// o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o
    // | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at:                |
    // |                                                                                 |
    // |                       https://www.rgraph.net/license.html                       |
    // |                                                                                 |
    // | RGraph is dual-licensed under the Open Source GPL license. That means that it's |
    // | free to use and there are no restrictions on what you can use RGraph for!       |
    // | If the GPL license does not suit you however, then there's an inexpensive       |
    // | commercial license option available. See the URL above for more details.        |
    // o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o

    RGraph = window.RGraph || {isrgraph:true,isRGraph:true,rgraph:true};
    RGraph.SVG = RGraph.SVG || {};

// Module pattern
(function (win, doc, undefined)
    RGraph.SVG.Bar = function (conf)
        // A setter that the constructor uses (at the end)
        // to set all of the properties
        // @param string name  The name of the property to set
        // @param string value The value to set the property to
        this.set = function (name, value)
            if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof name === 'object') {
                for (i in arguments[0]) {
                    if (typeof i === 'string') {
                        this.set(i, arguments[0][i]);
            } else {

                // Go through all of the properties and make sure
                // that they're using the correct capitalisation
                name = this.properties_lowercase_map[name.toLowerCase()] || name;

                var ret = RGraph.SVG.commonSetter({
                    object: this,
                    name:   name,
                    value:  value
                name  = ret.name;
                value = ret.value;

                this.properties[name] = value;

                // If setting the colors, update the originalColors
                // property too
                if (name === 'colors') {
                    this.originalColors = RGraph.SVG.arrayClone(value, true);
                    this.colorsParsed = false;

            return this;

        // A getter.
        // @param name  string The name of the property to get
        this.get = function (name)
            // Go through all of the properties and make sure
            // that they're using the correct capitalisation
            name = this.properties_lowercase_map[name.toLowerCase()] || name;

            return this.properties[name];

        this.type             = 'bar';
        this.id               = conf.id;
        this.uid              = RGraph.SVG.createUID();
        this.container        = document.getElementById(this.id);
        this.layers           = {}; // MUST be before the SVG tag is created!
        this.svg              = RGraph.SVG.createSVG({object: this,container: this.container});
        this.svgAllGroup      = RGraph.SVG.createAllGroup(this);
        this.clipid           = null; // Used to clip the canvas
        this.isRGraph         = true;
        this.isrgraph         = true;
        this.rgraph           = true;
        this.data             = conf.data;
        this.coords           = [];
        this.coords2          = [];
        this.stackedBackfaces = [];
        this.originalColors   = {};
        this.gradientCounter  = 1;
        this.firstDraw        = true; // After the first draw this will be false

        // Convert strings to numbers
        this.data = RGraph.SVG.stringsToNumbers(this.data);

        // Add this object to the ObjectRegistry
        this.container.style.display = 'inline-block';

        this.properties =
            marginLeft:   35,
            marginRight:  35,
            marginTop:    35,
            marginBottom: 35,
            variant:          null,
            variant3dOffsetx: 10,
            variant3dOffsety: 5,

            backgroundColor:            null,
            backgroundImage:            null,
            backgroundImageAspect:      'none',
            backgroundImageStretch:     true,
            backgroundImageOpacity:     null,
            backgroundImageX:           null,
            backgroundImageY:           null,
            backgroundImageW:           null,
            backgroundImageH:           null,
            backgroundGrid:             true,
            backgroundGridColor:        '#ddd',
            backgroundGridLinewidth:    1,
            backgroundGridHlines:       true,
            backgroundGridHlinesCount:  null,
            backgroundGridVlines:       true,
            backgroundGridVlinesCount:  null,
            backgroundGridBorder:       true,
            backgroundGridDashed:       false,
            backgroundGridDotted:       false,
            backgroundGridDashArray:    null,
            // 20 colors. If you need more you need to set the colors property
            colors: [
                'red', '#0f0', '#00f', '#ff0', '#0ff', '#0f0','pink','orange','gray','black',
                'red', '#0f0', '#00f', '#ff0', '#0ff', '#0f0','pink','orange','gray','black'
            colorsSequential:     false,
            colorsStroke:         'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
            errorbars:            null,
            marginInner:          3,
            marginInnerGrouped:   2,
            marginInnerLeft:      0,
            marginInnerRight:     0,

            yaxis:                true,
            yaxisLinewidth:       1,
            yaxisTickmarks:       true,
            yaxisTickmarksLength: 3,
            yaxisColor:           'black',
            yaxisScale:           true,
            yaxisLabels:          null,
            yaxisLabelsFont:      null,
            yaxisLabelsSize:      null,
            yaxisLabelsColor:     null,
            yaxisLabelsBold:      null,
            yaxisLabelsItalic:    null,
            yaxisLabelsOffsetx:   0,
            yaxisLabelsOffsety:   0,
            yaxisLabelsCount:     5,
            yaxisScaleUnitsPre:   '',
            yaxisScaleUnitsPost:  '',
            yaxisScaleStrict:     false,
            yaxisScaleDecimals:   0,
            yaxisScalePoint:      '.',
            yaxisScaleThousand:   ',',
            yaxisScaleRound:      false,
            yaxisScaleMax:        null,
            yaxisScaleMin:        0,
            yaxisScaleFormatter:  null,
            yaxisTitle:           '',
            yaxisTitleBold:       null,
            yaxisTitleSize:       null,
            yaxisTitleFont:       null,
            yaxisTitleColor:      null,
            yaxisTitleItalic:     null,
            yaxisTitleOffsetx:    0,
            yaxisTitleOffsety:    0,
            yaxisTitleX:          null,
            yaxisTitleY:          null,
            yaxisTitleHalign:     null,
            yaxisTitleValign:     null,

            xaxis:                true,
            xaxisLinewidth:       1,
            xaxisTickmarks:       true,
            xaxisTickmarksLength: 5,
            xaxisLabels:          null,
            xaxisLabelsFont:      null,
            xaxisLabelsSize:      null,
            xaxisLabelsColor:     null,
            xaxisLabelsBold:      null,
            xaxisLabelsItalic:    null,
            xaxisLabelsPosition:  'section',
            xaxisLabelsPositionSectionTickmarksCount: null,
            xaxisLabelsOffsetx:   0,
            xaxisLabelsOffsety:   0,
            xaxisLabelsFormattedDecimals:  0,
            xaxisLabelsFormattedPoint:     '.',
            xaxisLabelsFormattedThousand:  ',',
            xaxisLabelsFormattedUnitsPre:  '',
            xaxisLabelsFormattedUnitsPost: '',
            xaxisColor:           'black',
            xaxisTitle:           '',
            xaxisTitleBold:       null,
            xaxisTitleSize:       null,
            xaxisTitleFont:       null,
            xaxisTitleColor:      null,
            xaxisTitleItalic:     null,
            xaxisTitleOffsetx:    0,
            xaxisTitleOffsety:    0,
            xaxisTitleX:          null,
            xaxisTitleY:          null,
            xaxisTitleHalign:     null,
            xaxisTitleValign:     null,

            labelsAbove:                  false,
            labelsAboveFont:              null,
            labelsAboveSize:              null,
            labelsAboveBold:              null,
            labelsAboveItalic:            null,
            labelsAboveColor:             null,
            labelsAboveBackground:        null,
            labelsAboveBackgroundPadding: 0,
            labelsAboveUnitsPre:          null,
            labelsAboveUnitsPost:         null,
            labelsAbovePoint:             null,
            labelsAboveThousand:          null,
            labelsAboveFormatter:         null,
            labelsAboveDecimals:          null,
            labelsAboveOffsetx:           0,
            labelsAboveOffsety:           0,
            labelsAboveHalign:            'center',
            labelsAboveValign:            'bottom',
            labelsAboveSpecific:          null,
            textColor:            'black',
            textFont:             'Arial, Verdana, sans-serif',
            textSize:             12,
            textBold:             false,
            textItalic:           false,
            text:                 null,

            linewidth:            1,
            grouping:             'grouped',
            tooltips:                        null,
            tooltipsOverride:                null,
            tooltipsEffect:                  'fade',
            tooltipsCssClass:                'RGraph_tooltip',
            tooltipsCss:                     null,
            tooltipsEvent:                   'click',
            tooltipsPersistent:              false,
            tooltipsFormattedThousand:       ',',
            tooltipsFormattedPoint:          '.',
            tooltipsFormattedDecimals:       0,
            tooltipsFormattedUnitsPre:       '',
            tooltipsFormattedUnitsPost:      '',
            tooltipsFormattedKeyColors:      null,
            tooltipsFormattedKeyColorsShape: 'square',
            tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels:      [],
            tooltipsFormattedTableHeaders:   null,
            tooltipsFormattedTableData:      null,
            tooltipsPointer:                 true,
            tooltipsPointerOffsetx:          0,
            tooltipsPointerOffsety:          0,
            tooltipsPositionStatic:          true,

            highlightStroke:      'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
            highlightFill:        'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)',
            highlightLinewidth:   1,
            title:                '',
            titleX:               null,
            titleY:               null,
            titleHalign:          'center',
            //titleValign:          null,
            titleSize:            null,
            titleColor:           null,
            titleFont:            null,
            titleBold:            null,
            titleItalic:          null,
            titleSubtitle:        null,
            titleSubtitleSize:    null,
            titleSubtitleColor:   '#aaa',
            titleSubtitleFont:    null,
            titleSubtitleBold:    null,
            titleSubtitleItalic:  null,
            shadow:               false,
            shadowOffsetx:        2,
            shadowOffsety:        2,
            shadowBlur:           2,
            shadowColor:          'rgba(0,0,0,0.25)',
            errorbars:            null,
            errorbarsColor:       'black',
            errorbarsLinewidth:   1,
            errorbarsCapwidth:    10,

            key:            null,
            keyColors:      null,
            keyOffsetx:     0,
            keyOffsety:     0,
            keyLabelsOffsetx: 0,
            keyLabelsOffsety: -1,
            keyLabelsColor:   null,
            keyLabelsSize:    null,
            keyLabelsBold:    null,
            keyLabelsItalic:  null,
            keyLabelsFont:    null,
            clip:             null,
            zoom:             false

        // Add the reverse look-up table  for property names
        // so that property names can be specified in any case.
        this.properties_lowercase_map = [];
        for (var i in this.properties) {
            if (typeof i === 'string') {
                this.properties_lowercase_map[i.toLowerCase()] = i;

        // Copy the global object properties to this instance

        // "Decorate" the object with the generic effects if the effects library has been included
        if (RGraph.SVG.FX && typeof RGraph.SVG.FX.decorate === 'function') {

        // Add the responsive function to the object
        this.responsive = RGraph.SVG.responsive;

        // A shortcut
        var properties = this.properties;

        // The draw method draws the Bar chart
        this.draw = function ()
            // Fire the beforedraw event
            RGraph.SVG.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onbeforedraw');

            // Should the first thing that's done in the.draw()
            // function except for the onbeforedraw event and the
            // installation of clipping.
            this.width  = Number(this.svg.getAttribute('width'));
            this.height = Number(this.svg.getAttribute('height'));

            // Zero these if the 3D effect is not wanted
            if (properties.variant !== '3d') {
                properties.variant3dOffsetx = 0;
                properties.variant3dOffsety = 0;

            } else {

                // Set the skew transform on the all group if necessary
                this.svgAllGroup.setAttribute('transform', 'skewY(5)');

            // Create the defs tag if necessary

            // Reset the coords array
            this.coords  = [];
            this.coords2 = [];

            this.graphWidth  = this.width - properties.marginLeft - properties.marginRight;
            this.graphHeight = this.height - properties.marginTop - properties.marginBottom;

            // Make the data sequential first
            this.data_seq = RGraph.SVG.arrayLinearize(this.data);

            // This allows the errorbars to be a variety of formats and convert
            // them all into an array of objects which have the min and max
            // properties set
            if (properties.errorbars) {
                // Go through the error bars and convert numbers to objects
                for (var i=0; i<this.data_seq.length; ++i) {
                    if (typeof properties.errorbars[i] === 'undefined' || RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.errorbars[i]) ) {
                        properties.errorbars[i] = {max: null, min: null};
                    } else if (typeof properties.errorbars[i] === 'number') {
                        properties.errorbars[i] = {
                            min: properties.errorbars[i],
                            max: properties.errorbars[i]
                    // Max is undefined
                    } else if (typeof properties.errorbars[i] === 'object' && typeof properties.errorbars[i].max === 'undefined') {
                        properties.errorbars[i].max = null;
                    // Min is not defined
                    } else if (typeof properties.errorbars[i] === 'object' && typeof properties.errorbars[i].min === 'undefined') {
                        properties.errorbars[i].min = null;

            // Parse the colors. This allows for simple gradient syntax

            // Parse the colors for gradients

            // Go through the data and work out the maximum value
            // This now also accounts for errorbars
            var values = [];

            for (var i=0,max=0; i<this.data.length; ++i) {
                // Errorbars affect the max value
                if (properties.errorbars && typeof properties.errorbars[i] === 'number') {
                    var errorbar = properties.errorbars[i];
                } else if (properties.errorbars && typeof properties.errorbars[i] === 'object' && typeof  properties.errorbars[i].max === 'number') {
                    var errorbar = properties.errorbars[i].max;
                } else {
                    var errorbar = 0;

                if (typeof this.data[i] === 'number') {
                    values.push(this.data[i] + errorbar);
                } else if (RGraph.SVG.isArray(this.data[i]) && properties.grouping === 'grouped') {
                    values.push(RGraph.SVG.arrayMax(this.data[i]) + errorbar);

                } else if (RGraph.SVG.isArray(this.data[i]) && properties.grouping === 'stacked') {
                    values.push(RGraph.SVG.arraySum(this.data[i]) + errorbar);
            var max = RGraph.SVG.arrayMax(values, true);

            // A custom, user-specified maximum value
            if (typeof properties.yaxisScaleMax === 'number') {
                max = properties.yaxisScaleMax;

            // Set the ymin to zero if it's set mirror
            if (properties.yaxisScaleMin === 'mirror' || properties.yaxisScaleMin === 'middle' || properties.yaxisScaleMin === 'center' || this.mirrorScale) {
                this.mirrorScale = true;
                var mirrorScale = true;
                properties.yaxisScaleMin   = 0;

            // Generate an appropiate scale

            this.scale = RGraph.SVG.getScale({
                object:    this,
                numlabels: properties.yaxisLabelsCount,
                unitsPre:  properties.yaxisScaleUnitsPre,
                unitsPost: properties.yaxisScaleUnitsPost,
                max:       max,
                min:       properties.yaxisScaleMin,
                point:     properties.yaxisScalePoint,
                round:     properties.yaxisScaleRound,
                thousand:  properties.yaxisScaleThousand,
                decimals:  properties.yaxisScaleDecimals,
                strict:    typeof properties.yaxisScaleMax === 'number',
                formatter: properties.yaxisScaleFormatter

            // Get the scale a second time if the ymin should be
            // mirored
            // Set the ymin to zero if it's set mirror
            if (mirrorScale) {
                this.scale = RGraph.SVG.getScale({
                    object: this,
                    numlabels: properties.yaxisLabelsCount,
                    unitsPre:  properties.yaxisScaleUnitsPre,
                    unitsPost: properties.yaxisScaleUnitsPost,
                    max:       this.scale.max,
                    min:       this.scale.max * -1,
                    point:     properties.yaxisScalePoint,
                    round:     false,
                    thousand:  properties.yaxisScaleThousand,
                    decimals:  properties.yaxisScaleDecimals,
                    strict:    true,
                    formatter: properties.yaxisScaleFormatter

            // Now the scale has been generated adopt its max value
            this.max      = this.scale.max;
            this.min      = this.scale.min;

// Commenting these two lines out allows the data to change and
// subsequently a new max can be generated to accommodate the
// new data
//properties.yaxisScaleMax = this.scale.max;
//properties.yaxisScaleMin = this.scale.min;

            // Install clipping if requested
            if (this.properties.clip) {
                this.clipid = RGraph.SVG.installClipping(this);

                // Add the clip ID to the all group
            } else {
                // No clipping - so ensure that there's no clip-path
                // attribute
                this.clipid = null;

            // Draw the background first

            // Draw the threeD axes here so everything else is drawn on top of
            // it, but after the scale generation
            if (properties.variant === '3d') {

                // Draw the 3D Y axis
                    svg: this.svg,
                    parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                    type: 'path',
                    attr: {
                        d: 'M {1} {2} L {3} {4} L {5} {6} L {7} {8}'.format(
                            properties.marginLeft + properties.variant3dOffsetx,
                            properties.marginTop - properties.variant3dOffsety,
                            properties.marginLeft + properties.variant3dOffsetx,
                            this.height - properties.marginBottom - properties.variant3dOffsety,
                            this.height - properties.marginBottom,
                        fill: '#ddd',
                        stroke: '#ccc'

                // Add the group that the negative bars are added to. This makes them
                // appear below the axes
                this.threed_xaxis_group = RGraph.SVG.create({
                    svg: this.svg,
                    type: 'g',
                    parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                    attr: {
                        className: 'rgraph_3d_bar_xaxis_negative'

                // Draw the 3D X axis
                    svg: this.svg,
                    parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                    type: 'path',
                    attr: {
                        d: 'M {1} {2} L {3} {4} L {5} {6} L {7} {8}'.format(
                            properties.marginLeft + properties.variant3dOffsetx,
                            this.getYCoord(0) - properties.variant3dOffsety,
                            this.width - properties.marginRight + properties.variant3dOffsetx,
                            this.getYCoord(0) - properties.variant3dOffsety,
                            this.width - properties.marginRight,
                        fill: '#ddd',
                        stroke: '#ccc'

            // Draw the bars

            // If the xaxisLabels option is a string then turn it
            // into an array.
            if (properties.xaxisLabels && properties.xaxisLabels.length) {
                if (typeof properties.xaxisLabels === 'string') {
                    properties.xaxisLabels = RGraph.SVG.arrayPad({
                        array:  [],
                        length: this.data.length,
                        value:  properties.xaxisLabels

                // Label substitution
                for (var i=0; i<properties.xaxisLabels.length; ++i) {
                    properties.xaxisLabels[i] = RGraph.SVG.labelSubstitution({
                        object:    this,
                        text:      properties.xaxisLabels[i],
                        index:     i,
                        value:     this.data[i],
                        decimals:  properties.xaxisLabelsFormattedDecimals  || 0,
                        unitsPre:  properties.xaxisLabelsFormattedUnitsPre  || '',
                        unitsPost: properties.xaxisLabelsFormattedUnitsPost || '',
                        thousand:  properties.xaxisLabelsFormattedThousand  || ',',
                        point:     properties.xaxisLabelsFormattedPoint     || '.'

            // Draw the axes over the bars
            // Draw the labelsAbove labels

            // Draw the key
            if (typeof properties.key !== null && RGraph.SVG.drawKey) {
            } else if (!RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.key)) {
                alert('The drawKey() function does not exist - have you forgotten to include the key library?');


            // Add the event listener that clears the highlight rect if
            // there is any. Must be MOUSEDOWN (ie before the click event)
            //var obj = this;
            //document.body.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e)
            //    //RGraph.SVG.removeHighlight(obj);
            //}, false);

            // Allow the addition of custom text via the
            // text: property.

            // Add the ajusting event listeners
            if (properties.adjustable) {
                this.adjusting_mousedown = false;
                var obj = this;
                // Set the parent of the SVG tag (the DIV tag)
                // to have the pointer-events CSS property to
                // none so that there's no selection oddities
                this.svg.style.pointerEvents = 'none';

                // Fix the scale
                this.properties.yaxisScaleMax = this.scale.max;

                // The main function that updates the SVG <rect>
                // element
                RGraph.SVG.Bar.adjusting_mousemove_chart_update_function = function (opt)
                    if (!opt || !opt.object) {

                    var index     = opt.object.getIndexByX(opt.event);
                    var x         = opt.event.offsetX;
                    var value     = opt.object.getValue(window.event);
                    var xaxisY    = opt.object.height - opt.object.get('marginBottom');

                    var barHeight = opt.object.getHeight(value);

                    if (RGraph.SVG.isNumber(index)) {

                        // Set the new Cooordinates in the
                        // coords array
                        //opt.object.coords[index].element.setAttribute('y', xaxisY - barHeight);
                        //opt.object.coords[index].element.setAttribute('height', Math.abs(barHeight));

                        // Update the y coord and height values held
                        // in the coords array
                        //opt.object.coords[index].y      = xaxisY - barHeight;
                        //opt.object.coords[index].height = barHeight;

                        // Update the data-value attribute
                        //opt.object.coords[index].element.setAttribute('data-value', value);

                        // Update the objects data
                        var data_index    = parseInt(opt.object.coords[index].element.getAttribute('data-index'));
                        var data_subindex = parseInt(opt.object.coords[index].element.getAttribute('data-subindex'));

                        // Grouped chart
                        if (RGraph.SVG.isNumber(data_subindex) && data_subindex >= 0) {
                            opt.object.data[data_index][data_subindex] = value;

                        // Regular chart
                        } else {

                            opt.object.data[data_index] = value;

                RGraph.SVG.runOnce('svg-bar-adjusting-svg-mousedown-listener-' + this.uid, function ()
                    obj.container.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e)
                        var index = obj.getIndexByX(e);
                        if (obj.coords && obj.coords[index]) {
                            obj.adjusting_mousedown = {
                                object:  obj,
                                element: obj.coords[index].element,
                                index:   index,
                                event:   e
                            // Add this so that people can get the
                            // details of the adjusting if they need
                            // to
                            obj.adjusting_mousedown_last = obj.adjusting_mousedown;
                            // Fire the adjustbegin event
                            RGraph.SVG.fireCustomEvent(obj, 'adjustbegin');

                        // Redraw the SVG
                        var tmp = obj.adjusting_mousedown;
                        obj.adjusting_mousedown = tmp;
                    }, false);

                RGraph.SVG.runOnce('svg-bar-adjusting-svg-mousemove-listener-' + this.uid, function ()
                    obj.container.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e)
                        if (obj.adjusting_mousedown) {


                            var tmp = obj.adjusting_mousedown;
                            obj.adjusting_mousedown = null;

                            obj.adjusting_mousedown = tmp;
                            obj.adjusting_mousedown_last = {
                                object:  obj,
                                element: obj.coords[tmp.index].element,
                                event:   e

                            // Fire the adjust event
                            RGraph.SVG.fireCustomEvent(obj, 'adjust');
                    }, false);

                RGraph.SVG.runOnce('svg-bar-adjusting-window-mouseup-listener-' + this.id, function ()
                    window.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e)
                        for (let i=0,objects=RGraph.SVG.OR.objects; i<objects.length; ++i) {
                            if (objects[i].adjusting_mousedown) {
                                // Fire the beforedraw event
                                RGraph.SVG.fireCustomEvent(objects[i], 'adjustend');
                                objects[i].adjusting_mousedown = false;
                    }, false);

            // Draw any custom lines that have been defined

            // Lastly - install the zoom event listeners if
            // requested
            if (this.properties.zoom) {

            // Fire the onfirstdraw event
            if (this.firstDraw) {
                this.firstDraw = false;
                RGraph.SVG.fireCustomEvent(this, 'onfirstdraw');

            // Fire the draw event
            RGraph.SVG.fireCustomEvent(this, 'ondraw');

            // Install any inline responsive configuration. This
            // should be last in the draw function - even after
            // the draw events.

            return this;

        // New create() shortcut function
        // For example:
        //    this.create('rect,x:0,y:0,width:100,height:100'[,parent]);
        // @param str string The tag definition to parse and create
        // @param     object The (optional) parent element
        // @return    object The new tag
        this.create = function (str)
            var def = RGraph.SVG.create.parseStr(this, str);
            def.svg = this.svg;
            // By default the parent is the SVG tag - but if
            // requested then change it to the tag that has
            // been given
            if (arguments[1]) {
                def.parent = arguments[1];

            return RGraph.SVG.create(def);

        // Draws the bars
        this.drawBars = function ()
            var y = this.getYCoord(0);

            if (properties.shadow) {
                    object:  this,
                    offsetx: properties.shadowOffsetx,
                    offsety: properties.shadowOffsety,
                    blur:    properties.shadowBlur,
                    color:   properties.shadowColor,
                    id:      'dropShadow'

            // Go through the bars
            for (var i=0,sequentialIndex=0; i<this.data.length; ++i,++sequentialIndex) {

                // REGULAR BARS
                if (typeof this.data[i] === 'number') {

                    var outerSegment = (this.graphWidth - properties.marginInnerLeft - properties.marginInnerRight) / this.data.length,
                        height       = (Math.abs(this.data[i]) - Math.abs(this.scale.min)) / (Math.abs(this.scale.max) - Math.abs(this.scale.min)) * this.graphHeight,
                        width        = ( (this.graphWidth - properties.marginInnerLeft - properties.marginInnerRight) / this.data.length) - properties.marginInner - properties.marginInner,
                        x            = properties.marginLeft + properties.marginInner + properties.marginInnerLeft + (outerSegment * i);

                    // Work out the height and the Y coord of the Bar
                    if (this.scale.min >= 0 && this.scale.max > 0) {
                        y = this.getYCoord(this.scale.min) - height;

                    } else if (this.scale.min < 0 && this.scale.max > 0) {
                        height = (Math.abs(this.data[i]) / (this.scale.max - this.scale.min)) * this.graphHeight;
                        y      = this.getYCoord(0) - height;
                        if (this.data[i] < 0) {
                            y = this.getYCoord(0);
                    } else if (this.scale.min < 0 && this.scale.max <= 0) {
                        height = (Math.abs(this.data[i]) - Math.abs(this.scale.max)) / (Math.abs(this.scale.min) - Math.abs(this.scale.max)) * this.graphHeight;
                        y = properties.marginTop;

                    var rect = RGraph.SVG.create({
                        svg: this.svg,
                        type: 'rect',
                        parent: properties.variant === '3d' && this.data[i] < 0 ? this.threed_xaxis_group : this.svgAllGroup, 
                        attr: {
                            stroke: properties.colorsStroke,
                            fill: properties.colorsSequential ? (properties.colors[sequentialIndex] ? properties.colors[sequentialIndex] : properties.colors[properties.colors.length - 1]) : properties.colors[0],
                            x: x,
                            y: y,
                            width: width < 0 ? 0 : width,
                            height: height,
                            'stroke-width': properties.linewidth,
                            'data-original-x': x,
                            'data-original-y': y,
                            'data-original-width': width,
                            'data-original-height': height,
                            'data-tooltip': (!RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.tooltips) && properties.tooltips.length) ? properties.tooltips[i] : '',
                            'data-index': i,
                            'data-sequential-index': sequentialIndex,
                            'data-value': this.data[i],
                            filter: properties.shadow ? 'url(#dropShadow)' : ''

                    // Draw the errorbar if required
                        object:    this,
                        element:   rect,
                        index:     i,
                        value:     this.data[i],
                        type:      'normal'

                        object:  this,
                        element: rect,
                        x:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('x')),
                        y:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('y')),
                        width:  parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('width')),
                        height: parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('height'))

                    if (!this.coords2[0]) {
                        this.coords2[0] = [];
                        object:  this,
                        element: rect,
                        x:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('x')),
                        y:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('y')),
                        width:  parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('width')),
                        height: parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('height'))

                    // Add the 3D faces if required
                    if (properties.variant === '3d') {
                        this.drawTop3dFace({rect: rect, value: this.data[i]});
                        this.drawSide3dFace({rect: rect, value: this.data[i]});

                    // Add the tooltip data- attribute
                    if (   !RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.tooltips)
                        && (!RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.tooltips[sequentialIndex]) || typeof properties.tooltips === 'string')
                       ) {

                        var obj = this;

                        // Add tooltip event listeners
                        (function (idx, seq)
                            rect.addEventListener(properties.tooltipsEvent.replace(/^on/, ''), function (e)

                                // Show the tooltip
                                    object: obj,
                                     index: idx,
                                     group: null,
                           sequentialIndex: seq,
                                      text: typeof properties.tooltips === 'string' ?  properties.tooltips : properties.tooltips[seq],
                                     event: e
                                // Highlight the rect that has been clicked on
                            }, false);

                            rect.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e)
                                e.target.style.cursor = 'pointer'
                            }, false);

                        })(i, sequentialIndex);

                // GROUPED BARS
                } else if (RGraph.SVG.isArray(this.data[i]) && properties.grouping === 'grouped') {

                    var outerSegment = ( (this.graphWidth - properties.marginInnerLeft - properties.marginInnerRight) / this.data.length),
                        innerSegment = outerSegment - (2 * properties.marginInner);

                    // Loop through the group
                    for (var j=0; j<this.data[i].length; ++j,++sequentialIndex) {

                        var width  = ( (innerSegment - ((this.data[i].length - 1) * properties.marginInnerGrouped)) / this.data[i].length),
                            x      = (outerSegment * i) + properties.marginInner + properties.marginLeft + properties.marginInnerLeft + (j * width) + ((j - 1) * properties.marginInnerGrouped);
                        x = properties.marginLeft + properties.marginInnerLeft + (outerSegment * i) + (width * j) + properties.marginInner + (j * properties.marginInnerGrouped);

// Calculate the height
// eg 0 -> 10
if (this.scale.min === 0 && this.scale.max > this.scale.min) {
    var height = ((this.data[i][j] - this.scale.min) / (this.scale.max - this.scale.min)) * this.graphHeight,
             y = this.getYCoord(0) - height;

// eg -5 -> -15
} else if (this.scale.max <= 0 && this.scale.min < this.scale.max) {
    var height = ((this.data[i][j] - this.scale.max) / (this.scale.max - this.scale.min)) * this.graphHeight,
             y = this.getYCoord(this.scale.max);
    height = Math.abs(height);

// eg 10 -> -10
} else if (this.scale.max > 0 && this.scale.min < 0) {

    var height = (Math.abs(this.data[i][j]) / (this.scale.max - this.scale.min)) * this.graphHeight,
             y = this.data[i][j] < 0 ? this.getYCoord(0) : this.getYCoord(this.data[i][j]);

// eg 5 -> 10
} else if (this.scale.min > 0 && this.scale.max > this.scale.min) {
    var height = (Math.abs(this.data[i][j] - this.scale.min) / (this.scale.max - this.scale.min)) * this.graphHeight,
             y = this.getYCoord(this.scale.min) - height;

                        // Add the rect tag
                        var rect = RGraph.SVG.create({
                            svg: this.svg,
                            parent: properties.variant === '3d' && this.data[i][j] < 0 ? this.threed_xaxis_group : this.svgAllGroup,
                            type: 'rect',
                            attr: {
                                stroke: properties.colorsStroke,
                                fill: (properties.colorsSequential && properties.colors[sequentialIndex]) ? properties.colors[sequentialIndex] : properties.colors[j],
                                x: x,
                                y: y,
                                width: width,
                                height: height,
                                'stroke-width': properties.linewidth,
                                'data-original-x': x,
                                'data-original-y': y,
                                'data-original-width': width,
                                'data-original-height': height,
                                'data-index': i,
                                'data-subindex': j,
                                'data-sequential-index': sequentialIndex,
                                'data-tooltip': (!RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.tooltips) && properties.tooltips.length) ? properties.tooltips[sequentialIndex] : '',
                                'data-value': this.data[i][j],
                                filter: properties.shadow ? 'url(#dropShadow)' : ''

                        // Draw the errorbar if required
                            object:    this,
                            element:   rect,
                            index:     sequentialIndex,
                            value:     this.data[i][j],
                            type:      'grouped'

                            object:  this,
                            element: rect,
                            x:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('x')),
                            y:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('y')),
                            width:  parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('width')),
                            height: parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('height'))
                        if (!this.coords2[i]) {
                            this.coords2[i] = [];
                            object:  this,
                            element: rect,
                            x:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('x')),
                            y:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('y')),
                            width:  parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('width')),
                            height: parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('height'))

                        // Add the 3D faces if required
                        if (properties.variant === '3d') {
                            this.drawTop3dFace({rect: rect, value: this.data[i][j]});
                            this.drawSide3dFace({rect: rect, value: this.data[i][j]});

                        // Add the tooltip data- attribute
                        if (   !RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.tooltips)
                            && (properties.tooltips[sequentialIndex] || typeof properties.tooltips === 'string')
                           ) {

                            var obj = this;
                            // Add tooltip event listeners
                            (function (idx, seq)

                                var indexes = RGraph.SVG.sequentialIndexToGrouped(seq, obj.data);

                                rect.addEventListener(properties.tooltipsEvent.replace(/^on/, ''), function (e)
                                    // Show the tooltip
                                        object: obj,
                                        group: idx,
                                        index: indexes[1],
                                        sequentialIndex: seq,
                                        text: typeof properties.tooltips === 'string' ? properties.tooltips : properties.tooltips[seq],
                                        event: e
                                    // Highlight the rect that has been clicked on
                                }, false);
                                rect.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e)
                                    e.target.style.cursor = 'pointer'
                                }, false);
                            })(i, sequentialIndex);


                // STACKED CHARTS
                } else if (RGraph.SVG.isArray(this.data[i]) && properties.grouping === 'stacked') {

                    var section = ( (this.graphWidth - properties.marginInnerLeft - properties.marginInnerRight) / this.data.length);

                    // Intialise the Y coordinate to the bottom gutter
                    var y = this.getYCoord(0);


                    // Loop through the stack
                    for (var j=0; j<this.data[i].length; ++j,++sequentialIndex) {

                        var height  = (this.data[i][j] / (this.max - this.min)) * this.graphHeight,
                            width   = section - (2 * properties.marginInner),
                            x       = properties.marginLeft + properties.marginInnerLeft + (i * section) + properties.marginInner,
                            y       = y - height;

                        // If this is the first iteration of the loop and a shadow
                        // is requested draw a rect here to create it.
                        if (j === 0 && properties.shadow) {
                            var fullHeight = (RGraph.SVG.arraySum(this.data[i]) / (this.max - this.min)) * this.graphHeight;

                            var rect = RGraph.SVG.create({
                                svg: this.svg,
                                parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                                type: 'rect',
                                attr: {
                                    fill: 'white',
                                    x: x,
                                    y: this.height - properties.marginBottom - fullHeight,
                                    width: width,
                                    height: fullHeight,
                                    'stroke-width': 0,
                                    'data-index': i,
                                    filter: 'url(#dropShadow)'
                            this.stackedBackfaces[i] = rect;

                        // Create the visible bar
                        var rect = RGraph.SVG.create({
                            svg: this.svg,
                            parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                            type: 'rect',
                            attr: {
                                stroke: properties.colorsStroke,
                                fill: properties.colorsSequential ? (properties.colors[sequentialIndex] ? properties.colors[sequentialIndex] : properties.colors[properties.colors.length - 1]) : properties.colors[j],
                                x: x,
                                y: y,
                                width: width,
                                height: height,
                                'stroke-width': properties.linewidth,
                                'data-original-x': x,
                                'data-original-y': y,
                                'data-original-width': width,
                                'data-original-height': height,
                                'data-index': i,
                                'data-subindex': j,
                                'data-sequential-index': sequentialIndex,
                                'data-tooltip': (!RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.tooltips) && properties.tooltips.length) ? properties.tooltips[sequentialIndex] : '',
                                'data-value': this.data[i][j]

                        // Draw the errorbar if required
                        if (j === (this.data[i].length - 1)) {

                                object:    this,
                                element:   rect,
                                index:     i,
                                value:     this.data[i][j],
                                type:      'stacked'

                            object:  this,
                            element: rect,
                            x:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('x')),
                            y:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('y')),
                            width:  parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('width')),
                            height: parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('height'))

                        if (!this.coords2[i]) {
                            this.coords2[i] = [];
                            object:  this,
                            element: rect,
                            x:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('x')),
                            y:      parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('y')),
                            width:  parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('width')),
                            height: parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('height'))

                        // Add the 3D faces if required
                        if (properties.variant === '3d') {
                            this.drawTop3dFace({rect: rect, value: this.data[i][j]});
                            this.drawSide3dFace({rect: rect, value: this.data[i][j]});

                        // Add the tooltip data- attribute
                        if (   !RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.tooltips)
                            && (properties.tooltips[sequentialIndex] || typeof properties.tooltips === 'string')
                           ) {
                            var obj = this;
                            // Add tooltip event listeners
                            (function (idx, seq)
                                rect.addEventListener(properties.tooltipsEvent.replace(/^on/, ''), function (e)

                                    var indexes = RGraph.SVG.sequentialIndexToGrouped(seq, obj.data);

                                    // Show the tooltip
                                        object: obj,
                                        index: indexes[1],
                                        group: idx,
                                        sequentialIndex: seq,
                                        text: typeof properties.tooltips === 'string' ? properties.tooltips : properties.tooltips[seq],
                                        event: e
                                    // Highlight the rect that has been clicked on
                                }, false);
                                rect.addEventListener('mousemove', function (e)
                                    e.target.style.cursor = 'pointer';
                                }, false);
                            })(i, sequentialIndex);


        // This function can be used to retrieve the relevant Y coordinate for a
        // particular value.
        // @param int value The value to get the Y coordinate for
        this.getYCoord = function (value)
            if (value > this.scale.max) {
                return null;

            var y, xaxispos = properties.xaxispos;

            if (value < this.scale.min) {
                return null;

            y  = ((value - this.scale.min) / (this.scale.max - this.scale.min));

            y *= (this.height - properties.marginTop - properties.marginBottom);

            y = this.height - properties.marginBottom - y;

            return y;

        // This function can be used to retrieve the relevant index
        // based on the given X coordinate
        // @param int x The X coordinate
        this.getIndexByX = function (e)
            var x = e.offsetX;

            // Go thru the coords looking for an element wich
            // fits the X coord (if any).
            for (let i=0; i<this.coords.length; ++i) {
                if (x >= this.coords[i].x && x <= (this.coords[i].x + this.coords[i].width)  ) {
                    return i;
            return null;

        // This function can be used to retrieve the value for the
        // given coordinate.
        // @param int e The event object
        this.getValue = function (e)
            var graphHeight = this.height - this.properties.marginTop - this.properties.marginBottom;

            if (this.mirrorScale) {
                var coordY = (graphHeight / 2) - (e.offsetY - this.properties.marginTop);
                var value  = ((this.scale.max - this.min) / graphHeight) * coordY;
            } else if (properties.yaxisScaleMax === 0 && properties.yaxisScaleMin < 0) {
                var coordY = graphHeight - (e.offsetY - this.properties.marginTop);
                var value  = ((this.scale.max - this.min) / graphHeight) * coordY;
                var value = value - Math.abs(this.scale.min);

            } else {

                var coordY = graphHeight - (e.offsetY - this.properties.marginTop);
                var value  = (((this.scale.max - this.scale.min) / graphHeight) * coordY) + this.scale.min;
            // Constrain the value to the maximum and minimum
            if (value > this.scale.max) value = this.scale.max;
            if (value < this.scale.min) value = this.scale.min;

            return value;

        // This function can be used to retrieve the height of a
        // bar for a given value.
        // @param int value The value to get the height for
        this.getHeight = function (value)
            var height = (this.graphHeight / (this.scale.max - this.scale.min)) * value;

            return height;

        // This function can be used to highlight a bar on the chart
        // @param object rect The rectangle to highlight
        this.highlight = function (rect)
            var x      = parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('x')) - 0.5,
                y      = parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('y')) - 0.5,
                width  = parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('width')) + 1,
                height = parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('height')) + 1;
            var highlight = RGraph.SVG.create({
                svg: this.svg,
                parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                type: 'rect',
                attr: {
                    stroke: properties.highlightStroke,
                    fill: properties.highlightFill,
                    x: x,
                    y: y,
                    width: width,
                    height: height,
                    'stroke-width': properties.highlightLinewidth
                style: {
                    pointerEvents: 'none'

            if (properties.tooltipsEvent === 'mousemove') {
                //var obj = this;
                //highlight.addEventListener('mouseout', function (e)
                //    obj.removeHighlight();
                //    RGraph.SVG.hideTooltip();
                //    RGraph.SVG.REG.set('highlight', null);
                //}, false);
            // Redraw the X axis so that the highlight appears
            // beneath it
            RGraph.SVG.drawXAxis(this, {
                axis: true,
                title: false,
                labels: false

            // Store the highlight rect in the rebistry so
            // it can be cleared later
            RGraph.SVG.REG.set('highlight', highlight);

        // This allows for easy specification of gradients
        this.parseColors = function () 
            // Save the original colors so that they can be restored when
            // the canvas is cleared
            if (!Object.keys(this.originalColors).length) {
                this.originalColors = {
                    colors:              RGraph.SVG.arrayClone(properties.colors, true),
                    backgroundGridColor: RGraph.SVG.arrayClone(properties.backgroundGridColor, true),
                    highlightFill:       RGraph.SVG.arrayClone(properties.highlightFill, true),
                    backgroundColor:     RGraph.SVG.arrayClone(properties.backgroundColor, true)

            // colors
            var colors = properties.colors;

            if (colors) {
                for (var i=0; i<colors.length; ++i) {

                    colors[i] = RGraph.SVG.parseColorLinear({
                        object: this,
                        color: colors[i]

            properties.backgroundGridColor = RGraph.SVG.parseColorLinear({object: this, color: properties.backgroundGridColor});
            properties.highlightFill       = RGraph.SVG.parseColorLinear({object: this, color: properties.highlightFill});
            properties.backgroundColor     = RGraph.SVG.parseColorLinear({object: this, color: properties.backgroundColor});

        // Draws the labelsAbove
        this.drawLabelsAbove = function ()
            // Go through the above labels
            if (properties.labelsAbove) {

                var data_seq      = RGraph.SVG.arrayLinearize(this.data),
                    seq           = 0,
                    stacked_total = 0;;

                for (var i=0; i<this.coords.length; ++i,seq++) {
                    var num = typeof this.data[i] === 'number' ? this.data[i] : data_seq[seq] ;

                    // If this is a stacked chart then only dothe label
                    // if it's the top segment
                    if (properties.grouping === 'stacked') {
                        var indexes   = RGraph.SVG.sequentialIndexToGrouped(i, this.data);
                        var group     = indexes[0];
                        var datapiece = indexes[1];

                        if (datapiece !== (this.data[group].length - 1) ) {
                        } else {
                            num = RGraph.SVG.arraySum(this.data[group]);

                    var str = RGraph.SVG.numberFormat({
                        object:    this,
                        num:       num.toFixed(properties.labelsAboveDecimals),
                        prepend:   typeof properties.labelsAboveUnitsPre  === 'string'   ? properties.labelsAboveUnitsPre  : null,
                        append:    typeof properties.labelsAboveUnitsPost === 'string'   ? properties.labelsAboveUnitsPost : null,
                        point:     typeof properties.labelsAbovePoint     === 'string'   ? properties.labelsAbovePoint     : null,
                        thousand:  typeof properties.labelsAboveThousand  === 'string'   ? properties.labelsAboveThousand  : null,
                        formatter: typeof properties.labelsAboveFormatter === 'function' ? properties.labelsAboveFormatter : null

                    // Facilitate labelsAboveSpecific
                    if (properties.labelsAboveSpecific && properties.labelsAboveSpecific.length && (typeof properties.labelsAboveSpecific[seq] === 'string' || typeof properties.labelsAboveSpecific[seq] === 'number') ) {
                        str = properties.labelsAboveSpecific[seq];
                    } else if ( properties.labelsAboveSpecific && properties.labelsAboveSpecific.length && typeof properties.labelsAboveSpecific[seq] !== 'string' && typeof properties.labelsAboveSpecific[seq] !== 'number') {

                    var x = parseFloat(this.coords[i].element.getAttribute('x')) + parseFloat(this.coords[i].element.getAttribute('width') / 2) + properties.labelsAboveOffsetx;

                    if (data_seq[i] >= 0) {
                        var y = parseFloat(this.coords[i].element.getAttribute('y')) - 7 + properties.labelsAboveOffsety;
                        var valign = properties.labelsAboveValign;
                    } else {
                        var y = parseFloat(this.coords[i].element.getAttribute('y')) + parseFloat(this.coords[i].element.getAttribute('height')) + 7 - properties.labelsAboveOffsety;
                        var valign = properties.labelsAboveValign === 'top' ? 'bottom' : 'top';
                    var textConf = RGraph.SVG.getTextConf({
                        object: this,
                        prefix: 'labelsAbove'

                        object:     this,
                        parent:     this.svgAllGroup,
                        tag:        'labels.above',

                        text:       str,
                        x:          x,
                        y:          y,
                        halign:     properties.labelsAboveHalign,
                        valign:     valign,

                        font:       textConf.font,
                        size:       textConf.size,
                        bold:       textConf.bold,
                        italic:     textConf.italic,
                        color:      textConf.color,

                        background: properties.labelsAboveBackground        || null,
                        padding:    properties.labelsAboveBackgroundPadding || 0

        // Using a function to add events makes it easier to facilitate method
        // chaining
        // @param string   type The type of even to add
        // @param function func 
        this.on = function (type, func)
            if (type.substr(0,2) !== 'on') {
                type = 'on' + type;
            RGraph.SVG.addCustomEventListener(this, type, func);
            return this;

        // Used in chaining. Runs a function there and then - not waiting for
        // the events to fire (eg the onbeforedraw event)
        // @param function func The function to execute
        this.exec = function (func)
            return this;

        // Remove highlight from the chart (tooltips)
        this.removeHighlight = function ()
            //var highlight = RGraph.SVG.REG.get('highlight');
            //if (highlight && highlight.parentNode) {
            //    highlight.parentNode.removeChild(highlight);
            //RGraph.SVG.REG.set('highlight', null);

        // Draws the top of 3D bars
        this.drawTop3dFace = function (opt)
            var rect  = opt.rect,
                arr   = [parseInt(rect.getAttribute('fill')), 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)'],
                x     = parseInt(rect.getAttribute('x')),
                y     = parseInt(rect.getAttribute('y')),
                w     = parseInt(rect.getAttribute('width')),
                h     = parseInt(rect.getAttribute('height')),
                value = parseFloat(rect.getAttribute('data-value'));

            rect.rgraph_3d_top_face = [];

            for (var i=0; i<2; ++i) {
                var color = (i === 0 ? rect.getAttribute('fill') : 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)');

                var face = RGraph.SVG.create({
                    svg: this.svg,
                    type: 'path',
                    parent: properties.variant === '3d' && opt.value < 0  ? this.threed_xaxis_group : this.svgAllGroup,
                    attr: {
                        stroke: properties.colorsStroke,
                        fill: color,
                        'stroke-width': properties.linewidth,
                        d: 'M {1} {2} L {3} {4} L {5} {6} L {7} {8}'.format(

                            x + properties.variant3dOffsetx,
                            y - properties.variant3dOffsety,

                            x + w + properties.variant3dOffsetx,
                            y - properties.variant3dOffsety,

                            x + w,

                // Store a reference to the rect on the front face of the bar
                rect.rgraph_3d_top_face[i] = face

        // Draws the top of 3D bars
        this.drawSide3dFace = function (opt)
            var rect  = opt.rect,
                arr   = [parseInt(rect.getAttribute('fill')), 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'],
                x     = parseInt(rect.getAttribute('x')),
                y     = parseInt(rect.getAttribute('y')),
                w     = parseInt(rect.getAttribute('width')),
                h     = parseInt(rect.getAttribute('height'));
            rect.rgraph_3d_side_face = [];

            for (var i=0; i<2; ++i) {
                var color = (i === 0 ? rect.getAttribute('fill') : 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)');

                var face = RGraph.SVG.create({
                    svg: this.svg,
                    type: 'path',
                    parent: properties.variant === '3d' && opt.value < 0  ? this.threed_xaxis_group : this.svgAllGroup,
                    attr: {
                        stroke: properties.colorsStroke,
                        fill: color,
                        'stroke-width': properties.linewidth,
                        d: 'M {1} {2} L {3} {4} L {5} {6} L {7} {8}'.format(
                            x + w,

                            x + w + properties.variant3dOffsetx,
                            y - properties.variant3dOffsety,

                            x + w + properties.variant3dOffsetx,
                            y + h - properties.variant3dOffsety,

                            x + w,
                            y + h

                // Store a reference to the rect on the front face of the bar
                rect.rgraph_3d_side_face[i] = face

        // This function is used to draw the errorbar. Its in the common
        // file because it's used by multiple chart libraries
        this.drawErrorbar = function (opt)
            var index     = opt.index,
                datapoint = opt.value,
                linewidth = RGraph.SVG.getErrorbarsLinewidth({object: this, index: index}),
                color     = RGraph.SVG.getErrorbarsColor({object: this, index: index}),
                capwidth  = RGraph.SVG.getErrorbarsCapWidth({object: this, index: index}),
                element   = opt.element,
                type      = opt.type;

            // Get the error bar value
            var max = RGraph.SVG.getErrorbarsMaxValue({
                object: this,
                index: index


            // Get the error bar value
            var min = RGraph.SVG.getErrorbarsMinValue({
                object: this,
                index: index

            if (!max && !min) {

            // Accounts for stacked bars
            if (type === 'stacked') {
                datapoint = RGraph.SVG.arraySum(this.data[index]);

            if (datapoint >= 0) {
                var x1 = parseFloat(element.getAttribute('x')) + (parseFloat(element.getAttribute('width')) / 2);

                // Draw the UPPER vertical line
                var errorbarLine = RGraph.SVG.create({
                    svg: this.svg,
                    type: 'line',
                    parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                    attr: {
                        x1: x1,
                        y1: parseFloat(element.getAttribute('y')),
                        x2: x1,
                        y2: this.getYCoord(parseFloat(datapoint + max)),
                        stroke: color,
                        'stroke-width': linewidth
                // Draw the cap to the UPPER line
                var errorbarCap = RGraph.SVG.create({
                    svg: this.svg,
                    type: 'line',
                    parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                    attr: {
                        x1: parseFloat(errorbarLine.getAttribute('x1')) - (capwidth / 2),
                        y1: errorbarLine.getAttribute('y2'),
                        x2: parseFloat(errorbarLine.getAttribute('x1')) + (capwidth / 2),
                        y2: errorbarLine.getAttribute('y2'),
                        stroke: color,
                        'stroke-width': linewidth

                // Draw the minimum errorbar if necessary
                if (typeof min === 'number') {

                    var errorbarLine = RGraph.SVG.create({
                        svg: this.svg,
                        type: 'line',
                        parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                        attr: {
                            x1: x1,
                            y1: parseFloat(element.getAttribute('y')),
                            x2: x1,
                            y2: this.getYCoord(parseFloat(datapoint - min)),
                            stroke: color,
                            'stroke-width': linewidth
                    // Draw the cap to the UPPER line
                    var errorbarCap = RGraph.SVG.create({
                        svg: this.svg,
                        type: 'line',
                        parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                        attr: {
                            x1: parseFloat(errorbarLine.getAttribute('x1')) - (capwidth / 2),
                            y1: errorbarLine.getAttribute('y2'),
                            x2: parseFloat(errorbarLine.getAttribute('x1')) + (capwidth / 2),
                            y2: errorbarLine.getAttribute('y2'),
                            stroke: color,
                            'stroke-width': linewidth

            } else if (datapoint < 0) {

                var x1 = parseFloat(element.getAttribute('x')) + (parseFloat(element.getAttribute('width')) / 2),
                    y1 = parseFloat(element.getAttribute('y')) + parseFloat(element.getAttribute('height')),
                    y2 = this.getYCoord(parseFloat(datapoint - Math.abs(max) ))

                // Draw the vertical line
                var errorbarLine = RGraph.SVG.create({
                    svg: this.svg,
                    type: 'line',
                    parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                    attr: {
                        x1: x1,
                        y1: y1,
                        x2: x1,
                        y2: y2,
                        stroke: color,
                        'stroke-width': linewidth

                // Draw the cap to the vertical line
                var errorbarCap = RGraph.SVG.create({
                    svg: this.svg,
                    type: 'line',
                    parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                    attr: {
                        x1: parseFloat(errorbarLine.getAttribute('x1')) - (capwidth / 2),
                        y1: errorbarLine.getAttribute('y2'),
                        x2: parseFloat(errorbarLine.getAttribute('x1')) + (capwidth / 2),
                        y2: errorbarLine.getAttribute('y2'),
                        stroke: color,
                        'stroke-width': linewidth

                // Draw the minimum errorbar if necessary
                if (typeof min === 'number') {

                    var x1 = parseFloat(element.getAttribute('x')) + (parseFloat(element.getAttribute('width')) / 2);

                    var errorbarLine = RGraph.SVG.create({
                        svg: this.svg,
                        type: 'line',
                        parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                        attr: {
                            x1: x1,
                            y1: this.getYCoord(parseFloat(datapoint + min)),
                            x2: x1,
                            y2: this.getYCoord(parseFloat(datapoint)),
                            stroke: color,
                            'stroke-width': linewidth
                    // Draw the cap to the UPPER line
                    var errorbarCap = RGraph.SVG.create({
                        svg: this.svg,
                        type: 'line',
                        parent: this.svgAllGroup,
                        attr: {
                            x1: parseFloat(errorbarLine.getAttribute('x1')) - (capwidth / 2),
                            y1: errorbarLine.getAttribute('y1'),
                            x2: parseFloat(errorbarLine.getAttribute('x1')) + (capwidth / 2),
                            y2: errorbarLine.getAttribute('y1'),
                            stroke: color,
                            'stroke-width': linewidth

        // The Bar chart grow effect
        this.grow = function ()
            var opt      = arguments[0] || {},
                frames   = opt.frames || 30,
                frame    = 0,
                obj      = this,
                data     = [],
                height   = null,
                seq      = 0;

            // Copy the data
            data = RGraph.SVG.arrayClone(this.data, true);


            var iterate = function ()

                for (var i=0,seq=0,len=obj.coords.length; i<len; ++i, ++seq) {

                    var   multiplier = (frame / frames)
                        // RGraph.SVG.FX.getEasingMultiplier(frames, frame)
                        // RGraph.SVG.FX.getEasingMultiplier(frames, frame);

                    // TODO Go through the data and update the value according to
                    // the frame number
                    if (typeof data[i] === 'number') {

                        height      = Math.abs(obj.getYCoord(data[i]) - obj.getYCoord(0));
                        obj.data[i] = data[i] * multiplier;
                        height      = multiplier * height;

                        // Set the new height on the rect

                        // Set the correct Y coord on the object
                            data[i] < 0 ? obj.getYCoord(0) : obj.getYCoord(0) - height

                        // This upadtes the size of the 3D sides to the bar
                        if (properties.variant === '3d') {
                            // Remove the 3D sides to the bar
                            if (obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[0].parentNode) obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[0].parentNode.removeChild(obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[0]);
                            if (obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[1].parentNode) obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[1].parentNode.removeChild(obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[1]);
                            if (obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[0].parentNode) obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[0].parentNode.removeChild(obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[0]);
                            if (obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[1].parentNode) obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[1].parentNode.removeChild(obj.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[1]);
                            // Add the 3D sides to the bar (again)
                            obj.drawSide3dFace({rect: obj.coords[i].element});
                            // Draw the top side of the 3D bar
                            if (properties.grouping === 'grouped') {
                                obj.drawTop3dFace({rect: obj.coords[i].element   });

                            // Now remove and immediately re-add the front face of
                            // the bar - this is so that the front face appears
                            // above the other sides
                            if (obj.coords[i].element.parentNode) {
                                var parent = obj.coords[i].element.parentNode;
                                var node   = parent.removeChild(obj.coords[i].element);

                    } else if (typeof data[i] === 'object') {

                        var accumulativeHeight = 0;

                        for (var j=0,len2=data[i].length; j<len2; ++j, ++seq) {

                            height         = Math.abs(obj.getYCoord(data[i][j]) - obj.getYCoord(0));
                            height         = multiplier * height;
                            obj.data[i][j] = data[i][j] * multiplier;
                            height = Math.round(height);


                                data[i][j] < 0 ? (obj.getYCoord(0) + accumulativeHeight) : (obj.getYCoord(0) - height - accumulativeHeight)

                            // This updates the size of the 3D sides to the bar
                            if (properties.variant === '3d') {

                                // Remove the 3D sides to the bar
                                if (obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[0].parentNode) obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[0].parentNode.removeChild(obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[0]);
                                if (obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[1].parentNode) obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[1].parentNode.removeChild(obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[1]);
                                if (obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[0].parentNode) obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[0].parentNode.removeChild(obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[0]);
                                if (obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[1].parentNode) obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[1].parentNode.removeChild(obj.coords[seq].element.rgraph_3d_top_face[1]);
                                // Add the 3D sides to the bar (again)
                                obj.drawSide3dFace({rect: obj.coords[seq].element});

// Draw the top side of the 3D bar
// TODO Need to only draw the top face when the bar is either
//      not stacked or is the last segment in the stack
obj.drawTop3dFace({rect: obj.coords[seq].element});
                                // Now remove and immediately re-add the front face of
                                // the bar - this is so that the front face appears
                                // above the other sides
                                if (obj.coords[seq].element.parentNode) {
                                    var parent = obj.coords[seq].element.parentNode;
                                    var node   = parent.removeChild(obj.coords[seq].element);
                            accumulativeHeight += (properties.grouping === 'stacked' ? height : 0);


                        // Set the height and Y cooord of the backfaces if necessary
                        if (obj.stackedBackfaces[i]) {
                                obj.height - properties.marginBottom - accumulativeHeight

                        // Decrease seq by one so that it's not incremented twice

                if (frame++ < frames) {
                    //setTimeout(iterate, frame > 1 ? opt.delay : 200);
                } else if (opt.callback) {

            return this;

        // HBar chart Wave effect.
        // @param object OPTIONAL An object map of options. You specify 'frames'
        //                        here to give the number of frames in the effect
        //                        and also callback to specify a callback function
        //                        thats called at the end of the effect
        this.wave = function ()
            // First draw the chart

            var obj = this,
                opt = arguments[0] || {};
            opt.frames      = opt.frames || 60;
            opt.startFrames = [];
            opt.counters    = [];

            var framesperbar    = opt.frames / 3,
                frame           = -1,
                callback        = opt.callback || function () {};

            for (var i=0,len=this.coords.length; i<len; ++i) {

                opt.startFrames[i] = ((opt.frames / 2) / (obj.coords.length - 1)) * i;
                opt.counters[i]    = 0;
                // Now zero the height of the bar (and remove the 3D faces)
                this.coords[i].element.setAttribute('height', 0);
                if (this.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_side_face) {
                    var parent = this.coords[i].element.rgraph_3d_side_face[0].parentNode;

            function iterator ()

                for (var i=0,len=obj.coords.length; i<len; ++i) {
                    var el = obj.coords[i].element;

                    if (frame > opt.startFrames[i]) {
                        var originalHeight = el.getAttribute('data-original-height'),
                            value = parseFloat(el.getAttribute('data-value'));

                        var height = Math.min(
                            ((frame - opt.startFrames[i]) / framesperbar) * originalHeight,

                            height < 0 ? 0 : height

                            value >=0 ? obj.getYCoord(0) - height : obj.getYCoord(0)

                        // This updates the size of the 3D sides to the bar
                        if (properties.variant === '3d') {
                            // Remove the 3D sides to the bar
                            var parent = el.rgraph_3d_side_face[0].parentNode;
                            if (parent) parent.removeChild(el.rgraph_3d_side_face[0]);
                            if (parent) parent.removeChild(el.rgraph_3d_side_face[1]);
                            var parent = el.rgraph_3d_top_face[0].parentNode;
                            if (parent) parent.removeChild(el.rgraph_3d_top_face[0]);
                            if (parent) parent.removeChild(el.rgraph_3d_top_face[1]);

                            // Now remove and immediately re-add the front face of
                            // the bar - this is so that the front face appears
                            // above the other sides
                            if (el.parentNode) {
                                var parent = el.parentNode;
                                var node   = parent.removeChild(el);

                        if (properties.grouping === 'stacked') {
                            var seq = el.getAttribute('data-sequential-index');
                            var indexes = RGraph.SVG.sequentialIndexToGrouped(seq, obj.data);
                            if (indexes[1] > 0) {
                                    parseFloat(obj.coords[i - 1].element.getAttribute('y')) - height + 1

                        if (properties.variant === '3d') {
                            // Add the 3D sides to the bar (again)
                                rect:  el,
                                value: el.getAttribute('data-value')
                            // Draw the top side of the 3D bar
                            if (properties.grouping === 'grouped' || (properties.grouping === 'stacked' && (indexes[1] + 1) === obj.data[indexes[0]].length) ) {
                                    rect:  el,
                                    value: el.getAttribute('data-value')

                if (frame >= opt.frames) {
                } else {

            return this;

        // A worker function that handles Bar chart specific tooltip substitutions
        this.tooltipSubstitutions = function (opt)
            var indexes = RGraph.SVG.sequentialIndexToGrouped(opt.index, this.data);

            return {
                  index: indexes[1],
                dataset: indexes[0],
        sequentialIndex: opt.index,
                  value: typeof this.data[indexes[0]] === 'number' ? this.data[indexes[0]] : this.data[indexes[0]][indexes[1]],
                 values: typeof this.data[indexes[0]] === 'number' ? [this.data[indexes[0]]] : this.data[indexes[0]]

        // A worker function that returns the correct color/label/value
        // @param object specific The indexes that are applicable
        // @param number index    The appropriate index
        this.tooltipsFormattedCustom = function (specific, index)
            if (typeof this.data[0] === 'object') {
                var label = (!RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels) && typeof properties.tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels === 'object' && properties.tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels[index])
                                ? properties.tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels[index]
                                : '';
            } else {

                var label = (   !RGraph.SVG.isNullish(properties.tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels)
                            && typeof properties.tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels === 'object'
                            && properties.tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels[specific.index])
                                ? properties.tooltipsFormattedKeyLabels[specific.index]
                                : '';

            return {
                label: label

        // This allows for static tooltip positioning
        this.positionTooltipStatic = function (args)
            var obj      = args.object,
                e        = args.event,
                tooltip  = args.tooltip,
                index    = args.index,
                svgXY    = RGraph.SVG.getSVGXY(obj.svg),
                coords   = this.coords[args.index];

            // Position the tooltip in the X direction
            args.tooltip.style.left = (
                  svgXY[0]                       // The X coordinate of the canvas
                + coords.x                       // The X coordinate of the bar on the chart
                - (tooltip.offsetWidth / 2)      // Subtract half of the tooltip width
                + (coords.width / 2)                // Add half of the bar width
            ) + 'px';

            // If the chart is a 3D version the tooltip Y position needs this
            // adjustment
            var adjustment = 0;
            if (properties.variant === '3d') {
                var left  = coords.x;
                var top   = coords.y;
                var angle = 5 / (180 / Math.PI);
                var adjustment = Math.tan(angle) * left;

            args.tooltip.style.top  = (
                  svgXY[1]                      // The Y coordinate of the canvas
                + coords.y                      // The Y coordinate of the bar on the chart
                - tooltip.offsetHeight          // The height of the tooltip
                - 15                            // An arbitrary amount
                + adjustment                    // Account for the 3D
            ) + 'px';

            // If the bar is a negative one, add half the height to the Y coord
            var data_arr = RGraph.SVG.arrayLinearize(this.data);

            if (data_arr[index] < 0) {
                args.tooltip.style.top = 
                    + (coords.height / 2)
                    + 'px';

            // If the top of the tooltip is off the top of the page
            // then move the tooltip down
            if(parseFloat(args.tooltip.style.top) < 0) {
                args.tooltip.style.top = parseFloat(args.tooltip.style.top) + 20 + 'px';

        // This function handles clipping to scale values. Because
        // each chart handles scales differently, a worker function
        // is needed instead of it all being done centrally.
        // @param object clipPath The <clipPath> node
        this.clipToScaleWorker = function (clipPath)
            // The Regular expression is actually done by the
            // calling RGraph.clipTo.start() function  in the core
            // library
            if (RegExp.$1 === 'min') from = this.min; else from = Number(RegExp.$1);
            if (RegExp.$2 === 'max') to   = this.max; else to   = Number(RegExp.$2);

            var width  = this.width,
                y1     = this.getYCoord(from),
                y2     = this.getYCoord(to),
                height = Math.abs(y2 - y1),
                x      = 0,
                y      = Math.min(y1, y2);

            // Increase the height if the maximum value is "max"
            if (RegExp.$2 === 'max') {
                y = 0;
                height += this.properties.marginTop;
            // Increase the height if the minimum value is "min"
            if (RegExp.$1 === 'min') {
                height += this.properties.marginBottom;

                svg:    this.svg,
                type:   'rect',
                parent: clipPath,
                attr: {
                    x:      x,
                    y:      y,
                    width:  width,
                    height: height
            // Now set the clip-path attribute on the first
            // Line charts all-elements group
                'url(#' + clipPath.id + ')'

        // Set the options that the user has provided
        for (i in conf.options) {
            if (typeof i === 'string') {
                this.set(i, conf.options[i]);
    return this;

// End module pattern
})(window, document);