(async () => { const HS_CONF = { ACTION: 'https://api.hsforms.com', REDIRECT_RULES: [], }; $(`form[action^="${HS_CONF.ACTION}"]`).each(function (i) { // intercept forms whos action goes to hubspot $(this).find('input[type=checkbox]').val('true'); $(this).submit(function (e) { // when the form submits e.preventDefault(); //stop the form from submitting to webflow console.log({ target: e.target }); const formData = new FormData(e.target); // get the form data console.log({ formData: formData.entries() }); const parsedFormData = [...formData.entries()].map(dataObject => ({ // convert data to array name: dataObject[0], // make sure the name of the input is the same as the hubspot input name value: dataObject[1], // the value of the input })); for (let i = 0; i < parsedFormData.length; i++) { if (parsedFormData[i] && parsedFormData[i].name === 'nes_seats') { parsedFormData[i].value = +parsedFormData[i].value; } } console.log(parsedFormData); const formDataAsObject = parsedFormData.reduce((acc, current) => { let newAcc = { ...acc }; newAcc[current.name] = current.value; return newAcc; }, {}); if (window.HD.IS_PROD) { LogRocket.identify(formDataAsObject.email, { name: formDataAsObject.firstname + ' ' + formDataAsObject.lastname, email: formDataAsObject.email, // Add your own custom user variables here company: formDataAsObject.company, phone: formDataAsObject.phone, plan: formDataAsObject.plan, }); } const goToWebinarWebinarKey = parsedFormData.find( input => input.name === 'goToWebinarWebinarKey', )?.value; // looks for an input with the name goToWebinarWebinarKey const sfdcCampaignId = parsedFormData.find( input => input.name === 'sfdcCampaignId', )?.value; // looks for an input with the name sfdcCampaignId const hutk = document.cookie.replace( /(?:(?:^|.*;\s*)hubspotutk\s*\=\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$/, '$1', ) || undefined; // looks for an input with the name hutk, the hubspot user token //console.log(hutk) const processingPrompt = $(this).find("[id*='gdpr-processing-prompt']"); // looks for an element with the id gdpr-processing-prompt const communicationConsent = parsedFormData .filter(item => item.name.includes('LEGAL_CONSENT')) .map(item => { // finds LEGAL_CONSENT options and stores them const element = $( `#${item.name.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g, '\\$1')}`, )[0]; // checks if they've checked the checkbox to consent const label = $( "span[for='" + $(element) .attr('id') .replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,|=|@)/g, '\\$1') + "']", ); // gets the label of the checkbox return { value: element.checked, text: label.text(), subscriptionTypeId: parseInt( item.name.split('LEGAL_CONSENT.subscription_type_')[1], ), // the subscription the user is consenting to }; }); const ignoredFields = [ 'cc-num', 'cc-number', 'gdpr', 'LEGAL_CONSENT', 'goToWebinarWebinarKey', 'sfdcCampaignId', ]; const data = { // the data we send to hubspot fields: parsedFormData.filter( item => !ignoredFields.find(ignoredField => item.name.includes(ignoredField), ), ), // set the form data but ignore certain fields context: { pageUri: window.location.href, // log the current url pageName: document.title, // log the pages title sfdcCampaignId: sfdcCampaignId, // salesforce campaign id goToWebinarKey: goToWebinarWebinarKey, // go to meeting key hutk: hutk, // hubspot user token }, ...(!processingPrompt ? {} : { legalConsentOptions: { consent: { ...(!processingPrompt ? {} : { consentToProcess: true, text: processingPrompt.text(), }), ...(!communicationConsent ? {} : { communications: communicationConsent, }), }, }, }), }; const final_data = JSON.stringify(data); // turn that javascript object into a json string const theUrl = `${e.target.action}?_=${Date.now()}`; $.ajax({ url: theUrl, method: 'POST', data: final_data, contentType: 'application/json', success: function (response, status, xhr) { function isOnURL(url) { return !!~window.location.href.indexOf(url); } console.log('url', theUrl); if (response) { // if response inline, display contents if (response.inlineMessage) { /** * page is NOT disclosures */ if ( ((isOnURL('/support') || isOnURL('/contact')) && !isOnURL('support/disclosures')) || isOnURL('jw-test') ) { document.location.href = '../thank-you'; } else if (isOnURL('/newsletter-archive')) { document.location.href = './form-submitted-newsletter-signup'; } else if (isOnURL('/our-partners')) { document.location.href = './form-submitted-partners-thank-you'; } else if (isOnURL('/blog-posts/')) { document.location.href = '../form-submitted-newsletter-signup'; } else if (isOnURL('/vulnerability-directory/')) { document.location.href = '../vulnerability-alerts-signup'; } else if (isOnURL('/vulnerability-directory')) { document.location.href = './vulnerability-alerts-signup'; } else if (isOnURL('/pricing')) { document.location.href = './thank-you'; } else if (isOnURL('support/disclosures')) { /** * page IS disclosures */ const parent = $(e.target).parent(); parent.children('form').css('display', 'none'); // hide form let ms = 5000; const reset = function (seconds) { return '

Resetting form in ' + seconds + ' seconds

'; }; parent .children('.w-form-done') .css('display', 'block') .html(response.inlineMessage + reset(ms / 1000)); const interval = setInterval(function () { if (ms === 1000) { window.location.reload(); return clearInterval(interval); } ms = ms - 1000; const message = response.inlineMessage + reset(ms / 1000); parent.children('.w-form-done').html(message); }, 1000); } } } else { console.log('response but no inlineMessage or redirectUri'); } }, error: function () { console.log('error on the form submitting'); $(e.target) .css('display', 'none') .siblings('.w-form-fail') .css('display', 'block'); // replace .w-form-fail with your own form done section }, }); }); }); })();