#!/bin/bash # info: check letsencrypt domain # options: USER DOMAIN [ALIASES] [MAIL] # labels: web # # example: v-add-letsencrypt-domain admin wonderland.com www.wonderland.com # # The function check and validates domain with Let's Encrypt #----------------------------------------------------------# # Variable&Function # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Argument definition user=$1 domain=$2 aliases=$3 mail=${4// } # Includes source $HESTIA/func/main.sh source $HESTIA/func/domain.sh source $HESTIA/conf/hestia.conf # LE API LE_API='https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org' if [[ "$LE_STAGING" = 'yes' ]]; then LE_API='https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org' fi # encode base64 encode_base64() { cat |base64 |tr '+/' '-_' |tr -d '\r\n=' } # Let's Encrypt v2 curl function query_le_v2() { protected='{"nonce": "'$3'",' protected=''$protected' "url": "'$1'",' protected=''$protected' "alg": "RS256", "kid": "'$KID'"}' content="Content-Type: application/jose+json" payload_=$(echo -n "$2" |encode_base64) protected_=$(echo -n "$protected" |encode_base64) signature_=$(printf "%s" "$protected_.$payload_" |\ openssl dgst -sha256 -binary -sign $USER_DATA/ssl/user.key |\ encode_base64) post_data='{"protected":"'"$protected_"'",' post_data=$post_data'"payload":"'"$payload_"'",' post_data=$post_data'"signature":"'"$signature_"'"}' # Save http response to file passed as "$4" arg or print to stdout if not provided # http response headers are always sent to stdout local save_to_file=${4:-"/dev/stdout"} curl -k --retry 5 --retry-connrefused --silent --dump-header /dev/stdout --data "$post_data" "$1" --header "$content" --output "$save_to_file" debug_log "API call" "exit status: $?" } #----------------------------------------------------------# # Verifications # #----------------------------------------------------------# check_args '2' "$#" 'USER DOMAIN [ALIASES] [MAIL]' is_format_valid 'user' 'domain' 'aliases' is_object_valid 'user' 'USER' "$user" is_object_unsuspended 'user' 'USER' "$user" if [ ! -z "$mail" ]; then is_boolean_format_valid "$mail" 'mail' fi # Set DNS CAA record retrieval commands if [ ! -z "$DNS_SYSTEM" ]; then dns_domain=$($BIN/v-list-dns-domains $user | grep $domain | cut -d' ' -f1) caa_record=$($BIN/v-list-dns-records $user $domain | grep -i "CAA" | cut -d' ' -f1) fi if [ -z "$mail" ] || [ "$mail" = 'no' ]; then mail='' is_system_enabled "$WEB_SYSTEM" 'WEB_SYSTEM' is_object_valid 'web' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" is_object_unsuspended 'web' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" get_domain_values 'web' # check if alias is the letsencrypt wildcard domain, if not, make the normal checks if [[ "$aliases" != "*.$domain" ]]; then for alias in $(echo "$aliases" |tr ',' '\n' |sort -u); do check_alias="$(echo $ALIAS |tr ',' '\n' |grep ^$alias$)" if [ -z "$check_alias" ]; then check_result $E_NOTEXIST "domain alias $alias doesn't exist" fi done fi; else is_system_enabled "$MAIL_SYSTEM" 'MAIL_SYSTEM' is_object_valid 'mail' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" is_object_unsuspended 'mail' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" fi # Dump debug info debug_log() { echo -e "\n==[${1}]==\n${2}\n" >> "$log_file" } #----------------------------------------------------------# # Action # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Generate correct variables for mail domain SSL certificates if [ ! -z "$mail" ]; then root_domain=$domain domain="mail.$root_domain" aliases="$WEBMAIL_ALIAS.$root_domain" fi log_file="/var/log/hestia/LE-${user}-${domain}-$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S).log" touch "$log_file" chmod 600 "$log_file" echo -e "\n\n============================= WEB_SYSTEM: ${WEB_SYSTEM} PROXY_SYSTEM: ${PROXY_SYSTEM} user: ${user} domain: ${domain} " >> "$log_file" # Registering LetsEncrypt user account $BIN/v-add-letsencrypt-user $user if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then touch $HESTIA/data/queue/letsencrypt.pipe sed -i "/ $domain /d" $HESTIA/data/queue/letsencrypt.pipe send_notice "LETSENCRYPT" "Account registration failed" check_result $E_CONNECT "LE account registration" > /dev/null fi # Parsing LetsEncrypt account data source $USER_DATA/ssl/le.conf # Checking wildcard alias if [ "$aliases" = "*.$domain" ]; then wildcard='yes' proto="dns-01" if [ ! -e "$HESTIA/data/users/$user/dns/$domain.conf" ]; then check_result $E_NOTEXIST "DNS domain $domain doesn't exist" fi else proto="http-01" fi echo -e " - aliases: ${aliases} - proto: ${proto} - wildcard: ${wildcard} " >> "$log_file" # Check if dns records exist for requested domain/aliases if [ "$proto" = "http-01" ]; then for identifier in $(echo $domain,$aliases |tr ',' '\n' |sort -u); do if [[ "$identifier" = *[![:ascii:]]* ]]; then identifier=$(idn -t --quiet -a $identifier) fi if ! nslookup "${identifier}" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then check_result $E_NOTEXIST "DNS record for $identifier doesn't exist" fi done fi # Ensure DNS CAA record exists for Let's Encrypt before requesting certificate if [ ! -z "$DNS_SYSTEM" ]; then # Check for DNS zone if [ "$dns_domain" = "$domain" ]; then # Replace DNS domain CAA records with Let's Encrypt values if [ -z "$caa_record" ]; then $BIN/v-add-dns-record $user $domain '@' 'CAA' '0 issue "letsencrypt.org"' else $BIN/v-delete-dns-record $user $domain $caa_record $BIN/v-add-dns-record $user $domain '@' 'CAA' '0 issue "letsencrypt.org"' fi fi fi # Requesting nonce / STEP 1 answer=$(curl -s -I "$LE_API/directory") nonce=$(echo "$answer" |grep -i nonce |cut -f2 -d \ |tr -d '\r\n') status=$(echo "$answer"|grep HTTP/ |tail -n1 |cut -f 2 -d ' ') debug_log "Step 1" "- status: ${status}\n- nonce: ${nonce}\n- answer: ${answer}" if [[ "$status" -ne 200 ]]; then # Delete DNS CAA record if [ ! -z "$DNS_SYSTEM" ]; then if [ "$dns_domain" = "$domain" ]; then if [ ! -z "$caa_record" ]; then $BIN/v-delete-dns-record $user $domain $caa_record fi fi fi check_result $E_CONNECT "Let's Encrypt nonce request status $status" fi # Placing new order / STEP 2 url="$LE_API/acme/new-order" payload='{"identifiers":[' for identifier in $(echo $domain,$aliases |tr ',' '\n' |sort -u); do if [[ "$identifier" = *[![:ascii:]]* ]]; then identifier=$(idn -t --quiet -a $identifier) fi payload=$payload'{"type":"dns","value":"'$identifier'"},' done payload=$(echo "$payload"|sed "s/,$//") payload=$payload']}' answer=$(query_le_v2 "$url" "$payload" "$nonce") nonce=$(echo "$answer" |grep -i nonce |cut -f2 -d \ |tr -d '\r\n') authz=$(echo "$answer" |grep "acme/authz" |cut -f2 -d '"') finalize=$(echo "$answer" |grep 'finalize":' |cut -f4 -d '"') status=$(echo "$answer" |grep HTTP/ |tail -n1 |cut -f2 -d ' ') debug_log "Step 2" "- status: ${status}\n- nonce: ${nonce}\n- authz: ${authz}\n- finalize: ${finalize}\n- payload: ${payload}\n- answer: ${answer}" if [[ "$status" -ne 201 ]]; then # Delete DNS CAA record if [ ! -z "$DNS_SYSTEM" ]; then if [ "$dns_domain" = "$domain" ]; then if [ ! -z "$caa_record" ]; then $BIN/v-delete-dns-record $user $domain $caa_record fi fi fi check_result $E_CONNECT "Let's Encrypt new auth status $status" fi # Requesting authorization token / STEP 3 for auth in $authz; do payload='' answer=$(query_le_v2 "$auth" "$payload" "$nonce") url=$(echo "$answer" |grep -A3 $proto |grep url |cut -f 4 -d \") token=$(echo "$answer" |grep -A3 $proto |grep token |cut -f 4 -d \") nonce=$(echo "$answer" |grep -i nonce |cut -f2 -d \ |tr -d '\r\n') status=$(echo "$answer"|grep HTTP/ |tail -n1 |cut -f 2 -d ' ') debug_log "Step 3" "- status: ${status}\n- nonce: ${nonce}\n- url: ${url}\n- token: ${token}\n- answer: ${answer}" if [[ "$status" -ne 200 ]]; then # Delete DNS CAA record if [ ! -z "$DNS_SYSTEM" ]; then dns_domain=$($BIN/v-list-dns-domains $user | grep $domain | cut -d' ' -f1) caa_record=$($BIN/v-list-dns-records $user $domain | grep -i "letsencrypt" | cut -d' ' -f1) if [ "$dns_domain" = "$domain" ]; then if [ ! -z "$caa_record" ]; then $BIN/v-delete-dns-record $user $domain $caa_record fi fi fi check_result $E_CONNECT "Let's Encrypt acme/authz bad status $status" fi # Accepting challenge / STEP 4 if [ "$wildcard" = 'yes' ]; then record=$(printf "%s" "$token.$THUMB" |\ openssl dgst -sha256 -binary |encode_base64) old_records=$($BIN/v-list-dns-records $user $domain plain|grep 'TXT') old_records=$(echo "$old_records" |grep _acme-challenge |cut -f 1) for old_record in $old_records; do $BIN/v-delete-dns-record $user $domain $old_record done $BIN/v-add-dns-record $user $domain "_acme-challenge" "TXT" $record check_result $? "DNS _acme-challenge record wasn't created" else if [ -z "$mail" ]; then if [ "$WEB_SYSTEM" = 'nginx' ] || [ "$PROXY_SYSTEM" = 'nginx' ]; then conf="$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/$domain/nginx.conf_letsencrypt" sconf="$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/$domain/nginx.ssl.conf_letsencrypt" echo 'location ~ "^/\.well-known/acme-challenge/(.*)$" {' \ > $conf echo ' default_type text/plain;' >> $conf echo ' return 200 "$1.'$THUMB'";' >> $conf echo '}' >> $conf if [ ! -e "$sconf" ]; then ln -s "$conf" "$sconf" fi if [ ! -z "$PROXY_SYSTEM" ]; then $BIN/v-restart-proxy check_result $? "Proxy restart failed" > /dev/null fi else # Get root directory from configuration domain_config="$HOMEDIR/$user/conf/web/$domain" if [ -f "$domain_config/apache2.conf" ]; then well_known="$(cat $domain_config/apache2.conf | egrep \ '^\s+DocumentRoot'| awk '{split($0, a, " "); \ print a[2]}')/.well-known" else well_known="$(cat $domain_config/nginx.conf | egrep '^\s+root'| \ awk '{split($0, a, " "); print a[2]}' | \ sed 's/;$//')/.well-known" fi acme_challenge="$well_known/acme-challenge" mkdir -p $acme_challenge echo "$token.$THUMB" > $acme_challenge/$token chown -R $user:$user $well_known fi else well_known="/var/lib/roundcube/.well-known" acme_challenge="$well_known/acme-challenge" mkdir -p $acme_challenge echo "$token.$THUMB" > $acme_challenge/$token chown -R $user:$user $well_known fi if [ "$WEB_SYSTEM" = 'nginx' ]; then $BIN/v-restart-web check_result $? "Web restart failed" > /dev/null fi fi # Requesting ACME validation / STEP 5 validation_check=$(echo "$answer" |grep '"valid"') if [[ ! -z "$validation_check" ]]; then validation='valid' else validation='pending' sleep 5 fi # Doing pol check on status i=1 while [ "$validation" = 'pending' ]; do payload='{}' answer=$(query_le_v2 "$url" "$payload" "$nonce") validation=$(echo "$answer"|grep -A1 $proto |tail -n1|cut -f4 -d \") nonce=$(echo "$answer" |grep -i nonce |cut -f2 -d \ |tr -d '\r\n') status=$(echo "$answer"|grep HTTP/ |tail -n1 |cut -f 2 -d ' ') details=$(echo "$answer"| grep detail | cut -f 1 -d ',' | cut -f 2-4 -d ':' | cut -f 2 -d '"') debug_log "Step 5" "- status: ${status}\n- nonce: ${nonce}\n- validation: ${validation}\n- details: ${details}\n- answer: ${answer}" if [[ "$status" -ne 200 ]]; then # Delete DNS CAA record if [ ! -z "$DNS_SYSTEM" ]; then dns_domain=$($BIN/v-list-dns-domains $user | grep $domain | cut -d' ' -f1) caa_record=$($BIN/v-list-dns-records $user $domain | grep -i "letsencrypt" | cut -d' ' -f1) if [ "$dns_domain" = "$domain" ]; then if [ ! -z "$caa_record" ]; then $BIN/v-delete-dns-record $user $domain $caa_record fi fi fi debug_log "Abort Step 5" "=> Wrong status" check_result $E_CONNECT "Let's Encrypt validation status $status. Details: $details" fi i=$((i + 1)) if [ "$i" -gt 10 ]; then # Delete DNS CAA record if [ ! -z "$DNS_SYSTEM" ]; then dns_domain=$($BIN/v-list-dns-domains $user | grep $domain | cut -d' ' -f1) caa_record=$($BIN/v-list-dns-records $user $domain | grep -i "letsencrypt" | cut -d' ' -f1) if [ "$dns_domain" = "$domain" ]; then if [ ! -z "$caa_record" ]; then $BIN/v-delete-dns-record $user $domain $caa_record fi fi fi debug_log "Abort Step 5" "=> Too many validation retries" check_result $E_CONNECT "Let's Encrypt domain validation timeout" fi sleep $((i*2)) done if [ "$validation" = 'invalid' ]; then # Delete DNS CAA record if [ ! -z "$DNS_SYSTEM" ]; then dns_domain=$($BIN/v-list-dns-domains $user | grep $domain | cut -d' ' -f1) caa_record=$($BIN/v-list-dns-records $user $domain | grep -i "letsencrypt" | cut -d' ' -f1) if [ "$dns_domain" = "$domain" ]; then if [ ! -z "$caa_record" ]; then $BIN/v-delete-dns-record $user $domain $caa_record fi fi fi check_result $E_CONNECT "Let's Encrypt domain verification failed" fi done # Generating new ssl certificate ssl_dir=$($BIN/v-generate-ssl-cert "$domain" "info@$domain" "US" "California"\ "San Francisco" "Hestia" "IT" "$aliases" |tail -n1 |awk '{print $2}') # Sending CSR to finalize order / STEP 6 csr=$(openssl req -in $ssl_dir/$domain.csr -outform DER |encode_base64) payload='{"csr":"'$csr'"}' answer=$(query_le_v2 "$finalize" "$payload" "$nonce") nonce=$(echo "$answer" |grep -i nonce |cut -f2 -d \ |tr -d '\r\n') status=$(echo "$answer"|grep HTTP/ |tail -n1 |cut -f 2 -d ' ') certificate=$(echo "$answer"|grep 'certificate":' |cut -f4 -d '"') debug_log "Step 6" "- status: ${status}\n- nonce: ${nonce}\n- payload: ${payload}\n- certificate: ${certificate}\n- answer: ${answer}" if [[ "$status" -ne 200 ]]; then [ -d "$ssl_dir" ] && rm -rf "$ssl_dir" check_result $E_CONNECT "Let's Encrypt finalize bad status $status" fi # Downloading signed certificate / STEP 7 status=0 retry=0 while [[ $status != 200 && $retry -lt 3 ]]; do answer=$(query_le_v2 "$certificate" "" "$nonce" "$ssl_dir/$domain.pem") status=$(echo "$answer"|grep HTTP/ |tail -n1 |cut -f 2 -d ' ') debug_log "Step 7" "- status: ${status}\n- retry: ${retry}\n- answer: ${answer}" if [[ $status != 200 ]]; then retry=$((retry + 1)) sleep $((retry * 2)) # Sleep for 2s, 4s, 6s, 8s fi done # Fallback on depreciated download method for certs (unauthenticated GET) if [[ $status != 200 ]]; then answer=$(curl -k --retry 5 --retry-connrefused --silent --dump-header /dev/stdout "$certificate" --output "$ssl_dir/$domain.pem") status=$(echo "$answer"|grep HTTP/ |tail -n1 |cut -f 2 -d ' ') debug_log "Step 7 - Fallback" "- status: ${status}\n- answer: ${answer}" fi debug_log "CERT DIR" "$(ls -las "$ssl_dir/")" debug_log "CERT PEM" "$(cat "$ssl_dir/$domain.pem")" if [[ "$status" -ne 200 ]]; then [ -d "$ssl_dir" ] && rm -rf "$ssl_dir" check_result $E_NOTEXIST "Let's Encrypt downloading signed cert failed status:$status" fi # Splitting up downloaded pem crt_end=$(grep -n END $ssl_dir/$domain.pem |head -n1 |cut -f1 -d:) head -n $crt_end $ssl_dir/$domain.pem > $ssl_dir/$domain.crt pem_lines=$(wc -l $ssl_dir/$domain.pem |cut -f 1 -d ' ') ca_end=$(grep -n "BEGIN" $ssl_dir/$domain.pem |tail -n1 |cut -f 1 -d :) ca_end=$(( pem_lines - crt_end + 1 )) tail -n $ca_end $ssl_dir/$domain.pem > $ssl_dir/$domain.ca debug_log "CERT CRT" "$(cat "$ssl_dir/$domain.crt")" debug_log "CERT CA-1" "$(cat "$ssl_dir/$domain.ca")" # Temporary fix for double "END CERTIFICATE" if [[ $(head -n 1 $ssl_dir/$domain.ca) = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" ]]; then sed -i '1,2d' $ssl_dir/$domain.ca fi debug_log "CERT CA-2" "$(cat "$ssl_dir/$domain.ca")" # Rename certs for mail if [ ! -z "$mail" ]; then mv $ssl_dir/$domain.ca $ssl_dir/$root_domain.ca mv $ssl_dir/$domain.crt $ssl_dir/$root_domain.crt mv $ssl_dir/$domain.csr $ssl_dir/$root_domain.csr mv $ssl_dir/$domain.key $ssl_dir/$root_domain.key mv $ssl_dir/$domain.pem $ssl_dir/$root_domain.pem fi # Adding SSL if [ -z "$mail" ]; then ssl_home=$(search_objects 'web' 'LETSENCRYPT' 'yes' 'SSL_HOME') ssl_enabled="$(get_object_value 'web' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" '$SSL')" ssl_force="$(get_object_value 'web' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" '$SSL_FORCE')" [[ "$ssl_enabled" = "yes" ]] && $BIN/v-delete-web-domain-ssl $user $domain > /dev/null 2>&1 $BIN/v-add-web-domain-ssl $user $domain $ssl_dir $ssl_home [[ "$ssl_force" = "yes" ]] && $BIN/v-add-web-domain-ssl-force $user $domain > /dev/null 2>&1 else ssl_enabled="$(get_object_value 'mail' 'DOMAIN' "$root_domain" '$SSL')" [[ "$ssl_enabled" = "yes" ]] && $BIN/v-delete-mail-domain-ssl $user $root_domain > /dev/null 2>&1 $BIN/v-add-mail-domain-ssl $user $root_domain $ssl_dir fi if [ "$?" -ne '0' ]; then [ -d "$ssl_dir" ] && rm -rf "$ssl_dir" touch $HESTIA/data/queue/letsencrypt.pipe sed -i "/ $domain /d" $HESTIA/data/queue/letsencrypt.pipe send_notice 'LETSENCRYPT' "$domain certificate installation failed" check_result $? "SSL install" > /dev/null fi # Adding LE autorenew cronjob if [ -z "$(grep v-update-lets $HESTIA/data/users/admin/cron.conf)" ]; then min=$(generate_password '012345' '2') hour=$(generate_password '1234567' '1') cmd="sudo $BIN/v-update-letsencrypt-ssl" $BIN/v-add-cron-job admin "$min" "$hour" '*' '*' '*' "$cmd" > /dev/null fi # Updating letsencrypt key if [ -z "$mail" ]; then if [ -z "$LETSENCRYPT" ]; then add_object_key "web" 'DOMAIN' "$domain" 'LETSENCRYPT' 'FTP_USER' add_object_key "web" 'DOMAIN' "$domain" 'LETSENCRYPT_FAIL_COUNT' 'LETSENCRYPT' fi update_object_value 'web' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" '$LETSENCRYPT' 'yes' update_object_value 'web' 'DOMAIN' "$domain" '$LETSENCRYPT_FAIL_COUNT' "0" else if [ -z "$LETSENCRYPT" ]; then add_object_key "mail" 'DOMAIN' "$root_domain" 'LETSENCRYPT' add_object_key "mail" 'DOMAIN' "$root_domain" 'LETSENCRYPT_FAIL_COUNT' 'LETSENCRYPT' fi update_object_value 'mail' 'DOMAIN' "$root_domain" '$LETSENCRYPT' 'yes' update_object_value 'mail' 'DOMAIN' "$root_domain" '$LETSENCRYPT_FAIL_COUNT' "0" fi # Remove challenge folder if exist if [ ! -z "$well_known" ]; then rm -fr $well_known fi # Remove temporary SSL folder [ -d "$ssl_dir" ] && rm -rf "$ssl_dir" #----------------------------------------------------------# # Hestia # #----------------------------------------------------------# # Deleting task from queue touch $HESTIA/data/queue/letsencrypt.pipe sed -i "/ $domain /d" $HESTIA/data/queue/letsencrypt.pipe # Notifying user send_notice 'LETSENCRYPT' "$domain SSL has been installed successfully" # Logging log_event "$OK" "$ARGUMENTS" # Cleanup debug since the SSL was issues succesfully rm -f "$log_file" exit