Sublime SPARQL Runner ===================== A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin to run SPARQL queries directly inside Sublime Text. Based on the original [SPARQL Runner package]( by [cezarsa]( Functionality ------------- * Runs current selected text or complete query in tab using currently selected endpoint * Results of successful queries will be displayed in a separate tab. * Multiple endpoints can be defined * For any endpoint optionally basic authentication details can be provided * Optional parameters can be defined for any endpoint Installation ------------ * Use Sublime Package Control to install it (or clone it inside your Packages dir); Usage ----- * To select the current one open the command palette and choose `SPARQL: Select or add/edit endpoint` and then select the endpoint * To add a new or edit an existing endpoint open the command palette and choose `SPARQL: Select or add/edit endpoint` -> `Add new or edit existing endpoint...`: * Provide the following values: * Unique name for endpoint (if name already in use you will be prompted to edit that endpoint) * URL for endpoint * Username (optional, leave empty to skip) * Password (optional) * Parameter name (optional, leave empty to skip) * Parameter value (optional) * Multiple parameters can be added by simply repeating the name and value prompts * To run a query choose `SPARQL: Run query`. SPARQL Runner will run the query against the current endpoint. It will consider either the **selected text** or the **entire file** as the SPARQL query. If you want to add a key binding to run queries, open your "Default.sublime-keymap" and add: [ { "keys": ["super+shift+k"], "command": "run_sparql" } ] Configuration ------------- A typical configuration file looks as follows: ``` { "current": "dbpedia", "endpoints": { "my_sparql_endpoint": { "parameters": { "format": "CSV", "lang": "sparql" }, "password": "", "url": "", "username": "" }, "dbpedia": { "url": "" } } } ``` * Further config options can be found in `Preferences` -> `Package Settings` -> `SPARQL Runner` -> `Settings`