const mach = @import("mach"); const gpu = mach.gpu; pub const name = .app; pub const Mod = mach.Mod(@This()); pub const systems = .{ .start = .{ .handler = start }, .init = .{ .handler = init }, .deinit = .{ .handler = deinit }, .tick = .{ .handler = tick }, }; title_timer: mach.time.Timer, pipeline: *gpu.RenderPipeline, pub fn deinit(core: *mach.Core.Mod, app: *Mod) void { app.state().pipeline.release(); core.schedule(.deinit); } fn start(app: *Mod, core: *mach.Core.Mod) !void { core.schedule(.init); app.schedule(.init); } fn init(app: *Mod, core: *mach.Core.Mod) !void { core.state().on_tick = app.system(.tick); core.state().on_exit = app.system(.deinit); // Create our shader module const shader_module = core.state().device.createShaderModuleWGSL("shader.wgsl", @embedFile("shader.wgsl")); defer shader_module.release(); // Blend state describes how rendered colors get blended const blend = gpu.BlendState{}; // Color target describes e.g. the pixel format of the window we are rendering to. const color_target = gpu.ColorTargetState{ .format = core.get(core.state().main_window, .framebuffer_format).?, .blend = &blend, }; // Fragment state describes which shader and entrypoint to use for rendering fragments. const fragment = gpu.FragmentState.init(.{ .module = shader_module, .entry_point = "frag_main", .targets = &.{color_target}, }); // Create our render pipeline that will ultimately get pixels onto the screen. const label = @tagName(name) ++ ".init"; const pipeline_descriptor = gpu.RenderPipeline.Descriptor{ .label = label, .fragment = &fragment, .vertex = gpu.VertexState{ .module = shader_module, .entry_point = "vertex_main", }, }; const pipeline = core.state().device.createRenderPipeline(&pipeline_descriptor); // Store our render pipeline in our module's state, so we can access it later on. app.init(.{ .title_timer = try mach.time.Timer.start(), .pipeline = pipeline, }); try updateWindowTitle(core); core.schedule(.start); } fn tick(core: *mach.Core.Mod, app: *Mod) !void { while (core.state().nextEvent()) |event| { switch (event) { .close => core.schedule(.exit), // Tell mach.Core to exit the app else => {}, } } // Grab the back buffer of the swapchain // TODO(Core) const back_buffer_view = core.state().swap_chain.getCurrentTextureView().?; defer back_buffer_view.release(); // Create a command encoder const label = @tagName(name) ++ ".tick"; const encoder = core.state().device.createCommandEncoder(&.{ .label = label }); defer encoder.release(); // Begin render pass const sky_blue_background = gpu.Color{ .r = 0.776, .g = 0.988, .b = 1, .a = 1 }; const color_attachments = [_]gpu.RenderPassColorAttachment{.{ .view = back_buffer_view, .clear_value = sky_blue_background, .load_op = .clear, .store_op = .store, }}; const render_pass = encoder.beginRenderPass(&gpu.RenderPassDescriptor.init(.{ .label = label, .color_attachments = &color_attachments, })); defer render_pass.release(); // Draw render_pass.setPipeline(app.state().pipeline); render_pass.draw(3, 1, 0, 0); // Finish render pass render_pass.end(); // Submit our commands to the queue var command = encoder.finish(&.{ .label = label }); defer command.release(); core.state().queue.submit(&[_]*gpu.CommandBuffer{command}); // Present the frame core.schedule(.present_frame); // update the window title every second if (app.state() >= 1.0) { app.state().title_timer.reset(); try updateWindowTitle(core); } } fn updateWindowTitle(core: *mach.Core.Mod) !void { try core.state().printTitle( core.state().main_window, "core-custom-entrypoint [ {d}fps ] [ Input {d}hz ]", .{ // TODO(Core) core.state().frameRate(), core.state().inputRate(), }, ); core.schedule(.update); }