// o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o // | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: | // | | // | https://www.rgraph.net/license.html | // | | // | RGraph is dual-licensed under the Open Source GPL license. That means that it's | // | free to use and there are no restrictions on what you can use RGraph for! | // | If the GPL license does not suit you however, then there's an inexpensive | // | commercial license option available. See the URL above for more details. | // o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o // // Having this here means that the RGraph libraries can be included in any order, instead of you having // to include the common core library first. // // Define the RGraph global variable RGraph = window.RGraph || {isRGraph: true,isrgraph: true,rgraph: true}; RGraph.Drawing = RGraph.Drawing || {}; // // The constructor. This function sets up the object. // RGraph.Drawing.YAxis = function (conf) { var id = conf.id var x = conf.x; this.id = id; this.canvas = document.getElementById(this.id); this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.canvas.__object__ = this; this.x = x; this.coords = []; this.coordsText = []; this.original_colors = []; this.colorsParsed = false; this.maxLabelLength = 0; this.firstDraw = true; // After the first draw this will be false // // This defines the type of this shape // this.type = 'drawing.yaxis'; // // This facilitates easy object identification, and should always be true // this.isRGraph = true; this.isrgraph = true; this.rgraph = true; // // This adds a uid to the object that you can use for identification purposes // this.uid = RGraph.createUID(); // // This adds a UID to the canvas for identification purposes // this.canvas.uid = this.canvas.uid ? this.canvas.uid : RGraph.createUID(); // // Some example background properties // this.properties = { marginLeft: 35, marginRight: 35, marginTop: 35, marginBottom: 35, colors: ['black'], title: '', titleColor: null, titleFont: null, titleSize: null, titleBold: null, titleItalic: null, textFont: 'Arial, Verdana, sans-serif', textSize: 12, textColor: 'black', textBold: false, textItalic: false, textAccessible: false, textAccessibleOverflow:'visible', textAccessiblePointerevents: false, text: null, yaxis: true, yaxisLinewidth: 1, yaxisColor: 'black', yaxisTickmarks: true, yaxisTickmarksCount: null, yaxisTickmarksLastTop: null, yaxisTickmarksLastBottom: null, yaxisTickmarksLength: 3, yaxisScale: true, yaxisScaleMin: 0, yaxisScaleMax: null, yaxisScaleUnitsPre: '', yaxisScaleUnitsPost: '', yaxisScaleDecimals: 0, yaxisScalePoint: '.', yaxisScaleThousand: ',', yaxisScaleRound: false, yaxisScaleFormatter: null, yaxisLabelsSpecific: null, yaxisLabelsCount: 5, yaxisLabels: null, yaxisLabelsOffsetx: 0, yaxisLabelsOffsety: 0, yaxisLabelsHalign: null, yaxisLabelsValign: null, yaxisLabelsFont: null, yaxisLabelsSize: null, yaxisLabelsColor: null, yaxisLabelsBold: null, yaxisLabelsItalic: null, yaxisLabelsPosition: 'edge', yaxisPosition: 'left', yaxisTitle: '', yaxisTitleBold: null, yaxisTitleSize: null, yaxisTitleFont: null, yaxisTitleColor: null, yaxisTitleItalic: null, yaxisTitlePos: null, yaxisTitleX: null, yaxisTitleY: null, yaxisTitleOffsetx: 0, yaxisTitleOffsety: 0, yaxisTitleHalign: null, yaxisTitleValign: null, yaxisTitleAccessible: null, xaxisPosition: 'bottom', linewidth: 1, tooltips: null, tooltipsEffect: 'slide', tooltipsCssClass: 'RGraph_tooltip', tooltipsCss: null, tooltipsEvent: 'onclick', tooltipsPersistent: false, tooltipsFormattedPoint: '.', tooltipsFormattedThousand: ',', tooltipsFormattedDecimals: 0, tooltipsFormattedUnitsPre: '', tooltipsFormattedUnitsPost: '', tooltipsFormattedListType: 'ul', tooltipsFormattedListItems: null, tooltipsFormattedTableHeaders: null, tooltipsFormattedTableData: null, tooltipsPointer: true, tooltipsPointerOffsetx: 0, tooltipsPointerOffsety: 0, tooltipsPositionStatic: true, xaxisPosition: 'bottom', clearto: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', clip: null } // // Add the reverse look-up table for property names // so that property names can be specified in any case. // this.properties_lowercase_map = []; for (var i in this.properties) { if (typeof i === 'string') { this.properties_lowercase_map[i.toLowerCase()] = i; } } // // A simple check that the browser has canvas support // if (!this.canvas) { alert('[DRAWING.YAXIS] No canvas support'); return; } // // Create the dollar object so that functions can be added to them // this.$0 = {}; // Easy access to properties and the path function var properties = this.properties; this.path = RGraph.pathObjectFunction; // // "Decorate" the object with the generic effects if the effects library has been included // if (RGraph.Effects && typeof RGraph.Effects.decorate === 'function') { RGraph.Effects.decorate(this); } // // A setter method for setting graph properties. It can be used like this: obj.set('colorsStroke', '#666'); // // @param name string The name of the property to set // @param value mixed The value of the property // this.set = function (name) { var value = typeof arguments[1] === 'undefined' ? null : arguments[1]; // Go through all of the properties and make sure // that they're using the correct capitalisation if (typeof name === 'string') { name = this.properties_lowercase_map[name.toLowerCase()] || name; } // Set the colorsParsed flag to false if the colors // property is being set if ( name === 'colors' || name === 'yaxisLabelsColor' || name === 'titleColor' || name === 'textColor' ) { this.colorsParsed = false; } // the number of arguments is only one and it's an // object - parse it for configuration data and return. if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'object') { for (i in arguments[0]) { if (typeof i === 'string') { this.set(i, arguments[0][i]); } } return this; } properties[name] = value; return this; }; // // A getter method for retrieving graph properties. It can be used like this: obj.get('colorsStroke'); // // @param name string The name of the property to get // this.get = function (name) { // Go through all of the properties and make sure // that they're using the correct capitalisation name = this.properties_lowercase_map[name.toLowerCase()] || name; return properties[name]; }; // // Draws the axes // this.draw = function () { // // Fire the onbeforedraw event // RGraph.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onbeforedraw'); // // Install clipping // // MUST be the first thing that's done after the // beforedraw event // if (!RGraph.isNullish(this.properties.clip)) { RGraph.clipTo.start(this, this.properties.clip); } // Translate half a pixel for antialiasing purposes - but only if it hasn't been // done already // // MUST be the first thing done! // if (!this.canvas.__rgraph_aa_translated__) { this.context.translate(0.5,0.5); this.canvas.__rgraph_aa_translated__ = true; } // // Some defaults // this.marginTop = properties.marginTop; this.marginBottom = properties.marginBottom; // // Stop this growing uncntrollably // this.coordsText = []; if (!properties.textColor) properties.textColor = properties.colors[0]; if (!properties.titleColor) properties.titleColor = properties.textColor; // // Parse the colors. This allows for simple gradient syntax // if (!this.colorsParsed) { this.parseColors(); // Don't want to do this again this.colorsParsed = true; } // DRAW Y AXIS HERE this.drawYAxis(); // // Add custom text thats specified // RGraph.addCustomText(this); // // This installs the event listeners // RGraph.installEventListeners(this); // // End clipping // if (!RGraph.isNullish(this.properties.clip)) { RGraph.clipTo.end(); } // // Fire the onfirstdraw event // if (this.firstDraw) { this.firstDraw = false; RGraph.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onfirstdraw'); this.firstDrawFunc(); } // // Fire the draw event // RGraph.fireCustomEvent(this, 'ondraw'); return this; }; // // Used in chaining. Runs a function there and then - not waiting for // the events to fire (eg the onbeforedraw event) // // @param function func The function to execute // this.exec = function (func) { func(this); return this; }; // // The getObjectByXY() worker method // this.getObjectByXY = function (e) { if (this.getShape(e)) { return this; } }; // // Not used by the class during creating the axis, but is used by event handlers // to get the coordinates (if any) of the selected shape // // @param object e The event object // this.getShape = function (e) { var mouseXY = RGraph.getMouseXY(e); var mouseX = mouseXY[0]; var mouseY = mouseXY[1]; if ( mouseX >= this.x - (properties.tickmarksAlign == 'right' ? 0 : this.getWidth()) && mouseX <= this.x + (properties.tickmarksAlign == 'right' ? this.getWidth() : 0) && mouseY >= this.marginTop && mouseY <= (this.canvas.height - this.marginBottom) && (this.properties.clip ? RGraph.clipTo.test(this, mouseX, mouseY) : true) ) { var x = this.x; var y = this.marginTop; var w = 15;; var h = this.canvas.height - this.marginTop - this.marginBottom; if (RGraph.parseTooltipText && properties.tooltips) { var tooltip = RGraph.parseTooltipText(properties.tooltips, 0); } return { object: this, x: x, y: y, width: w, height: h, dataset: 0, index: 0, sequentialIndex: 0, tooltip: typeof tooltip === 'string' ? tooltip : null }; } return null; }; // // Each object type has its own Highlight() function which highlights the appropriate shape // // @param object shape The shape to highlight // this.highlight = function (shape) { if (typeof properties.highlightStyle === 'function') { (properties.highlightStyle)(shape); } }; // // This allows for easy specification of gradients // this.parseColors = function () { // Save the original colors so that they can be restored when the canvas is reset if (this.original_colors.length === 0) { this.original_colors.yaxisLabelsColor = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.yaxisLabelsColor); this.original_colors.titleColor = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.titleColor); this.original_colors.textColor = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.textColor); this.original_colors.colors = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.colors); } // // Parse various properties for colors // properties.yaxisLabelsColor = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(properties.yaxisLabelsColor); properties.titleColor = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(properties.titleColor); properties.textColor = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(properties.textColor); properties.colors[0] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(properties.colors[0]); }; // // Use this function to reset the object to the post-constructor state. Eg reset colors if // need be etc // this.reset = function () { }; // // This parses a single color value // this.parseSingleColorForGradient = function (color) { if (!color) { return color; } if (typeof color === 'string' && color.match(/^gradient\((.*)\)$/i)) { // Allow for JSON gradients if (color.match(/^gradient\(({.*})\)$/i)) { return RGraph.parseJSONGradient({object: this, def: RegExp.$1}); } var parts = RegExp.$1.split(':'); // Create the gradient var grad = this.context.createLinearGradient(0,properties.marginTop,0,this.canvas.height - this.marginBottom); var diff = 1 / (parts.length - 1); grad.addColorStop(0, RGraph.trim(parts[0])); for (var j=1; j<parts.length; ++j) { grad.addColorStop(j * diff, RGraph.trim(parts[j])); } } return grad ? grad : color; }; // // The function that draws the Y axis // this.drawYAxis = function () { RGraph.drawYAxis(this); }; // // This detemines the maximum text width of either the scale or text // labels - whichever is given // // @return number The maximum text width // this.getWidth = function () { var width = this.maxLabelLength; // Add the title width if it's specified if (properties.yaxisTitle && properties.yaxisTitle.length) { width += (properties.textSize * 1.5); } this.width = width; return width; }; // // Using a function to add events makes it easier to facilitate method chaining // // @param string type The type of even to add // @param function func // this.on = function (type, func) { if (type.substr(0,2) !== 'on') { type = 'on' + type; } if (typeof this[type] !== 'function') { this[type] = func; } else { RGraph.addCustomEventListener(this, type, func); } return this; }; // // This function runs once only // (put at the end of the file (before any effects)) // this.firstDrawFunc = function () { }; // // A worker function that handles Bar chart specific tooltip substitutions // this.tooltipSubstitutions = function (opt) { return { index: 0, dataset: 0, sequentialIndex: 0, value: null }; }; // // This allows for static tooltip positioning // this.positionTooltipStatic = function (args) { var obj = args.object, e = args.event, tooltip = args.tooltip, index = args.index, canvasXY = RGraph.getCanvasXY(obj.canvas); // Position the tooltip in the X direction args.tooltip.style.left = ( canvasXY[0] // The X coordinate of the canvas - (tooltip.offsetWidth / 2) // Subtract half of the tooltip width + obj.properties.tooltipsOffsetx // Add any user defined offset + this.x // Add the X coordinate - (this.getWidth() / 2) ) + 'px'; args.tooltip.style.top = ( canvasXY[1] // The Y coordinate of the canvas - tooltip.offsetHeight // The height of the tooltip + obj.properties.tooltipsOffsety // Add any user defined offset + properties.marginTop - ((properties.textSize * 1.5) / 2) // Account for the size of the text - 10 // An arbitrary amount ) + 'px'; }; // // Objects are now always registered so that the chart is redrawn if need be. // RGraph.register(this); // // This is the 'end' of the constructor so if the first argument // contains configuration data - handle that. // RGraph.parseObjectStyleConfig(this, conf.options); };