const config = { /** * You can use this tool * to get following params: client_id, client_secret, refresh_token & redirect_uri. */ "refresh_token": "", "client_id": "", "client_secret": "", "redirect_uri": "", /** * The base path for indexing, all files and subfolders are public by this tool. For example `/Share`. */ base: "/Share", /** * Feature Caching * Enable Cloudflare cache for path pattern listed below. * Cache rules: * - Entire File Cache 0 < file_size < entireFileCacheLimit * - Chunked Cache entireFileCacheLimit <= file_size < chunkedCacheLimit * - No Cache ( redirect to OneDrive Server ) others * * Difference between `Entire File Cache` and `Chunked Cache` * * `Entire File Cache` requires the entire file to be transferred to the Cloudflare server before * the first byte sent to a client. * * `Chunked Cache` would stream the file content to the client while caching it. * But there is no exact Content-Length in the response headers. ( Content-Length: chunked ) * */ "cache": { "enable": false, "entireFileCacheLimit": 10000000, // 10MB "chunkedCacheLimit": 100000000, // 100MB "paths": ["/Images"] }, /** * Feature Thumbnail * Show a thumbnail of image by ?thumbnail=small (small,medium,large) * more details: * example: * */ "thumbnail": true, /** * Small File Upload ( <= 4MB ) * example: POST */ "upload": { "enable": false, "key": "your_secret_1key_here" }, /** * Feature Proxy Download * Use Cloudflare as a relay to speed up download. ( especially in Mainland China ) * example: */ "proxyDownload": true, }; /** * Basic authentication. * Disabled by default (Issue #29) * * AUTH_ENABLED to enable auth set true * NAME user name * PASS password */ const AUTH_ENABLED = false const NAME = "admin" const PASS = "password" /** * RegExp for basic auth credentials * * credentials = auth-scheme 1*SP token68 * auth-scheme = "Basic" ; case insensitive * token68 = 1*( ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~" / "+" / "/" ) *"=" */ const CREDENTIALS_REGEXP = /^ *(?:[Bb][Aa][Ss][Ii][Cc]) +([A-Za-z0-9._~+/-]+=*) *$/ /** * RegExp for basic auth user/pass * * user-pass = userid ":" password * userid = * * password = *TEXT */ const USER_PASS_REGEXP = /^([^:]*):(.*)$/ /** * Object to represent user credentials. */ const Credentials = function(name, pass) { = name this.pass = pass } /** * Parse basic auth to object. */ const parseAuthHeader = function(string) { if (typeof string !== 'string') { return undefined } // parse header const match = CREDENTIALS_REGEXP.exec(string) if (!match) { return undefined } // decode user pass const userPass = USER_PASS_REGEXP.exec(atob(match[1])) if (!userPass) { return undefined } // return credentials object return new Credentials(userPass[1], userPass[2]) } const unauthorizedResponse = function(body) { return new Response( null, { status: 401, statusText: "'Authentication required.'", body: body, headers: { "WWW-Authenticate": 'Basic realm="User Visible Realm"' } } ) } async function handle(request) { if (AUTH_ENABLED == false) { return handleRequest(request) } else if (AUTH_ENABLED == true) { const credentials = parseAuthHeader(request.headers.get("Authorization")) if (!credentials || !== NAME || credentials.pass !== PASS) { return unauthorizedResponse("Unauthorized") } else { return handleRequest(request) } } else {"Auth error unexpected.") } } addEventListener('fetch', event => { event.respondWith(handle(event.request)) }) /** * Current access token */ let _accessToken = null; /** * Cloudflare cache instance */ let cache = caches.default; /** * Get access token for microsoft graph API endpoints. Refresh token if needed. */ async function getAccessToken() { if (_accessToken) return _accessToken; resp = await fetch("", { method: "POST", body: `client_id=${config.client_id}&redirect_uri=${config.redirect_uri}&client_secret=${config.client_secret} &refresh_token=${config.refresh_token}&grant_type=refresh_token`, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } }); if (resp.ok) {"access_token refresh success.") const data = await resp.json() _accessToken = data.access_token return _accessToken; } else throw `getAccessToken error ${ JSON.stringify(await resp.text())}` } /** * mimetype to Material Icon name * @param {string} ype */ function mime2icon(type) { if (type.startsWith("image")) return "image"; if (type.startsWith("image")) return "video_label"; if (type.startsWith("image")) return "audiotrack"; return "description"; } /** * Cache downloadUrl according to caching rules. * @param {Request} request client's request * @param {integer} fileSize * @param {string} downloadUrl * @param {function} fallback handle function if the rules is not satisfied */ async function setCache(request, fileSize, downloadUrl, fallback) { if (fileSize < config.cache.entireFileCacheLimit) {`Cache entire file ${request.url}`); const remoteResp = await fetch(downloadUrl); const resp = new Response(remoteResp.body, { headers: { "Content-Type": remoteResp.headers.get("Content-Type"), "ETag": remoteResp.headers.get("ETag"), }, status: remoteResp.status, statusText: remoteResp.statusText, }); await cache.put(request, resp.clone()); return resp; } else if (fileSize < config.cache.chunkedCacheLimit) {`Chunk cache file ${request.url}`); const remoteResp = await fetch(downloadUrl); let { readable, writable } = new TransformStream(); remoteResp.body.pipeTo(writable); const resp = new Response(readable, { headers: { "Content-Type": remoteResp.headers.get("Content-Type"), "ETag": remoteResp.headers.get("ETag") }, status: remoteResp.status, statusText: remoteResp.statusText }); await cache.put(request, resp.clone()); return resp; } else {`No cache ${request.url} because file_size(${fileSize}) > limit(${config.cache.chunkedCacheLimit})`); return await fallback(downloadUrl); } } /** * Redirect to the download url. * @param {string} downloadUrl */ async function directDownload(downloadUrl) {`DirectDownload -> ${downloadUrl}`); return new Response(null, { status: 302, headers: { "Location": downloadUrl.slice(6) } }); } /** * Download a file using Cloudflare as a relay. * @param {string} downloadUrl */ async function proxiedDownload(downloadUrl) {`ProxyDownload -> ${downloadUrl}`); const remoteResp = await fetch(downloadUrl); let { readable, writable } = new TransformStream(); remoteResp.body.pipeTo(writable); return new Response(readable, remoteResp); } async function handleFile(request, pathname, downloadUrl, { proxied = false, fileSize = 0 }) { if (config.cache && config.cache.enable && config.cache.paths.filter(p => pathname.startsWith(p)).length > 0) { return setCache(request, fileSize, downloadUrl, proxied ? proxiedDownload : directDownload); } return (proxied ? proxiedDownload : directDownload)(downloadUrl); } async function handleUpload(request, pathname, filename) { const url = `${config.base+(pathname.slice(-1) == "/" ? pathname :pathname + "/") }${filename}:/content`; return await fetch(url, { method: "PUT", headers: { "Authorization": `bearer ${await getAccessToken()}`, ...request.headers }, body: request.body }); } function wrap_pathname(pathname) { pathname = config.base + (pathname == "/" ? "" : pathname); return (pathname === "/" || pathname === "") ? "" : ":" + pathname; } async function handleRequest(request) { if (config.cache && config.cache.enable) { const maybeResponse = await cache.match(request); if (maybeResponse) return maybeResponse; } const base = config.base; const accessToken = await getAccessToken(); const { pathname, searchParams } = new URL(request.url); const thumbnail = config.thumbnail ? searchParams.get("thumbnail") : false; const proxied = config.proxyDownload ? (searchParams.get("proxied") === null ? false : true) : false; if (thumbnail) { const url = `${base+(pathname == "/" ? "" :pathname) }:/thumbnails/0/${thumbnail}/content`; const resp = await fetch(url, { headers: { "Authorization": `bearer ${accessToken}` } }); return await handleFile(request, pathname, resp.url, { proxied }); } const url = `${ wrap_pathname(pathname) }?select=name,eTag,size,id,folder,file,%40microsoft.graph.downloadUrl&expand=children(select%3Dname,eTag,size,id,folder,file)`; const resp = await fetch(url, { headers: { "Authorization": `bearer ${accessToken}` } }); let error = null; if (resp.ok) { const data = await resp.json(); if ("file" in data) { return await handleFile(request, pathname, data["@microsoft.graph.downloadUrl"], { proxied, fileSize: data["size"] }); } else if ("folder" in data) { if (config.upload && request.method == "POST") { const filename = searchParams.get("upload"); const key = searchParams.get("key"); if (filename && key && config.upload.key == key) { return await handleUpload(request, pathname, filename); } else { return new Response(body, { status: 400 }); } } if (!request.url.endsWith("/")) return Response.redirect(request.url + "/", 302) return new Response(renderFolderIndex(data.children, pathname == "/"), { headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'content-type': 'text/html' } }); } else { error = `unknown data ${JSON.stringify(data)}`; } } else { error = (await resp.json()).error; } if (error) { const body = JSON.stringify(error); switch (error.code) { case "ItemNotFound": return new Response(body, { status: 404, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } }); default: return new Response(body, { status: 500, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } }); } } } /** * Render Folder Index * @param {*} items * @param {*} isIndex don't show ".." on index page. */ function renderFolderIndex(items, isIndex) { const nav = ``; const el = (tag, attrs, content) => `<${tag} ${attrs.join(" ")}>${content}`; const div = (className, content) => el("div", [`class=${className}`], content); const item = (icon, filename, size) => el("a", [`href="${filename}"`, `class="item"`, size ? `size="${size}"` : ""], el("i", [`class="material-icons"`], icon) + filename) return renderHTML(nav + div("container", div("items", el("div", ['style="min-width:600px"'], (!isIndex ? item("folder", "..") : "") + => { if ("folder" in i) { return item("folder",, i.size) } else if ("file" in i) { return item(mime2icon(i.file.mimeType),, i.size) } else console.log(`unknown item type ${i}`) }).join("") )))); } function renderHTML(body) { return ` OneDrive Index ${body}
` }