/** * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Honeywell Tuxedo Touch API * * Author: Lewis Heidrick * * Date: 2021-01-31 */ import groovy.transform.Field import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.Cipher import javax.crypto.Mac metadata { definition (name: "Honeywell Tuxedo Touch API", namespace: "heidrickla", author: "Lewis Heidrick") { capability "Momentary" command "armStay" command "armAway" command "armNight" command "disarm" command "getStatus" command "addDeviceMac" command "removeDeviceMac" command "revokeKeys" } preferences { input 'tuxedoTouchHTTP', 'enum', title: 'Select HTTPS if Secure Web Server Access is enabled Tuxedo Touch', submitOnChange: true, defaultValue: false, options: tuxedoTouchHTTPOptions if (tuxedoTouchHTTP == 'http') { device.updateSetting("tuxedoTouchPort",[value:80,type:"number"]) } else if (tuxedoTouchHTTP == 'https') { device.updateSetting("tuxedoTouchPort",[value:443,type:"number"]) } input 'tuxedoTouchIP', 'string', title: 'Tuxedo Touch IP', required: true, defaultValue: "" input 'tuxedoTouchPort', 'number', title: 'Port Number', required: true, defaultValue: 80 input 'partitionNumber', 'number', title: 'Partition Number', required: true, defaultValue: 1 input 'userPin', 'string', title: 'User PIN', required: true, defaultValue: "0000" input 'publicKey', 'string', title: 'Public Key', required: true, defaultValue: "0bgaf58e978ad9ce297d998ad8a869dc" input 'privateKey', 'password', title: 'Private Key', required: true, defaultValue: "sk9ig5kvi4widk3oi5ed6221c73fe79532c21b871893bd2edfe4c29327b636faab1c05e6713dcfdf8f522aa7881f9cef" input 'hubitatMac', 'string', title: 'Hubitat MAC', required: true, submitOnChange:true, defaultValue: "34E1D1806FBC" if (hubitatMac != null) { hubitatMacReplace = hubitatMac.replace(":", "-") device.updateSetting("hubitatMac",[value:hubitatMacReplace,type:"string"]) } input name: "debugOutput", type: "bool", title: "Enable Debug Logging?", defaultValue: false } } @Field static List> tuxedoTouchHTTPOptions = ["http","https"] def apiRev = "API_REV01" def apiBasePath = "/system_http_api/" + API_REV def parse(String description) {} def addDeviceMac() { //-- This Allowed to add/enroll authenticated device MAC ID for remote access. This service only accessible in Local Area network. This command requires Admin authorization. //Example : https://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/Registration/AdddeviceMAC?MAC= def apiCommandPath = "/Registration/AdddeviceMAC" def apiBasePath = "/system_http_api/API_REV01" def header = "MACID:" + hubitatMac + ",Path:" + apiBasePath + apiCommandPath def privateKeyBytes = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToByteArray(privateKey) def _api_key_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 0, 32) def authToken = signString(header, _api_key_enc) def _api_iv_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 32, privateKeyBytes.size() - 32) def _api_iv_encStr = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.byteArrayToHexString(_api_iv_enc) def postParams = [ uri: "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}${apiCommandPath}?MAC=${hubitatMac}", requestContentType: 'application/json', headers: [ "contentType": 'application/json', "authtoken": authToken, "identity": _api_iv_encStr, ], body: body ] log.debug postParams log.debug "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}${apiCommandPath}?MAC=${hubitatMac}" asynchttpPost('myCallbackMethod', postParams, [dataitem1: "datavalue1"]) } def removeDeviceMac() { //-- This Allowed to remove the previously added device MAC ID for remote access. This service only accessible in Local Area network. This command requires Admin authorization. //Example : https://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/Registration/RemovedeviceMAC?MAC= def apiBasePath = "/system_http_api/API_REV01" def apiCommandPath = "/Registration/RemovedeviceMAC" def header = "MACID:" + hubitatMac + ",Path:" + apiBasePath + apiCommandPath def privateKeyBytes = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToByteArray(privateKey) def _api_key_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 0, 32) def authToken = signString(header, _api_key_enc) def _api_iv_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 32, privateKeyBytes.size() - 32) def _api_iv_encStr = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.byteArrayToHexString(_api_iv_enc) def postParams = [ uri: "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}${apiCommandPath}?MAC=${hubitatMac}", requestContentType: 'application/json', headers: [ "contentType": 'application/json', "authtoken": authToken, "identity": _api_iv_encStr, ], body: body ] log.debug postParams log.debug "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}/Registration/RemovedeviceMAC?MAC=${hubitatMac}" asynchttpPost('myCallbackMethod', postParams, [dataitem1: "datavalue1"]) } def revokeKeys() { //-- This service is used to revoke the private and public key associated with a device mac. This service only accessible in Local Area network. This command requires Admin authorization. //Example : https://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/Administration/RevokeKeys?devMAC=&operation=set def apiBasePath = "/system_http_api/API_REV01" def apiCommandPath = "/Administration/RevokeKeys" def header = "MACID:" + hubitatMac + ",Path:" + apiBasePath + apiCommandPath def postParams = [ uri: "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}/Administration/RevokeKeys?devMAC=${hubitatMac}&operation=set", requestContentType: 'application/json', headers: [ "contentType": 'application/json', "authtoken": authToken, "identity": _api_iv_encStr, ], body: body ] log.debug postParams log.debug "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}/Administration/RevokeKeys?devMAC=${hubitatMac}&operation=set" asynchttpPost('myCallbackMethod', postParams, [dataitem1: "datavalue1"]) } def getStatus() { //Example : https://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/GetSecurityStatus?operation=get //Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients) def apiBasePath = "/system_http_api/API_REV01" def apiCommandPath = "/GetSecurityStatus" def header = "MACID:" + hubitatMac + ",Path:" + apiBasePath + apiCommandPath def privateKeyBytes = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToByteArray(privateKey) def _api_key_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 0, 32) def authToken = signString(header, _api_key_enc) def _api_iv_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 32, privateKeyBytes.size() - 32) def _api_iv_encStr = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.byteArrayToHexString(_api_iv_enc) def params = encrypt(new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([operation: "get"]), _api_key_enc, _api_iv_enc) def body = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([param: params, len: params.length(), tstamp: new Date().getTime().toString()]) def postParams = [ uri: "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}${apiCommandPath}${params}", requestContentType: "application/json", ignoreSSLIssues: true, headers: [ "contentType": 'application/json', "authtoken": authToken, "identity": _api_iv_encStr, ], body: body ] log.debug("postParams = ${postParams}") asynchttpPost('myCallbackMethod', postParams, [dataitem1: "datavalue1"]) } def armStay() { //Example : https://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode?arming=AWAY,STAY,NIGHT&pID=1 or 2 or 3...&ucode=Valid User Code&operation=set //Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients) def apiBasePath = "/system_http_api/API_REV01" def apiCommandPath = "/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode" def header = "MACID:" + hubitatMac + ",Path:" + apiBasePath + apiCommandPath def privateKeyBytes = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToByteArray(privateKey) def _api_key_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 0, 32) def authToken = signString(header, _api_key_enc) def _api_iv_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 32, privateKeyBytes.size() - 32) def _api_iv_encStr = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.byteArrayToHexString(_api_iv_enc) def params = encrypt(new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([operation: "set", arming: "STAY", pID: partitionNumber.toString(), ucode: userPin]), _api_key_enc, _api_iv_enc) def body = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([param: params, len: params.length(), tstamp: new Date().getTime().toString()]) def postParams = [ uri: "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}${apiCommandPath}${params}", requestContentType: 'application/json', ignoreSSLIssues: true, headers: [ contentType: 'application/json', authtoken: authToken, identity: _api_iv_encStr ], body: body ] log.debug "postParams = ${postParams}" asynchttpPost('myCallbackMethod', postParams, [dataitem1: "datavalue1"]) } def armAway() { //Example : https://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode?arming=AWAY,STAY,NIGHT&pID=1 or 2 or 3...&ucode=Valid User Code&operation=set //Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients) def apiBasePath = "/system_http_api/API_REV01" def apiCommandPath = "/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode" def header = "MACID:" + hubitatMac + ",Path:" + apiBasePath + apiCommandPath def privateKeyBytes = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToByteArray(privateKey) def _api_key_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 0, 32) def authToken = signString(header, _api_key_enc) def _api_iv_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 32, privateKeyBytes.size() - 32) def _api_iv_encStr = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.byteArrayToHexString(_api_iv_enc) def params = encrypt(new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([operation: "set", arming: "AWAY", pID: partitionNumber.toString(), ucode: userPin]), _api_key_enc, _api_iv_enc) def body = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([param: params, len: params.length(), tstamp: new Date().getTime().toString()]) def postParams = [ uri: "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}${apiCommandPath}${params}", requestContentType: "application/json", ignoreSSLIssues: true, headers: [ "contentType": 'application/json', "authtoken": authToken, "identity": _api_iv_encStr, ], body: body ] log.debug postParams log.debug "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode?arming=AWAY&pID=${partitionNumber}&ucode=${userPin}&operation=set" asynchttpPost('myCallbackMethod', postParams, [dataitem1: "datavalue1"]) } def armNight() { //Example : https://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode?arming=AWAY,STAY,NIGHT&pID=1 or 2 or 3...&ucode=Valid User Code&operation=set //Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients) def apiBasePath = "/system_http_api/API_REV01" def apiCommandPath = "/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode" def header = "MACID:" + hubitatMac + ",Path:" + apiBasePath + apiCommandPath def privateKeyBytes = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToByteArray(privateKey) def _api_key_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 0, 32) def authToken = signString(header, _api_key_enc) def _api_iv_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 32, privateKeyBytes.size() - 32) def _api_iv_encStr = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.byteArrayToHexString(_api_iv_enc) def params = encrypt(new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([operation: "set", arming: "NIGHT", pID: partitionNumber.toString(), ucode: userPin]), _api_key_enc, _api_iv_enc) def body = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([param: params, len: params.length(), tstamp: new Date().getTime().toString()]) def postParams = [ uri: "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}${apiCommandPath}${params}", requestContentType: "application/json", ignoreSSLIssues: true, headers: [ "contentType": 'application/json', "authtoken": authToken, "identity": _api_iv_encStr, ], body: body ] log.debug postParams log.debug "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}/AdvancedSecurity/ArmWithCode?arming=NIGHT&pID=${partitionNumber}&ucode=${userPin}&operation=set" asynchttpPost('myCallbackMethod', postParams, [dataitem1: "datavalue1"]) } def disarm() { //Example : https://:/system_http_api/API_REV01/AdvancedSecurity/Disarm?pID=1 or 2 or 3...&ucode=Valid User Code&operation=set //Authentication token should be added as part of authtoken http header (Authentication token recieved during registeration operation. Not applicable for browser clients) def apiBasePath = "/system_http_api/API_REV01" def apiCommandPath = "/AdvancedSecurity/Disarm" def header = "MACID:" + hubitatMac + ",Path:" + apiBasePath + apiCommandPath def privateKeyBytes = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.hexStringToByteArray(privateKey) def _api_key_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 0, 32) def authToken = signString(header, _api_key_enc) def _api_iv_enc = subBytes(privateKeyBytes, 32, privateKeyBytes.size() - 32) def _api_iv_encStr = hubitat.helper.HexUtils.byteArrayToHexString(_api_iv_enc) def params = encrypt(new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([operation: "set", pID: partitionNumber.toString(), ucode: userPin]), _api_key_enc, _api_iv_enc) def body = new groovy.json.JsonOutput().toJson([param: params, len: params.length(), tstamp: new Date().getTime().toString()]) def postParams = [ uri: "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}${apiCommandPath}${params}", requestContentType: "application/json", ignoreSSLIssues: true, headers: [ "contentType": 'application/json', "authtoken": authToken, "identity": _api_iv_encStr, ], body: body ] log.debug postParams log.debug "${tuxedoTouchHTTP}://${tuxedoTouchIP}:${tuxedoTouchPort}${apiBasePath}${apiCommandPath}${params}" asynchttpPost('myCallbackMethod', postParams, [dataitem1: "datavalue1"]) } def myCallbackMethod(response, data) { if(data["dataitem1"] == "datavalue1") { if (response.status == 200) { log.debug "data was passed successfully" log.debug "status of post call is: ${response.status}" } else if (response.status == 302) { // Redirected log.error "Redirected: ${response.status}" } else if (response.status == 401) { log.error "Unauthorized: ${response.status}" } else if (response.status == 405) { // Method Not Allowed log.error "Method Not Allowed: ${response.status}" } else if (response.status == 408) { // Request Timeout log.error "Request Timeout: ${response.status}" } else { log.error "Unknown error: ${response.status}" } } } private subBytes(arr, start, length) { return arr.toList().subList(start, start + length) as byte[] } def signString(plainText, keyenc) { SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(keyenc, "HmacSHA1") // get an hmac_sha1 Mac instance and initialize with the signing key Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1") mac.init(signingKey) // compute the hmac on input data bytes byte[] rawHmac = mac.doFinal(plainText.getBytes()) return rawHmac?.encodeHex() } def encrypt(plainText, keyenc, ivenc) { def cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", "SunJCE") SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(keyenc, "AES") IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(ivenc) cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, iv) def result = cipher.doFinal(plainText.getBytes("UTF-8")).encodeBase64().toString() } def decrypt(cypherText, keyenc, ivenc) { byte[] decodedBytes = cypherText.decodeBase64() def cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding", "SunJCE") SecretKeySpec key = new SecretKeySpec(keyenc, "AES") cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, new IvParameterSpec(ivenc)) return new String(cipher.doFinal(decodedBytes), "UTF-8") } // Not currently in use def getHmac() { String result String key = "${privateKey}" String data = "${privateKey}" try { // get an hmac_sha1 key from the raw key bytes SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), "HmacSHA1"); // get an hmac_sha1 Mac instance and initialize with the signing key Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1"); mac.init(signingKey); // compute the hmac on input data bytes byte[] rawHmac = mac.doFinal(data.getBytes()); result= rawHmac.encodeHex() log.debug "HMAC_SHA1 result: ${result}" return result } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Failed to generate HMAC : " + e.getMessage()) } }