#ifndef ARGPARSE_HPP_ #define ARGPARSE_HPP_ #if __cplusplus >= 201103L #include typedef std::unordered_map IndexMap; #else #include typedef std::map IndexMap; #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /*! @class ArgumentParser * @brief A simple command-line argument parser based on the design of * python's parser of the same name. * * ArgumentParser is a simple C++ class that can parse arguments from * the command-line or any array of strings. The syntax is familiar to * anyone who has used python's ArgumentParser: * \code * // create a parser and add the options * ArgumentParser parser; * parser.addArgument("-n", "--name"); * parser.addArgument("--inputs", '+'); * * // parse the command-line arguments * parser.parse(argc, argv); * * // get the inputs and iterate over them * string name = parser.retrieve("name"); * vector inputs = parser.retrieve>("inputs"); * \endcode * */ class ArgumentParser { private: class Any; class Argument; class PlaceHolder; class Holder; typedef std::string String; typedef std::vector AnyVector; typedef std::vector StringVector; typedef std::vector ArgumentVector; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Type-erasure internal storage // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Any { public: // constructor Any() : content(0) {} // destructor ~Any() { delete content; } // INWARD CONVERSIONS Any(const Any& other) : content(other.content ? other.content->clone() : 0) {} template Any(const ValueType& other) : content(new Holder(other)) {} Any& swap(Any& other) { std::swap(content, other.content); return *this; } Any& operator=(const Any& rhs) { Any tmp(rhs); return swap(tmp); } template Any& operator=(const ValueType& rhs) { Any tmp(rhs); return swap(tmp); } // OUTWARD CONVERSIONS template ValueType* toPtr() const { return content->type_info() == typeid(ValueType) ? &static_cast*>(content)->held_ : 0; } template ValueType& castTo() { if (!toPtr()) throw std::bad_cast(); return *toPtr(); } template const ValueType& castTo() const { if (!toPtr()) throw std::bad_cast(); return *toPtr(); } private: // Inner placeholder interface class PlaceHolder { public: virtual ~PlaceHolder() {} virtual const std::type_info& type_info() const = 0; virtual PlaceHolder* clone() const = 0; }; // Inner template concrete instantiation of PlaceHolder template class Holder : public PlaceHolder { public: ValueType held_; Holder(const ValueType& value) : held_(value) {} virtual const std::type_info& type_info() const { return typeid(ValueType); } virtual PlaceHolder* clone() const { return new Holder(held_); } }; PlaceHolder* content; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Argument // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- static String delimit(const String& name) { return String(std::min(name.size(), (size_t)2), '-').append(name); } static String strip(const String& name) { size_t begin = 0; begin += name.size() > 0 ? name[0] == '-' : 0; begin += name.size() > 3 ? name[1] == '-' : 0; return name.substr(begin); } static String upper(const String& in) { String out(in); std::transform(out.begin(), out.end(), out.begin(), ::toupper); return out; } static String escape(const String& in) { String out(in); if (in.find(' ') != std::string::npos) out = String("\"").append(out).append("\""); return out; } struct Argument { Argument() : short_name(""), name(""), optional(true), fixed_nargs(0), fixed(true) {} Argument(const String& _short_name, const String& _name, bool _optional, char nargs) : short_name(_short_name), name(_name), optional(_optional) { if (nargs == '+' || nargs == '*') { variable_nargs = nargs; fixed = false; } else { fixed_nargs = nargs; fixed = true; } } String short_name; String name; bool optional; union { size_t fixed_nargs; char variable_nargs; }; bool fixed; String canonicalName() const { return (name.empty()) ? short_name : name; } String toString(bool named = true) const { std::ostringstream s; String uname = name.empty() ? upper(strip(short_name)) : upper(strip(name)); if (named && optional) s << "["; if (named) s << canonicalName(); if (fixed) { size_t N = std::min((size_t)3, fixed_nargs); for (size_t n = 0; n < N; ++n) s << " " << uname; if (N < fixed_nargs) s << " ..."; } if (!fixed) { s << " "; if (variable_nargs == '*') s << "["; s << uname << " "; if (variable_nargs == '+') s << "["; s << uname << "...]"; } if (named && optional) s << "]"; return s.str(); } }; void insertArgument(const Argument& arg) { size_t N = arguments_.size(); arguments_.push_back(arg); if (arg.fixed && arg.fixed_nargs <= 1) { variables_.push_back(String()); } else { variables_.push_back(StringVector()); } if (!arg.short_name.empty()) index_[arg.short_name] = N; if (!arg.name.empty()) index_[arg.name] = N; if (!arg.optional) required_++; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Error handling // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void argumentError(const std::string& msg, bool show_usage = false) { if (use_exceptions_) throw std::invalid_argument(msg); std::cerr << "ArgumentParser error: " << msg << std::endl; if (show_usage) std::cerr << usage() << std::endl; exit(-5); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Member variables // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IndexMap index_; bool ignore_first_; bool use_exceptions_; size_t required_; String app_name_; String final_name_; ArgumentVector arguments_; AnyVector variables_; public: ArgumentParser() : ignore_first_(true), use_exceptions_(false), required_(0) {} // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // addArgument // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void appName(const String& name) { app_name_ = name; } void addArgument(const String& name, char nargs = 0, bool optional = true) { if (name.size() > 2) { Argument arg("", verify(name), optional, nargs); insertArgument(arg); } else { Argument arg(verify(name), "", optional, nargs); insertArgument(arg); } } void addArgument(const String& short_name, const String& name, char nargs = 0, bool optional = true) { Argument arg(verify(short_name), verify(name), optional, nargs); insertArgument(arg); } void addFinalArgument(const String& name, char nargs = 1, bool optional = false) { final_name_ = delimit(name); Argument arg("", final_name_, optional, nargs); insertArgument(arg); } void ignoreFirstArgument(bool ignore_first) { ignore_first_ = ignore_first; } String verify(const String& name) { if (name.empty()) argumentError("argument names must be non-empty"); if ((name.size() == 2 && name[0] != '-') || name.size() == 3) argumentError(String("invalid argument '") .append(name) .append("'. Short names must begin with '-'")); if (name.size() > 3 && (name[0] != '-' || name[1] != '-')) argumentError(String("invalid argument '") .append(name) .append("'. Multi-character names must begin with '--'")); return name; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parse // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- void parse(size_t argc, const char** argv) { parse(StringVector(argv, argv + argc)); } void parse(const StringVector& argv) { // check if the app is named if (app_name_.empty() && ignore_first_ && !argv.empty()) app_name_ = argv[0]; // set up the working set Argument active; Argument final = final_name_.empty() ? Argument() : arguments_[index_[final_name_]]; size_t consumed = 0; size_t nrequired = final.optional ? required_ : required_ - 1; size_t nfinal = final.optional ? 0 : (final.fixed ? final.fixed_nargs : (final.variable_nargs == '+' ? 1 : 0)); // iterate over each element of the array for (StringVector::const_iterator in = argv.begin() + ignore_first_; in < argv.end() - nfinal; ++in) { String active_name = active.canonicalName(); String el = *in; // check if the element is a key if (index_.count(el) == 0) { // input // is the current active argument expecting more inputs? if (active.fixed && active.fixed_nargs <= consumed) argumentError(String("attempt to pass too many inputs to ").append(active_name), true); if (active.fixed && active.fixed_nargs == 1) { variables_[index_[active_name]].castTo() = el; } else { variables_[index_[active_name]].castTo().push_back(el); } consumed++; } else { // new key! // has the active argument consumed enough elements? if ((active.fixed && active.fixed_nargs != consumed) || (!active.fixed && active.variable_nargs == '+' && consumed < 1)) argumentError(String("encountered argument ") .append(el) .append(" when expecting more inputs to ") .append(active_name), true); active = arguments_[index_[el]]; // check if we've satisfied the required arguments if (active.optional && nrequired > 0) argumentError(String("encountered optional argument ") .append(el) .append(" when expecting more required arguments"), true); // are there enough arguments for the new argument to consume? if ((active.fixed && active.fixed_nargs > (argv.end() - in - nfinal - 1)) || (!active.fixed && active.variable_nargs == '+' && !(argv.end() - in - nfinal - 1))) argumentError(String("too few inputs passed to argument ").append(el), true); if (!active.optional) nrequired--; consumed = 0; } } for (StringVector::const_iterator in = std::max(argv.begin() + ignore_first_, argv.end() - nfinal); in != argv.end(); ++in) { String el = *in; // check if we accidentally find an argument specifier if (index_.count(el)) argumentError(String("encountered argument specifier ") .append(el) .append(" while parsing final required inputs"), true); if (final.fixed && final.fixed_nargs == 1) { variables_[index_[final_name_]].castTo() = el; } else { variables_[index_[final_name_]].castTo().push_back(el); } nfinal--; } // check that all of the required arguments have been encountered if (nrequired > 0 || nfinal > 0) argumentError(String("too few required arguments passed to ").append(app_name_), true); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Retrieve // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- template T& retrieve(const String& name) { if (index_.count(delimit(name)) == 0) throw std::out_of_range("Key not found"); size_t N = index_[delimit(name)]; return variables_[N].castTo(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Properties // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- String usage() { // premable app name std::ostringstream help; help << "Usage: " << escape(app_name_); size_t indent = help.str().size(); size_t linelength = 0; // get the required arguments for (ArgumentVector::const_iterator it = arguments_.begin(); it != arguments_.end(); ++it) { Argument arg = *it; if (arg.optional) continue; if (arg.name.compare(final_name_) == 0) continue; help << " "; String argstr = arg.toString(); if (argstr.size() + linelength > 80) { help << "\n" << String(indent, ' '); linelength = 0; } else { linelength += argstr.size(); } help << argstr; } // get the optional arguments for (ArgumentVector::const_iterator it = arguments_.begin(); it != arguments_.end(); ++it) { Argument arg = *it; if (!arg.optional) continue; if (arg.name.compare(final_name_) == 0) continue; help << " "; String argstr = arg.toString(); if (argstr.size() + linelength > 80) { help << "\n" << String(indent, ' '); linelength = 0; } else { linelength += argstr.size(); } help << argstr; } // get the final argument if (!final_name_.empty()) { Argument arg = arguments_[index_[final_name_]]; String argstr = arg.toString(false); if (argstr.size() + linelength > 80) { help << "\n" << String(indent, ' '); linelength = 0; } else { linelength += argstr.size(); } help << argstr; } return help.str(); } void useExceptions(bool state) { use_exceptions_ = state; } bool empty() const { return index_.empty(); } void clear() { ignore_first_ = true; required_ = 0; index_.clear(); arguments_.clear(); variables_.clear(); } bool exists(const String& name) const { return index_.count(delimit(name)) > 0; } size_t count(const String& name) { // check if the name is an argument if (index_.count(delimit(name)) == 0) return 0; size_t N = index_[delimit(name)]; Argument arg = arguments_[N]; Any var = variables_[N]; // check if the argument is a vector if (arg.fixed) { return !var.castTo().empty(); } else { return var.castTo().size(); } } }; #endif