import sys import scipy import qutip as qt import numpy as np from magic import * import vpython as vp from functools import reduce vp.scene.width = 1200 vp.scene.height = 800 vp.scene.background=vp.color.white np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) ############################################################################################## def commutator(a, b): return a*b - b*a # Discrete Fourier Transform def dft(N, basis=[]): w = np.exp(-2*np.pi*1j/N) d = qt.Qobj(np.array([[w**(i*j) for j in range(N)] for i in range(N)])/np.sqrt(N)) if len(basis) > 0: d = d.transform(basis, inverse=True) return d ################################################ # FEYNMAN CLOCK STUFF # Construct Feynman clock hamiltonian def feynman_ham(unitaries): n = len(unitaries) return sum([qt.tensor(qt.basis(n, t+1)*qt.basis(n, t).dag(), unitaries[t])\ +qt.tensor(qt.basis(n, t)*qt.basis(n, t+1).dag(), unitaries[t].dag())\ for t in range(n-1)]) # Construct Feynman hamiltonian with circular clock def feynman_ham_circular(unitaries): n = len(unitaries) return sum([qt.tensor(qt.basis(n, t+1)*qt.basis(n, t).dag(), unitaries[t])\ +qt.tensor(qt.basis(n, t)*qt.basis(n, t+1).dag(), unitaries[t].dag())\ if t < n-1 else\ qt.tensor(qt.basis(n, 0)*qt.basis(n, t).dag(), unitaries[t])\ +qt.tensor(qt.basis(n, t)*qt.basis(n, 0).dag(), unitaries[t].dag())\ for t in range(n)]) ################################################ # FINITE DIMENSIONAL CLOCK STUFF # Construct unitary "shift" operator def shift(N): return qt.Qobj(np.array([[\ 1 if j == i-1 or i == 0 and j == N-1 else 0\ for j in range(N)] for i in range(N)])) # Construct unitary "clock" operator def clock(N): w = np.exp(-2*np.pi*1j/N) return qt.Qobj(np.array([[\ w**i if i == j else 0\ for j in range(N)] for i in range(N)])) # Construct finite dimensional / circular position and momentum operators # and also checks them! # phi: generates clocks: like position # pi: generates shifts: like momentum def make_clock(n, alpha=1, beta=1): if n % 2 != 1: print("N must be odd") else: l = int((n-1)/2) clck = clock(n) shft = shift(n) pi = qt.Qobj(np.array([[ 0 if i == j else\ ((1j*np.pi)/((2*l+1)*alpha))*\ 1/np.sin((2*np.pi*l*(i-j))/(2*l+1)) for j in range(-l, l+1)] for i in range(-l, l+1)])) d = dft(n) phi = (-alpha/beta)*d*pi*d.dag() should_be_shft = (-1j*alpha*pi).expm() should_be_clck = (1j*beta*phi).expm() should_be_pi = (-beta/alpha)*d.dag()*phi*d should_be_phi = (-alpha/beta)*d*pi*d.dag() if np.isclose(shft.full(), should_be_shft.full()).all() and\ np.isclose(clck.full(), should_be_clck.full()).all() and\ np.isclose(pi.full(), should_be_pi.full()).all() and\ np.isclose(phi.full(), should_be_phi.full()).all(): return phi/(2*np.pi/n), pi/(2*np.pi/n) else: print("error!") def clock_ham(n, alpha=1, beta=1): pi = make_clock(n, alpha=alpha, beta=beta)[1] return pi ################################################ # FINE DIMENSIONAL QUANTUM HARMONIC OSCILLATOR STUFF def make_finite_oscillator(N, alpha=1, beta=1, osc_freq=1): pi, phi = make_clock(N) H_osc1 = 0.5*pi*pi + 0.5*osc_freq*osc_freq*phi*phi destroy = np.sqrt(osc_freq/2)*phi + (1j/np.sqrt(2*osc_freq))*pi create = np.sqrt(osc_freq/2)*phi - (1j/np.sqrt(2*osc_freq))*pi H_osc2 = osc_freq*(create*destroy + 0.5*commutator(destroy, create)) if np.isclose(H_osc1.full(), H_osc2.full()).all(): return H_osc1, phi, pi, create, destroy def finite_oscillator_ham(n, alpha=1, beta=1, osc_freq=1): return make_finite_oscillator(n, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, osc_freq=osc_freq)[0] ############################################################################################## # GRAPHICS # For quantum spins of any j class VSphere: def __init__(self, dm, pos): = dm self.pos = pos self.sL, self.sV = dm.eigenstates() self.vsphere = vp.sphere(, opacity=0.6,\ pos=self.pos) self.vstars = [[vp.sphere(radius=0.1, pos=self.vsphere.pos+vp.vector(*xyz),\ opacity=self.sL[i].real,\ color=vp.color.hsv_to_rgb(vp.vector(i/len(self.sV),1,1))) for xyz in spin_XYZ(v)]\ for i, v in enumerate(self.sV)] self.j = (dm.shape[0]-1)/2 self.vspin_arrow = vp.arrow(color=vp.color.yellow,\ pos=self.pos, shaftwidth=0.05,\ axis=vp.vector(qt.expect(qt.jmat(self.j, 'x'),,\ qt.expect(qt.jmat(self.j, 'y'),,\ qt.expect(qt.jmat(self.j, 'z'), def visible(self): self.vsphere.visible = True self.vspin_arrow.visible = True for i in range(len(self.vstars)): for j in range(len(self.vstars[i])): self.vstars[i][j].visible = True def invisible(self): if self.vsphere: self.vsphere.visible = False if self.vspin_arrow: self.vspin_arrow.visible = False if self.vstars: for i in range(len(self.vstars)): for j in range(len(self.vstars[i])): self.vstars[i][j].visible = False def destroy(self): self.invisible() self.vsphere = None self.vspin_arrow = None self.vstars = None # Finite dimensional quantum circular clock class VFiniteClock: def __init__(self, dm, LV, pos): = dm self.n = dm.shape[0] self.L, self.V = LV self.projectors = [v*v.dag() for v in self.V] self.pos = pos self.vring = vp.ring(pos=pos,\ axis=vp.vector(0,0,1),\,\ radius=1, thickness=0.1, opacity=0.5) roots_of_unity = [np.exp(2*np.pi*1j*i/self.n) for i in range(self.n)] directions = [vp.vector(roots_of_unity[i].real,\ roots_of_unity[i].imag,\ 0) for i in range(self.n)] clock_probs = np.array([(*self.projectors[i]).tr().real for i in range(self.n)]) self.vclock_arrows = [vp.arrow(pos=self.vring.pos,\ axis=directions[i],\ opacity=clock_probs[i],\ for i in range(self.n)] npdirections = [np.array([roots_of_unity[i].real,\ roots_of_unity[i].imag,\ 0]) for i in range(self.n)] expected_time = sum([npdirections[i]*clock_probs[i] for i in range(self.n)]) self.vexpected_time = vp.sphere(, radius=0.1,\ pos=self.pos+vp.vector(*expected_time), opacity=0.5) def visible(self): self.vring.visible = True for arrow in self.vclock_arrows: arrow.visible = True def invisible(self): if self.vring: self.vring.visible = False if self.vclock_arrows: for arrow in self.vclock_arrows: arrow.visible = False if self.vexpected_time: self.vexpected_time.visible = False def destroy(self): self.invisible() self.vring = None self.vclock_arrows = None self.vexpected_time = None # Truncated 1D quantum harmonic oscillator class VHarmonicOscillator: def __init__(self, dm, pos): = dm self.pos = pos self.n = dm.shape[0] X = qt.position(self.n) L, V = X.eigenstates() self.projectors = [v*v.dag() for v in V] probs = [(*p).tr().real for p in self.projectors] spaced = L/max(L) self.vpts = [vp.sphere(pos=self.pos+vp.vector(spaced[i], 0, 0),\ radius=0.5*probs[i],#0.7/self.n,\ opacity=probs[i])\ for i in range(self.n)] self.vexp = vp.sphere(pos=self.pos+vp.vector(qt.expect(X, dm).real/max(L),0,0),\ radius=0.1, color=vp.color.yellow, opacity=0.9) def visible(self): for pt in self.vpts: pt.visible = True self.vexp.visible = True def invisible(self): if self.vpts: for pt in self.vpts: pt.visible = False if self.vexp: self.vexp.visible = False def destroy(self): self.invisible() self.vpts = None self.vexp = None # Truncated 2D quantum harmonic oscillator class VDoubleHarmonicOscillator: def __init__(self, dm, pos): = dm.copy() self.pos = pos self.n = dm.shape[0] self.osc_n = int(np.sqrt(self.n)) = [[self.osc_n, self.osc_n], [self.osc_n,self.osc_n]] X = qt.position(self.osc_n) L, V = X.eigenstates() self.projectors = [[qt.tensor(v1*v1.dag(), v2*v2.dag()) for v2 in V] for v1 in V] probs = [[(*p).tr().real for p in row] for row in self.projectors] spaced = L/max(L) self.vpts = [[vp.sphere(pos=self.pos+vp.vector(spaced[i], spaced[j], 0),\ radius=0.5*probs[i][j],#0.7/self.n,\ opacity=probs[i][j])\ for j in range(self.osc_n)] for i in range(self.osc_n)] self.vexp = vp.sphere(pos=self.pos+vp.vector(qt.expect(qt.tensor(X, qt.identity(self.osc_n)),,\ qt.expect(qt.tensor(qt.identity(self.osc_n), X),,\ 0),\ radius=0.1, color=vp.color.yellow, opacity=0.9) def visible(self): for row in self.vpts: for pt in row: pt.visible = True self.vexp.visible = True def invisible(self): if self.vpts: for row in self.vpts: for pt in row: pt.visible = False if self.vexp: self.vexp.visible = False def destroy(self): self.invisible() self.vpts = None self.vexp = None # A Feynman clock + system class VFeynman: def __init__(self, dm, pos, structure): = dm.copy() self.pos = pos self.structure = structure[1:] types = [] dims = [] for kind in structure.split()[1:]: the_type = kind[:-1] types.append(the_type) its_dim = int(kind[-1]) dims.append(its_dim) = [dims, dims] self.n = len(types) clock_dm = self.vclock = VFiniteClock(clock_dm,\ qt.identity(clock_dm.shape[0]).eigenstates(),\ pos) self.vguys = [] for i in range(1, self.n): if types[i] == "spin": self.vguys.append(VSphere(,\ pos+vp.vector(0,2*i,0))) elif types[i] == "finite_clock": self.vguys.append(VFiniteClock(,\ qt.identity(dims[i]).eigenstates(),\ pos+vp.vector(0,2*i,0))) elif types[i] == "harmonic_oscillator": self.vguys.append(VHarmonicOscillator(,\ pos+vp.vector(0,2*i,0))) elif types[i] == "double_harmonic_oscillator": self.vguys.append(VDoubleHarmonicOscillator(,\ pos+vp.vector(0,2*i,0))) def visible(self): self.vclock.visible() for vguy in self.vguys: vguy.visible() def invisible(self): self.vclock.invisible() for vguy in self.vguys: vguy.invisible() def destroy(self): self.vclock.destroy() for vguy in self.vguys: vguy.destroy() ############################################################################################## class Universe: def __init__(self, solitary_hams, types, interaction_hams={}): self.n = len(solitary_hams) self.solitary_hams = solitary_hams self.types = types self.interaction_hams = interaction_hams self.dims = [h.shape[0] for h in solitary_hams] H = sum([qt.tensor(*[ h1 if i == j else qt.identity(self.dims[j])\ for j, h2 in enumerate(solitary_hams)])\ for i, h1 in enumerate(solitary_hams)]) self.upgraded_interaction_hams = [] for systems, inter_ham in interaction_hams.items(): others = list(filter(lambda s: s not in systems, list(range(self.n)))) partone = qt.tensor(*[qt.identity(self.dims[o]) for o in others]) partone = qt.tensor(partone, inter_ham) indices = others+list(systems) final = partone.permute([indices.index(i) for i in range(self.n)]) self.upgraded_interaction_hams.append(final) H += sum(self.upgraded_interaction_hams) HL, HV = H.eigenstates() zero_subspace = [] for i in range(len(HL)): if np.isclose(HL[i], 0): zero_subspace.append(HV[i]) if len(zero_subspace) == 0: print("no zero energy eigenspace!") print(HL) self.H = H self.HL, self.HV = HL, HV return self.H = H self.HL, self.HV = HL, HV self.zero_subspace = zero_subspace self.state = sum(zero_subspace).unit() self.rho = self.state*self.state.dag() self.dfts = [dft(d, basis=self.solitary_hams[i].eigenstates()[1]) for i, d in enumerate(self.dims)] self.time_op = [self.dfts[i]*h*self.dfts[i].dag()\ for i, h in enumerate(solitary_hams)] self.time_op_LV = [op.eigenstates() for op in self.time_op] self.time_op_projs = [[qt.tensor(*[v*v.dag()\ if i == j else qt.identity(self.dims[j])\ for j in range(len(solitary_hams))])\ for k, v in enumerate(LV[1])] for i, LV in enumerate(self.time_op_LV)] self.setup_visuals() def rest_at(self, t=0, from_perspective=0, extra=None): dims = [h.shape[0] for h in self.solitary_hams] projected = self.time_op_projs[from_perspective][t % self.dims[from_perspective]]*self.rho if extra: projected = extra*projected if projected.norm() == 0: print("help!") return projected.ptrace(\ tuple(filter(lambda el: el != from_perspective, list(range(len(self.solitary_hams)))))) return projected.ptrace(\ tuple(filter(lambda el: el != from_perspective, list(range(len(self.solitary_hams))))))\ / def setup_visuals(self): left = -self.n/2-1.5 self.vsystems = [] for i in range(self.n): substate = self.rho.ptrace(i) if self.types[i] == 'spin': vsphere = VSphere(substate, vp.vector(left+2.5*i, 0, 0)) vtimearrow = vp.arrow(pos=vsphere.pos, opacity=0.7,\ visible=False) self.vsystems.append([vsphere, vtimearrow]) elif self.types[i] == 'finite_clock': vclock = VFiniteClock(substate,\ self.time_op_LV[i], vp.vector(left+2.5*i, 0, 0)) vtimearrow = vp.arrow(pos=vclock.pos, opacity=0.7,\ visible=False) self.vsystems.append([vclock, vtimearrow]) elif self.types[i] == 'harmonic_oscillator': vosc = VHarmonicOscillator(substate, vp.vector(left+2.5*i, 0, 0)) vtimearrow = vp.arrow(pos=vosc.pos, opacity=0.7,\ visible=False) self.vsystems.append([vosc, vtimearrow]) elif self.types[i] == 'double_harmonic_oscillator': vosc = VDoubleHarmonicOscillator(substate, vp.vector(left+2.5*i, 0, 0)) vtimearrow = vp.arrow(pos=vosc.pos, opacity=0.7,\ visible=False) self.vsystems.append([vosc, vtimearrow]) elif self.types[i].startswith("feynman"): vfeyn = VFeynman(substate, vp.vector(left+2.5*i, 0, 0), self.types[i]) vtimearrow = vp.arrow(pos=vfeyn.pos, opacity=0.7,\ visible=False) self.vsystems.append([vfeyn, vtimearrow]) vp.scene.bind('keydown', self.keyboard) vp.scene.bind('click', self.mouse) self.time_toggles = [False]*self.n self.times = [0]*self.n self.temp = [] self.gauge_evolving = False self.gauge_op = sum([r*self.HV[i]*self.HV[i].dag() for i, r in enumerate(np.random.randn(self.n))]) self.grouped = False = None self.extra_projectors_toggles = [False]*self.n self.extra_projectors_times = [0]*self.n self.extra_projectors_vtoggles = [[i][0].pos+\ vp.vector(0,1.5,0),\ size=vp.vector(0.5,0.5,0.5)) for i in range(self.n)] self.extra_projectors_varrows = [vp.arrow(pos=self.vsystems[i][0].pos+\ vp.vector(0,2.5,0), visible=False) for i in range(self.n)] def mouse(self, event): selected = vp.scene.mouse.pick if selected in self.extra_projectors_vtoggles: i = self.extra_projectors_vtoggles.index(selected) self.extra_projectors_toggles[i] = False if self.extra_projectors_toggles[i] == True else True elif selected in self.extra_projectors_varrows: i = self.extra_projectors_varrows.index(selected) if self.extra_projectors_times[i] == self.dims[i]-1: self.extra_projectors_times[i] = 0 else: self.extra_projectors_times[i] += 1 self.vupdate() def keyboard(self, event): key = event.key dont_update = False if key.isdigit(): dont_update = True if self.grouped: self.ungroup() i = int(key) if i < self.n: if self.time_toggles[i] == False: self.time_toggles = [False]*self.n self.time_toggles[i] = True else: self.time_toggles = [False]*self.n elif key == "[": dont_update = True if self.grouped: t =["time"] if t == 0:["time"] =["dims"]-1 else:["time"] = t-1 else: if True in self.time_toggles: which = self.time_toggles.index(True) if self.times[which] == 0: self.times[which] = self.dims[which]-1 else: self.times[which] -= 1 elif key == "]": dont_update = True if self.grouped: t =["time"] if t ==["dims"]-1:["time"] = 0 else:["time"] = t+1 else: if True in self.time_toggles: which = self.time_toggles.index(True) if self.times[which] == self.dims[which]-1: self.times[which] = 0 else: self.times[which] += 1 elif key == "g": self.gauge_evolving = True if self.gauge_evolving == False else False print("evolving : %s" % self.gauge_evolving) elif key == "h": self.gauge_op = sum([r*self.HV[i]*self.HV[i].dag() for i, r in enumerate(np.random.randn(self.n))]) elif key == "q": dont_update = True self.ungroup() if dont_update == False: if self.gauge_evolving: u = (-1j*self.gauge_op*0.1).expm() self.rho = u*self.rho*u.dag() self.vupdate() def evolve(self, T=100): u = (-1j*self.gauge_op*0.1).expm() for i in range(T): self.rho = u*self.rho*u.dag() self.state = u*self.state self.vupdate() def vupdate(self): for t in self.temp: t.destroy() extra_projs = [qt.identity(self.H.shape[0])] extra_projs[0].dims = self.H.dims for i, toggled in enumerate(self.extra_projectors_toggles): if toggled == True: c = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j*self.extra_projectors_times[i]/self.dims[i]) self.extra_projectors_varrows[i].axis = vp.vector(c.real, c.imag, 0) self.extra_projectors_varrows[i].visible = True extra_projs.append(self.time_op_projs[i][self.extra_projectors_times[i]]) else: self.extra_projectors_varrows[i].visible = False extra_proj = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, extra_projs) if self.grouped: for vs in self.vsystems: vs[1].visible = False c = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j*["time"]/["dims"])["vtimearrow"].axis = vp.vector(c.real, c.imag, 0) for j in range(self.n): self.vsystems[j][0].invisible() local_time =["time"] projected = extra_proj*["groupTprojs"][local_time %["dims"]]*self.rho self.temp = [] for i in range(self.n): rhop = projected.ptrace(i)/ v = None if self.types[i] == 'spin': v = VSphere(rhop, self.vsystems[i][0].pos) elif self.types[i] == 'finite_clock': v = VFiniteClock(rhop, self.time_op_LV[i], self.vsystems[i][0].pos) elif self.types[i] == 'harmonic_oscillator': v = VHarmonicOscillator(rhop, self.vsystems[i][0].pos) elif self.types[i] == 'double_harmonic_oscillator': v = VDoubleHarmonicOscillator(rhop, self.vsystems[i][0].pos) elif self.types[i].startswith("feynman"): v = VFeynman(substate, self.vsystems[i][0].pos, self.types[i]) self.temp.append(v) else: found = False for i, marked in enumerate(self.time_toggles): if marked == True: c = np.exp(2*np.pi*1j*self.times[i]/self.dims[i]) self.vsystems[i][-1].axis = vp.vector(c.real, c.imag, 0) self.vsystems[i][-1].visible = True for j in range(self.n): self.vsystems[j][0].invisible() local_time = self.times[i] local_state = self.time_op_LV[i][1][local_time] rest = self.rest_at(t=local_time, from_perspective=i, extra=extra_proj) local_v = None if self.types[i] == 'spin': local_v = VSphere(local_state*local_state.dag(), self.vsystems[i][0].pos) elif self.types[i] == 'finite_clock': local_v = VFiniteClock(local_state*local_state.dag(),\ self.time_op_LV[i], self.vsystems[i][0].pos) elif self.types[i] == 'harmonic_oscillator': local_v = VHarmonicOscillator(local_state*local_state.dag(), self.vsystems[i][0].pos) elif self.types[i] == 'double_harmonic_oscillator': local_v = VDoubleHarmonicOscillator(local_state*local_state.dag(), self.vsystems[i][0].pos) elif self.types[i].startswith("feynman"): local_v = VFeynman(local_state*local_state.dag(), self.vsystems[i][0].pos, self.types[i]) everyone = list(range(self.n)) del everyone[i] other_vs = [] for j in range(self.n-1): if self.types[everyone[j]] == 'spin': other_vs.append(\ VSphere(rest.ptrace(j) if len(rest.dims[0]) != 1 else rest,\ self.vsystems[everyone[j]][0].pos)) elif self.types[everyone[j]] == 'finite_clock': other_vs.append(\ VFiniteClock(rest.ptrace(j) if len(rest.dims[0]) != 1 else rest,\ self.time_op_LV[everyone[j]], self.vsystems[everyone[j]][0].pos)) elif self.types[everyone[j]] == 'harmonic_oscillator': other_vs.append(\ VHarmonicOscillator(rest.ptrace(j) if len(rest.dims[0]) != 1 else rest,\ self.vsystems[everyone[j]][0].pos)) elif self.types[everyone[j]] == 'double_harmonic_oscillator': other_vs.append(\ VDoubleHarmonicOscillator(rest.ptrace(j) if len(rest.dims[0]) != 1 else rest,\ self.vsystems[everyone[j]][0].pos)) elif self.types[everyone[j]].startswith('feynman'): other_vs.append(\ VFeynman(rest.ptrace(j) if len(rest.dims[0]) != 1 else rest,\ self.vsystems[everyone[j]][0].pos, self.types[everyone[j]])) self.temp = [local_v]+other_vs found = True else: self.vsystems[i][-1].visible = False if not found: for j in range(self.n): self.vsystems[j][0].visible() def gather(self, subsystems): if self.grouped: self.ungroup() groupH = sum([qt.tensor(*[self.solitary_hams[i] \ if i == j else qt.identity(self.dims[j])\ for j in subsystems]) for i in subsystems]) for who, interaction in self.interaction_hams.items(): flag = False for w in who: if w not in subsystems: flag = True break if not flag: # all interactors in subsystems others = list(filter(lambda s: s not in who, subsystems)) if len(others) > 0: partone = qt.tensor(*[qt.identity(self.dims[o]) for o in others]) partone = qt.tensor(partone, interaction) indices = others+list(who) final = partone.permute([indices.index(i) for i in subsystems]) groupH += final else: groupH += interaction d = dft(groupH.shape[0], basis=groupH.eigenstates()[1]) d.dims = groupH.dims groupT = d*groupH*d.dag() groupTL, groupTV = groupT.eigenstates() projs = [v*v.dag() for v in groupTV] others = list(filter(lambda el: el not in subsystems, list(range(self.n)))) partone = qt.tensor(*[qt.identity(self.dims[o]) for o in others]) partones = [qt.tensor(partone, proj) for proj in projs] indiceses = [others+list(subsystems) for i in range(len(partones))] groupTprojs = [part.permute([indiceses[k].index(i) for i in range(self.n)])\ for k, part in enumerate(partones)] vtimearrow = vp.arrow(pos=vp.vector(0,-2,0), opacity=0.7,\ visible=True) vmarkers = [vp.pyramid(pos=self.vsystems[i][0].pos+\ vp.vector(0,-1,0),\ size=vp.vector(0.5,0.5,0.5)) for i in subsystems] self.grouped = True = {"subsystems": subsystems,\ "others": others, "groupH": groupH,\ "groupT": groupT,\ "groupTL": groupTL,\ "groupTV": groupTV,\ "groupTprojs": groupTprojs,\ "vtimearrow": vtimearrow,\ "vmarkers": vmarkers,\ "time": 0,\ "dims": groupH.shape[0] } self.vupdate() def ungroup(self): self.grouped = False if["vtimearrow"].visible = False for m in["vmarkers"]: m.visible = False = {} self.vupdate() def subs_now(self, subsystems): extra_projs = [qt.identity(self.H.shape[0])] extra_projs[0].dims = self.H.dims for i, toggled in enumerate(self.extra_projectors_toggles): if toggled == True: extra_projs.append(self.time_op_projs[i][self.extra_projectors_times[i]]) extra_proj = reduce(lambda x, y: x*y, extra_projs) projected = self.rho if self.grouped: projected = extra_proj*["groupTprojs"][["time"] %["dims"]]*projected else: for i, marked in enumerate(self.time_toggles): if marked == True: projected = extra_proj*self.time_op_projs[i][self.times[i] % self.dims[i]]*projected return projected.ptrace(subsystems)/ def expect_now(self, op, subsystems): ra = self.subs_now(subsystems) return qt.expect(op, ra) ############################################################################################## print("0..9 select subsystem") print("[ ] shift time projection") print("g gauge evolution") print("h random gauge") print("cmd: u.gather([subsystems])") print("q ungroup") ############################################################################################## u = Universe([clock_ham(5), qt.jmat(1.5, 'z'), qt.jmat(1.5, 'z'), qt.num(10)],\ ['finite_clock', 'spin', 'spin', 'harmonic_oscillator']) ############################################################################################## #u = Universe([clock_ham(3), clock_ham(5), clock_ham(3), clock_ham(5)],\ # ['finite_clock', 'finite_clock', 'finite_clock', 'finite_clock']) ############################################################################################## #n = 3 #N = qt.tensor(qt.num(n)+0.5, qt.identity(n)) + qt.tensor(qt.identity(n), qt.num(n)+0.5) #N.dims = [[n*n],[n*n]] #u = Universe([qt.jmat(0.5, 'x'), qt.jmat(0.5, 'y'),qt.jmat(0.5, 'z'), qt.jmat(2.5, 'z'),N],\ # ["spin", "spin", "spin", "spin", "harmonic_oscillator"]) ############################################################################################## # NOTE THAT OSCILLATOR TIME STATES SEEM OUT OF ORDER... #n = 5 #N = qt.tensor(qt.num(n)+0.5, qt.identity(n)) + qt.tensor(qt.identity(n), qt.num(n)+0.5) #N.dims = [[n*n],[n*n]] #u = Universe([qt.jmat(4, 'z'), N, qt.num(5)],\ # ['spin', 'double_harmonic_oscillator', 'harmonic_oscillator']) ############################################################################################## #u = Universe([qt.jmat(0.5, 'z'), qt.jmat(0.5, 'z'), qt.num(3)],\ # ['spin', 'spin', 'double_harmonic_oscillator']) ############################################################################################## #u = Universe([qt.sigmaz(),\ # qt.sigmaz(),\ # qt.sigmaz(),\ # qt.sigmaz(),\ # qt.sigmaz(),\ # qt.sigmaz(),\ # qt.sigmaz(),\ # qt.sigmaz()],\ # ["spin", "spin", "spin", "spin", \ # "spin", "spin", "spin", "spin"]) ############################################################################################## #u = Universe([qt.jmat(4, "z"), qt.jmat(4, 'x')], ["spin", "spin"]) ############################################################################################## #u = Universe([qt.jmat(4, 'z'),\ # qt.num(5),\ # clock_ham(5)],\ # ["spin", "harmonic_oscillator", "finite_clock"]) ############################################################################################## #u = Universe([qt.jmat(4, 'z'),\ # qt.num(6),\ # qt.jmat(4, 'z')],\ # ["spin", "harmonic_oscillator", "spin"]) ############################################################################################## #u = Universe([qt.jmat(3, 'x'),\ # qt.num(9)],\ # ["spin", "harmonic_oscillator"]) ############################################################################################## #interaction = qt.jmat(1.5, 'z') #interaction.dims = [[2,2], [2,2]] #u = Universe([qt.jmat(0.5, 'z'), qt.jmat(0.5, 'z'), qt.num(6), qt.jmat(4.5,'z')],\ # ['spin', 'spin', 'harmonic_oscillator', 'spin'], # interaction_hams={(0,1): interaction}) ############################################################################################## #THIS IS QUESTIONABLE #unitaries = [(-1j*qt.sigmaz()*0.1).expm(),\ # (-1j*qt.sigmaz()*0.1).expm(),\ # (-1j*qt.sigmaz()*0.1).expm(),\ # (-1j*qt.sigmaz()*0.1).expm(),\ # (-1j*qt.sigmaz()*0.1).expm(),\ # (-1j*qt.sigmaz()*0.1).expm()] #fh = feynman_ham(unitaries) #fh.dims = [[fh.shape[0]], [fh.shape[0]]] #u = Universe([fh, -fh],\ # ["feynman clock6 spin2", "feynman clock6 spin2"]) ############################################################################################## #unitaries = [(-1j*qt.sigmay()).expm(),\ # (-1j*qt.sigmay()).expm(),\ # (-1j*qt.sigmay()).expm(),\ # (-1j*qt.sigmay()).expm(),\ # (-1j*qt.sigmay()).expm(),\ # (-1j*qt.sigmay()).expm()] #fh = feynman_ham(unitaries) #fh = fh - qt.tensor(qt.identity(6), qt.identity(2)) -\ # qt.tensor(qt.identity(6), qt.identity(2)) #u = Universe([qt.identity(6), qt.identity(2), qt.jmat(3, 'z')+(1-0.19806226)],\ # ["finite_clock", "spin", "spin"],\ # interaction_hams={(0,1): fh}) ############################################################################################## #unitaries = [qt.tensor(qt.identity(2), qt.identity(2)),\ # qt.cnot(),\ # qt.tensor(qt.identity(2), qt.identity(2))] #fh = feynman_ham(unitaries) #fh = fh - qt.tensor(clock_ham(3), qt.identity(2), qt.identity(2)) -\ # qt.tensor(qt.identity(3), qt.sigmaz(), qt.identity(2)) - \ # qt.tensor(qt.identity(3), qt.identity(2), qt.sigmaz()) #u = Universe([clock_ham(3), qt.sigmaz(), qt.sigmaz(), qt.jmat(2,'z'), qt.jmat(2,'x')],\ # ["finite_clock", "spin", "spin", "spin", "spin"],\ # interaction_hams={(0,1,2): fh}) ############################################################################## # 1+1 DIRAC EQUATION. Interestingly, seems to need 2 clocks. #m = 1 #n = 10 #interact = qt.tensor(qt.sigmax(), qt.identity(n))*qt.tensor(qt.identity(2), qt.momentum(n))+\ # m*qt.tensor(qt.sigmaz(), qt.identity(n)) #interact = interact - qt.tensor(qt.sigmaz(), qt.identity(n)) -\ # qt.tensor(qt.identity(2), qt.momentum(n)) #u = Universe([qt.sigmaz(), qt.momentum(n), qt.jmat(2, "z"), qt.jmat(2, "z")-0.02137019],\ # ["spin", "harmonic_oscillator", "spin", "spin"],\ # interaction_hams={(0,1): interact})