix.length = 0; _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[0 ]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[ 1]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[ 2]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[ 3]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[5 ]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[ 6]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[ 7]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[ 8]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[10]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[11]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[12]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[13]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[15]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[16]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[17]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[18]); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[ 4] / 255.0); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[9] / 255.0); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[14] / 255.0); _shaderMatrix.push(_userMatrix[19] / 255.0); } // properties public var matrix(get, set):Vector<Float>; private function get_matrix():Vector<Float> { return _userMatrix; } private function set_matrix(value:Vector<Float>):Vector<Float> { if (value != null && value.length != 20) throw new ArgumentError("Invalid matrix length: must be 20"); if (value == null) { _userMatrix.length = 0; for (val in IDENTITY) { _userMatrix.push(val); } } else { copyMatrix(value, _userMatrix); } updateShaderMatrix(); return value; } } @:access(Filter) @:access(CustomEffect) private class CustomFilter extends FragmentFilter{ public function new(_fragmentshader:String){ fragmentshader = _fragmentshader; super(); actualeffect = new CustomEffect(fragmentshader); } /** @private */ override private function createEffect():FilterEffect{ return cast(actualeffect, FilterEffect); } public function setfc0(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float){ actualeffect.fc0[0] = a; actualeffect.fc0[1] = b; actualeffect.fc0[2] = c; actualeffect.fc0[3] = d; actualeffect.usefc0 = true; } public function setfc1(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float){ actualeffect.fc1[0] = a; actualeffect.fc1[1] = b; actualeffect.fc1[2] = c; actualeffect.fc1[3] = d; actualeffect.usefc1 = true; } public function setfc2(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float){ actualeffect.fc2[0] = a; actualeffect.fc2[1] = b; actualeffect.fc2[2] = c; actualeffect.fc2[3] = d; actualeffect.usefc2 = true; } public function setfc3(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float){ actualeffect.fc3[0] = a; actualeffect.fc3[1] = b; actualeffect.fc3[2] = c; actualeffect.fc3[3] = d; actualeffect.usefc3 = true; } public function setfc4(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float){ actualeffect.fc4[0] = a; actualeffect.fc4[1] = b; actualeffect.fc4[2] = c; actualeffect.fc4[3] = d; actualeffect.usefc4 = true; } public function setfc5(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float){ actualeffect.fc5[0] = a; actualeffect.fc5[1] = b; actualeffect.fc5[2] = c; actualeffect.fc5[3] = d; actualeffect.usefc5 = true; } public function setfc6(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float){ actualeffect.fc6[0] = a; actualeffect.fc6[1] = b; actualeffect.fc6[2] = c; actualeffect.fc6[3] = d; actualeffect.usefc6 = true; } public function setfc7(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float){ actualeffect.fc7[0] = a; actualeffect.fc7[1] = b; actualeffect.fc7[2] = c; actualeffect.fc7[3] = d; actualeffect.usefc7 = true; } private var fragmentshader:String; private var actualeffect:CustomEffect; } private class CustomEffect extends FilterEffect { private var fc0:Vector<Float>; private var usefc0:Bool; private var fc1:Vector<Float>; private var usefc1:Bool; private var fc2:Vector<Float>; private var usefc2:Bool; private var fc3:Vector<Float>; private var usefc3:Bool; private var fc4:Vector<Float>; private var usefc4:Bool; private var fc5:Vector<Float>; private var usefc5:Bool; private var fc6:Vector<Float>; private var usefc6:Bool; private var fc7:Vector<Float>; private var usefc7:Bool; public var fragmentshader:String; public function new(shader:String) { super(); usefc0 = false; fc0 = Vector.ofArray(cast [0, 0, 0, 0]); usefc1 = false; fc1 = Vector.ofArray(cast [0, 0, 0, 0]); usefc2 = false; fc2 = Vector.ofArray(cast [0, 0, 0, 0]); usefc3 = false; fc3 = Vector.ofArray(cast [0, 0, 0, 0]); usefc4 = false; fc4 = Vector.ofArray(cast [0, 0, 0, 0]); usefc5 = false; fc5 = Vector.ofArray(cast [0, 0, 0, 0]); usefc6 = false; fc6 = Vector.ofArray(cast [0, 0, 0, 0]); usefc7 = false; fc7 = Vector.ofArray(cast [0, 0, 0, 0]); fragmentshader = shader; } override private function createProgram():Program { return Program.fromSource(FilterEffect.STD_VERTEX_SHADER, fragmentshader); } override private function beforeDraw(context:Context3D):Void { super.beforeDraw(context); if (usefc0) context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 0, fc0); if (usefc1) context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 1, fc1); if (usefc2) context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 2, fc2); if (usefc3) context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 3, fc3); if (usefc4) context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 4, fc4); if (usefc5) context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 5, fc5); if (usefc6) context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 6, fc6); if (usefc7) context.setProgramConstantsFromVector(Context3DProgramType.FRAGMENT, 7, fc7); } }