// o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
    // | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at:                |
    // |                                                                                 |
    // |                       https://www.rgraph.net/license.html                       |
    // |                                                                                 |
    // | RGraph is dual-licensed under the Open Source GPL license. That means that it's |
    // | free to use and there are no restrictions on what you can use RGraph for!       |
    // | If the GPL license does not suit you however, then there's an inexpensive       |
    // | commercial license option available. See the URL above for more details.        |
    // o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o

    RGraph = window.RGraph || {isrgraph:true,isRGraph:true,rgraph:true};

    // The line chart constructor
    RGraph.Gauge = function (conf)
        var id     = conf.id,
            canvas = document.getElementById(id),
            min    = conf.min,
            max    = conf.max,
            value  = conf.value;
        this.id                     = id;
        this.canvas                 = canvas;
        this.context                = this.canvas.getContext ? this.canvas.getContext("2d", {alpha: (typeof id === 'object' && id.alpha === false) ? false : true}) : null;
        this.canvas.__object__      = this;
        this.type                   = 'gauge';
        this.min                    = RGraph.stringsToNumbers(min);
        this.max                    = RGraph.stringsToNumbers(max);
        this.value                  = RGraph.stringsToNumbers(value);
        this.isRGraph               = true;
        this.isrgraph               = true;
        this.rgraph                 = true;
        this.currentValue           = null;
        this.uid                    = RGraph.createUID();
        this.canvas.uid             = this.canvas.uid ? this.canvas.uid : RGraph.createUID();
        this.colorsParsed           = false;
        this.coordsText             = [];
        this.original_colors        = [];
        this.firstDraw              = true; // After the first draw this will be false
        this.stopAnimationRequested = false;// Used to control the animations

        // Range checking.
        // As of 4.63, it now saves the original value
        this.valueOriginal = this.value;

        if (typeof this.value === 'object') {
            for (var i=0; i<this.value.length; ++i) {
                if (this.value[i] > this.max) this.value[i] = max;
                if (this.value[i] < this.min) this.value[i] = min;
        } else {
            if (this.value > this.max) this.value = max;
            if (this.value < this.min) this.value = min;

        // Coniguration properties
        this.properties =
            anglesStart:  null,
            anglesEnd:    null,
            centerx:       null,
            centery:       null,
            radius:        null,
            marginLeft:   35,
            marginRight:  35,
            marginTop:    35,
            marginBottom: 35,
            borderWidth:  10,

            textFont:                     'Arial, Verdana, sans-serif',
            textSize:                     12,
            textColor:                    '#666',
            textBold:                     false,
            textItalic:                   false,
            textAccessible:               false,
            textAccessibleOverflow:      'visible',
            textAccessiblePointerevents: false,
            text:                        null,

            titleTop:          '',
            titleTopFont:     null,
            titleTopSize:     16,
            titleTopColor:    'black',
            titleTopBold:     true,
            titleTopItalic:   null,
            titleTopPos:      null,
            titleTopOffsetx:  0,
            titleTopOffsety:  0,

            titleTopSubtitle:         null,
            titleTopSubtitleFont:     null,
            titleTopSubtitleSize:     null,
            titleTopSubtitleColor:    '#666',
            titleTopSubtitleBold:     null,
            titleTopSubtitleItalic:   null,
            titleTopSubtitlePos:      null,
            titleTopSubtitleOffsetx:  0,
            titleTopSubtitleOffsety:  0,
            titleBottom:          '',
            titleBottomFont:      null,
            titleBottomSize:      null,
            titleBottomColor:     null,
            titleBottomBold:      null,
            titleBottomItalic:    null,
            titleBottomPos:       null,
            titleBottomOffsetx:   0,
            titleBottomOffsety:   0,
            backgroundColor:               'white',
            backgroundGradient:            false,

            scaleDecimals:             0,
            scalePoint:                '.',
            scaleThousand:             ',',
            scaleUnitsPre:            '',
            scaleUnitsPost:           '',
            scalePoint:                '.',
            scaleThousand:             ',',
            labelsCount:                      5,
            labelsCentered:                   false,
            labelsOffsetRadius:              0,
            labelsOffsetAngle:               0,
            labelsSpecific:                   null,
            labelsSpecificFormattedDecimals: 0,
            labelsSpecificFormattedPoint: '.',
            labelsSpecificFormattedThousand: ',',
            labelsSpecificFormattedUnitsPre: '',
            labelsSpecificFormattedUnitsPost: '',
            labelsOffsetx:                    0,
            labelsOffsety:                    0,
            labelsFont:                       null,
            labelsSize:                       null,
            labelsColor:                      null,
            labelsBold:                       null,
            labelsItalic:                     null,
            labelsValue:                 false,
            labelsValueYPos:           0.5,
            labelsValueUnitsPre:       '',
            labelsValueUnitsPost:      '',
            labelsValueBounding:        true,
            labelsValueBoundingFill:   'white',
            labelsValueBoundingStroke: 'black',
            labelsValueFont:            null,
            labelsValueSize:            null,
            labelsValueColor:           null,
            labelsValueItalic:          null,
            labelsValueBold:            null,
            labelsValueDecimals:        null,
            labelsValuePoint:           null,
            labelsValueThousand:        null,

            colorsRedStart:      0.9 * this.max,
            colorsRedColor:      '#DC3912',
            colorsRedWidth:      10,
            colorsYellowColor:   '#FF9900',
            colorsYellowWidth:   10,
            colorsGreenEnd:      0.7 * this.max,
            colorsGreenColor:    'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
            colorsGreenWidth:    10,
            colorsRanges:        null,

            needleSize:    null,
            needleTail:    false,
            needleColors:   ['#D5604D', 'red', 'green', 'yellow'],
            needleType:     'triangle',
            needleWidth:     7,

            borderOuter:     '#ccc',
            borderInner:     '#f1f1f1',
            borderOutline:   'black',
            borderGradient:  false,

            centerpinColor:  'blue',
            centerpinRadius: null,

            tickmarksSmall:        25,
            tickmarksSmallColor:  'black',
            tickmarksMedium:       0,
            tickmarksMediumColor: 'black',
            tickmarksLarge:        5,
            tickmarksLargeColor:  'black',

            adjustable:       false,

            annotatable:          false,
            annotatableLinewidth: 1,
            annotatableColor:     'black',

            shadow:           true,
            shadowColor:     'gray',
            shadowOffsetx:   0,
            shadowOffsety:   0,
            shadowBlur:      15,

            clearto:   'rgba(0,0,0,0)'

        // Add the reverse look-up table  for property names
        // so that property names can be specified in any case.
        this.properties_lowercase_map = [];
        for (var i in this.properties) {
            if (typeof i === 'string') {
                this.properties_lowercase_map[i.toLowerCase()] = i;

        // Easy access to  properties and the path function
        var properties = this.properties;
        this.path      = RGraph.pathObjectFunction;

        // "Decorate" the object with the generic effects if the effects library has been included
        if (RGraph.Effects && typeof RGraph.Effects.decorate === 'function') {
        // Add the responsive method. This method resides in the common file.
        this.responsive = RGraph.responsive;

        // An all encompassing accessor
        // @param string name The name of the property
        // @param mixed value The value of the property
        this.set = function (name)
            var value = typeof arguments[1] === 'undefined' ? null : arguments[1];

            // Go through all of the properties and make sure
            // that they're using the correct capitalisation
            if (typeof name === 'string') {
                name = this.properties_lowercase_map[name.toLowerCase()] || name;

            // Set the colorsParsed flag to false if the colors
            // property is being set
            if (   name === 'colors'
                || name === 'backgroundColor'
                || name === 'colorsRedColor'
                || name === 'colorsYellowColor'
                || name === 'colorsGreenColor'
                || name === 'borderInner'
                || name === 'borderOuter'
                || name === 'colorsRanges'
                || name === 'needleColors'
                ) {
                this.colorsParsed = false;

            // the number of arguments is only one and it's an
            // object - parse it for configuration data and return.
            if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'object') {
                for (i in arguments[0]) {
                    if (typeof i === 'string') {
                        this.set(i, arguments[0][i]);

                return this;

            properties[name] = value;

            return this;

        // An all encompassing accessor
        // @param string name The name of the property
        this.get = function (name)
            // Go through all of the properties and make sure
            // that they're using the correct capitalisation
            name = this.properties_lowercase_map[name.toLowerCase()] || name;

            return properties[name];

        // The function you call to draw the line chart
        // @param bool An optional bool used internally to ditinguish whether the
        //             line chart is being called by the bar chart
        this.draw = function ()
            // Fire the onbeforedraw event
            RGraph.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onbeforedraw');

            // Translate half a pixel for antialiasing purposes - but only if it hasn't been
            // done already
            // MUST be the first thing done!
            if (!this.canvas.__rgraph_aa_translated__) {
                this.canvas.__rgraph_aa_translated__ = true;
            // Store the value (for animation primarily
            this.currentValue = this.value;

            // Make the margins easy to access
            this.marginLeft   = properties.marginLeft;
            this.marginRight  = properties.marginRight;
            this.marginTop    = properties.marginTop;
            this.marginBottom = properties.marginBottom;
            this.centerx = ((this.canvas.width - this.marginLeft - this.marginRight) / 2) + this.marginLeft;
            this.centery = ((this.canvas.height - this.marginTop - this.marginBottom) / 2) + this.marginTop;
            this.radius  = Math.min(
                ((this.canvas.width - this.marginLeft - this.marginRight) / 2),
                ((this.canvas.height - this.marginTop - this.marginBottom) / 2)
            this.startAngle = properties.anglesStart ? properties.anglesStart : (RGraph.HALFPI / 3) + RGraph.HALFPI;
            this.endAngle   = properties.anglesEnd ? properties.anglesEnd : RGraph.TWOPI + RGraph.HALFPI - (RGraph.HALFPI / 3);
            // Reset this so it doesn't keep growing
            this.coordsText = [];
            // You can now override the positioning and radius if you so wish.
            if (typeof properties.centerx === 'number') this.centerx = properties.centerx;
            if (typeof properties.centery === 'number') this.centery = properties.centery;
            if (typeof properties.radius  === 'number') this.radius  = properties.radius;

            // Allow the centerx/centery/radius to be a plus/minus
            if (typeof properties.radius  === 'string' && properties.radius.match(/^\+|-\d+$/) )  this.radius  += parseFloat(properties.radius);
            if (typeof properties.centerx === 'string' && properties.centerx.match(/^\+|-\d+$/) ) this.centerx += parseFloat(properties.centerx);
            if (typeof properties.centery === 'string' && properties.centery.match(/^\+|-\d+$/) ) this.centery += parseFloat(properties.centery);

            // Parse the colors. This allows for simple gradient syntax
            if (!this.colorsParsed) {
                // Don't want to do this again
                this.colorsParsed = true;
            // This has to be in the constructor
            this.centerpinRadius = 0.16 * this.radius;
            if (typeof properties.centerpinRadius == 'number') {
                this.centerpinRadius = properties.centerpinRadius;

            // Install clipping
            // MUST be the first thing that's done after the
            // beforedraw event
            if (!RGraph.isNullish(this.properties.clip)) {
                RGraph.clipTo.start(this, this.properties.clip);
            // Setup the context menu if required
            if (properties.contextmenu) {
            // DRAW THE CHART HERE
            if (typeof this.value == 'object') {
                for (var i=0; i<this.value.length; ++i) {
                    this.drawNeedle(this.value[i], properties.needleColors[i], i);
            } else {
                this.drawNeedle(this.value, properties.needleColors[0], 0);

            // Add custom text thats specified

            // This installs the event listeners

            // End clipping
            if (!RGraph.isNullish(this.properties.clip)) {

            // Fire the onfirstdraw event
            if (this.firstDraw) {
                this.firstDraw = false;
                RGraph.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onfirstdraw');

            // Fire the RGraph draw event
            RGraph.fireCustomEvent(this, 'ondraw');

            // Install any inline responsive configuration. This
            // should be last in the draw function - even after
            // the draw events.


            return this;

        // Used in chaining. Runs a function there and then - not waiting for
        // the events to fire (eg the onbeforedraw event)
        // @param function func The function to execute
        this.exec = function (func)
            return this;

        // Draw the background
        this.drawBackGround = function ()
            // Shadow //////////////////////////////////////////////
            if (properties.shadow) {
                this.context.fillStyle = properties.backgroundColor;
                //this.context.moveTo(this.centerx, this.centery)
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius, 0, RGraph.TWOPI, 0);
            // Turn off the shadow
            // Shadow //////////////////////////////////////////////
            var grad = this.context.createRadialGradient(this.centerx + 50, this.centery - 50, 0, this.centerx + 50, this.centery - 50, 150);
            grad.addColorStop(0, '#eee');
            grad.addColorStop(1, 'white');
            var borderWidth = properties.borderWidth;
                this.context.fillStyle = properties.backgroundColor;
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius, 0, RGraph.TWOPI, 0);
            // Draw the gray circle
                this.context.fillStyle = properties.borderOuter;
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius, 0, RGraph.TWOPI, 0);
            // Draw the light gray inner border
                this.context.fillStyle = properties.borderInner;
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - borderWidth, 0, RGraph.TWOPI, 0);
            // Draw the white circle inner border
                this.context.fillStyle = properties.backgroundColor;
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - borderWidth - 4, 0, RGraph.TWOPI, 0);
            // Draw the circle background. Can be any colour now.
                this.context.fillStyle = properties.backgroundColor;
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - borderWidth - 4, 0, RGraph.TWOPI, 0);
            if (properties.backgroundGradient) {

                // Draw a partially transparent gradient that sits on top of the background
                    this.context.fillStyle = RGraph.radialGradient({
                        object: this,
                        x1:     this.centerx - this.radius,
                        y1:     this.centery - this.radius,
                        r1:     0,
                        x2:     this.centerx - (this.radius / 2),
                        y2:     this.centery - (this.radius / 2),
                        r2:     this.radius,
                        colors: [
                    this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - borderWidth - 4, 0, RGraph.TWOPI, 0);
            // Draw a black border around the chart
                this.context.strokeStyle = properties.borderOutline;
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius, 0, RGraph.TWOPI, 0);

        // This function draws the smaller tickmarks
        this.drawSmallTickmarks = function ()
            var numTicks = properties.tickmarksSmall;
            this.context.lineWidth = 1;
            for (var i=0; i<=numTicks; ++i) {
                    this.context.strokeStyle = properties.tickmarksSmallColor;
                    var a = (((this.endAngle - this.startAngle) / numTicks) * i) + this.startAngle;
                    this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - properties.borderWidth - 10, a, a + 0.00001, 0);
                    this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - properties.borderWidth - 10 - 5, a, a + 0.00001, 0);

        // This function draws the medium sized tickmarks
        this.drawMediumTickmarks = function ()
            if (properties.tickmarksMedium) {
                var numTicks = properties.tickmarksMedium;
                this.context.lineWidth = 3;
                this.context.lineCap   = 'round';
                this.context.strokeStyle = properties.tickmarksMediumColor;
                for (var i=0; i<=numTicks; ++i) {
                        var a = (((this.endAngle - this.startAngle) / numTicks) * i) + this.startAngle + (((this.endAngle - this.startAngle) / (2 * numTicks)));
                        if (a > this.startAngle && a< this.endAngle) {
                            this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - properties.borderWidth - 10, a, a + 0.00001, 0);
                            this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - properties.borderWidth - 10 - 6, a, a + 0.00001, 0);

        // This function draws the large, bold tickmarks
        this.drawLargeTickmarks = function ()
            var numTicks = properties.tickmarksLarge;

            this.context.lineWidth = 3;
            this.context.lineCap   = 'round';
            for (var i=0; i<=numTicks; ++i) {
                    this.context.strokeStyle = properties.tickmarksLargeColor;
                    var a = (((this.endAngle - this.startAngle) / numTicks) * i) + this.startAngle;
                    this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - properties.borderWidth - 10, a, a + 0.00001, 0);
                    this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - properties.borderWidth - 10 - 10, a, a + 0.00001, 0);

        // This function draws the centerpin
        this.drawCenterpin = function ()
            var offset = 6;
            var grad = this.context.createRadialGradient(this.centerx + offset, this.centery - offset, 0, this.centerx + offset, this.centery - offset, 25);
            grad.addColorStop(0, '#ddf');
            grad.addColorStop(1, properties.centerpinColor);
                this.context.fillStyle = grad;
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.centerpinRadius, 0, RGraph.TWOPI, 0);

        // This function draws the labels
        this.drawLabels = function ()
            this.context.fillStyle = properties.textColor;
            var font    = properties.textFont,
                size    = properties.textSize,
                num     = properties.labelsSpecific ? (properties.labelsSpecific.length - 1) : properties.labelsCount,
                offsetx = properties.labelsOffsetx,
                offsety = properties.labelsOffsety,
                offseta = properties.labelsOffsetAngle;

            var textConf = RGraph.getTextConf({
                object: this,
                prefix: 'labels'

            // String based labels
            if (typeof properties.labelsSpecific === 'string') {
                // Reset the number of labels to show
                num = properties.labelsCount - 1;

                if (properties.labelsSpecific && properties.labelsSpecific.length) {
                    // If the labelsSpecific option is a string then turn it
                    // into an array.
                    if (typeof properties.labelsSpecific === 'string' ) {
                        properties.labelsSpecific = RGraph.arrayPad({
                            array:  [],
                            length: properties.labelsCount,
                            value:  properties.labelsSpecific

                    // Label substitution
                    for (var i=0; i<properties.labelsSpecific.length; ++i) {
                        properties.labelsSpecific[i] = RGraph.labelSubstitution({
                            object:    this,
                            text:      properties.labelsSpecific[i],
                            index:     i,
                            value:     this.value,
                            decimals:  properties.labelsSpecificFormattedDecimals  || 0,
                            unitsPre:  properties.labelsSpecificFormattedUnitsPre  || '',
                            unitsPost: properties.labelsSpecificFormattedUnitsPost || '',
                            thousand:  properties.labelsSpecificFormattedThousand  || ',',
                            point:     properties.labelsSpecificFormattedPoint     || '.'

                if (num) {
                    for (var i=0; i<=num; ++i) {
                        var hyp = (this.radius - 25 - properties.borderWidth) - properties.labelsOffsetRadius;
                        var a   = (this.endAngle - this.startAngle) / num
                            a   = this.startAngle + (i * a);
                            a  -= RGraph.HALFPI;
                            a += offseta;

                        var x = this.centerx - (Math.sin(a) * hyp);
                        var y = this.centery + (Math.cos(a) * hyp);

                        var hAlign = x > this.centerx ? 'right' : 'left';
                        var vAlign = y > this.centery ? 'bottom' : 'top';
                        // This handles the label alignment when the label is on a PI/HALFPI boundary
                        if (a == RGraph.HALFPI) {
                            vAlign = 'center';
                        } else if (a == RGraph.PI) {
                            hAlign = 'center';
                        } else if (a == (RGraph.HALFPI + RGraph.PI) ) {
                            vAlign = 'center';
                        // Can now force center alignment
                        if (properties.labelsCentered) {
                            hAlign = 'center';
                            vAlign = 'center';
                        var value = (((this.max - this.min) * (i / num)) + this.min);

                           object: this,

                             font: textConf.font,
                             size: textConf.size,
                            color: textConf.color,
                             bold: textConf.bold,
                           italic: textConf.italic,
                            x:      x + offsetx,
                            y:      y + offsety,
                            text:   properties.labelsSpecific ? properties.labelsSpecific[i] : RGraph.numberFormat({
                                object:    this,
                                number:    value.toFixed(properties.scaleDecimals),
                                unitspre:  properties.scaleUnitsPre,
                                unitspost: properties.scaleUnitsPost,
                                point:     properties.scalePoint,
                                thousand:  properties.scaleThousand
                            halign: hAlign,
                            valign: vAlign,
                               tag:    properties.labelsSpecific ? 'labels.specific' : 'labels',
                          cssClass:   properties.labelsSpecific
                                    ? RGraph.getLabelsCSSClassName({
                                      object: this,
                                        name: 'labelsClass',
                                       index: i
                                    : ''

            // Draw the textual value if requested
            if (properties.labelsValue) {
                var x              = this.centerx,
                    y              = this.centery + (properties.labelsValueYPos * this.radius),
                    units_pre      = typeof properties.labelsValueUnitsPre == 'string' ? properties.labelsValueUnitsPre : properties.scaleUnitsPre,
                    units_post     = typeof properties.labelsValueUnitsPost == 'string' ? properties.labelsValueUnitsPost : properties.scaleUnitsPost,
                    bounding       = properties.labelsValueBounding,
                    boundingFill   = properties.labelsValueBoundingFill,
                    boundingStroke = properties.labelsValueBoundingStroke,
                    decimals       = typeof properties.labelsValueDecimals === 'number' ? properties.labelsValueDecimals : properties.scaleDecimals,
                    point          = typeof properties.labelsValuePoint === 'string' ? properties.labelsValuePoint : properties.scalePoint,
                    thousand       = typeof properties.labelsValueThousand === 'string' ? properties.labelsValueThousand : properties.scaleThousand;

                var textConf = RGraph.getTextConf({
                    object: this,
                    prefix: 'labelsValue'

                if (typeof this.value === 'number') {

                    var value = parseFloat(properties.valueTextActual ? this.valueOriginal : this.value);

                    var text = RGraph.numberFormat({
                           object:    this,
                           number:    value.toFixed(decimals),
                         unitspre:  units_pre,
                        unitspost: units_post,
                            point: point,
                         thousand: thousand

                } else {
                    var text = [];
                    for (var i=0; i<this.value.length; ++i) {
                        text[i] = RGraph.numberFormat({
                               object:    this,
                               number:    this.value[i].toFixed(decimals),
                             unitspre:  units_pre,
                            unitspost: units_post,
                                point: point,
                             thousand: thousand
                    text = text.join(', ');

               object: this,

                 font: textConf.font,
                 size: textConf.size,
                color: textConf.color,
                 bold: textConf.bold,
               italic: textConf.italic,

                    x:                  x,
                    y:                  y,
                    text:               text,
                    halign:             'center',
                    valign:             'center',
                    bounding:           bounding,
                    'bounding.fill':    boundingFill,
                    'bounding.stroke':  boundingStroke,
                    tag:                'value.text'

        // This function draws the top title
        this.drawTopTitle = function ()
            var x = this.centerx;
            var y = this.centery - 25;
            if (typeof properties.titleTopSubtitle === 'string') {
                y -= 20.

            // Move the Y coord up if there's a subtitle
            if (typeof properties.titleTopSubtitle === 'string' || typeof properties.titleTopSubtitle === 'number') {
                var titleTopSubtitleDim = RGraph.measureText({
                    bold:   properties.titleTopSubtitleBold,
                    italic: properties.titleTopSubtitleItalic,
                    size:   properties.titleTopSubtitleSize,
                    font:   properties.titleTopSubtitleFont,
                    text:   'Mg'
                y -= titleTopSubtitleDim[1];

            // Totally override the calculated positioning
            if (typeof properties.titleTopPos == 'number') {
                y = this.centery - (this.radius * properties.titleTopPos);

            var textConf = RGraph.getTextConf({
                object: this,
                prefix: 'titleTop'

            if (properties.titleTop) {
                if (typeof properties.titleTopOffsetx === 'number') x += properties.titleTopOffsetx;
                if (typeof properties.titleTopOffsety === 'number') y += properties.titleTopOffsety;
                this.context.fillStyle = properties.titleTopColor;

               object: this,
                 font: textConf.font,
                 size: textConf.size,
                color: textConf.color,
                 bold: textConf.bold,
               italic: textConf.italic,
                    x:      x,
                    y:      y,
                    text:   String(properties.titleTop),
                    halign: 'center',
                    valign: 'bottom',
                    tag:    'title.top',
                    marker: false

            // Draw the subtitle
            var text = properties.titleTopSubtitle;
            if (typeof text === 'string') {

                // Get the size of the title
                var titleSize = textConf.size;

                var textConf = RGraph.getTextConf({
                    object: this,
                    prefix: 'titleTopSubtitle'

                // Draw the subtitle
                var ret = RGraph.text({
                    object:  this,
                    font:    textConf.font,
                    size:    textConf.size,
                    color:   textConf.color,
                    bold:    textConf.bold,
                    italic:  textConf.italic,
                    x:       x + properties.titleTopSubtitleOffsetx,
                    y:       y + 5 + properties.titleTopSubtitleOffsety,
                    text:    text,
                    valign:  'top',
                    halign:  'center',
                    tag:     'subtitle.top',
                    marker:  false

        // This function draws the bottom title
        this.drawBottomTitle = function ()
            var x = this.centerx;
            var y = this.centery + this.centerpinRadius + 10;
            // Totally override the calculated positioning
            if (typeof properties.titleBottomPos == 'number') {
                y = this.centery + (this.radius * properties.titleBottomPos);
            if (properties.titleBottom) {

                if (typeof properties.titleBottomOffsetx === 'number') x += properties.titleBottomOffsetx;
                if (typeof properties.titleBottomOffsety === 'number') y += properties.titleBottomOffsety;

                this.context.fillStyle = properties.titleBottomColor;

                var textConf = RGraph.getTextConf({
                    object: this,
                    prefix: 'titleBottom'

               object: this,

                 font: textConf.font,
                 size: textConf.size,
                color: textConf.color,
                 bold: textConf.bold,
               italic: textConf.italic,

                    x:      x,
                    y:      y,
                    text:   String(properties.titleBottom),
                    halign: 'center',
                    valign: 'top',
                    tag:    'title.bottom'

        // This function draws the Needle
        // @param number value The value to draw the needle for
        this.drawNeedle = function (value, color, index)
            var type = properties.needleType;

            this.context.lineWidth   = 0.5;
            this.context.strokeStyle = 'gray';
            this.context.fillStyle   = color;
            var angle = (this.endAngle - this.startAngle) * ((value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min));
                angle += this.startAngle;
            // Work out the size of the needle
            if (   typeof properties.needleSize == 'object'
                && properties.needleSize
                && typeof properties.needleSize[index] == 'number') {
                var size = properties.needleSize[index];
            } else if (typeof properties.needleSize == 'number') {
                var size = properties.needleSize;
            } else {
                var size = this.radius - 25 - properties.borderWidth;
            if (type == 'line') {
                    this.context.lineWidth = properties.needleWidth;
                    this.context.strokeStyle = color;
                        angle + 0.0001,
                    this.context.lineTo(this.centerx, this.centery);
                    if (properties.needleTail) {
                        this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius * 0.2  , angle + RGraph.PI, angle + 0.00001 + RGraph.PI, false);
                    this.context.lineTo(this.centerx, this.centery);
            } else {
                    this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, size, angle, angle + 0.00001, false);
                    this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.centerpinRadius * 0.5, angle + RGraph.HALFPI, angle + 0.00001 + RGraph.HALFPI, false);
                    if (properties.needleTail) {
                        this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius * 0.2  , angle + RGraph.PI, angle + 0.00001 + RGraph.PI, false);
                    this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.centerpinRadius * 0.5, angle - RGraph.HALFPI, angle - 0.00001 - RGraph.HALFPI, false);
                // Store the angle in an object variable
                this.angle = angle;

        // This draws the green background to the tickmarks
        this.drawColorBands = function ()
            if (RGraph.isArray(properties.colorsRanges)) {
                var ranges = properties.colorsRanges;
                for (var i=0; i<ranges.length; ++i) {
                    this.context.fillStyle = ranges[i][2];
                    this.context.lineWidth = 0;

                            this.radius - 10 - properties.borderWidth,
                            (((ranges[i][0] - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)) * (this.endAngle - this.startAngle)) + this.startAngle,
                            (((ranges[i][1] - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)) * (this.endAngle - this.startAngle)) + this.startAngle,
                            this.radius - 10 - properties.borderWidth - (typeof ranges[i][3] === 'number' ? ranges[i][3] : 10),
                            (((ranges[i][1] - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)) * (this.endAngle - this.startAngle)) + this.startAngle,
                            (((ranges[i][0] - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)) * (this.endAngle - this.startAngle)) + this.startAngle,

            // Draw the GREEN region
            this.context.strokeStyle = properties.colorsGreenColor;
            this.context.fillStyle = properties.colorsGreenColor;
            var greenStart = this.startAngle;
            var greenEnd   = this.startAngle + (this.endAngle - this.startAngle) * ((properties.colorsGreenEnd - this.min) / (this.max - this.min))

                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - 10 - properties.borderWidth, greenStart, greenEnd, false);
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - (10 + properties.colorsGreenWidth) - properties.borderWidth, greenEnd, greenStart, true);
            // Draw the YELLOW region
            this.context.strokeStyle = properties.colorsYellowColor;
            this.context.fillStyle = properties.colorsYellowColor;
            var yellowStart = greenEnd;
            var yellowEnd   = this.startAngle + (this.endAngle - this.startAngle) * ((properties.colorsRedStart - this.min) / (this.max - this.min))
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - 10 - properties.borderWidth, yellowStart, yellowEnd, false);
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - (10 + properties.colorsYellowWidth) - properties.borderWidth, yellowEnd, yellowStart, true);
            // Draw the RED region
            this.context.strokeStyle = properties.colorsRedColor;
            this.context.fillStyle = properties.colorsRedColor;
            var redStart = yellowEnd;
            var redEnd   = this.startAngle + (this.endAngle - this.startAngle) * ((this.max - this.min) / (this.max - this.min))
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - 10 - properties.borderWidth, redStart, redEnd, false);
                this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - (10 + properties.colorsRedWidth) - properties.borderWidth, redEnd, redStart, true);

        // A placeholder function
        // @param object The event object
        this.getShape = function (e) {};

        // A getValue method
        // @param object e An event object
        this.getValue = function (e)
            var mouseXY = RGraph.getMouseXY(e);
            var mouseX  = mouseXY[0];
            var mouseY  = mouseXY[1];
            var angle = RGraph.getAngleByXY(this.centerx, this.centery, mouseX, mouseY);
            if (angle >= 0 && angle <= RGraph.HALFPI) {
                angle += RGraph.TWOPI;
            var value = ((angle - this.startAngle) / (this.endAngle - this.startAngle)) * (this.max - this.min);
                value = value + this.min;
            if (value < this.min) {
                value = this.min
            if (value > this.max) {
                value = this.max
            return value;

        // The getObjectByXY() worker method. Don't call this call:
        // RGraph.ObjectRegistry.getObjectByXY(e)
        // @param object e The event object
        this.getObjectByXY = function (e)
            var mouseXY = RGraph.getMouseXY(e);
            if (
                   mouseXY[0] > (this.centerx - this.radius)
                && mouseXY[0] < (this.centerx + this.radius)
                && mouseXY[1] > (this.centery - this.radius)
                && mouseXY[1] < (this.centery + this.radius)
                && RGraph.getHypLength(this.centerx, this.centery, mouseXY[0], mouseXY[1]) <= this.radius
                ) {
                return this;

        // This draws the gradient that goes around the Gauge chart
        this.drawGradient = function ()
            if (properties.borderGradient) {
                    var grad = this.context.createRadialGradient(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius, this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - 15);
                    grad.addColorStop(0, 'gray');
                    grad.addColorStop(1, 'white');
                    this.context.fillStyle = grad;
                    this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius, 0, RGraph.TWOPI, false)
                    this.context.arc(this.centerx, this.centery, this.radius - 15, RGraph.TWOPI,0, true)

        // This method handles the adjusting calculation for when the mouse is moved
        // @param object e The event object
        this.adjusting_mousemove = function (e)
            // Handle adjusting for the Bar
            if (properties.adjustable && RGraph.Registry.get('adjusting') && RGraph.Registry.get('adjusting').uid == this.uid) {
                this.value = this.getValue(e);
                RGraph.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onadjust');

        // This method returns an appropriate angle for the given value (in RADIANS)
        // @param number value The value to get the angle for
        this.getAngle = function (value)
            // Higher than max
            if (value > this.max || value < this.min) {
                return null;
            //var value = ((angle - this.startAngle) / (this.endAngle - this.startAngle)) * (this.max - this.min);
                //value = value + this.min;
            var angle = (((value - this.min) / (this.max - this.min)) * (this.endAngle - this.startAngle)) + this.startAngle;
            return angle;

        // This allows for easy specification of gradients. Could optimise this not to repeatedly call parseSingleColors()
        this.parseColors = function ()
            // Save the original colors so that they can be restored when the canvas is reset
            if (this.original_colors.length === 0) {
                this.original_colors.backgroundColor   = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.backgroundColor);
                this.original_colors.colorsRedColor    = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.colorsRedColor);
                this.original_colors.colorsYellowColor = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.colorsYellowColor);
                this.original_colors.colorsGreenColor  = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.colorsGreenColor);
                this.original_colors.borderInner       = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.borderInner);
                this.original_colors.borderOuter       = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.borderOuter);
                this.original_colors.colorsRanges      = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.colorsRanges);
                this.original_colors.needleColors      = RGraph.arrayClone(properties.needleColors);

            properties.backgroundColor   = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(properties.backgroundColor);
            properties.colorsRedColor    = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(properties.colorsRedColor);
            properties.colorsYellowColor = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(properties.colorsYellowColor);
            properties.colorsGreenColor  = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(properties.colorsGreenColor);
            properties.borderInner       = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(properties.borderInner);
            properties.borderOuter       = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(properties.borderOuter);
            // Parse the colorRanges value
            if (properties.colorsRanges) {
                var ranges = properties.colorsRanges;
                for (var i=0; i<ranges.length; ++i) {
                    ranges[i][2] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(ranges[i][2], this.radius - 30);
            // Parse the needleColors value
            if (properties.needleColors) {
                var colors = properties.needleColors;
                for (var i=0; i<colors.length; ++i) {
                    colors[i] = this.parseSingleColorForGradient(colors[i]);

        // Use this function to reset the object to the post-constructor state. Eg reset colors if
        // need be etc
        this.reset = function ()

        // This parses a single color value
        // @param string color    The color to look for a gradient in
        // @param radius OPTIONAL The start radius to start the gradient at.
        //                        If not suppllied the centerx value is used
        this.parseSingleColorForGradient = function (color)
            var radiusStart = arguments[1] || 0;

            if (!color || typeof color != 'string') {
                return color;
            if (color.match(/^gradient\((.*)\)$/i)) {

                // Allow for JSON gradients
                if (color.match(/^gradient\(({.*})\)$/i)) {
                    return RGraph.parseJSONGradient({object: this, def: RegExp.$1});

                var parts = RegExp.$1.split(':');
                // Create the gradient
                var grad = this.context.createRadialGradient(
                var diff = 1 / (parts.length - 1);
                grad.addColorStop(0, RGraph.trim(parts[0]));
                for (var j=1; j<parts.length; ++j) {
                    grad.addColorStop(j * diff, RGraph.trim(parts[j]));

            return grad ? grad : color;

        // Using a function to add events makes it easier to facilitate method chaining
        // @param string   type The type of even to add
        // @param function func 
        this.on = function (type, func)
            if (type.substr(0,2) !== 'on') {
                type = 'on' + type;
            if (typeof this[type] !== 'function') {
                this[type] = func;
            } else {
                RGraph.addCustomEventListener(this, type, func);
            return this;

        // This function runs once only
        // (put at the end of the file (before any effects))
        this.firstDrawFunc = function ()

        // Gauge chart Grow effect
        // This effect gradually increases the represented value
        // @param object       Options for the effect. You can pass frames here
        // @param function     An optional callback function
        this.grow = function ()
            // Cancel any stop request if one is pending

            var obj      = this,
                opt      = arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {},
                callback = arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : function () {},
                frames   = opt.frames || 30,
                frame    = 0;

            // Don't want any strings
            if (typeof this.value === 'string') {
                this.value = RGraph.stringsToNumbers(this.value);

            // Single pointer
            if (typeof this.value === 'number') {
                var origValue = Number(this.currentValue);
                if (this.currentValue == null) {
                    this.currentValue = this.min;
                    origValue = this.min;
                var newValue  = this.value,
                    diff      = newValue - origValue;

                var iterator = function ()
                   if (obj.stopAnimationRequested) {
                        // Reset the flag
                        obj.stopAnimationRequested = false;

                    obj.value = ((frame / frames) * diff) + origValue;

                    if (obj.value > obj.max) obj.value = obj.max;
                    if (obj.value < obj.min) obj.value = obj.min;
                    if (frame++ < frames) {
                    } else {

            // Multiple pointers
            } else {

                if (this.currentValue == null) {
                    this.currentValue = [];
                    for (var i=0; i<this.value.length; ++i) {
                        this.currentValue[i] = this.min;
                    origValue = RGraph.arrayClone(this.currentValue);

                var origValue = RGraph.arrayClone(this.currentValue);
                var newValue  = RGraph.arrayClone(this.value);
                var diff      = [];

                for (var i=0,len=newValue.length; i<len; ++i) {
                    diff[i] = newValue[i] - Number(this.currentValue[i]);

                var iterator = function ()
                    if (obj.stopAnimationRequested) {
                        // Reset the flag
                        obj.stopAnimationRequested = false;


                    for (var i=0,len=obj.value.length; i<len; ++i) {

                        obj.value[i] = ((frame / frames) * diff[i]) + origValue[i];

                        if (obj.value[i] > obj.max) obj.value[i] = obj.max;
                        if (obj.value[i] < obj.min) obj.value[i] = obj.min;


                    if (frame < frames) {
                    } else {
            return this;

        // Couple of functions that allow you to control the
        // animation effect
        this.stopAnimation = function ()
            this.stopAnimationRequested = true;

        this.cancelStopAnimation = function ()
            this.stopAnimationRequested = false;

        // This function handles clipping to scale values. Because
        // each chart handles scales differently, a worker function
        // is needed instead of it all being done centrally in the
        // RGraph.clipTo.start() function.
        // @param string clip The clip string as supplied by the
        //                    user in the chart configuration
        this.clipToScaleWorker = function (clip)
            // The Regular expression is actually done by the
            // calling RGraph.clipTo.start() function  in the core
            // library
            if (RegExp.$1 === 'min') from = this.min; else from = Number(RegExp.$1);
            if (RegExp.$2 === 'max') to   = this.max; else to   = Number(RegExp.$2);

            var r1 = this.getAngle(from),
                r2 = this.getAngle(to);
            // Change the angle if the number is "max"
            if (RegExp.$2 === 'max') {
                r2 = RGraph.TWOPI + RGraph.HALFPI;
            // Change the angle if the number is "min"
            if (RegExp.$1 === 'min') {
                r1 = RGraph.HALFPI;

                'sa b m % % a % % % % % false c cl',
                this.centerx, this.centery,
                this.centerx, this.centery,
                Math.max(this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height),
                r1, r2

        // Register the object

        // This is the 'end' of the constructor so if the first argument
        // contains configuration data - handle that.
        RGraph.parseObjectStyleConfig(this, conf.options);