The HED standard schema is a hierarchically-organized vocabulary for annotating events and experimental structure. HED annotations consist of comma-separated tags drawn from this vocabulary. This vocabulary can be augmented by terms drawn from specialized library schema. Each term in this vocabulary has a human-readable description and may include additional attributes that give additional properties or that specify how tools should treat the tag during analysis. The meaning of these attributes is described in the Additional schema properties section. Event Something that happens at a given time and (typically) place. Elements of this tag subtree designate the general category in which an event falls. suggestedTag Task-property hedId HED_0012001 Sensory-event Something perceivable by the participant. An event meant to be an experimental stimulus should include the tag Task-property/Task-event-role/Experimental-stimulus. suggestedTag Task-event-role Sensory-presentation hedId HED_0012002 Agent-action Any action engaged in by an agent (see the Agent subtree for agent categories). A participant response to an experiment stimulus should include the tag Agent-property/Agent-task-role/Experiment-participant. suggestedTag Task-event-role Agent hedId HED_0012003 Data-feature An event marking the occurrence of a data feature such as an interictal spike or alpha burst that is often added post hoc to the data record. suggestedTag Data-property hedId HED_0012004 Experiment-control An event pertaining to the physical control of the experiment during its operation. hedId HED_0012005 Experiment-procedure An event indicating an experimental procedure, as in performing a saliva swab during the experiment or administering a survey. hedId HED_0012006 Experiment-structure An event specifying a change-point of the structure of experiment. This event is typically used to indicate a change in experimental conditions or tasks. hedId HED_0012007 Measurement-event A discrete measure returned by an instrument. suggestedTag Data-property hedId HED_0012008 Agent Someone or something that takes an active role or produces a specified effect.The role or effect may be implicit. Being alive or performing an activity such as a computation may qualify something to be an agent. An agent may also be something that simulates something else. suggestedTag Agent-property hedId HED_0012009 Animal-agent An agent that is an animal. hedId HED_0012010 Avatar-agent An agent associated with an icon or avatar representing another agent. hedId HED_0012011 Controller-agent Experiment control software or hardware. hedId HED_0012012 Human-agent A person who takes an active role or produces a specified effect. hedId HED_0012013 Robotic-agent An agent mechanical device capable of performing a variety of often complex tasks on command or by being programmed in advance. hedId HED_0012014 Software-agent An agent computer program that interacts with the participant in an active role such as an AI advisor. hedId HED_0012015 Action Do something. extensionAllowed hedId HED_0012016 Communicate Action conveying knowledge of or about something. hedId HED_0012017 Communicate-gesturally Communicate non-verbally using visible bodily actions, either in place of speech or together and in parallel with spoken words. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body. relatedTag Move-face Move-upper-extremity hedId HED_0012018 Clap-hands Strike the palms of against one another resoundingly, and usually repeatedly, especially to express approval. hedId HED_0012019 Clear-throat Cough slightly so as to speak more clearly, attract attention, or to express hesitancy before saying something awkward. relatedTag Move-face Move-head hedId HED_0012020 Frown Express disapproval, displeasure, or concentration, typically by turning down the corners of the mouth. relatedTag Move-face hedId HED_0012021 Grimace Make a twisted expression, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement. relatedTag Move-face hedId HED_0012022 Nod-head Tilt head in alternating up and down arcs along the sagittal plane. It is most commonly, but not universally, used to indicate agreement, acceptance, or acknowledgement. relatedTag Move-head hedId HED_0012023 Pump-fist Raise with fist clenched in triumph or affirmation. relatedTag Move-upper-extremity hedId HED_0012024 Raise-eyebrows Move eyebrows upward. relatedTag Move-face Move-eyes hedId HED_0012025 Shake-fist Clench hand into a fist and shake to demonstrate anger. relatedTag Move-upper-extremity hedId HED_0012026 Shake-head Turn head from side to side as a way of showing disagreement or refusal. relatedTag Move-head hedId HED_0012027 Shhh Place finger over lips and possibly uttering the syllable shhh to indicate the need to be quiet. relatedTag Move-upper-extremity hedId HED_0012028 Shrug Lift shoulders up towards head to indicate a lack of knowledge about a particular topic. relatedTag Move-upper-extremity Move-torso hedId HED_0012029 Smile Form facial features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, typically with the corners of the mouth turned up and the front teeth exposed. relatedTag Move-face hedId HED_0012030 Spread-hands Spread hands apart to indicate ignorance. relatedTag Move-upper-extremity hedId HED_0012031 Thumb-up Extend the thumb upward to indicate approval. relatedTag Move-upper-extremity hedId HED_0012032 Thumbs-down Extend the thumb downward to indicate disapproval. relatedTag Move-upper-extremity hedId HED_0012033 Wave Raise hand and move left and right, as a greeting or sign of departure. relatedTag Move-upper-extremity hedId HED_0012034 Widen-eyes Open eyes and possibly with eyebrows lifted especially to express surprise or fear. relatedTag Move-face Move-eyes hedId HED_0012035 Wink Close and open one eye quickly, typically to indicate that something is a joke or a secret or as a signal of affection or greeting. relatedTag Move-face Move-eyes hedId HED_0012036 Communicate-musically Communicate using music. hedId HED_0012037 Hum Make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee. Sing with the lips closed and without uttering speech. hedId HED_0012038 Play-instrument Make musical sounds using an instrument. hedId HED_0012039 Sing Produce musical tones by means of the voice. hedId HED_0012040 Vocalize Utter vocal sounds. hedId HED_0012041 Whistle Produce a shrill clear sound by forcing breath out or air in through the puckered lips. hedId HED_0012042 Communicate-vocally Communicate using mouth or vocal cords. hedId HED_0012043 Cry Shed tears associated with emotions, usually sadness but also joy or frustration. hedId HED_0012044 Groan Make a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair. hedId HED_0012045 Laugh Make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement and sometimes also of contempt or derision. hedId HED_0012046 Scream Make loud, vociferous cries or yells to express pain, excitement, or fear. hedId HED_0012047 Shout Say something very loudly. hedId HED_0012048 Sigh Emit a long, deep, audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or a similar feeling. hedId HED_0012049 Speak Communicate using spoken language. hedId HED_0012050 Whisper Speak very softly using breath without vocal cords. hedId HED_0012051 Move Move in a specified direction or manner. Change position or posture. hedId HED_0012052 Breathe Inhale or exhale during respiration. hedId HED_0012053 Blow Expel air through pursed lips. hedId HED_0012054 Cough Suddenly and audibly expel air from the lungs through a partially closed glottis, preceded by inhalation. hedId HED_0012055 Exhale Blow out or expel breath. hedId HED_0012056 Hiccup Involuntarily spasm the diaphragm and respiratory organs, with a sudden closure of the glottis and a characteristic sound like that of a cough. hedId HED_0012057 Hold-breath Interrupt normal breathing by ceasing to inhale or exhale. hedId HED_0012058 Inhale Draw in with the breath through the nose or mouth. hedId HED_0012059 Sneeze Suddenly and violently expel breath through the nose and mouth. hedId HED_0012060 Sniff Draw in air audibly through the nose to detect a smell, to stop it from running, or to express contempt. hedId HED_0012061 Move-body Move entire body. hedId HED_0012062 Bend Move body in a bowed or curved manner. hedId HED_0012063 Dance Perform a purposefully selected sequences of human movement often with aesthetic or symbolic value. Move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps. hedId HED_0012064 Fall-down Lose balance and collapse. hedId HED_0012065 Flex Cause a muscle to stand out by contracting or tensing it. Bend a limb or joint. hedId HED_0012066 Jerk Make a quick, sharp, sudden movement. hedId HED_0012067 Lie-down Move to a horizontal or resting position. hedId HED_0012068 Recover-balance Return to a stable, upright body position. hedId HED_0012069 Shudder Tremble convulsively, sometimes as a result of fear or revulsion. hedId HED_0012070 Sit-down Move from a standing to a sitting position. hedId HED_0012071 Sit-up Move from lying down to a sitting position. hedId HED_0012072 Stand-up Move from a sitting to a standing position. hedId HED_0012073 Stretch Straighten or extend body or a part of body to its full length, typically so as to tighten muscles or in order to reach something. hedId HED_0012074 Stumble Trip or momentarily lose balance and almost fall. hedId HED_0012075 Turn Change or cause to change direction. hedId HED_0012076 Move-body-part Move one part of a body. hedId HED_0012077 Move-eyes Move eyes. hedId HED_0012078 Blink Shut and open the eyes quickly. hedId HED_0012079 Close-eyes Lower and keep eyelids in a closed position. hedId HED_0012080 Fixate Direct eyes to a specific point or target. hedId HED_0012081 Inhibit-blinks Purposely prevent blinking. hedId HED_0012082 Open-eyes Raise eyelids to expose pupil. hedId HED_0012083 Saccade Move eyes rapidly between fixation points. hedId HED_0012084 Squint Squeeze one or both eyes partly closed in an attempt to see more clearly or as a reaction to strong light. hedId HED_0012085 Stare Look fixedly or vacantly at someone or something with eyes wide open. hedId HED_0012086 Move-face Move the face or jaw. hedId HED_0012087 Bite Seize with teeth or jaws an object or organism so as to grip or break the surface covering. hedId HED_0012088 Burp Noisily release air from the stomach through the mouth. Belch. hedId HED_0012089 Chew Repeatedly grinding, tearing, and or crushing with teeth or jaws. hedId HED_0012090 Gurgle Make a hollow bubbling sound like that made by water running out of a bottle. hedId HED_0012091 Swallow Cause or allow something, especially food or drink to pass down the throat. hedId HED_0012092 Gulp Swallow quickly or in large mouthfuls, often audibly, sometimes to indicate apprehension. hedId HED_0012093 Yawn Take a deep involuntary inhalation with the mouth open often as a sign of drowsiness or boredom. hedId HED_0012094 Move-head Move head. hedId HED_0012095 Lift-head Tilt head back lifting chin. hedId HED_0012096 Lower-head Move head downward so that eyes are in a lower position. hedId HED_0012097 Turn-head Rotate head horizontally to look in a different direction. hedId HED_0012098 Move-lower-extremity Move leg and/or foot. hedId HED_0012099 Curl-toes Bend toes sometimes to grip. hedId HED_0012100 Hop Jump on one foot. hedId HED_0012101 Jog Run at a trot to exercise. hedId HED_0012102 Jump Move off the ground or other surface through sudden muscular effort in the legs. hedId HED_0012103 Kick Strike out or flail with the foot or feet.Strike using the leg, in unison usually with an area of the knee or lower using the foot. hedId HED_0012104 Pedal Move by working the pedals of a bicycle or other machine. hedId HED_0012105 Press-foot Move by pressing foot. hedId HED_0012106 Run Travel on foot at a fast pace. hedId HED_0012107 Step Put one leg in front of the other and shift weight onto it. hedId HED_0012108 Heel-strike Strike the ground with the heel during a step. hedId HED_0012109 Toe-off Push with toe as part of a stride. hedId HED_0012110 Trot Run at a moderate pace, typically with short steps. hedId HED_0012111 Walk Move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn never having both feet off the ground at once. hedId HED_0012112 Move-torso Move body trunk. hedId HED_0012113 Move-upper-extremity Move arm, shoulder, and/or hand. hedId HED_0012114 Drop Let or cause to fall vertically. hedId HED_0012115 Grab Seize suddenly or quickly. Snatch or clutch. hedId HED_0012116 Grasp Seize and hold firmly. hedId HED_0012117 Hold-down Prevent someone or something from moving by holding them firmly. hedId HED_0012118 Lift Raising something to higher position. hedId HED_0012119 Make-fist Close hand tightly with the fingers bent against the palm. hedId HED_0012120 Point Draw attention to something by extending a finger or arm. hedId HED_0012121 Press Apply pressure to something to flatten, shape, smooth or depress it. This action tag should be used to indicate key presses and mouse clicks. relatedTag Push hedId HED_0012122 Push Apply force in order to move something away. Use Press to indicate a key press or mouse click. relatedTag Press hedId HED_0012123 Reach Stretch out your arm in order to get or touch something. hedId HED_0012124 Release Make available or set free. hedId HED_0012125 Retract Draw or pull back. hedId HED_0012126 Scratch Drag claws or nails over a surface or on skin. hedId HED_0012127 Snap-fingers Make a noise by pushing second finger hard against thumb and then releasing it suddenly so that it hits the base of the thumb. hedId HED_0012128 Touch Come into or be in contact with. hedId HED_0012129 Perceive Produce an internal, conscious image through stimulating a sensory system. hedId HED_0012130 Hear Give attention to a sound. hedId HED_0012131 See Direct gaze toward someone or something or in a specified direction. hedId HED_0012132 Sense-by-touch Sense something through receptors in the skin. hedId HED_0012133 Smell Inhale in order to ascertain an odor or scent. hedId HED_0012134 Taste Sense a flavor in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance. hedId HED_0012135 Perform Carry out or accomplish an action, task, or function. hedId HED_0012136 Close Act as to blocked against entry or passage. hedId HED_0012137 Collide-with Hit with force when moving. hedId HED_0012138 Halt Bring or come to an abrupt stop. hedId HED_0012139 Modify Change something. hedId HED_0012140 Open Widen an aperture, door, or gap, especially one allowing access to something. hedId HED_0012141 Operate Control the functioning of a machine, process, or system. hedId HED_0012142 Play Engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose. hedId HED_0012143 Read Interpret something that is written or printed. hedId HED_0012144 Repeat Make do or perform again. hedId HED_0012145 Rest Be inactive in order to regain strength, health, or energy. hedId HED_0012146 Ride Ride on an animal or in a vehicle. Ride conveys some notion that another agent has partial or total control of the motion. hedId HED_0012147 Write Communicate or express by means of letters or symbols written or imprinted on a surface. hedId HED_0012148 Think Direct the mind toward someone or something or use the mind actively to form connected ideas. hedId HED_0012149 Allow Allow access to something such as allowing a car to pass. hedId HED_0012150 Attend-to Focus mental experience on specific targets. hedId HED_0012151 Count Tally items either silently or aloud. hedId HED_0012152 Deny Refuse to give or grant something requested or desired by someone. hedId HED_0012153 Detect Discover or identify the presence or existence of something. hedId HED_0012154 Discriminate Recognize a distinction. hedId HED_0012155 Encode Convert information or an instruction into a particular form. hedId HED_0012156 Evade Escape or avoid, especially by cleverness or trickery. hedId HED_0012157 Generate Cause something, especially an emotion or situation to arise or come about. hedId HED_0012158 Identify Establish or indicate who or what someone or something is. hedId HED_0012159 Imagine Form a mental image or concept of something. hedId HED_0012160 Judge Evaluate evidence to make a decision or form a belief. hedId HED_0012161 Learn Adaptively change behavior as the result of experience. hedId HED_0012162 Memorize Adaptively change behavior as the result of experience. hedId HED_0012163 Plan Think about the activities required to achieve a desired goal. hedId HED_0012164 Predict Say or estimate that something will happen or will be a consequence of something without having exact information. hedId HED_0012165 Recall Remember information by mental effort. hedId HED_0012166 Recognize Identify someone or something from having encountered them before. hedId HED_0012167 Respond React to something such as a treatment or a stimulus. hedId HED_0012168 Switch-attention Transfer attention from one focus to another. hedId HED_0012169 Track Follow a person, animal, or object through space or time. hedId HED_0012170 Item An independently existing thing (living or nonliving). extensionAllowed hedId HED_0012171 Biological-item An entity that is biological, that is related to living organisms. hedId HED_0012172 Anatomical-item A biological structure, system, fluid or other substance excluding single molecular entities. hedId HED_0012173 Body The biological structure representing an organism. hedId HED_0012174 Body-part Any part of an organism. hedId HED_0012175 Head The upper part of the human body, or the front or upper part of the body of an animal, typically separated from the rest of the body by a neck, and containing the brain, mouth, and sense organs. hedId HED_0012176 Head-part A part of the head. hedId HED_0013200 Brain Organ inside the head that is made up of nerve cells and controls the body. hedId HED_0012177 Brain-region A region of the brain. hedId HED_0013201 Cerebellum A major structure of the brain located near the brainstem. It plays a key role in motor control, coordination, precision, with contributions to different cognitive functions. hedId HED_0013202 Frontal-lobe hedId HED_0012178 Occipital-lobe hedId HED_0012179 Parietal-lobe hedId HED_0012180 Temporal-lobe hedId HED_0012181 Ear A sense organ needed for the detection of sound and for establishing balance. hedId HED_0012182 Face The anterior portion of the head extending from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear. The facial structures contain the eyes, nose and mouth, cheeks and jaws. hedId HED_0012183 Face-part A part of the face. hedId HED_0013203 Cheek The fleshy part of the face bounded by the eyes, nose, ear, and jawline. hedId HED_0012184 Chin The part of the face below the lower lip and including the protruding part of the lower jaw. hedId HED_0012185 Eye The organ of sight or vision. hedId HED_0012186 Eyebrow The arched strip of hair on the bony ridge above each eye socket. hedId HED_0012187 Eyelid The folds of the skin that cover the eye when closed. hedId HED_0012188 Forehead The part of the face between the eyebrows and the normal hairline. hedId HED_0012189 Lip Fleshy fold which surrounds the opening of the mouth. hedId HED_0012190 Mouth The proximal portion of the digestive tract, containing the oral cavity and bounded by the oral opening. hedId HED_0012191 Mouth-part A part of the mouth. hedId HED_0013204 Teeth The hard bone-like structures in the jaws. A collection of teeth arranged in some pattern in the mouth or other part of the body. hedId HED_0012193 Tongue A muscular organ in the mouth with significant role in mastication, swallowing, speech, and taste. hedId HED_0013205 Nose A structure of special sense serving as an organ of the sense of smell and as an entrance to the respiratory tract. hedId HED_0012192 Hair The filamentous outgrowth of the epidermis. hedId HED_0012194 Lower-extremity Refers to the whole inferior limb (leg and/or foot). hedId HED_0012195 Lower-extremity-part A part of the lower extremity. hedId HED_0013206 Ankle A gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus. hedId HED_0012196 Foot The structure found below the ankle joint required for locomotion. hedId HED_0012198 Foot-part A part of the foot. hedId HED_0013207 Heel The back of the foot below the ankle. hedId HED_0012200 Instep The part of the foot between the ball and the heel on the inner side. hedId HED_0012201 Toe A digit of the foot. hedId HED_0013208 Big-toe The largest toe on the inner side of the foot. hedId HED_0012199 Little-toe The smallest toe located on the outer side of the foot. hedId HED_0012202 Toes The terminal digits of the foot. Used to describe collective attributes of all toes, such as bending all toes relatedTag Toe hedId HED_0012203 Knee A joint connecting the lower part of the femur with the upper part of the tibia. hedId HED_0012204 Lower-leg The part of the leg between the knee and the ankle. hedId HED_0013209 Lower-leg-part A part of the lower leg. hedId HED_0013210 Calf The fleshy part at the back of the leg below the knee. hedId HED_0012197 Shin Front part of the leg below the knee. hedId HED_0012205 Upper-leg The part of the leg between the hip and the knee. hedId HED_0013211 Upper-leg-part A part of the upper leg. hedId HED_0013212 Thigh Upper part of the leg between hip and knee. hedId HED_0012206 Neck The part of the body connecting the head to the torso, containing the cervical spine and vital pathways of nerves, blood vessels, and the airway. hedId HED_0013213 Torso The body excluding the head and neck and limbs. hedId HED_0012207 Torso-part A part of the torso. hedId HED_0013214 Abdomen The part of the body between the thorax and the pelvis. hedId HED_0013215 Navel The central mark on the abdomen created by the detachment of the umbilical cord after birth. hedId HED_0013216 Pelvis The bony structure at the base of the spine supporting the legs. hedId HED_0013217 Pelvis-part A part of the pelvis. hedId HED_0013218 Buttocks The round fleshy parts that form the lower rear area of a human trunk. hedId HED_0012208 Genitalia The external organs of reproduction and urination, located in the pelvic region. This includes both male and female genital structures. hedId HED_0013219 Gentalia The external organs of reproduction. Deprecated due to spelling error. Use Genitalia. deprecatedFrom 8.1.0 hedId HED_0012209 Hip The lateral prominence of the pelvis from the waist to the thigh. hedId HED_0012210 Torso-back The rear surface of the human body from the shoulders to the hips. hedId HED_0012211 Torso-chest The anterior side of the thorax from the neck to the abdomen. hedId HED_0012212 Viscera Internal organs of the body. hedId HED_0012213 Waist The abdominal circumference at the navel. hedId HED_0012214 Upper-extremity Refers to the whole superior limb (shoulder, arm, elbow, wrist, hand). hedId HED_0012215 Upper-extremity-part A part of the upper extremity. hedId HED_0013220 Elbow A type of hinge joint located between the forearm and upper arm. hedId HED_0012216 Forearm Lower part of the arm between the elbow and wrist. hedId HED_0012217 Forearm-part A part of the forearm. hedId HED_0013221 Hand The distal portion of the upper extremity. It consists of the carpus, metacarpus, and digits. hedId HED_0012218 Hand-part A part of the hand. hedId HED_0013222 Finger Any of the digits of the hand. hedId HED_0012219 Index-finger The second finger from the radial side of the hand, next to the thumb. hedId HED_0012220 Little-finger The fifth and smallest finger from the radial side of the hand. hedId HED_0012221 Middle-finger The middle or third finger from the radial side of the hand. hedId HED_0012222 Ring-finger The fourth finger from the radial side of the hand. hedId HED_0012223 Thumb The thick and short hand digit which is next to the index finger in humans. hedId HED_0012224 Fingers The terminal digits of the hand. Used to describe collective attributes of all fingers, such as bending all fingers relatedTag Finger hedId HED_0013223 Knuckles A part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface, especially where the finger joins the hand. hedId HED_0012225 Palm The part of the inner surface of the hand that extends from the wrist to the bases of the fingers. hedId HED_0012226 Shoulder Joint attaching upper arm to trunk. hedId HED_0012227 Upper-arm Portion of arm between shoulder and elbow. hedId HED_0012228 Upper-arm-part A part of the upper arm. hedId HED_0013224 Wrist A joint between the distal end of the radius and the proximal row of carpal bones. hedId HED_0012229 Organism A living entity, more specifically a biological entity that consists of one or more cells and is capable of genomic replication (independently or not). hedId HED_0012230 Animal A living organism that has membranous cell walls, requires oxygen and organic foods, and is capable of voluntary movement. hedId HED_0012231 Human The bipedal primate mammal Homo sapiens. hedId HED_0012232 Plant Any living organism that typically synthesizes its food from inorganic substances and possesses cellulose cell walls. hedId HED_0012233 Language-item An entity related to a systematic means of communicating by the use of sounds, symbols, or gestures. suggestedTag Sensory-presentation hedId HED_0012234 Character A mark or symbol used in writing. hedId HED_0012235 Clause A unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank, usually consisting of a subject and predicate. hedId HED_0012236 Glyph A hieroglyphic character, symbol, or pictograph. hedId HED_0012237 Nonword An unpronounceable group of letters or speech sounds that is surrounded by white space when written, is not accepted as a word by native speakers. hedId HED_0012238 Paragraph A distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme. hedId HED_0012239 Phoneme Any of the minimally distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another. hedId HED_0012240 Phrase A phrase is a group of words functioning as a single unit in the syntax of a sentence. hedId HED_0012241 Pseudoword A pronounceable group of letters or speech sounds that looks or sounds like a word but that is not accepted as such by native speakers. hedId HED_0012242 Sentence A set of words that is complete in itself, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command and typically containing an explicit or implied subject and a predicate containing a finite verb. hedId HED_0012243 Syllable A unit of pronunciation having a vowel or consonant sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word. hedId HED_0012244 Textblock A block of text. hedId HED_0012245 Word A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically surrounded by white space when written or printed. hedId HED_0012246 Object Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch. A material thing. suggestedTag Sensory-presentation hedId HED_0012247 Geometric-object An object or a representation that has structure and topology in space. hedId HED_0012248 2D-shape A planar, two-dimensional shape. hedId HED_0012249 Arrow A shape with a pointed end indicating direction. hedId HED_0012250 Clockface The dial face of a clock. A location identifier based on clock-face-position numbering or anatomic subregion. hedId HED_0012251 Cross A figure or mark formed by two intersecting lines crossing at their midpoints. hedId HED_0012252 Dash A horizontal stroke in writing or printing to mark a pause or break in sense or to represent omitted letters or words. hedId HED_0012253 Ellipse A closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it, especially a plane not parallel to the base. hedId HED_0012254 Circle A ring-shaped structure with every point equidistant from the center. hedId HED_0012255 Rectangle A parallelogram with four right angles. hedId HED_0012256 Square A square is a special rectangle with four equal sides. hedId HED_0012257 Single-point A point is a geometric entity that is located in a zero-dimensional spatial region and whose position is defined by its coordinates in some coordinate system. hedId HED_0012258 Star A conventional or stylized representation of a star, typically one having five or more points. hedId HED_0012259 Triangle A three-sided polygon. hedId HED_0012260 3D-shape A geometric three-dimensional shape. hedId HED_0012261 Box A square or rectangular vessel, usually made of cardboard or plastic. hedId HED_0012262 Cube A solid or semi-solid in the shape of a three dimensional square. hedId HED_0012263 Cone A shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point. hedId HED_0012264 Cylinder A surface formed by circles of a given radius that are contained in a plane perpendicular to a given axis, whose centers align on the axis. hedId HED_0012265 Ellipsoid A closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it, especially a plane not parallel to the base. hedId HED_0012266 Sphere A solid or hollow three-dimensional object bounded by a closed surface such that every point on the surface is equidistant from the center. hedId HED_0012267 Pyramid A polyhedron of which one face is a polygon of any number of sides, and the other faces are triangles with a common vertex. hedId HED_0012268 Pattern An arrangement of objects, facts, behaviors, or other things which have scientific, mathematical, geometric, statistical, or other meaning. hedId HED_0012269 Dots A small round mark or spot. hedId HED_0012270 LED-pattern A pattern created by lighting selected members of a fixed light emitting diode array. hedId HED_0012271 Ingestible-object Something that can be taken into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption. hedId HED_0012272 Man-made-object Something constructed by human means. hedId HED_0012273 Building A structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place. hedId HED_0012274 Attic A room or a space immediately below the roof of a building. hedId HED_0012275 Basement The part of a building that is wholly or partly below ground level. hedId HED_0012276 Entrance The means or place of entry. hedId HED_0012277 Roof A roof is the covering on the uppermost part of a building which provides protection from animals and weather, notably rain, but also heat, wind and sunlight. hedId HED_0012278 Room An area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling. hedId HED_0012279 Clothing A covering designed to be worn on the body. hedId HED_0012280 Device An object contrived for a specific purpose. hedId HED_0012281 Assistive-device A device that help an individual accomplish a task. hedId HED_0012282 Glasses Frames with lenses worn in front of the eye for vision correction, eye protection, or protection from UV rays. hedId HED_0012283 Writing-device A device used for writing. hedId HED_0012284 Pen A common writing instrument used to apply ink to a surface for writing or drawing. hedId HED_0012285 Pencil An implement for writing or drawing that is constructed of a narrow solid pigment core in a protective casing that prevents the core from being broken or marking the hand. hedId HED_0012286 Computing-device An electronic device which take inputs and processes results from the inputs. hedId HED_0012287 Cellphone A telephone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area, without a physical connection to a network. hedId HED_0012288 Desktop-computer A computer suitable for use at an ordinary desk. hedId HED_0012289 Laptop-computer A computer that is portable and suitable for use while traveling. hedId HED_0012290 Tablet-computer A small portable computer that accepts input directly on to its screen rather than via a keyboard or mouse. hedId HED_0012291 Engine A motor is a machine designed to convert one or more forms of energy into mechanical energy. hedId HED_0012292 IO-device Hardware used by a human (or other system) to communicate with a computer. hedId HED_0012293 Input-device A piece of equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or information appliance. hedId HED_0012294 Computer-mouse A hand-held pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface. hedId HED_0012295 Mouse-button An electric switch on a computer mouse which can be pressed or clicked to select or interact with an element of a graphical user interface. hedId HED_0012296 Scroll-wheel A scroll wheel or mouse wheel is a wheel used for scrolling made of hard plastic with a rubbery surface usually located between the left and right mouse buttons and is positioned perpendicular to the mouse surface. hedId HED_0012297 Joystick A control device that uses a movable handle to create two-axis input for a computer device. hedId HED_0012298 Keyboard A device consisting of mechanical keys that are pressed to create input to a computer. hedId HED_0012299 Keyboard-key A button on a keyboard usually representing letters, numbers, functions, or symbols. hedId HED_0012300 # Value of a keyboard key. takesValue hedId HED_0012301 Keypad A device consisting of keys, usually in a block arrangement, that provides limited input to a system. hedId HED_0012302 Keypad-key A key on a separate section of a computer keyboard that groups together numeric keys and those for mathematical or other special functions in an arrangement like that of a calculator. hedId HED_0012303 # Value of keypad key. takesValue hedId HED_0012304 Microphone A device designed to convert sound to an electrical signal. hedId HED_0012305 Push-button A switch designed to be operated by pressing a button. hedId HED_0012306 Output-device Any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into human understandable form. hedId HED_0012307 Auditory-device A device designed to produce sound. hedId HED_0012308 Headphones An instrument that consists of a pair of small loudspeakers, or less commonly a single speaker, held close to ears and connected to a signal source such as an audio amplifier, radio, CD player or portable media player. hedId HED_0012309 Loudspeaker A device designed to convert electrical signals to sounds that can be heard. hedId HED_0012310 Display-device An output device for presentation of information in visual or tactile form the latter used for example in tactile electronic displays for blind people. hedId HED_0012311 Computer-screen An electronic device designed as a display or a physical device designed to be a protective mesh work. hedId HED_0012312 Screen-window A part of a computer screen that contains a display different from the rest of the screen. A window is a graphical control element consisting of a visual area containing some of the graphical user interface of the program it belongs to and is framed by a window decoration. hedId HED_0012313 Head-mounted-display An instrument that functions as a display device, worn on the head or as part of a helmet, that has a small display optic in front of one (monocular HMD) or each eye (binocular HMD). hedId HED_0012314 LED-display A LED display is a flat panel display that uses an array of light-emitting diodes as pixels for a video display. hedId HED_0012315 Recording-device A device that copies information in a signal into a persistent information bearer. hedId HED_0012316 EEG-recorder A device for recording electric currents in the brain using electrodes applied to the scalp, to the surface of the brain, or placed within the substance of the brain. hedId HED_0012317 EMG-recorder A device for recording electrical activity of muscles using electrodes on the body surface or within the muscular mass. hedId HED_0013225 File-storage A device for recording digital information to a permanent media. hedId HED_0012318 MEG-recorder A device for measuring the magnetic fields produced by electrical activity in the brain, usually conducted externally. hedId HED_0012319 Motion-capture A device for recording the movement of objects or people. hedId HED_0012320 Tape-recorder A device for recording and reproduction usually using magnetic tape for storage that can be saved and played back. hedId HED_0012321 Touchscreen A control component that operates an electronic device by pressing the display on the screen. hedId HED_0012322 Machine A human-made device that uses power to apply forces and control movement to perform an action. hedId HED_0012323 Measurement-device A device that measures something. hedId HED_0012324 Clock A device designed to indicate the time of day or to measure the time duration of an event or action. hedId HED_0012325 Robot A mechanical device that sometimes resembles a living animal and is capable of performing a variety of often complex human tasks on command or by being programmed in advance. hedId HED_0012327 Tool A component that is not part of a device but is designed to support its assembly or operation. hedId HED_0012328 Document A physical object, or electronic counterpart, that is characterized by containing writing which is meant to be human-readable. hedId HED_0012329 Book A volume made up of pages fastened along one edge and enclosed between protective covers. hedId HED_0012330 Letter A written message addressed to a person or organization. hedId HED_0012331 Note A brief written record. hedId HED_0012332 Notebook A book for notes or memoranda. hedId HED_0012333 Questionnaire A document consisting of questions and possibly responses, depending on whether it has been filled out. hedId HED_0012334 Furnishing Furniture, fittings, and other decorative accessories, such as curtains and carpets, for a house or room. hedId HED_0012335 Manufactured-material Substances created or extracted from raw materials. hedId HED_0012336 Ceramic A hard, brittle, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant material made by shaping and then firing a nonmetallic mineral, such as clay, at a high temperature. hedId HED_0012337 Glass A brittle transparent solid with irregular atomic structure. hedId HED_0012338 Paper A thin sheet material produced by mechanically or chemically processing cellulose fibres derived from wood, rags, grasses or other vegetable sources in water. hedId HED_0012339 Plastic Various high-molecular-weight thermoplastic or thermo-setting polymers that are capable of being molded, extruded, drawn, or otherwise shaped and then hardened into a form. hedId HED_0012340 Steel An alloy made up of iron with typically a few tenths of a percent of carbon to improve its strength and fracture resistance compared to iron. hedId HED_0012341 Media Media are audio/visual/audiovisual modes of communicating information for mass consumption. hedId HED_0012342 Media-clip A short segment of media. hedId HED_0012343 Audio-clip A short segment of audio. hedId HED_0012344 Audiovisual-clip A short media segment containing both audio and video. hedId HED_0012345 Video-clip A short segment of video. hedId HED_0012346 Visualization An planned process that creates images, diagrams or animations from the input data. hedId HED_0012347 Animation A form of graphical illustration that changes with time to give a sense of motion or represent dynamic changes in the portrayal. hedId HED_0012348 Art-installation A large-scale, mixed-media constructions, often designed for a specific place or for a temporary period of time. hedId HED_0012349 Braille A display using a system of raised dots that can be read with the fingers by people who are blind. hedId HED_0012350 Image Any record of an imaging event whether physical or electronic. hedId HED_0012351 Cartoon A type of illustration, sometimes animated, typically in a non-realistic or semi-realistic style. The specific meaning has evolved over time, but the modern usage usually refers to either an image or series of images intended for satire, caricature, or humor. A motion picture that relies on a sequence of illustrations for its animation. hedId HED_0012352 Drawing A representation of an object or outlining a figure, plan, or sketch by means of lines. hedId HED_0012353 Icon A sign (such as a word or graphic symbol) whose form suggests its meaning. hedId HED_0012354 Painting A work produced through the art of painting. hedId HED_0012355 Photograph An image recorded by a camera. hedId HED_0012356 Movie A sequence of images displayed in succession giving the illusion of continuous movement. hedId HED_0012357 Outline-visualization A visualization consisting of a line or set of lines enclosing or indicating the shape of an object in a sketch or diagram. hedId HED_0012358 Point-light-visualization A display in which action is depicted using a few points of light, often generated from discrete sensors in motion capture. hedId HED_0012359 Sculpture A two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster. hedId HED_0012360 Stick-figure-visualization A drawing showing the head of a human being or animal as a circle and all other parts as straight lines. hedId HED_0012361 Navigational-object An object whose purpose is to assist directed movement from one location to another. hedId HED_0012362 Path A trodden way. A way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading. hedId HED_0012363 Road An open way for the passage of vehicles, persons, or animals on land. hedId HED_0012364 Lane A defined path with physical dimensions through which an object or substance may traverse. hedId HED_0012365 Runway A paved strip of ground on a landing field for the landing and takeoff of aircraft. hedId HED_0012366 Vehicle A mobile machine which transports people or cargo. hedId HED_0012367 Aircraft A vehicle which is able to travel through air in an atmosphere. hedId HED_0012368 Bicycle A human-powered, pedal-driven, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. hedId HED_0012369 Boat A watercraft of any size which is able to float or plane on water. hedId HED_0012370 Car A wheeled motor vehicle used primarily for the transportation of human passengers. hedId HED_0012371 Cart A cart is a vehicle which has two wheels and is designed to transport human passengers or cargo. hedId HED_0012372 Tractor A mobile machine specifically designed to deliver a high tractive effort at slow speeds, and mainly used for the purposes of hauling a trailer or machinery used in agriculture or construction. hedId HED_0012373 Train A connected line of railroad cars with or without a locomotive. hedId HED_0012374 Truck A motor vehicle which, as its primary function, transports cargo rather than human passengers. hedId HED_0012375 Natural-object Something that exists in or is produced by nature, and is not artificial or man-made. hedId HED_0012376 Mineral A solid, homogeneous, inorganic substance occurring in nature and having a definite chemical composition. hedId HED_0012377 Natural-feature A feature that occurs in nature. A prominent or identifiable aspect, region, or site of interest. hedId HED_0012378 Field An unbroken expanse as of ice or grassland. hedId HED_0012379 Hill A rounded elevation of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m. hedId HED_0012380 Mountain A landform that extends above the surrounding terrain in a limited area. hedId HED_0012381 River A natural freshwater surface stream of considerable volume and a permanent or seasonal flow, moving in a definite channel toward a sea, lake, or another river. hedId HED_0012382 Waterfall A sudden descent of water over a step or ledge in the bed of a river. hedId HED_0012383 Sound Mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium. Something that can be heard. hedId HED_0012384 Environmental-sound Sounds occurring in the environment. An accumulation of noise pollution that occurs outside. This noise can be caused by transport, industrial, and recreational activities. hedId HED_0012385 Crowd-sound Noise produced by a mixture of sounds from a large group of people. hedId HED_0012386 Signal-noise Any part of a signal that is not the true or original signal but is introduced by the communication mechanism. hedId HED_0012387 Musical-sound Sound produced by continuous and regular vibrations, as opposed to noise. hedId HED_0012388 Instrument-sound Sound produced by a musical instrument. hedId HED_0012389 Tone A musical note, warble, or other sound used as a particular signal on a telephone or answering machine. hedId HED_0012390 Vocalized-sound Musical sound produced by vocal cords in a biological agent. hedId HED_0012391 Named-animal-sound A sound recognizable as being associated with particular animals. hedId HED_0012392 Barking Sharp explosive cries like sounds made by certain animals, especially a dog, fox, or seal. hedId HED_0012393 Bleating Wavering cries like sounds made by a sheep, goat, or calf. hedId HED_0012394 Chirping Short, sharp, high-pitched noises like sounds made by small birds or an insects. hedId HED_0012395 Crowing Loud shrill sounds characteristic of roosters. hedId HED_0012396 Growling Low guttural sounds like those that made in the throat by a hostile dog or other animal. hedId HED_0012397 Meowing Vocalizations like those made by as those cats. These sounds have diverse tones and are sometimes chattered, murmured or whispered. The purpose can be assertive. hedId HED_0012398 Mooing Deep vocal sounds like those made by a cow. hedId HED_0012399 Purring Low continuous vibratory sound such as those made by cats. The sound expresses contentment. hedId HED_0012400 Roaring Loud, deep, or harsh prolonged sounds such as those made by big cats and bears for long-distance communication and intimidation. hedId HED_0012401 Squawking Loud, harsh noises such as those made by geese. hedId HED_0012402 Named-object-sound A sound identifiable as coming from a particular type of object. hedId HED_0012403 Alarm-sound A loud signal often loud continuous ringing to alert people to a problem or condition that requires urgent attention. hedId HED_0012404 Beep A short, single tone, that is typically high-pitched and generally made by a computer or other machine. hedId HED_0012405 Buzz A persistent vibratory sound often made by a buzzer device and used to indicate something incorrect. hedId HED_0012406 Click The sound made by a mechanical cash register, often to designate a reward. hedId HED_0012407 Ding A short ringing sound such as that made by a bell, often to indicate a correct response or the expiration of time. hedId HED_0012408 Horn-blow A loud sound made by forcing air through a sound device that funnels air to create the sound, often used to sound an alert. hedId HED_0012409 Ka-ching The sound made by a mechanical cash register, often to designate a reward. hedId HED_0012410 Siren A loud, continuous sound often varying in frequency designed to indicate an emergency. hedId HED_0012411 Property Something that pertains to a thing. A characteristic of some entity. A quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something. HED attributes are adjectives or adverbs. extensionAllowed hedId HED_0012412 Agent-property Something that pertains to or describes an agent. hedId HED_0012413 Agent-state The state of the agent. hedId HED_0012414 Agent-cognitive-state The state of the cognitive processes or state of mind of the agent. hedId HED_0012415 Alert Condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action. hedId HED_0012416 Anesthetized Having lost sensation to pain or having senses dulled due to the effects of an anesthetic. hedId HED_0012417 Asleep Having entered a periodic, readily reversible state of reduced awareness and metabolic activity, usually accompanied by physical relaxation and brain activity. hedId HED_0012418 Attentive Concentrating and focusing mental energy on the task or surroundings. hedId HED_0012419 Awake In a non sleeping state. hedId HED_0012420 Brain-dead Characterized by the irreversible absence of cortical and brain stem functioning. hedId HED_0012421 Comatose In a state of profound unconsciousness associated with markedly depressed cerebral activity. hedId HED_0012422 Distracted Lacking in concentration because of being preoccupied. hedId HED_0012423 Drowsy In a state of near-sleep, a strong desire for sleep, or sleeping for unusually long periods. hedId HED_0012424 Intoxicated In a state with disturbed psychophysiological functions and responses as a result of administration or ingestion of a psychoactive substance. hedId HED_0012425 Locked-in In a state of complete paralysis of all voluntary muscles except for the ones that control the movements of the eyes. hedId HED_0012426 Passive Not responding or initiating an action in response to a stimulus. hedId HED_0012427 Resting A state in which the agent is not exhibiting any physical exertion. hedId HED_0012428 Vegetative A state of wakefulness and conscience, but (in contrast to coma) with involuntary opening of the eyes and movements (such as teeth grinding, yawning, or thrashing of the extremities). hedId HED_0012429 Agent-emotional-state The status of the general temperament and outlook of an agent. hedId HED_0012430 Angry Experiencing emotions characterized by marked annoyance or hostility. hedId HED_0012431 Aroused In a state reactive to stimuli leading to increased heart rate and blood pressure, sensory alertness, mobility and readiness to respond. hedId HED_0012432 Awed Filled with wonder. Feeling grand, sublime or powerful emotions characterized by a combination of joy, fear, admiration, reverence, and/or respect. hedId HED_0012433 Compassionate Feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others often evoked for a person who is in distress and associated with altruistic motivation. hedId HED_0012434 Content Feeling satisfaction with things as they are. hedId HED_0012435 Disgusted Feeling revulsion or profound disapproval aroused by something unpleasant or offensive. hedId HED_0012436 Emotionally-neutral Feeling neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. hedId HED_0012437 Empathetic Understanding and sharing the feelings of another. Being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another. hedId HED_0012438 Excited Feeling great enthusiasm and eagerness. hedId HED_0012439 Fearful Feeling apprehension that one may be in danger. hedId HED_0012440 Frustrated Feeling annoyed as a result of being blocked, thwarted, disappointed or defeated. hedId HED_0012441 Grieving Feeling sorrow in response to loss, whether physical or abstract. hedId HED_0012442 Happy Feeling pleased and content. hedId HED_0012443 Jealous Feeling threatened by a rival in a relationship with another individual, in particular an intimate partner, usually involves feelings of threat, fear, suspicion, distrust, anxiety, anger, betrayal, and rejection. hedId HED_0012444 Joyful Feeling delight or intense happiness. hedId HED_0012445 Loving Feeling a strong positive emotion of affection and attraction. hedId HED_0012446 Relieved No longer feeling pain, distress,anxiety, or reassured. hedId HED_0012447 Sad Feeling grief or unhappiness. hedId HED_0012448 Stressed Experiencing mental or emotional strain or tension. hedId HED_0012449 Agent-physiological-state Having to do with the mechanical, physical, or biochemical function of an agent. hedId HED_0012450 Catamenial Related to menstruation. hedId HED_0013226 Fever Body temperature above the normal range. relatedTag Sick hedId HED_0013227 Healthy Having no significant health-related issues. relatedTag Sick hedId HED_0012451 Hungry Being in a state of craving or desiring food. relatedTag Sated Thirsty hedId HED_0012452 Rested Feeling refreshed and relaxed. relatedTag Tired hedId HED_0012453 Sated Feeling full. relatedTag Hungry hedId HED_0012454 Sick Being in a state of ill health, bodily malfunction, or discomfort. relatedTag Healthy hedId HED_0012455 Thirsty Feeling a need to drink. relatedTag Hungry hedId HED_0012456 Tired Feeling in need of sleep or rest. relatedTag Rested hedId HED_0012457 Agent-postural-state Pertaining to the position in which agent holds their body. hedId HED_0012458 Crouching Adopting a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, sometimes to avoid detection or to defend oneself. hedId HED_0012459 Eyes-closed Keeping eyes closed with no blinking. hedId HED_0012460 Eyes-open Keeping eyes open with occasional blinking. hedId HED_0012461 Kneeling Positioned where one or both knees are on the ground. hedId HED_0012462 On-treadmill Ambulation on an exercise apparatus with an endless moving belt to support moving in place. hedId HED_0012463 Prone Positioned in a recumbent body position whereby the person lies on its stomach and faces downward. hedId HED_0012464 Seated-with-chin-rest Using a device that supports the chin and head. hedId HED_0012465 Sitting In a seated position. hedId HED_0012466 Standing Assuming or maintaining an erect upright position. hedId HED_0012467 Agent-task-role The function or part that is ascribed to an agent in performing the task. hedId HED_0012468 Experiment-actor An agent who plays a predetermined role to create the experiment scenario. hedId HED_0012469 Experiment-controller An agent exerting control over some aspect of the experiment. hedId HED_0012470 Experiment-participant Someone who takes part in an activity related to an experiment. hedId HED_0012471 Experimenter Person who is the owner of the experiment and has its responsibility. hedId HED_0012472 Agent-trait A genetically, environmentally, or socially determined characteristic of an agent. hedId HED_0012473 Age Length of time elapsed time since birth of the agent. hedId HED_0012474 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012475 Agent-experience-level Amount of skill or knowledge that the agent has as pertains to the task. hedId HED_0012476 Expert-level Having comprehensive and authoritative knowledge of or skill in a particular area related to the task. relatedTag Intermediate-experience-level Novice-level hedId HED_0012477 Intermediate-experience-level Having a moderate amount of knowledge or skill related to the task. relatedTag Expert-level Novice-level hedId HED_0012478 Novice-level Being inexperienced in a field or situation related to the task. relatedTag Expert-level Intermediate-experience-level hedId HED_0012479 Ethnicity Belong to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition. Use with Label to avoid extension. hedId HED_0012480 Gender Characteristics that are socially constructed, including norms, behaviors, and roles based on sex. hedId HED_0012481 Handedness Individual preference for use of a hand, known as the dominant hand. hedId HED_0012482 Ambidextrous Having no overall dominance in the use of right or left hand or foot in the performance of tasks that require one hand or foot. hedId HED_0012483 Left-handed Preference for using the left hand or foot for tasks requiring the use of a single hand or foot. hedId HED_0012484 Right-handed Preference for using the right hand or foot for tasks requiring the use of a single hand or foot. hedId HED_0012485 Race Belonging to a group sharing physical or social qualities as defined within a specified society. Use with Label to avoid extension. hedId HED_0012486 Sex Physical properties or qualities by which male is distinguished from female. hedId HED_0012487 Female Biological sex of an individual with female sexual organs such ova. hedId HED_0012488 Intersex Having genitalia and/or secondary sexual characteristics of indeterminate sex. hedId HED_0012489 Male Biological sex of an individual with male sexual organs producing sperm. hedId HED_0012490 Other-sex A non-specific designation of sexual traits. hedId HED_0012491 Data-property Something that pertains to data or information. extensionAllowed hedId HED_0012492 Data-artifact An anomalous, interfering, or distorting signal originating from a source other than the item being studied. hedId HED_0012493 Biological-artifact A data artifact arising from a biological entity being measured. hedId HED_0012494 Chewing-artifact Artifact from moving the jaw in a chewing motion. hedId HED_0012495 ECG-artifact An electrical artifact from the far-field potential from pulsation of the heart, time locked to QRS complex. hedId HED_0012496 EMG-artifact Artifact from muscle activity and myogenic potentials at the measurements site. In EEG, myogenic potentials are the most common artifacts. Frontalis and temporalis muscles (e.g. clenching of jaw muscles) are common causes. Generally, the potentials generated in the muscles are of shorter duration than those generated in the brain. The frequency components are usually beyond 30-50 Hz, and the bursts are arrhythmic. hedId HED_0012497 Eye-artifact Ocular movements and blinks can result in artifacts in different types of data. In electrophysiology data, these can result transients and offsets the signal. hedId HED_0012498 Eye-blink-artifact Artifact from eye blinking. In EEG, Fp1/Fp2 electrodes become electro-positive with eye closure because the cornea is positively charged causing a negative deflection in Fp1/Fp2. If the eye blink is unilateral, consider prosthetic eye. hedId HED_0012499 Eye-movement-artifact Eye movements can cause artifacts on recordings. The charge of the eye can especially cause artifacts in electrophysiology data. hedId HED_0012500 Horizontal-eye-movement-artifact Artifact from moving eyes left-to-right and right-to-left. In EEG, there is an upward deflection in the Fp2-F8 derivation, when the eyes move to the right side. In this case F8 becomes more positive and therefore. When the eyes move to the left, F7 becomes more positive and there is an upward deflection in the Fp1-F7 derivation. hedId HED_0012501 Nystagmus-artifact Artifact from nystagmus (a vision condition in which the eyes make repetitive, uncontrolled movements). hedId HED_0012502 Slow-eye-movement-artifact Artifacts originating from slow, rolling eye-movements, seen during drowsiness. hedId HED_0012503 Vertical-eye-movement-artifact Artifact from moving eyes up and down. In EEG, this causes positive potentials (50-100 micro V) with bi-frontal distribution, maximum at Fp1 and Fp2, when the eyeball rotates upward. The downward rotation of the eyeball is associated with the negative deflection. The time course of the deflections is similar to the time course of the eyeball movement. hedId HED_0012504 Movement-artifact Artifact in the measured data generated by motion of the subject. hedId HED_0012505 Pulse-artifact A mechanical artifact from a pulsating blood vessel near a measurement site, cardio-ballistic artifact. hedId HED_0012506 Respiration-artifact Artifact from breathing. hedId HED_0012507 Rocking-patting-artifact Quasi-rhythmical artifacts in recordings most commonly seen in infants. Typically caused by a caregiver rocking or patting the infant. hedId HED_0012508 Sucking-artifact Artifact from sucking, typically seen in very young cases. hedId HED_0012509 Sweat-artifact Artifact from sweating. In EEG, this is a low amplitude undulating waveform that is usually greater than 2 seconds and may appear to be an unstable baseline. hedId HED_0012510 Tongue-movement-artifact Artifact from tongue movement (Glossokinetic). The tongue functions as a dipole, with the tip negative with respect to the base. In EEG, the artifact produced by the tongue has a broad potential field that drops from frontal to occipital areas, although it is less steep than that produced by eye movement artifacts. The amplitude of the potentials is greater inferiorly than in parasagittal regions; the frequency is variable but usually in the delta range. Chewing and sucking can produce similar artifacts. hedId HED_0012511 Nonbiological-artifact A data artifact arising from a non-biological source. hedId HED_0012512 Artificial-ventilation-artifact Artifact stemming from mechanical ventilation. These can occur at the same rate as the ventilator, but also have other patterns. hedId HED_0012513 Dialysis-artifact Artifacts seen in recordings during continuous renal replacement therapy (dialysis). hedId HED_0012514 Electrode-movement-artifact Artifact from electrode movement. hedId HED_0012515 Electrode-pops-artifact Brief artifact with a steep rise and slow fall of an electrophysiological signal, most often caused by a loose electrode. hedId HED_0012516 Induction-artifact Artifacts induced by nearby equipment. In EEG, these are usually of high frequency. hedId HED_0012517 Line-noise-artifact Power line noise at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. hedId HED_0012518 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass frequencyUnits hedId HED_0012519 Salt-bridge-artifact Artifact from salt-bridge between EEG electrodes. hedId HED_0012520 Data-marker An indicator placed to mark something. hedId HED_0012521 Data-break-marker An indicator place to indicate a gap in the data. hedId HED_0012522 Temporal-marker An indicator placed at a particular time in the data. hedId HED_0012523 Inset Marks an intermediate point in an ongoing event of temporal extent. topLevelTagGroup reserved relatedTag Onset Offset hedId HED_0012524 Offset Marks the end of an event of temporal extent. topLevelTagGroup reserved relatedTag Onset Inset hedId HED_0012525 Onset Marks the start of an ongoing event of temporal extent. topLevelTagGroup reserved relatedTag Inset Offset hedId HED_0012526 Pause Indicates the temporary interruption of the operation of a process and subsequently a wait for a signal to continue. hedId HED_0012527 Time-out A cancellation or cessation that automatically occurs when a predefined interval of time has passed without a certain event occurring. hedId HED_0012528 Time-sync A synchronization signal whose purpose is to help synchronize different signals or processes. Often used to indicate a marker inserted into the recorded data to allow post hoc synchronization of concurrently recorded data streams. hedId HED_0012529 Data-resolution Smallest change in a quality being measured by an sensor that causes a perceptible change. hedId HED_0012530 Printer-resolution Resolution of a printer, usually expressed as the number of dots-per-inch for a printer. hedId HED_0012531 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012532 Screen-resolution Resolution of a screen, usually expressed as the of pixels in a dimension for a digital display device. hedId HED_0012533 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012534 Sensory-resolution Resolution of measurements by a sensing device. hedId HED_0012535 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012536 Spatial-resolution Linear spacing of a spatial measurement. hedId HED_0012537 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012538 Spectral-resolution Measures the ability of a sensor to resolve features in the electromagnetic spectrum. hedId HED_0012539 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012540 Temporal-resolution Measures the ability of a sensor to resolve features in time. hedId HED_0012541 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012542 Data-source-type The type of place, person, or thing from which the data comes or can be obtained. hedId HED_0012543 Computed-feature A feature computed from the data by a tool. This tag should be grouped with a label of the form Toolname_propertyName. hedId HED_0012544 Computed-prediction A computed extrapolation of known data. hedId HED_0012545 Expert-annotation An explanatory or critical comment or other in-context information provided by an authority. hedId HED_0012546 Instrument-measurement Information obtained from a device that is used to measure material properties or make other observations. hedId HED_0012547 Observation Active acquisition of information from a primary source. Should be grouped with a label of the form AgentID_featureName. hedId HED_0012548 Data-value Designation of the type of a data item. hedId HED_0012549 Categorical-value Indicates that something can take on a limited and usually fixed number of possible values. hedId HED_0012550 Categorical-class-value Categorical values that fall into discrete classes such as true or false. The grouping is absolute in the sense that it is the same for all participants. hedId HED_0012551 All To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent. relatedTag Some None hedId HED_0012552 Correct Free from error. Especially conforming to fact or truth. relatedTag Wrong hedId HED_0012553 Explicit Stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt. relatedTag Implicit hedId HED_0012554 False Not in accordance with facts, reality or definitive criteria. relatedTag True hedId HED_0012555 Implicit Implied though not plainly expressed. relatedTag Explicit hedId HED_0012556 Invalid Not allowed or not conforming to the correct format or specifications. relatedTag Valid hedId HED_0012557 None No person or thing, nobody, not any. relatedTag All Some hedId HED_0012558 Some At least a small amount or number of, but not a large amount of, or often. relatedTag All None hedId HED_0012559 True Conforming to facts, reality or definitive criteria. relatedTag False hedId HED_0012560 Unknown The information has not been provided. relatedTag Invalid hedId HED_0012561 Valid Allowable, usable, or acceptable. relatedTag Invalid hedId HED_0012562 Wrong Inaccurate or not correct. relatedTag Correct hedId HED_0012563 Categorical-judgment-value Categorical values that are based on the judgment or perception of the participant such familiar and famous. hedId HED_0012564 Abnormal Deviating in any way from the state, position, structure, condition, behavior, or rule which is considered a norm. relatedTag Normal hedId HED_0012565 Asymmetrical Lacking symmetry or having parts that fail to correspond to one another in shape, size, or arrangement. relatedTag Symmetrical hedId HED_0012566 Audible A sound that can be perceived by the participant. relatedTag Inaudible hedId HED_0012567 Complex Hard, involved or complicated, elaborate, having many parts. relatedTag Simple hedId HED_0012568 Congruent Concordance of multiple evidence lines. In agreement or harmony. relatedTag Incongruent hedId HED_0012569 Constrained Keeping something within particular limits or bounds. relatedTag Unconstrained hedId HED_0012570 Disordered Not neatly arranged. Confused and untidy. A structural quality in which the parts of an object are non-rigid. relatedTag Ordered hedId HED_0012571 Familiar Recognized, familiar, or within the scope of knowledge. relatedTag Unfamiliar Famous hedId HED_0012572 Famous A person who has a high degree of recognition by the general population for his or her success or accomplishments. A famous person. relatedTag Familiar Unfamiliar hedId HED_0012573 Inaudible A sound below the threshold of perception of the participant. relatedTag Audible hedId HED_0012574 Incongruent Not in agreement or harmony. relatedTag Congruent hedId HED_0012575 Involuntary An action that is not made by choice. In the body, involuntary actions (such as blushing) occur automatically, and cannot be controlled by choice. relatedTag Voluntary hedId HED_0012576 Masked Information exists but is not provided or is partially obscured due to security,privacy, or other concerns. relatedTag Unmasked hedId HED_0012577 Normal Being approximately average or within certain limits. Conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm. relatedTag Abnormal hedId HED_0012578 Ordered Conforming to a logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements. relatedTag Disordered hedId HED_0012579 Simple Easily understood or presenting no difficulties. relatedTag Complex hedId HED_0012580 Symmetrical Made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis. Showing aspects of symmetry. relatedTag Asymmetrical hedId HED_0012581 Unconstrained Moving without restriction. relatedTag Constrained hedId HED_0012582 Unfamiliar Not having knowledge or experience of. relatedTag Familiar Famous hedId HED_0012583 Unmasked Information is revealed. relatedTag Masked hedId HED_0012584 Voluntary Using free will or design; not forced or compelled; controlled by individual volition. relatedTag Involuntary hedId HED_0012585 Categorical-level-value Categorical values based on dividing a continuous variable into levels such as high and low. hedId HED_0012586 Cold Having an absence of heat. relatedTag Hot hedId HED_0012587 Deep Extending relatively far inward or downward. relatedTag Shallow hedId HED_0012588 High Having a greater than normal degree, intensity, or amount. relatedTag Low Medium hedId HED_0012589 Hot Having an excess of heat. relatedTag Cold hedId HED_0012590 Large Having a great extent such as in physical dimensions, period of time, amplitude or frequency. relatedTag Small hedId HED_0012591 Liminal Situated at a sensory threshold that is barely perceptible or capable of eliciting a response. relatedTag Subliminal Supraliminal hedId HED_0012592 Loud Having a perceived high intensity of sound. relatedTag Quiet hedId HED_0012593 Low Less than normal in degree, intensity or amount. relatedTag High hedId HED_0012594 Medium Mid-way between small and large in number, quantity, magnitude or extent. relatedTag Low High hedId HED_0012595 Negative Involving disadvantage or harm. relatedTag Positive hedId HED_0012596 Positive Involving advantage or good. relatedTag Negative hedId HED_0012597 Quiet Characterizing a perceived low intensity of sound. relatedTag Loud hedId HED_0012598 Rough Having a surface with perceptible bumps, ridges, or irregularities. relatedTag Smooth hedId HED_0012599 Shallow Having a depth which is relatively low. relatedTag Deep hedId HED_0012600 Small Having a small extent such as in physical dimensions, period of time, amplitude or frequency. relatedTag Large hedId HED_0012601 Smooth Having a surface free from bumps, ridges, or irregularities. relatedTag Rough hedId HED_0012602 Subliminal Situated below a sensory threshold that is imperceptible or not capable of eliciting a response. relatedTag Liminal Supraliminal hedId HED_0012603 Supraliminal Situated above a sensory threshold that is perceptible or capable of eliciting a response. relatedTag Liminal Subliminal hedId HED_0012604 Thick Wide in width, extent or cross-section. relatedTag Thin hedId HED_0012605 Thin Narrow in width, extent or cross-section. relatedTag Thick hedId HED_0012606 Categorical-location-value Value indicating the location of something, primarily as an identifier rather than an expression of where the item is relative to something else. hedId HED_0012607 Anterior Relating to an item on the front of an agent body (from the point of view of the agent) or on the front of an object from the point of view of an agent. This pertains to the identity of an agent or a thing. hedId HED_0012608 Lateral Identifying the portion of an object away from the midline, particularly applied to the (anterior-posterior, superior-inferior) surface of a brain. hedId HED_0012609 Left Relating to an item on the left side of an agent body (from the point of view of the agent) or the left side of an object from the point of view of an agent. This pertains to the identity of an agent or a thing, for example (Left, Hand) as an identifier for the left hand. HED spatial relations should be used for relative positions such as (Hand, (Left-side-of, Keyboard)), which denotes the hand placed on the left side of the keyboard, which could be either the identified left hand or right hand. hedId HED_0012610 Medial Identifying the portion of an object towards the center, particularly applied to the (anterior-posterior, superior-inferior) surface of a brain. hedId HED_0012611 Posterior Relating to an item on the back of an agent body (from the point of view of the agent) or on the back of an object from the point of view of an agent. This pertains to the identity of an agent or a thing. hedId HED_0012612 Right Relating to an item on the right side of an agent body (from the point of view of the agent) or the right side of an object from the point of view of an agent. This pertains to the identity of an agent or a thing, for example (Right, Hand) as an identifier for the right hand. HED spatial relations should be used for relative positions such as (Hand, (Right-side-of, Keyboard)), which denotes the hand placed on the right side of the keyboard, which could be either the identified left hand or right hand. hedId HED_0012613 Categorical-orientation-value Value indicating the orientation or direction of something. hedId HED_0012614 Backward Directed behind or to the rear. relatedTag Forward hedId HED_0012615 Downward Moving or leading toward a lower place or level. relatedTag Leftward Rightward Upward hedId HED_0012616 Forward At or near or directed toward the front. relatedTag Backward hedId HED_0012617 Horizontally-oriented Oriented parallel to or in the plane of the horizon. relatedTag Vertically-oriented hedId HED_0012618 Leftward Going toward or facing the left. relatedTag Downward Rightward Upward hedId HED_0012619 Oblique Slanting or inclined in direction, course, or position that is neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angular. relatedTag Rotated hedId HED_0012620 Rightward Going toward or situated on the right. relatedTag Downward Leftward Upward hedId HED_0012621 Rotated Positioned offset around an axis or center. hedId HED_0012622 Upward Moving, pointing, or leading to a higher place, point, or level. relatedTag Downward Leftward Rightward hedId HED_0012623 Vertically-oriented Oriented perpendicular to the plane of the horizon. relatedTag Horizontally-oriented hedId HED_0012624 Physical-value The value of some physical property of something. hedId HED_0012625 Temperature A measure of hot or cold based on the average kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules in the system. hedId HED_0012626 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass temperatureUnits hedId HED_0012627 Weight The relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by something. hedId HED_0012628 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass weightUnits hedId HED_0012629 Quantitative-value Something capable of being estimated or expressed with numeric values. hedId HED_0012630 Fraction A numerical value between 0 and 1. hedId HED_0012631 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012632 Item-count The integer count of something which is usually grouped with the entity it is counting. (Item-count/3, A) indicates that 3 of A have occurred up to this point. hedId HED_0012633 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012634 Item-index The index of an item in a collection, sequence or other structure. (A (Item-index/3, B)) means that A is item number 3 in B. hedId HED_0012635 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012636 Item-interval An integer indicating how many items or entities have passed since the last one of these. An item interval of 0 indicates the current item. hedId HED_0012637 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012638 Percentage A fraction or ratio with 100 understood as the denominator. hedId HED_0012639 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012640 Ratio A quotient of quantities of the same kind for different components within the same system. hedId HED_0012641 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012642 Spatiotemporal-value A property relating to space and/or time. hedId HED_0012643 Rate-of-change The amount of change accumulated per unit time. hedId HED_0012644 Acceleration Magnitude of the rate of change in either speed or direction. The direction of change should be given separately. hedId HED_0012645 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass accelerationUnits hedId HED_0012646 Frequency Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. hedId HED_0012647 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass frequencyUnits hedId HED_0012648 Jerk-rate Magnitude of the rate at which the acceleration of an object changes with respect to time. The direction of change should be given separately. hedId HED_0012649 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass jerkUnits hedId HED_0012650 Refresh-rate The frequency with which the image on a computer monitor or similar electronic display screen is refreshed, usually expressed in hertz. hedId HED_0012651 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012652 Sampling-rate The number of digital samples taken or recorded per unit of time. hedId HED_0012653 # takesValue unitClass frequencyUnits hedId HED_0012654 Speed A scalar measure of the rate of movement of the object expressed either as the distance traveled divided by the time taken (average speed) or the rate of change of position with respect to time at a particular point (instantaneous speed). The direction of change should be given separately. hedId HED_0012655 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass speedUnits hedId HED_0012656 Temporal-rate The number of items per unit of time. hedId HED_0012657 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass frequencyUnits hedId HED_0012658 Spatial-value Value of an item involving space. hedId HED_0012659 Angle The amount of inclination of one line to another or the plane of one object to another. hedId HED_0012660 # takesValue unitClass angleUnits valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012661 Distance A measure of the space separating two objects or points. hedId HED_0012662 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass physicalLengthUnits hedId HED_0012663 Position A reference to the alignment of an object, a particular situation or view of a situation, or the location of an object. Coordinates with respect a specified frame of reference or the default Screen-frame if no frame is given. hedId HED_0012664 Clock-face A location identifier based on clock-face numbering or anatomic subregion. Replaced by Clock-face-position. deprecatedFrom 8.2.0 hedId HED_0012326 # deprecatedFrom 8.2.0 takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0013228 Clock-face-position A location identifier based on clock-face numbering or anatomic subregion. As an object, just use the tag Clock. hedId HED_0013229 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0013230 X-position The position along the x-axis of the frame of reference. hedId HED_0012665 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass physicalLengthUnits hedId HED_0012666 Y-position The position along the y-axis of the frame of reference. hedId HED_0012667 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass physicalLengthUnits hedId HED_0012668 Z-position The position along the z-axis of the frame of reference. hedId HED_0012669 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass physicalLengthUnits hedId HED_0012670 Size The physical magnitude of something. hedId HED_0012671 Area The extent of a 2-dimensional surface enclosed within a boundary. hedId HED_0012672 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass areaUnits hedId HED_0012673 Depth The distance from the surface of something especially from the perspective of looking from the front. hedId HED_0012674 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass physicalLengthUnits hedId HED_0012675 Height The vertical measurement or distance from the base to the top of an object. hedId HED_0012676 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass physicalLengthUnits hedId HED_0012677 Length The linear extent in space from one end of something to the other end, or the extent of something from beginning to end. hedId HED_0012678 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass physicalLengthUnits hedId HED_0012679 Perimeter The minimum length of paths enclosing a 2D shape. hedId HED_0012680 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass physicalLengthUnits hedId HED_0012681 Radius The distance of the line from the center of a circle or a sphere to its perimeter or outer surface, respectively. hedId HED_0012682 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass physicalLengthUnits hedId HED_0012683 Volume The amount of three dimensional space occupied by an object or the capacity of a space or container. hedId HED_0012684 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass volumeUnits hedId HED_0012685 Width The extent or measurement of something from side to side. hedId HED_0012686 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass physicalLengthUnits hedId HED_0012687 Temporal-value A characteristic of or relating to time or limited by time. hedId HED_0012688 Delay The time at which an event start time is delayed from the current onset time. This tag defines the start time of an event of temporal extent and may be used with the Duration tag. topLevelTagGroup reserved requireChild relatedTag Duration hedId HED_0012689 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass timeUnits hedId HED_0012690 Duration The period of time during which an event occurs. This tag defines the end time of an event of temporal extent and may be used with the Delay tag. topLevelTagGroup reserved requireChild relatedTag Delay hedId HED_0012691 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass timeUnits hedId HED_0012692 Time-interval The period of time separating two instances, events, or occurrences. hedId HED_0012693 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass timeUnits hedId HED_0012694 Time-value A value with units of time. Usually grouped with tags identifying what the value represents. hedId HED_0012695 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass timeUnits hedId HED_0012696 Statistical-value A value based on or employing the principles of statistics. extensionAllowed hedId HED_0012697 Data-maximum The largest possible quantity or degree. hedId HED_0012698 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012699 Data-mean The sum of a set of values divided by the number of values in the set. hedId HED_0012700 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012701 Data-median The value which has an equal number of values greater and less than it. hedId HED_0012702 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012703 Data-minimum The smallest possible quantity. hedId HED_0012704 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012705 Probability A measure of the expectation of the occurrence of a particular event. hedId HED_0012706 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012707 Standard-deviation A measure of the range of values in a set of numbers. Standard deviation is a statistic used as a measure of the dispersion or variation in a distribution, equal to the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares of the deviations from the arithmetic mean. hedId HED_0012708 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012709 Statistical-accuracy A measure of closeness to true value expressed as a number between 0 and 1. hedId HED_0012710 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012711 Statistical-precision A quantitative representation of the degree of accuracy necessary for or associated with a particular action. hedId HED_0012712 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012713 Statistical-recall Sensitivity is a measurement datum qualifying a binary classification test and is computed by subtracting the false negative rate to the integral numeral 1. hedId HED_0012714 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012715 Statistical-uncertainty A measure of the inherent variability of repeated observation measurements of a quantity including quantities evaluated by statistical methods and by other means. hedId HED_0012716 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0012717 Data-variability-attribute An attribute describing how something changes or varies. hedId HED_0012718 Abrupt Marked by sudden change. hedId HED_0012719 Constant Continually recurring or continuing without interruption. Not changing in time or space. hedId HED_0012720 Continuous Uninterrupted in time, sequence, substance, or extent. relatedTag Discrete Discontinuous hedId HED_0012721 Decreasing Becoming smaller or fewer in size, amount, intensity, or degree. relatedTag Increasing hedId HED_0012722 Deterministic No randomness is involved in the development of the future states of the element. relatedTag Random Stochastic hedId HED_0012723 Discontinuous Having a gap in time, sequence, substance, or extent. relatedTag Continuous hedId HED_0012724 Discrete Constituting a separate entities or parts. relatedTag Continuous Discontinuous hedId HED_0012725 Estimated-value Something that has been calculated or measured approximately. hedId HED_0012726 Exact-value A value that is viewed to the true value according to some standard. hedId HED_0012727 Flickering Moving irregularly or unsteadily or burning or shining fitfully or with a fluctuating light. hedId HED_0012728 Fractal Having extremely irregular curves or shapes for which any suitably chosen part is similar in shape to a given larger or smaller part when magnified or reduced to the same size. hedId HED_0012729 Increasing Becoming greater in size, amount, or degree. relatedTag Decreasing hedId HED_0012730 Random Governed by or depending on chance. Lacking any definite plan or order or purpose. relatedTag Deterministic Stochastic hedId HED_0012731 Repetitive A recurring action that is often non-purposeful. hedId HED_0012732 Stochastic Uses a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely to determine future states. relatedTag Deterministic Random hedId HED_0012733 Varying Differing in size, amount, degree, or nature. hedId HED_0012734 Environmental-property Relating to or arising from the surroundings of an agent. hedId HED_0012735 Augmented-reality Using technology that enhances real-world experiences with computer-derived digital overlays to change some aspects of perception of the natural environment. The digital content is shown to the user through a smart device or glasses and responds to changes in the environment. hedId HED_0012736 Indoors Located inside a building or enclosure. hedId HED_0012737 Motion-platform A mechanism that creates the feelings of being in a real motion environment. hedId HED_0012738 Outdoors Any area outside a building or shelter. hedId HED_0012739 Real-world Located in a place that exists in real space and time under realistic conditions. hedId HED_0012740 Rural Of or pertaining to the country as opposed to the city. hedId HED_0012741 Terrain Characterization of the physical features of a tract of land. hedId HED_0012742 Composite-terrain Tracts of land characterized by a mixture of physical features. hedId HED_0012743 Dirt-terrain Tracts of land characterized by a soil surface and lack of vegetation. hedId HED_0012744 Grassy-terrain Tracts of land covered by grass. hedId HED_0012745 Gravel-terrain Tracts of land covered by a surface consisting a loose aggregation of small water-worn or pounded stones. hedId HED_0012746 Leaf-covered-terrain Tracts of land covered by leaves and composited organic material. hedId HED_0012747 Muddy-terrain Tracts of land covered by a liquid or semi-liquid mixture of water and some combination of soil, silt, and clay. hedId HED_0012748 Paved-terrain Tracts of land covered with concrete, asphalt, stones, or bricks. hedId HED_0012749 Rocky-terrain Tracts of land consisting or full of rock or rocks. hedId HED_0012750 Sloped-terrain Tracts of land arranged in a sloping or inclined position. hedId HED_0012751 Uneven-terrain Tracts of land that are not level, smooth, or regular. hedId HED_0012752 Urban Relating to, located in, or characteristic of a city or densely populated area. hedId HED_0012753 Virtual-world Using technology that creates immersive, computer-generated experiences that a person can interact with and navigate through. The digital content is generally delivered to the user through some type of headset and responds to changes in head position or through interaction with other types of sensors. Existing in a virtual setting such as a simulation or game environment. hedId HED_0012754 Informational-property Something that pertains to a task. extensionAllowed hedId HED_0012755 Description An explanation of what the tag group it is in means. If the description is at the top-level of an event string, the description applies to the event. hedId HED_0012756 # takesValue valueClass textClass hedId HED_0012757 ID An alphanumeric name that identifies either a unique object or a unique class of objects. Here the object or class may be an idea, physical countable object (or class), or physical uncountable substance (or class). hedId HED_0012758 # takesValue valueClass textClass hedId HED_0012759 Label A string of 20 or fewer characters identifying something. Labels usually refer to general classes of things while IDs refer to specific instances. A term that is associated with some entity. A brief description given for purposes of identification. An identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object. hedId HED_0012760 # takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012761 Metadata Data about data. Information that describes another set of data. hedId HED_0012762 Creation-date The date on which the creation of this item began. hedId HED_0012763 # takesValue valueClass dateTimeClass hedId HED_0012764 Experimental-note A brief written record about the experiment. hedId HED_0012765 # takesValue valueClass textClass hedId HED_0012766 Library-name Official name of a HED library. hedId HED_0012767 # takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012768 Metadata-identifier Identifier (usually unique) from another metadata source. hedId HED_0012769 CogAtlas The Cognitive Atlas ID number of something. hedId HED_0012770 # takesValue hedId HED_0012771 CogPo The CogPO ID number of something. hedId HED_0012772 # takesValue hedId HED_0012773 DOI Digital object identifier for an object. hedId HED_0012774 # takesValue hedId HED_0012775 OBO-identifier The identifier of a term in some Open Biology Ontology (OBO) ontology. hedId HED_0012776 # takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012777 Species-identifier A binomial species name from the NCBI Taxonomy, for example, homo sapiens, mus musculus, or rattus norvegicus. hedId HED_0012778 # takesValue hedId HED_0012779 Subject-identifier A sequence of characters used to identify, name, or characterize a trial or study subject. hedId HED_0012780 # takesValue hedId HED_0012781 UUID A unique universal identifier. hedId HED_0012782 # takesValue hedId HED_0012783 Version-identifier An alphanumeric character string that identifies a form or variant of a type or original. hedId HED_0012784 # Usually is a semantic version. takesValue hedId HED_0012785 Modified-date The date on which the item was modified (usually the last-modified data unless a complete record of dated modifications is kept. hedId HED_0012786 # takesValue valueClass dateTimeClass hedId HED_0012787 Pathname The specification of a node (file or directory) in a hierarchical file system, usually specified by listing the nodes top-down. hedId HED_0012788 # takesValue hedId HED_0012789 URL A valid URL. hedId HED_0012790 # takesValue hedId HED_0012791 Parameter Something user-defined for this experiment. hedId HED_0012792 Parameter-label The name of the parameter. hedId HED_0012793 # takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012794 Parameter-value The value of the parameter. hedId HED_0012795 # takesValue valueClass textClass hedId HED_0012796 Organizational-property Relating to an organization or the action of organizing something. hedId HED_0012797 Collection A tag designating a grouping of items such as in a set or list. reserved hedId HED_0012798 # Name of the collection. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012799 Condition-variable An aspect of the experiment or task that is to be varied during the experiment. Task-conditions are sometimes called independent variables or contrasts. reserved hedId HED_0012800 # Name of the condition variable. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012801 Control-variable An aspect of the experiment that is fixed throughout the study and usually is explicitly controlled. reserved hedId HED_0012802 # Name of the control variable. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012803 Def A HED-specific utility tag used with a defined name to represent the tags associated with that definition. requireChild reserved hedId HED_0012804 # Name of the definition. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012805 Def-expand A HED specific utility tag that is grouped with an expanded definition. The child value of the Def-expand is the name of the expanded definition. requireChild reserved tagGroup hedId HED_0012806 # takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012807 Definition A HED-specific utility tag whose child value is the name of the concept and the tag group associated with the tag is an English language explanation of a concept. requireChild reserved topLevelTagGroup hedId HED_0012808 # Name of the definition. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012809 Event-context A special HED tag inserted as part of a top-level tag group to contain information about the interrelated conditions under which the event occurs. The event context includes information about other events that are ongoing when this event happens. reserved topLevelTagGroup unique hedId HED_0012810 Event-stream A special HED tag indicating that this event is a member of an ordered succession of events. reserved hedId HED_0012811 # Name of the event stream. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012812 Experimental-intertrial A tag used to indicate a part of the experiment between trials usually where nothing is happening. reserved hedId HED_0012813 # Optional label for the intertrial block. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012814 Experimental-trial Designates a run or execution of an activity, for example, one execution of a script. A tag used to indicate a particular organizational part in the experimental design often containing a stimulus-response pair or stimulus-response-feedback triad. reserved hedId HED_0012815 # Optional label for the trial (often a numerical string). takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012816 Indicator-variable An aspect of the experiment or task that is measured as task conditions are varied during the experiment. Experiment indicators are sometimes called dependent variables. reserved hedId HED_0012817 # Name of the indicator variable. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012818 Recording A tag designating the data recording. Recording tags are usually have temporal scope which is the entire recording. reserved hedId HED_0012819 # Optional label for the recording. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012820 Task An assigned piece of work, usually with a time allotment. A tag used to indicate a linkage the structured activities performed as part of the experiment. reserved hedId HED_0012821 # Optional label for the task block. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012822 Time-block A tag used to indicate a contiguous time block in the experiment during which something is fixed or noted. reserved hedId HED_0012823 # Optional label for the task block. takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012824 Sensory-property Relating to sensation or the physical senses. hedId HED_0012825 Sensory-attribute A sensory characteristic associated with another entity. hedId HED_0012826 Auditory-attribute Pertaining to the sense of hearing. hedId HED_0012827 Loudness Perceived intensity of a sound. hedId HED_0012828 # takesValue valueClass numericClass nameClass hedId HED_0012829 Pitch A perceptual property that allows the user to order sounds on a frequency scale. hedId HED_0012830 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass frequencyUnits hedId HED_0012831 Sound-envelope Description of how a sound changes over time. hedId HED_0012832 Sound-envelope-attack The time taken for initial run-up of level from nil to peak usually beginning when the key on a musical instrument is pressed. hedId HED_0012833 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass timeUnits hedId HED_0012834 Sound-envelope-decay The time taken for the subsequent run down from the attack level to the designated sustain level. hedId HED_0012835 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass timeUnits hedId HED_0012836 Sound-envelope-release The time taken for the level to decay from the sustain level to zero after the key is released. hedId HED_0012837 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass timeUnits hedId HED_0012838 Sound-envelope-sustain The time taken for the main sequence of the sound duration, until the key is released. hedId HED_0012839 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass timeUnits hedId HED_0012840 Sound-volume The sound pressure level (SPL) usually the ratio to a reference signal estimated as the lower bound of hearing. hedId HED_0012841 # takesValue valueClass numericClass unitClass intensityUnits hedId HED_0012842 Timbre The perceived sound quality of a singing voice or musical instrument. hedId HED_0012843 # takesValue valueClass nameClass hedId HED_0012844 Gustatory-attribute Pertaining to the sense of taste. hedId HED_0012845 Bitter Having a sharp, pungent taste. hedId HED_0012846 Salty Tasting of or like salt. hedId HED_0012847 Savory Belonging to a taste that is salty or spicy rather than sweet. hedId HED_0012848 Sour Having a sharp, acidic taste. hedId HED_0012849 Sweet Having or resembling the taste of sugar. hedId HED_0012850 Olfactory-attribute Having a smell. hedId HED_0012851 Somatic-attribute Pertaining to the feelings in the body or of the nervous system. hedId HED_0012852 Pain The sensation of discomfort, distress, or agony, resulting from the stimulation of specialized nerve endings. hedId HED_0012853 Stress The negative mental, emotional, and physical reactions that occur when environmental stressors are perceived as exceeding the adaptive capacities of the individual. hedId HED_0012854 Tactile-attribute Pertaining to the sense of touch. hedId HED_0012855 Tactile-pressure Having a feeling of heaviness. hedId HED_0012856 Tactile-temperature Having a feeling of hotness or coldness. hedId HED_0012857 Tactile-texture Having a feeling of roughness. hedId HED_0012858 Tactile-vibration Having a feeling of mechanical oscillation. hedId HED_0012859 Vestibular-attribute Pertaining to the sense of balance or body position. hedId HED_0012860 Visual-attribute Pertaining to the sense of sight. hedId HED_0012861 Color The appearance of objects (or light sources) described in terms of perception of their hue and lightness (or brightness) and saturation. hedId HED_0012862 CSS-color One of 140 colors supported by all browsers. For more details such as the color RGB or HEX values,check: hedId HED_0012863 Blue-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0012864 Blue CSS-color 0x0000FF. hedId HED_0012865 CadetBlue CSS-color 0x5F9EA0. hedId HED_0012866 CornflowerBlue CSS-color 0x6495ED. hedId HED_0012867 DarkBlue CSS-color 0x00008B. hedId HED_0012868 DeepSkyBlue CSS-color 0x00BFFF. hedId HED_0012869 DodgerBlue CSS-color 0x1E90FF. hedId HED_0012870 LightBlue CSS-color 0xADD8E6. hedId HED_0012871 LightSkyBlue CSS-color 0x87CEFA. hedId HED_0012872 LightSteelBlue CSS-color 0xB0C4DE. hedId HED_0012873 MediumBlue CSS-color 0x0000CD. hedId HED_0012874 MidnightBlue CSS-color 0x191970. hedId HED_0012875 Navy CSS-color 0x000080. hedId HED_0012876 PowderBlue CSS-color 0xB0E0E6. hedId HED_0012877 RoyalBlue CSS-color 0x4169E1. hedId HED_0012878 SkyBlue CSS-color 0x87CEEB. hedId HED_0012879 SteelBlue CSS-color 0x4682B4. hedId HED_0012880 Brown-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0012881 Bisque CSS-color 0xFFE4C4. hedId HED_0012882 BlanchedAlmond CSS-color 0xFFEBCD. hedId HED_0012883 Brown CSS-color 0xA52A2A. hedId HED_0012884 BurlyWood CSS-color 0xDEB887. hedId HED_0012885 Chocolate CSS-color 0xD2691E. hedId HED_0012886 Cornsilk CSS-color 0xFFF8DC. hedId HED_0012887 DarkGoldenRod CSS-color 0xB8860B. hedId HED_0012888 GoldenRod CSS-color 0xDAA520. hedId HED_0012889 Maroon CSS-color 0x800000. hedId HED_0012890 NavajoWhite CSS-color 0xFFDEAD. hedId HED_0012891 Olive CSS-color 0x808000. hedId HED_0012892 Peru CSS-color 0xCD853F. hedId HED_0012893 RosyBrown CSS-color 0xBC8F8F. hedId HED_0012894 SaddleBrown CSS-color 0x8B4513. hedId HED_0012895 SandyBrown CSS-color 0xF4A460. hedId HED_0012896 Sienna CSS-color 0xA0522D. hedId HED_0012897 Tan CSS-color 0xD2B48C. hedId HED_0012898 Wheat CSS-color 0xF5DEB3. hedId HED_0012899 Cyan-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0012900 Aqua CSS-color 0x00FFFF. hedId HED_0012901 Aquamarine CSS-color 0x7FFFD4. hedId HED_0012902 Cyan CSS-color 0x00FFFF. hedId HED_0012903 DarkTurquoise CSS-color 0x00CED1. hedId HED_0012904 LightCyan CSS-color 0xE0FFFF. hedId HED_0012905 MediumTurquoise CSS-color 0x48D1CC. hedId HED_0012906 PaleTurquoise CSS-color 0xAFEEEE. hedId HED_0012907 Turquoise CSS-color 0x40E0D0. hedId HED_0012908 Gray-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0012909 Black CSS-color 0x000000. hedId HED_0012910 DarkGray CSS-color 0xA9A9A9. hedId HED_0012911 DarkSlateGray CSS-color 0x2F4F4F. hedId HED_0012912 DimGray CSS-color 0x696969. hedId HED_0012913 Gainsboro CSS-color 0xDCDCDC. hedId HED_0012914 Gray CSS-color 0x808080. hedId HED_0012915 LightGray CSS-color 0xD3D3D3. hedId HED_0012916 LightSlateGray CSS-color 0x778899. hedId HED_0012917 Silver CSS-color 0xC0C0C0. hedId HED_0012918 SlateGray CSS-color 0x708090. hedId HED_0012919 Green-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0012920 Chartreuse CSS-color 0x7FFF00. hedId HED_0012921 DarkCyan CSS-color 0x008B8B. hedId HED_0012922 DarkGreen CSS-color 0x006400. hedId HED_0012923 DarkOliveGreen CSS-color 0x556B2F. hedId HED_0012924 DarkSeaGreen CSS-color 0x8FBC8F. hedId HED_0012925 ForestGreen CSS-color 0x228B22. hedId HED_0012926 Green CSS-color 0x008000. hedId HED_0012927 GreenYellow CSS-color 0xADFF2F. hedId HED_0012928 LawnGreen CSS-color 0x7CFC00. hedId HED_0012929 LightGreen CSS-color 0x90EE90. hedId HED_0012930 LightSeaGreen CSS-color 0x20B2AA. hedId HED_0012931 Lime CSS-color 0x00FF00. hedId HED_0012932 LimeGreen CSS-color 0x32CD32. hedId HED_0012933 MediumAquaMarine CSS-color 0x66CDAA. hedId HED_0012934 MediumSeaGreen CSS-color 0x3CB371. hedId HED_0012935 MediumSpringGreen CSS-color 0x00FA9A. hedId HED_0012936 OliveDrab CSS-color 0x6B8E23. hedId HED_0012937 PaleGreen CSS-color 0x98FB98. hedId HED_0012938 SeaGreen CSS-color 0x2E8B57. hedId HED_0012939 SpringGreen CSS-color 0x00FF7F. hedId HED_0012940 Teal CSS-color 0x008080. hedId HED_0012941 YellowGreen CSS-color 0x9ACD32. hedId HED_0012942 Orange-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0012943 Coral CSS-color 0xFF7F50. hedId HED_0012944 DarkOrange CSS-color 0xFF8C00. hedId HED_0012945 Orange CSS-color 0xFFA500. hedId HED_0012946 OrangeRed CSS-color 0xFF4500. hedId HED_0012947 Tomato CSS-color 0xFF6347. hedId HED_0012948 Pink-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0012949 DeepPink CSS-color 0xFF1493. hedId HED_0012950 HotPink CSS-color 0xFF69B4. hedId HED_0012951 LightPink CSS-color 0xFFB6C1. hedId HED_0012952 MediumVioletRed CSS-color 0xC71585. hedId HED_0012953 PaleVioletRed CSS-color 0xDB7093. hedId HED_0012954 Pink CSS-color 0xFFC0CB. hedId HED_0012955 Purple-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0012956 BlueViolet CSS-color 0x8A2BE2. hedId HED_0012957 DarkMagenta CSS-color 0x8B008B. hedId HED_0012958 DarkOrchid CSS-color 0x9932CC. hedId HED_0012959 DarkSlateBlue CSS-color 0x483D8B. hedId HED_0012960 DarkViolet CSS-color 0x9400D3. hedId HED_0012961 Fuchsia CSS-color 0xFF00FF. hedId HED_0012962 Indigo CSS-color 0x4B0082. hedId HED_0012963 Lavender CSS-color 0xE6E6FA. hedId HED_0012964 Magenta CSS-color 0xFF00FF. hedId HED_0012965 MediumOrchid CSS-color 0xBA55D3. hedId HED_0012966 MediumPurple CSS-color 0x9370DB. hedId HED_0012967 MediumSlateBlue CSS-color 0x7B68EE. hedId HED_0012968 Orchid CSS-color 0xDA70D6. hedId HED_0012969 Plum CSS-color 0xDDA0DD. hedId HED_0012970 Purple CSS-color 0x800080. hedId HED_0012971 RebeccaPurple CSS-color 0x663399. hedId HED_0012972 SlateBlue CSS-color 0x6A5ACD. hedId HED_0012973 Thistle CSS-color 0xD8BFD8. hedId HED_0012974 Violet CSS-color 0xEE82EE. hedId HED_0012975 Red-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0012976 Crimson CSS-color 0xDC143C. hedId HED_0012977 DarkRed CSS-color 0x8B0000. hedId HED_0012978 DarkSalmon CSS-color 0xE9967A. hedId HED_0012979 FireBrick CSS-color 0xB22222. hedId HED_0012980 IndianRed CSS-color 0xCD5C5C. hedId HED_0012981 LightCoral CSS-color 0xF08080. hedId HED_0012982 LightSalmon CSS-color 0xFFA07A. hedId HED_0012983 Red CSS-color 0xFF0000. hedId HED_0012984 Salmon CSS-color 0xFA8072. hedId HED_0012985 White-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0012986 AliceBlue CSS-color 0xF0F8FF. hedId HED_0012987 AntiqueWhite CSS-color 0xFAEBD7. hedId HED_0012988 Azure CSS-color 0xF0FFFF. hedId HED_0012989 Beige CSS-color 0xF5F5DC. hedId HED_0012990 FloralWhite CSS-color 0xFFFAF0. hedId HED_0012991 GhostWhite CSS-color 0xF8F8FF. hedId HED_0012992 HoneyDew CSS-color 0xF0FFF0. hedId HED_0012993 Ivory CSS-color 0xFFFFF0. hedId HED_0012994 LavenderBlush CSS-color 0xFFF0F5. hedId HED_0012995 Linen CSS-color 0xFAF0E6. hedId HED_0012996 MintCream CSS-color 0xF5FFFA. hedId HED_0012997 MistyRose CSS-color 0xFFE4E1. hedId HED_0012998 OldLace CSS-color 0xFDF5E6. hedId HED_0012999 SeaShell CSS-color 0xFFF5EE. hedId HED_0013000 Snow CSS-color 0xFFFAFA. hedId HED_0013001 White CSS-color 0xFFFFFF. hedId HED_0013002 WhiteSmoke CSS-color 0xF5F5F5. hedId HED_0013003 Yellow-color CSS color group. hedId HED_0013004 DarkKhaki CSS-color 0xBDB76B. hedId HED_0013005 Gold CSS-color 0xFFD700. hedId HED_0013006 Khaki CSS-color 0xF0E68C. hedId HED_0013007 LemonChiffon CSS-color 0xFFFACD. hedId HED_0013008 LightGoldenRodYellow CSS-color 0xFAFAD2. hedId HED_0013009 LightYellow CSS-color 0xFFFFE0. hedId HED_0013010 Moccasin CSS-color 0xFFE4B5. hedId HED_0013011 PaleGoldenRod CSS-color 0xEEE8AA. hedId HED_0013012 PapayaWhip CSS-color 0xFFEFD5. hedId HED_0013013 PeachPuff CSS-color 0xFFDAB9. hedId HED_0013014 Yellow CSS-color 0xFFFF00. hedId HED_0013015 Color-shade A slight degree of difference between colors, especially with regard to how light or dark it is or as distinguished from one nearly like it. hedId HED_0013016 Dark-shade A color tone not reflecting much light. hedId HED_0013017 Light-shade A color tone reflecting more light. hedId HED_0013018 Grayscale Using a color map composed of shades of gray, varying from black at the weakest intensity to white at the strongest. hedId HED_0013019 # White intensity between 0 and 1. takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0013020 HSV-color A color representation that models how colors appear under light. hedId HED_0013021 HSV-value An attribute of a visual sensation according to which an area appears to emit more or less light. hedId HED_0013022 # takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0013023 Hue Attribute of a visual sensation according to which an area appears to be similar to one of the perceived colors. hedId HED_0013024 # Angular value between 0 and 360. takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0013025 Saturation Colorfulness of a stimulus relative to its own brightness. hedId HED_0013026 # B value of RGB between 0 and 1. takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0013027 RGB-color A color from the RGB schema. hedId HED_0013028 RGB-blue The blue component. hedId HED_0013029 # B value of RGB between 0 and 1. takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0013030 RGB-green The green component. hedId HED_0013031 # G value of RGB between 0 and 1. takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0013032 RGB-red The red component. hedId HED_0013033 # R value of RGB between 0 and 1. takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0013034 Luminance A quality that exists by virtue of the luminous intensity per unit area projected in a given direction. hedId HED_0013035 Luminance-contrast The difference in luminance in specific portions of a scene or image. suggestedTag Percentage Ratio hedId HED_0013036 # A non-negative value, usually in the range 0 to 1 or alternative 0 to 100, if representing a percentage. takesValue valueClass numericClass hedId HED_0013037 Opacity A measure of impenetrability to light. hedId HED_0013038 Sensory-presentation The entity has a sensory manifestation. hedId HED_0013039 Auditory-presentation The sense of hearing is used in the presentation to the user. hedId HED_0013040 Loudspeaker-separation The distance between two loudspeakers. Grouped with the Distance tag. suggestedTag Distance hedId HED_0013041 Monophonic Relating to sound transmission, recording, or reproduction involving a single transmission path. hedId HED_0013042 Silent The absence of ambient audible sound or the state of having ceased to produce sounds. hedId HED_0013043 Stereophonic Relating to, or constituting sound reproduction involving the use of separated microphones and two transmission channels to achieve the sound separation of a live hearing. hedId HED_0013044 Gustatory-presentation The sense of taste used in the presentation to the user. hedId HED_0013045 Olfactory-presentation The sense of smell used in the presentation to the user. hedId HED_0013046 Somatic-presentation The nervous system is used in the presentation to the user. hedId HED_0013047 Tactile-presentation The sense of touch used in the presentation to the user. hedId HED_0013048 Vestibular-presentation The sense balance used in the presentation to the user. hedId HED_0013049 Visual-presentation The sense of sight used in the presentation to the user. hedId HED_0013050 2D-view A view showing only two dimensions. hedId HED_0013051 3D-view A view showing three dimensions. hedId HED_0013052 Background-view Parts of the view that are farthest from the viewer and usually the not part of the visual focus. hedId HED_0013053 Bistable-view Something having two stable visual forms that have two distinguishable stable forms as in optical illusions. hedId HED_0013054 Foreground-view Parts of the view that are closest to the viewer and usually the most important part of the visual focus. hedId HED_0013055 Foveal-view Visual presentation directly on the fovea. A view projected on the small depression in the retina containing only cones and where vision is most acute. hedId HED_0013056 Map-view A diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads. hedId HED_0013057 Aerial-view Elevated view of an object from above, with a perspective as though the observer were a bird. hedId HED_0013058 Satellite-view A representation as captured by technology such as a satellite. hedId HED_0013059 Street-view A 360-degrees panoramic view from a position on the ground. hedId HED_0013060 Peripheral-view Indirect vision as it occurs outside the point of fixation. hedId HED_0013061 Task-property Something that pertains to a task. extensionAllowed hedId HED_0013062 Task-action-type How an agent action should be interpreted in terms of the task specification. hedId HED_0013063 Appropriate-action An action suitable or proper in the circumstances. relatedTag Inappropriate-action hedId HED_0013064 Correct-action An action that was a correct response in the context of the task. relatedTag Incorrect-action Indeterminate-action hedId HED_0013065 Correction An action offering an improvement to replace a mistake or error. hedId HED_0013066 Done-indication An action that indicates that the participant has completed this step in the task. relatedTag Ready-indication hedId HED_0013067 Imagined-action Form a mental image or concept of something. This is used to identity something that only happened in the imagination of the participant as in imagined movements in motor imagery paradigms. hedId HED_0013068 Inappropriate-action An action not in keeping with what is correct or proper for the task. relatedTag Appropriate-action hedId HED_0013069 Incorrect-action An action considered wrong or incorrect in the context of the task. relatedTag Correct-action Indeterminate-action hedId HED_0013070 Indeterminate-action An action that cannot be distinguished between two or more possibilities in the current context. This tag might be applied when an outside evaluator or a classification algorithm cannot determine a definitive result. relatedTag Correct-action Incorrect-action Miss Near-miss hedId HED_0013071 Miss An action considered to be a failure in the context of the task. For example, if the agent is supposed to try to hit a target and misses. relatedTag Near-miss hedId HED_0013072 Near-miss An action barely satisfied the requirements of the task. In a driving experiment for example this could pertain to a narrowly avoided collision or other accident. relatedTag Miss hedId HED_0013073 Omitted-action An expected response was skipped. hedId HED_0013074 Ready-indication An action that indicates that the participant is ready to perform the next step in the task. relatedTag Done-indication hedId HED_0013075 Task-attentional-demand Strategy for allocating attention toward goal-relevant information. hedId HED_0013076 Bottom-up-attention Attentional guidance purely by externally driven factors to stimuli that are salient because of their inherent properties relative to the background. Sometimes this is referred to as stimulus driven. relatedTag Top-down-attention hedId HED_0013077 Covert-attention Paying attention without moving the eyes. relatedTag Overt-attention hedId HED_0013078 Divided-attention Integrating parallel multiple stimuli. Behavior involving responding simultaneously to multiple tasks or multiple task demands. relatedTag Focused-attention hedId HED_0013079 Focused-attention Responding discretely to specific visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli. relatedTag Divided-attention hedId HED_0013080 Orienting-attention Directing attention to a target stimulus. hedId HED_0013081 Overt-attention Selectively processing one location over others by moving the eyes to point at that location. relatedTag Covert-attention hedId HED_0013082 Selective-attention Maintaining a behavioral or cognitive set in the face of distracting or competing stimuli. Ability to pay attention to a limited array of all available sensory information. hedId HED_0013083 Sustained-attention Maintaining a consistent behavioral response during continuous and repetitive activity. hedId HED_0013084 Switched-attention Having to switch attention between two or more modalities of presentation. hedId HED_0013085 Top-down-attention Voluntary allocation of attention to certain features. Sometimes this is referred to goal-oriented attention. relatedTag Bottom-up-attention hedId HED_0013086 Task-effect-evidence The evidence supporting the conclusion that the event had the specified effect. hedId HED_0013087 Behavioral-evidence An indication or conclusion based on the behavior of an agent. hedId HED_0013088 Computational-evidence A type of evidence in which data are produced, and/or generated, and/or analyzed on a computer. hedId HED_0013089 External-evidence A phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. hedId HED_0013090 Intended-effect A phenomenon that is intended to follow and be caused by some previous phenomenon. hedId HED_0013091 Task-event-role The purpose of an event with respect to the task. hedId HED_0013092 Experimental-stimulus Part of something designed to elicit a response in the experiment. hedId HED_0013093 Incidental A sensory or other type of event that is unrelated to the task or experiment. hedId HED_0013094 Instructional Usually associated with a sensory event intended to give instructions to the participant about the task or behavior. hedId HED_0013095 Mishap Unplanned disruption such as an equipment or experiment control abnormality or experimenter error. hedId HED_0013096 Participant-response Something related to a participant actions in performing the task. hedId HED_0013097 Task-activity Something that is part of the overall task or is necessary to the overall experiment but is not directly part of a stimulus-response cycle. Examples would be taking a survey or provided providing a silva sample. hedId HED_0013098 Warning Something that should warn the participant that the parameters of the task have been or are about to be exceeded such as a warning message about getting too close to the shoulder of the road in a driving task. hedId HED_0013099 Task-relationship Specifying organizational importance of sub-tasks. hedId HED_0013100 Background-subtask A part of the task which should be performed in the background as for example inhibiting blinks due to instruction while performing the primary task. hedId HED_0013101 Primary-subtask A part of the task which should be the primary focus of the participant. hedId HED_0013102 Task-stimulus-role The role the stimulus plays in the task. hedId HED_0013103 Cue A signal for an action, a pattern of stimuli indicating a particular response. hedId HED_0013104 Distractor A person or thing that distracts or a plausible but incorrect option in a multiple-choice question. In psychological studies this is sometimes referred to as a foil. hedId HED_0013105 Expected Considered likely, probable or anticipated. Something of low information value as in frequent non-targets in an RSVP paradigm. relatedTag Unexpected suggestedTag Target hedId HED_0013106 Extraneous Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with. hedId HED_0013107 Feedback An evaluative response to an inquiry, process, event, or activity. hedId HED_0013108 Go-signal An indicator to proceed with a planned action. relatedTag Stop-signal hedId HED_0013109 Meaningful Conveying significant or relevant information. hedId HED_0013110 Newly-learned Representing recently acquired information or understanding. hedId HED_0013111 Non-informative Something that is not useful in forming an opinion or judging an outcome. hedId HED_0013112 Non-target Something other than that done or looked for. Also tag Expected if the Non-target is frequent. relatedTag Target hedId HED_0013113 Not-meaningful Not having a serious, important, or useful quality or purpose. hedId HED_0013114 Novel Having no previous example or precedent or parallel. hedId HED_0013115 Oddball Something unusual, or infrequent. relatedTag Unexpected suggestedTag Target hedId HED_0013116 Penalty A disadvantage, loss, or hardship due to some action. hedId HED_0013117 Planned Something that was decided on or arranged in advance. relatedTag Unplanned hedId HED_0013118 Priming An implicit memory effect in which exposure to a stimulus influences response to a later stimulus. hedId HED_0013119 Query A sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply. hedId HED_0013120 Reward A positive reinforcement for a desired action, behavior or response. hedId HED_0013121 Stop-signal An indicator that the agent should stop the current activity. relatedTag Go-signal hedId HED_0013122 Target Something fixed as a goal, destination, or point of examination. hedId HED_0013123 Threat An indicator that signifies hostility and predicts an increased probability of attack. hedId HED_0013124 Timed Something planned or scheduled to be done at a particular time or lasting for a specified amount of time. hedId HED_0013125 Unexpected Something that is not anticipated. relatedTag Expected hedId HED_0013126 Unplanned Something that has not been planned as part of the task. relatedTag Planned hedId HED_0013127 Relation Concerns the way in which two or more people or things are connected. extensionAllowed hedId HED_0013128 Comparative-relation Something considered in comparison to something else. The first entity is the focus. hedId HED_0013129 Approximately-equal-to (A, (Approximately-equal-to, B)) indicates that A and B have almost the same value. Here A and B could refer to sizes, orders, positions or other quantities. hedId HED_0013130 Equal-to (A, (Equal-to, B)) indicates that the size or order of A is the same as that of B. hedId HED_0013131 Greater-than (A, (Greater-than, B)) indicates that the relative size or order of A is bigger than that of B. hedId HED_0013132 Greater-than-or-equal-to (A, (Greater-than-or-equal-to, B)) indicates that the relative size or order of A is bigger than or the same as that of B. hedId HED_0013133 Less-than (A, (Less-than, B)) indicates that A is smaller than B. Here A and B could refer to sizes, orders, positions or other quantities. hedId HED_0013134 Less-than-or-equal-to (A, (Less-than-or-equal-to, B)) indicates that the relative size or order of A is smaller than or equal to B. hedId HED_0013135 Not-equal-to (A, (Not-equal-to, B)) indicates that the size or order of A is not the same as that of B. hedId HED_0013136 Connective-relation Indicates two entities are related in some way. The first entity is the focus. hedId HED_0013137 Belongs-to (A, (Belongs-to, B)) indicates that A is a member of B. hedId HED_0013138 Connected-to (A, (Connected-to, B)) indicates that A is related to B in some respect, usually through a direct link. hedId HED_0013139 Contained-in (A, (Contained-in, B)) indicates that A is completely inside of B. hedId HED_0013140 Described-by (A, (Described-by, B)) indicates that B provides information about A. hedId HED_0013141 From-to (A, (From-to, B)) indicates a directional relation from A to B. A is considered the source. hedId HED_0013142 Group-of (A, (Group-of, B)) indicates A is a group of items of type B. hedId HED_0013143 Implied-by (A, (Implied-by, B)) indicates B is suggested by A. hedId HED_0013144 Includes (A, (Includes, B)) indicates that A has B as a member or part. hedId HED_0013145 Interacts-with (A, (Interacts-with, B)) indicates A and B interact, possibly reciprocally. hedId HED_0013146 Member-of (A, (Member-of, B)) indicates A is a member of group B. hedId HED_0013147 Part-of (A, (Part-of, B)) indicates A is a part of the whole B. hedId HED_0013148 Performed-by (A, (Performed-by, B)) indicates that the action or procedure A was carried out by agent B. hedId HED_0013149 Performed-using (A, (Performed-using, B)) indicates that the action or procedure A was accomplished using B. hedId HED_0013150 Related-to (A, (Related-to, B)) indicates A has some relationship to B. hedId HED_0013151 Unrelated-to (A, (Unrelated-to, B)) indicates that A is not related to B.For example, A is not related to Task. hedId HED_0013152 Directional-relation A relationship indicating direction of change of one entity relative to another. The first entity is the focus. hedId HED_0013153 Away-from (A, (Away-from, B)) indicates that A is going or has moved away from B. The meaning depends on A and B. hedId HED_0013154 Towards (A, (Towards, B)) indicates that A is going to or has moved to B. The meaning depends on A and B. hedId HED_0013155 Logical-relation Indicating a logical relationship between entities. The first entity is usually the focus. hedId HED_0013156 And (A, (And, B)) means A and B are both in effect. hedId HED_0013157 Or (A, (Or, B)) means at least one of A and B are in effect. hedId HED_0013158 Spatial-relation Indicating a relationship about position between entities. hedId HED_0013159 Above (A, (Above, B)) means A is in a place or position that is higher than B. hedId HED_0013160 Across-from (A, (Across-from, B)) means A is on the opposite side of something from B. hedId HED_0013161 Adjacent-to (A, (Adjacent-to, B)) indicates that A is next to B in time or space. hedId HED_0013162 Ahead-of (A, (Ahead-of, B)) indicates that A is further forward in time or space in B. hedId HED_0013163 Around (A, (Around, B)) means A is in or near the present place or situation of B. hedId HED_0013164 Behind (A, (Behind, B)) means A is at or to the far side of B, typically so as to be hidden by it. hedId HED_0013165 Below (A, (Below, B)) means A is in a place or position that is lower than the position of B. hedId HED_0013166 Between (A, (Between, (B, C))) means A is in the space or interval separating B and C. hedId HED_0013167 Bilateral-to (A, (Bilateral, B)) means A is on both sides of B or affects both sides of B. hedId HED_0013168 Bottom-edge-of (A, (Bottom-edge-of, B)) means A is on the bottom most part or or near the boundary of B. relatedTag Left-edge-of Right-edge-of Top-edge-of hedId HED_0013169 Boundary-of (A, (Boundary-of, B)) means A is on or part of the edge or boundary of B. hedId HED_0013170 Center-of (A, (Center-of, B)) means A is at a point or or in an area that is approximately central within B. hedId HED_0013171 Close-to (A, (Close-to, B)) means A is at a small distance from or is located near in space to B. hedId HED_0013172 Far-from (A, (Far-from, B)) means A is at a large distance from or is not located near in space to B. hedId HED_0013173 In-front-of (A, (In-front-of, B)) means A is in a position just ahead or at the front part of B, potentially partially blocking B from view. hedId HED_0013174 Left-edge-of (A, (Left-edge-of, B)) means A is located on the left side of B on or near the boundary of B. relatedTag Bottom-edge-of Right-edge-of Top-edge-of hedId HED_0013175 Left-side-of (A, (Left-side-of, B)) means A is located on the left side of B usually as part of B. relatedTag Right-side-of hedId HED_0013176 Lower-center-of (A, (Lower-center-of, B)) means A is situated on the lower center part of B (due south). This relation is often used to specify qualitative information about screen position. relatedTag Center-of Lower-left-of Lower-right-of Upper-center-of Upper-right-of hedId HED_0013177 Lower-left-of (A, (Lower-left-of, B)) means A is situated on the lower left part of B. This relation is often used to specify qualitative information about screen position. relatedTag Center-of Lower-center-of Lower-right-of Upper-center-of Upper-left-of Upper-right-of hedId HED_0013178 Lower-right-of (A, (Lower-right-of, B)) means A is situated on the lower right part of B. This relation is often used to specify qualitative information about screen position. relatedTag Center-of Lower-center-of Lower-left-of Upper-left-of Upper-center-of Upper-left-of Lower-right-of hedId HED_0013179 Outside-of (A, (Outside-of, B)) means A is located in the space around but not including B. hedId HED_0013180 Over (A, (Over, B)) means A above is above B so as to cover or protect or A extends over the a general area as from a from a vantage point. hedId HED_0013181 Right-edge-of (A, (Right-edge-of, B)) means A is located on the right side of B on or near the boundary of B. relatedTag Bottom-edge-of Left-edge-of Top-edge-of hedId HED_0013182 Right-side-of (A, (Right-side-of, B)) means A is located on the right side of B usually as part of B. relatedTag Left-side-of hedId HED_0013183 To-left-of (A, (To-left-of, B)) means A is located on or directed toward the side to the west of B when B is facing north. This term is used when A is not part of B. hedId HED_0013184 To-right-of (A, (To-right-of, B)) means A is located on or directed toward the side to the east of B when B is facing north. This term is used when A is not part of B. hedId HED_0013185 Top-edge-of (A, (Top-edge-of, B)) means A is on the uppermost part or or near the boundary of B. relatedTag Left-edge-of Right-edge-of Bottom-edge-of hedId HED_0013186 Top-of (A, (Top-of, B)) means A is on the uppermost part, side, or surface of B. hedId HED_0013187 Underneath (A, (Underneath, B)) means A is situated directly below and may be concealed by B. hedId HED_0013188 Upper-center-of (A, (Upper-center-of, B)) means A is situated on the upper center part of B (due north). This relation is often used to specify qualitative information about screen position. relatedTag Center-of Lower-center-of Lower-left-of Lower-right-of Upper-center-of Upper-right-of hedId HED_0013189 Upper-left-of (A, (Upper-left-of, B)) means A is situated on the upper left part of B. This relation is often used to specify qualitative information about screen position. relatedTag Center-of Lower-center-of Lower-left-of Lower-right-of Upper-center-of Upper-right-of hedId HED_0013190 Upper-right-of (A, (Upper-right-of, B)) means A is situated on the upper right part of B. This relation is often used to specify qualitative information about screen position. relatedTag Center-of Lower-center-of Lower-left-of Upper-left-of Upper-center-of Lower-right-of hedId HED_0013191 Within (A, (Within, B)) means A is on the inside of or contained in B. hedId HED_0013192 Temporal-relation A relationship that includes a temporal or time-based component. hedId HED_0013193 After (A, (After, B)) means A happens at a time subsequent to a reference time related to B. hedId HED_0013194 Asynchronous-with (A, (Asynchronous-with, B)) means A happens at times not occurring at the same time or having the same period or phase as B. hedId HED_0013195 Before (A, (Before, B)) means A happens at a time earlier in time or order than B. hedId HED_0013196 During (A, (During, B)) means A happens at some point in a given period of time in which B is ongoing. hedId HED_0013197 Synchronous-with (A, (Synchronous-with, B)) means A happens at occurs at the same time or rate as B. hedId HED_0013198 Waiting-for (A, (Waiting-for, B)) means A pauses for something to happen in B. hedId HED_0013199 accelerationUnits defaultUnits m-per-s^2 hedId HED_0011500 m-per-s^2 SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 allowedCharacter caret hedId HED_0011600 angleUnits defaultUnits radian hedId HED_0011501 radian SIUnit conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011601 rad SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011602 degree conversionFactor 0.0174533 hedId HED_0011603 areaUnits defaultUnits m^2 hedId HED_0011502 m^2 SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 allowedCharacter caret hedId HED_0011604 currencyUnits Units indicating the worth of something. defaultUnits $ hedId HED_0011503 dollar conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011605 $ unitPrefix unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 allowedCharacter dollar hedId HED_0011606 euro The official currency of a large subset of member countries of the European Union. hedId HED_0011607 point An arbitrary unit of value, usually an integer indicating reward or penalty. hedId HED_0011608 electricPotentialUnits defaultUnits uV hedId HED_0011504 V SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 0.000001 hedId HED_0011609 uV Added as a direct unit because it is the default unit. conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011644 volt SIUnit conversionFactor 0.000001 hedId HED_0011610 frequencyUnits defaultUnits Hz hedId HED_0011505 hertz SIUnit conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011611 Hz SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011612 intensityUnits defaultUnits dB hedId HED_0011506 dB Intensity expressed as ratio to a threshold. May be used for sound intensity. unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011613 candela Units used to express light intensity. SIUnit hedId HED_0011614 cd Units used to express light intensity. SIUnit unitSymbol hedId HED_0011615 jerkUnits defaultUnits m-per-s^3 hedId HED_0011507 m-per-s^3 unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 allowedCharacter caret hedId HED_0011616 magneticFieldUnits defaultUnits T hedId HED_0011508 tesla SIUnit conversionFactor 10e-15 hedId HED_0011617 T SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 10e-15 hedId HED_0011618 memorySizeUnits defaultUnits B hedId HED_0011509 byte SIUnit conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011619 B SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011620 physicalLengthUnits defaultUnits m hedId HED_0011510 foot conversionFactor 0.3048 hedId HED_0011621 inch conversionFactor 0.0254 hedId HED_0011622 meter SIUnit conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011623 metre SIUnit conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011624 m SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011625 mile conversionFactor 1609.34 hedId HED_0011626 speedUnits defaultUnits m-per-s hedId HED_0011511 m-per-s SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011627 mph unitSymbol conversionFactor 0.44704 hedId HED_0011628 kph unitSymbol conversionFactor 0.277778 hedId HED_0011629 temperatureUnits defaultUnits degree-Celsius hedId HED_0011512 degree-Celsius SIUnit conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011630 degree Celsius Units are not allowed to have spaces. Use degree-Celsius or oC instead. deprecatedFrom 8.2.0 SIUnit conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011631 oC SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011632 timeUnits defaultUnits s hedId HED_0011513 second SIUnit conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011633 s SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011634 day conversionFactor 86400 hedId HED_0011635 month hedId HED_0011645 minute conversionFactor 60 hedId HED_0011636 hour Should be in 24-hour format. conversionFactor 3600 hedId HED_0011637 year Years do not have a constant conversion factor to seconds. hedId HED_0011638 volumeUnits defaultUnits m^3 hedId HED_0011514 m^3 SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 allowedCharacter caret hedId HED_0011639 weightUnits defaultUnits g hedId HED_0011515 g SIUnit unitSymbol conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011640 gram SIUnit conversionFactor 1.0 hedId HED_0011641 pound conversionFactor 453.592 hedId HED_0011642 lb conversionFactor 453.592 hedId HED_0011643 deca SI unit multiple representing 10e1. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10.0 hedId HED_0011400 da SI unit multiple representing 10e1. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10.0 hedId HED_0011401 hecto SI unit multiple representing 10e2. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 100.0 hedId HED_0011402 h SI unit multiple representing 10e2. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 100.0 hedId HED_0011403 kilo SI unit multiple representing 10e3. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 1000.0 hedId HED_0011404 k SI unit multiple representing 10e3. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 1000.0 hedId HED_0011405 mega SI unit multiple representing 10e6. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e6 hedId HED_0011406 M SI unit multiple representing 10e6. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e6 hedId HED_0011407 giga SI unit multiple representing 10e9. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e9 hedId HED_0011408 G SI unit multiple representing 10e9. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e9 hedId HED_0011409 tera SI unit multiple representing 10e12. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e12 hedId HED_0011410 T SI unit multiple representing 10e12. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e12 hedId HED_0011411 peta SI unit multiple representing 10e15. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e15 hedId HED_0011412 P SI unit multiple representing 10e15. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e15 hedId HED_0011413 exa SI unit multiple representing 10e18. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e18 hedId HED_0011414 E SI unit multiple representing 10e18. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e18 hedId HED_0011415 zetta SI unit multiple representing 10e21. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e21 hedId HED_0011416 Z SI unit multiple representing 10e21. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e21 hedId HED_0011417 yotta SI unit multiple representing 10e24. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e24 hedId HED_0011418 Y SI unit multiple representing 10e24. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e24 hedId HED_0011419 deci SI unit submultiple representing 10e-1. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 0.1 hedId HED_0011420 d SI unit submultiple representing 10e-1. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 0.1 hedId HED_0011421 centi SI unit submultiple representing 10e-2. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 0.01 hedId HED_0011422 c SI unit submultiple representing 10e-2. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 0.01 hedId HED_0011423 milli SI unit submultiple representing 10e-3. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 0.001 hedId HED_0011424 m SI unit submultiple representing 10e-3. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 0.001 hedId HED_0011425 micro SI unit submultiple representing 10e-6. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e-6 hedId HED_0011426 u SI unit submultiple representing 10e-6. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e-6 hedId HED_0011427 nano SI unit submultiple representing 10e-9. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e-9 hedId HED_0011428 n SI unit submultiple representing 10e-9. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e-9 hedId HED_0011429 pico SI unit submultiple representing 10e-12. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e-12 hedId HED_0011430 p SI unit submultiple representing 10e-12. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e-12 hedId HED_0011431 femto SI unit submultiple representing 10e-15. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e-15 hedId HED_0011432 f SI unit submultiple representing 10e-15. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e-15 hedId HED_0011433 atto SI unit submultiple representing 10e-18. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e-18 hedId HED_0011434 a SI unit submultiple representing 10e-18. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e-18 hedId HED_0011435 zepto SI unit submultiple representing 10e-21. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e-21 hedId HED_0011436 z SI unit submultiple representing 10e-21. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e-21 hedId HED_0011437 yocto SI unit submultiple representing 10e-24. SIUnitModifier conversionFactor 10e-24 hedId HED_0011438 y SI unit submultiple representing 10e-24. SIUnitSymbolModifier conversionFactor 10e-24 hedId HED_0011439 dateTimeClass Date-times should conform to ISO8601 date-time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000000Z (year, month, day, hour (24h), minute, second, optional fractional seconds, and optional UTC time indicator. Any variation on the full form is allowed. allowedCharacter digits T hyphen colon hedId HED_0011301 nameClass Value class designating values that have the characteristics of node names. The allowed characters are alphanumeric, hyphen, and underscore. allowedCharacter letters digits underscore hyphen hedId HED_0011302 numericClass Value must be a valid numerical value. allowedCharacter digits E e plus hyphen period hedId HED_0011303 posixPath Posix path specification. allowedCharacter digits letters slash colon hedId HED_0011304 textClass Values that have the characteristics of text such as in descriptions. The text characters include printable characters (32 <= ASCII< 127) excluding comma, square bracket and curly braces as well as non ASCII (ASCII codes > 127). allowedCharacter text hedId HED_0011305 hedId The unique identifier of this element in the HED namespace. elementDomain stringRange hedId HED_0010500 annotationProperty requireChild This tag must have a descendent. tagDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010501 annotationProperty rooted This top-level library schema node should have a parent which is the indicated node in the partnered standard schema. tagDomain tagRange hedId HED_0010502 annotationProperty takesValue This tag is a hashtag placeholder that is expected to be replaced with a user-defined value. tagDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010503 annotationProperty defaultUnits The default units to use if the placeholder has a unit class but the substituted value has no units. unitClassDomain unitRange hedId HED_0010104 isPartOf This tag is part of the indicated tag -- as in the nose is part of the face. tagDomain tagRange hedId HED_0010109 relatedTag A HED tag that is closely related to this tag. This attribute is used by tagging tools. tagDomain tagRange hedId HED_0010105 suggestedTag A tag that is often associated with this tag. This attribute is used by tagging tools to provide tagging suggestions. tagDomain tagRange hedId HED_0010106 unitClass The unit class that the value of a placeholder node can belong to. tagDomain unitClassRange hedId HED_0010107 valueClass Type of value taken on by the value of a placeholder node. tagDomain valueClassRange hedId HED_0010108 allowedCharacter A special character that is allowed in expressing the value of a placeholder of a specified value class. Allowed characters may be listed individual, named individually, or named as a group as specified in Section 2.2 Character sets and restrictions of the HED specification. unitDomain unitModifierDomain valueClassDomain stringRange hedId HED_0010304 conversionFactor The factor to multiply these units or unit modifiers by to convert to default units. unitDomain unitModifierDomain numericRange hedId HED_0010305 deprecatedFrom The latest schema version in which the element was not deprecated. elementDomain stringRange hedId HED_0010306 extensionAllowed Users can add unlimited levels of child nodes under this tag. This tag is propagated to child nodes except for hashtag placeholders. tagDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010307 inLibrary The named library schema that this schema element is from. This attribute is added by tools when a library schema is merged into its partnered standard schema. elementDomain stringRange hedId HED_0010309 reserved This tag has special meaning and requires special handling by tools. tagDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010310 SIUnit This unit element is an SI unit and can be modified by multiple and sub-multiple names. Note that some units such as byte are designated as SI units although they are not part of the standard. unitDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010311 SIUnitModifier This SI unit modifier represents a multiple or sub-multiple of a base unit rather than a unit symbol. unitModifierDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010312 SIUnitSymbolModifier This SI unit modifier represents a multiple or sub-multiple of a unit symbol rather than a base symbol. unitModifierDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010313 tagGroup This tag can only appear inside a tag group. tagDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010314 topLevelTagGroup This tag (or its descendants) can only appear in a top-level tag group. There are additional tag-specific restrictions on what other tags can appear in the group with this tag. tagDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010315 unique Only one of this tag or its descendants can be used in the event-level HED string. tagDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010316 unitPrefix This unit is a prefix unit (e.g., dollar sign in the currency units). unitDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010317 unitSymbol This tag is an abbreviation or symbol representing a type of unit. Unit symbols represent both the singular and the plural and thus cannot be pluralized. unitDomain boolRange hedId HED_0010318 annotationProperty The value is not inherited by child nodes. hedId HED_0010701 boolRange This schema attribute's value can be true or false. This property was formerly named boolProperty. hedId HED_0010702 elementDomain This schema attribute can apply to any type of element class (i.e., tag, unit, unit class, unit modifier, or value class). This property was formerly named elementProperty. hedId HED_0010703 tagDomain This schema attribute can apply to node (tag-term) elements. This was added so attributes could apply to multiple types of elements. This property was formerly named nodeProperty. hedId HED_0010704 tagRange This schema attribute's value can be a node. This property was formerly named nodeProperty. hedId HED_0010705 numericRange This schema attribute's value can be numeric. hedId HED_0010706 stringRange This schema attribute's value can be a string. hedId HED_0010707 unitClassDomain This schema attribute can apply to unit classes. This property was formerly named unitClassProperty. hedId HED_0010708 unitClassRange This schema attribute's value can be a unit class. hedId HED_0010709 unitModifierDomain This schema attribute can apply to unit modifiers. This property was formerly named unitModifierProperty. hedId HED_0010710 unitDomain This schema attribute can apply to units. This property was formerly named unitProperty. hedId HED_0010711 unitRange This schema attribute's value can be units. hedId HED_0010712 valueClassDomain This schema attribute can apply to value classes. This property was formerly named valueClassProperty. hedId HED_0010713 valueClassRange This schema attribute's value can be a value class. hedId HED_0010714 This schema is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International and is a product of the HED Working Group. The DOI for the latest version of the HED standard schema is 10.5281/zenodo.7876037.