# Unreal Shader Unreal Engine 4 shader editing, syntax hightlighting and more - Syntax highlighting for `*.ush` and `*.usf` files - Goto definition support for function - Goto include file support for include macro - Automatically open whole engine shader folder when opening `*.ush` and `*.usf` files that located in engine folder ## Available Key Bindings - alt + g: Go to include file ## Demonstrations - Auto Open Engine Shader Folder ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hellokenlee/hellokenlee.github.io/master/images/AutoOpen.gif) - Goto definition for function ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hellokenlee/hellokenlee.github.io/master/images/GotoDefinition.gif) - Goto include file ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hellokenlee/hellokenlee.github.io/master/images/GotoFile.gif)