Velocity-Time-Graphs 3 Walk the graph Test experiment for LiDAR development. Select one of three different graphs to walk along. A score in % indicates how well graph and motion match. button tpreview lastx preview xinmeter xin tin tlast tinfirst newoffset offset tcorrected x t xshow tshow dt d tout xout vout aout toutpreview xoutpreview voutpreview aoutpreview linear_start linear_stop linear_time linear linear_v sin_start sin_stop sin_time sin sin_v piece_start piece_stop piece_time piece piece_v plotselect reference_plot_time reference_plot reference_plot_v newsmoothstart newsmoothstop tmaxsmooth newsmoothti100 newsmoothti newsmoothxi newsmoothvi newsmoothai incompletesmoothti incompletesmoothxi incompletesmoothvi incompletesmoothai temp scorable_time scorable_data scorable_ref scores score xinmeter tin xinmeter 100 xin xin lastx reference_plot_time 0 tpreview lastx lastx preview linear_start linear_stop dt temp linear_start linear_stop temp linear_time linear_time linear linear_time linear_v sin_start sin_stop dt temp sin_start sin_stop temp sin_time sin_time sin sin_time sin_v piece_start piece_stop dt temp piece_start piece_stop temp piece_time piece_time piece piece_time piece_v plotselect 0 reference_plot plotselect 0 reference_plot_v plotselect 1 linear reference_plot plotselect 1 linear_v reference_plot_v plotselect 1 linear_time reference_plot_time plotselect 2 sin reference_plot plotselect 2 sin_v reference_plot_v plotselect 2 sin_time reference_plot_time plotselect 3 piece reference_plot plotselect 3 piece_v reference_plot_v plotselect 3 piece_time reference_plot_time tin tinfirst -3 t tlast tinfirst tlast newoffset offset -100 newoffset offset tin offset tcorrected button 0 -1000 offset button 0 tcorrected button 0 xin xin x tcorrected t 0 tout temp temp dt newsmoothstart 0 t temp temp d tmaxsmooth newsmoothstart dt newsmoothstop newsmoothstart newsmoothstop newsmoothti100 newsmoothti100 tmaxsmooth newsmoothti 0 t temp newsmoothti100 tmaxsmooth temp incompletesmoothti t x newsmoothti d newsmoothxi newsmoothvi newsmoothai t x incompletesmoothti d incompletesmoothxi incompletesmoothvi incompletesmoothai newsmoothti tout newsmoothxi xout newsmoothvi vout newsmoothai aout tout incompletesmoothti toutpreview xout incompletesmoothxi xoutpreview vout incompletesmoothvi voutpreview aout incompletesmoothai aoutpreview reference_plot_time tmaxsmooth reference_plot scorable_time scorable_ref tout xout scorable_time scorable_data scorable_data scorable_ref scores scores score t tshow x xshow toutpreview temp temp 1 0 toutpreview temp 1 0 xoutpreview tshow temp temp 1 0 tshow temp 1 0 xshow score toutpreview voutpreview reference_plot_time reference_plot_v toutpreview xoutpreview tshow xshow tpreview preview tout xout vout aout