{ "id": "surfaceGR", "title": { "en": "Ondergrond GR paden", "nl": "Ondergrond GR paden" }, "icon": "https://www.groteroutepaden.be/style/theme/images/favicons/main/android-icon-192x192.png", "description": "MapComplete thema om snel en eenvoudig de ondergrond van GR paden aan OSM toe te voegen.

███ Onverhard       ███ Halfverharde       ███ Verhard

███ Onbekende ondergrond

", "language": [ "nl" ], "startZoom": 10, "startLat": 51.0306, "startLon": 3.9510, "widenFactor": 3, "defaultBackgroundId": "osm", "enableShareScreen": "false", "enableMoreQuests": "false", "enableLayers": "false", "enableSearch": "false", "enableAddNewPoints": "false", "clustering": { "maxZoom": 15 }, "layers": [ { "id": "paden", "name": "ontbrekende surface tags", "source": { "osmTags": "highway~*", "geoJson": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hgcvm/mcsurfacegr/main/test-export.geojson", "isOsmCache": true }, "title": "Ondergrond van dit segment", "allowSplit": 1, "wayHandling": 0, "mapRendering": [ { "width": { "render": "5", "mappings": [ { "if": { "or": [ "surface=", "surface=paved", "surface=unpaved" ] }, "then": "13" } ] }, "color": { "render": "#fffb00", "mappings": [ { "if": { "or": [ "surface=", "surface=paved", "surface=unpaved" ] }, "then": "#ff2d00" }, { "if": { "or": [ "surface=pebblestone", "surface=ground", "surface=dirt", "surface=earth", "surface=grass", "surface=mud", "surface=sand" ] }, "then": "#0000ff" }, { "if": { "or": [ "surface=compacted", "surface=grass_paver", "surface=shells", "surface=wood", "surface=woodchips", "surface=stepping_stones", "surface=fine_gravel", "surface=gravel", "surface=rock" ] }, "then": "#0083e2" }, { "if": { "or": [ "surface=asphalt", "surface=concrete", "surface=concrete:lanes", "surface=concrete:plates", "surface=sett", "surface=paving_stones", "surface=chipseal", "surface=unhewn_cobblestone", "surface=cobblestone", "surface=metal" ] }, "then": "#4eb2fb" } ] } } ], "mappings": [], "tagRenderings": [ { "render": "{nearby_images()}" }, { "id": "way-surface", "question": "Wat is de ondergrond van dit segment?", "render": "Dit is een uitzondering (BUG) {surface}", "freeform": { "key": "surface" }, "mappings": [ { "if": { "or": [ "surface=", "surface=paved", "surface=unpaved" ] }, "then": "De ondergrond van dit segment is niet gekend.", "hideInAnswer": true }, { "if": { "or": [ "surface=ground", "surface=concrete:plates", "surface=concrete:lanes", "surface=chipseal", "surface=unhewn_cobblestone", "surface=cobblestone", "surface=metal", "surface=stepping_stones", "surface=fine_gravel", "surface=gravel", "surface=rock", "surface=pebblestone", "surface=ground", "surface=earth", "surface=mud", "surface=snow", "surface=ice", "surface=salt", "surface=clay", "surface=tartan", "surface=artificial_turf", "surface=acrylic", "surface=metal_grid", "surface=carpet" ] }, "then": "De ondergrond van dit segment is reeds gekend als {surface}.", "hideInAnswer": true }, { "if": "surface=woodchips", "then": "Houtsnippers/boomschors" }, { "if": "surface=wood", "then": "Houten beplanking, vlonderpaden of houten brug" }, { "if": "surface=shells", "then": "Schelpen" }, { "if": "surface=grass_paver", "then": "Grastegels (kunststof of beton)" }, { "if": "surface=compacted", "then": "Grind of steenslag" }, { "if": "surface=paving_stones", "then": "Straatstenen en kleiklinkers" }, { "if": "surface=sett", "then": "Kasseien" }, { "if": "surface=concrete", "then": "Beton" }, { "if": "surface=asphalt", "then": "Asfalt" }, { "if": "surface=sand", "then": "Zand" }, { "if": "surface=grass", "then": "Gras" }, { "if": "surface=dirt", "then": "Aarde" } ] } ] } ] }