0 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:15,000 Contributors Translation contributors : herpiko, rizkifnst @ Github 1 00:00:50,222 --> 00:00:55,382 A co-founder of the social news and entertainment website "reddit" has been found dead co-founder dari situs sosial berita dan hiburan "Reddit" ditemukan tewas. 2 00:00:57,537 --> 00:01:01,601 He certainly was a prodigy although he never kind of thought of himself like that Dia sangat berbakat meskipun dia sendiri tidak menyadarinya 3 00:01:01,611 --> 00:01:08,000 He was totally unexcited about starting businesses and making money Dia tidak punya ketertarikan sama sekali untuk mempelajari bisnis dan menghasilkan uang 4 00:01:09,941 --> 00:01:14,861 There's a profound sense of loss tonight in Highland Park, Aaron Swartz's hometown Ada duka yang mendalam malam ini di Highland Park, kota asal Aaron Swartz 5 00:01:14,909 --> 00:01:18,929 as loved ones say goodbye to one of the Internet's brightest lights orang-orang yang mencintainya, mengucapkan selamat tinggal kepada salah satu tokoh internet paling cemerlang 6 00:01:19,000 --> 00:01:22,270 ...Open Access and computer activists are mourning his loss ...Open Access dan aktivis komputer berduka atas kehilangan ini 7 00:01:22,280 --> 00:01:25,204 ...an astonishing intellect. You talk to people who knew him ...seorang intelektual yang menakjubkan. Kamu bicara dengan orang-orang yang mengenalnya 8 00:01:25,214 --> 00:01:29,590 ...he was killed by the government and MIT betrayed all of its basic principles ...ia dibunuh oleh pemerintah dan MIT yang mengkhianati prinsip mereka sendiri. 9 00:01:29,600 --> 00:01:34,283 ...they wanted to make an example out of him, ok? ...mereka ingin membuat contoh dari targedi ini, bukan? 10 00:01:34,865 --> 00:01:39,000 Governments have an insatiable desire to control Pemerintah memiliki keinginan yang tak terpuaskan untuk mengontrol 11 00:01:39,100 --> 00:01:43,400 ...he was potentially facing 35 years in prison and a 1 million dollar fine ...ia berpotensi menghadapi penjara 35 tahun dan denda 1 juta dolar 12 00:01:43,410 --> 00:01:49,076 Raising questions of prosecutorial zeal and I would say even misconduct. Menimbulkan pertanyaan tentang tuntutannya dan saya akan katakan, 13 00:01:49,141 --> 00:01:54,600 Have you looked into that particular matter and reached any conclusions? Sudahkah kamu melihat ke masalah spesifik tersebut dan menyadari sesuatu? 14 00:01:57,700 --> 00:02:00,673 Growing up, you know, I slowly had this process of realizing Sambil tumbuh dan berkembang, saya perlahan-lahan melalui proses menyadari 15 00:02:00,683 --> 00:02:02,840 that all the things around me, that people had told me semua hal di sekitar saya, yang orang lain katakan kepada saya, 16 00:02:02,850 --> 00:02:06,215 were just the natural way things were, the way things always would be. 'Semua ini normal, sudah sebagaimana mestinya.' 17 00:02:06,225 --> 00:02:08,579 They weren't natural at all. They were things that could be changed Tidak, itu semua bukan hal yang normal sama sekali. Masih bisa diubah. 18 00:02:08,589 --> 00:02:11,728 and they were thing that more importantly were wrong and should change. dan semua ini salah dan harus berubah. 19 00:02:11,738 --> 00:02:15,578 And once I realized that, there was really kind of no going back Dan kemudian saya menyadari bahwa saya tidak boleh mundur 20 00:02:24,101 --> 00:02:27,134 Welcome to story reading time Saatnya membaca buku cerita! 21 00:02:27,992 --> 00:02:32,000 The name of the book is 'Paddington at the Fair' Judul bukunya adalah 'Paddington at The Fair' 22 00:02:32,952 --> 00:02:36,500 Well, he was born in Highland Park and grew up here Nah, dia lahir di Highland Park dan tumbuh besar di sini 23 00:02:36,552 --> 00:02:40,090 Aaron came from a family of three brothers, all extraordinarily bright Aaron datang dari keluarga dengan tiga bersaudara yang luar biasa cerdas 24 00:02:40,100 --> 00:02:42,370 The box is flipping over! Kotaknya terbalik! 25 00:02:44,574 --> 00:02:47,800 So, we were all, you know, not the best behaved children Jadi kami semua, kamu tahu, bukan anak-anak berperilaku baik 26 00:02:47,810 --> 00:02:51,590 you know, three boys running around all the time, causing trouble Tiga anak-anak yang lari kesana kemari setiap waktu, bikin masalah 27 00:02:51,600 --> 00:02:55,100 Mom: No, no, no... Aaron!? Aaron: What? Mom: No, no, no... Aaron!? Aaron: Apa? 28 00:02:55,556 --> 00:03:00,807 But, I've come to the realization: Aaron learned how to learn at a very young age Tapi saya sadar : Aaron sudah belajar sejak usia yang dini sekali 29 00:03:00,807 --> 00:03:06,500 One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima, enam, tujuh, delapan, sembilan, sepuluh! 30 00:03:06,500 --> 00:03:07,700 Knock, knock! Tok, tok!? 31 00:03:07,800 --> 00:03:08,800 Who's here? Siapa itu? 32 00:03:08,900 --> 00:03:09,800 Aaron! 33 00:03:09,900 --> 00:03:10,836 Aaron who? Aaron! 34 00:03:10,887 --> 00:03:12,500 Aaron funny man! Aaron yang lucu 35 00:03:12,640 --> 00:03:14,862 He knew what he wanted, he always wanted to do it. Dia tahu apa yang ia mau, ia selalu ingin melakukannya. 36 00:03:14,872 --> 00:03:17,152 He always accomplished what he wanted. Ia selalu menyelesaikan apa pun yang ia inginkan. 37 00:03:18,320 --> 00:03:20,800 His curiosity was endless Rasa penasarannya tak ada habisnya 38 00:03:21,150 --> 00:03:24,950 Here's the little picture of what the planets are Ada gambar kecil, planet-planet 39 00:03:25,020 --> 00:03:27,000 and each planet has a symbol: dan setiap planet punya simbol: 40 00:03:27,080 --> 00:03:32,950 Mercury's symbol, Venus' symbol, Earth's symbol, Mars' symbol, Jupiter's symbol. Simbol Merkurius, Venus, Bumi, Mars, Jupiter 41 00:03:33,000 --> 00:03:34,500 One day he said to Susan: Suatu hari ia bertanya kepada Susan: 42 00:03:34,523 --> 00:03:37,371 "What's this free family entertainment downtown Highland Park?" "Apa itu 'Kegiatan keluarga bersama di Highland Park'?" 43 00:03:37,381 --> 00:03:40,261 Free family entertainment downtown Highland Park Kegiatan keluarga bersama di highland Park 44 00:03:40,500 --> 00:03:42,000 He was three at the time Dia ada di sana waktu itu 45 00:03:42,500 --> 00:03:44,290 She said: "What are you talking about?" Susan berkata : "Apa maksudmu?" 46 00:03:44,300 --> 00:03:47,044 He said: "Look it says here on on the refrigerator" Dia bilang : "Lihat, tertulis di kulkas" 47 00:03:47,054 --> 00:03:49,190 "Free family entertainment downtown Highland Park" "Kegiatan keluarga bersama di highland Park" 48 00:03:49,200 --> 00:03:54,800 She was floored and astonished that he could read Susan takjub dan heran bahwa Aaron bisa membaca 49 00:03:55,010 --> 00:03:59,512 It's called: "My Family Seder" Ini namanya: "Seder Keluarga" 50 00:04:00,094 --> 00:04:04,800 The Seder night is different from all other nights Malam Seder berbeda dengan malam lainnya. 51 00:04:04,858 --> 00:04:08,518 I remember once we were are the University of Chicago library Saya ingat ketika kami berada di perpustakaan Universitas Chicago 52 00:04:08,800 --> 00:04:12,320 I pulled a book off the shelf that was from, like, 1900 Saya mengambil sebuah buku dari rak, yang sepertinya berasal dari tahun 1900-an 53 00:04:12,589 --> 00:04:16,090 and showed to him, I said: "You know this is really just an extraordinary place" dan menunjukkan kepadanya, saya bilang, "Kamu tahu ini adalah tempat yang luar biasa" 54 00:04:16,100 --> 00:04:22,152 We all were curious children but Aaron really liked learning and really liked teaching Kami semua anak-anak yang serba penasaran namun Aaron benar-benar suka belajar dan mengajari 55 00:04:22,225 --> 00:04:30,000 Today we're going to learn the ABCs backwards z, y, x, w,... Hari ini kita akan membaca ABC tapi kebalik z, y , x, w 56 00:04:31,752 --> 00:04:35,032 I remember he came home from his first algebra class Aku ingat ketika dia pulang dari kelas aljabarnya yang pertama 57 00:04:35,090 --> 00:04:38,000 he was like: "Noah, let me teach you algebra!" ia bilang, "Noah, ayo kuajari kau Aljabar!" 58 00:04:38,625 --> 00:04:40,545 and I'm like: "What is algebra?" dan saya bilang, "Aljabar apaan?" 59 00:04:40,785 --> 00:04:42,405 and he was always like that dan ia selalu seperti itu 60 00:04:42,800 --> 00:04:45,810 Now I press button, click button Sekarang aku tekan tombolnya, 61 00:04:46,600 --> 00:04:50,500 there, now it's got that, now it's a pink Nah, lihat, sekarang warnanya pink 62 00:04:52,109 --> 00:04:56,048 When he was at 2 or 3 three years old and Bob introduced him to computers Ketika dia berusia 2 atau 3 tahun, Bob mengenalkan komputer padanya 63 00:04:56,058 --> 00:04:58,647 then he just took off like crazy on them dan dia sangat antusias tak terkendali 64 00:04:59,178 --> 00:05:02,712 Go press that one, go to ABC COba tekan yang itu, tekan ABC 65 00:05:03,243 --> 00:05:08,247 We all had computers, but Aaron really took to them, really took to the Internet Kami semua memiliki komputer, namun Aaron benar-benar berinteraksi dengan komputernya, dengan internet 66 00:05:09,207 --> 00:05:10,535 Looking at the computer? Lagi lihat komputer? 67 00:05:10,545 --> 00:05:13,545 Nah... How could... Mommy, why is nothing working? Eh, kok begitu... Mama, kenapa gak bisa? 68 00:05:15,854 --> 00:05:18,142 He started programming from a really young age. Dia mulai memrogram komputer dari usia yang dini sekali 69 00:05:18,152 --> 00:05:21,771 I remember the first program that I wrote with him was in basic Aku ingat program pertama yang kutulis bersamanya menggunakan bahasa Basic 70 00:05:21,781 --> 00:05:24,334 and it was a Star Wars trivia game dan itu adalah program permainan trivia Star Wars 71 00:05:25,883 --> 00:05:29,500 He sat down with me in the basement where the computer was Dia duduk bersamaku di basemen, tempat komputer itu berada 72 00:05:29,600 --> 00:05:32,500 for hours programming this game berjam-jam memrogram permainan ini 73 00:05:34,880 --> 00:05:38,237 The problem that I kept having with him is that there was nothing that I wanted done Satu-satunya masalah yang kumiliki dengannya adalah aku tak selalu ingin menyelesaikannya 74 00:05:38,247 --> 00:05:41,563 and to him there was always something to do dan dia selalu punya sesuatu untuk dilakukan 75 00:05:41,600 --> 00:05:44,300 always something that programming could solve selalu ada hal yang dapat diselesaikan dengan pemrograman 76 00:05:47,185 --> 00:05:50,833 The way Aaron always thought is that programming is magic, right, Aaron memandang pemrograman komputer itu semacam sihir 77 00:05:50,843 --> 00:05:54,019 you can accomplish these things that normal humans can't kamu bisa melakukan sesuatu yang orang normal tidak bisa 78 00:05:54,029 --> 00:05:57,941 Aaron made an ATM using like a Macintosh and like a cardboard box Aaron membuat mesin ATM menggunakan komputer Macintosh dan rupanya seperti kotak kardus 79 00:05:58,000 --> 00:06:01,700 One year for Halloween I didn't know what I wanted to be Pada suatu waktu, untuk persiapan Hallowen, saya tidak tahu ingin mejadi apa 80 00:06:01,800 --> 00:06:04,690 and he thought it would be really really cool if I dressed up and he thought would be really really cool if I dressed up 81 00:06:04,700 --> 00:06:08,900 like his new favorite computer which at the time was the original iMac seperti komputer favoritnya, saat itu iMac original yang pertama 82 00:06:09,025 --> 00:06:11,150 I mean, he hated dressing up for Halloween Padahal dia sendiri benci berdandan untuk Hallowen 83 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:16,020 but he loved convincing other people to dress up as other things he wanted to see tapi suka menyuruh orang lain untuk berdandan seperti yang dia suka 84 00:06:16,470 --> 00:06:20,200 Guys, come on, look at the camera Hei, ayo, lihat ke kamera! 85 00:06:24,130 --> 00:06:28,174 He made this website called "The Info" Dia membuat situs web yang bernama "The Info" 86 00:06:28,247 --> 00:06:30,827 where people could just fill in information di mana orang-orang bisa menulis informasi apa pun 87 00:06:31,716 --> 00:06:34,775 Like, I'm sure someone out there knows all about gold, gold leafing... Saya yakin ada seseorang di luar sana yang tahu banyak tentang emas [?] 88 00:06:34,785 --> 00:06:36,724 Why don't they write about that on this website? Mengapa mereka tidak menulis tentang emas di situs web ini? 89 00:06:36,734 --> 00:06:39,939 And then other people could come at a later point and read that information Dan orang lain akan datang ke sini dan bisa membaca infomasi tersebut 90 00:06:39,949 --> 00:06:43,309 and edit the information if they thought that it was bad dan menyunting informasi tersebut jika mereka pikir itu masih kurang tepat 91 00:06:43,650 --> 00:06:46,128 Not too dissimilar from Wikipedia, all right? Tidak terlalu jauh dengan Wikipedia, kan? 92 00:06:46,138 --> 00:06:49,500 This was before Wikipedia had begun Ini sebelum Wikipedia ada 93 00:06:49,687 --> 00:06:52,011 and this was developed by a 12 year old dan ini dikembangkan oleh anak berusia 12 tahun 94 00:06:52,021 --> 00:06:54,600 in his room, by himself di kamarnya, oleh ia sendiri 95 00:06:54,683 --> 00:06:58,574 running on this tiny server using ancient technology jalan di atas server kecil ini menggunakan teknologi jadul 96 00:06:58,625 --> 00:07:00,800 One of the teachers responds like: Salah satu guru sekolahnya memberi tanggapan seperti : 97 00:07:01,541 --> 00:07:04,712 "This is a terrible idea, you can't just let anyone "Ini ide yang buruk, kamu tidak bisa membiarkan setiap orang 98 00:07:04,756 --> 00:07:07,139 author the dictionary, like, author the encyclopedia" menjadi penulis kamus, penulis encyclopedia" 99 00:07:07,149 --> 00:07:10,290 "The whole reason we have scholars is to write these books for us" "Untuk semua alasan, kita punya orang-orang berpendidikan yang mengerjakan hal itu untuk kita" 100 00:07:10,300 --> 00:07:12,586 "How could you ever have such a terrible idea?" "Bagaimana kamu bisa mendapatkan ide yang buruk begini?" 101 00:07:12,596 --> 00:07:14,840 Me and my other brother would be like: "Oh, you know" Aku dan dan saudara yang lain merespon, "Yeah, tahulah si Aaron" 102 00:07:14,850 --> 00:07:19,800 "Yeah, Wikipedia is cool but we had that in our house, like 5 years ago" "Wikipedia keren, tapi kami sudah punya yang seperti itu di rumah kami, 5 tahun sebelumnya" 103 00:07:21,490 --> 00:07:25,770 Aaron's website "The Info.org" wins a school competition Situs web Aaron, "The Info.org" memenangkan sebuah kompetisi antar sekolah 104 00:07:25,800 --> 00:07:30,000 hosted by the Cambridge based web design firm ArsDigita yang diadakan oleh perusahaan desain web ArsDigita di Cambridge 105 00:07:34,240 --> 00:07:37,738 We all went to Cambridge when he won the ArsDigita Prize Kami semua pergi ke Cambridge dan dia memenangkan hadiah dari ArsDigita 106 00:07:37,774 --> 00:07:39,793 and, you know, we had no clue what Aaron was doing dan, kamu tahu, kami tidak mengerti apa yang Aaron lakukan saat itu 107 00:07:39,803 --> 00:07:43,156 it was obvious that the prize was really important tentu saja hadiah itu hal penting 108 00:07:44,261 --> 00:07:47,742 Aaron soon became involved with on-line programming communities Aaron kemudian segera terlibat ke komunitas pemrograman online 109 00:07:47,752 --> 00:07:50,932 then in the process of shaping a new tool for the Web yang membuat inovasi baru untuk ekosistem web 110 00:07:51,460 --> 00:07:55,757 He...comes up to me, it's like: "Ben, there's a really awesome thing that I'm working on" Dia punya konsep baru, "Ben, aku sedang mengerjakan hal keren" 111 00:07:55,767 --> 00:07:57,700 "you need to hear about it!" "Kau harus dengar ini!" 112 00:07:57,760 --> 00:07:58,855 I'm like: "Yeah, what is it?" Dan aku, "Yeah, apaan itu?" 113 00:07:58,865 --> 00:08:01,145 He says: "It's this thing called RSS!" Dia bilang, "Ini namanya RSS" 114 00:08:02,510 --> 00:08:04,011 And he explains to me what RSS is Dan dia menjelaskan ke saya, apa itu RSS 115 00:08:04,021 --> 00:08:11,500 and I'm like: "Why is that useful, Aaron? Is any site using it? Why would I want to use it?" Dan kubilang, "Apa gunanya? Aaron, apakah ada situs web yang menggunakannya? Dan kenapa aku harus menggunakannya?" 116 00:08:11,672 --> 00:08:15,150 There was this mailing list for people who were working on RSS Ada mailing list bagi orang-orang yang bekerja untuk spesifikasi RSS 117 00:08:15,160 --> 00:08:19,374 and XML more generally and there was a person on it named Aaron Swartz dan XML secara umum dan di sana, ada yang bernama, Aaron Swartz 118 00:08:19,400 --> 00:08:23,600 who was combative but very smart and who had lots of good ideas yang agresif namun sangat pintar dan punya banyak ide brilian 119 00:08:23,700 --> 00:08:28,330 and he didn't ever come to the face to face meetings and they said: dan dia tidak pernah datang untuk kopdar (berjumpa tatap muka), dan mereka bilang 120 00:08:28,349 --> 00:08:32,084 "You know, when are you gonna come out to one of those face to face meetings?" "Hei, kapan kamu akan datang untuk kopdar bersama kami?" 121 00:08:32,094 --> 00:08:37,300 He said: "You know, I don't think my mom would let me, you know I just turned 14" Ia bilang : "Emm, aku kurang yakin ibuku akan mengizinkanku, aku baru saja berulang tahun ke 14" 122 00:08:37,400 --> 00:08:39,655 So their first reaction was, well you know, Jadi reaksi pertama mereka, yah kamu tahu 123 00:08:39,665 --> 00:08:42,542 "This person, this colleague we've been working with all year "Orang ini, yang jadi rekan kerja kita selama tahun-tahun ini 124 00:08:42,552 --> 00:08:46,589 was 13 years old when we were working with him and is only 14 now!" adalah anak umur 13 tahun saat kami bekerja dengannya, dan sekarang dia berusia 14!" 125 00:08:46,683 --> 00:08:49,459 and their second reaction was: "Christ, we really want to meet him!" dan reaksi kedua mereka, : "Kita harus bertemu dengannya!" 126 00:08:49,469 --> 00:08:50,920 you know, "That's extraordinary!" Kamu tahu, "Itu luar biasa sekali!" 127 00:08:50,930 --> 00:08:53,466 He was part of the committee that drafted RSS Aaron menjadi bagian dari komunitas yang menyusun spesifikasi RSS 128 00:08:53,476 --> 00:08:59,236 What he was doing was to help build the plumbing for modern hypertext Yang ia lakukan adalah membantu membangun kerangka untuk speksifikasi hypertext modern 129 00:08:59,800 --> 00:09:02,705 and the piece that he was working on, RSS dan bagian yang dia kerjakan, RSS 130 00:09:02,756 --> 00:09:05,800 was a tool that you can use to get summaries RSS adalah teknologi yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk mendapatkan sinopsis 131 00:09:05,854 --> 00:09:08,317 of things that are going on on other web pages dari konten-konten yang ada di situs web lain 132 00:09:08,327 --> 00:09:10,855 Most commonly, you would use this for a blog Umumnya digunakan untuk blog 133 00:09:10,865 --> 00:09:13,924 You might have 10 or 20 people's blogs you wanna read Mungkin kamu punya 10 atau 20 daftar blog yang ingin kamu baca 134 00:09:13,934 --> 00:09:18,644 you use their RSS feeds, these summaries of what's going on on those other pages dengan menggunakan RSS feeds, sinopsis konten-konten tersebut akan dikumpulkan 135 00:09:18,654 --> 00:09:22,400 to create a unified list of all the stuff that's going on dan dijadikan satu daftar semua hal-hal yang ingin kamu baca 136 00:09:22,458 --> 00:09:26,000 Aaron was really young but he understood the technology Aaron masih sangat muda namun sudah memahami teknologi ini 137 00:09:26,050 --> 00:09:30,550 and he saw that it was imperfect and looked for ways to help make it better dan dia menyadari kekurangannya dan mencari cara untuk membuatnya menjadi lebih baik 138 00:09:35,500 --> 00:09:39,890 So his mom started bundling him on planes in Chicago, we'd pick him up in San Francisco Jadi, ibunya mengantarnya ke bandara di Chicago dan kami menjemputnya di San Francisco 139 00:09:39,900 --> 00:09:42,782 we introduced him to interesting people to argue with kami mengenalkannya ke orang-orang keren untuk saling berdiskusi 140 00:09:42,792 --> 00:09:45,255 and we marveled at his horrific eating habits dan kami kagum dengan kebiasaan makannya yang mengerikan 141 00:09:45,265 --> 00:09:48,484 he only ate white food, only like, you know, steamed rice ia hanya makan makanan putih, seperti, nasi tanak 142 00:09:48,494 --> 00:09:51,284 and not fried rice, because that wasn't sufficiently white, dan bukan nasi goreng, karena itu tidak benar-benar putih 143 00:09:51,294 --> 00:09:53,800 and white bread, and so on dan kemudian roti putih, dan lain-lain 144 00:09:53,847 --> 00:09:57,927 and you kind of marvel at the quality of the debate dan kamu akan kagum dengan kualitas debat 145 00:09:57,949 --> 00:10:01,051 emerging from what appeared to be a small boy's mouth yang keluar dari mulut anak ini 146 00:10:01,061 --> 00:10:04,710 and you think, you know, this is a kid who is really going to go somewhere if he doesn't die of scurvy dan kamu berpikir, anak ini, dia akan pergi kemana saja jika saja tidak tewas karena semangatnya [?] 147 00:10:04,720 --> 00:10:05,927 Aaron you're up Aaron, giliranmu 148 00:10:06,887 --> 00:10:10,130 I think the difference is that now you can't make companies like that per-se Kupikir perbedannya adalah, sekarang kamu tidak bisa membuat perusahaan yang seperti 149 00:10:10,140 --> 00:10:12,208 you can't have companies that just like kamu tidak bisa memiliki perusahaan yang 150 00:10:12,218 --> 00:10:15,720 "let's sell dog food over the Internet, dog food over the cellphones" "Hei ayo jual makanan hewan di Internet, makanan hewan di telepon selular" 151 00:10:15,730 --> 00:10:18,106 but there is still a lot of innovation going on, namun masih banyak inovasi yang sedang berkembang 152 00:10:18,116 --> 00:10:21,546 I think, if you don't see the innovation maybe your head is in the sand Saya pikir, jika kamu tidak dapat melihat inovasi, mungkin kepalamu sedang terbenam di pasir 153 00:10:21,556 --> 00:10:25,400 He takes on this "Alpha Nerd" personality where he's sort of like Dia seperti punya kepribadian alpha-male, mendominasi 154 00:10:25,410 --> 00:10:27,713 "I'm smarter than you, and because I'm smarter than you "Aku lebih pintar darimu, karena aku lebih pintar darimu" 155 00:10:27,723 --> 00:10:29,997 I'm better than you, and I can tell you what to do" "Aku lebih baik darimu dan aku bisa menyuruhmu apa yang harus dilakukan" 156 00:10:30,007 --> 00:10:34,500 It's an extension of him being kind of like a twerp. [Chuckles]. Ini kelebihan dari dirinya yang nyebelin. 157 00:10:35,100 --> 00:10:38,615 So you aggregate all these computers together and now they're solving big problems Jadi kau gabungkan semua komputer itu dan sekarang menyelesaikan masalah-masalah besar 158 00:10:38,625 --> 00:10:42,000 like searching for aliens or trying to cure cancer seperti mencari keberadaan alien atau mencoba menyembuhkan kanker 159 00:10:45,003 --> 00:10:49,600 First met him on IRC, on Internet Relay Chat, he didn't just write code Saya pertama kali bertemu dengannya di IRC (Internet Relay Chat) dan dia tak hanya menulis kode program 160 00:10:49,650 --> 00:10:55,600 he also got people excited about solving problems, he was a connector ia membuat orang lain antusias menyelesaikan masalah-masalah, ia adalah penghubung 161 00:10:55,658 --> 00:10:58,346 the free culture movement, which had lot of his energy gerakan free culture, yang mana banyak menghabiskan energinya 162 00:10:58,356 --> 00:11:03,600 I think Aaron was trying to make the world work. He was trying to fix it Kupikir, Aaron sedang mencoba membuat dunia ini bekerja dengan semestinya. Ia berusaha memperbaikinya 163 00:11:03,800 --> 00:11:05,990 He had a very kind of strong personality, Dia punya kepribadian kuat yang baik 164 00:11:06,000 --> 00:11:08,661 that definitely ruffled feathers at times. yang tentu saja membingungkan [?] 165 00:11:08,705 --> 00:11:13,500 It wasn't necessarily the case that he was always comfortable in the world dan tidak begitu [?], ia selalu nyaman dengan dunia ini 166 00:11:13,556 --> 00:11:16,496 and the world wasn't always comfortable with him. dan dunia ini juga tidak selalu nyaman dengan keberadaannya 167 00:11:19,287 --> 00:11:23,040 Aaron got into high school, and was really just sick of school Aaron masuk SMA dan benar-benar tidak menyukainya. 168 00:11:23,100 --> 00:11:25,844 he didn't like it, he didn't like any of the classes he had been taught dia tidak suka, dia tidak suka apa pun yang diajarkan di kelas 169 00:11:25,854 --> 00:11:27,800 he didn't like the teachers dia tidak menyukai guru-gurunya 170 00:11:28,167 --> 00:11:30,491 Aaron really knew how to get information Aaron benar-benar tahu bagaimana mendapatkan informasi 171 00:11:30,501 --> 00:11:34,310 He was like, I don't need to go to this teacher to learn how to do geometry Dia bilang, dia tidak perlu menemui guru-gurunya untuk memahami geometry 172 00:11:34,320 --> 00:11:36,640 I can just read the geometry book "Aku baca saja buku geometry, kelar" 173 00:11:36,683 --> 00:11:41,444 and I don't need to go to this teacher to learn their version of American history "Dan aku tidak akan menemui guru-guruku hanya untuk mempelajari sejarah Amerika versi mereka" 174 00:11:41,454 --> 00:11:45,800 I have like three historical compilations here like I can just read them "Aku punya tiga kompilasi sejarah di sini yang aku bisa baca." 175 00:11:45,840 --> 00:11:48,990 and I'm not interested in that, I'm interested in the Web "Dan aku tidak tertarik dengan itu, aku tertarik dengan teknologi Web" 176 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:50,630 I was very frustrated with school Aku sangat frustasi dengan sekolah 177 00:11:50,640 --> 00:11:53,390 I thought, you know, the teachers didn't know what they were talking about Kurasa, guru-guru di sekolah tidak tahu apa yang mereka bicarakan 178 00:11:53,400 --> 00:11:56,804 and they were very domineering and controlling, and that homework was kind of a sham. mereka sangat mendominasi dan mengontrol, PR (pekerjaan rumah) itu sesuatu yang salah 179 00:11:56,814 --> 00:11:59,597 I was just like, you know, all the way it pens them[?] together Dan aku seperti [?] 180 00:11:59,607 --> 00:12:01,440 and force them to do busy work dan memaksa mereka untuk mengerjakan ini itu 181 00:12:01,701 --> 00:12:05,590 and, you know, I started reading books about the history of education dan aku mulai membaca buku tentang sejarah pendidikan bagaimana sistem pendidikan kita dikembangkan 182 00:12:05,600 --> 00:12:08,312 and how this educational system was developed dan, kamu tahu, ada jalan alternatif, orang-orang mestinya bisa belajar hal baru 183 00:12:08,378 --> 00:12:12,266 and, you know, alternatives to it, and ways that people could actually learn things dan, kamu tahu, ada jalan alternatif, orang-orang mestinya bisa belajar hal baru 184 00:12:12,276 --> 00:12:14,890 as opposed to just regurgitating facts that the teachers told them ketimbang menelan fakta-fakta yang diceritakan guru-guru mereka 185 00:12:14,900 --> 00:12:17,640 and that kind of led me down this path of questioning things dan ini mejadikan aku mempertanyakan hal-hal lain 186 00:12:17,650 --> 00:12:21,553 you know, once I questioned the school I was in, I questioned the society that built the school kadang aku mempertanyakan sekolahku, aku mempertanyakan masyarakat yang membangun sekolah itu 187 00:12:21,563 --> 00:12:24,782 I questioned the businesses that the schools were training people for aku mempertanyakan bisnis yang dikekola sekolah itu 188 00:12:24,792 --> 00:12:28,011 I questioned the government that, you know, setup this whole structure aku mempertanyakan pemerintah yang, kamu tahu, yang mengatur seluruh struktur masyarakat ini 189 00:12:28,021 --> 00:12:30,484 One of the things he was more passionate about was copyright, Salah satu topik yang membuatnya sangat tertarik adalah tentang hak cipta 190 00:12:30,494 --> 00:12:31,830 especially in those early days terutama pada masa awal-awal dulu 191 00:12:31,840 --> 00:12:37,236 Copyright has always been something of a burden on the publishing industry and on readers Hak cipta selalu menjadi sesuatu yang membebani industri penerbitan, dan untuk pembacanya 192 00:12:38,181 --> 00:12:41,069 but it wasn't an excessive burden tapi itu bukan beban yang besar 193 00:12:41,100 --> 00:12:46,200 it was a reasonable institution to have in place to make sure that people got paid masih masuk akal sebuah institusi berada di posisi tersebut untuk memastikan orang-orang dibayar atas hak mereka 194 00:12:46,254 --> 00:12:50,100 What Aaron's generation experienced was the collision Apa yang dialamai anak muda yang segenerasi dengan Aaron adalah konflik 195 00:12:50,145 --> 00:12:52,800 between this antique copyright system antara sistem hak cipta kuno ini 196 00:12:52,930 --> 00:12:56,622 and this amazing new thing we were trying to build, the Internet and the Web dan hal baru yang menakjubkan yang kita coba bangun, adalah Internet dan Web 197 00:12:56,632 --> 00:13:00,000 These things collided and what we got was chaos Internet, web dan hak cipta saling konflik dan kita dapatkan kekacauan (pembajakan, penyalahgunaan) 198 00:13:02,494 --> 00:13:05,434 He then met Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig Lalu ia bertemu profesor hukum Harvard, Lawrence Lessig 199 00:13:05,476 --> 00:13:08,890 who was then challenging copyright law in the supreme court yang kemudian menentang hukum hak cipta di pengadilan 200 00:13:08,900 --> 00:13:13,277 A young Aaron Swartz flew to Washington to listen to the supreme court hearings Aaron Swartz muda terbang ke Washington untuk mendengarkan sesi pengadilan ini 201 00:13:13,287 --> 00:13:18,090 I'm Aaron Swartz and I'm here to listen to the Eldred...to see the Eldred argument Saya Aaron Swartz, dan saya di sini untuk mendengarkan Eldred, untuk melihat argumen-argumen Eldred 202 00:13:18,100 --> 00:13:23,190 Why did you fly out here from Chicago and come all this way to see the Eldred argument? Mengapa kamu terbang dari Chicago ke sini hanya untuk mendengar pendapat Eldred? 203 00:13:23,200 --> 00:13:25,120 That's a more difficult question Itu pertanyaan yang lebih sulit 204 00:13:30,000 --> 00:13:33,790 Cause, I don't know, it's very exciting to see the supreme court Saya tidak tahu. Saya sangat gembira menghadiri pengadilan ini 205 00:13:33,800 --> 00:13:36,740 especially in such a prestigious case as this one terutama untuk kasus istimewa ini 206 00:13:42,000 --> 00:13:46,860 Lessig was also moving forward with a new way to define copyright on the Internet Lessig juga sudah bergerak dengan cara baru untuk mendefinisikan hak cipta di internet 207 00:13:46,900 --> 00:13:48,800 it was called Creative Commons yaitu, Creative Common 208 00:13:49,200 --> 00:13:52,990 So the simple idea of Creative Commons is to give people, creators Jadi, ide sederhana dari Creative Commons adalah membantu orang-orang yang berkarya 209 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:55,800 a simple way to mark their creativity untuk memberikan cara sederhana dalam menandai karya mereka 210 00:13:56,000 --> 00:13:58,600 with the freedoms they intend it to carry dengan kebebasan yang mereka bawa 211 00:13:59,000 --> 00:14:01,890 So if copyright is all about "all rights reserved" Jika hak cipta adalah tentang "Hak yang dilindungi" 212 00:14:01,900 --> 00:14:04,960 then this is a kind of "some rights reserved" model maka ini semacam "Sebagian hak dilindungi" 213 00:14:05,100 --> 00:14:08,690 It's I want a simple way to say to you "here's what you can do with my work" Saya ingin cara sederhana untuk mengatakan ke kamu tentang "apa saja yang dapat kamu lakukan terhadap karya saya" 214 00:14:08,700 --> 00:14:13,290 even if there are other things which you need to get my permission before you could do bahkan jika ada hal lain yang kamu butuhkan, yang memerlukan izin 215 00:14:13,300 --> 00:14:16,400 And Aaron's role was the computer part Dan peran Aaron adalah di bagian komputer 216 00:14:16,600 --> 00:14:18,790 like how do you architect the licenses seperti, bagaimana merancang lisensi-lisensi 217 00:14:18,800 --> 00:14:23,590 so they would be simple and understandable and expressed in way that machines could process it sehingga lebih sederhana dan dapat dipahami dan dapat diekspresikan serta diproses oleh mesin/komputer 218 00:14:23,600 --> 00:14:26,890 And people are like, why do you have this fifteen year old kid Dan orang-orang bertanya-tanya, mengapa kalian membiarkan anak 15 tahun ini 219 00:14:26,900 --> 00:14:29,390 writing the specifications for the creative commons? menulis spesifikasi Creative Commons? 220 00:14:29,400 --> 00:14:31,190 like, don't you think that's a huge mistake? Tidakkah kalian pikir ini kesalahan besar? 221 00:14:31,200 --> 00:14:35,520 and Larry is like: "the biggest mistake we would have is not listening to this kid" dan Larry bilang, "Kesalahan terbesarnya adalah jika kita tidak mendengarkan anak ini." 222 00:14:35,530 --> 00:14:39,340 And he barely he's not even tall enough to get over the podium Bahkan dia tidak cukup tinggi untuk berdiri di podium 223 00:14:39,400 --> 00:14:41,490 and it wasn't these movable podiums dan podiumnya tidak bisa digeser 224 00:14:41,500 --> 00:14:45,890 so there's this embarrassing thing where, once he puts his screen up, nobody could see his face hal memmalukan lain, setelah layar presentasinya hidup, tak seorang pun bisa melihat wajahnya 225 00:14:45,900 --> 00:14:49,000 When we come to our website here Saat kita mengunjungi situs web ini 226 00:14:49,300 --> 00:14:50,890 and you go to "choose liscense" dan aAnda bisa "memilih lisensi" 227 00:14:50,900 --> 00:14:54,600 it gives you this list of options, explains what it means ada daftarnya, masing-masing menjelaskan maksud lisensinya 228 00:14:54,900 --> 00:14:57,240 and you fill out three simple questions dan Anda menjawab tiga pertanyaan sederhana. 229 00:14:57,500 --> 00:14:59,600 Do you want to require attribution? Apakah kamu menginginkan atribusi? 230 00:14:59,900 --> 00:15:02,890 Do you want to allow commercial uses of your work? Apakah kamu mengizinkan penggunaan komersil atas karyamu? 231 00:15:02,900 --> 00:15:05,780 Do you want to allow modifications of your work? Apakah kamu mengizinkan modifikasi atas karyamu? 232 00:15:05,800 --> 00:15:06,900 I was floored Saya mengalah 233 00:15:07,400 --> 00:15:11,800 just completely flabbergasted that these adults regarded him as an adult orang-orang dewasa menghormatinya seperti ia sendiri sudah dewasa 234 00:15:12,000 --> 00:15:14,990 and Aaron stood up there in front a whole audience full of people Aaron berdiri di sana, di depan audien yang ramai 235 00:15:15,000 --> 00:15:20,000 and just started talking about the platform that he'd created for Creative Commons dan mulai berbicara tentang platform untuk Creative Commons 236 00:15:20,200 --> 00:15:22,800 And they where all listening to him, just Dan mereka semua mendengarkan dia, pokoknya 237 00:15:23,000 --> 00:15:28,600 I was sitting at the back thinking: "he's just a kid, why are they listening to him?" Saya duduk di belakang dan berpikir, "dia cuma anak kecil, mengapa mereka mendengarkannya?" 238 00:15:28,800 --> 00:15:29,700 but they did tapi mereka benar-benar mendengarkan anak ini 239 00:15:29,900 --> 00:15:32,420 well I don't think I comprehended it fully Yah, saya tidak benar-benar memahaminya. 240 00:15:32,600 --> 00:15:37,190 Though critics have said that it does little to ensure artists get payed for their work Meskipun banyak kritik yang mengatakan CC tidak membuat orang-orang dibayar atas kerja/karya mereka, 241 00:15:37,200 --> 00:15:40,140 the success of Creative Commons has been enormous keberhasilan Creative Commons sangat besar. 242 00:15:40,200 --> 00:15:46,700 Currently on the website Flickr alone over 200 million people use some form of Creative Commons license Saat ini, di situs web Flickr sendiri, ada lebih dari 200 juta orang yang menggunakan format lisensi Creative Commons 243 00:15:46,800 --> 00:15:51,400 He contributed through his technical abilities Ia berkontribusi menggunakan kemampuan teknisnya 244 00:15:51,600 --> 00:15:56,600 and yet it was not simply a technical matter to him dan buatnya, semua ini bukan tentang hal teknis 245 00:15:57,600 --> 00:16:00,600 Aaron often wrote candidly in his personal blog Aaron kadang-kadang menulis dengan terus terang di blog personalnya 246 00:16:01,300 --> 00:16:05,600 I think deeply about things and I want others to do likewise. Aku berpikir mendalam tentang beberapa hal dan aku ingin orang lain melakukan hal yang sama 247 00:16:06,500 --> 00:16:10,800 I work for ideas and learn from people. I don't like excluding people. Aku bekerja dengan ide-ide dan belajar dari orang lain. Aku tidak suka mengecualikan orang-orang. 248 00:16:11,000 --> 00:16:15,190 I'm a perfectionist, but I won't let that get in the way of publication. Aku seorang perfeksionis namun aku tidak akan membiarkan ini masuk publikasi 249 00:16:15,200 --> 00:16:21,390 Except for education and entertainment, I'm not going to waste my time on things that won't have an impact. Kecuali untuk pendidikan dan hiburan, aku tidak akan menghabiskan waktuku untuk hal-hal yang tidak menghasilkan dampak besar 250 00:16:21,400 --> 00:16:26,320 I try to be friends with everyone, but I hate it when you don't take me seriously. Aku berusaha berteman dengan semua orang, tapi aku benci jika kamu tidak menganggapku serius. 251 00:16:26,500 --> 00:16:31,800 I don't hold grudges (it's not productive) but I learn from my experience. Aku tidak pernah menyimpan dendam (ini tindakan yang tidak produktif) namun aku belajar dari pengalamanku 252 00:16:32,200 --> 00:16:36,000 I want to make the world a better place. Aku ingin membuat dunia ini jadi tempat yang lebih baik lagi 253 00:16:40,700 --> 00:16:45,700 In 2004 Swartz, leaves Highland Park and enrolls in Stanford University Pada tahun 2004, Swartz meninggalkan Highland Park dan masuk ke Universitas Stanford 254 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:49,800 He had had ulcerative colitis, which was very troubling Dia juga telah -------- yang sangat meresahkan 255 00:16:50,000 --> 00:16:52,990 and we were concerned about him taking his medication. dan kita terfokus tentang pengobatannya. 256 00:16:53,000 --> 00:16:56,390 He got hospitalized and he would take this cocktail of pills every day dia masuk rumah sakit dan dia akan mengonsumsi pil-pil setiap hari 257 00:16:56,400 --> 00:17:00,300 and one of those pills was a steroid which stunted his growth and dan salah satu pil ini adalah steroid yang ----- pertumbuhannya dan 258 00:17:00,700 --> 00:17:03,940 made him feel different from any of the other students membuatnya merasa berbeda dari mahasiswa manapun 259 00:17:04,000 --> 00:17:06,990 Aaron, I think, shows up at Stanford ready to do scholarship Aaron, saya pikir, ----- di Stanford untuk beasiswa 260 00:17:07,000 --> 00:17:12,600 and finds himself in, effectively, a baby sitting program for overachieving high schoolers dan ----- dalam program pengasuhan anak untuk untuk mahasiswa ----- 261 00:17:12,800 --> 00:17:21,300 who in four years are meant to become, you know, captains of industry and one percent-ers yang selama empat tahun berniat untuk menjadi kapten industry dan seorang percenter 262 00:17:21,500 --> 00:17:25,600 and I think it just made him bananas dan saya pikir itu hanya menjadikannya pisang[?] 263 00:17:25,800 --> 00:17:28,900 In 2005 after only one year of college pada 2005, hanya setelah satu tahun kuliah 264 00:17:28,923 --> 00:17:32,302 Swartz was offered a spot at a new startup incubation firm Swartz ditawari tempat di sebuah perusahaan startup inkubasi baru 265 00:17:32,312 --> 00:17:36,130 called Y Combinator, led by Paul Graham yang disebut Y yang dipimpin oleh Paul Graham 266 00:17:36,283 --> 00:17:39,223 He's like, "Hey, I have this idea for a website!" Dia bilang, "hey, saya punya ide untuk situs web" 267 00:17:39,272 --> 00:17:41,876 and Paul Graham likes him enough and says dan Paul Graham cukup menyukainya dan 268 00:17:41,941 --> 00:17:46,174 "Yeah, sure!", so Aaron drops out of school, moves to this apartment dan, ya, Aaron keluar dari kampus dan pindah ke apartemen ini 269 00:17:46,247 --> 00:17:48,942 So this used to be Aaron's apartment when he lived here Maka ini dulunya apartemen Aaron ketika dia tinggal di sini 270 00:17:48,952 --> 00:17:55,163 I have big memories of my father telling me how difficult it was to get a lease memori berkesan saya tentang ayah saya yang menceritakan bagaimana susahnya untuk mengontrak 271 00:17:55,701 --> 00:17:58,491 cause Aaron had no credit and he dropped out of college karena Aaron tidak punya kredit dan keluar dari kampus 272 00:17:58,501 --> 00:18:00,644 Aaron lived in what's now the living room Aaron tinggal di tempat yang sekarang adalah ruang tamu 273 00:18:00,654 --> 00:18:04,346 and some of the posters are left over from when Aaron lived here dan beberapa poster di sini adalah sisa dari ketika Aaron tinggal di sini 274 00:18:04,356 --> 00:18:08,800 and the library, there are more books, but, a lot of them are Aaron's dan perpustakaan, ada banyak buku, tapi kebanyakan milik Aaron 275 00:18:11,500 --> 00:18:17,400 Aaron's Y Combinator site was called "infogami", a tool to build websites situs Aaron disebut "infogami", sebuat alat untuk membangun situs web 276 00:18:17,476 --> 00:18:19,774 but infogami struggles to find users tapi infogami kesulitan menemukan pengguna 277 00:18:19,800 --> 00:18:22,019 and Swartz eventually merges his company dan Swartz akhirya menggabungkan perusahaannya 278 00:18:22,029 --> 00:18:24,790 with another Y Combinator project in need of help dengan proyek Y Combinator lain yang membutuhkan bantuan 279 00:18:24,800 --> 00:18:29,700 it was a project headed by Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian called "reddit" Proyek yang dipimpin oleh Steve Huffman dan Alexis Ohanian itu adalah "reddit" 280 00:18:29,774 --> 00:18:33,735 There we were starting from almost nothing, no users, no money, no code Kami mulai dari nol, tidak aada pengguna, tidak uang, tidak ada baris kode 281 00:18:33,745 --> 00:18:36,865 and growing day by day into a hugely popular website dan tumbuh hari demi hari menjadi situs web yang pupoler 282 00:18:37,200 --> 00:18:38,840 and it showed no signs of letting up itu menunjukan ------- 283 00:18:38,850 --> 00:18:44,310 first we had a thousand users, than 10,000, then 20,000 and on and on, it's just incredible pertama kita punya sekitar seribu pengguna, kemudian, 10.000, kemudian 20.000, dan begitu seterusnya, luar biasa. 284 00:18:49,025 --> 00:18:51,690 reddit becomes huge and it's a real sort of geeky corner of the Internet reddit menjadi besar, menjadi semacam pojokan internet untuk geeks 285 00:18:51,700 --> 00:18:57,100 There's a lot of humor, there's a lot of art Banyak lelucon (meme), karya seni 286 00:18:57,300 --> 00:19:01,100 and there's just people who flocked to the site dan orang-orang berbondong-bondong mengunjungi situs itu 287 00:19:01,300 --> 00:19:07,500 and made that site the main site they go to every morning to get their news. dan menjadi situs yang mereka kunjungi setiap pagi untuk mendapat kabar/berita baru. 288 00:19:07,600 --> 00:19:15,500 "reddit" kind of just borders on chaos at some level, so on the one hand its a place where people discuss reddit menjadi semacam tempat benturan, pada satu titik ia menjadi tempat berdiskusi bagi orang-orang 289 00:19:15,600 --> 00:19:21,800 ...news of the day, technology, politics and issues and yet there is a lot of kind of not safe for work ...berita hari ini, teknologi, politik dan isu tertentu dan bahkan banyak konten vulgar 290 00:19:21,900 --> 00:19:29,800 ...material, offensive material. Some subreddits where "trolls", "find a welcome home" ...konten yang bersifat menyerang/ngetroll. Beberapa subreddit termasuk "trolls" 291 00:19:29,900 --> 00:19:33,800 and so in that sense, reddit has been home to controversy as well dan dalam konteks ini, reddit menjadi tempat bagi kontroversi juga. 292 00:19:33,900 --> 00:19:36,700 It kind of sits on that edge of chaos. It's kind of sits on the edge of chaos. 293 00:19:36,900 --> 00:19:40,690 reddit catches the attention of the corporate magazine giant "Condé Nast" reddit sempat menarik perhatian dari raksasa majalah korporsai, "Condé Nast" 294 00:19:40,700 --> 00:19:40,790 ...who makes an offer to buy the company. ...yang menawarkan untuk membeli reddit 295 00:19:40,800 --> 00:19:42,590 ...who makes an offer to buy the company. ...yang menawarkan untuk membeli reddit 296 00:19:42,600 --> 00:19:43,890 Some large amount of money, Jumlah uang yang besar. 297 00:19:43,900 --> 00:19:46,990 large enough that my dad was getting bugged with questions about like jumlahnya cukup besar sampai membuat ayah saya terganggu dengan pertanyaan semacam, 298 00:19:47,000 --> 00:19:51,300 "How do I... store this money?" "Bagaimana aku... harus menyimpan uang sebanyak ini?" 299 00:19:51,400 --> 00:19:53,890 Interviewer: Like a lot of money Noah: Like a lot of money Pewawancara: Sepertinya jumlah uang yang sangat banyak. Noah: Ya, sangat banyak. 300 00:19:53,900 --> 00:20:00,200 Like... probably more than a million dollars. But I don't actually know. Mungkin... mungkin lebih dari satu juta dollar. Tapi persisnya saya tidak tahu. 301 00:20:00,200 --> 00:20:02,000 And he is how old at the time? Saat itu Aaron berumur berapa? 302 00:20:02,100 --> 00:20:03,200 Nineteen? Twenty? Sembilan belas, atau dua puluh? 303 00:20:05,100 --> 00:20:13,500 So he was in this apartment, they are like sat around on what predated these couches, hacking on reddit and... Jadi dia di apartemen ini, mereka duduk di sofa ini, mengerjakan reddit, dan... 304 00:20:13,600 --> 00:20:18,390 when they sold reddit they threw a giant party and then all flew out to California ketika mereka menjual reddit, mereka mengadakan pesta besar dan semua terbang ke California 305 00:20:18,400 --> 00:20:20,740 the next day and left the keys with me. di hari berikutnya, dan meninggalkan kunci apartemen kepadaku 306 00:20:23,700 --> 00:20:28,890 It was funny you know, he just sold a startup so we all kind of presumed he was the richest person around... Agak lucu, dia baru saja menjual perusahaannya jadi kami beranggapan dia orang terkaya di sini 307 00:20:28,900 --> 00:20:34,120 but he said "Oh, no. I'll take this tiny little shoe box sized room, that's all I need" tapi dia bilang, "Oh, enggak. Aku akan ambil ruangan kecil ini, hanya itu yang kubutuhkan." 308 00:20:34,200 --> 00:20:36,193 ...like it was barely larger than a closet. ...hampir tidak lebih besar dari lemari. 309 00:20:36,203 --> 00:20:42,500 The idea of him spending his money on fancy objects just seems so implausible. Kalau dia menghabiskan uangnya untuk hal-hal mewah, terlihat tidak masuk akal 310 00:20:42,700 --> 00:20:44,833 He explains, it's like "I like living in apartments, Dia jelasin, seperti, "AKu suka tinggal di apartemen ini, 311 00:20:44,843 --> 00:20:48,128 so I'm not gonna spend a lot of money on a new place to live, I'm not gonna buy a mansion jadi aku tidak akan membuang banyak uang untuk tempat baru. Aku tidak akan membeli rumah besar 312 00:20:48,138 --> 00:20:49,830 ... and I like wearing jeans and a t-shirt, ... dan aku juga suka pakai jins dan kaos oblong 313 00:20:49,840 --> 00:20:54,590 so I am not gonna spend any more money on clothes. So like, it's really no big deal." jadi aku tidak akan keluarin uang lagi untuk pakaian lain. Jadi, itu bukan hal besar." 314 00:20:54,600 --> 00:21:00,500 What is a big deal to Swartz is how traffic flows on the Internet and what commands our attention. Hal besar bagi Swartz adalah bagaimana arus data berputar di internet dan yang menarik perhatian kita 315 00:21:00,600 --> 00:21:04,890 In the old system of broadcasting you're fundamentally limited by the amount of space in the airwaves. Pada sistem penyiaran lama, secara mendasar kita terbatas pada ruang yang terdapat pada gelombang 316 00:21:04,900 --> 00:21:09,590 You know, you could only send out 10 channels over the airwaves for television, Kamu hanya bisa mengirim 10 saluran untuk gelombang TV 317 00:21:09,600 --> 00:21:13,290 or even with cables you have 500 channels. On the Internet everybody can have a channel. atau dengan kabel, hanya 500 saluran. Di internet, semua orang punya saluran. 318 00:21:13,300 --> 00:21:17,890 Everyone can get a blog or a Myspace page. Everyone has a way of expressing themselves. Setiap orang bisa punya blog sendiri atau halaman Myspace. Semua orang punya cara tersendiri untuk mengekspresikan diri 319 00:21:17,900 --> 00:21:19,890 And so what you see now is not a question of Jadi apa yang kamu lihat sekarang adalah pertanyaan semacam 320 00:21:19,900 --> 00:21:24,890 "who gets access to the airwaves?". It's the question of "who gets control over the ways you find people?" "Siapa yang punya akses ke gelombang tadi?". Pertanyaan yang sama dengan, "Siapa yang mengontrol cara kita menemukan orang?" 321 00:21:24,900 --> 00:21:29,490 You know you start seeing power centralizing in sites like Google, these sort of gatekeepers that tell you Kamu mulai melihat kekuatan mulai terpusat di situs seperti Google, mereka semacam penjaga gerbang internet yang memberi tahumu 322 00:21:29,500 --> 00:21:34,590 where on the Internet you want to go. The people who provide you your sources of news and information. tempat-tempat yang ingin kamu tuju di internet. Orang-orang yang menyediakan sumber berita dan informasi untukmu. 323 00:21:34,600 --> 00:21:39,490 So it's not, you know, "only certain people have a license to speak", now everyone has a license to speak. Jadi, bukan seperti, "hanya beberapa orang yang memiliki izin untuk berbicara.", sekarang semua orang memiliki izin untuk berbicara. 324 00:21:39,500 --> 00:21:41,660 It's a question of "who gets heard?" Ini tentang pertanyaan, "Siapa yang akan didengar?" 325 00:21:44,400 --> 00:21:49,700 After he started working in San Francisco at Condé Nast, he comes into the office Setelah dia mulai bekerja di San Francisco di Condé Nast, dia datang ke kantor 326 00:21:49,800 --> 00:21:55,500 and they want to give him a computer with all this crap installed on it and say that he can't dan mereka ingin memberinya komputer dengan pernak-pernik yang sudah terpasang dan dia tidak diizinkan 327 00:21:55,600 --> 00:21:59,490 install any new things on this computer, which to a developer is outrageous, right? memasang perangkat lunak baru apa pun di komputer ini, yang untuk seorang pengembang perangkat lunak, sangat menghina, bukan? 328 00:21:59,500 --> 00:22:03,040 From the first day he was complaining about all this stuff. Dari hari pertama dia sudah memprotes hal-hal semacam ini 329 00:22:05,600 --> 00:22:10,890 Gray walls, gray desks, gray noise. The first day I showed up here, I simply couldn't take it. Tembok abu, meja abu, kebisingan abu. Dari hari pertama saya hadir di sini, saya tidak tahan. 330 00:22:10,900 --> 00:22:14,890 By lunch time I had literally locked myself in a bathroom stall and started crying. Saat makan siang saya benar-benar mengunci diri saya di kamar mandi dan mulai menangis 331 00:22:14,900 --> 00:22:18,420 I can't imagine staying sane with someone buzzing in my ear all day Tidak bisa saya bayangkan, bisa tetap warass bersama orang yang berisik di telinga saya sepanjang hari 332 00:22:18,430 --> 00:22:20,770 let alone getting any actual work done. sambil berusaha menyelesaikan pekerjaan. 333 00:22:21,400 --> 00:22:23,890 Nobody else seems to get work done here either. Kelihatannya tidak seorangpun dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan mereka. 334 00:22:23,900 --> 00:22:26,740 Everybody's always coming into our room to hang out and chat Orang-orang selalu datang dan pergi dan mengobrol 335 00:22:26,750 --> 00:22:30,890 or invite us to play the new video game system that Wired is testing. atau mengundang kami memainkan video gim yang sedang diujicoba oleh Wired 336 00:22:32,700 --> 00:22:39,600 He really had different aspirations, that were politically oriented. And Silicon Valley Dia punya aspirasi yang berbeda, dan berorientasi politik. Dan Silicon Valley 337 00:22:39,700 --> 00:22:46,600 just doesn't really quite have that culture that orients technical activity for the purposes tidak benar-benar punya budaya yang mengutamakan aktivias teknis 338 00:22:46,700 --> 00:22:50,290 of political goals. Aaron hated working for a corporation. They all hate untuk tujuan politik tertentu. Aaron benci bekerja untuk perusahaan. Mereka semua terliaht 339 00:22:50,300 --> 00:22:53,290 working for Condé Nast but Aaron is like the only one who is not going to take it. tidka suka bekerja untuk Condé Nast tapi hanya Aaron yang tidak tahan. 340 00:22:53,300 --> 00:22:57,800 And then basically he gets himself fired by not showing up to work, ever. Dan akhirnya dia dipecat karena tidak pernah ngantor lagi. 341 00:23:01,000 --> 00:23:03,300 It was said to be a messy breakup. Perpisahaan yang kacau. 342 00:23:03,500 --> 00:23:08,240 Both Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman declined to be interviewed for this film. Baik Alexis Ohanian maupun Steve Huffman menolak diwawancarai untuk film ini. 343 00:23:09,400 --> 00:23:11,600 He rejected the business world. Dia menolak dunia bisnis. 344 00:23:12,200 --> 00:23:16,100 One of the really important things to remember about Salah satu hal penting yang perlu diingat mengenai 345 00:23:16,300 --> 00:23:19,890 that choice when Aaron decided to kind of leave startup culture, pilihan Aaron untuk meninggalkan dunia startup, 346 00:23:19,900 --> 00:23:26,100 is that he was also leaving behind the things that had made him famous adalah dia meninggalkan hal-hal yang membuat dia populer 347 00:23:26,300 --> 00:23:31,400 and well loved and, you know, he was at risk of letting down fans. dan disukai dan, dia beresiko mengecewakan fansnya. 348 00:23:31,600 --> 00:23:34,090 He got to where he was supposed to be going, Dia pergi ke tempat yang seharusnya 349 00:23:34,100 --> 00:23:39,500 and had the self-awareness and orneriness to realize dan memiliki kesadaran penuh bahwa 350 00:23:39,700 --> 00:23:43,600 that he had climbed the mountain of shit to pluck the single rose dia telah mendaki gunung penuh kotoran hanya untuk memetik sebuah mawar 351 00:23:43,700 --> 00:23:45,690 and discovered that he'd lost his sense of smell. dan mendapati bahwa dia telah kehilangan indra penciumannya. 352 00:23:45,700 --> 00:23:50,100 And rather than sit there and insist that it wasn't as bad as it seemed Dan alih-alih duduk di sana dan berkesimpulan bahwa ini tidak terlalu buruk 353 00:23:50,500 --> 00:23:57,200 and he did get the rose in any event, he climbed back down again, which is pretty cool! dan dia mengambil mawar itu, dia turun kembali, yang kupikir, sangat keren. 354 00:23:57,500 --> 00:24:01,600 The way Aaron always thought is that programming is magic. Pikiran Aaron yang belum berubah adalah, pemrograman komputer itu seperti sihir. 355 00:24:01,800 --> 00:24:06,690 You can accomplish these things that normal humans can't, by being able to program. Kamu bisa melakukan sesuatu yang manusia normal tidak bisa, dengan memrogram komputer. 356 00:24:06,700 --> 00:24:13,800 So, if you had magical powers, would you use them for good, or to make you mountains of cash? Jadi, jika kamu punya kekuatan sihir seperti itu, apakah digunakan untuk hal baik, atau untuk menciptakan gunung uang? 357 00:24:15,200 --> 00:24:18,690 Swartz was inspired by one of the visionaries he had met as a child, Swartz terinspirasi oleh salah satu orang visioner yang dia temui saat masih kecil 358 00:24:18,700 --> 00:24:22,360 the man who had invented the World Wide Web: Tim Berners-Lee. orang yang menciptakan Word Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee 359 00:24:22,600 --> 00:24:29,000 In the 1990s Berners-Lee was arguably sitting on one of the most lucrative inventions of the 20th century 360 00:24:29,200 --> 00:24:32,790 but instead of profiting from the invention of the World Wide Web, 361 00:24:32,800 --> 00:24:35,300 he gave it away for free. 362 00:24:35,800 --> 00:24:39,400 It is the only reason the World Wide Web exists today. 363 00:24:41,000 --> 00:24:44,600 Aaron is certainly deeply influenced by Tim. 364 00:24:44,700 --> 00:24:51,400 Tim is certainly a very prominent early Internet genius who doesn't, in any sense, cash out. 365 00:24:51,600 --> 00:24:55,890 He's not at all interested in how he's going figure out how to make a billion dollars. 366 00:24:55,900 --> 00:24:57,790 People would have seen "Oh, there's money to be made there!" 367 00:24:57,800 --> 00:25:01,190 so there would have been lots of little webs, instead of one big one. 368 00:25:01,200 --> 00:25:04,400 And one little web and also which doesn't work. 369 00:25:04,600 --> 00:25:07,780 Because you can't follow links from one to the other. 370 00:25:09,900 --> 00:25:13,690 Now you had to have the critical masses, this thing was in the entire planet 371 00:25:13,700 --> 00:25:17,600 so is not gonna work unless the whole planet can get on-board. 372 00:25:22,200 --> 00:25:28,500 I mean I, you know, feel very strongly that it's not enough to just live in the world as it is 373 00:25:28,700 --> 00:25:33,590 to just, kind of, take what you're given and, you know, follow the things that adults told you to do 374 00:25:33,600 --> 00:25:37,490 and, you know, your parents told you to do and that society tells you to do. 375 00:25:37,500 --> 00:25:41,290 I think you should always be questioning, you know, I take this very scientific attitude 376 00:25:41,300 --> 00:25:42,890 that everything you've learned is just provisional 377 00:25:42,900 --> 00:25:46,890 that, you know, is always open to recantation or refutation or questioning. 378 00:25:46,900 --> 00:25:49,400 And I think the same applies to society 379 00:25:49,600 --> 00:25:52,390 Once I realized that there where real serious problems, 380 00:25:52,400 --> 00:25:55,090 fundamental problems that I could do something to address 381 00:25:55,100 --> 00:25:58,760 I didn't see a way to forget that, I didn't see a way not to. 382 00:26:02,200 --> 00:26:06,400 We just started spending a lot of time, just kind of as friends, 383 00:26:08,800 --> 00:26:11,380 We would just talk for hours into the night 384 00:26:14,300 --> 00:26:17,390 I definitely should have understood that he was flirting with me. 385 00:26:17,400 --> 00:26:19,380 I think to some degree I was like 386 00:26:19,400 --> 00:26:24,800 "This is a terrible idea and impossible and therefore I will pretend it is not happening". 387 00:26:25,200 --> 00:26:29,390 As my marriage was breaking down and I was really stuck without anywhere to go 388 00:26:29,400 --> 00:26:32,500 we became roommates and I brought my daughter over. 389 00:26:34,200 --> 00:26:39,290 We moved in and furnished the house, and it was really peaceful, like, my life had not been peaceful for a while 390 00:26:39,300 --> 00:26:41,040 and, really, neither had his. 391 00:26:46,000 --> 00:26:53,600 We were extremely close, from the beginning of our romantic relationship. 392 00:26:53,700 --> 00:26:57,000 We just, we were in constant contact. 393 00:26:57,500 --> 00:27:02,000 But we're both really difficult people to deal with. 394 00:27:04,720 --> 00:27:07,100 In a very Ally McBeal discussion, 395 00:27:07,200 --> 00:27:10,980 he confessed he had a theme song and I made him play it for me. 396 00:27:12,200 --> 00:27:14,960 It was "Extraordinary Machine" by Fiona Apple. 397 00:27:16,600 --> 00:27:21,900 I think it was just that sense of, kind of, being a little bit embattled 398 00:27:22,000 --> 00:27:28,400 that the song has. And it also had like this hopefulness, too. 399 00:27:36,590 --> 00:27:41,900 In many ways, Aaron was tremendously optimistic about life. 400 00:27:41,970 --> 00:27:44,390 Even when he didn't feel it. 401 00:27:44,500 --> 00:27:47,320 He could be tremendously optimistic about life. 402 00:27:53,400 --> 00:27:57,700 Aaron: What are you doing? Quinn: Flickr has video now 403 00:27:59,000 --> 00:28:04,800 Swartz threw his energy into a string of new projects involving access to public information 404 00:28:04,900 --> 00:28:08,600 including an accountability website called "Watchdog.net" 405 00:28:08,650 --> 00:28:10,790 and a project called the "Open Library". 406 00:28:10,800 --> 00:28:13,400 So the Open Library project is a website, 407 00:28:13,450 --> 00:28:17,340 that you can visit at openlibrary.org and the idea is to be huge wiki, 408 00:28:17,350 --> 00:28:19,930 an editable website with one page per book. 409 00:28:20,062 --> 00:28:23,590 So for every book ever published you wanna have a web page about it 410 00:28:23,600 --> 00:28:25,856 that combines all the information from publishers, 411 00:28:25,866 --> 00:28:29,084 from book sellers, from libraries, from readers 412 00:28:29,310 --> 00:28:31,181 under one site and then gives you links 413 00:28:31,191 --> 00:28:34,630 where you can buy it, you can borrow it, or you can browse it. 414 00:28:34,640 --> 00:28:37,190 I love libraries, you know, I'm the kind of person who goes 415 00:28:37,200 --> 00:28:39,690 to a new city and immediately seeks out the library. 416 00:28:39,700 --> 00:28:42,638 That's the dream of Open library, is building this website 417 00:28:42,648 --> 00:28:46,010 where both you can leap from book to book, from person to author 418 00:28:46,020 --> 00:28:50,142 from subject to idea. You go through this vast tree of knowledge 419 00:28:50,195 --> 00:28:52,690 that has been embedded and lost in big physical libraries, 420 00:28:52,700 --> 00:28:55,670 that's hard to find, that's not very well accessible on-line, 421 00:28:55,680 --> 00:28:58,976 it's really important because books are our cultural legacy, 422 00:28:58,986 --> 00:29:02,290 you know, books are the place people go to write things down, 423 00:29:02,300 --> 00:29:04,683 and to have that all swallowed up by one corporation, 424 00:29:04,693 --> 00:29:06,222 is kind of scary. 425 00:29:06,871 --> 00:29:10,737 How can you bring public access to the public domain? 426 00:29:10,780 --> 00:29:14,816 It may sound obvious, that you'd have public access to public domain, 427 00:29:14,826 --> 00:29:19,410 but in fact it's not true. So the public domain should be free to all, 428 00:29:19,670 --> 00:29:21,170 but it's often locked up. 429 00:29:21,395 --> 00:29:25,500 There's often guard gates, it is just like having national park 430 00:29:25,600 --> 00:29:29,093 but with a moat around it and gun turrets pointed out 431 00:29:29,120 --> 00:29:33,012 in case somebody might want to actually come and enjoy the public domain. 432 00:29:33,022 --> 00:29:36,562 One of the things Aaron was particularly interested in, was 433 00:29:36,600 --> 00:29:39,306 bringing public access to the public domain. 434 00:29:39,368 --> 00:29:42,968 This is one of the things that got him into so much trouble. 435 00:29:46,106 --> 00:29:52,240 I had been trying to get access to federal court records in the United States. 436 00:29:54,400 --> 00:29:58,906 What I discovered was a puzzling system called "PACER", 437 00:29:59,040 --> 00:30:02,888 which stands for "Public Access to Court Electronic Records" 438 00:30:03,048 --> 00:30:07,500 I started googling and that's when I ran across Carl Malamud. 439 00:30:08,835 --> 00:30:14,897 Access to legal materials in the United States is a 10 billion dollar per year business. 440 00:30:15,004 --> 00:30:20,097 PACER is just this incredible abomination of government service. 441 00:30:20,100 --> 00:30:25,333 It's 10 cents a page, it's this most brain dead code you've ever seen. 442 00:30:25,377 --> 00:30:29,590 You can't search it, you can't bookmark anything, you got to have a credit card. 443 00:30:29,600 --> 00:30:34,640 and these are public records, it's, you know, US district courts are very important, 444 00:30:35,600 --> 00:30:38,425 it's where a lot of our seminal litigations starts, civil right cases, 445 00:30:38,435 --> 00:30:42,500 patent cases, all sorts of stuff, and journalists, and students, 446 00:30:42,600 --> 00:30:48,500 and citizens and lawyers all need access to PACER and it fights them every step of the way. 447 00:30:48,551 --> 00:30:51,857 People without means can't see the law 448 00:30:51,893 --> 00:30:55,083 as readily as people that have that gold American express card. 449 00:30:55,093 --> 00:30:57,800 It's a poll tax on access to justice. 450 00:30:57,800 --> 00:31:04,800 You know the law is the operating system of our democracy and you have to pay to see it? 451 00:31:04,900 --> 00:31:07,180 You know, that's not a much of democracy. 452 00:31:07,190 --> 00:31:11,964 They make about a 120 million dollars a year on the PACER system, 453 00:31:11,982 --> 00:31:16,700 and it doesn't cost anything near that according to their own records. 454 00:31:16,730 --> 00:31:18,364 In fact, it's illegal 455 00:31:18,906 --> 00:31:23,964 the "e-Government Act" of 2002 states that the courts may charge 456 00:31:24,008 --> 00:31:30,700 only to the extent necessary in order to reimburse the cost of running PACER. 457 00:31:34,620 --> 00:31:37,386 As the founder of public.resource.org, 458 00:31:37,466 --> 00:31:40,408 Malamud wanted to protest the PACER charges. 459 00:31:40,530 --> 00:31:44,016 He started a programme called "The PACER recycling Project", 460 00:31:44,026 --> 00:31:47,625 where people could upload PACER documents they had already paid for 461 00:31:47,635 --> 00:31:50,043 to a free database so others can use them. 462 00:31:50,053 --> 00:31:53,150 The PACER people were getting a lot of flak from congress 463 00:31:53,160 --> 00:31:56,701 and others about public access and so they put together this system 464 00:31:56,711 --> 00:32:01,700 in 17 libraries across the country that was free PACER access. 465 00:32:01,800 --> 00:32:05,875 You know, that's 1 library every 22,000 square miles I believe. 466 00:32:05,902 --> 00:32:07,882 So wasn't like really convenient. 467 00:32:08,035 --> 00:32:11,755 I encouraged volunteers to join the so called ThumbDrive corp. 468 00:32:12,080 --> 00:32:17,030 and download docs from the public access libraries and upload them to the PACER recycling site. 469 00:32:17,040 --> 00:32:19,270 People take a ThumbDrive into one of these libraries 470 00:32:19,280 --> 00:32:23,012 and they download a bunch of documents and they send them to me. 471 00:32:23,022 --> 00:32:24,853 I mean, it was just a joke 472 00:32:24,888 --> 00:32:28,594 In fact when you click on ThumbDrive corps there was a "Wizard of Oz" 473 00:32:28,604 --> 00:32:31,700 you know the Munchkin singing video clip came up. 474 00:32:35,288 --> 00:32:38,630 But of course I get this phone call from Steve Schultze and Aaron 475 00:32:38,640 --> 00:32:42,700 saying "Gee! We would like to join the Thumbdrive corp!" 476 00:32:43,440 --> 00:32:47,466 Around that time, I ran into Aaron at a conference. 477 00:32:47,490 --> 00:32:51,590 This is something that really has to be a collaboration between a lot of different people. 478 00:32:51,600 --> 00:32:53,786 So I approached him and said 479 00:32:53,840 --> 00:32:58,110 "Hey, I am thinking about an intervention on the PACER problem." 480 00:33:00,000 --> 00:33:02,114 Schultze had already developed a program 481 00:33:02,124 --> 00:33:06,490 that could automatically download PACER documents from the trial libraries. 482 00:33:06,500 --> 00:33:08,462 Swartz wanted to take a look. 483 00:33:08,657 --> 00:33:13,653 So I showed him the code and I didn't know what would come next, 484 00:33:13,733 --> 00:33:18,942 but as it turns out, over the course of the next few hours at that conference, 485 00:33:18,977 --> 00:33:22,071 he was off sitting in a corner, improving my code, 486 00:33:22,097 --> 00:33:26,515 recruiting a friend of his that lived near one of these libraries, 487 00:33:26,560 --> 00:33:31,653 to go into the library and to begin to test his improved code, 488 00:33:32,080 --> 00:33:38,293 at which point the folks at the courts realized something's not going quite according to plan. 489 00:33:38,337 --> 00:33:42,311 And data started to come in... and come in... and come in... 490 00:33:42,355 --> 00:33:47,500 and soon there were 760 GigaBytes of PACER docs, about 20 million pages. 491 00:33:48,740 --> 00:33:51,955 Using information retrieved from the trial libraries, 492 00:33:51,982 --> 00:33:57,130 Swartz was conducting massive automated parallel downloading of the PACER system. 493 00:33:57,288 --> 00:34:01,500 He was able to acquire nearly 2.7 million federal court documents, 494 00:34:01,600 --> 00:34:04,275 almost 20 million pages of text. 495 00:34:04,320 --> 00:34:07,500 Now, I'll grant you that 20 million pages had perhaps 496 00:34:07,530 --> 00:34:11,850 exceeded the expectations of the people running the pilot access project 497 00:34:11,884 --> 00:34:14,500 but surprising a bureaucrat isn't illegal. 498 00:34:14,862 --> 00:34:19,500 Aaron and Carl decided to go talk to the New York Times about what happened. 499 00:34:20,070 --> 00:34:22,737 They also caught the attention of the FBI. 500 00:34:22,950 --> 00:34:26,490 who began to stake-out Swartz's parent's house in Illinois. 501 00:34:26,570 --> 00:34:31,004 I get a tweet from his mother saying: "Call me!!" 502 00:34:31,102 --> 00:34:33,560 I thought "What the hell is going on here?" 503 00:34:33,570 --> 00:34:36,570 and so I finally got a hold of Aaron and, you know 504 00:34:36,640 --> 00:34:39,700 Aaron's mother was like "Oh my god, FBI! FBI! FBI!" 505 00:34:40,151 --> 00:34:46,133 An FBI agent drives down our home's driveway trying to see if Aaron is in his room. 506 00:34:47,500 --> 00:34:50,283 and I remember being home that day and wondering why 507 00:34:50,293 --> 00:34:53,714 this car was driving down our driveway and just driving back out, 508 00:34:53,724 --> 00:34:55,500 That's weird! 509 00:34:56,500 --> 00:34:59,581 Like 5 years later, I read this FBI file and I'm like 510 00:34:59,591 --> 00:35:00,830 Oh my goodness! 511 00:35:01,503 --> 00:35:03,153 that was the FBI agent 512 00:35:04,208 --> 00:35:05,192 in my driveway. 513 00:35:05,418 --> 00:35:08,075 He was terrified, he was totally terrified. 514 00:35:09,717 --> 00:35:13,623 He was way more terrified after the FBI actually 515 00:35:13,896 --> 00:35:16,630 called him up on the phone, tried to sucker him into 516 00:35:16,640 --> 00:35:19,030 coming down to a coffee shop without a lawyer. 517 00:35:19,040 --> 00:35:21,792 He said he went home and laid down on the bed 518 00:35:21,792 --> 00:35:23,790 and, you know, was shaking. 519 00:35:25,620 --> 00:35:27,782 The downloading also uncovered massive 520 00:35:27,792 --> 00:35:30,312 privacy violations in the court documents. 521 00:35:30,390 --> 00:35:34,650 Ultimately, the courts were forced to change their policies as a result 522 00:35:35,152 --> 00:35:38,992 and the FBI closed their investigation without bringing charges. 523 00:35:39,628 --> 00:35:43,068 To this day I find it remarkable that anybody, 524 00:35:43,260 --> 00:35:47,007 even at the most remote Podunk field office of the FBI, 525 00:35:47,317 --> 00:35:49,792 thought that a fitting use for taxpayer dollars 526 00:35:49,802 --> 00:35:53,049 was investigating people for criminal theft 527 00:35:53,124 --> 00:35:55,731 on the grounds that they had made the law public. 528 00:35:55,741 --> 00:35:57,952 How can you call yourself a lawman, 529 00:35:58,291 --> 00:36:01,872 and think that there can possibly be anything wrong in this whole world 530 00:36:01,882 --> 00:36:03,502 with making the law public? 531 00:36:03,736 --> 00:36:06,263 Aaron was willing to put himself at risk 532 00:36:06,447 --> 00:36:08,800 for the causes that he believed in. 533 00:36:09,576 --> 00:36:11,336 Bothered by wealth disparity, 534 00:36:11,557 --> 00:36:13,440 Swartz moves beyond technology 535 00:36:13,468 --> 00:36:15,985 into a broader range of political causes. 536 00:36:16,225 --> 00:36:18,745 I went into congress, and I invited him to 537 00:36:18,823 --> 00:36:21,583 come and hangout and intern for us for a while 538 00:36:21,712 --> 00:36:25,072 so that he could learn, you know, the political process. 539 00:36:25,303 --> 00:36:27,815 He was sort of learning about a new community 540 00:36:27,825 --> 00:36:29,190 and a new set of skills 541 00:36:29,200 --> 00:36:31,480 and kind of learning to hack politics. 542 00:36:31,505 --> 00:36:34,305 It seems ridiculous that miners should have to hammer away 543 00:36:34,315 --> 00:36:36,691 until they whole bodies are dripping with sweat, 544 00:36:36,701 --> 00:36:38,893 faced with the knowledge that if they dare to stop 545 00:36:38,903 --> 00:36:41,359 they won't be able to put food on the table that night, 546 00:36:41,369 --> 00:36:43,919 while I get to make larger and larger amounts of money each day 547 00:36:43,929 --> 00:36:45,849 just by sitting and watching TV. 548 00:36:46,592 --> 00:36:48,932 But apparently the world is ridiculous. 549 00:36:49,520 --> 00:36:51,251 So, I co-founded a group called 550 00:36:51,261 --> 00:36:53,119 the "Progressive Change Campaign Committee" 551 00:36:53,129 --> 00:36:56,135 and what we try and do is we try and organize people over the Internet 552 00:36:56,145 --> 00:36:58,126 who care about progressive politics 553 00:36:58,136 --> 00:37:00,286 and moving the country in a more progressive direction, 554 00:37:00,296 --> 00:37:01,736 to kind of come together 555 00:37:01,800 --> 00:37:03,360 join our e-mail list, join our campaigns, 556 00:37:03,370 --> 00:37:06,262 help get progressive candidates elected all across the country. 557 00:37:06,272 --> 00:37:09,260 The group is responsible for igniting the grassroots efforts 558 00:37:09,270 --> 00:37:12,870 behind the campaign to elect Elizabeth Warren to the Senate. 559 00:37:13,032 --> 00:37:15,342 He might have thought it was a dumb system, but 560 00:37:15,352 --> 00:37:17,678 he came in and he said I need to learn this system, 561 00:37:17,688 --> 00:37:21,478 cause it can be manipulated, like any, you know, like any social system. 562 00:37:21,488 --> 00:37:23,894 But his passion for knowledge and libraries 563 00:37:23,904 --> 00:37:25,344 didn't take a back seat. 564 00:37:25,744 --> 00:37:27,286 Aaron began to take a closer look 565 00:37:27,296 --> 00:37:30,596 at institutions that publish academic journal articles. 566 00:37:31,248 --> 00:37:33,942 By virtue of being students at a major US university 567 00:37:33,952 --> 00:37:38,152 I assume that you have access to a wide variety of scholarly journals. 568 00:37:38,384 --> 00:37:41,190 Pretty much every major university in the United States 569 00:37:41,200 --> 00:37:42,822 pays these sort of licensing fees 570 00:37:42,832 --> 00:37:46,072 to organizations like JSTOR and Thompson ISI 571 00:37:46,496 --> 00:37:49,056 to get access to scholarly journals that 572 00:37:49,096 --> 00:37:50,950 the rest of the world can't read. 573 00:37:50,960 --> 00:37:53,180 These scholarly journals and articles 574 00:37:53,248 --> 00:37:57,240 are essentially the entire wealth of human knowledge on-line 575 00:37:57,288 --> 00:38:00,168 and many have been payed for with taxpayer money 576 00:38:00,296 --> 00:38:02,040 or with government grants. 577 00:38:02,480 --> 00:38:05,120 But to read them you often have to pay again 578 00:38:05,130 --> 00:38:08,550 handing over steep fees to publishers like Reed Elsevier. 579 00:38:08,830 --> 00:38:11,142 These licensing fees are so substantial that 580 00:38:11,152 --> 00:38:12,985 people who are studying in India, 581 00:38:12,995 --> 00:38:15,094 instead of studying in the United States, 582 00:38:15,104 --> 00:38:16,870 don't have this kind of access. 583 00:38:16,880 --> 00:38:19,462 They're locked out from all of these journals. 584 00:38:19,472 --> 00:38:22,704 They're locked out from our entire scientific legacy. 585 00:38:22,992 --> 00:38:26,790 I mean, a lot of those journal articles, they go back to the enlightenment. 586 00:38:26,800 --> 00:38:29,600 Every time someone has written down a scientific paper, 587 00:38:29,610 --> 00:38:32,838 it has been scanned, digitized and put in these collections. 588 00:38:32,848 --> 00:38:35,568 That is a legacy that has been brought to us 589 00:38:35,768 --> 00:38:38,454 by the history of people doing interesting work, 590 00:38:38,464 --> 00:38:39,758 the history of scientists, 591 00:38:39,768 --> 00:38:43,382 it's a legacy that should belong to us as a commons, as a people 592 00:38:43,392 --> 00:38:45,900 but instead it's been locked down and put on-line 593 00:38:45,910 --> 00:38:48,448 by handful of for-profit corporations, 594 00:38:48,616 --> 00:38:52,156 who then try and get the maximum profit they can out of it. 595 00:38:53,376 --> 00:38:57,288 So, a researcher paid by the University, or the people 596 00:38:57,688 --> 00:39:01,030 publishes a paper and in the very, very last step of that process, 597 00:39:01,040 --> 00:39:03,480 after all the work is done, after all the original research is done, 598 00:39:03,490 --> 00:39:05,854 the thinking, the lab work, the analysis, 599 00:39:05,864 --> 00:39:08,478 after everything is done, at that last stage, 600 00:39:08,488 --> 00:39:11,750 then the researcher has to hand over his or her copyright 601 00:39:11,760 --> 00:39:13,980 to this multi-billion dollar company. 602 00:39:14,384 --> 00:39:15,280 And it's sick. 603 00:39:15,400 --> 00:39:18,206 It's an entire economy built on volunteer labour, 604 00:39:18,216 --> 00:39:21,734 and then the publishers sit at the very top and scrape off the cream. 605 00:39:21,744 --> 00:39:23,704 Talk about a scam! 606 00:39:23,976 --> 00:39:28,936 One publisher in Britain made a profit of 3 billion dollars last year. 607 00:39:28,976 --> 00:39:30,296 I mean, what a racket! 608 00:39:30,472 --> 00:39:33,944 JSTOR is just a very, very small player in that story, 609 00:39:33,976 --> 00:39:38,544 but for some reason JSTOR is the player that Aaron decided to confront. 610 00:39:41,616 --> 00:39:44,374 He'd gone to some conference around Open Access and Open Publishing, 611 00:39:44,384 --> 00:39:46,366 and I don't know who the person from JSTOR was, 612 00:39:46,376 --> 00:39:49,916 but I think they... at some point Aaron asked the question: 613 00:39:50,096 --> 00:39:53,456 "How much would it cost to open up JSTOR in perpetuity?" 614 00:39:54,368 --> 00:39:58,064 and they gave some... I think is 200 billion dollars 615 00:39:58,070 --> 00:40:00,958 something that Aaron thought was totally ridiculous. 616 00:40:00,968 --> 00:40:02,950 Working on a fellowship at Harvard 617 00:40:02,960 --> 00:40:07,392 he knew users on MIT's famously open and fast network next door 618 00:40:07,552 --> 00:40:10,328 had authorized access to the riches of JSTOR. 619 00:40:10,392 --> 00:40:12,320 Swartz saw an opportunity. 620 00:40:12,424 --> 00:40:14,320 You have a key to those gates, 621 00:40:14,400 --> 00:40:17,328 and, with a little bit of shell script magic 622 00:40:17,888 --> 00:40:19,988 you can get those journal articles. 623 00:40:21,024 --> 00:40:23,576 On September 24th 2010 624 00:40:23,752 --> 00:40:27,112 Swartz registered a newly purchased Acer laptop 625 00:40:27,136 --> 00:40:30,544 on the MIT network, under the name Gary Host. 626 00:40:31,088 --> 00:40:34,248 The client name was registered as "GHost_laptop" 627 00:40:35,544 --> 00:40:38,710 He doesn't hack JSTOR in the traditional sense of hacking. 628 00:40:38,720 --> 00:40:40,454 the JSTOR database was organized, so 629 00:40:40,464 --> 00:40:42,080 it was completely trivial to figure out 630 00:40:42,090 --> 00:40:44,454 how you could download all the articles in JSTOR 631 00:40:44,464 --> 00:40:45,580 because it was basically numbered 632 00:40:45,590 --> 00:40:48,398 it was basically "/" "/" "/" number article... 633 00:40:48,408 --> 00:40:52,630 ...444024, and ...25 ...26 634 00:40:52,640 --> 00:40:55,406 He wrote a python script called “keepgrabbing.py” 635 00:40:55,416 --> 00:40:58,416 which, was keep grabbing one article after another 636 00:40:58,725 --> 00:41:01,825 The next day ghost laptop begins grabbing articles 637 00:41:02,020 --> 00:41:05,400 but soon, the computers IP address is blocked. 638 00:41:05,720 --> 00:41:08,400 For Swartz it's barely a bump in the road 639 00:41:08,420 --> 00:41:11,425 he quickly reassigns his computer IP address 640 00:41:11,425 --> 00:41:13,420 and keeps downloading. 641 00:41:13,420 --> 00:41:17,625 Well, JSTOR and MIT take a number of steps to try interfere with this 642 00:41:17,630 --> 00:41:19,520 when they noticed that this is happening. 643 00:41:19,530 --> 00:41:22,920 And when the more modest steps don't work, at a certain stage they, 644 00:41:22,930 --> 00:41:26,925 JSTOR, just cuts off MIT from having access to the JSTOR database. 645 00:41:26,930 --> 00:41:33,475 So this is a kind of a cat and mouse game, around getting access to the JSTOR database. 646 00:41:33,480 --> 00:41:35,825 Aaron ultimately, obviously is the cat 647 00:41:35,830 --> 00:41:42,075 because he has more technical capabilities than the JSTOR database people do defending them 648 00:41:42,675 --> 00:41:46,760 Eventually, there was an unlocked supply closet in the basement of one of the buildings. 649 00:41:46,770 --> 00:41:48,510 He went, instead of going through WiFi, 650 00:41:48,520 --> 00:41:51,010 he went down there and he just plugged his computer directly into the network. 651 00:41:51,020 --> 00:41:56,615 And just left it there with an external hard drive downloading these articles to the computer 652 00:41:56,625 --> 00:42:01,900 Unknown to Swartz, his laptop and hard drive had been found by authorities. 653 00:42:03,150 --> 00:42:08,325 They didn't stop the downloads. Instead, they installed a surveillance camera. 654 00:42:10,200 --> 00:42:14,670 They found the computer in this room in the basement of an MIT building. 655 00:42:14,675 --> 00:42:18,740 They could have unplugged it, they could have waited for the guy to come back 656 00:42:18,750 --> 00:42:23,640 and said "Dude, what are you doing? You know, cut it out. Who are you?" 657 00:42:23,650 --> 00:42:25,640 and they could have done all that kind of stuff, but they didn't. 658 00:42:25,650 --> 00:42:29,905 What they wanted to do was film it to gather evidences to make a case 659 00:42:29,920 --> 00:42:33,040 That's the only reason you film something like that. 660 00:42:38,100 --> 00:42:41,640 At first, the only person caught on the glitchy surveillance camera 661 00:42:41,650 --> 00:42:45,275 was using the closet as a place to store bottles and cans. 662 00:42:53,100 --> 00:42:56,025 But days later, it caught Swartz. 663 00:43:05,550 --> 00:43:11,215 Swartz is replacing a hard drive. He takes it out of his backpack, 664 00:43:11,220 --> 00:43:15,750 leans out of frame for about 5 minutes, and then leaves. 665 00:43:37,025 --> 00:43:42,150 And then they, like, organize like a stake-out where as he was biking home from MIT 666 00:43:42,325 --> 00:43:48,805 these cops came out from, like, either side of the road, or something like that, and started going after him 667 00:43:49,375 --> 00:43:55,000 He describes that he was pressed down and assaulted by the police 668 00:43:55,000 --> 00:43:57,800 he tells me that they... it's unclear that they were police 669 00:43:57,810 --> 00:44:02,100 that were after him, he thought that someone was trying to attack him. 670 00:44:02,150 --> 00:44:04,350 He does tell me they beat him up. 671 00:44:08,150 --> 00:44:09,500 I was just devastated. 672 00:44:09,525 --> 00:44:14,800 The notion of any kind of criminal prosecution for anyone in our family 673 00:44:14,800 --> 00:44:18,240 was so foreign and uncomprehensible, I didn't know what to do. 674 00:44:18,250 --> 00:44:21,310 Well, they execute search warrants at Aaron's house, 675 00:44:21,320 --> 00:44:24,775 his apartment in Cambridge and his office at Harvard. 676 00:44:27,670 --> 00:44:33,625 Two days before the arrest, the investigation had gone beyond JSTOR and the local Cambridge police, 677 00:44:33,775 --> 00:44:37,435 they had been taken over by the United States secret service. 678 00:44:37,550 --> 00:44:42,400 The secret service began investigating computer and credit card fraud in 1984, 679 00:44:42,600 --> 00:44:46,600 but 6 weeks after the attack on 9/11, their role expanded. 680 00:44:48,875 --> 00:44:51,065 President Bush used the "Patriot Act" 681 00:44:51,075 --> 00:44:55,575 to establish a network of what they called "Electronic Crimes Task Forces". 682 00:44:56,575 --> 00:45:01,590 The bill before me takes account of the new realities and dangers posed by modern terrorists. 683 00:45:01,600 --> 00:45:06,860 According to the secret service, they are primarily engaged in activity with economic impact, 684 00:45:06,870 --> 00:45:11,400 organized criminal groups or use of schemes involving new technology. 685 00:45:11,700 --> 00:45:16,190 The secret service turns Swartz's case over to the Boston US attorney's office. 686 00:45:16,200 --> 00:45:17,910 There was a guy in the US attorney's office 687 00:45:17,920 --> 00:45:22,240 who had the title "Head of the computer crimes division" or "task force" 688 00:45:22,300 --> 00:45:24,515 I don't know what else he had going 689 00:45:24,520 --> 00:45:27,390 but you're certainly not much of a computer crimes prosecutor 690 00:45:27,400 --> 00:45:31,365 without a computer crime to prosecute, so he jumped on it 691 00:45:31,370 --> 00:45:35,140 kept it for himself, didn't assign it to someone else within the office or the unit 692 00:45:35,150 --> 00:45:37,015 and that's Steve Heymann. 693 00:45:37,020 --> 00:45:41,990 Prosecutor Stephen Heymann has been largely out of public view since the arrest of Aaron Swartz, 694 00:45:42,000 --> 00:45:46,560 but he can be seen here in an episode of the television show "American Greed" 695 00:45:46,570 --> 00:45:48,640 filmed around the time of Aaron's arrest. 696 00:45:48,650 --> 00:45:53,510 He is describing his previous case against the notorious hacker Alberto Gonzalez, 697 00:45:53,525 --> 00:45:57,040 a case that garnered Heymann enormous press attention and accolades. 698 00:45:57,050 --> 00:46:02,065 Gonzalez masterminded the theft of over a hundred million credit card and ATM numbers 699 00:46:02,075 --> 00:46:04,325 the largest such fraud in history. 700 00:46:04,475 --> 00:46:09,675 Here Heymann, describing Gonzalez, gives his view on the hacker mindset. 701 00:46:10,200 --> 00:46:16,125 These guys are driven by a lot of the same things that we're driven by. 702 00:46:16,275 --> 00:46:22,240 They have an ego, they like challenge and of course they like money 703 00:46:22,250 --> 00:46:24,875 and everything you can get from money. 704 00:46:25,075 --> 00:46:27,660 One of the suspects implicated in the Gonzalez case 705 00:46:27,670 --> 00:46:30,000 was a young hacker named Jonathan James. 706 00:46:30,010 --> 00:46:33,115 Believing Gonzalez's crimes would be pinned on him 707 00:46:33,120 --> 00:46:36,060 James committed suicide during the investigation. 708 00:46:36,725 --> 00:46:41,240 In an early press release describing the government's position in the case of Aaron Swartz, 709 00:46:41,250 --> 00:46:46,365 Heymann's boss, US attorney for the district of Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz said this: 710 00:46:46,375 --> 00:46:50,160 "Stealing is stealing, whether you use a computer command or a crowbar, 711 00:46:50,170 --> 00:46:53,090 and whether you take documents, data, or dollars." 712 00:46:53,100 --> 00:46:56,100 It's not true. It's obviously not true. 713 00:46:56,400 --> 00:46:58,790 I'm not saying it's harmless 714 00:46:58,800 --> 00:47:05,475 and I'm not saying that we shouldn't criminalize stealing of information, 715 00:47:06,100 --> 00:47:09,565 but you've gotta be much more subtle in trying to figure out 716 00:47:09,575 --> 00:47:13,675 exactly which kind of harms are harmful here. 717 00:47:14,950 --> 00:47:16,538 So the thing about a crowbar is, 718 00:47:16,548 --> 00:47:19,368 every time I break into a place with a crowbar, 719 00:47:19,497 --> 00:47:21,837 I do damage. There's no doubt about it. 720 00:47:21,988 --> 00:47:23,370 But when Aaron writes a script 721 00:47:23,380 --> 00:47:27,640 that says: "download, download, download", a hundred times in a second, 722 00:47:28,160 --> 00:47:30,440 there's no obvious damage, to anybody. 723 00:47:30,948 --> 00:47:33,567 If he does that for the purpose of gathering 724 00:47:33,577 --> 00:47:35,960 an archive to do academic research on it 725 00:47:35,970 --> 00:47:38,130 there's never any damage to anybody. 726 00:47:38,434 --> 00:47:42,685 He wasn't stealing, he wasn't selling what he got or giving it away 727 00:47:43,074 --> 00:47:45,654 he was making a point as far as I can tell. 728 00:47:45,782 --> 00:47:47,965 The arrest took its toll on Swartz. 729 00:47:48,308 --> 00:47:51,310 He just wouldn't talk about it, and he's like very stressed 730 00:47:51,320 --> 00:47:55,270 if you thought like the FBI was like, going to come to your doorstep 731 00:47:55,280 --> 00:47:59,030 any day, any time you went down the hall, even to do your laundry 732 00:47:59,040 --> 00:48:02,675 and they would break in to your apartment, because you left the door unlocked 733 00:48:02,685 --> 00:48:07,177 I'd be pretty stressed. And it was clear, 734 00:48:07,291 --> 00:48:11,074 And so Aaron was always sort of, in a dour mood. 735 00:48:18,420 --> 00:48:22,102 He wouldn't give off any sensitive information 736 00:48:22,110 --> 00:48:23,870 about his whereabouts during this time, 737 00:48:23,880 --> 00:48:27,660 because he was so afraid that the FBI would be waiting for him. 738 00:48:30,948 --> 00:48:34,777 It was a time of unprecedented social and political activism. 739 00:48:35,737 --> 00:48:39,988 Time magazine would later name as their 2011 person of the year 740 00:48:39,990 --> 00:48:41,337 "the protester" 741 00:48:42,651 --> 00:48:46,068 There was a kind of hotbed of hacker activity going on. 742 00:48:48,948 --> 00:48:53,817 WikiLeaks had released a trove of diplomatic cables 743 00:48:53,977 --> 00:48:57,040 Manning had been under arrest at the time, 744 00:48:57,074 --> 00:48:59,898 it was unknown whether she was the source of the leak. 745 00:48:59,908 --> 00:49:04,697 Anonymous which is a kind of protest ensemble 746 00:49:04,720 --> 00:49:07,474 that has lots of hackers in its ranks, 747 00:49:07,520 --> 00:49:11,440 were going on various sprees of sorts. 748 00:49:11,611 --> 00:49:14,205 If you compare that to what he did 749 00:49:14,342 --> 00:49:18,218 his stuff should have been left behind for MIT and JSTOR to deal with, 750 00:49:18,228 --> 00:49:22,057 in a kind of private, professional manner. 751 00:49:22,060 --> 00:49:28,262 It should have never gotten the attention of the criminal system, 752 00:49:28,720 --> 00:49:30,731 It just didn't belong there. 753 00:49:36,628 --> 00:49:39,910 Before he was indicted, Swartz was offered a plea deal, 754 00:49:39,920 --> 00:49:43,440 that involved three months in prison, time in a halfway house, 755 00:49:43,450 --> 00:49:45,257 and a year of home detention, 756 00:49:45,348 --> 00:49:47,508 all without the use of a computer. 757 00:49:47,908 --> 00:49:52,011 It was on the condition that Swartz plead guilty to a felony. 758 00:49:52,217 --> 00:49:56,480 Here we are, we have no discovery, no evidence whatsoever 759 00:49:56,560 --> 00:49:58,240 about what the government's case is, 760 00:49:58,250 --> 00:50:01,634 and we have to make this immense decision, 761 00:50:01,805 --> 00:50:05,794 where the lawyer is pushing you do this, 762 00:50:05,965 --> 00:50:09,714 the government is giving you a non-negotiable demand, 763 00:50:09,817 --> 00:50:13,098 and you're told that your likelihood of prevailing is small. 764 00:50:13,108 --> 00:50:17,485 So whether you're guilty or not you're better off taking the deal. 765 00:50:18,468 --> 00:50:21,108 Boston has its own computer crimes division. 766 00:50:21,588 --> 00:50:25,222 Lots of lawyers. Probably more lawyers than they need. 767 00:50:25,420 --> 00:50:28,662 So, you know, you can imagine all sorts of cases 768 00:50:28,674 --> 00:50:30,172 where it would be really hard to prosecute 769 00:50:30,182 --> 00:50:33,177 cause you've got some criminals in Russia, 770 00:50:33,188 --> 00:50:38,260 or you've got some people inside a corporation that are gonna have $500 lawyers 771 00:50:38,270 --> 00:50:41,234 or $700 a hour lawyers sitting down against you 772 00:50:41,290 --> 00:50:43,750 and then you got this case with this kid, 773 00:50:43,874 --> 00:50:47,565 which is pretty easy to prove that he did something, 774 00:50:47,570 --> 00:50:52,525 and he has already marked himself as a troublemaker with the FBI, 775 00:50:52,530 --> 00:50:56,502 so why not go as tough as you can in here[?] against that guy? 776 00:50:56,510 --> 00:50:57,818 It's good for you the prosecutor, 777 00:50:57,828 --> 00:51:02,190 it's good for the republic 'cause you're fighting all those terrorist types 778 00:51:02,200 --> 00:51:03,531 I was so scared, 779 00:51:03,577 --> 00:51:05,390 I was so scared of having my computer seized, 780 00:51:05,400 --> 00:51:07,327 I was so scared of going to jail, 781 00:51:07,337 --> 00:51:10,068 because of my computer being seized. 782 00:51:10,137 --> 00:51:13,268 I had confidential material from sources 783 00:51:13,302 --> 00:51:15,402 from my previous work on my laptop. 784 00:51:15,634 --> 00:51:18,760 And that is above all my priority, 785 00:51:18,770 --> 00:51:20,411 is to keep my sources safe. 786 00:51:20,502 --> 00:51:24,697 I was so scared of what was gonna happen to Ada 787 00:51:25,508 --> 00:51:28,208 Aaron told me that they'd offered him a deal, 788 00:51:28,331 --> 00:51:32,240 and he finally just said, that he would take it if I told him to 789 00:51:32,891 --> 00:51:35,862 and I came real close to saying "take it". 790 00:51:37,862 --> 00:51:42,800 He had these... he had developed, like, serious political aspirations 791 00:51:42,868 --> 00:51:46,408 in the intervening time between when, you know, that moment 792 00:51:46,605 --> 00:51:51,360 when he ended that entrepreneurial startup life 793 00:51:51,360 --> 00:51:56,171 and begun this new life that had come to this political activism, 794 00:51:57,165 --> 00:52:02,765 and he just didn't believe that he could continue in his life 795 00:52:02,982 --> 00:52:05,742 with a felony, you know, he said to me one day 796 00:52:05,805 --> 00:52:07,910 we were walking by the white house and he said to me 797 00:52:07,920 --> 00:52:09,960 "they don't let felons work there" 798 00:52:17,752 --> 00:52:21,052 I mean, you know, he really wanted that to be his life. 799 00:52:22,112 --> 00:52:25,216 He hadn't killed anybody, he hadn't hurt anybody, 800 00:52:25,256 --> 00:52:27,768 he hadn't like stolen money, 801 00:52:28,208 --> 00:52:31,628 he hadn't done anything that seemed felony worthy, right? 802 00:52:31,808 --> 00:52:36,800 And, there is this idea that, like, 803 00:52:36,960 --> 00:52:38,990 there's no reason that he should be labeled a felon 804 00:52:39,000 --> 00:52:42,800 and taken away his right to vote in many states 805 00:52:43,320 --> 00:52:44,798 for doing what he did, like, 806 00:52:44,808 --> 00:52:46,890 that's just outrageous, like, it makes sense for him to be 807 00:52:46,900 --> 00:52:50,208 you know, maybe fined a bunch of money or 808 00:52:50,560 --> 00:52:53,872 you know, asked not to come back to MIT again 809 00:52:54,200 --> 00:52:57,904 but like, to be a felon? To face jail time? 810 00:53:01,120 --> 00:53:03,440 Swartz turned down the plea deal. 811 00:53:03,910 --> 00:53:06,824 Heymann redoubled his efforts, 812 00:53:06,968 --> 00:53:12,512 Heymann continued to press us, at all levels. 813 00:53:12,710 --> 00:53:14,510 Even with the physical evidence 814 00:53:14,520 --> 00:53:18,180 seized from Aaron's Acer computer, hard drive, and usb drive, 815 00:53:18,448 --> 00:53:21,268 the prosecutors needed evidence of his motives. 816 00:53:21,376 --> 00:53:24,696 Why was Aaron Swartz downloading articles from JSTOR? 817 00:53:24,824 --> 00:53:27,344 and just what did he plan to do with them? 818 00:53:29,160 --> 00:53:32,454 The government claim is that he was planning to publish these. 819 00:53:32,464 --> 00:53:36,008 We don't really know whether that was his real intention, 820 00:53:36,016 --> 00:53:38,116 because Aaron also had a history of 821 00:53:39,136 --> 00:53:42,768 doing projects where he'd analyze giant datasets of articles 822 00:53:42,920 --> 00:53:45,238 in order to learn interesting things about them. 823 00:53:45,248 --> 00:53:48,640 The best evidence for that was that when he was at Stanford 824 00:53:48,650 --> 00:53:53,192 he also downloaded the whole Westlaw legal database. 825 00:53:53,616 --> 00:53:55,854 In a project with Stanford law students, 826 00:53:55,864 --> 00:53:58,702 Swartz had downloaded the Westlaw legal database. 827 00:53:58,712 --> 00:54:00,910 He uncovered troubling connections between 828 00:54:00,920 --> 00:54:04,208 funders of legal research and favorable results. 829 00:54:04,488 --> 00:54:07,696 He did this amazing analysis of for-profit companies 830 00:54:07,700 --> 00:54:11,054 giving money to law professors who wrote law review articles, 831 00:54:11,064 --> 00:54:15,072 which were then beneficial to, like, Exxon, during an oil spill. 832 00:54:15,080 --> 00:54:19,528 So it was a very corrupt system of funding, you know, vanity research. 833 00:54:19,768 --> 00:54:22,680 Swartz had never released the Westlaw documents. 834 00:54:22,808 --> 00:54:25,646 In theory he could have been doing the same thing about the JSTOR database. 835 00:54:25,656 --> 00:54:27,558 That would have been completely OK. 836 00:54:27,568 --> 00:54:29,982 If he were on the other hand intending to 837 00:54:29,992 --> 00:54:33,040 create a competitive service to JSTOR, 838 00:54:33,184 --> 00:54:37,054 like we're gonna set up our own, you know, access to the Harvard Law Review, 839 00:54:37,064 --> 00:54:39,060 and charge money for it, 840 00:54:39,104 --> 00:54:42,030 then, you know, OK, now it seems like a criminal violation 841 00:54:42,040 --> 00:54:44,810 because you're commercially trying to exploit this material 842 00:54:44,820 --> 00:54:48,254 but that's kind of crazy to imagine that's what he was doing. 843 00:54:48,264 --> 00:54:49,638 So, but than there's a middle case 844 00:54:49,648 --> 00:54:53,726 what if he was just trying to liberate it for all of the developing world? 845 00:54:53,736 --> 00:54:55,350 But depending on what he was doing, 846 00:54:55,360 --> 00:54:59,174 it creates a very different character to how the law should be thinking about it. 847 00:54:59,184 --> 00:55:00,740 The government was prosecuting him 848 00:55:00,750 --> 00:55:03,550 as if this was like a commercial criminal violation 849 00:55:03,560 --> 00:55:05,590 like stealing a whole bunch of credit card records 850 00:55:05,600 --> 00:55:07,000 like it was that kind of crime. 851 00:55:07,010 --> 00:55:10,424 I don't know what he was gonna do with that database 852 00:55:10,430 --> 00:55:12,350 but I heard from a friend of his 853 00:55:12,360 --> 00:55:14,940 that Aaron had told him he was going to analyze the data 854 00:55:14,950 --> 00:55:18,390 for evidence of corporate funding of climate change research 855 00:55:18,400 --> 00:55:20,024 that led to biased results. 856 00:55:20,432 --> 00:55:22,752 And I totally believe that. 857 00:55:25,216 --> 00:55:28,096 I was just told that Steve wanted to talk to me. 858 00:55:29,152 --> 00:55:32,896 and I thought maybe this is a way I could get out of this. 859 00:55:33,136 --> 00:55:35,016 just exit the situation. 860 00:55:35,224 --> 00:55:38,662 And I didn't want to leave in fear of having my computer seized 861 00:55:38,672 --> 00:55:41,038 I didn't want to leave in fear of having to go to jail 862 00:55:41,048 --> 00:55:43,030 on a contempt of court charge if 863 00:55:43,080 --> 00:55:46,296 they tried to compel me to decrypt my computer 864 00:55:46,616 --> 00:55:50,156 when they came to me and said: "Steve wants to talk to you" 865 00:55:50,560 --> 00:55:52,208 that seemed reasonable. 866 00:55:52,864 --> 00:55:54,760 They offered Norton what is known as 867 00:55:54,770 --> 00:55:57,296 a "Queen for a day" letter or a proffer 868 00:55:57,576 --> 00:56:00,734 it allowed prosecutors to ask questions about Aaron's case. 869 00:56:00,744 --> 00:56:03,870 Norton would be given immunity from prosecution herself, 870 00:56:03,880 --> 00:56:06,342 for any information she revealed during the meeting. 871 00:56:06,352 --> 00:56:07,432 I didn't like it 872 00:56:07,630 --> 00:56:10,608 I told my lawyers repeatedly that I didn't, 873 00:56:10,920 --> 00:56:12,718 this seemed fishy, I didn't like this 874 00:56:12,728 --> 00:56:14,622 I didn't want immunity, I didn't need immunity 875 00:56:14,632 --> 00:56:16,112 I hadn't done anything. 876 00:56:16,248 --> 00:56:18,022 But they were really, really stringent 877 00:56:18,032 --> 00:56:21,696 they did not want me meeting the prosecutor without immunity. 878 00:56:21,800 --> 00:56:24,950 Interviewer: just to be clear, this is a "Queen For A Day" deal proffer 879 00:56:24,960 --> 00:56:25,910 Right, a proffer letter 880 00:56:25,920 --> 00:56:28,230 Interviewer: In which you basically handed information over 881 00:56:28,240 --> 00:56:30,350 in exchange for protection from prosecution. 882 00:56:30,360 --> 00:56:33,592 So, it wasn't handing information over, 883 00:56:33,624 --> 00:56:36,334 it was, at least that's not how I saw it, it was just 884 00:56:36,344 --> 00:56:38,246 having a discussion, having an interview with them 885 00:56:38,256 --> 00:56:41,062 Interviewer: Well, they're asking you questions Quinn: They're asking me questions 886 00:56:41,072 --> 00:56:42,400 Interviewer: And they can ask about whatever they want Quinn: Right 887 00:56:42,410 --> 00:56:44,334 Interviewer: and whatever they learn they can go and prosecute for that 888 00:56:44,344 --> 00:56:49,352 Right, I really... right, and I repeatedly tried to go in naked. 889 00:56:50,120 --> 00:56:53,536 I repeatedly tried to turn down the proffer letter. 890 00:56:53,800 --> 00:56:56,550 I was ill, I was being pressured by my lawyers, 891 00:56:56,560 --> 00:56:57,712 I was confused. 892 00:56:57,896 --> 00:57:01,208 I was not doing well by this point. 893 00:57:01,216 --> 00:57:03,006 I was depressed, and I was scared, 894 00:57:03,016 --> 00:57:05,710 and I didn't understand the situation I was in. 895 00:57:05,720 --> 00:57:08,888 I had no idea why I was in this situation. 896 00:57:09,000 --> 00:57:13,312 I hadn't done anything interesting, much less wrong. 897 00:57:13,584 --> 00:57:15,084 We were out of our minds. 898 00:57:15,096 --> 00:57:17,220 Aaron was clearly very destroyed about it, 899 00:57:17,230 --> 00:57:19,014 we were very destroyed about it. 900 00:57:19,024 --> 00:57:21,166 Aaron's attorneys were very destroyed about it. 901 00:57:21,176 --> 00:57:23,696 We tried to get Quinn to change attorneys. 902 00:57:23,768 --> 00:57:28,112 I was very unused to being in a room with large men, well armed, 903 00:57:28,672 --> 00:57:30,814 that are continually telling me I'm lying 904 00:57:30,824 --> 00:57:32,984 and that I must have done something. 905 00:57:33,736 --> 00:57:36,976 I told them that this thing that they were prosecuting 906 00:57:37,184 --> 00:57:39,936 wasn't a crime, 907 00:57:40,960 --> 00:57:43,222 I told them that they were on the wrong side of history 908 00:57:43,232 --> 00:57:44,518 I used that phrase, I said: 909 00:57:44,528 --> 00:57:46,748 "you're on the wrong side of history" 910 00:57:48,648 --> 00:57:49,702 And they looked bored, 911 00:57:49,712 --> 00:57:52,606 they didn't even look angry, they just looked bored 912 00:57:52,616 --> 00:57:55,220 and it began to occur to me that 913 00:57:55,230 --> 00:57:57,334 we weren't having the same conversation. 914 00:57:57,344 --> 00:57:59,380 I mean, I told them plenty of things about, you know 915 00:57:59,390 --> 00:58:02,870 why people would download journal articles, and eventually 916 00:58:03,120 --> 00:58:05,220 I don't remember what was around it 917 00:58:06,144 --> 00:58:08,390 I mentioned he had done this blog post 918 00:58:08,400 --> 00:58:10,560 the "Guerilla Open Access Manifesto" 919 00:58:12,736 --> 00:58:15,608 This is the guerilla open access manifesto 920 00:58:16,080 --> 00:58:19,704 supposedly written in July 2008, in Italy 921 00:58:20,296 --> 00:58:21,560 Information is power. 922 00:58:21,736 --> 00:58:22,810 But like all power, 923 00:58:22,820 --> 00:58:25,150 there are those who want to keep it for themselves. 924 00:58:25,160 --> 00:58:27,318 The world's entire scientific and cultural heritage, 925 00:58:27,328 --> 00:58:29,774 published over centuries in books and journals, 926 00:58:29,784 --> 00:58:32,070 is increasingly being digitized and locked up 927 00:58:32,080 --> 00:58:34,300 by a handful of private corporations. 928 00:58:34,320 --> 00:58:38,270 Meanwhile, those who have been locked out are not standing idly by. 929 00:58:38,280 --> 00:58:40,494 You have been sneaking through holes and climbing over fences, 930 00:58:40,504 --> 00:58:42,610 liberating the information locked up by the publishers 931 00:58:42,620 --> 00:58:44,598 and sharing them with your friends. 932 00:58:44,608 --> 00:58:47,574 But all of this action goes on in the dark, hidden underground. 933 00:58:47,584 --> 00:58:49,334 It's called stealing or piracy, 934 00:58:49,344 --> 00:58:52,140 as if sharing a wealth of knowledge were the moral equivalent of 935 00:58:52,150 --> 00:58:54,610 plundering a ship and murdering its crew. 936 00:58:54,728 --> 00:58:57,670 But sharing isn't immoral - it's a moral imperative. 937 00:58:57,680 --> 00:58:59,102 Only those blinded by greed 938 00:58:59,112 --> 00:59:01,572 would refuse to let a friend make a copy. 939 00:59:02,168 --> 00:59:04,440 There is no justice in following unjust laws. 940 00:59:04,450 --> 00:59:06,278 It's time to come into the light and, 941 00:59:06,288 --> 00:59:08,318 in the grand tradition of civil disobedience, 942 00:59:08,328 --> 00:59:12,108 declare our opposition to this private theft of public culture. 943 00:59:12,344 --> 00:59:16,392 The manifesto itself was allegedly written by four different people 944 00:59:16,728 --> 00:59:18,390 and also edited by Norton 945 00:59:18,696 --> 00:59:21,576 but it was Swartz who had signed his name to it. 946 00:59:21,624 --> 00:59:25,248 When it's over, I go immediately to Aaron 947 00:59:25,250 --> 00:59:28,070 and tell him everything I can remember about it 948 00:59:28,896 --> 00:59:30,384 And he gets very angry. 949 00:59:34,696 --> 00:59:38,176 The things that I'd done shouldn't have added up that way. 950 00:59:40,416 --> 00:59:42,808 I hadn't done anything wrong 951 00:59:43,272 --> 00:59:45,224 and everything had gone wrong 952 00:59:47,024 --> 00:59:48,216 but I was never... 953 00:59:56,904 --> 00:59:58,664 I'm still angry Saya masih marah 954 01:00:00,176 --> 01:00:02,036 I'm still angry that you can... Saya masih marah, kamu bisa 955 01:00:03,110 --> 01:00:06,350 ...try your best with these people to do the right thing ...kamu mencoba memberikan yang terbaik buat orang-orang, untuk melakukan hal yang benar 956 01:00:06,360 --> 01:00:08,576 and they turn everything against you dan mereka membuat semuanya balik melawanmu 957 01:00:08,600 --> 01:00:11,888 and they will hurt you with anything they can. dan mereka akan menyakitimu dengan cara apapun 958 01:00:14,840 --> 01:00:18,816 And, in that moment, I regret that I said what I did pada saat itu, saya menyesal mengatakan kepada mereka, apa yang saya lakukan 959 01:00:19,744 --> 01:00:23,216 but my much larger regret is that we've settled for this tapi penyesalan yang lebih besar saat kami tetap bertahan untuk ini 960 01:00:23,608 --> 01:00:25,432 that we're OK with this bahwa kami merasa baik-baik saja dengan semua ini 961 01:00:25,840 --> 01:00:28,960 that we're OK with a justice system which tries to game people bahwa kita baik-baik saja dengan keadilan yang mencoba untuk mempermainkan orang-orang 962 01:00:28,970 --> 01:00:32,090 into little traps so that they can ruin their lives. menjebak mereka, mengancurkan hidup mereka sendiri 963 01:00:32,784 --> 01:00:35,032 So, yeah, I wish I hadn't said that Jadi, ya, saya harap saya tidak harus mengatakannya 964 01:00:35,272 --> 01:00:41,104 but I'm much, much angrier that this is where I am tapi saya sangat sangat marah karena ini terjadi pada saya 965 01:00:42,552 --> 01:00:46,880 That this is what we as a people think is OK. karena kita pikir semua ini baik-baik saja 966 01:00:48,296 --> 01:00:52,232 They used every method that I think they could think of Mereka menggunakan cara apapun yang terpikirkan oleh mereka 967 01:00:52,256 --> 01:00:55,168 to get her to provide information which would be untuk memaksanya untuk memberikan informasi yang mungkin 968 01:00:55,180 --> 01:00:59,200 unhelpful to Aaron, and helpful to the prosecution of Aaron tidak membantu Aaron, tapi malah membantu penuntutan Aaron 969 01:01:00,394 --> 01:01:06,581 But, you know, I don't think she had information that was helpful to the government. Tapi saya tidak berpikir dia mempunyai informasi yang bisa membantu pemerintah. 970 01:01:08,032 --> 01:01:12,292 Months go by as Swartz's friends and family await a looming indictment. Beberapa bulan berlalu selagi teman-teman Swartz dan keluarganya menunggu dakwaan 971 01:01:12,426 --> 01:01:17,376 In the meantime, Swartz was becoming a goto expert on a series of Internet issues. Sementara itu, Swartz telah menjadi ahli untuk beberapa masalah terkait Internet. 972 01:01:17,930 --> 01:01:22,062 Do you think that the Internet is something that should be considered a human right Apakah kamu berpikir bahwa internet adalah salah satu hak asasi manusia 973 01:01:22,072 --> 01:01:25,130 something that the government can not take away from you? sesuatu yang tidak bisa direnggut oleh pemerintah darimu. 974 01:01:25,140 --> 01:01:26,967 Yes. Definitely. Ya. Tentu saja. 975 01:01:27,127 --> 01:01:30,614 I mean, this notion that national security is an excuse to shut down the Internet, Ada pendapat bahwa keamanan nasional adalah alasan untuk menutup Internet. 976 01:01:30,624 --> 01:01:34,280 that's exactly what we heard in Egypt, in Syria and all these other countries. Itu yang saya dengar di Mesir, Syiria, dan negara-negara lain. 977 01:01:34,290 --> 01:01:37,168 and so its true, sites like WikiLeaks are going to be putting up dan itu memang benar, situs-situs seperti Wikileaks akan merilis 978 01:01:37,178 --> 01:01:40,022 some embarrassing material about what what the US government does aib tentang apa dilakukan oleh pemerintah AS. 979 01:01:40,032 --> 01:01:42,506 and people are going to be organizing to protest about it dan orang-orang akan bersatu untuk memprotesnya 980 01:01:42,516 --> 01:01:44,019 and try and change their government. dan mencoba mengubah kebijakan pemerintah. 981 01:01:44,029 --> 01:01:46,160 You know, and that's a good thing. Kamu tahu, itu bagus. 982 01:01:46,210 --> 01:01:48,251 Thats what all these First Amendment rights of free expression, Itu semua hak "Amandemen Pertama" tentang kebebasan berekspresi, 983 01:01:48,261 --> 01:01:49,940 of freedom of association are all about. ini semua tentang kebebasan berasosiasi. 984 01:01:49,950 --> 01:01:52,360 and so the notion that we should try and shut those down Jadi, gagasan bahwa kita harus mencoba menutup internet, 985 01:01:52,370 --> 01:01:55,110 I think, just goes against very basic American principles. saya pikir, itu hanya akan bertentangan dengan prinsip dasar Amerika. 986 01:01:55,120 --> 01:01:58,128 a principle, I think, is one that our founding fathers would have understood. Sebuah perinsip, yang saya pikir dipahami salah satu pendiri negara kita. 987 01:01:58,138 --> 01:01:59,779 If the Internet had been around back then Jika internet kemudian meluas 988 01:01:59,789 --> 01:02:04,469 instead of putting Post Offices in the Constitution, they would have put ISPs. alih-alih menggunakan jasa pos, mereka akan menggunakan ISP (Internet Service Provider). 989 01:02:05,504 --> 01:02:10,261 Swartz meets activist Taren Steinbrickner-Kauffman and the two begin to date. Swartz bertemu seorang aktivis, Taren Steinbrickner-Kauffman, dan mereka berpacaran. 990 01:02:10,794 --> 01:02:12,427 ...we need a massive public outcry. ...kami butuh kegelisahan publik yang masif. 991 01:02:12,437 --> 01:02:15,648 If there is no massive global public outcry. It won't create any change. Tidak ada kegelisahan publik yang masif. Itu tidak akan menciptakan perubahan apapun. 992 01:02:15,658 --> 01:02:19,008 You know, 4 people in this city should cause a massive global public outcry. Ya, empat orang di kota ini akan membuat kemarahan publik yang masif. 993 01:02:19,018 --> 01:02:22,140 You know, we need a petition signer. Yeah, kita butuh penandatangan petisi. 994 01:02:22,390 --> 01:02:24,215 Without telling her specifics, he warned her Tanpa menjelaskan detailnya, dia sudah memperingatkan bahwa 995 01:02:24,225 --> 01:02:27,790 he was involved in something he called simply "the bad thing". dia sudah terlibat dengan "sesuatu yang buruk" 996 01:02:27,800 --> 01:02:29,917 And I had, sort of, crazy theories, like Dan saya, hanya terpikirkan tentang teori-teori gila 997 01:02:29,927 --> 01:02:33,270 that he was having an affair with Elizabeth Warren or something mungkin dia punya hubungan dengan Elizabeth Warrent atau 998 01:02:33,280 --> 01:02:36,580 I speculated both Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren. Saya berspekulasi, Hillary Clinton dan Elizabeth Warent. 999 01:02:38,000 --> 01:02:41,767 So sometime in probably late July, Aaron called me Lalu, mungkin waktu itu akhir Juli, Aaron menelepon saya 1000 01:02:42,356 --> 01:02:44,636 and I happened to pick up and he said: dan saya mengangkatnya dan dia bilang : 1001 01:02:45,265 --> 01:02:47,524 "The bad thing might be in the news tomorrow" "Hal buruk mungkin akan muncul di berita, besok" 1002 01:02:47,534 --> 01:02:49,662 "Do you want me to tell you or do you want to read about it in the news". "Apakah kamu mau aku ceritakan langsung atau kamu ingin membacanya di berita besok?" 1003 01:02:49,672 --> 01:02:51,832 and I said: "I want you to tell me." kubilang, "Ceritakan padaku" 1004 01:02:53,469 --> 01:02:58,654 and he said: "Well, I've been arrested" dan dia bilang, "Well, aku ditangkap polisi" 1005 01:02:58,690 --> 01:03:00,830 "for downloading too many academic journal articles" "karena mengunduh terlalu banyak artikel/jurnal akademik (paper)" 1006 01:03:00,840 --> 01:03:03,540 "and they want to make an example out of me." "dan mereka ingin menjadikan aku sebagai contoh." 1007 01:03:04,240 --> 01:03:08,906 and I was like: "That's it? That's the big fuss? Really?" dan saya, "Kacau. Beneran?" 1008 01:03:09,288 --> 01:03:11,307 "it just doesn't sound like a very big deal." "kedengarannya bukan sesuatu yang serius." 1009 01:03:11,317 --> 01:03:17,632 On July 14th, 2011, Federal prosecutors indict Swartz on 4 felony counts. Pada 14 Juli 2011, penuntut umum mendakwa Swartz atas 4 kejahatan. 1010 01:03:17,630 --> 01:03:18,613 He gets indicted Dia didakwa 1011 01:03:18,871 --> 01:03:24,110 on the same day that two people in England who are part of LulzSec get arrested Di hari yang sama di Inggris, 2 orang dari LulzSec ditangkap 1012 01:03:24,410 --> 01:03:26,995 and few other real hackers dan beberapa hacker lain 1013 01:03:27,288 --> 01:03:29,910 and Aaron is just someone who kind of looks like a hacker dan Aaron hanya seseorang yang kelihatan seperti hacker 1014 01:03:29,920 --> 01:03:35,082 enough that, they can like, put his head on the stick and put it on the gates. mereka menekan kepalanya ke pagar dan mendorongnya ke pintu. 1015 01:03:35,317 --> 01:03:38,794 Aaron went to surrender and they arrested him. Aaron menyerah dan mereka menangkapnya 1016 01:03:39,178 --> 01:03:42,336 they then strip searched him. kemudian mereka menggeledahnya 1017 01:03:42,417 --> 01:03:45,137 took away his shoelaces, took away his belt melepas tali sepatunya, sabuknya 1018 01:03:45,324 --> 01:03:47,544 and left him in solitary confinement. dan membawanya ke ruang penjara terisolasi 1019 01:03:50,290 --> 01:03:52,941 The District of Massachusetts, United States Attorney's Office Distrik Massachusetts, kantor pengacara AS 1020 01:03:52,951 --> 01:03:54,862 released a statement saying: merilis statemen: 1021 01:03:54,897 --> 01:03:57,795 "Swartz faces up to 35 years in prison "Swartz menghadapi tuntutan 35 tahun di penjara 1022 01:03:57,875 --> 01:04:00,656 to be followed by 3 years of supervised release dan 3 tahun bebas bersyarat 1023 01:04:00,666 --> 01:04:05,350 restitution, forfeiture and a fine of up to $1 million dollars." denda dan ganti rugi yang mencapai 1 juta dollar AS 1024 01:04:06,248 --> 01:04:09,130 He is released on a $100,000 bail. Dia dibebaskan atas jaminan sebesar $100.000 1025 01:04:09,380 --> 01:04:12,417 The same day, the primary victim in the case JSTOR Pada hari yang sama, korban utama dari kasus JSTOR 1026 01:04:12,560 --> 01:04:17,217 formally drops all charges against Swartz and declines to pursue the case. membatalkan tuntutan biaya terhadap Swartz dan menolak melanjutkan kasus tersebut. 1027 01:04:17,822 --> 01:04:21,661 JSTOR, they weren't our friends. They weren't helpful or friendly to us JSTOR, mereka bukan kawan kami. Mereka tidak membantu sama sekali, tidak ramah terhadap kami. 1028 01:04:21,671 --> 01:04:25,270 but they also were just kind of like "We are not part of this". mereka tidak ingin terlibat 1029 01:04:25,280 --> 01:04:27,560 JSTOR, and their parent company Ithica JSTOR, dan induk perusahaannya, Ithica 1030 01:04:27,662 --> 01:04:30,780 also sidestepped requests to talk with this film. juga menolak untuk berpendapat di film dokumenter ini. 1031 01:04:30,970 --> 01:04:33,341 But at the time they released a statement saying Saat itu mereka mengatakan bahwa 1032 01:04:33,351 --> 01:04:37,371 it was the government's decision whether to prosecute, not JSTOR's. ada keterlibatan pemerintah di tuntutan ini, bukan dari JSTOR 1033 01:04:38,208 --> 01:04:42,304 And so it was our belief that with that the case would be over dan dengan demikian, kami percaya kasus ini bisa selesai 1034 01:04:42,675 --> 01:04:45,385 that we should be able to get Stephen Heymann to drop the case dan kami seharusnya bisa menyakinkan Stephen Heymann untuk membatalkan kasus ini 1035 01:04:45,395 --> 01:04:48,170 or settle in some rational way. atau menyelesaikannya dengan lebih rasional 1036 01:04:48,789 --> 01:04:50,409 And the government refused. namun pemerintah menolak 1037 01:04:51,137 --> 01:04:52,157 Interviewer: Why? Pewawancara : Mengapa? 1038 01:04:55,315 --> 01:04:58,140 Well, because I think, they wanted to make an example out of Aaron Em, karena kupikir, mereka ingin menjadikan Aaron contoh untuk isu ini 1039 01:04:58,150 --> 01:05:03,200 and they said the reason why they wouldn't move on dan mereka bilang alasan mereka tetap bersikeras, 1040 01:05:03,235 --> 01:05:05,474 requiring a felony conviction and jail time mereka perlu kepastian tuntutan dan masa hukuman 1041 01:05:05,484 --> 01:05:12,190 was that they wanted to use this case as a case for deterrence. mereka ingin menggunakan kasus ini sebagai pencegahan / kasus pendukung (di masa depan) 1042 01:05:12,192 --> 01:05:13,301 They told us that. Mereka bilang begitu pada kami 1043 01:05:13,395 --> 01:05:14,212 Interviewer: They told you that? Pewawancara: Mereka bilang seperti itu? 1044 01:05:14,222 --> 01:05:15,000 Yes. Iya. 1045 01:05:15,315 --> 01:05:17,376 Interviewer: This was gonna be an example? Aaron's Father: Yes. Pewawancara: Kasus ini akan jadi contoh? Ayah Aaron : Ya. 1046 01:05:17,386 --> 01:05:21,945 Interviewer: He was gonna be an example? Aaron's Father: Yes. Steve Heymann said that. Pewawancara: Dia akan jadi contoh? Ayah Aaron : Ya. Stephen Heymann bilang begitu. 1047 01:05:21,955 --> 01:05:23,413 Deterring who? Pencegahan terhadap siapa? 1048 01:05:23,466 --> 01:05:26,505 There's no other people running around logging onto JSTOR Banyak orang yang menggunakan JSTOR 1049 01:05:26,515 --> 01:05:29,710 and downloading the articles to make a political statement, I mean, who are they deterring? dan mengunduh artikel. Maksudku, siapa yang ingin mereka cegah? 1050 01:05:29,720 --> 01:05:35,502 It would be easier to understand the Obama Administration's posture Akan lebih mudah untuk memahami sikap Obama 1051 01:05:35,520 --> 01:05:40,853 of supposedly being for deterrence if this was an Administration that, for instance [?] 1052 01:05:40,880 --> 01:05:45,883 prosecuted arguably the biggest economic crime that this country has seen in the last 100 years bisa dibilang adalah tindakan kriminal ekonomi terbesar dari 100 tahun terakhir 1053 01:05:45,893 --> 01:05:50,114 the crimes that were committed that led to the financial crisis on Wall Street. tindakan kriminal yang membawa krisis ke Wall Street 1054 01:05:50,124 --> 01:05:58,310 When you start deploying the non-controversial idea of deterrence only selectively Ketika kamu mencoba memulai pencegahan ide-ide yang kurang kontroversial 1055 01:05:58,360 --> 01:06:01,964 you stop making a dispassionate analysis of law breaking kamu berhenti berpihak ke sisi analisis pelanggaran hukumnya 1056 01:06:02,000 --> 01:06:06,417 and you start deciding to deploy law enforcement resources dan kamu mulai memutuskan untuk mencari-cari alasan untuk penegakan hukum 1057 01:06:06,520 --> 01:06:10,151 specifically on the basis of political ideology terutama di ideologi politik dasar 1058 01:06:10,275 --> 01:06:15,570 and thats not just un-democratic it is supposed to be un-American. dan itu sangat tidak demokratis, sangat tidak Amerika 1059 01:06:19,850 --> 01:06:24,050 Prosecutor Stephen Heymann later reportedly told MIT's outside counsel Penuntut Umum Stephen Heymann kemudian dilaporkan menceritakan ke pihak MIT di luar pengadilan 1060 01:06:24,150 --> 01:06:27,456 that the straw that broke the camel's back was a press release bahwa yang merusak semuanya adalah rilis pres 1061 01:06:27,466 --> 01:06:31,323 sent out by an organization Swartz founded called "Demand Progress". yang dikeluarkan oleh organisasi yang didirikan Swartz, "Demand Progress". 1062 01:06:31,333 --> 01:06:33,120 According to the MIT account Merujuk ke situs MIT 1063 01:06:33,191 --> 01:06:35,981 Heymann reacted to the short statement of support Heymann bereaksi terhadap dukungan untuk Demand Progress 1064 01:06:35,991 --> 01:06:38,186 calling it a wild Internet campaign ia menyebutnya, kampanye internet liar 1065 01:06:38,302 --> 01:06:44,160 and a foolish move that moved the case from human one-on-one level to an institutional level. dan keputusan bodoh yang membawa kasus ini lebih berat ke level institusi 1066 01:06:44,231 --> 01:06:46,622 That was a poisonous combination. Kombinasi yang berbahaya 1067 01:06:46,684 --> 01:06:51,234 A prosecutor who didn't want to lose face, who had a political career in the offing maybe Seorang penuntut umum yang tidak ingin citranya rusak, yang mungkin sedang ditawari karir politik 1068 01:06:51,244 --> 01:06:53,492 and didn't want to have this come back and haunt them. dan tidak ingin hal ini kembali dan terus menghantuinya 1069 01:06:53,502 --> 01:06:57,888 you spent how many tax dollars arresting someone for taking too many books out of the library Kamu menghabiskan begitu banyak uang pajak untuk menangkap seseorang hanya karena ia mengambil terlalu banyak buku dari perpustakaan 1070 01:06:57,898 --> 01:07:00,960 and then got your ass handed to you in court. No way! dan kamu kalah di pengadilan. Tidak mungkin! 1071 01:07:00,970 --> 01:07:04,648 I then moved to try and put pressure on MIT in various ways Kemudian saya coba menekan MIT dengan berbagai cara 1072 01:07:04,684 --> 01:07:06,381 to get them to go to the government agar mereka bilang ke pemerintah 1073 01:07:06,391 --> 01:07:10,071 and request the government to stop the prosecution. minta pemerintah untuk menghentikan penuntutan. 1074 01:07:11,217 --> 01:07:13,737 Interviewer: What was MIT's reaction then? Pewawancara: Apa reaksi MIT? 1075 01:07:14,275 --> 01:07:17,935 There doesn't seem to be any reaction from MIT at that point. Sepertinya tidak ada reaksi apapun dari MIT pada saat itu. 1076 01:07:23,110 --> 01:07:25,724 MIT doesn't defend Aaron MIT tidak membela Aaron, 1077 01:07:25,910 --> 01:07:30,497 which to people inside of MIT community seems outrageous hal ini sangat memalukan di mata komunitas IT 1078 01:07:30,542 --> 01:07:35,700 because MIT is a place that encourages hacking in the biggest sense of the word. karena MIT adalah tempat di mana hacking sangat membudaya. 1079 01:07:35,900 --> 01:07:39,740 At MIT the idea of going and running around on roofs and tunnels Di MIT, ide dan inovasi di bawah atap dan di lorong-lorong [?] 1080 01:07:39,751 --> 01:07:43,711 that you weren't allowed to be in, was not only a rite of passage, yang tidak boleh kamu masuki, ini bukan hanya ritual, 1081 01:07:43,733 --> 01:07:45,870 it was part of the MIT tour itu adalah bagian dari tur di MIT, 1082 01:07:45,877 --> 01:07:49,952 and lock picking was a winter course at MIT. "membuka kunci dengan pin" (lock picking) adalah kursus musim dingin di MIT 1083 01:07:50,990 --> 01:07:56,074 They had the moral authority to stop it in its tracks. Mereka memiliki otoritas moral untuk menghentikan kasus Aaron 1084 01:07:56,186 --> 01:08:00,780 MIT never stood up and took a position of saying to the Feds: MIT tidak pernah mengambil sikap untuk mengatakan kepada FBI: 1085 01:08:00,980 --> 01:08:03,902 "Don't do this. We don't want you to do this "Jangan lakukan ini. Kami tidak ingin kalian melakukan ini 1086 01:08:03,937 --> 01:08:07,657 you are over reacting, this is too strong", that I'm aware of. kalian berlebihan, ini keterlaluan", itu yang aku sadari. 1087 01:08:08,800 --> 01:08:12,506 They acted kind of like any corporation would. Mereka bertindak seperti yang akan dilakukan perusahaan-perusahaan lain. 1088 01:08:12,551 --> 01:08:15,680 They helped the government, they didn't help us Mereka membantu pemerintah dan mereka tidak membantu kami, 1089 01:08:15,680 --> 01:08:21,418 unless they felt that they had to, and they never tried to stop it. setidaknya mereka merasa harus, tapi mereka tidak pernah mencoba menghentikannya. 1090 01:08:22,442 --> 01:08:25,216 MIT declined repeated requests to comment. setidaknya mereka merasa harus, tapi mereka tidak pernah mencoba menghentikannya. 1091 01:08:25,216 --> 01:08:30,198 but they later released a report saying that they attempted to maintain a position of neutrality tapi kemudian mereka menyatakan bahwa mereka mencoba mempertahankan posisi netral dalam kasus ini 1092 01:08:30,208 --> 01:08:35,851 and believed Heymann and the US Attorney's office did not care what MIT thought or said about the case. dan mereka percaya Hermann dan kantor pengacara AS tidak peduli tentang pendapat MIT terhadap kasus ini 1093 01:08:35,861 --> 01:08:41,472 MIT's behavior seemed really at odds with the MIT ethos. sikap MIT tampak benar-benar bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip MIT sendiri. 1094 01:08:42,069 --> 01:08:47,274 You could argue that MIT turned a blind eye and that was okay for them to do kamu bisa berargumen bahwa MIT menutup mata seolah semua baik-baik saja 1095 01:08:47,445 --> 01:08:52,747 but taking that stance, taking that neutral stance in and of itself, was taking a pro-prosecutor stance. tetapi mengambil sikap yang seperti itu, mengambil sikap netral di sini artinya mendukung dan berpihak ke penuntut umum. 1096 01:08:52,757 --> 01:08:58,922 If you look at Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniack, they started by selling a blue box Lihat Steve Jobs dan Steve Wozniack, mereka mulai dengan menjual bluebox 1097 01:08:58,922 --> 01:09:01,700 which was a thing designed to defraud the phone company. yang dirancang untuk mencurangi perusahaan telepon 1098 01:09:01,710 --> 01:09:04,506 If you look at Bill Gates and Paul Allen, Lihat Bill Gates dan Paul Allen, 1099 01:09:04,551 --> 01:09:08,811 they initially started their business by using computer time at Harvard Mereka diam-diam memulai bisnis mereka dengan menggunakan komputer milik Harvad 1100 01:09:08,826 --> 01:09:11,130 which was pretty clearly against the rules. yang jelas-jelas melanggar aturan 1101 01:09:11,140 --> 01:09:13,456 The difference between Aaron and the people that I just mentioned Perbedaan antara Aaron dan orang-orang yang tadi saya sebutkan 1102 01:09:13,466 --> 01:09:18,806 is that Aaron wanted to make the world a better place, he didn't just want to make money. adalah bahwa Aaron ingin membuat dunia ini menjadi tempat yang lebih baik, dia tidak menginginkan uang 1103 01:09:19,244 --> 01:09:23,300 Swartz continues to be outspoken on a variety of Internet Issues. Swartz masih terus bersuara tentang berbagai isu internet. 1104 01:09:23,440 --> 01:09:28,580 You know, the reason the Internet works is because of the competitive marketplace of ideas. Salah satu alasan internet masih ada adalah internet merupakan pasar ide yang kompetitif 1105 01:09:28,590 --> 01:09:31,838 and what we need to be focusing on is getting more information about our government dan kita harus fokus mengumpulkan informasi tentang pemerintah kita 1106 01:09:31,848 --> 01:09:34,731 more accessibility, more discussion, more debate. lebih banyak akses, lebih banyak diskusi, lebih banyak debat. 1107 01:09:34,741 --> 01:09:38,505 but instead, it seems what Congress is focused on, is shutting things down namun tampaknya, apa yang menjadi fokus Congress adalah menutup layanan-layanan di internet 1108 01:09:38,515 --> 01:09:40,478 Aaron thought he could change the world Aaron berfikir bahwa dia bisa mengubah dunia 1109 01:09:40,488 --> 01:09:44,071 just by explaining the world very clearly to people. hanya dengan menjelaskan dunia dengan gamblang kepada masyarakat. 1110 01:09:44,346 --> 01:09:48,920 FLAME can literally control your computer and make it spy on you. FLAME benar-benar bisa mengontrol komputermu dan memata-mataimu. 1111 01:09:48,960 --> 01:09:52,050 Welcome Aaron, good to have you back on the show here. Selamat datang, Aaron, senang kamu kembali ke acara ini. 1112 01:09:52,060 --> 01:09:54,360 You know, just like spies used to, in olden days, ya, seperti yang biasa dilakukan mata-mata, di masa lalu, 1113 01:09:54,370 --> 01:09:56,363 put microphones and tap what people were saying, menggunakan mikrofon dan menyadap apa pun yang orang-orang katakan, 1114 01:09:56,373 --> 01:09:59,243 now they are using computers to do the same things. sekarang mereka menggunakan komputer untuk hal yang sama. 1115 01:09:59,253 --> 01:10:01,621 Swartz's political activity continues, aktifitas politik Swartz berlanjut, 1116 01:10:01,777 --> 01:10:06,838 his attention turning to a bill moving through Congress designed to curb on-line piracy. perhatiannya teralih ke rancangan undang-undang pajak yang disusun untuk mengekang pembajakan online 1117 01:10:06,848 --> 01:10:08,896 It was called SOPA. yang disebut SOPA. 1118 01:10:09,200 --> 01:10:12,980 Activists like Peter Eckersley saw it as an enormous overreach, Aktivis seperti Peter Eckersley melihatnya sebagai sesuatu yang sangat berlebihan [?] 1119 01:10:13,084 --> 01:10:15,883 threatening the technical integrity of Internet itself. mengancam integritas teknis internet itu sendiri. 1120 01:10:15,893 --> 01:10:18,230 And one of the first things I did was to call Aaron, Salah satu hal yang pertama saya lakukan adalah menghubungi Aaron, 1121 01:10:18,240 --> 01:10:21,900 and I said can we do a big on-line campaign against this, dan saya katakan bahwa kita bisa melakukan kampanye daring yang besar untuk melawan ini, 1122 01:10:21,955 --> 01:10:24,115 "This isn't a bill about copyright." Ini bukan undang-undang tentang hak cipta, 1123 01:10:25,109 --> 01:10:25,941 "It's not?" Bukan? 1124 01:10:26,355 --> 01:10:29,930 "No", he said. "It's a bill about the freedom to connect." Bukan, katanya. Itu undang-undang tentang kebebasan menghubungkan. 1125 01:10:30,533 --> 01:10:31,733 Now I was listening. Sekarang saya mengerti. 1126 01:10:32,177 --> 01:10:35,608 And he thought about it for a while and then said yes, dan dia memikirkan hal itu sebentar, kemudian mengiyakan, 1127 01:10:35,715 --> 01:10:38,115 and he went and founded Demand Progress. dan dia segera mendirikan Demand Progress. 1128 01:10:38,400 --> 01:10:40,710 Demand Progress in an on-line activism organization. Demand Progress adalah organisasi aktivis daring. 1129 01:10:40,720 --> 01:10:44,240 We got around a million and half members now. Sekarang kami punya, kira-kira, satu setengah juta anggota. 1130 01:10:44,355 --> 01:10:47,182 But started in the Fall on 2010. Tapi mulai musim gugur pada tahun 2010 1131 01:10:47,297 --> 01:10:49,332 Aaron was one of the most prominent people Aaron menjadi salah satu orang yang terkemuka 1132 01:10:49,342 --> 01:10:52,043 in a community of people who helped lead organizing di antara orang-orang yang membantu memimpin pergerakan 1133 01:10:52,053 --> 01:10:55,750 around social justice issues at the federal level in this country. terhadap isu keadilan sosial di tingkat federal di negara ini. 1134 01:10:55,760 --> 01:11:01,440 SOPA was the bill that was intended to curtail on-line piracy of music and movies, SOPA adalah undang-undang yang dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi pembajakan musik dan film daring, 1135 01:11:01,480 --> 01:11:04,897 but what it did was basically take a sledge hammer namun isi rancangan SOPA itu seperti menggunakan palu godam 1136 01:11:04,924 --> 01:11:07,060 to a problem that needed a scalpel. untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang bisa diselesaikan dengan pisau kecil 1137 01:11:07,226 --> 01:11:11,918 If passed, the law would allow a company to cut off finances to entire websites Jika disahkan, akan mengizinkan perusahaan untuk mengambil pendapatan dari situs-situs lain 1138 01:11:11,928 --> 01:11:16,650 without due process or even to force Google to exclude their links tanpa melalui proses yang semestinya atau bahkan memaksa Google untuk menghilangkan tautan mereka 1139 01:11:16,949 --> 01:11:20,609 all they needed was a single claim of copyright infringement. Yang mereka perlukan hanya sebuah klaim pelanggaran hak cipta 1140 01:11:20,808 --> 01:11:23,918 It pitted the titans of traditional media against a new Ini mengadu raksasa media tradisional melawan 1141 01:11:23,928 --> 01:11:26,720 and now far more sophisticated remix culture. budaya campuran baru 1142 01:11:27,160 --> 01:11:30,340 It makes everyone who runs a website into a policeman Membuat para pemilik situs web menjadi polisi untuk situs mereka sendiri 1143 01:11:30,382 --> 01:11:33,056 and if they don't do their job of making sure nobody on their site dan jika mereka tidak mampu memastikan bahwa tak seorang pun di situs web mereka 1144 01:11:33,066 --> 01:11:35,643 uses it for anything that's even potentially illegal yang menggunakan atau melakukan sesuatu yang berpotensi ilegal, 1145 01:11:35,653 --> 01:11:38,612 the entire site could get shutdown without even so much as a trial. keseluruhan situs web akan ditutup paksa bahkan tanpa pemeriksaan pengadilan 1146 01:11:38,622 --> 01:11:43,500 This was over the top. I mean, this was a catastrophe. Ini sangat melampaui batas. Maksudku, ini adalah malapetaka. 1147 01:11:43,706 --> 01:11:49,310 This bill poses a serious threat to speech and civil liberties Pajak ini memunculkan ancaman serius terhadap kebebasan berbicara dan berekspresi 1148 01:11:49,368 --> 01:11:51,570 for all who use the Internet. untuk semua orang yang menggunakan Internet 1149 01:11:51,626 --> 01:11:55,848 Only handful of us who said: "Look we are not for piracy either Hanya sebagian kecil dari kami yang berkata : "Lihat kami tidak mendukung pembajakan 1150 01:11:56,293 --> 01:11:59,074 but it makes no sense to destroy the architecture of the Internet, namun ini sama sekali tidak masuk akal untuk menghancurkan arsitektur internet 1151 01:11:59,084 --> 01:12:03,466 the domain name system and so much that makes it free and open DNS dan banyak lagi, yang membuat semuanya bebas dan terbuka 1152 01:12:03,591 --> 01:12:06,080 in the name of fighting piracy atas nama perlawanan terhadap pembajakan" 1153 01:12:06,142 --> 01:12:07,670 and Aaron got that right away. dan Aaron langsung memahaminya. 1154 01:12:07,680 --> 01:12:09,643 The freedoms guaranteed in our constitution, Kebebasan dijamin di konstitusi kita 1155 01:12:09,653 --> 01:12:13,840 the freedoms our country had been built on would be suddenly deleted. kebebasan yang sudah dibangun di negara kita dapat terhapus tiba-tiba 1156 01:12:14,124 --> 01:12:16,932 New technology, instead of bringing us greater freedom Teknologi baru, alih-alih memberikan kita kebebasan yang lebih besar 1157 01:12:16,942 --> 01:12:21,382 would have snuffed out fundamental rights we had always taken for granted. malah mengambil hak-hak kita yang paling dasar, yang sebelumnya telah dijamin 1158 01:12:21,422 --> 01:12:26,850 And I realized that day, talking to Peter, that I couldn't let that happen. dan saya menyadarinya di hari saya berbincang-bincang dengan Peter, saya tidak bisa membiarkan ini terjadi 1159 01:12:28,497 --> 01:12:33,360 When SOPA was introduced in October 2011 it was considered inevitable. Ketika SOPA pertama kali dikenalkan pada Oktober 2011, saat itu tidak terelakkan 1160 01:12:33,422 --> 01:12:37,510 Our strategy when it first came out was to hopefully slow the bill down strategi kami saat itu adalah menurunkan pajaknya perlahan 1161 01:12:37,520 --> 01:12:39,573 maybe weaken it a little bit mungkin melemahkan sedikit demi sedikit 1162 01:12:39,600 --> 01:12:44,355 but even we didn't think that we would be able to stop this bill. tapi kami bahkan tidak berpikir bahwa kami bisa menghentikannya secara total 1163 01:12:45,920 --> 01:12:49,431 Having worked in Washington what you learn is that Setelah bekerja di Washington, kamu akan menyadari bahwa 1164 01:12:49,982 --> 01:12:53,377 typically in Washington the legislative fights Di Washington, perseteruan antara wakil-wakil rakyat 1165 01:12:53,644 --> 01:12:57,760 are fights between different sets of corporate money interests. sebenarnya adalah perseteruan antara kelompok-kelompok perusahaan yang berorientasi uang 1166 01:12:58,000 --> 01:13:00,613 And all duking it out to pass legislation dan semua saling memperjuangkan habis-habisan untuk disahkan 1167 01:13:00,650 --> 01:13:05,376 and the fights that are the closest are when you have one set of corporate interests dan perseteruan terdekat adalah saat kamu membawa kepentingan perusahaan 1168 01:13:05,386 --> 01:13:08,158 against another set of corporate interests and they are financially melawan kepentingan perusahan lain dan secara finansial mereka 1169 01:13:08,168 --> 01:13:11,158 equally matched in terms of campaign contributions and lobbying. 1170 01:13:11,168 --> 01:13:12,788 Those are the closest ones. Itu contoh paling dekat. 1171 01:13:13,013 --> 01:13:15,518 The ones that aren't even fights, typically, Contoh yang sebenarnya sama sekali tidak berjuang 1172 01:13:15,528 --> 01:13:18,440 are ones where all the money is on one side adalah yang memiliki uang di satu sisi 1173 01:13:18,480 --> 01:13:20,381 all the corporations are on one side, dan didukung perusahaan-perusahaan di sisi lain 1174 01:13:20,391 --> 01:13:23,391 and its just millions of people on the other side. sementara ada jutaan orang di sisi yang berlawanan 1175 01:13:25,141 --> 01:13:30,560 I haven't seen anything like PIPA and SOPA in all my time in public service Selama saya bekerja, saya tidak pernah melihat sesuatu yang seperti PIPA dan SOPA, 1176 01:13:31,413 --> 01:13:36,832 there were more than 40 United States senators on that bill as co-sponsors. Ada lebih dari 40 senat AS yang mendukung pajak ini. 1177 01:13:37,557 --> 01:13:43,744 So they were already a long long way to getting 60 votes to clear all the procedural hoops. jadi jalannya masih panjang untuk mendapatkan 60 vote, untuk membatalkan SOPA 1178 01:13:44,682 --> 01:13:48,010 Even I began to doubt myself. It was a rough period. Bahkan saya mulai meragukan diri saya sendiri. Periode yang buruk. 1179 01:13:48,010 --> 01:13:51,850 Swartz and Demand Progress were able to marshal enormous support Swartz dan Demand Progress berhasil mendapatkan dukungan yang besar 1180 01:13:52,106 --> 01:13:56,168 using traditional outrage combined with commonly used Voice over IP menggunakan kecaman tradisional dikombinasikan dengan komunikasi VoIP 1181 01:13:56,370 --> 01:13:59,310 to make it very easy for people to call Congress. yang memudahkan orang-oranng untuk menghubungi Congress 1182 01:13:59,850 --> 01:14:03,857 I've never met anybody else who was able to operate at his level, Saya belum pernah menemui seseorang yang selevel dengan Aaron 1183 01:14:03,928 --> 01:14:08,320 both on the technological side and on the campaign strategy side. baik dari sisi teknis / teknologi maupun dari strategi kampanye 1184 01:14:08,453 --> 01:14:12,593 Millions of people contacted Congress and signed anti-SOPA petitions. Jutaan orang menelepon Congress dan menandatangani petisi anti-SOPA 1185 01:14:13,048 --> 01:14:14,970 Congress was caught off guard. Congress kalah telak 1186 01:14:15,660 --> 01:14:20,670 There was just something about watching those clueless members of Congress debate the bill, Ada hal lucu saat menonton beberapa anggota Congress mendebat peraturan ini 1187 01:14:20,680 --> 01:14:22,825 watching them insist they could regulate the Internet melihat mereka bersikeras bahwa mereka bisa mengendalikan Internet 1188 01:14:22,835 --> 01:14:25,083 and a bunch of nerds couldn't possibly stop them. dan sekumpulan nerd tidak mungkin menghentikan mereka 1189 01:14:25,093 --> 01:14:26,071 I'm not a nerd. Saya bukan nerd 1190 01:14:26,133 --> 01:14:27,678 I am just not enough of a nerd. Saya belum cukup untuk menjadi seorang nerd 1191 01:14:27,688 --> 01:14:30,859 ...maybe we ought to ask some nerds what this thing really does. ...mungkin kita seharusnya menanyakan hal ini ke orang-orang yang dijuluki nerd 1192 01:14:30,869 --> 01:14:33,329 Let's have a hearing, bring in the nerds. Ayo buat sesi dengar, bawa nerd-nerd itu kemari 1193 01:14:35,617 --> 01:14:36,390 Really? Yang benar saja? 1194 01:14:39,760 --> 01:14:41,031 Nerds? Nerd? 1195 01:14:42,088 --> 01:14:46,228 You know, I think actually the word you are looking for is "Experts". Kupikir, kata yang dimaksud adalah "expert" (ahli) 1196 01:14:46,698 --> 01:14:53,290 to enlighten you, so your laws won't backfire, break the Internet. yang mencerahkan kamu, sehingga hukum dan peraturanmu tidak berantakan dan merusak internet 1197 01:14:53,351 --> 01:14:56,790 We use the term Geek, but we're allowed to use that because we are geeks. Kami menggunakan istilah Geek, kami dibolehkan menggunakan istilah tersebut karena kami adalah geek. 1198 01:14:56,800 --> 01:15:01,880 The fact that it got as far as it did without them talking to any technical experts Faktanya, ini semua menjadi terlalu jauh tanpa mereka berdiskusi ke ahli teknisnya 1199 01:15:01,888 --> 01:15:04,727 reflects the fact that there is a problem in this town. bercermin ke fakta bahwa ada sebuah masalah di kota ini. 1200 01:15:04,737 --> 01:15:10,115 I'm looking for somebody to come before this body and testify in a hearing Saya mencari orang yang bisa hadir di sesi dengar ini 1201 01:15:10,248 --> 01:15:12,288 and say this is why they're wrong. dan mengatakan kepada mereka bahwa mereka salah 1202 01:15:12,320 --> 01:15:15,536 There used to be an office that provided Science and Technology advice Dulunya di sana ada kantor penasehat ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi 1203 01:15:15,546 --> 01:15:19,480 and members could go to them and say "Help me understand XYZ". dan anggota Congress bisa mendatangi mereka dan berkata, "Bantu aku memahami teknologi XYZ ini" 1204 01:15:19,488 --> 01:15:22,059 and Gingrich killed it. He said it was waste of money. namun Gingrich menutup kantor itu. Dia bilang itu pemborosan uang. 1205 01:15:22,069 --> 01:15:25,717 Ever since then Congress has plunged into the dark ages. Sejak saat itu, Congress memasuki zaman kegelapan 1206 01:15:26,097 --> 01:15:30,212 I don't think anybody really thought that SOPA could be beaten, including Aaron. Aku tidak berpikir siapa pun bisa mengalahkan SOPA, termasuk Aaron 1207 01:15:30,222 --> 01:15:34,053 I think it was worth trying, but it didn't seem winnable. Dia tahu semua ini patut dicoba namun terlihat tidak bisa dimenangkan 1208 01:15:34,506 --> 01:15:37,136 And I remember, maybe a few months later, I remember him Aku ingat, bahkan beberapa bulan setelahnya, aku ingat dia 1209 01:15:37,146 --> 01:15:40,384 just turning to me and being like "I think we might win this" berbalik arah kepadaku dan berkata, "Kupikir kita bisa memenangkan ini" 1210 01:15:40,394 --> 01:15:42,734 and I was like "That would be amazing!" dan kubilang, "Wew keren." 1211 01:15:44,500 --> 01:15:50,238 Calls to Congress continue when the domain hosting site GoDaddy becomes a supporter of the bill. Aksi menelepon ke Congress berlanjut ketika situs penyedia hosting dan domain GoDaddy menjadi pendukung peraturan ini. 1212 01:15:50,248 --> 01:15:54,920 Tens of thousands of users transfered their domain names in protest. Sekitar 10.000 penggunanya memindahkan langganan mereka sebagai bentuk protes. 1213 01:15:55,351 --> 01:15:59,650 Within a week, a humbled GoDaddy reverses their position on SOPA. Sekitar seminggu setelahnya, GoDaddy meralat posisi mereka terhadap SOPA 1214 01:15:59,650 --> 01:16:04,453 About when the Congress people that supported these Ketika orang-orang di Congress mulai mendukung anti-SOPA 1215 01:16:04,471 --> 01:16:08,336 the record and movie industries realize that there was this backlash industri rekaman dan film menyadari reaksi balik ini 1216 01:16:08,346 --> 01:16:10,420 they kind of scaled the bill back a little bit mereka mengukur kembali peraturan ini 1217 01:16:10,430 --> 01:16:11,678 you could see the curve happening. dan kamu bisa melihat perubahan perlahan 1218 01:16:11,688 --> 01:16:15,890 you could see that our arguments were starting to resonate. suara kami mulai bergema 1219 01:16:15,946 --> 01:16:18,976 It was like Aaron had been like striking a match and it was being blown out... Ini seperti Aaron sedang menyerang dalam pertandingan dan dia akan kalah meledak 1220 01:16:18,986 --> 01:16:21,100 striking another one and being blown out and finally menyerang yang lain lagi dan akan kalah, dan akhirnya 1221 01:16:21,110 --> 01:16:24,779 he managed to catch enough kindling that the flame actually caught dia berhasil menangkap bola apinya 1222 01:16:24,789 --> 01:16:27,019 and then they turned into this roaring blaze. dan mereka menjadi lautan api 1223 01:16:27,029 --> 01:16:32,042 On January 16th, 2012, the White House issued a statement saying Pada 16 Januari 2012, Gedung Putih mengeluarkan statemen 1224 01:16:32,042 --> 01:16:33,782 they didn't support the bill. bahwa mereka tidak mendukung regulasi ini (SOPA) 1225 01:16:34,048 --> 01:16:35,776 and then this happened. dan kemudian ini terjadi 1226 01:16:36,180 --> 01:16:39,883 I'm a big believer that we should be dealing with issues of piracy Saya adalah orang yang percaya penuh bahwa kita harus menyelesaikan masalah pembajakan (di internet) 1227 01:16:39,893 --> 01:16:42,550 and we should deal with them in a serious way dan kita harus menyelesaikannya dengan cara serius 1228 01:16:42,560 --> 01:16:44,443 but this bill is not the right bill. hanya saja peraturan ini bukan peraturan yang tepat 1229 01:16:44,453 --> 01:16:48,930 When Jimmy Wales put his support towards blacking out Wikipedia Ketika Jimmy Wales memberikan dukungannya dengan menghitamkan halaman Wikipedia 1230 01:16:49,057 --> 01:16:52,666 the number 5 most popular website in the world Situs web paling populer ke 5 di dunia 1231 01:16:52,773 --> 01:16:58,680 this is a website that 7% of all of the clicks on anywhere on the Internet. Situs web ini menguasai 7% klik dari manapun di Internet 1232 01:16:58,720 --> 01:17:00,110 Wikipedia went black, Wikipedia menghitamkan halamannya, 1233 01:17:00,266 --> 01:17:01,580 Reddit went black, Reddit menghitam 1234 01:17:01,724 --> 01:17:03,044 Craigslist went black, Craigslist menghitam 1235 01:17:03,306 --> 01:17:06,110 phone lines on Capitol Hill flat out melted, Sambungan telepon di Capitol Hill meleleh 1236 01:17:06,280 --> 01:17:09,412 members of Congress started rushing to issue statements Anggota Congress mulai sibuk mengeluarkan statemen 1237 01:17:09,422 --> 01:17:13,590 retracting their support for the bill, that they were promoting just a couple days ago. meralat dukungan mereka terhadap peraturan ini, yang sempat mereka promosikan beberapa hari sebelumnya. 1238 01:17:13,600 --> 01:17:17,973 Within 24 hours the number of opponents of SOPA in Congress Dalam 24 jam, penentang SOPA di Congress 1239 01:17:18,017 --> 01:17:19,475 went from this... naik dari angka ini.... 1240 01:17:19,546 --> 01:17:21,130 ...to this. ... menjadi segini 1241 01:17:22,711 --> 01:17:27,697 To see Congressmen and Senators slowly flip sides Melihat orang-orang di Congress dan senat perlahan berubah 1242 01:17:27,733 --> 01:17:31,244 throughout the day of blackout was pretty unbelievable, pada hari blackout benar-benar sulit dipercaya. 1243 01:17:31,271 --> 01:17:34,080 there was like a hundred representative swing, ada sekitar ratusan perwakilan yang berubah haluan 1244 01:17:34,506 --> 01:17:38,571 And that was when, as hard as it was for me to believe after all this Dan saat itu, bagiku masih sulit untuk mempercayai semua ini 1245 01:17:38,581 --> 01:17:39,925 We had won! Kita telah menang! 1246 01:17:40,690 --> 01:17:42,452 The thing that everyone said was impossible, Hal yang sebelumnya dianggap tidak mungkin 1247 01:17:42,462 --> 01:17:48,540 that some of the biggest companies in the world had written off as kind of a pipe dream had happened. [?] 1248 01:17:48,702 --> 01:17:50,030 We did it! Kita berhasil! 1249 01:17:50,942 --> 01:17:52,275 We won! Kita menang! 1250 01:17:55,777 --> 01:17:58,816 This is a historic week in Internet politics, maybe American politics. Ini adalah minggu bersejarah bagi politik Internet, mungkin juga untuk politik Amerika. 1251 01:17:58,826 --> 01:18:02,488 The thing that we heard from people in Washington D.C. Ini adalah minggu bersejarah bagi politik Internet, mungkin juga untuk politik Amerika. 1252 01:18:02,533 --> 01:18:06,960 from staffers on Capitol Hill was, they received more emails and more phone calls dari staf-staf di Capitol Hill, bahwa mereka menerima lebih banyak pesan email dan panggilan telepon 1253 01:18:06,970 --> 01:18:10,571 on SOPA blackout day than they'd ever received about anything. pada hari blackout ketimbang yang pernah mereka terima sebelumnya. 1254 01:18:10,581 --> 01:18:12,918 I think that was an extremely exciting moment, Kupikir ini momen yang sangat menarik. 1255 01:18:12,928 --> 01:18:17,770 this was the moment when the Internet had grown up politically. Ini adalah momen ketika Internet mulai tumbuh secara politik. 1256 01:18:17,770 --> 01:18:21,341 It was exhilarating because its hard to believe that it actually happened. Ini sangat mengembirakan karena masih sulit dipercaya bahwa ini benar-benar terjadi. 1257 01:18:21,351 --> 01:18:25,470 It's hard to believe, a bill with so much financial power behind it Sulit dipercaya, peraturan yang banyak didukung kekuatan finansial di belakangnya 1258 01:18:25,893 --> 01:18:29,244 didn't simply sail through the Congress. tidak berhasil disahkan melalui Congress. 1259 01:18:29,376 --> 01:18:32,976 and not only did it not sail through, it didn't pass at all. bukan hanya tidak disahkan, namun tidak diterima sama sekali. 1260 01:18:34,060 --> 01:18:36,301 It's easy sometimes to feel like you are powerless Kadang-kadang mudah buat merasa bahwa kalian tidak punya kekuatan 1261 01:18:36,311 --> 01:18:39,065 like, when you come out on the streets and you march and you yell, dan tak seorang pun mendengarmu 1262 01:18:39,075 --> 01:18:40,435 and nobody hears you. Namun saya di sini hari ini buat mengatakan hal ini ke kalian : Kalian punya kekuatan! 1263 01:18:40,462 --> 01:18:43,402 But I'm here to tell you today: you are powerful! Mungkin kadang-kadang kalian merasa tidak didengarkan sama sekali 1264 01:18:46,053 --> 01:18:48,567 Maybe sometimes you feel like you not being listened to, Mungkin kadang-kadang kalian merasa tidak didengarkan sama sekali 1265 01:18:48,577 --> 01:18:51,860 but I'm here to tell you that you are, that you are being listened to, namun saya di sini untuk bilang bahwa kamu didengarkan 1266 01:18:51,870 --> 01:18:56,610 You are making a difference. You can stop this bill if you don't stop fighting. Kalian membuat perbedaan. Kalian bisa menghentikan peraturan ini jika kalian tidak berhenti berjuang 1267 01:18:59,968 --> 01:19:02,404 Stop PIPA! Stop SOPA! Hentikan PIPA! Hentikan SOPA! 1268 01:19:04,444 --> 01:19:07,590 Some of the biggest Internet companies, to put it frankly, would benefit Beberapa dari perusahaan raksasa Internet, sebenarnya, akan mendapatkan keuntungan 1269 01:19:07,600 --> 01:19:11,560 from a world in which their little competitors could get censored. dari dunia di mana kompetitor-kompetitor kecil mendapatkan sensor. 1270 01:19:12,524 --> 01:19:14,040 We can't let that happen. Kita tidak bisa membiarkan itu terjadi. 1271 01:19:15,114 --> 01:19:19,254 For him it was more important to be sure that you made a small change Buatnya, lebih penting untuk membuat perubahan kecil 1272 01:19:19,582 --> 01:19:22,640 than to play a small part in a big change. dari pada memainkan peranan kecil dalam perubahan besar 1273 01:19:23,377 --> 01:19:26,990 But SOPA was like playing a major part in a major change. Namun SOPA seperti pemain peran besar dalam perubahan besar 1274 01:19:27,351 --> 01:19:30,411 and so for him it was kind of his proof of concept. jadi, buatnya ini semacam pembuktian konsepnya 1275 01:19:30,862 --> 01:19:34,816 Okay, you know, what I want to do with my life is to change the world. Oke, apa yang ingin kulakukan dengan hidupku adalah mengubah dunia ini. 1276 01:19:34,826 --> 01:19:40,074 I think about it in this really scientific way of measuring my impact Aku memikirkannya secara ilmiah untuk mengukur dampaknya. 1277 01:19:40,186 --> 01:19:42,310 and this shows that it is possible dan kemenangan ini menunjukkan bahwa mengubah dunia itu memungkinkan. 1278 01:19:42,528 --> 01:19:46,034 right, that the thing that I want to do with my life is possible. Hal yang ini kulakukan dengan hidupku masih memungkinkan. 1279 01:19:46,044 --> 01:19:50,860 I have proved that I can do it. That I, Aaron Swartz, could change the world. Aku sudah membuktikan bahwa aku bisa melakukannya. Aku, Aaron Swartz, bisa mengubah dunia. 1280 01:19:50,869 --> 01:19:56,352 For a guy who never really thought he had done much Orang yang tidak pernah menyadari bahwa ia telah berbuat sedemikian banyak 1281 01:19:56,672 --> 01:19:57,888 which was Aaron. adalah Aaron. 1282 01:19:59,381 --> 01:20:02,741 it was one of the few moments where you could really see ini salah satu dari beberapa momen di mana kamu bisa melihat 1283 01:20:03,925 --> 01:20:06,848 that he felt like he had done something good. bahwa dia sedang merasa telah melakukan hal baik. 1284 01:20:06,890 --> 01:20:11,392 feeling like here is his maybe one and only victory lap. merasa seolah-olah mendapatkan satu dan satu-satunya kemenangan. 1285 01:20:13,717 --> 01:20:16,346 Everyone said that there was no way we could stop SOPA. Setiap orang bilang tidak ada cara untuk menghentikan SOPA. 1286 01:20:16,356 --> 01:20:22,025 We stopped it. These are 3 outrageously good victories and the year isn't over yet. Kami menghentikannya. Ini adalah 3 kemenangan yang sangat baik dan tahun belum berakhir 1287 01:20:22,025 --> 01:20:25,194 I mean, if there is a time to be positive it's now. Maksudku, jika ada waktu untuk bersikap positif, sekaranglah saatnya. 1288 01:20:27,200 --> 01:20:29,845 He wins at SOPA a year after he is arrested. Aaron memenangkan SOPA setahun setelah dia ditangkap (terkait kasus JSTOR/MIT) 1289 01:20:30,016 --> 01:20:31,968 it's not an unambiguously happy moment. itu bukan momen bahagia yang benar-benar bahagia. 1290 01:20:31,978 --> 01:20:33,334 There is a lot going on. Perjalanan masih panjang. 1291 01:20:33,344 --> 01:20:40,149 He is so atuned towards participating in the political process, you can't stop him. Dia sangat cepat menyesuaikan diri untuk berpartisipasi ke aksi politik, kamu tidak bisa menghentikannya. 1292 01:20:40,337 --> 01:20:44,342 The list of organizations Swartz founded or co-founded is enormous. Daftar organisasi yang didirikan dan dibantu oleh Swartz banyak sekali. 1293 01:20:44,352 --> 01:20:48,430 and years before Edward Snowden would expose widespread Internet surveillance Bertahun-tahun sebelum Edward Snowden menyebarluaskan tentang pengawasan Internet oleh pemerintah 1294 01:20:48,440 --> 01:20:50,490 Swartz was already concerned. Swartz sudha menyadarinya lebih dulu. 1295 01:20:50,670 --> 01:20:54,620 It is shocking to think that accountability is so lax [?] 1296 01:20:55,290 --> 01:20:57,127 that they don't even have basic statistics bahwa mereka bahkan tidak punya statistik dasar 1297 01:20:57,137 --> 01:20:59,190 about how big this spying program is. seberapa besar program pengawasan/mata-mata ini. 1298 01:20:59,200 --> 01:21:03,584 If the answer is "We are spying on so many people we can't possibly even count them." Jawabannya adalah "Kami memata-matai banyak sekali orang yang bahkan kami sendiri tidak bisa menghitungnya." 1299 01:21:03,594 --> 01:21:05,749 then that's an awful lot of people. maka itu jumlah yang sangat masif dan mengerikan. 1300 01:21:06,602 --> 01:21:10,048 One thing that they said was "Look, we know the number of telephones we are spying on, Satu hal yang mereka katakan, "Lihat, kami tahu jumlah telepon yang kami awasi, 1301 01:21:10,058 --> 01:21:13,200 we don't know exactly how many real people that corresponds to." kami tidak tahu seberapa banyak orang yang menggunakan satu telepon saja." 1302 01:21:13,210 --> 01:21:15,376 but they just came back and said we can't give you a number at all. Namun mereka kembali dan bilang mereka tidak bisa memberi angka sama sekali. 1303 01:21:15,386 --> 01:21:18,800 Thats pretty... I mean, scary is what it is. Itu sangat... maksudku, hal ini sangat mengerikan. 1304 01:21:18,888 --> 01:21:25,730 And they put incredible pressure on him, took away.. all of the money he had made. dan mereka memberinya tekanan yang luar biasa padanya, mengambil ... semua uang yang telah ia kumpulkan. 1305 01:21:27,500 --> 01:21:30,047 they threatened to take away his physical freedom. mereka mengancam akan merenggut kebebasan fisiknya. 1306 01:21:30,057 --> 01:21:34,293 Why did they do it? Why are they going after whistleblowers? Mengapa mereka melakukannya? Mengapa mereka melakukannya setelah whistleblower? 1307 01:21:34,540 --> 01:21:38,337 Why are they going after people who tell the truth Mengapa mereka mengejar orang yang menceritakan kebenaran 1308 01:21:38,650 --> 01:21:42,986 about all sorts of things, from the banks tentang segala hal mulai, tentang bank-bank 1309 01:21:43,066 --> 01:21:46,190 to war, to just sort of government transparency. sampai perang, tentnag transparansi pemerintah 1310 01:21:46,447 --> 01:21:51,610 So secrecy serves those who are already in power, and we are living in an era of secrecy Jadi, kerahasiaan melayani mereka yang memiliki kekuatan, dan kita hidup di era kerahasiaan 1311 01:21:51,620 --> 01:21:54,470 that coincides with an era where the government is doing Bertepatan dengan era dimana apa yang dilakukan pemerintah 1312 01:21:54,480 --> 01:21:58,560 also a lot of things that are probably illegal and unconstitutional. banyak yang mungkin ilegal dan tidak konstitutional 1313 01:21:58,595 --> 01:22:01,520 So, those two things are not coincidences Dua hal itu tidak sama. 1314 01:22:01,530 --> 01:22:04,301 It's very clear that this technology has been developed Ini sudah jelas, bahwa teknologi ini dikembangkan 1315 01:22:04,311 --> 01:22:07,351 not for small countries overseas, but right here bukan untuk negara-negara kecil di seberang lautan, tapi untuk di sini 1316 01:22:07,440 --> 01:22:09,910 for use in the United States by the US government. untuk digunakan di Amerika Serikat oleh pemerintah. 1317 01:22:09,920 --> 01:22:13,710 The problem with the spying program is its this sort of long, slow expansion Masalahnya program pengawasan/mata-mata ini, tumbuh perlahan 1318 01:22:13,720 --> 01:22:16,880 you know, going back to the Nixon Administration, right sejak pemerintahan Nixxon 1319 01:22:16,890 --> 01:22:19,963 obviously it became big after 9/11 under George W. Bush Kemudian menjadi besar sejak 9/11 di bawah pemerintahan George W. Bush 1320 01:22:19,973 --> 01:22:21,838 and Obama has continued to expand it dan Obama lanjut membesarkannya. 1321 01:22:21,848 --> 01:22:23,981 the problems have slowly grown worse and worse Masalah-masalah ini perlahan tumbuh semakin buruk dan buruk 1322 01:22:23,991 --> 01:22:26,541 but there's never been this moment you can point to and say [?] 1323 01:22:26,551 --> 01:22:31,231 "Okay we need to galvanize opposition today because today is when it matters." "Oke kita perlu membangkitkan perlawanan hari ini, karena hari ini sangat penting." 1324 01:22:32,230 --> 01:22:34,967 The prosecution, in my estimation, of Aaron Swartz Penuntutan Aaron Swartz ini, dalam perkiraan saya, 1325 01:22:34,977 --> 01:22:41,230 was about sending a particular laser-like message to a group of people mengirim pesan langsung ke beberapa kelompok orang 1326 01:22:41,237 --> 01:22:45,504 that the Obama Administration sees as politically threatening bahwa pemerintahan Obama melihat ancaman politik 1327 01:22:47,422 --> 01:22:53,780 and that is the essentially the hacker, the information and the democracy activist community. dari hacker, aktivis demokrasi dan informasi 1328 01:22:54,030 --> 01:22:57,323 and the message that the Obama Administration wanted to send dan pesan yang dicoba sampaikan oleh pemerintahan Obama 1329 01:22:57,333 --> 01:23:00,800 to that particular community was in my estimation kepada beberapa komunitas tersebut adalah 1330 01:23:00,853 --> 01:23:04,873 "we know you have the ability to make trouble for the establishment "Kami tahu kalian punya kemampuan untuk membuat masalah 1331 01:23:06,910 --> 01:23:08,887 and so are going to try to make an example out of Aaron Swartz jadi kami ingin membuat Aaron Swartz sebagai contoh 1332 01:23:08,897 --> 01:23:13,600 to scare as many of you as possible into not making that trouble." untuk menakuti sebanyak mugkin dari kalian, agar kalian tidak membuat masalah lagi." 1333 01:23:13,706 --> 01:23:14,878 And the government said Dan pemerintah bilang, 1334 01:23:14,888 --> 01:23:20,270 "Oh, the legal opinions we are using to legalize the spying program are also classified "Oh, aturan legal yang kami gunakan untuk melegalkan program pengawasan/mata-mata juga termasuk rahasia 1335 01:23:20,355 --> 01:23:23,480 so we can't even tell you which laws we are using to spy on you." jadi bahkan kami tidak bisa menceritakan, hukum/peraturan mana yang kami gunakan untuk memata-mataimu." 1336 01:23:23,490 --> 01:23:26,550 Every time they can say "Oh this is another instance of cyber war" Setiap saat mereka bisa bilag, "Oh ini perang cyber yang lain lagi." 1337 01:23:26,560 --> 01:23:28,452 "the cyber criminals are attacking us again" "Kriminal cyber menyerang kita lagi." 1338 01:23:28,462 --> 01:23:30,425 "we are all in danger, we are all under threat". "Kita semua dalam bahaya. Kita semua dalam ancaman." 1339 01:23:30,435 --> 01:23:34,695 they use those as excuses to push through more and more dangerous laws. Mereka menggunakan kasus itu untuk membuat lebih banyak hukum/peraturan yang berbahaya. 1340 01:23:37,320 --> 01:23:40,920 Interviewer: Personally, how do you feel the fight is going? Pewawancara : Secara pribadi, apa yang kamu rasakan tentang hal ini? 1341 01:23:41,004 --> 01:23:42,890 It's up to you. Ini terserah kita. 1342 01:23:47,635 --> 01:23:52,195 You know, there are sort of these two polarizing perspectives Ada dua perspektif yang saling bertentangan. 1343 01:23:52,320 --> 01:23:55,447 Everything is great, Internet has created all this freedom and liberty, Semua sudah bagus. Internet menciptakan semua kebebasan dan keterbukaan ini. 1344 01:23:55,457 --> 01:23:57,074 and every thing's gonna be fantastic. dan semua akan jadi fantastis 1345 01:23:57,084 --> 01:23:58,532 or everything is terrible. atau mungkin menjadi lebih buruk. 1346 01:23:58,542 --> 01:24:00,487 the Internet has created all these tools for cracking down Internet juga menciptakan semua jenis perkakas-perkakas untuk meretas dan merusak 1347 01:24:00,497 --> 01:24:03,474 and spying and, you know, controlling what we say. dan memata-matai, mengontrol kita 1348 01:24:03,484 --> 01:24:05,310 and I think both are true. dan kupikir keduanya benar. 1349 01:24:06,293 --> 01:24:10,087 the Internet has done both and both are kind of amazing and astonishing Internet telah melakukan keduanya. Dua-duanya luar biasa dan menakjubkan. 1350 01:24:10,097 --> 01:24:13,150 and which one will win out in the long run is up to us. dan yang mana yang akan kita menangkan dalam jangka panjang, adalah tergantung pada kita 1351 01:24:13,160 --> 01:24:15,643 It doesn't make sense to say "Oh one is doing better than the other" Tidak masuk akal jika seseorang berkata, "Oh, tentu saja yang satu lebih baik dari yang lain" 1352 01:24:15,653 --> 01:24:17,620 you know, they're both true. Keduanya benar. 1353 01:24:17,728 --> 01:24:21,701 and it's up to us which ones we emphasize and which ones we take advantage of dan semuanya tergantung pada kita, yang mana yang akan kita pertegas, yang mana yang akan kita manfaatkan dengan baik 1354 01:24:21,711 --> 01:24:25,491 because they are both there and they are always gonna be there. karena keduanya sudah ada dan selalu ada di Internet 1355 01:24:29,184 --> 01:24:34,901 On September 12th, 2012, Federal prosecutors filed a superseding indictment against Swartz Pada 12 September 2012, Penuntut umum mengajukan dakwaan baru melawan Swartz 1356 01:24:34,965 --> 01:24:40,496 adding additional counts of wire fraud, unauthorized access to a computer, and Computer Fraud. menambahkan beberapa kejahatan baru, kejahatan komunikasi, pembobolan akses dan kejahatan komputer. 1357 01:24:40,506 --> 01:24:45,397 Now, instead of 4 felony counts, Swartz was facing 13. Sekarang, alih-alih menghadapi 4 tuntutan, Swartz akhirnya menghadapi 13 tuntutan 1358 01:24:45,760 --> 01:24:48,816 The prosecution's leverage had dramatically increased Pengaruh tuntutan mendadak meningkat 1359 01:24:48,826 --> 01:24:51,797 as did Swartz's potential jail time and fines. seperti masa hukuman, ganti rugi dan denda 1360 01:24:52,047 --> 01:24:55,488 They filed a separate indictment to add more charges Mereka mengajukan dakwaan terpisah untuk menambah denda 1361 01:24:55,738 --> 01:25:01,589 and they had a theory about why this conduct constituted a number of federal crimes dan mereka punya teori sendiri, mengapa kasus ini bisa menggiring ke beberapa kejahatan federal 1362 01:25:01,839 --> 01:25:06,039 and that a very significant sentence could attach to it under the law. dan ada banyak sekali kalimat yang bisa ditambahkan di bawah hukum 1363 01:25:07,048 --> 01:25:10,630 That theory and much of the prosecution's case against Swartz Teori dan tuntutan yang digunakan untuk menjatuhkan Swartz 1364 01:25:10,640 --> 01:25:13,857 involved a law created originally in 1986. didasarkan pada hukum yang aslinya dibuat pada tahun 1986 1365 01:25:14,044 --> 01:25:16,684 it is called "Computer Fraud and Abuse Act". yang disebut, "Computer Fraud and Abuse Act." 1366 01:25:16,885 --> 01:25:19,972 The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act was inspired by the movie "War Games" Hukum tersebut diinspirasi oleh film "War Games" 1367 01:25:19,982 --> 01:25:22,682 with Mathew Brodrick, which is a great movie. yang dibintangi olleh Mathew Brodrick, film yang bagus 1368 01:25:23,320 --> 01:25:27,884 In this movie, a kid gets the ability through the magic of computer networks Di film ini, seorang anak memiliki keahlian hebat dari jaringan komputer. 1369 01:25:27,911 --> 01:25:30,257 to, like, launch a nuclear attack. misal, untuk meluncurkan serangan nuklir dari komputernya 1370 01:25:33,920 --> 01:25:37,690 Now that's not actually possible and it certainly wasn't possible in the 80s Sekarang, hal seperti itu tidak benar-benar mungkin terjadi dan sangat tidak mungkin terjadi di tahun 80-an 1371 01:25:37,700 --> 01:25:40,613 but apparently this movie scared Congress enough namun tampaknya film ini cukup menakut-nakuti Congress 1372 01:25:40,702 --> 01:25:44,960 to pass the original Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. sampai mengesahkan hukum 'Computer Fraud and Abuse Act' ini. 1373 01:25:45,130 --> 01:25:47,110 This is a law that's just behind the times This is a law that is behind the times 1374 01:25:47,120 --> 01:25:53,130 for example it penalizes a Terms of Service kinds of arrangements 1375 01:25:53,130 --> 01:25:56,906 and something like eHarmony or match.com 1376 01:25:56,995 --> 01:26:01,400 and somebody sort of inflates their own personal characteristics 1377 01:26:01,431 --> 01:26:05,942 and all of a sudden, depending on the jurisdiction and the prosecutors, they 1378 01:26:05,952 --> 01:26:08,106 could be in whole host of troubles. 1379 01:26:08,120 --> 01:26:10,389 We all know what Terms of Use are. 1380 01:26:10,600 --> 01:26:13,607 Most people don't read them, but not abiding by their terms 1381 01:26:13,617 --> 01:26:16,300 could mean you are committing a felony. 1382 01:26:16,426 --> 01:26:20,698 The website terms of service often say things like "Be nice to each other" or 1383 01:26:20,708 --> 01:26:22,594 "don't do anything that's improper". 1384 01:26:22,604 --> 01:26:27,600 The idea that the criminal law has anything to say about these kinds of violations 1385 01:26:27,697 --> 01:26:29,917 I think strikes most people as crazy. 1386 01:26:30,586 --> 01:26:33,130 The examples get even more crazy. 1387 01:26:33,664 --> 01:26:36,202 Until it was changed in March of 2013. 1388 01:26:36,202 --> 01:26:42,645 the Terms of Use on the website of Hearst's Seventeen magazine said you had to be 18 in order to read it. 1389 01:26:42,880 --> 01:26:46,754 I would say that the way the CFAA has been interpreted by Justice Department 1390 01:26:46,764 --> 01:26:49,066 we are all probably breaking the law. 1391 01:26:49,600 --> 01:26:55,082 Vague and prone to misuse, the CFAA has become "one size, fits all" hammer 1392 01:26:55,111 --> 01:26:57,865 for a wide range of computer related disputes. 1393 01:26:57,875 --> 01:27:02,737 Though not the only factor in his case, 11 of 13 charges against Swartz 1394 01:27:02,826 --> 01:27:05,346 involved the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. 1395 01:27:07,351 --> 01:27:11,760 The question "Why?" hangs over much of the story of Aaron Swartz. 1396 01:27:11,946 --> 01:27:16,194 just what was motivating the government and what would their case have been? 1397 01:27:16,204 --> 01:27:19,440 The Dept. of Justice declined requests for answers. 1398 01:27:19,637 --> 01:27:23,483 but Prof. Orin Kerr is a former prosecutor who has studied the case. 1399 01:27:23,493 --> 01:27:28,267 I think I come about this case from a different direction than other people on a number of reasons. 1400 01:27:28,277 --> 01:27:32,603 I was a federal prosecutor at the justice department for 3 years before I started teaching. 1401 01:27:32,613 --> 01:27:34,674 The government came forward with an indictment 1402 01:27:34,684 --> 01:27:37,920 based on what crimes they thought were committed 1403 01:27:37,920 --> 01:27:41,154 just as a purely lawyers matter, looking at the precedents 1404 01:27:41,164 --> 01:27:43,230 looking at the statute, looking at the history, 1405 01:27:43,240 --> 01:27:45,687 looking at the cases that are out there so far 1406 01:27:45,697 --> 01:27:48,517 I think it was a fair indictment based on that. 1407 01:27:49,120 --> 01:27:51,563 You can debate whether they should have charged this case. 1408 01:27:51,573 --> 01:27:52,864 There is just a lot of disagreement. 1409 01:27:52,874 --> 01:27:56,992 Some people are on the Open Access side, some people are not. 1410 01:27:57,342 --> 01:28:03,260 I think the government took Swartz's Guerilla Open Access Manifesto very seriously 1411 01:28:03,502 --> 01:28:09,810 and I think they saw him as somebody who was committed, as a moral imperative, 1412 01:28:09,813 --> 01:28:15,488 to breaking the law to overcome a law that Swartz saw as unjust 1413 01:28:15,488 --> 01:28:20,821 and in a democracy if you think a law is unjust, there are ways of changing that law 1414 01:28:20,821 --> 01:28:24,715 there is, going to congress, as Swartz did so masterfully with SOPA 1415 01:28:24,725 --> 01:28:28,448 or you can violate that law in a way to try to nullify that law. 1416 01:28:28,458 --> 01:28:32,512 And I think what was driving the prosecution was the sense 1417 01:28:32,762 --> 01:28:39,594 that Swartz was committed not just to breaking the law, but to really making sure that law was nullified. 1418 01:28:39,768 --> 01:28:43,768 That everyone would have have access to the database in a way that 1419 01:28:43,804 --> 01:28:47,066 you couldn't put the toothpaste back into the tube 1420 01:28:47,200 --> 01:28:50,400 it would be done and Swartz's side would win. 1421 01:28:52,650 --> 01:28:56,167 There is a big disagreement in society as to whether that is an unjust law 1422 01:28:56,177 --> 01:29:00,427 and ultimately that's a decision for American people to make, working through Congress. 1423 01:29:00,437 --> 01:29:03,714 and than the second problem is I think, we are still trying to figure out 1424 01:29:03,724 --> 01:29:07,930 what's the line between less serious offenses and more serious offenses. 1425 01:29:07,940 --> 01:29:12,680 We are now entering this different environment of computers and computer misuse 1426 01:29:12,850 --> 01:29:16,772 and we don't yet have a really strong sense of exactly what these lines are 1427 01:29:16,782 --> 01:29:19,002 because we are just working that out. 1428 01:29:19,208 --> 01:29:22,088 This is a poor use of prosecutorial discretion. 1429 01:29:22,204 --> 01:29:28,400 The hammer that the Justice Department has to scare people with just gets bigger and bigger and bigger 1430 01:29:28,453 --> 01:29:32,994 and so most people, you know, you can't roll the dice with your life like that 1431 01:29:33,004 --> 01:29:35,678 Should we tap somebody's phone? Should we film them? 1432 01:29:35,688 --> 01:29:39,744 Should we turn somebody and get them to testify against these other people? 1433 01:29:39,754 --> 01:29:42,411 That's how federal agents and prosecutors think. 1434 01:29:42,421 --> 01:29:45,194 They build cases, they make cases. 1435 01:29:46,835 --> 01:29:50,198 Swartz was caught in the gears of brutal criminal justice system 1436 01:29:50,208 --> 01:29:51,829 that could not turn back. 1437 01:29:51,875 --> 01:29:57,074 A machine that has made America the country with the highest rate of incarceration in the world. 1438 01:29:57,084 --> 01:30:02,770 We have in this country allowed ourselves to be captured by the politics of fear and anger 1439 01:30:02,773 --> 01:30:08,021 and anything we are afraid of, like the future of the Internet and access 1440 01:30:08,746 --> 01:30:11,926 and anything we are angry about instinctively creates 1441 01:30:11,991 --> 01:30:13,810 a criminal justice intervention. 1442 01:30:13,820 --> 01:30:17,182 and we have used jail, prison and punishment 1443 01:30:17,262 --> 01:30:21,198 to resolve a whole host of problems that historically were never seen 1444 01:30:21,208 --> 01:30:22,896 as criminal justice problems. 1445 01:30:22,906 --> 01:30:26,702 The impulse to threaten, indict, prosecute 1446 01:30:26,844 --> 01:30:32,992 which is part of what has created this debate and controversy over on-line access and information on the Internet. 1447 01:30:33,002 --> 01:30:35,501 It's very consistent with what we have seen in other areas 1448 01:30:35,511 --> 01:30:40,284 the one difference is people are usually targeted and victimized by 1449 01:30:40,328 --> 01:30:45,068 these kinds of criminal and carceral responses are typically poor and minority. 1450 01:30:47,440 --> 01:30:50,620 Swartz's isolation from friends and family increased. 1451 01:30:50,640 --> 01:30:53,287 He had basically stopped working on anything else. 1452 01:30:53,297 --> 01:30:56,740 and the case was in fact taking over his whole life. 1453 01:30:56,888 --> 01:31:00,043 One of Aaron's lawyers apparently told the prosecutors that 1454 01:31:00,053 --> 01:31:02,702 he was emotionally vulnerable. 1455 01:31:03,048 --> 01:31:06,896 and that was something they really needed to keep in mind, so that.. they knew that. 1456 01:31:06,906 --> 01:31:09,271 It was weighing on him very heavily 1457 01:31:09,324 --> 01:31:15,260 he did not like having his actions and his movements restricted in any way 1458 01:31:15,514 --> 01:31:20,640 and the threat of jail, which they pounded him with a lot 1459 01:31:22,097 --> 01:31:23,710 was terrifying to him. 1460 01:31:23,768 --> 01:31:26,871 ...completely exhausted his financial resources and 1461 01:31:27,537 --> 01:31:32,097 it cost us a lot of money also, and he raised a substantial amount of money. 1462 01:31:32,280 --> 01:31:35,680 So it was, you know, it was in the millions of dollars. 1463 01:31:36,378 --> 01:31:38,437 Interviewer: The legal defense? Aaron's Father: Yes. 1464 01:31:38,447 --> 01:31:41,163 Interviewer: Was in millions? Aaron's Father: Yes. 1465 01:31:41,173 --> 01:31:45,197 Yea, I think he didn't want to be a burden to people. I think that was a factor 1466 01:31:45,207 --> 01:31:49,572 Like I have my normal life, and then I have this shitty thing I have to deal with. 1467 01:31:49,582 --> 01:31:53,062 and I try to keep the two of them as separate as possible. 1468 01:31:53,146 --> 01:31:58,006 But they were just beginning to blur together and everything was becoming shitty. 1469 01:31:58,888 --> 01:32:02,410 Swartz faced a tough choice that was only getting tougher. 1470 01:32:02,533 --> 01:32:06,981 Do you admit guilt and move on with your life, or do you fight a broken system? 1471 01:32:06,991 --> 01:32:12,718 With his legal case the answer was simple. He rejects the final plea deal and a trial date is set. 1472 01:32:12,728 --> 01:32:16,100 Aaron was resolute that he didn't want to knuckle under 1473 01:32:16,142 --> 01:32:19,056 and accept something that he didn't believe was fair 1474 01:32:19,066 --> 01:32:21,226 but I also think that he was scared. 1475 01:32:32,789 --> 01:32:34,372 I don't think they would have convicted Aaron. 1476 01:32:34,382 --> 01:32:38,603 I think we would have walked him out of that courthouse and I would have given him a big hug 1477 01:32:38,613 --> 01:32:44,313 and we would have walked across that little river in Boston and gone and had a couple of beers. 1478 01:32:46,044 --> 01:32:47,741 I really thought that we were right. 1479 01:32:47,751 --> 01:32:49,412 I thought that we were gonna win the case. 1480 01:32:49,422 --> 01:32:51,243 I thought we could win the case. 1481 01:32:51,253 --> 01:32:56,713 He didn't talk about it very much but you could see the enormous pain he was going through. 1482 01:33:01,162 --> 01:33:06,624 No time in his childhood did Aaron have any severe mood swings, or like depressive episodes 1483 01:33:06,624 --> 01:33:10,592 or anything that I would ascribe to severe depression. 1484 01:33:10,842 --> 01:33:14,922 And it's possible, you know, he was depressed, people get depressed. 1485 01:33:18,702 --> 01:33:23,733 Very early in our relationship, like 3 or 4 weeks in or something, 1486 01:33:23,813 --> 01:33:29,960 I remember him saying to me that I was a lot stronger than he was. 1487 01:33:30,517 --> 01:33:36,395 You know, he was brittle in a lot of ways, things were a lot harder for him than for a lot of people. 1488 01:33:36,405 --> 01:33:38,445 It was part of his brilliance too. 1489 01:33:40,770 --> 01:33:46,666 I think, he probably had something like clinical depression in his early '20s. 1490 01:33:47,484 --> 01:33:49,421 I don't think he did when I was with him. 1491 01:33:49,431 --> 01:33:53,770 He wasn't a joyful person.... but that's different from being depressed. 1492 01:33:56,364 --> 01:34:00,830 He was just under such, such enormous pressure, for two years straight. 1493 01:34:00,874 --> 01:34:03,094 He just didn't want to do it anymore. 1494 01:34:03,617 --> 01:34:07,290 He was just.. I just think it was too much. 1495 01:34:14,213 --> 01:34:16,275 I got a phone call late at night. 1496 01:34:17,511 --> 01:34:22,551 I could tell something was wrong and then I called and I realized what had happened. 1497 01:34:23,688 --> 01:34:28,970 The co-founder of the social news and entertainment website reddit has been found dead. 1498 01:34:29,075 --> 01:34:34,295 Police say 26 year old Aaron Swartz killed himself yesterday in his Brooklyn apartment. 1499 01:34:36,870 --> 01:34:46,275 I just thought we've lost one of the most creative minds of our generation. 1500 01:34:46,444 --> 01:34:50,346 I was like, the whole world fell apart at that moment. 1501 01:34:56,435 --> 01:34:59,310 It was one of the hardest nights of my life. 1502 01:34:59,982 --> 01:35:04,422 I kept screaming "I can't hear you.. what did you say.. I can't hear you." 1503 01:35:07,468 --> 01:35:11,765 I can't. That's it. 1504 01:35:19,546 --> 01:35:23,710 None of it made any sense, and really still doesn't. 1505 01:35:24,542 --> 01:35:27,480 I was so frustrated and angry. 1506 01:35:38,154 --> 01:35:41,120 You know I tried to explain it to my kids. 1507 01:35:41,370 --> 01:35:46,325 My 3 year old told me that the doctors would fix him. 1508 01:35:52,021 --> 01:35:56,235 I've known lots of people who have died but I've never lost anybody like this. 1509 01:35:56,245 --> 01:36:03,050 Because everybody feels, and I do too, there is so much that we could've.. more to do. 1510 01:36:04,672 --> 01:36:10,059 I just didn't know he was there. I didn't know this is what he was suffering, and... 1511 01:36:11,242 --> 01:36:13,601 He was part of me. 1512 01:36:15,253 --> 01:36:19,328 And I just wanted it to not be real. 1513 01:36:23,466 --> 01:36:27,989 And then I just looked at his Wikipedia page and I saw the end date. 1514 01:36:32,065 --> 01:36:34,944 to 2013 1515 01:36:43,697 --> 01:36:44,871 Aaron is dead 1516 01:36:45,973 --> 01:36:50,062 Wanderers in this crazy world, we have lost a mentor, a wise elder. 1517 01:36:50,755 --> 01:36:54,017 Hackers for right, we are one down, 1518 01:36:54,257 --> 01:36:56,115 we have lost one of our own. 1519 01:36:57,057 --> 01:37:02,275 Nurturers, carers, listeners, feeders, parents all, 1520 01:37:02,755 --> 01:37:04,933 we have lost a child. 1521 01:37:05,262 --> 01:37:07,386 Let us all weep. 1522 01:37:14,742 --> 01:37:17,953 My first thought was what if nobody even notices. 1523 01:37:18,805 --> 01:37:22,913 It wasn't clear to me how salient he was. 1524 01:37:23,818 --> 01:37:29,749 I had never seen anything quite like the outpouring I saw. 1525 01:37:29,856 --> 01:37:31,242 The net just lit up. 1526 01:37:31,505 --> 01:37:35,600 Everyone was trying to explain it in their own way 1527 01:37:35,636 --> 01:37:39,883 but I have never seen people grieve on Twitter before. 1528 01:37:39,968 --> 01:37:42,549 People were visibly grieving on-line. 1529 01:37:46,465 --> 01:37:51,253 He was the Internet's Own Boy... and the old world killed him. 1530 01:37:55,328 --> 01:38:00,277 We are standing in the middle of a time when great injustice is not touched. 1531 01:38:01,960 --> 01:38:06,259 Architects of the financial meltdown have dinner with the President regularly. 1532 01:38:06,269 --> 01:38:09,992 In middle of that time the idea that this 1533 01:38:10,516 --> 01:38:12,916 was what the government had to prosecute 1534 01:38:14,528 --> 01:38:17,642 it just seems absurd, if it weren't tragic. 1535 01:38:17,670 --> 01:38:23,221 The question is can we do something, given what's happened 1536 01:38:23,272 --> 01:38:25,252 to make the world a better place. 1537 01:38:26,389 --> 01:38:30,769 And how can we further that legacy? That's the only question one can ask. 1538 01:38:33,061 --> 01:38:37,229 All over the world there are starting to be hackathons, gatherings 1539 01:38:37,260 --> 01:38:42,101 and Aaron Swartz has in some sense brought the best out of us 1540 01:38:42,232 --> 01:38:45,030 in trying to say "how do we fix this?" 1541 01:38:47,130 --> 01:38:50,341 He was, in my humble opinion one, of the true 1542 01:38:50,356 --> 01:38:54,480 extraordinary revolutionaries that this country has produced 1543 01:38:55,010 --> 01:38:59,250 I don't know whether Aaron was defeated or victorious, but 1544 01:38:59,280 --> 01:39:04,270 we are certainly shaped by the hand of the things 1545 01:39:04,527 --> 01:39:05,877 that he wrestled with. 1546 01:39:06,127 --> 01:39:08,692 When we turn armed agents of the law 1547 01:39:08,821 --> 01:39:12,192 on citizens trying to increase access to knowledge 1548 01:39:12,442 --> 01:39:14,133 we've broken the rule of law 1549 01:39:14,383 --> 01:39:16,778 we've desecrated the temple of justice. 1550 01:39:17,028 --> 01:39:19,530 Aaron Swartz was not a criminal. 1551 01:39:21,000 --> 01:39:25,470 Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability 1552 01:39:25,510 --> 01:39:27,730 it comes through continuous struggle. 1553 01:39:30,026 --> 01:39:31,690 Aaron really could do magic 1554 01:39:32,000 --> 01:39:34,085 and I am dedicated to making sure... 1555 01:39:34,095 --> 01:39:36,176 ... that his magic doesn't end with his death. 1556 01:39:36,186 --> 01:39:37,904 He believed that he could change the world. 1557 01:39:37,914 --> 01:39:39,498 And he was right. 1558 01:39:40,590 --> 01:39:44,550 Out of the last week and out of today phoenixes are already rising 1559 01:39:46,890 --> 01:39:51,630 Since Swartz's death Representative Zoe Lofgren and Senator Ron Wyden 1560 01:39:51,887 --> 01:39:53,776 have introduced legislations that would reform 1561 01:39:53,786 --> 01:39:55,490 the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. 1562 01:39:55,500 --> 01:39:59,820 the outdated law that formed the majority of the charges against Swartz. 1563 01:40:00,186 --> 01:40:02,389 It's called "Aaron's Law." 1564 01:40:02,639 --> 01:40:05,802 Aaron believed that like you literally ought to 1565 01:40:06,052 --> 01:40:07,664 be asking yourself all the time 1566 01:40:07,674 --> 01:40:11,397 "what is the most important thing I could be working on in the world right now?" 1567 01:40:11,407 --> 01:40:14,467 And if you are not working on that, why aren't you? 1568 01:40:33,700 --> 01:40:37,098 I wish we could change the past, but we cannot. 1569 01:40:37,160 --> 01:40:39,610 but we can change the future and we must. 1570 01:40:39,620 --> 01:40:43,750 We must do so for Aaron. We must do so for ourselves. 1571 01:40:43,880 --> 01:40:48,460 We must do so to make our world a better place, a more humane place. 1572 01:40:48,719 --> 01:40:50,399 A place where justice works. 1573 01:40:50,554 --> 01:40:54,272 And access to knowledge becomes a human right. 1574 01:40:54,520 --> 01:40:59,010 So there was a kid, back in February from Baltimore. 1575 01:40:59,140 --> 01:41:01,500 14 years old 1576 01:41:02,000 --> 01:41:08,350 who had access to JSTOR and he had been splunking through JSTOR after reading something. 1577 01:41:08,602 --> 01:41:13,365 and he figured out a way to do early tests for Pancreatic Cancer. 1578 01:41:14,810 --> 01:41:17,830 and Pancreatic cancer kills the shit out of you. 1579 01:41:17,940 --> 01:41:22,730 Because we detect it way too late. By the time we detect it, it's already too late to do anything about that. 1580 01:41:22,740 --> 01:41:28,720 And, he sent emails off to the entire Oncology department at Johns Hopkins. 1581 01:41:28,810 --> 01:41:31,460 you know hundreds of them. Interviewer: A 14 year old? 1582 01:41:31,470 --> 01:41:33,850 14 year old kid yeah. And most of them ignored it. 1583 01:41:33,860 --> 01:41:35,834 But one of them, like, sent him a email back 1584 01:41:35,844 --> 01:41:38,340 And said, "this is not an entirely stupid idea. Why don't you come on over." 1585 01:41:38,350 --> 01:41:43,456 This kid worked evenings and weekends with this researcher and in February, I heard him on the news 1586 01:41:43,466 --> 01:41:47,786 just couple of weeks after Aaron died, when Aaron was in the news a lot. 1587 01:41:50,000 --> 01:41:51,200 ...sorry. 1588 01:41:53,344 --> 01:41:58,997 And he said, the reason he was on the news is because they had done it. 1589 01:41:59,247 --> 01:42:03,616 They were shipping an early test for pancreatic cancer that was gonna save lives. 1590 01:42:03,626 --> 01:42:07,744 And he said, "This is why what Aaron did was so important." 1591 01:42:10,496 --> 01:42:12,235 Because you never know, right. 1592 01:42:12,245 --> 01:42:17,264 This truth of the universe is not only something that policy makers use to figure out 1593 01:42:17,274 --> 01:42:19,269 you know, what the speed limit should be. 1594 01:42:19,279 --> 01:42:25,258 It's where the thing that's gonna keep, your kid from dying of Pancreatic cancer comes from. 1595 01:42:26,026 --> 01:42:31,146 And, without access the person who might come up with the thing that's got your 1596 01:42:31,396 --> 01:42:34,901 number on it may never find that answer. 1597 01:42:35,856 --> 01:42:47,520 He slept so well, he didn't fall out of [baby talk] not even when he dreamed he was back on the spacecraft. 1598 01:42:48,210 --> 01:42:50,534 Very good, Aaron, very good! 1599 01:42:51,113 --> 01:42:56,890 Okay! Now it's song time 1600 01:43:28,000 --> 01:43:34,000 Subtitles Creative Commons CC0 license: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ 1601 01:43:38,000 --> 01:43:44,960 Contribute and help translating at: https://github.com/iliasbartolini/the-internet-s-own-boy--aaron-swartz--subtitles