import subprocess import serial import time ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyACM0",9600) s = [] try: while True: data = ser.readline() if data: s.append(data) if len(s) == 3: print s # Average of these 3 first_str = s[0] second_str = s[1] third_str = s[2] first = float(first_str[0:3]) second = float(second_str[0:3]) third = float(third_str[0:3]) average = (first + second + third)/3 # print first + second + third #SUM print average # Reset s = [] # Movement detected if average >= 65: print "Movement detected" ('xscreensaver-command -deactivate', shell=True) # Go to sleep elif average < 65: print "Going to sleep..." ('xscreensaver-command -activate', shell=True) except KeyboardInterrupt: print " \r\n ByeBye"