/// @dir RF12demo /// Configure some values in EEPROM for easy config of the RF12 later on. // 2009-05-06 http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php // // 2014-02-01 - AS - Silent mode als Default // 2014-02-01 - AS - GSD-Marker // 2014-02-13 - AS - Option uebernommen: "ackWithPayload" ACK mit einem Byte als "Anhang" // this version adds flash memory support, 2009-11-19 #include #include #include #include #include // ATtiny's only support outbound serial @ 38400 baud, and no DataFlash logging #if defined(__AVR_ATtiny84__) ||defined(__AVR_ATtiny44__) #define SERIAL_BAUD 38400 #else #define SERIAL_BAUD 57600 #define DATAFLASH 1 // check for presence of DataFlash memory on JeeLink #define FLASH_MBIT 16 // support for various dataflash sizes: 4/8/16 Mbit #define LED_PIN 9 // activity LED, comment out to disable #endif #define COLLECT 0x20 // collect mode, i.e. pass incoming without sending acks #define GSD_MAGIC 83 static unsigned long now () { // FIXME 49-day overflow return millis() / 1000; } static void activityLed (byte on) { #ifdef LED_PIN pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, !on); #endif } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // RF12 configuration setup code typedef struct { byte nodeId; byte group; char msg[RF12_EEPROM_SIZE-4]; word crc; } RF12Config; static RF12Config config; static char cmd; static byte value, stack[RF12_MAXDATA+4], top, sendLen, dest, quiet, ackWithPayload; static byte testbuf[RF12_MAXDATA], testCounter, useHex; void displayVersion(uint8_t newline ); static void showNibble (byte nibble) { char c = '0' + (nibble & 0x0F); if (c > '9') c += 7; Serial.print(c); } static void showByte (byte value) { if (useHex) { showNibble(value >> 4); showNibble(value); } else Serial.print((int) value); } static void addCh (char* msg, char c) { byte n = strlen(msg); msg[n] = c; } static void addInt (char* msg, word v) { if (v >= 10) addInt(msg, v / 10); addCh(msg, '0' + v % 10); } static void saveConfig () { // set up a nice config string to be shown on startup memset(config.msg, 0, sizeof config.msg); strcpy(config.msg, " "); byte id = config.nodeId & 0x1F; addCh(config.msg, '@' + id); strcat(config.msg, " i"); addInt(config.msg, id); if (config.nodeId & COLLECT) addCh(config.msg, '*'); strcat(config.msg, " g"); addInt(config.msg, config.group); strcat(config.msg, " @ "); static word bands[4] = { 315, 433, 868, 915 }; word band = config.nodeId >> 6; addInt(config.msg, bands[band]); strcat(config.msg, " MHz "); config.crc = ~0; for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof config - 2; ++i) config.crc = _crc16_update(config.crc, ((byte*) &config)[i]); // save to EEPROM for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof config; ++i) { byte b = ((byte*) &config)[i]; eeprom_write_byte(RF12_EEPROM_ADDR + i, b); } if (!rf12_config()) Serial.println("config save failed"); } static byte bandToFreq (byte band) { return band == 8 ? RF12_868MHZ : band == 9 ? RF12_915MHZ : RF12_433MHZ; } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // OOK transmit code // Turn transmitter on or off, but also apply asymmetric correction and account // for 25 us SPI overhead to end up with the proper on-the-air pulse widths. // With thanks to JGJ Veken for his help in getting these values right. static void ookPulse(int on, int off) { rf12_onOff(1); delayMicroseconds(on + 150); rf12_onOff(0); delayMicroseconds(off - 200); } static void fs20sendBits(word data, byte bits) { if (bits == 8) { ++bits; data = (data << 1) | parity_even_bit(data); } for (word mask = bit(bits-1); mask != 0; mask >>= 1) { int width = data & mask ? 600 : 400; ookPulse(width, width); } } static void fs20cmd(word house, byte addr, byte cmd) { byte sum = 6 + (house >> 8) + house + addr + cmd; for (byte i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { fs20sendBits(1, 13); fs20sendBits(house >> 8, 8); fs20sendBits(house, 8); fs20sendBits(addr, 8); fs20sendBits(cmd, 8); fs20sendBits(sum, 8); fs20sendBits(0, 1); delay(10); } } static void kakuSend(char addr, byte device, byte on) { int cmd = 0x600 | ((device - 1) << 4) | ((addr - 1) & 0xF); if (on) cmd |= 0x800; for (byte i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { for (byte bit = 0; bit < 12; ++bit) { ookPulse(375, 1125); int on = bitRead(cmd, bit) ? 1125 : 375; ookPulse(on, 1500 - on); } ookPulse(375, 375); delay(11); // approximate } } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // DataFlash code #if DATAFLASH #define DF_ENABLE_PIN 8 // PB0 #if FLASH_MBIT == 4 // settings for 0.5 Mbyte flash in JLv2 #define DF_BLOCK_SIZE 16 // number of pages erased at same time #define DF_LOG_BEGIN 32 // first 2 blocks reserved for future use #define DF_LOG_LIMIT 0x0700 // last 64k is not used for logging #define DF_MEM_TOTAL 0x0800 // 2048 pages, i.e. 0.5 Mbyte #define DF_DEVICE_ID 0x1F44 // see AT25DF041A datasheet #define DF_PAGE_ERASE 0x20 // erase one block of flash memory #endif #if FLASH_MBIT == 8 // settings for 1 Mbyte flash in JLv2 #define DF_BLOCK_SIZE 16 // number of pages erased at same time #define DF_LOG_BEGIN 32 // first 2 blocks reserved for future use #define DF_LOG_LIMIT 0x0F00 // last 64k is not used for logging #define DF_MEM_TOTAL 0x1000 // 4096 pages, i.e. 1 Mbyte #define DF_DEVICE_ID 0x1F45 // see AT26DF081A datasheet #define DF_PAGE_ERASE 0x20 // erase one block of flash memory #endif #if FLASH_MBIT == 16 // settings for 2 Mbyte flash in JLv3 #define DF_BLOCK_SIZE 256 // number of pages erased at same time #define DF_LOG_BEGIN 512 // first 2 blocks reserved for future use #define DF_LOG_LIMIT 0x1F00 // last 64k is not used for logging #define DF_MEM_TOTAL 0x2000 // 8192 pages, i.e. 2 Mbyte #define DF_DEVICE_ID 0x2020 // see M25P16 datasheet #define DF_PAGE_ERASE 0xD8 // erase one block of flash memory #endif // structure of each page in the log buffer, size must be exactly 256 bytes typedef struct { byte data [248]; word seqnum; long timestamp; word crc; } FlashPage; // structure of consecutive entries in the data area of each FlashPage typedef struct { byte length; byte offset; byte header; byte data[RF12_MAXDATA]; } FlashEntry; static FlashPage dfBuf; // for data not yet written to flash static word dfLastPage; // page number last written static byte dfFill; // next byte available in buffer to store entries static byte df_present () { return dfLastPage != 0; } static void df_enable () { // digitalWrite(ENABLE_PIN, 0); bitClear(PORTB, 0); } static void df_disable () { // digitalWrite(ENABLE_PIN, 1); bitSet(PORTB, 0); } static byte df_xfer (byte cmd) { SPDR = cmd; while (!bitRead(SPSR, SPIF)) ; return SPDR; } void df_command (byte cmd) { for (;;) { cli(); df_enable(); df_xfer(0x05); // Read Status Register byte status = df_xfer(0); df_disable(); sei(); // don't wait for ready bit if there is clearly no dataflash connected if (status == 0xFF || (status & 1) == 0) break; } cli(); df_enable(); df_xfer(cmd); } static void df_deselect () { df_disable(); sei(); } static void df_writeCmd (byte cmd) { df_command(0x06); // Write Enable df_deselect(); df_command(cmd); } void df_read (word block, word off, void* buf, word len) { df_command(0x03); // Read Array (Low Frequency) df_xfer(block >> 8); df_xfer(block); df_xfer(off); for (word i = 0; i < len; ++i) ((byte*) buf)[(byte) i] = df_xfer(0); df_deselect(); } void df_write (word block, const void* buf) { df_writeCmd(0x02); // Byte/Page Program df_xfer(block >> 8); df_xfer(block); df_xfer(0); for (word i = 0; i < 256; ++i) df_xfer(((const byte*) buf)[(byte) i]); df_deselect(); } // wait for current command to complete void df_flush () { df_read(0, 0, 0, 0); } static void df_wipe () { Serial.println("DF W"); df_writeCmd(0xC7); // Chip Erase df_deselect(); df_flush(); } static void df_erase (word block) { Serial.print("DF E "); Serial.println(block); df_writeCmd(DF_PAGE_ERASE); // Block Erase df_xfer(block >> 8); df_xfer(block); df_xfer(0); df_deselect(); df_flush(); } static word df_wrap (word page) { return page < DF_LOG_LIMIT ? page : DF_LOG_BEGIN; } static void df_saveBuf () { if (dfFill == 0) return; dfLastPage = df_wrap(dfLastPage + 1); if (dfLastPage == DF_LOG_BEGIN) ++dfBuf.seqnum; // bump to next seqnum when wrapping // set remainder of buffer data to 0xFF and calculate crc over entire buffer dfBuf.crc = ~0; for (byte i = 0; i < sizeof dfBuf - 2; ++i) { if (dfFill <= i && i < sizeof dfBuf.data) dfBuf.data[i] = 0xFF; dfBuf.crc = _crc16_update(dfBuf.crc, dfBuf.data[i]); } df_write(dfLastPage, &dfBuf); dfFill = 0; // wait for write to finish before reporting page, seqnum, and time stamp df_flush(); Serial.print("DF S "); Serial.print(dfLastPage); Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(dfBuf.seqnum); Serial.print(' '); Serial.println(dfBuf.timestamp); // erase next block if we just saved data into a fresh block // at this point in time dfBuf is empty, so a lengthy erase cycle is ok if (dfLastPage % DF_BLOCK_SIZE == 0) df_erase(df_wrap(dfLastPage + DF_BLOCK_SIZE)); } static void df_append (const void* buf, byte len) { //FIXME the current logic can't append incoming packets during a save! // fill in page time stamp when appending to a fresh page if (dfFill == 0) dfBuf.timestamp = now(); long offset = now() - dfBuf.timestamp; if (offset >= 255 || dfFill + 1 + len > sizeof dfBuf.data) { df_saveBuf(); dfBuf.timestamp = now(); offset = 0; } // append new entry to flash buffer dfBuf.data[dfFill++] = offset; memcpy(dfBuf.data + dfFill, buf, len); dfFill += len; } // go through entire log buffer to figure out which page was last saved static void scanForLastSave () { dfBuf.seqnum = 0; dfLastPage = DF_LOG_LIMIT - 1; // look for last page before an empty page for (word page = DF_LOG_BEGIN; page < DF_LOG_LIMIT; ++page) { word currseq; df_read(page, sizeof dfBuf.data, &currseq, sizeof currseq); if (currseq != 0xFFFF) { dfLastPage = page; dfBuf.seqnum = currseq + 1; } else if (dfLastPage == page - 1) break; // careful with empty-filled-empty case, i.e. after wrap } } #define DATA_RATE_49200 0xC606 // Approx 49200 bps #define DATA_RATE_38400 0xC608 // Approx 38400 bps #define DATA_RATE DATA_RATE_38400 // use one of the data rates defined above static void df_initialize () { // assumes SPI has already been initialized for the RFM12B df_disable(); pinMode(DF_ENABLE_PIN, OUTPUT); df_command(0x9F); // Read Manufacturer and Device ID word info = df_xfer(0) << 8; info |= df_xfer(0); df_deselect(); if (info == DF_DEVICE_ID) { df_writeCmd(0x01); // Write Status Register ... df_xfer(0); // ... Global Unprotect df_deselect(); scanForLastSave(); Serial.print("DF I "); Serial.print(dfLastPage); Serial.print(' '); Serial.println(dfBuf.seqnum); // df_wipe(); df_saveBuf(); //XXX } } static void discardInput () { while (Serial.read() >= 0) ; } static void df_dump () { struct { word seqnum; long timestamp; word crc; } curr; discardInput(); for (word page = DF_LOG_BEGIN; page < DF_LOG_LIMIT; ++page) { if (Serial.read() >= 0) break; // read marker from page in flash df_read(page, sizeof dfBuf.data, &curr, sizeof curr); if (curr.seqnum == 0xFFFF) continue; // page never written to Serial.print(" df# "); Serial.print(page); Serial.print(" : "); Serial.print(curr.seqnum); Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(curr.timestamp); Serial.print(' '); Serial.println(curr.crc); } } static word scanForMarker (word seqnum, long asof) { word lastPage = 0; struct { word seqnum; long timestamp; } last, curr; last.seqnum = 0xFFFF; // go through all the pages in log area of flash for (word page = DF_LOG_BEGIN; page < DF_LOG_LIMIT; ++page) { // read seqnum and timestamp from page in flash df_read(page, sizeof dfBuf.data, &curr, sizeof curr); if (curr.seqnum == 0xFFFF) continue; // page never written to if (curr.seqnum >= seqnum && curr.seqnum < last.seqnum) { last = curr; lastPage = page; } if (curr.seqnum == last.seqnum && curr.timestamp <= asof) lastPage = page; } return lastPage; } static void df_replay (word seqnum, long asof) { word page = scanForMarker(seqnum, asof); Serial.print("r: page "); Serial.print(page); Serial.print(' '); Serial.println(dfLastPage); discardInput(); word savedSeqnum = dfBuf.seqnum; while (page != dfLastPage) { if (Serial.read() >= 0) break; page = df_wrap(page + 1); df_read(page, 0, &dfBuf, sizeof dfBuf); // overwrites ram buffer! if (dfBuf.seqnum == 0xFFFF) continue; // page never written to // skip and report bad pages word crc = ~0; for (word i = 0; i < sizeof dfBuf; ++i) crc = _crc16_update(crc, dfBuf.data[i]); if (crc != 0) { Serial.print("DF C? "); Serial.print(page); Serial.print(' '); Serial.println(crc); continue; } // report each entry as "R seqnum time " byte i = 0; while (i < sizeof dfBuf.data && dfBuf.data[i] < 255) { if (Serial.available()) break; Serial.print("R "); Serial.print(dfBuf.seqnum); Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(dfBuf.timestamp + dfBuf.data[i++]); Serial.print(' '); Serial.print((int) dfBuf.data[i++]); byte n = dfBuf.data[i++]; while (n-- > 0) { Serial.print(' '); Serial.print((int) dfBuf.data[i++]); } Serial.println(); } // at end of each page, report a "DF R" marker, to allow re-starting Serial.print("DF R "); Serial.print(page); Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(dfBuf.seqnum); Serial.print(' '); Serial.println(dfBuf.timestamp); } dfFill = 0; // ram buffer is no longer valid dfBuf.seqnum = savedSeqnum + 1; // so next replay will start at a new value Serial.print("DF E "); Serial.print(dfLastPage); Serial.print(' '); Serial.print(dfBuf.seqnum); Serial.print(' '); Serial.println(millis()); } #else // DATAFLASH #define df_present() 0 #define df_initialize() #define df_dump() #define df_replay(x,y) #define df_erase(x) #endif // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - const char helpText1[] PROGMEM = "\n" "Available commands:" "\n" " i - set node ID (standard node ids are 1..30)" "\n" " b - set MHz band (4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915)" "\n" " g - set network group (RFM12 only allows 212, 0 = any)" "\n" " c - set collect mode (advanced, normally 0)" "\n" " t - broadcast max-size test packet, request ack" "\n" " ..., a - send data packet to node , request ack" "\n" " ..., s - send data packet to node , no ack" "\n" " l - turn activity LED on PB1 on or off" "\n" " q - set quiet mode (1 = don't report bad packets)" "\n" " x - set reporting format (0 = decimal, 1 = hex)" "\n" " 123 z - total power down, needs a reset to start up again" "\n" "Remote control commands:" "\n" " ,,, f - FS20 command (868 MHz)" "\n" " ,, k - KAKU command (433 MHz)" "\n" ; const char helpText2[] PROGMEM = "Flash storage (JeeLink only):" "\n" " d - dump all log markers" "\n" " ,,,,, r - replay from specified marker" "\n" " 123,, e - erase 4K block" "\n" " 12,34 w - wipe entire flash memory" "\n" ; static void showString (PGM_P s) { for (;;) { char c = pgm_read_byte(s++); if (c == 0) break; if (c == '\n') Serial.print('\r'); Serial.print(c); } } static void showHelp () { showString(helpText1); if (df_present()) showString(helpText2); Serial.println("Current configuration:"); rf12_config(); } static void handleInput (char c) { if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') value = 10 * value + c - '0'; else if (c == ',') { if (top < sizeof stack) stack[top++] = value; value = 0; } else if ('a' <= c && c <='z') { Serial.print("> "); for (byte i = 0; i < top; ++i) { Serial.print((int) stack[i]); Serial.print(','); } Serial.print((int) value); Serial.println(c); switch (c) { default: showHelp(); break; case 'i': // set node id config.nodeId = (config.nodeId & 0xE0) + (value & 0x1F); saveConfig(); break; case 'b': // set band: 4 = 433, 8 = 868, 9 = 915 if (value) config.nodeId = (bandToFreq(value) << 6) + (config.nodeId & 0x3F); saveConfig(); break; case 'g': // set network group config.group = value; saveConfig(); break; case 'c': // set collect mode (off = 0, on = 1) if (value) config.nodeId |= COLLECT; else config.nodeId &= ~COLLECT; saveConfig(); break; case 't': // broadcast a maximum size test packet, request an ack cmd = 'a'; sendLen = RF12_MAXDATA; dest = 0; for (byte i = 0; i < RF12_MAXDATA; ++i) testbuf[i] = i + testCounter; Serial.print("test "); Serial.println((int) testCounter); // first byte in test buffer ++testCounter; break; case 'a': // send packet to node ID N, request an ack case 's': // send packet to node ID N, no ack cmd = c; sendLen = top; dest = value; memcpy(testbuf, stack, top); break; case 'l': // turn activity LED on or off activityLed(value); break; case 'f': // send FS20 command: ,,,f rf12_initialize(0, RF12_868MHZ); activityLed(1); fs20cmd(256 * stack[0] + stack[1], stack[2], value); activityLed(0); rf12_config(0); // restore normal packet listening mode break; case 'k': // send KAKU command: ,,k rf12_initialize(0, RF12_433MHZ); activityLed(1); kakuSend(stack[0], stack[1], value); activityLed(0); rf12_config(0); // restore normal packet listening mode break; case 'd': // dump all log markers if (df_present()) df_dump(); break; case 'r': // replay from specified seqnum/time marker if (df_present()) { word seqnum = (stack[0] << 8) || stack[1]; long asof = (stack[2] << 8) || stack[3]; asof = (asof << 16) | ((stack[4] << 8) || value); df_replay(seqnum, asof); } break; case 'e': // erase specified 4Kb block if (df_present() && stack[0] == 123) { word block = (stack[1] << 8) | value; df_erase(block); } break; case 'w': // wipe entire flash memory if (df_present() && stack[0] == 12 && value == 34) { df_wipe(); Serial.println("erased"); } break; case 'q': // turn quiet mode on or off (don't report bad packets) quiet = value; break; case 'z': // put the ATmega in ultra-low power mode (reset needed) if (value == 123) { delay(10); rf12_sleep(RF12_SLEEP); cli(); Sleepy::powerDown(); } break; case 'x': // set reporting mode to hex (1) or decimal (0) useHex = value; break; case 'v': //display the interpreter version displayVersion(1); break; } value = top = 0; memset(stack, 0, sizeof stack); } else if (c == '>') { // special case, send to specific band and group, and don't echo cmd // input: band,group,node,header,data... stack[top++] = value; rf12_initialize(stack[2], bandToFreq(stack[0]), stack[1]); rf12_sendNow(stack[3], stack + 4, top - 4); rf12_sendWait(2); rf12_config(0); // restore original band, etc value = top = 0; memset(stack, 0, sizeof stack); } else if (' ' < c && c < 'A') showHelp(); } void displayVersion(uint8_t newline ) { Serial.print("\n[RF12demo.10]"); if(newline!=0) Serial.println(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(SERIAL_BAUD); displayVersion(0); activityLed(0); // Set quiet mode as default quiet = 1; // Introducing switch to send ACKs back 1-byte Payload ackWithPayload = 1; if (rf12_config()) { config.nodeId = eeprom_read_byte(RF12_EEPROM_ADDR); config.group = eeprom_read_byte(RF12_EEPROM_ADDR + 1); } else { config.nodeId = 0x41; // 433 MHz, node 1 config.group = 0xD4; // default group 212 saveConfig(); } df_initialize(); showHelp(); } void loop() { if (Serial.available()) handleInput(Serial.read()); if (rf12_recvDone()) { byte n = rf12_len; if (rf12_crc == 0){ if(n>1 && rf12_data[0] == GSD_MAGIC) { // Magic = 83 => GSD Serial.print("GSD"); } else { // Unknown, but valide Serial.print("OK"); } } else { if (quiet) return; Serial.print(" ?"); if (n > 20) // print at most 20 bytes if crc is wrong n = 20; } if (useHex) Serial.print('X'); if (config.group == 0) { Serial.print(" G"); showByte(rf12_grp); } Serial.print(' '); showByte(rf12_hdr); for (byte i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (!useHex) Serial.print(' '); showByte(rf12_data[i]); } Serial.println(); if (rf12_crc == 0) { activityLed(1); if (df_present()) df_append((const char*) rf12_data - 2, rf12_len + 2); if (RF12_WANTS_ACK && (config.nodeId & COLLECT) == 0) { if (ackWithPayload && rf12_len > 1) { // ACK reply with first byte byte ackReply = rf12_data[1]; if (!quiet) { Serial.print(" -> ack "); Serial.println(ackReply); } delay(random(10)); rf12_sendStart(RF12_ACK_REPLY, &ackReply, 1); } else { // send empty ACK if (!quiet) Serial.println(" -> ack"); delay(random(10)); rf12_sendStart(RF12_ACK_REPLY, 0, 0); } } activityLed(0); } } if (cmd && rf12_canSend()) { activityLed(1); Serial.print(" -> "); Serial.print((int) sendLen); Serial.println(" b"); byte header = cmd == 'a' ? RF12_HDR_ACK : 0; if (dest) header |= RF12_HDR_DST | dest; rf12_sendStart(header, testbuf, sendLen); cmd = 0; activityLed(0); } }