v1.6.0 / 2016-08-22 =================== * 1.6.0 * updated node-nightly-version * Updated the deps v1.5.1 / 2016-08-18 =================== * 1.5.1 * updated node-nightly-version * node-nightly-version bump. * feat: Check for internet connectivity when upgrading/installing (#26) v1.5.0 / 2016-08-09 =================== * 1.5.0 * Add Windows Compability! (#24) * fix: Use graceful-fs everywhere to maintain consistency (#20) v1.4.2 / 2016-07-24 =================== * 1.4.2 * refactor: use graceful-fs (#18) v1.4.1 / 2016-07-15 =================== * 1.4.1 * Add `publishConfig` to package (#16) v1.4.0 / 2016-07-14 =================== * 1.4.0 * Update in how install and update works together (#15) * Rewrite phase-I * Promises anti-pattern removed (#9) v1.3.4 / 2016-07-06 =================== * 1.3.4 * Travis badge * Merge pull request #13 from cnpm/fix-extend * fix: file ext should be .tar.gz * Merge pull request #12 from tarungarg546/unused * Removed unused variable from cli.js * Merge pull request #11 from cnpm/download-from-mirror * feat: support download from mirror v1.3.3 / 2016-07-02 =================== * 1.3.3 * available typo :cactus: * Merge pull request #8 from paulirish/patch-2 * fix spelling typo v1.3.2 / 2016-06-30 =================== * 1.3.2 * No more prompts. v1.3.1 / 2016-06-29 =================== * 1.3.1 * Merge pull request #6 from paulirish/patch-1 * dirname duh duh :) v1.3.0 / 2016-06-28 =================== * 1.3.0 * __dirname duh 💩 v1.2.1 / 2016-06-28 =================== * 1.2.1 * execvp logic shift v1.2.0 / 2016-06-28 =================== * 1.2.0 * --upgrade flag and less noise, as per @paulirish's suggestion v1.1.4 / 2016-06-28 =================== * 1.1.4 * yesno is not needed now. v1.1.3 / 2016-06-28 =================== * 1.1.3 * Clean up v1.1.2 / 2016-06-28 =================== * 1.1.2 * Fixes #1 v1.1.1 / 2016-06-27 =================== * 1.1.1 * gif 🤓 v1.1.0 / 2016-06-27 =================== * 1.1.0 * Notify and update on nightly + gif 🤓 * using node-nightly-version module v1.0.1 / 2016-06-25 =================== * 1.0.1 * >=4 * no tests for now v1.0.0 / 2016-06-25 =================== * 1.0.0 * 🐜