// o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o // | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: | // | | // | https://www.rgraph.net/license.html | // | | // | RGraph is dual-licensed under the Open Source GPL license. That means that it's | // | free to use and there are no restrictions on what you can use RGraph for! | // | If the GPL license does not suit you however, then there's an inexpensive | // | commercial license option available. See the URL above for more details. | // o---------------------------------------------------------------------------------o // // This is a library of a few functions that make it easier to do // effects like fade-ins or eaxpansion. // // // Initialise the various objects // RGraph = window.RGraph || {isrgraph:true,isRGraph:true,rgraph:true}; RGraph.SVG = RGraph.SVG || {}; RGraph.SVG.FX = RGraph.SVG.FX || {}; RGraph.SVG.Effects = RGraph.SVG.FX; // Module pattern (function (win, doc, undefined) { // // This functions adds the generic effects to thechart object // // @param object obj The chart object // RGraph.SVG.FX.decorate = function (obj) { for (i in RGraph.SVG.FX) { if (typeof RGraph.SVG.FX[i] === 'function') { obj[i] = RGraph.SVG.FX[i]; } } }; // // fadeIn // // This function simply uses the CSS opacity property - initially set to zero and // increasing to 1 over the period of 0.5 second // RGraph.SVG.FX.fadein = function () { // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}; // Initially the opacity should be zero obj.svg.style.opacity = 0; // Draw the chart RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); // Now fade the chart in for (var i=1; i<=frames; ++i) { (function (index) { setTimeout(function () { obj.svg.style.opacity = (index / frames); if (index >= frames) { callback(obj); } }, (index / frames) * duration); })(i) } return this; }; // // fadeOut // // This function is a reversal of the above function - fading out instead of in // RGraph.SVG.FX.fadeout = function () { // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}; //RGraph.SVG.redraw() // Now fade the chart out for (var i=1; i<=frames; ++i) { (function (index) { setTimeout(function () { obj.svg.style.opacity = 1 - (index / frames); if (index >= frames) { callback(obj); } }, (index / frames) * duration); })(i) } return this; }; // // fadeSlideIn // // This function fades the canvas in in a sliding motion // RGraph.SVG.FX.fadeslidein = function () { // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, frame = 0, pc = -20, step = (120 - pc) / frames, color = opt.color || 'white', width = this.container.offsetWidth, height = this.container.offsetHeight, callback = opt.callback || function () {}; // Draw the chart RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); // Create the cover jQuery('<div id="rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id + '"></div>').css({ background: 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(255,255,255,0) ' + pc + '%, ' + color + ' ' + (pc + 20) + '%)', width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px', top: 0, left: 0, position: 'absolute' }).appendTo(jQuery(this.container)); function iterator () { if (pc < 120) { jQuery('div#rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id).css({ background: 'linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(255,255,255,0) ' + pc + '%, ' + color + ' ' + (pc + 20) + '%)' }); pc += step; RGraph.SVG.FX.update(iterator); } else { jQuery('div#rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id).remove(); callback(obj); } } iterator(); return this; }; // // fadeSlideOut // // Fades the canvas out in a sliding motion. This function gets added // to the chart object - so the this variable is the chart object // RGraph.SVG.FX.fadeslideout = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, frame = 0, pc = -20, step = (120 - pc) / frames, canvasXY = RGraph.SVG.getSVGXY(obj.svg), color = opt.color || 'white', width = this.container.offsetWidth, height = this.container.offsetHeight, callback = opt.callback || function () {}; // Draw the chart //RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); // Create the cover jQuery('<div id="rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id + '"></div>').css({ background: 'linear-gradient(135deg, ' + color + ' ' + pc + '%, rgba(255,255,255,0) ' + (pc + 20) + '%)', width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px', top: 0, left: 0, position: 'absolute' }).appendTo(jQuery(obj.svg.parentNode)); function iterator () { if (pc < 120) { jQuery('div#rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id).css({ background: 'linear-gradient(135deg, ' + color + ' ' + pc + '%, rgba(255,255,255,0) ' + (pc + 20) + '%)' }); pc += step; RGraph.SVG.FX.update(iterator); } else { RGraph.SVG.clear(obj.svg); jQuery('div#rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id).remove(); callback(obj); } } iterator(); return this; }; // // fadeCircularIn // // This function uses radial CSS gradients to cover the canvas with a radial fade in effect // (from the center outwards) // RGraph.SVG.FX.fadecircularinoutwards = function () { // This function gets added to the chart object - so the 'this' // variable is the chart object var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, frame = 1, radius = 0, svgXY = RGraph.SVG.getSVGXY(obj.svg), color = opt.color || 'white', callback = opt.callback || function () {}; // Draw the chart RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); // Create the cover jQuery('<div id="rgraph_fadecircularinoutwards_cover_' + obj.id + '"></div>').css({ background: 'radial-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%, ' + color + ' ' + radius + '%)', width: this.container.offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.container.offsetHeight + 'px', top: 0, left: 0, position: 'absolute' }).appendTo(jQuery(obj.svg.parentNode)); function iterator () { if (frame < frames) { jQuery('div#rgraph_fadecircularinoutwards_cover_' + obj.id).css({ background: 'radial-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0) ' + ((frame++ / frames) * 100) + '%, ' + color + ' ' + ((frame++ / frames) * 150) + '%)' }); RGraph.SVG.FX.update(iterator); } else { jQuery('div#rgraph_fadecircularinoutwards_cover_' + obj.id).remove(); callback(obj); } } iterator(); return this; }; // // fadecircularoutoutwards // // This function uses radial CSS gradients to cover the canvas with a radial fade out effect // (from the center outwards) // RGraph.SVG.FX.fadecircularoutoutwards = function () { // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, frame = 0, width = this.container.offsetWidth, height = this.container.offsetHeight, canvasXY = RGraph.SVG.getSVGXY(obj.svg), color = opt.color || 'white', callback = opt.callback || function () {}; // Draw the chart //RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); // Create the cover jQuery('<div id="rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id + '"></div>').css({ background: 'radial-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%, transparent 0%)', width: width + 'px', height: height + 'px', top: 0, left: 0, position: 'absolute' }).appendTo(jQuery(obj.svg.parentNode)); function iterator () { if (frame < frames) { jQuery('div#rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id).css({ background: 'radial-gradient(' + color + ' ' + ((frame++ / frames) * 100) + '%, rgba(255,255,255,0) ' + ((frame++ / frames) * 150) + '%)' }); RGraph.SVG.FX.update(iterator); } else { RGraph.SVG.clear(obj.svg); jQuery('div#rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id).remove(); callback(obj); } } iterator(); return this; }; // // fadeCircularInInwards // // This function gets added to the chart object - so the 'this' // variable is the chart object // RGraph.SVG.FX.fadecircularininwards = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, frame = 0, radius = Math.max( obj.container.offsetWidth, obj.container.offsetHeight ), color = opt.color || 'white', callback = opt.callback || function () {}; // Draw the chart RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); // Create the cover jQuery('<div id="rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id + '"></div>').css({ background: 'radial-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0) 100%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%)', width: this.container.offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.container.offsetHeight + 'px', top: 0, left: 0, position: 'absolute' }).appendTo(jQuery(obj.svg.parentNode)); function iterator () { if (frame < frames) { jQuery('div#rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id).css({ background: 'radial-gradient(' + color + ' ' + (( (frames - frame++) / frames) * 100) + '%, rgba(255,255,255,0) ' + (( (frames - frame++) / frames) * 120) + '%)' }); RGraph.SVG.FX.update(iterator); } else { jQuery('div#rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id).remove(); callback(obj); } } iterator(); return this; }; // // fadecircularoutinwards // // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object // RGraph.SVG.FX.fadecircularoutinwards = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, frame = 0, radius = Math.max( this.container.offsetWidth, this.container.offsetHeight ), color = opt.color || 'white', callback = opt.callback || function () {}; // Draw the chart //RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); // Create the cover jQuery('<div id="rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + this.id + '"></div>').css({ background: 'radial-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,0) 0%)', width: this.container.offsetWidth + 'px', height: this.container.offsetHeight + 'px', top: 0, left: 0, position: 'absolute' }).appendTo(jQuery(obj.svg.parentNode)); function iterator () { if (frame < frames) { jQuery('div#rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id).css({ background: 'radial-gradient(rgba(255,255,255,0) ' + (( (frames - frame++) / frames) * 100) + '%, ' + color + ' ' + (( (frames - frame++) / frames) * 120) + '%)' }); RGraph.SVG.FX.update(iterator); } else { RGraph.SVG.clear(obj.svg); jQuery('div#rgraph_fadeslide_cover_' + obj.id).remove(); callback(obj); } } iterator(); return this; }; // // Reveal // // With this effect the chart is slowly revealed from the centre outwards. This // function gets added to the chart object - so the 'this' variable is the chart // object // // @param object Options for the effect. You can give frames here // @param function An optional callback function // RGraph.SVG.FX.reveal = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {} color = opt.color || 'white', frames = opt.frames || 90, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, callback = opt.callback || function () {} var divs = [ ['rgraph_reveal_left_' + this.id, 0, 0, this.container.offsetWidth / 2, this.container.offsetHeight], ['rgraph_reveal_right_' + this.id,(this.container.offsetWidth / 2),0,(this.container.offsetWidth / 2),this.container.offsetHeight], ['rgraph_reveal_top_' + this.id,0,0,this.container.offsetWidth,(this.container.offsetHeight / 2)], ['rgraph_reveal_bottom_' + this.id,0,(this.container.offsetHeight / 2),this.container.offsetWidth,(this.container.offsetHeight / 2)] ]; for (var i=0,len=divs.length; i<len; ++i) { var div = doc.createElement('DIV'); div.id = divs[i][0]; div.style.left = divs[i][1] + 'px'; div.style.top = divs[i][2] + 'px'; div.style.width = divs[i][3] + 'px'; div.style.height = divs[i][4] + 'px'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.backgroundColor = color; this.container.appendChild(div); } // Redraw RGraph.SVG.redraw(obj.svg); // Animate the shrinking of the DIVs jQuery('#rgraph_reveal_left_' + obj.id).animate({width: 0}, duration); jQuery('#rgraph_reveal_right_' + obj.id).animate({left: '+=' + (this.container.offsetWidth / 2),width: 0}, duration); jQuery('#rgraph_reveal_top_' + obj.id).animate({height: 0}, duration); jQuery('#rgraph_reveal_bottom_' + obj.id).animate({top: '+=' + (this.container.offsetHeight / 2),height: 0}, duration); // Remove the DIVs from the DOM 100ms after the animation ends setTimeout(function () { obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById("rgraph_reveal_top_" + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById("rgraph_reveal_bottom_" + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById("rgraph_reveal_left_" + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById("rgraph_reveal_right_" + obj.id)); callback(obj); }, duration); return this; }; // // Conceal // // This effect is the reverse of the Reveal effect - instead of revealing // the canvas it conceals it. Combined with the reveal effect would make // for a nice wipe effect. // // @param object obj The chart object /// RGraph.SVG.FX.conceal = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, color = opt.color || 'white', duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0; var divs = [ ['rgraph_conceal_left_' + obj.id, 0, 0, 0, this.container.offsetHeight], ['rgraph_conceal_right_' + obj.id,this.container.offsetWidth,0,0,this.container.offsetHeight], ['rgraph_conceal_top_' + obj.id,0,0,this.container.offsetWidth,0], ['rgraph_conceal_bottom_' + obj.id,0,this.container.offsetHeight,this.container.offsetWidth,0] ]; for (var i=0,len=divs.length; i<len; ++i) { var div = doc.createElement('DIV'); div.id = divs[i][0]; div.style.left = divs[i][1] + 'px'; div.style.top = divs[i][2] + 'px'; div.style.width = divs[i][3] + 'px'; div.style.height = divs[i][4] + 'px'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.backgroundColor = color; this.container.appendChild(div); } jQuery('#rgraph_conceal_left_' + obj.id).animate({width: '+=' + (this.container.offsetWidth / 2)}, duration); jQuery('#rgraph_conceal_right_' + obj.id).animate({left: '-=' + (this.container.offsetWidth / 2),width: (this.container.offsetWidth / 2)}, duration); jQuery('#rgraph_conceal_top_' + obj.id).animate({height: '+=' + (this.container.offsetHeight / 2)}, duration); jQuery('#rgraph_conceal_bottom_' + obj.id).animate({top: '-=' + (this.container.offsetHeight / 2),height: (this.container.offsetHeight / 2)}, duration); // Remove the DIVs from the DOM 100ms after the animation ends setTimeout( function () { obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById("rgraph_conceal_top_" + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById("rgraph_conceal_bottom_" + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById("rgraph_conceal_left_" + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById("rgraph_conceal_right_" + obj.id)); RGraph.SVG.clear(obj.svg); callback(obj); }, duration ); return this; }; // // Horizontal Blinds (open) // // @params object obj The graph object // RGraph.SVG.FX.hblindsopen = function () { // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, color = opt.color || 'white', height = this.container.offsetHeight / 5; // // First draw the chart // RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); for (var i=0; i<5; ++i) { var div = doc.createElement('DIV'); div.id = 'rgraph_hblinds_' + i + '_' + obj.id; div.style.left = 0; div.style.top = ((this.container.offsetHeight * (i / 5))) + 'px'; div.style.width = this.container.offsetWidth + 'px'; div.style.height = (this.container.offsetHeight / 5) + 'px'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.backgroundColor = color; this.container.appendChild(div); jQuery('#rgraph_hblinds_' + i + '_' + obj.id).animate({height: 0}, duration); } setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hblinds_0_' + obj.id));}, duration); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hblinds_1_' + obj.id));}, duration); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hblinds_2_' + obj.id));}, duration); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hblinds_3_' + obj.id));}, duration); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hblinds_4_' + obj.id));}, duration); setTimeout(function () {callback(obj);}, duration); return this; }; // // Horizontal Blinds (close) // // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object // // @params object obj The graph object // RGraph.SVG.FX.hblindsclose = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, color = opt.color = 'white', height = this.container.offsetHeight / 5; for (var i=0; i<5; ++i) { var div = doc.createElement('DIV'); div.id = 'rgraph_hblinds_' + i + '_' + obj.id; div.style.left = 0; div.style.top = (this.container.offsetHeight * (i / 5)) + 'px'; div.style.width = this.container.offsetWidth + 'px'; div.style.height = 0; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.backgroundColor = color; this.container.appendChild(div); jQuery('#rgraph_hblinds_' + i + '_' + obj.id) .animate({ height: height + 'px' }, duration); } setTimeout(function () {RGraph.SVG.clear(obj.svg);}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hblinds_0_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hblinds_1_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hblinds_2_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hblinds_3_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hblinds_4_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {callback(obj);}, duration + 100); }; // // Vertical Blinds (open) // // @params object obj The graph object // // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object RGraph.SVG.FX.vblindsopen = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, color = opt.color || 'white', width = this.container.offsetWidth / 10; // // First draw the chart // RGraph.SVG.redraw(obj.svg); for (var i=0; i<10; ++i) { var div = doc.createElement('DIV'); div.id = 'rgraph_vblinds_' + i + '_' + obj.id; div.style.width = width + 'px'; div.style.height = this.container.offsetHeight + 'px'; div.style.left = (this.container.offsetWidth * (i / 10)) + 'px'; div.style.top = 0; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.backgroundColor = color; obj.container.appendChild(div); jQuery('#rgraph_vblinds_' + i + '_' + obj.id).animate({width: 0}, duration); } setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_0_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_1_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_2_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_3_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_4_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_5_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_6_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_7_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_8_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_9_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {callback(obj);}, duration + 100); return this; }; // // Vertical Blinds (close) // // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object // // @params object obj The graph object // RGraph.SVG.FX.vblindsclose = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, color = opt.color || 'white', width = this.container.offsetWidth / 10; // Create the blinds for (var i=0; i<10; ++i) { var div = doc.createElement('DIV'); div.id = 'rgraph_vblinds_' + i + '_' + obj.id; div.style.left = (this.container.offsetWidth * (i / 10)) + 'px'; div.style.top = 0; div.style.width = 0; div.style.height = this.container.offsetHeight + 'px'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.backgroundColor = color; this.container.appendChild(div); jQuery('#rgraph_vblinds_' + i + '_' + obj.id).animate({width: width}, duration); } setTimeout(function () {RGraph.SVG.clear(obj.svg);}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_0_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_1_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_2_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_3_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_4_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_5_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_6_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_7_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_8_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vblinds_9_' + obj.id));}, duration + 100); setTimeout(function () {callback(obj);}, duration + 100); return this; }; // // Slide in // // This function is a wipe that can be used when switching the canvas to a // new graph // // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object // // @param object obj The graph object // RGraph.SVG.FX.slidein = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, color = opt.color || 'white', width = this.container.offsetWidth / 10, from = opt.from || 'left'; this.container.style.overflow = 'hidden'; RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); this.svg.style.position = 'relative'; if (from == 'left') { this.svg.style.left = (0 - this.container.offsetWidth) + 'px'; this.svg.style.top = 0; } else if (from == 'top') { this.svg.style.left = 0; this.svg.style.top = (0 - this.container.offsetHeight) + 'px'; } else if (from == 'bottom') { this.svg.style.left = 0; this.svg.style.top = this.container.offsetHeight + 'px'; } else { this.svg.style.left = this.container.offsetWidth + 'px'; this.svg.style.top = 0; } jQuery(this.svg).animate({left:0,top:0}, duration, function () { callback(obj); }); return this; }; // // Slide out // // This function is a wipe that can be used when switching the canvas to a new graph // // @param object Optional object containing configuration. // @param function Optional callback function // RGraph.SVG.FX.slideout = function () { // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object var opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, color = opt.color || 'white', to = opt.to || 'left', duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, width = this.container.offetsWidth / 10; this.container.style.overflow= 'hidden'; this.svg.style.position = 'relative'; this.svg.style.left = 0; this.svg.style.top = 0; if (to == 'left') { jQuery(this.svg).animate({left: (0 - this.container.offsetWidth) + 'px'}, duration, function () {callback(this);}); } else if (to == 'top') { jQuery(this.svg).animate({left: 0, top: (0 - this.container.offsetHeight) + 'px'}, duration, function () {callback(this);}); } else if (to == 'bottom') { jQuery(this.svg).animate({top: (0 + this.container.offsetHeight) + 'px'}, duration, function () {callback(this);}); } else { jQuery(this.svg).animate({left: (0 + this.container.offsetWidth) + 'px'}, duration, function () {callback(this);}); } return this; }; // // Horizontal Scissors (open) // // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object // // @param object Optional array of options // @param function Optional callback function // // RGraph.SVG.FX.hscissorsopen = function () { var opt = arguments[0] || {}, obj = this, frames = opt.frames || 90, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, color = opt.color || 'white', to = opt.to || 'left', frame = 0, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, width = this.container.offsetWidth / 10, height = this.container.offsetHeight / 5; // // First draw the chart // RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); for (var i=0; i<5; ++i) { var div = doc.getElementById("rgraph_hscissors_" + i + '_' + this.id) if (!div) { var div = doc.createElement('DIV'); div.id = 'rgraph_hscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id; div.style.width = this.container.offsetWidth + 'px'; div.style.height = (this.container.offsetHeight / 5) + 'px'; div.style.left = 0; div.style.top = (this.container.offsetHeight * (i / 5)) + 'px'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.backgroundColor = color; this.container.appendChild(div); } if (i % 2 == 0) { jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_hscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id).animate({left: this.container.offsetWidth + 'px', width: 0}, duration); } else { jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_hscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id).animate({width: 0}, duration); } } setTimeout(function () { obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hscissors_0_' + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hscissors_1_' + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hscissors_2_' + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hscissors_3_' + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_hscissors_4_' + obj.id)); callback(obj); }, duration); return this; }; // // Horizontal Scissors (Close) // // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object // // @param @object Optional object of options // @param function Optional callback function // // RGraph.SVG.FX.hscissorsclose = function () { var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 60, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, color = opt.color || 'white', height = this.container.offsetHeight / 5; for (var i=0; i<5; ++i) { var div = doc.createElement('DIV'); div.id = 'rgraph_hscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id; div.style.width = 0; div.style.height = height + 'px'; div.style.left = (i % 2 == 0 ? this.container.offsetWidth : 0) + 'px'; div.style.top = (this.container.offsetHeight * (i / 5)) + 'px'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.backgroundColor = color; this.container.appendChild(div); if (i % 2 == 0) { jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_hscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id).animate({left: 0, width: this.container.offsetWidth + 'px'}, duration); } else { jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_hscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id).animate({width: this.container.offsetWidth + 'px'}, duration); } } setTimeout(function () { RGraph.SVG.clear(obj.svg); jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_hscissors_' + 0 + '_' + obj.id).remove(); jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_hscissors_' + 1 + '_' + obj.id).remove(); jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_hscissors_' + 2 + '_' + obj.id).remove(); jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_hscissors_' + 3 + '_' + obj.id).remove(); jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_hscissors_' + 4 + '_' + obj.id).remove(); callback(obj); }, duration); return this; }; // // Vertical Scissors (open) // // @param @object Optional An object of options. It can consist of: // o color - The color of the scissors. The default is white // o frames - Number of animation frames in the effect. Default // is 60 // o callback - A function that's called when the effect is // finished // RGraph.SVG.FX.vscissorsopen = function () { // This function gets added to the chart object - so the this // variable is the chart object var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, color = opt.color || 'white', width = this.container.offsetWidth / 10; // // First (re)draw the chart // RGraph.SVG.redraw(this.svg); for (var i=0; i<10; ++i) { var div = doc.getElementById("rgraph_vscissors_" + i + '_' + this.id); if (!div) { var div = doc.createElement('DIV'); div.id = 'rgraph_vscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id; div.style.width = width + 'px'; div.style.height = this.container.offsetHeight + 'px'; div.style.left = this.container.offsetWidth * (i / 10) + 'px'; div.style.top = 0; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.backgroundColor = color; this.container.appendChild(div); } if (i % 2 == 0) { jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_vscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id).animate({top: this.container.offsetHeight + 'px', height: 0}, duration); } else { jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_vscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id).animate({height: 0}, duration); } } setTimeout(function () { obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vscissors_0' + '_' + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vscissors_1' + '_' + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vscissors_2' + '_' + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vscissors_3' + '_' + obj.id)); obj.container.removeChild(doc.getElementById('rgraph_vscissors_4' + '_' + obj.id)); callback(obj); }, duration); return this; }; // // Vertical Scissors (close) // RGraph.SVG.FX.vscissorsclose = function () { // This function gets added to the chart object - so the // 'this' variable is the chart object var obj = this, opt = arguments[0] || {}, frames = opt.frames || 90, duration = (frames / 60) * 1000, frame = 0, callback = opt.callback || function () {}, color = opt.color || 'white', width = this.container.offsetWidth / 10; for (var i=0; i<10; ++i) { var div = doc.getElementById("rgraph_vscissors_" + i + '_' + this.id) if (!div) { var div = doc.createElement('DIV'); div.id = 'rgraph_vscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id; div.style.width = width + 'px'; div.style.height = 0; div.style.left = (width * i) + 'px'; div.style.top = (i % 2 == 0 ? this.container.offsetHeight : 0) + 'px'; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.backgroundColor = color; this.container.appendChild(div); } if (i % 2 == 0) { jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_vscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id).animate({top: 0, height: this.container.offsetHeight + 'px'}, duration); } else { jQuery('#' + 'rgraph_vscissors_' + i + '_' + this.id).animate({height: this.container.offsetHeight + 'px'}, duration); } } setTimeout(function () { RGraph.SVG.clear(obj.svg); for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { jQuery('#rgraph_vscissors_' + i + '_' + obj.id).remove(); } callback(obj); }, duration); return this; }; // // The animate() function. Similar to the jQuery animate() // function - simply pass it a map of the properties and // their target values, and this function will animate // them to get to those values. // // @param object map A map (an associative array) of the // properties and their target values. // @param An optional function which will be called // when the animation is complete. // RGraph.SVG.FX.animate = function (map) { var obj = this; obj.draw(); var totalFrames = (map && map['frames']) ? map['frames'] : 30, currentFrame = [], originalValues = [], diffs = [], steps = [], callback = arguments[1]; function iterator () { var id = [obj.id + '_' + obj.type]; //RGraph.SVG.cache = {}; // Initialise the arrays if (!currentFrame[id]) { currentFrame[id] = totalFrames; originalValues[id] = {}; diffs[id] = {}; steps[id] = {}; } for (var i in map) { if (typeof map[i] === 'string' || typeof map[i] === 'number') { // If this the first frame, record the proginal value if (currentFrame[id] == totalFrames) { originalValues[id][i] = obj.get(i); diffs[id][i] = map[i] - originalValues[id][i]; steps[id][i] = diffs[id][i] / totalFrames; } obj.set(i, obj.get(i) + steps[id][i]); RGraph.SVG.clear(obj.svg); RGraph.SVG.redraw(); } } // If the current frame number is above zero, run the animation iterator again if (--currentFrame[id] > 0) { window.requestAnimationFrame(iterator); // Optional callback } else { if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(obj); } } } iterator(); return obj; }; // End Module pattern })(window, document);