'; exit(); } else { $_SESSION["LAST_ACTIVITY"] = time(); } } else { echo ''; } if (isset($_SESSION["user"])) { $v_user = $_SESSION["user"]; } if (!empty($_SESSION["look"])) { if (isset($_SESSION["look"]) && $_SESSION["userContext"] === "admin") { $v_user = $_SESSION["look"]; } if ( isset($_SESSION["look"]) && $_SESSION["look"] == "admin" && $_SESSION["POLICY_SYSTEM_PROTECTED_ADMIN"] == "yes" ) { header("Location: /"); } } # Create filemanager sftp key if missing and trash it after 30 min if (!file_exists("/home/" . basename($v_user) . "/.ssh/hst-filemanager-key")) { exec( "sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-add-user-sftp-key " . quoteshellarg(basename($v_user)) . " 30", $output, $return_var, ); // filemanager also requires .ssh chmod o+x ... hopefully we can improve it to g+x or u+x someday // current minimum for filemanager: chmod 0701 .ssh shell_exec("sudo chmod o+x " . quoteshellarg("/home/" . basename($v_user) . "/.ssh")); } if (!isset($_SESSION["SFTP_PORT"])) { exec("sudo /usr/local/hestia/bin/v-list-sys-sshd-port json", $output, $result); $port = json_decode(implode("", $output)); if (is_numeric($port[0]) && $port[0] > 0) { $_SESSION["SFTP_PORT"] = $port[0]; } elseif ( preg_match('/^\s*Port\s+(\d+)$/im', file_get_contents("/etc/ssh/sshd_config"), $matches) ) { $_SESSION["SFTP_PORT"] = $matches[1] ?? 22; } else { $_SESSION["SFTP_PORT"] = 22; } } preg_match( '/(Hestia SFTP Chroot\nMatch User)(.*)/i', file_get_contents("/etc/ssh/sshd_config"), $matches, ); $user_list = explode(",", $matches[2]); if (in_array($v_user, $user_list)) { $root = "/"; } else { $root = "/home/" . $v_user; } return new \League\Flysystem\Sftp\SftpAdapter([ "host" => "", "port" => intval($_SESSION["SFTP_PORT"]), "username" => basename($v_user), "privateKey" => "/home/" . basename($v_user) . "/.ssh/hst-filemanager-key", "root" => $root, "timeout" => 10, "directoryPerm" => 0755, ]); }; $dist_config["services"]["Filegator\Services\Archiver\ArchiverInterface"] = [ "handler" => "\Filegator\Services\Archiver\Adapters\HestiaZipArchiver", "config" => [], ]; $dist_config["services"]["Filegator\Services\Auth\AuthInterface"] = [ "handler" => "\Filegator\Services\Auth\Adapters\HestiaAuth", "config" => [ "permissions" => ["read", "write", "upload", "download", "batchdownload", "zip"], "private_repos" => false, ], ]; $dist_config["services"]["Filegator\Services\View\ViewInterface"]["config"] = [ "add_to_head" => ' ', "add_to_body" => ' ', ]; return $dist_config;