local wezterm = require("wezterm") return { font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({ "Cascadia Code Light", "Vazir Code Hack", "MesloLGS NF", }), font_size = 15, -- ﻦﺗ ﯽﺑﻮﺧ ﻡﻼﺳ -- Bidi support bidi_enabled = true, bidi_direction = "AutoLeftToRight", -- color_scheme = "Batman", line_height = 1.0, harfbuzz_features = { "ss13" }, -- some custom styled allow_square_glyphs_to_overflow_width = "Always", color_scheme = "Gruvbox Dark Hard", color_schemes = { ["Gruvbox Dark Hard"] = { -- The default text color foreground = "#ebdbb2", -- The default background color background = "#1d2021", -- Overrides the cell background color when the current cell is occupied by the -- cursor and the cursor style is set to Block cursor_bg = "#ebdbb2", -- Overrides the text color when the current cell is occupied by the cursor cursor_fg = "#333333", -- Specifies the border color of the cursor when the cursor style is set to Block, -- of the color of the vertical or horizontal bar when the cursor style is set to -- Bar or Underline. cursor_border = "#ebdbb2", -- the foreground color of selected text selection_fg = "#333333", -- the background color of selected text selection_bg = "#ebdbb2", -- The color of the scrollbar "thumb"; the portion that represents the current viewport scrollbar_thumb = "#333333", -- The color of the split lines between panes split = "#333333", ansi = { "#282828", "#cc241d", "#98971a", "#d79921", "#458588", "#b16286", "#689d6a", "#a89984", }, brights = { "#928374", "#fb4934", "#b8bb26", "#fabd2f", "#83a598", "#d3769b", "#8ec07c", "#ebdbb2", }, }, }, native_macos_fullscreen_mode = true, initial_cols = 150, initial_rows = 50, keys = { -- This will create a new split and run your default program inside it { key = "/", mods = "CMD", action = wezterm.action({ SplitVertical = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } }), }, { key = "'", mods = "CMD", action = wezterm.action({ SplitHorizontal = { domain = "CurrentPaneDomain" } }) }, { key = "z", mods = "CMD", action = "TogglePaneZoomState" }, { key = "x", mods = "CMD", action = wezterm.action({ CloseCurrentPane = { confirm = true } }) }, -- Pane Sections -- Pane Navigates { key = "h", mods = "CMD|CTRL", action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Left" }) }, { key = "l", mods = "CMD|CTRL", action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Right" }) }, { key = "k", mods = "CMD|CTRL", action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Up" }) }, { key = "j", mods = "CMD|CTRL", action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Down" }) }, -- Pane Cycles { key = "[", mods = "CMD", action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Next" }) }, { key = "]", mods = "CMD", action = wezterm.action({ ActivatePaneDirection = "Prev" }) }, -- Pane Resize { key = "H", mods = "CMD|SHIFT", action = wezterm.action({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Left", 2 } }) }, { key = "J", mods = "CMD|SHIFT", action = wezterm.action({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Down", 2 } }) }, { key = "K", mods = "CMD|SHIFT", action = wezterm.action({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Up", 2 } }) }, { key = "L", mods = "CMD|SHIFT", action = wezterm.action({ AdjustPaneSize = { "Right", 2 } }) }, -- TAB section { key = ",", mods = "CMD", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTabRelativeNoWrap = 1 }) }, { key = "m", mods = "CMD", action = wezterm.action({ ActivateTabRelativeNoWrap = -1 }) }, -- search for the string "hash" matching regardless of case { key = "F", mods = "CMD|SHIFT", action = wezterm.action({ Search = { CaseInSensitiveString = "hash" } }) }, { key = "T", mods = "CMD|SHIFT", action = "ShowTabNavigator" }, { key = "L", mods = "CMD|SHIFT", action = "ShowLauncher" }, { key = "f", mods = "CMD|CTRL", action = "ToggleFullScreen" }, { key = "N", mods = "CMD|SHIFT", action = "SpawnWindow" }, { key = " ", mods = "CMD|SHIFT", action = "QuickSelect" }, }, }