<phyphox version="1.14" locale="en">
  <title>Inclination (IMU)</title>
  <icon format="base64">
        Measure the angle of the phone's inclination.

        This tool uses the accelerometer to determine the inclination of the phone. When the phone is resting on a table, the inclination is zero. For non-zero inclination, the direction of the inclination is given as rotation.

        Note, that the definition of the angles has been chosen for the task of measuring an inclination (especially for inclined plane experiments) independent of the rotation (about the z axis) of the phone.
  <link label="Wiki">http://phyphox.org/wiki/index.php?title=Experiment:_Inclination</link>
    <translation locale="de">
      <title>Neigung (IMU)</title>
        Miss den Neigungswinkel des Smartphones.

                Dieses Werkzeug nutzt den Beschleunigungssensor um die Neigung des Handys zu bestimmen. Wenn das Gerät flach auf einem Tisch liegt, ist die Neigung null. Bei höherer Neigung wird die Richtung der Neigung als Rotation angegeben.

                Die Winkel wurden hier so festgelegt, dass Neigungen (insbesondere für Experimente an der schiefen Ebene) unabhängig von der Rotation (um die z-Achse) des Handys ermittelt werden können.
      <string original="Inclination">Neigung</string>
      <string original="Flat">Liegend</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Kippwinkel auf/ab</string>
      <string original="Angle">Winkel</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Kippwinkel links/rechts</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Diese Seite misst den Neigungswinkel des Smartphones aus einer liegenden Position.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Aufrecht</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Diese Seite misst den Neigungswinkel des Smartphones aus einer aufrechten Position.</string>
      <string original="Side">Seite</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Diese Seite misst den Neigungswinkel des Smartphones aus einer seitlichen Position.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Ebene</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Diese Seite misst die Neigung einer Ebene. Dazu muss das Smartphone auf dieser Ebene liegen, wobei die Neigung unabhängig von der Ausrichtung des Smartphones berechnet wird. Die Rotation gibt erst die Richtung der Neigung an.</string>
    <translation locale="cs">
        Měří úhel náklonu mobilního zařízení.

Tento nástroj využívá akcelerometr k určení náklonu mobilu. Když je telefon vodorovně, pak je náklon 0. Pro nenulový náklon je směr udán jako rotace.

Povšimněte si, že úhly byly zadefinovány tak, aby se snadno měřil náklon (například pro experimenty s nakloněnou rovinou) nezávisle na rotaci mobilu (kolem osy z).
      <string original="Inclination">Náklon</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Rotace</string>
    <translation locale="pl">
        Zmierz kąt nachylenia urządzenia.

        To narzędzie wykorzystuje akcelerometr do określenia nachylenia urządzenia względem poziomu. Jeśli urządzenie spoczywa na powierzchni równoległej do podłoża nachylenie wynosi zero. Dla innych położeń nachylenie jest wskazywane jako część obrotu.

        Należy zaznaczyć, że kąta nachylenia został zdefiniowany (szczególnie dla eksperymentu z nachyloną powierzchnią) niezależnie od kąta obrotu (wokół osi z) urządzenia.
      <string original="Inclination">Nachylenie</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Obrót</string>
      <string original="Flat">Płaski</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Pochyl w górę / w dół</string>
      <string original="Angle">Kąt</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Pochyl w lewo / w prawo</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Ta zakładka pomaga zmierzyć kąt nachylenia telefonu, począwszy od poziomego położenia.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Pionowo</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Ta zakładka pomaga zmierzyć kąt nachylenia telefonu, począwszy od pozycji pionowej.</string>
      <string original="Side">Bok</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Ta zakładka pomaga zmierzyć kąt nachylenia telefonu, począwszy od pozycji na boku.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Płaszczyzna</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Ta zakładka pomaga zmierzyć nachylenie płaszczyzny. Pochylenie płaszczyzny jest mierzone, gdy telefon spoczywa płasko na płaszczyźnie, niezależnie od jego na niej orientacji. Rotacja wskazuje kierunek nachylenia.</string>
    <translation locale="nl">
        Meet de hellingshoek van je smartphone.

   Deze tool gebruikt de versnellingsmeter om de helling van de smartphone te bepalen. Wanneer de smartphone op een tafel ligt, is de helling nul. Voor een niet-nul helling wordt de richting van de helling gegeven als een rotatie.

 Merk op dat de definitie van de hoeken is gekozen voor het meten van een helling (in het bijzonder voor experimenten met schuine vlakken), onafhankelijk van de rotatie (rond de z-as) van de smartphone.
      <string original="Inclination">Helling</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Rotatie</string>
      <string original="Flat">Liggend</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Op/neer kanteling</string>
      <string original="Angle">Hoek</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Links/rechts kanteling</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Op dit scherm kun je de kantelingshoek van de smartphone meten, vertrekkend van een horizontale stand.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Rechtop</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Op dit scherm kun je de kantelingshoek van de smartphone meten, vertrekkend van een vertikale stand.</string>
      <string original="Side">Zijde</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Op dit scherm kun je de kantelingshoek van de smartphone meten, vertrekkend van een zijdelingse stand.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Vlak</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Op dit scherm kun je de helling van het vlak meten. De e helling van het vlak wordt bepaald terwijl de smartphone plat op het oppervlak ligt, onafhankelijk van zijn oriëntatie. De rotatie geeft de richting van de helling aan.</string>
    <translation locale="ru">
      <category>Измерительные инструменты</category>
        Измерьте угол наклона телефона.

        Этот инструмент использует акселерометр для определения наклона телефона. Когда телефон покоится на столе, наклон равен нулю. При ненулевом наклоне направление наклона задается как вращение.

        Обратите внимание, что выбор углов для измерения наклона (особенно для экспериментов на наклонной плоскости) не зависит от поворота (вокруг оси z) телефона.
      <string original="Inclination">Наклон</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Вращение</string>
      <string original="Flat">Ровный</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Наклон вверх/вниз</string>
      <string original="Angle">Угол</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Наклон влево/вправо</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Эта вкладка позволяет измерять угол наклона телефона, начиная с горизонтального положения.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Вертикальный</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Эта вкладка позволяет измерять угол наклона телефона, начиная с вертикального положения.</string>
      <string original="Side">Боковая сторона</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Эта вкладка позволяет измерять угол наклона телефона, начиная с бокового положения.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Плоскость</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Эта вкладка позволяет измерять наклон плоскости. Наклон плоскости измеряется по мере того, как телефон остается лежать на поверхности, независимо от его ориентации. Вращение дает направление наклона.</string>
    <translation locale="it">
        Misura l'angolo d'inclinazione del telefono.

        Questo strumento usa l'accelerometro per misurare l'inclinazione del telefono. L'inclinazione restituisce l'angolo compreso tra un piano orizzontale e lo schermo del telefono. La rotazione, invece, è la misura dell'angolo di rotazione del telefono attorno all'asse z quando è in posizione verticale.
      <string original="Inclination">Inclinazione</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Rotazione</string>
      <string original="Flat">In piano</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Inclinazione su/giù</string>
      <string original="Angle">Angolo</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Inclinazione sinistra/destra</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">In questa scheda si misura l'angolo d'inclinazione del telefono, partendo dalla posizione orizzontale in piano.</string>
      <string original="Upright">In piedi</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">In questa scheda si misura l'angolo d'inclinazione del telefono, a partire dalla posizione verticale, in piedi.</string>
      <string original="Side">Laterale</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">In questa scheda si misura l'angolo d'inclinazione del telefono, quando si trova poggiato su un lato.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Piano</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">In questa scheda si misura l'inclinazione di un piano. L'inclinazione del piano si ottiene col telefono fermo sulla sua superficie anteriore o posteriore, indipendentemente dall'orientazione. La rotazione fornisce la direzione dell'inclinazione.</string>
    <translation locale="el">
        Μέτρηση της γωνίας κλίσης του τηλεφώνου.

        Αυτό το εργαλείο χρησιμοποιεί το επιταχυνσιόμετρο για να προσδιορίσει την κλίση του τηλεφώνου. Όταν το τηλέφωνο είναι οριζόντιο σε ένα τραπέζι, η κλίση ειναι μηδέν. Στις μη μηδενικές κλίσεις ή κατεύθυνση της κλίσης δίνεται σαν περιστροφή.

        Σημειώστε ότι ο ορισμός των γωνιών επιλέχθηκε με στόχο τη μέτρηση της κλίσης (ιδιαίτερα σε πειράματα με κεκλιμένο επίπεδο) ανεξάρτητα από την περιστροφή ως προς τον άξονα z του τηλεφώνου.
      <string original="Inclination">Κλίση</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Περιστροφή</string>
      <string original="Flat">Επίπεδο</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Απόκλιση πάνω/κάτω</string>
      <string original="Angle">Γωνία</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Απόκλιση δεξιά/αριστερά</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Αυτή η καρτέλα βοηθά τη μέτρηση της γωνίας απόκλισης του τηλεφώνου ξεκινώντας από οριζόντια θέση.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Κατακόρυφο</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Αυτή η καρτέλα βοηθά τη μέτρηση της γωνίας απόκλισης του τηλεφώνου ξεκινώντας από κατακόρυφη θέση.</string>
      <string original="Side">Πλευρά</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Αυτή η καρτέλα βοηθά τη μέτρηση της γωνίας απόκλισης του τηλεφώνου ξεκινώντας από πλαϊνή θέση.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Επίπεδο</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Αυτή η καρτέλα βοηθά να μετρηθεί η κλίση του επιπέδου. Η κλίση του επιπέδου μετριέται καθώς το τηλέφωνο είναι στο επίπεδο της επιφάνειας, ανεξάρτητα από την περιστροφή του. Η περιστροφή δίνει την κατεύθυνση της κλίσης.</string>
    <translation locale="ja">


      <string original="Flat">水平置き</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">前後の傾き</string>
      <string original="Angle">角度</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">左右の傾き</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">”水平置き”タブは水平に置かれたスマートフォンからの傾斜角度の計測に役立ちます.</string>
      <string original="Upright">垂直置き</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">”垂直置き”タブは垂直に置かれたスマートフォンからの傾斜角度の計測に役立ちます.</string>
      <string original="Side">横置き</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">”横置き”タブは長手方向に立てたスマートフォンからの傾斜角度の計測に役立ちます.</string>
      <string original="Plane">水平度</string>
      <string original="Inclination">傾斜</string>
      <string original="Rotation">左右の傾き</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">この水平度タブではスマートフォンが置かれた面の傾き角度の大きさが計測されます.</string>
    <translation locale="pt">
        Medida do ângulo de inclinação do aparelho.

        Esta ferramenta usa o acelerômetro para determinar a inclinação do aparelho. Quando em repouso sobre um mesa, a inclinação é zero. Para inclinações diferente de zero, a direcão da inclinação é dada como rotacão.

        A definição do ângulos foi escolhida para determinar uma inclinacão (especialmente para experimentos em um plano inclinado) independente da rotacão (sobre o eixo z) do aparelho.
      <string original="Flat">Plano</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Incline para cima/baixo</string>
      <string original="Angle">Ângulo</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Incline para esquerda/direita</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Esta aba ajuda a medir o ângulo de inclinição do smartphone, iniciando de uma posição horizontal.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Vertical</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Esta aba ajuda a medir o ângulo de inclinação do smartphone, iniciando de uma posição vertical.</string>
      <string original="Side">Lado</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Esta aba ajuda a medir o ângulo de inclinação do smartphone, iniciando de uma posição horizontal (celular deitado).</string>
      <string original="Plane">Plano</string>
      <string original="Inclination">Inclinação</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Rotação</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Esta aba ajuda a medir a inclinação de uma superfície. A inclinação da superfície é medida com o aparelho parado sobre a superfície, independente da sua orientação. A rotação fornece a direção de inclinação.</string>
    <translation locale="tr">
        Telefonun eğim açısını ölçün.

Bu araç, telefonun eğimini belirlemek için ivmeölçer kullanır. Telefon bir masada dururken, eğim sıfırdır. Sıfır olmayan eğim için, eğim yönü dönüş olarak verilir.

Dikkat, açıların tanımının telefonun dönüşünden bağımsız olarak (z ekseni ile ilgili) eğimin ölçülmesi (özellikle eğik düzlem deneyleri) görevi için seçildiğini unutmayın.
      <string original="Flat">Düz</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Yukarı / aşağı eğim</string>
      <string original="Angle">Açı</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Sola / sağa eğim</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Bu sekme, düz bir konumdan başlayarak telefonun eğim açısını ölçmeye yardımcı olur.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Dik</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Bu sekme, dik pozisyondan başlayarak telefonun eğim açısını ölçmeye yardımcı olur.</string>
      <string original="Side">Yan</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Bu sekme, telefonun yana yatma açısını, yan konumdan başlayarak ölçmeye yardımcı olur.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Uçak</string>
      <string original="Inclination">Eğim</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Dönme</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Bu sekme, düzlemin eğimini ölçmeye yardımcı olur. Düzlemin eğimi, telefonun yönü ne olursa olsun, yüzeye yaslandığı için ölçülür. Döndürme eğim yönünü verir.</string>
    <translation locale="zh_Hant">


      <string original="Inclination">傾斜度</string>
      <string original="Rotation">旋轉角度</string>
    <translation locale="fr">
        Mesure de l'inclinaison du téléphone.

        Cet outil utilise l'accéléromètre pour déterminer l'angle d’inclinaison du téléphone. Lorsque le téléphone est horizontal, l'inclinaison est nulle. Pour une inclinaison non nulle, le sens de l'inclinaison est donné par la mesure de la rotation.

        Ces définitions été choisies pour facilité la mesure d'une inclinaison (en particulier pour les expériences de plan incliné) indépendamment de la valeur de la rotation (autour de l'axe z) du téléphone.
      <string original="Flat">Horizontal</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Rotation haut/bas</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Rotation gauche/droite</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Cet onglet mesure les angles d'inclinaison du téléphone, à partir d'une position horizontale.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Vertical</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Cet onglet mesure les angles d'inclinaison du téléphone, à partir d'une position verticale.</string>
      <string original="Side">Coté</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Cet onglet mesure les angles d'inclinaison du téléphone, à partir d'une position où le téléphone est posé sur le coté.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Plan</string>
      <string original="Inclination">Inclinaison</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Cet onglet mesure l'inclinaison d'un plan. Cette inclinaison est mesurée en mettant le téléphone à plat sur la surface, indépendamment de son orientation. La rotation donne la direction de l'inclinaison.</string>
    <translation locale="vi">
      <title>Độ nghiêng</title>
      <category>Công cụ</category>
        Đo góc nghiêng của điện thoại.

        Công cụ này dùng gia tốc kế để xác định góc nghiêng của điện thoại. Khi điện thoại được đặt trên mặt bàn, độ nghiêng bằng 0. Đối với độ nghiêng khác không, hướng của độ nghiêng được đo theo độ quay.

        Chú ý, định nghĩa của góc nghiêng đã được chọn cho việc xác định góc nghiêng (đặc biệt cho thí nghiệm mặt phẳng nghiêng) độc lập với độ quay (quanh trục z) của điện thoại.
      <string original="Flat">Mặt ngang</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Nghiêng lên/xuống</string>
      <string original="Angle">Góc</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Độ xoay trái/phải</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Mục này giúp đo độ nghiêng của điện thoại, bắt đầu từ vị trí nằm ngang.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Thẳng đứng</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Mục này giúp đo độ nghiêng của điện thoại, bắt đầu từ vị ví thẳng đứng.</string>
      <string original="Side">Cạnh</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Mục này giúp đo góc nghiêng của điện thoại, bắt đầu từ vị trí cạnh bên.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Mặt phẳng</string>
      <string original="Inclination">Độ nghiêng</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Góc quay</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Mục này để đo độ nghiêng của mặt phẳng. Độ nghiêng của mặt phẳng được đo khi điện thoại được gắn  nằm cố định trên mặt phẳng, bất kể hướng nào. Độ quay cho biết hướng của mặt phẳng.</string>
    <translation locale="zh_Hans">


      <string original="Flat">水平</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">向上/向下倾斜</string>
      <string original="Angle">角度</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">向左/向右倾斜</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">此表协助测量从水平位置开始计算的手机倾斜角。</string>
      <string original="Upright">垂直</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">此表协助测量从垂直位置开始计算的手机倾斜角。</string>
      <string original="Side">侧边</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">此表协助测量从侧边位置开始计算的手机倾斜角。</string>
      <string original="Plane">平面</string>
      <string original="Inclination">倾角</string>
      <string original="Rotation">旋转角度</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">此表协助测量某平面的倾角。手机平放在表面时,无论方向如何,能测得该平面的倾角。旋转角度给出了倾角的方向。</string>
    <translation locale="sr">
        Izmerite ugao nagiba telefona.

         Ovaj alat koristi akcelerometar da odredi nagib telefona. Kada se telefon nalazi na stolu, nagib je nula. Za nagib koji nije nula, pravac nagiba se daje kao rotacija.

         Imajte na umu da je definicija uglova odabrana za zadatak merenja nagiba (naročito za eksperimente sa nagibom), nezavisno od rotacije (oko z ose) telefona.
      <string original="Flat">Polegnut</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Nagnuti ka gore/dole</string>
      <string original="Angle">Ugao</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Nagnuti ulevo/udesno</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Ova kartica Vam pomaže da izmerite ugao naginjanja telefona, počevši od horizontalnog položaja.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Uspravno</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Ova kartica Vam omogućava da izmerite ugao naginjanja telefona, počevši od uspravnog položaja.</string>
      <string original="Side">Strana</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Ova kartica vam omogućava da izmerite ugao naginjanja telefona, počevši od bočne pozicije.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Ravno</string>
      <string original="Inclination">Nagib</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Rotacija</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Ova kartica Vam pomaže da izmerite ugao naginjanja ravni uređaja. Ugao naginjanja ravni uređaja se meri dok telefon miruje na ravnoj površini, bez obzira na njegovu orijentaciju. Rotacija daje pravac naginjanja ravni.</string>
    <translation locale="sr_Latn">
        Izmerite ugao nagiba telefona.

         Ovaj alat koristi akcelerometar da odredi nagib telefona. Kada se telefon nalazi na stolu, nagib je nula. Za nagib koji nije nula, pravac nagiba se daje kao rotacija.

         Imajte na umu da je definicija uglova odabrana za zadatak merenja nagiba (naročito za eksperimente sa nagibom), nezavisno od rotacije (oko z ose) telefona.
      <string original="Flat">Polegnut</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Nagnuti ka gore/dole</string>
      <string original="Angle">Ugao</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Nagnuti ulevo/udesno</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Ova kartica Vam pomaže da izmerite ugao naginjanja telefona, počevši od horizontalnog položaja.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Uspravno</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Ova kartica Vam omogućava da izmerite ugao naginjanja telefona, počevši od uspravnog položaja.</string>
      <string original="Side">Strana</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Ova kartica vam omogućava da izmerite ugao naginjanja telefona, počevši od bočne pozicije.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Ravno</string>
      <string original="Inclination">Nagib</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Rotacija</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Ova kartica Vam pomaže da izmerite ugao naginjanja ravni uređaja. Ugao naginjanja ravni uređaja se meri dok telefon miruje na ravnoj površini, bez obzira na njegovu orijentaciju. Rotacija daje pravac naginjanja ravni.</string>
    <translation locale="es">
        Mida el ángulo de inclinación del teléfono.

         Esta herramienta usa el acelerómetro del teléfono para determinar la inclinación . Cuando el teléfono descansa sobre una mesa, la inclinación es cero. Para una inclinación distinta de cero, la dirección de la inclinación se da como rotación.

         Tenga en cuenta que la definición de los ángulos se ha elegido para la tarea de medir una inclinación (especialmente para experimentos de plano inclinado) independiente de la rotación (alrededor del eje z) del teléfono
      <string original="Flat">Horizontal</string>
      <string original="Tilt up/down">Inclinación arriba/abajo</string>
      <string original="Angle">Ángulo</string>
      <string original="Tilt left/right">Inclinación izquierda/derecha</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position.">Esta pestaña ayuda a medir el ángulo de inclinación del teléfono, comenzando desde una posición plana.</string>
      <string original="Upright">Vertical</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position.">Esta pestaña ayuda a medir el ángulo de inclinación del teléfono, comenzando desde una posición vertical.</string>
      <string original="Side">Lado</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position.">Esta pestaña ayuda a medir el ángulo de inclinación del teléfono, comenzando desde una posición lateral.</string>
      <string original="Plane">Plano inclinado</string>
      <string original="Inclination">Inclinación</string>
      <string original="Rotation">Rotación</string>
      <string original="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination.">Esta pestaña ayuda a medir la inclinación de un plano. La inclinación del plano se mide mientras que el teléfono descansa sobre la superficie, independientemente de su orientación. La rotación da la dirección de la inclinación.</string>
    <container size="1">accX</container>
    <container size="1">accY</container>
    <container size="1">accZ</container>
    <container size="1">accT</container>
    <container size="0">tiltFlatUD</container>
    <container size="0">tiltFlatLR</container>
    <container size="0">tiltUprightUD</container>
    <container size="0">tiltUprightLR</container>
    <container size="0">tiltSideUD</container>
    <container size="0">tiltSideLR</container>
    <container size="0">angle</container>
    <container size="0">anglePlane</container>
    <container size="0">t</container>
    <sensor type="gravity" rate="2" average="true">
      <output component="x">accX</output>
      <output component="y">accY</output>
      <output component="z">accZ</output>
      <output component="t">accT</output>
    <view label="Flat">
      <graph label="Tilt up/down" timeOnX="true" labelX="[[quantity_short_time]]" unitX="[[unit_short_second]]" labelY="Angle" unitY="[[unit_short_degree]]" partialUpdate="true" style="line">
        <input axis="x">t</input>
        <input axis="y">tiltFlatUD</input>
      <value label="Tilt up/down" size="2" precision="2" scientific="false" unit="[[unit_short_degree]]" factor="1">
      <separator height="1"/>
      <graph label="Tilt left/right" timeOnX="true" labelX="[[quantity_short_time]]" unitX="[[unit_short_second]]" labelY="Angle" unitY="[[unit_short_degree]]" partialUpdate="true" style="line">
        <input axis="x">t</input>
        <input axis="y">tiltFlatLR</input>
      <value label="Tilt left/right" size="2" precision="2" scientific="false" unit="[[unit_short_degree]]" factor="1">
      <info label="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a flat position."/>
    <view label="Upright">
      <graph label="Tilt up/down" timeOnX="true" labelX="[[quantity_short_time]]" unitX="[[unit_short_second]]" labelY="Angle" unitY="[[unit_short_degree]]" partialUpdate="true" style="line">
        <input axis="x">t</input>
        <input axis="y">tiltUprightUD</input>
      <value label="Tilt up/down" size="2" precision="2" scientific="false" unit="[[unit_short_degree]]" factor="1">
      <separator height="1"/>
      <graph label="Tilt left/right" timeOnX="true" labelX="[[quantity_short_time]]" unitX="[[unit_short_second]]" labelY="Angle" unitY="[[unit_short_degree]]" partialUpdate="true" style="line">
        <input axis="x">t</input>
        <input axis="y">tiltUprightLR</input>
      <value label="Tilt left/right" size="2" precision="2" scientific="false" unit="[[unit_short_degree]]" factor="1">
      <info label="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from an upright position."/>
    <view label="Side">
      <graph label="Tilt up/down" timeOnX="true" labelX="[[quantity_short_time]]" unitX="[[unit_short_second]]" labelY="Angle" unitY="[[unit_short_degree]]" partialUpdate="true" style="line">
        <input axis="x">t</input>
        <input axis="y">tiltSideUD</input>
      <value label="Tilt up/down" size="2" precision="2" scientific="false" unit="[[unit_short_degree]]" factor="1">
      <separator height="1"/>
      <graph label="Tilt left/right" timeOnX="true" labelX="[[quantity_short_time]]" unitX="[[unit_short_second]]" labelY="Angle" unitY="[[unit_short_degree]]" partialUpdate="true" style="line">
        <input axis="x">t</input>
        <input axis="y">tiltSideLR</input>
      <value label="Tilt left/right" size="2" precision="2" scientific="false" unit="[[unit_short_degree]]" factor="1">
      <info label="This tab helps to measure the tilting angle of the phone, starting from a sideways position."/>
    <view label="Plane">
      <graph label="Inclination" timeOnX="true" labelX="[[quantity_short_time]]" unitX="[[unit_short_second]]" labelY="Angle" unitY="[[unit_short_degree]]" partialUpdate="true" style="line">
        <input axis="x">t</input>
        <input axis="y">angle</input>
      <value label="Inclination" size="2" precision="2" scientific="false" unit="[[unit_short_degree]]" factor="1">
      <separator height="1"/>
      <graph label="Rotation" timeOnX="true" labelX="[[quantity_short_time]]" unitX="[[unit_short_second]]" labelY="Angle" unitY="[[unit_short_degree]]" partialUpdate="true" style="line">
        <input axis="x">t</input>
        <input axis="y">anglePlane</input>
      <value label="Rotation" size="2" precision="2" scientific="false" unit="[[unit_short_degree]]" factor="1">
      <info label="This tab helps to measure the inclination of the plane. The inclination of the plane is measured as the phone rests flat on the surface, regardless of its orientation. The rotation gives the direction of the inclination."/>
  <analysis sleep="0.5">
    <formula formula="atan2([1_],[2_])*57.29577951">
      <input clear="false">accY</input>
      <input clear="false">accZ</input>
      <output clear="false">tiltFlatUD</output>
    <formula formula="atan2([1_],[2_])*57.29577951">
      <input clear="false">accX</input>
      <input clear="false">accZ</input>
      <output clear="false">tiltFlatLR</output>
    <formula formula="atan2([1_],[2_])*57.29577951">
      <input clear="false">accZ</input>
      <input clear="false">accY</input>
      <output clear="false">tiltUprightUD</output>
    <formula formula="atan2([1_],[2_])*57.29577951">
      <input clear="false">accX</input>
      <input clear="false">accY</input>
      <output clear="false">tiltUprightLR</output>
    <formula formula="atan2([1_],[2_])*57.29577951">
      <input clear="false">accY</input>
      <input clear="false">accX</input>
      <output clear="false">tiltSideUD</output>
    <formula formula="atan2([1_],[2_])*57.29577951">
      <input clear="false">accZ</input>
      <input clear="false">accX</input>
      <output clear="false">tiltSideLR</output>
    <formula formula="atan2(sqrt([1_]*[1_]+[2_]*[2_]),[3_])*57.29577951">
      <input clear="false">accX</input>
      <input clear="false">accY</input>
      <input clear="false">accZ</input>
      <output clear="false">angle</output>
    <formula formula="atan2([1_],[2_])*57.29577951">
      <input clear="false">accX</input>
      <input clear="false">accY</input>
      <output clear="false">anglePlane</output>
      <input clear="false">accT</input>
      <output clear="false">t</output>
    <set name="Flat">
      <data name="t (s)">t</data>
      <data name="Tilt up/down (deg)">tiltFlatUD</data>
      <data name="Tilt left/right (deg)">tiltFlatLR</data>
    <set name="Upright">
      <data name="t (s)">t</data>
      <data name="Tilt up/down (deg)">tiltUprightUD</data>
      <data name="Tilt left/right (deg)">tiltUprightLR</data>
    <set name="Side">
      <data name="t (s)">t</data>
      <data name="Tilt up/down (deg)">tiltSideUD</data>
      <data name="Tilt left/right (deg)">tiltSideLR</data>
    <set name="Plane">
      <data name="t (s)">t</data>
      <data name="Inclination (deg)">angle</data>
      <data name="Rotation (deg)">anglePlane</data>