; ########################################################### ; ################ VECVI (VectorView) MODULE ################ ; ################ WITH PUREPDF2 INTEGRATION ################ ; ########################################################### ; written by Andesdaf/hgzh, 2018-2023 ; this module allows you to create documents using the ; VectorDrawing library of PureBasic and output it to a ; CanvasGadget, Window, Image object, .svg file (Linux), ; .pdf file (not Windows) or send it directly to a printer. ; ########################################################### ; LICENSING ; Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Andesdaf/hgzh ; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ; obtaining a copy of this software and associated ; documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the ; Software without restriction, including without limitation ; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, ; sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, ; subject to the following conditions: ; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall ; be included in all copies or substantial portions of the ; Software. ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY ; KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE ; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ; PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS ; OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR ; OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR ; OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ; SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ; ########################################################### ; CHANGELOG ; ; v.ppdf.1.00 (2018-01-02) ; - first version ; v.ppdf.1.01 (2018-01-03) ; - various bug fixes ; v.ppdf.1.02 (2018-01-06) ; - aligned with standard VecVi bugfixes ; - added TextColor support for TextCells ; - added piForPurePDF parameter to Ln() ; v.ppdf.1.03 (2018-02-25) ; - aligned with VecVi v.1.05 ; - fixed bugs concerning font styling in PurePDF outputs ; - changed font width calculation for equal sizes in outputs ; v.ppdf.1.04 (2019-01-31) ; - aligned with VecVi v.1.06 ; v.ppdf.1.05 (2020-07-24) ; - aligned with VecVi v.1.10 ; - fixed bugs with image inclusion ; v.ppdf.1.05 (2022-10-11) ; - aligned with VecVi v.1.11 ; v.ppdf.1.06 (2023-10-10) ; - aligned with VecVi v.1.12 ; ########################################################### EnableExplicit XIncludeFile "PurePdfModule.pbi" DeclareModule VecVi ;- >>> enumerations <<< Enumeration Orientation ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: orientation types ; ---------------------------------------- #INHERIT #VERTICAL #HORIZONTAL EndEnumeration Enumeration Position ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: position attributes ; ---------------------------------------- #TOP = 1 #RIGHT = 2 #BOTTOM = 4 #LEFT = 8 #CENTER = 16 #NEWLINE = 32 #ALL = -1 EndEnumeration Enumeration Area ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: area types ; ---------------------------------------- #AREA_HEADER #AREA_FOOTER #AREA_SECTION #AREA_CELL EndEnumeration EnumerationBinary LineStyle ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: linestyle attributes ; ---------------------------------------- #LINESTYLE_STROKE #LINESTYLE_DASH #LINESTYLE_DOT #LINESTYLE_ROUNDEND #LINESTYLE_SQUAREEND #LINESTYLE_ROUNDCORNER #LINESTYLE_DIAGONALCORNER EndEnumeration ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: possible page formats ; ---------------------------------------- #FORMAT_INHERIT = "" #FORMAT_A0 = "841,1189" #FORMAT_A1 = "594,841" #FORMAT_A2 = "420,594" #FORMAT_A3 = "297,420" #FORMAT_A4 = "210,297" #FORMAT_A5 = "148,210" #FORMAT_A6 = "105,148" #FORMAT_A7 = "74,105" #FORMAT_A8 = "52,74" #FORMAT_A9 = "37,52" #FORMAT_A10 = "26,37" ;- >>> structures <<< Structure VECVI_POS ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: position attributes ; ---------------------------------------- dX.d dY.d EndStructure Structure VECVI_MARGIN ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: margin attributes ; ---------------------------------------- dTop.d dRight.d dBottom.d dLeft.d EndStructure Structure VECVI_SIZE ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: size attributes ; ---------------------------------------- dWidth.d dHeight.d EndStructure Structure VECVI_FONT ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: font attributes ; ---------------------------------------- iHandle.i zName.s iStyle.i EndStructure Structure VECVI_IMAGE ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: image management ; ---------------------------------------- iHandle.i EndStructure Structure VECVI_ELEMENT ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: one element in a block ; ---------------------------------------- iID.i iType.i iPageRef.i BlockPos.VECVI_POS PagePos.VECVI_POS DrawPos.VECVI_POS Size.VECVI_SIZE AddPos.VECVI_POS Map i.i() Map s.s() Map d.d() EndStructure Structure VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: one element block ; ---------------------------------------- List Elements.VECVI_ELEMENT() SectPos.VECVI_POS PagePos.VECVI_POS DrawPos.VECVI_POS Size.VECVI_SIZE iPageBreak.i iPageBeginRef.i iPageEndRef.i EndStructure Structure VECVI_HEADFOOT ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: page header/footer structure ; ---------------------------------------- Margin.VECVI_MARGIN Block.VECVI_BLOCK EndStructure Structure VECVI_PAGE ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: one real page ; ---------------------------------------- iNr.i iNb.i DrawPos.VECVI_POS Header.VECVI_HEADFOOT Footer.VECVI_HEADFOOT EndStructure Structure VECVI_SECTION ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: one VecVi section ; ---------------------------------------- List Pages.VECVI_PAGE() List Blocks.VECVI_BLOCK() iNr.i iNb.i iNbStartValue.i iNrPages.i iOrientation.i zFormat.s Size.VECVI_SIZE Margin.VECVI_MARGIN DrawPos.VECVI_POS Header.VECVI_HEADFOOT Footer.VECVI_HEADFOOT EndStructure Structure VECVI ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: basic VecVi structure ; ---------------------------------------- List Sections.VECVI_SECTION() List Fonts.VECVI_FONT() List Images.VECVI_IMAGE() iNrSections.i iNrPages.i iOnlyPage.i iDefTarget.i iOutput.i iDrawMode.i iNbCurrent.i iNbTotal.i Offset.VECVI_MARGIN Margin.VECVI_MARGIN CellMargin.VECVI_MARGIN Size.VECVI_SIZE RootPos.VECVI_POS CurrPagePos.VECVI_POS CurrGlobPos.VECVI_POS Header.VECVI_HEADFOOT Footer.VECVI_HEADFOOT Map i.i() Map s.s() Map d.d() EndStructure ;- >>> public declaration <<< Declare.i Create(pzFormat.s, piOrientation.i) Declare Process(*psV.VECVI) Declare Free(*psV.VECVI) Declare BeginSection(*psV.VECVI, pzFormat.s = #FORMAT_INHERIT, piOrientation.i = #INHERIT, piNumbering = 0) Declare BeginBlock(*psV.VECVI, piPageBreak.i = #True) Declare BeginHeader(*psV.VECVI) Declare BeginFooter(*psV.VECVI) Declare.i GetFillColor(*psV.VECVI) Declare SetFillColor(*psV.VECVI, piColor.i) Declare.i GetTextColor(*psV.VECVI) Declare SetTextColor(*psV.VECVI, piColor.i) Declare.i GetBackColor(*psV.VECVI, piDeskColor.i = #False) Declare SetBackColor(*psV.VECVI, piColor.i, piDeskColor.i = #False) Declare.i GetLineColor(*psV.VECVI) Declare SetLineColor(*psV.VECVI, piColor.i) Declare.d GetLineSize(*psV.VECVI) Declare SetLineSize(*psV.VECVI, pdSize.d) Declare.d GetLineStyle(*psV.VECVI, piGetLength.i = #False) Declare SetLineStyle(*psV.VECVI, piStyle.i = -1, pdLength.d = -1) Declare.d GetMargin(*psV.VECVI, piMargin.i, piArea.i = #AREA_SECTION, piDefault.i = #False) Declare SetMargin(*psV.VECVI, piMargin.i, pdValue.d, piArea.i = #AREA_SECTION, piDefault.i = #False) Declare.d GetXPos(*psV.VECVI) Declare SetXPos(*psV.VECVI, pdX.d, piRelative = #False) Declare.d GetYPos(*psV.VECVI) Declare SetYPos(*psV.VECVI, pdY.d, piRelative = #False) Declare.d GetPageWidth(*psV.VECVI, piPage.i = 0, piNet = #True) Declare.d GetPageHeight(*psV.VECVI, piPage.i = 0, piNet = #True) Declare.d GetOutputScale(*psV.VECVI, piAxis.i) Declare SetOutputScale(*psV.VECVI, pdX.d = 1, pdY.d = 1) Declare.d GetOutputOffset(*psV.VECVI, piOffset.i) Declare SetOutputOffset(*psV.VECVI, piOffset.i, pdValue.d) Declare.i GetMultiPageOutput(*psV.VECVI) Declare SetMultiPageOutput(*psV.VECVI, piOutput.i, pdMargin.d = 0) Declare SetFont(*psV.VECVI, pzName.s, piStyle.i = 0, pdSize.d = 0) Declare.d GetFontSize(*psV.VECVI) Declare SetFontSize(*psV.VECVI, pdSize.d) Declare.i GetFontStyle(*psV.VECVI) Declare.i SetFontStyle(*psV.VECVI, piStyle.i) Declare.i GetSectionCount(*psV.VECVI) Declare.i GetPageCount(*psV.VECVI, piSection.i = 0) Declare.d GetPageStartOffset(*psV.VECVI, piPage.i) Declare.d GetOutputSize(*psV.VECVI, piOrientation.i) Declare.d GetCanvasOutputResolution(piCanvas.i) Declare.d GetTextWidth(*psV.VECVI, pzText.s) Declare SetPageNumberingTokens(*psV.VECVI, pzCurrent.s = "", pzTotal.s = "") Declare TextCell(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, pdH.d, pzText.s, piLn.i = #RIGHT, piBorder.i = #False, piHAlign.i = #LEFT, piVAlign.i = #CENTER, piFill.i = #False) Declare ParagraphCell(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, pdH.d, pzText.s, piLn.i = #RIGHT, piBorder.i = #False, piHAlign.i = #LEFT, piFill.i = #False) Declare ImageCell(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, pdH.d, pdImageW.d, pdImageH.d, piImage.i, piLn.i = #RIGHT, piBorder.i = #False, piHAlign.i = #LEFT, piVAlign.i = #CENTER, piFill.i = #False) Declare HorizontalLine(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, piHAlign.i = #LEFT) Declare VerticalLine(*psV.VECVI, pdH.d, piVAlign.i = #TOP) Declare XYLine(*psV.VECVI, pdDeltaX.d, pdDeltaY.d) Declare Curve(*psV.VECVI, pdS1X.d, pdS1Y.d, pdS2X.d, pdS2Y.d, pdEndX.d, pdEndY.d) Declare Ln(*psV.VECVI, pdLn.d = -1, piForPurePDF.i = 0) Declare Sp(*psV.VECVI, pdSp.d = -1) Declare Rectangle(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, pdH.d, piLn.i = #RIGHT, piBorder.i = #False, piFill.i = #False) Declare Sector(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, pdH.d, pdStart.d, pdEnd.d, piLn.i = #RIGHT, piBorder.i = #False, piConnect.i = #True, piFill.i = #False) Declare OutputCanvas(*psV.VECVI, piGadget.i, piPage.i = 1) Declare OutputCanvasImage(*psV.VECVI, piGadget.i, piImage.i, piPage.i = 1) Declare OutputImage(*psV.VECVI, piImage.i, piPage.i = 1) Declare OutputWindow(*psV.VECVI, piWindow.i, piPage.i = 1) Declare OutputPrinter(*psV.VECVI) Declare OutputSVG(*psV.VECVI, pzPath.s) Declare OutputPDF(*psV.VECVI, pzPath.s) Declare OutputPurePDF(*psV.VECVI, pzPath.s) UsePNGImageEncoder() EndDeclareModule Module VecVi EnableExplicit Declare _process(*psV.VECVI) Declare _processNewPage(*psV.VECVI, pdRestoreX.d = 0) Declare _processEndPage(*psV.VECVI) Declare _drawElements(*psV.VECVI, piStartPageRef.i, piE.i = 0) Enumeration Output ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: possible output types ; ---------------------------------------- #OUTPUT_CANVAS #OUTPUT_CANVASIMAGE #OUTPUT_IMAGE #OUTPUT_WINDOW #OUTPUT_PRINTER #OUTPUT_SVG #OUTPUT_PDF #OUTPUT_PUREPDF EndEnumeration Enumeration ElementType ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: possible element types ; ---------------------------------------- #ELEMENTTYPE_TEXTCELL #ELEMENTTYPE_PARACELL #ELEMENTTYPE_IMAGECELL #ELEMENTTYPE_HLINE #ELEMENTTYPE_VLINE #ELEMENTTYPE_XYLINE #ELEMENTTYPE_LN #ELEMENTTYPE_SP #ELEMENTTYPE_X #ELEMENTTYPE_Y #ELEMENTTYPE_RECTANGLE #ELEMENTTYPE_SECTOR #ELEMENTTYPE_CURVE EndEnumeration Enumeration DrawingMode ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: possible drawing modes ; ---------------------------------------- #DRAW_PAGED #DRAW_SINGLE #DRAW_MULTIH #DRAW_MULTIV EndEnumeration ;- >>> internal functions <<< Procedure.i _defTarget(*psV.VECVI, piTarget.i = -1) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: returns a pointer to the current definition block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piTarget - (S: -1) which target to use ; if -1, target specified in *psV\iDefTarget will be used ; if other, set the current target and *psV\iDefTarget to piTarget: ; 0 : normal page block ; 1 : default header block ; 2 : default footer block ; 11: header block of the current page ; 21: footer block of the current page ; returns :: (i) pointer to the current definition block ; remarks :: this is used to distinguish between header, footer, and page blocks ; in the definition procedures. *psV\iDefTarget is set by the VecVi::Begin* procedures. ; ---------------------------------------- If piTarget > -1 *psV\iDefTarget = piTarget EndIf If *psV\iDefTarget = 0 ; // ; normal page block ; // ProcedureReturn @*psV\Sections()\Blocks() ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 1 ; // ; standard header block ; // ProcedureReturn @*psV\Header\Block ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 2 ; // ; standard footer block ; // ProcedureReturn @*psV\Footer\Block ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 ; // ; page header block ; // ProcedureReturn @*psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Block ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 21 ; // ; page footer block ; // ProcedureReturn @*psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Block EndIf ProcedureReturn 0 EndProcedure Procedure.d _calcBlockWidth(*psB.VECVI_BLOCK, piPurge.i = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: calculates the width of a single block. ; param :: *psB - VecVi block ; piPurge - (S: 0) wheter to force-update the saved block width ; 0: only return, no update ; 1: update and return new calculated value ; returns :: (d) block width ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dWidth ; ---------------------------------------- If *psB\Size\dWidth = 0 Or piPurge = 1 PushListPosition(*psB\Elements()) ForEach *psB\Elements() With *psB\Elements() ; // ; get the element with the highest sum of x block coordinate and width. ; this sum will be the x space needed to display the full block. ; // dWidth = \BlockPos\dY + \Size\dWidth If dWidth > *psB\Size\dWidth *psB\Size\dWidth = dWidth EndIf EndWith Next PopListPosition(*psB\Elements()) EndIf ProcedureReturn *psB\Size\dWidth EndProcedure Procedure.d _calcBlockHeight(*psB.VECVI_BLOCK, piPurge.i = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: calculates the height of a single block. ; param :: *psB - VecVi block ; piPurge - (S: 0) wheter to force-update the saved block height ; 0: only return, no update ; 1: update and return new calculated value ; returns :: (d) block height ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dHeight ; ---------------------------------------- If *psB\Size\dHeight = 0 Or piPurge = 1 PushListPosition(*psB\Elements()) ForEach *psB\Elements() With *psB\Elements() ; // ; get the element with the highest sum of y block coordinate and height. ; this sum will be the y space needed to display the full block. ; // dHeight = \BlockPos\dY + \Size\dHeight If dHeight > *psB\Size\dHeight *psB\Size\dHeight = dHeight EndIf EndWith Next PopListPosition(*psB\Elements()) EndIf ProcedureReturn *psB\Size\dHeight EndProcedure Procedure.d _calcPageWidth(*psV.VECVI, piMargins.i = #LEFT | #RIGHT, piGetMargins.i = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: calculates widths of the current page. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piMargins - which margins to include in the calculation (combineable) ; #LEFT: subtract the left page margin ; #RIGHT: subtract the right page margin ; piGetMargins - (S: 0) return only the left/right margins, not the page width ; 0: the page width will be returned ; 1: the margins will be returned ; returns :: (d) calculated page width ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dWidth ; ---------------------------------------- If piGetMargins = 0 ; // ; get page width ; // If (*psV\iDefTarget = 0 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 11 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 21) And ListIndex(*psV\Sections()) > -1 dWidth = *psV\Sections()\Size\dWidth Else dWidth = *psV\Size\dWidth EndIf ; // ; left margin ; // If piMargins & #LEFT If (*psV\iDefTarget = 0 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 11 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 21) And ListIndex(*psV\Sections()) > -1 dWidth - *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft Else dWidth - *psV\Margin\dLeft EndIf If *psV\iDefTarget = 1 dWidth - *psV\Header\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 2 dWidth - *psV\Footer\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 dWidth - *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 21 dWidth - *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dLeft EndIf EndIf ; // ; right margin ; // If piMargins & #RIGHT If (*psV\iDefTarget = 0 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 11 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 21) And ListIndex(*psV\Sections()) > -1 dWidth - *psV\Sections()\Margin\dRight Else dWidth - *psV\Margin\dRight EndIf If *psV\iDefTarget = 1 dWidth - *psV\Header\Margin\dRight ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 2 dWidth - *psV\Footer\Margin\dRight ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 dWidth - *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dRight ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 21 dWidth - *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dRight EndIf EndIf ElseIf piGetMargins = 1 ; // ; get left/right margins ; // dWidth = 0 ; // ; left margin ; // If piMargins & #LEFT If (*psV\iDefTarget = 0 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 11 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 21) And ListIndex(*psV\Sections()) > -1 dWidth + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft Else dWidth + *psV\Margin\dLeft EndIf If *psV\iDefTarget = 1 dWidth + *psV\Header\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 2 dWidth + *psV\Footer\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 dWidth + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 21 dWidth + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dLeft EndIf EndIf ; // ; right margin ; // If piMargins & #RIGHT If (*psV\iDefTarget = 0 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 11 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 21) And ListIndex(*psV\Sections()) > -1 dWidth + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dRight Else dWidth + *psV\Margin\dRight EndIf If *psV\iDefTarget = 1 dWidth + *psV\Header\Margin\dRight ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 2 dWidth + *psV\Footer\Margin\dRight ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 dWidth + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dRight ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 21 dWidth + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dRight EndIf EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn dWidth EndProcedure Procedure.d _calcPageHeight(*psV.VECVI, piMargins = #TOP | #BOTTOM, piGetMargins.i = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: calculates heights of the current page. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piMargins - which margins to include in the calculation (combineable) ; #TOP: subtract the top page margin and header widths/margins ; #BOTTOM: subtract the bottom page margin and footer widths/margins ; piGetMargins - (S: 0) return only the top/bottom margins, not the page height ; 0: the page height will be returned ; 1: the margins will be returned ; returns :: (d) calculated value as specified ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dHeight ; ---------------------------------------- If piGetMargins = 0 ; // ; get page height ; // If (*psV\iDefTarget = 0 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 11 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 21) And ListIndex(*psV\Sections()) > -1 dHeight = *psV\Sections()\Size\dHeight Else dHeight = *psV\Size\dHeight EndIf ; // ; top margin ; // If piMargins & #TOP If *psV\iDefTarget = 0 dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Header\Margin\dBottom dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Header\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Header\Margin\dTop dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Margin\dTop ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 1 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 2 dHeight - *psV\Header\Margin\dBottom dHeight - *psV\Header\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight - *psV\Header\Margin\dTop dHeight - *psV\Margin\dTop ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 21 dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dBottom dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dTop dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Margin\dTop EndIf EndIf ; // ; bottom margin ; // If piMargins & #BOTTOM If *psV\iDefTarget = 0 dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Footer\Margin\dBottom dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Footer\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Footer\Margin\dTop dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Margin\dBottom ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 1 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 2 dHeight - *psV\Footer\Margin\dBottom dHeight - *psV\Footer\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight - *psV\Footer\Margin\dTop dHeight - *psV\Margin\dBottom ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 21 dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dBottom dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dTop dHeight - *psV\Sections()\Margin\dBottom EndIf EndIf ElseIf piGetMargins = 1 ; // ; get top/bottom margin ; // dHeight = 0 ; // ; top margin ; // If piMargins & #TOP If *psV\iDefTarget = 0 dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Header\Margin\dBottom dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Header\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Header\Margin\dTop dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dTop ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 1 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 2 dHeight + *psV\Header\Margin\dBottom dHeight + *psV\Header\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight + *psV\Header\Margin\dTop dHeight + *psV\Margin\dTop ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 21 dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dBottom dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dTop dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dTop EndIf EndIf ; // ; bottom margin ; // If piMargins & #BOTTOM If *psV\iDefTarget = 0 dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Footer\Margin\dBottom dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Footer\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Footer\Margin\dTop dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dBottom ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 1 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 2 dHeight + *psV\Footer\Margin\dBottom dHeight + *psV\Footer\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight + *psV\Footer\Margin\dTop dHeight + *psV\Margin\dBottom ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 Or *psV\iDefTarget = 21 dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dBottom dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Block\Size\dHeight dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dTop dHeight + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dBottom EndIf EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn dHeight EndProcedure Procedure _getFirstElementByOffset(*psV.VECVI, *piS.Integer, *piB.Integer, *piE.Integer) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: get the first element displayed in the current output offset ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *piS - byref returning the section pointer ; *piB - byref returning the block pointer in the section ; *piE - byref returning the element pointer in the block ; returns :: (i) 0: no element found ; 1: element found ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iFound ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; initialization ; // iFound = 0 ; // ; iterate through all elements in all sections and blocks and try to find ; the first one matching the current output offset ; // PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ForEach *psV\Sections() PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) ForEach *psV\Sections()\Blocks() PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()) ForEach *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements() ChangeCurrentElement(*psV\Sections()\Pages(), *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()\iPageRef) If *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_SINGLE ; // ; single drawing mode, look for y page position ; // If *psV\RootPos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()\PagePos\dY + 10 > 0 *piS\i = @*psV\Sections() *piB\i = @*psV\Sections()\Blocks() *piE\i = @*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements() PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) iFound = 1 Break 3 EndIf ElseIf *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIH ; // ; horizontal multi drawing mode, look for x drawing position of element or space ; to display the page bounds ; // If *psV\RootPos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()\DrawPos\dX + 10 > 0 Or *psV\RootPos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\DrawPos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Size\dWidth > 0 *piS\i = @*psV\Sections() *piB\i = @*psV\Sections()\Blocks() *piE\i = @*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements() PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) iFound = 1 Break 3 EndIf ElseIf *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIV ; // ; vertical multi drawing mode, look for y drawing position of element or space ; to display the page bounds ; // If *psV\RootPos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()\DrawPos\dY + 10 > 0 Or *psV\RootPos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\DrawPos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Size\dHeight > 0 *piS\i = @*psV\Sections() *piB\i = @*psV\Sections()\Blocks() *piE\i = @*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements() PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) iFound = 1 Break 3 EndIf EndIf Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()) Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) Next ; // ; restore the current list position ; // If iFound = 0 PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) EndIf ProcedureReturn iFound EndProcedure Procedure _getFirstElementByPage(*psV.VECVI, piPage.i, *piS.Integer, *piB.Integer, *piE.Integer) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: get the first element on the given page ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piPage - reference to the page to investigate ; *piS - byref returning the section pointer ; *piB - byref returning the block pointer in the section ; *piE - byref returning the element pointer in the block ; returns :: (i) 0: no element found ; 1: element found ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iFound ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; initialization ; // iFound = 0 ; // ; iterate through all elements in all sections and blocks and stop at ; the element which is the first one on the given page ; // PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ForEach *psV\Sections() PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) ForEach *psV\Sections()\Blocks() PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()) ForEach *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements() If *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()\iPageRef = piPage ; // ; found the matching element ; // *piS\i = @*psV\Sections() *piB\i = @*psV\Sections()\Blocks() *piE\i = @*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements() PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) iFound = 1 Break 3 EndIf Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()) Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) Next ; // ; restore the current list position ; // If iFound = 0 PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) EndIf ProcedureReturn iFound EndProcedure Procedure.d _getElementPosition(*psV.VECVI, *psB.VECVI_BLOCK, piXY.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: gets the drawing position of the element dependent on the drawing mode ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psB - current VecVi block ; piXY - wheter to return the x or y position ; 0: return x position ; 1: return y position ; returns :: (d) x or y position of the given element ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dPos ; ---------------------------------------- If *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_SINGLE Or *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_PAGED If piXY = 0 dPos = *psV\RootPos\dX + *psB\Elements()\PagePos\dX Else dPos = *psV\RootPos\dY + *psB\Elements()\PagePos\dY EndIf Else If piXY = 0 dPos = *psV\RootPos\dX + *psB\Elements()\DrawPos\dX Else dPos = *psV\RootPos\dY + *psB\Elements()\DrawPos\dY EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn dPos EndProcedure Procedure _applyPosition(*psV.VECVI, *psT.VECVI_BLOCK, *psE.VECVI_ELEMENT) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: applies positions to elements and position changes to the corresponding entities. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psT - current block pointer ; *psE - current element pointer ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- With *psE ; // ; set position of element in global output ; // \DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos ; // ; set position of element inside the current page ; this is section y pos at first because the line breaks are ; not known already. used for user navigation with SetXPos/SetYPos ; // \PagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos ; // ; set position of element inside the current block ; // *psE\BlockPos\dX = *psE\DrawPos\dX - *psT\DrawPos\dX *psE\BlockPos\dY = *psE\DrawPos\dY - *psT\DrawPos\dY Select \iType Case #ELEMENTTYPE_TEXTCELL, #ELEMENTTYPE_PARACELL, #ELEMENTTYPE_IMAGECELL, #ELEMENTTYPE_RECTANGLE \Size\dHeight = \d("H") ; // ; if given width is 0, expand the element to the right side of the page ; // If \d("W") = 0 \d("W") = _calcPageWidth(*psV, #RIGHT) - \PagePos\dX EndIf \Size\dWidth = \d("W") ; // ; handle newline behaviour ; // If \i("Ln") = #RIGHT \AddPos\dX = \Size\dWidth \AddPos\dY = 0 ElseIf \i("Ln") = #BOTTOM \AddPos\dX = 0 \AddPos\dY = \Size\dHeight ElseIf \i("Ln") = #NEWLINE If *psV\iDefTarget = 0 \AddPos\dX = - \PagePos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 1 \AddPos\dX = - \PagePos\dX + *psV\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Header\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 2 \AddPos\dX = - \PagePos\dX + *psV\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Footer\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 \AddPos\dX = - \PagePos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 21 \AddPos\dX = - \PagePos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dLeft EndIf \AddPos\dY = \Size\dHeight EndIf ; // ; set last linebreak height ; // *psV\d("LastLn") = \Size\dHeight Case #ELEMENTTYPE_HLINE \Size\dWidth = \d("W") \Size\dHeight = \d("LineSize") \AddPos\dX = 0 \AddPos\dY = \Size\dHeight Case #ELEMENTTYPE_VLINE \Size\dWidth = \d("LineSize") \Size\dHeight = \d("H") \AddPos\dX = \Size\dWidth \AddPos\dY = 0 Case #ELEMENTTYPE_XYLINE \Size\dWidth = \d("dX") \Size\dHeight = \d("dY") \AddPos\dX = \Size\dWidth \AddPos\dY = \Size\dHeight Case #ELEMENTTYPE_CURVE \Size\dWidth = \d("EndX") - \PagePos\dX \Size\dHeight = \d("EndY") - \PagePos\dY \AddPos\dX = \d("EndX") \AddPos\dY = \d("EndY") Case #ELEMENTTYPE_LN ; // ; if -1, use last linebreak size ; // If \d("Ln") > -1 \Size\dHeight = \d("Ln") *psV\d("LastLn") = \d("Ln") Else \Size\dHeight = *psV\d("LastLn") EndIf If \i("PPDF") = 1 ProcedureReturn EndIf If *psV\iDefTarget = 0 \AddPos\dX = - \PagePos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 1 \AddPos\dX = - \PagePos\dX + *psV\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Header\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 2 \AddPos\dX = - \PagePos\dX + *psV\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Footer\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 11 \AddPos\dX = - \PagePos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dLeft ElseIf *psV\iDefTarget = 21 \AddPos\dX = - \PagePos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dLeft EndIf \AddPos\dY = \Size\dHeight Case #ELEMENTTYPE_SP ; // ; if -1, use last space size ; // If \d("Sp") > -1 *psV\d("LastSp") = \d("Sp") \Size\dWidth = \d("Sp") Else \Size\dWidth = *psV\d("LastSp") EndIf \AddPos\dX = \Size\dWidth \AddPos\dY = 0 Case #ELEMENTTYPE_SECTOR \Size\dHeight = \d("H") \Size\dWidth = \d("W") If \i("Ln") = #RIGHT \AddPos\dX = \Size\dWidth \AddPos\dY = 0 Else \AddPos\dX = 0 \AddPos\dY = \Size\dHeight EndIf *psV\d("LastLn") = \Size\dHeight Case #ELEMENTTYPE_X \Size\dWidth = 0 \Size\dHeight = 0 ; // ; relative move from current position possible ; // If \i("Rel") = #False \AddPos\dX = \d("X") - \PagePos\dX \AddPos\dY = 0 ElseIf \i("Rel") = #True \AddPos\dX = \d("X") \AddPos\dY = 0 EndIf Case #ELEMENTTYPE_Y \Size\dWidth = 0 \Size\dHeight = 0 ; // ; relative move from current position possible ; // If \i("Rel") = #False \AddPos\dX = 0 \AddPos\dY = \d("Y") - \PagePos\dY ElseIf \i("Rel") = #True \AddPos\dX = 0 \AddPos\dY = \d("Y") EndIf EndSelect EndWith ; // ; apply new positions for next element ; // *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + *psE\AddPos\dX *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY + *psE\AddPos\dY *psV\CurrPagePos\dX + *psE\AddPos\dX *psV\CurrPagePos\dY + *psE\AddPos\dY EndProcedure Procedure _applyLineStyle(*psE.VECVI_ELEMENT) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: applies the current line style to the given element ; param :: *psE - current VecVi element ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iFlags ; ---------------------------------------- With *psE ; // ; get the line drawing parameters ; // If \i("LineStyle") & #LINESTYLE_DIAGONALCORNER iFlags = #PB_Path_DiagonalCorner ElseIf \i("LineStyle") & #LINESTYLE_ROUNDCORNER iFlags = #PB_Path_RoundCorner ElseIf \i("LineStyle") & #LINESTYLE_ROUNDEND iFlags = #PB_Path_RoundEnd ElseIf \i("LineStyle") & #LINESTYLE_SQUAREEND iFlags = #PB_Path_SquareEnd EndIf ; // ; draw the line ; // If \i("LineStyle") & #LINESTYLE_STROKE StrokePath(\d("LineSize"), iFlags) ElseIf \i("LineStyle") & #LINESTYLE_DASH DashPath(\d("LineSize"), \d("LineLen"), iFlags) ElseIf \i("LineStyle") & #LINESTYLE_DOT DotPath(\d("LineSize"), \d("LineLen"), iFlags) EndIf EndWith EndProcedure Procedure _drawTextCell(*psV.VECVI, *psT.VECVI_BLOCK) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: drawing of a text cell (#ELEMENTTYPE_TEXTCELL). ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psT - current VecVi block (returned by VecVi::_defTarget) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dPosX, dPosY, dFillX, dFillY, dFillW, dFillH, dTextX, dTextY ; ---------------------------------------- With *psT\Elements() dPosX = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 0) dPosY = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 1) dFillX = dPosX dFillY = dPosY If \d("W") = 0 \d("W") = _calcPageWidth(*psV, #RIGHT) - dPosX EndIf dFillW = \d("W") dFillH = \d("H") ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF PDF::SetPosXY(dPosX, dPosY) \s("PPDF_FontName") = "" \s("PPDF_FontStyle") = "" ForEach *psV\Fonts() If *psV\Fonts()\iHandle = \i("Font") If *psV\Fonts()\iStyle & #PB_Font_Bold \s("PPDF_FontStyle") + "B" \s("PPDF_FontName") + " Fett" EndIf If *psV\Fonts()\iStyle & #PB_Font_Italic \s("PPDF_FontStyle") + "I" \s("PPDF_FontName") + " Kursiv" EndIf If *psV\Fonts()\iStyle & #PB_Font_Underline \s("PPDF_FontStyle") + "U" EndIf PDF::SetFont(*psV\Fonts()\zName, \s("PPDF_FontStyle"), \d("FontSize") * 2.83465) EndIf Next PDF::SetFillColor(Red(\i("FillColor")), Green(\i("FillColor")), Blue(\i("FillColor"))) PDF::SetDrawColor(Red(\i("LineColor")), Green(\i("LineColor")), Blue(\i("LineColor"))) PDF::SetTextColor(Red(\i("TextColor")), Green(\i("TextColor")), Blue(\i("TextColor"))) PDF::SetLineWidth(\d("LineSize")) \i("PPDF_Border") = 0 If \i("Border") = #ALL \i("PPDF_Border") = 1 Else If \i("Border") & #TOP \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_TOPBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_RIGHTBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_BOTTOMBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_LEFTBORDER EndIf EndIf Select \i("Ln") Case #RIGHT : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 0 Case #NEWLINE : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 1 Case #BOTTOM : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 2 EndSelect Select \i("HAlign") Case #LEFT : \s("PPDF_Align") = PDF::#ALIGN_LEFT Case #RIGHT : \s("PPDF_Align") = PDF::#ALIGN_RIGHT Case #CENTER : \s("PPDF_Align") = PDF::#ALIGN_CENTER EndSelect PDF::SetCellMargin(*psV\CellMargin\dTop) PDF::Cell(\d("W"), \d("H"), \s("Text"), \i("PPDF_Border"), \i("PPDF_Ln"), \s("PPDF_Align"), \i("Fill")) ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf ; // ; fill ; // If \i("Border") = #ALL dFillX + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillY + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillW - \d("BorderSize") dFillH - \d("BorderSize") ElseIf \i("Border") <> #False If \i("Border") & #TOP dFillY + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillH - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM dFillH - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT dFillX + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillW - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT dFillW - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf EndIf VectorSourceColor(\i("FillColor")) If \i("Fill") MovePathCursor(dFillX, dFillY) AddPathBox(dFillX, dFillY, dFillW, dFillH) FillPath() EndIf ; // ; border ; // VectorSourceColor(\i("LineColor")) If \i("Border") = #ALL AddPathBox(dPosX, dPosY, \d("W"), \d("H")) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) ElseIf \i("Border") <> #False If \i("Border") & #TOP MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY + \d("H")) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY - Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2)) AddPathLine(0, \d("H") + (Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) + Bool(\i("Border") & #BOTTOM)) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2), #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT MovePathCursor(dPosX + \d("W"), dPosY - Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2)) AddPathLine(0, \d("H") + (Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) + Bool(\i("Border") & #BOTTOM)) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2), #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) EndIf ; // ; text ; // VectorFont(FontID(\i("Font")), Round(\d("FontSize") * 2.83465, #PB_Round_Nearest) / 2.83465) VectorSourceColor(\i("TextColor")) ; // ; horizontal align ; // dTextX = dPosX + *psV\CellMargin\dLeft - VectorTextWidth(\s("Text"), #PB_VectorText_Visible | #PB_VectorText_Offset) If \i("HAlign") = #RIGHT dTextX + (\d("W") - *psV\CellMargin\dRight - *psV\CellMargin\dLeft) - VectorTextWidth(\s("Text"), #PB_VectorText_Visible) ElseIf \i("HAlign") = #CENTER dTextX + (\d("W") - *psV\CellMargin\dRight - *psV\CellMargin\dLeft) / 2 - VectorTextWidth(\s("Text"), #PB_VectorText_Visible) / 2 EndIf ; // ; vertical align ; // dTextY = dPosY + *psV\CellMargin\dTop - VectorTextHeight(\s("Text"), #PB_VectorText_Visible | #PB_VectorText_Offset) If \i("VAlign") = #BOTTOM dTextY + (\d("H") - *psV\CellMargin\dBottom - *psV\CellMargin\dTop) - VectorTextHeight(\s("Text"), #PB_VectorText_Visible) ElseIf \i("VAlign") = #CENTER dTextY + (\d("H") - *psV\CellMargin\dBottom - *psV\CellMargin\dTop) / 2 - VectorTextHeight(\s("Text"), #PB_VectorText_Visible) / 2 EndIf MovePathCursor(dTextX, dTextY) DrawVectorText(\s("Text")) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure _drawParagraphCell(*psV.VECVI, *psT.VECVI_BLOCK) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: drawing of a paragraph cell (#ELEMENTTYPE_PARACELL). ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psT - current VecVi block (returned by VecVi::_defTarget) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iHAlign Protected.d dPosX, dPosY, dFillX, dFillY, dFillW, dFillH ; ---------------------------------------- With *psT\Elements() dPosX = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 0) dPosY = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 1) dFillX = dPosX dFillY = dPosY If \d("W") = 0 \d("W") = _calcPageWidth(*psV, #RIGHT, 1) - dPosX EndIf ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF PDF::SetPosXY(dPosX, dPosY) \s("PPDF_FontStyle") = "" ForEach *psV\Fonts() If *psV\Fonts()\iHandle = \i("Font") If *psV\Fonts()\iStyle & #PB_Font_Bold \s("PPDF_FontStyle") + "B" EndIf If *psV\Fonts()\iStyle & #PB_Font_Italic \s("PPDF_FontStyle") + "I" EndIf If *psV\Fonts()\iStyle & #PB_Font_Underline \s("PPDF_FontStyle") + "U" EndIf PDF::SetFont(*psV\Fonts()\zName, \s("PPDF_FontStyle"), \d("FontSize") * 2.83465) EndIf Next If \d("H") = 0 \i("PPDF_FontHeightImage") = CreateImage(#PB_Any, 10, 10) StartVectorDrawing(ImageVectorOutput(\i("PPDF_FontHeightImage"), #PB_Unit_Millimeter)) VectorFont(FontID(\i("Font")), \d("FontSize")) \d("H") = VectorParagraphHeight(\s("Text"), \d("W"), *psV\Sections()\Size\dHeight) StopVectorDrawing() FreeImage(\i("PPDF_FontHeightImage")) EndIf PDF::SetFillColor(Red(\i("FillColor")), Green(\i("FillColor")), Blue(\i("FillColor"))) PDF::SetDrawColor(Red(\i("LineColor")), Green(\i("LineColor")), Blue(\i("LineColor"))) PDF::SetLineWidth(\d("LineSize")) \i("PPDF_Border") = 0 If \i("Border") = #ALL \i("PPDF_Border") = PDF::#CELL_RIGHTBORDER + PDF::#CELL_TOPBORDER + PDF::#CELL_LEFTBORDER Else If \i("Border") & #TOP \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_TOPBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_RIGHTBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_LEFTBORDER EndIf EndIf Select \i("Ln") Case #RIGHT : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 0 Case #NEWLINE : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 1 Case #BOTTOM : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 2 EndSelect Select \i("HAlign") Case #LEFT : \s("PPDF_Align") = PDF::#ALIGN_LEFT Case #RIGHT : \s("PPDF_Align") = PDF::#ALIGN_RIGHT Case #CENTER : \s("PPDF_Align") = PDF::#ALIGN_CENTER EndSelect PDF::SetCellMargin(*psV\CellMargin\dTop) PDF::MultiCell(\d("W"), \d("FontSize") + 0.5, \s("Text"), \i("PPDF_Border"), \s("PPDF_Align"), \i("Fill")) \i("PPDF_Border") = 0 If \i("Border") = #ALL \i("PPDF_Border") = PDF::#CELL_RIGHTBORDER + PDF::#CELL_BOTTOMBORDER + PDF::#CELL_LEFTBORDER Else If \i("Border") & #RIGHT \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_RIGHTBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_BOTTOMBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_LEFTBORDER EndIf EndIf PDF::SetPosXY(dPosX, dPosY + PDF::GetMultiCellNewLines() * (\d("FontSize") + 0.5)) PDF::Cell(\d("W"), \d("H") - PDF::GetMultiCellNewLines() * (\d("FontSize") + 0.5), "", \i("PPDF_Border"), \i("PPDF_Ln"), "") ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf VectorFont(FontID(\i("Font")), Round(\d("FontSize") * 2.83465, #PB_Round_Nearest) / 2.83465) If \d("H") = 0 \d("H") = VectorParagraphHeight(\s("Text"), \d("W"), *psV\Sections()\Size\dHeight) + *psV\CellMargin\dBottom + *psV\CellMargin\dTop EndIf dFillW = \d("W") dFillH = \d("H") ; // ; fill ; // If \i("Border") = #ALL dFillX + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillY + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillW - \d("BorderSize") dFillH - \d("BorderSize") ElseIf \i("Border") <> #False If \i("Border") & #TOP dFillY + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillH - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM dFillH - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT dFillX + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillW - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT dFillW - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf EndIf VectorSourceColor(\i("FillColor")) If \i("Fill") MovePathCursor(dFillX, dFillY) AddPathBox(dFillX, dFillY, dFillW, dFillH) FillPath() EndIf ; // ; border ; // VectorSourceColor(\i("LineColor")) If \i("Border") = #ALL AddPathBox(dPosX, dPosY, \d("W"), \d("H")) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) ElseIf \i("Border") <> #False If \i("Border") & #TOP MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY + \d("H")) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY - Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2)) AddPathLine(0, \d("H") + (Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) + Bool(\i("Border") & #BOTTOM)) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2), #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT MovePathCursor(dPosX + \d("W"), dPosY - Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2)) AddPathLine(0, \d("H") + (Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) + Bool(\i("Border") & #BOTTOM)) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2), #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) EndIf ; // ; text ; // VectorSourceColor(\i("TextColor")) If \i("HAlign") = #LEFT : iHAlign = #PB_VectorParagraph_Left ElseIf \i("HAlign") = #RIGHT : iHAlign = #PB_VectorParagraph_Right ElseIf \i("HAlign") = #CENTER : iHAlign = #PB_VectorParagraph_Center EndIf MovePathCursor(dPosX + *psV\CellMargin\dLeft, dPosY + *psV\CellMargin\dTop) DrawVectorParagraph(\s("Text"), \d("W") - *psV\CellMargin\dLeft - *psV\CellMargin\dRight, \d("H") - *psV\CellMargin\dTop - *psV\CellMargin\dBottom, iHAlign) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure _drawImageCell(*psV.VECVI, *psT.VECVI_BLOCK) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: drawing of a image cell (#ELEMENTTYPE_IMAGECELL). ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psT - current VecVi block (returned by VecVi::_defTarget) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dPosX, dPosY, dFillX, dFillY, dFillW, dFillH, dImageX, dImageY ; ---------------------------------------- With *psT\Elements() dPosX = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 0) dPosY = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 1) dFillX = dPosX dFillY = dPosY If \d("W") = 0 \d("W") = _calcPageWidth(*psV, #RIGHT) - dPosX EndIf dFillW = \d("W") dFillH = \d("H") ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF PDF::SetPosXY(dPosX, dPosY) PDF::SetFillColor(Red(\i("FillColor")), Green(\i("FillColor")), Blue(\i("FillColor"))) PDF::SetDrawColor(Red(\i("LineColor")), Green(\i("LineColor")), Blue(\i("LineColor"))) PDF::SetLineWidth(\d("LineSize")) \i("PPDF_Border") = 0 If \i("Border") = #ALL \i("PPDF_Border") = 1 Else If \i("Border") & #TOP \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_TOPBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_RIGHTBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_BOTTOMBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT \i("PPDF_Border") + PDF::#CELL_LEFTBORDER EndIf EndIf Select \i("Ln") Case #RIGHT : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 0 Case #NEWLINE : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 1 Case #BOTTOM : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 2 EndSelect ; // ; horizontal align ; // dImageX = dPosX + *psV\CellMargin\dLeft If \i("HAlign") = #RIGHT dImageX + (\d("W") - *psV\CellMargin\dRight - *psV\CellMargin\dLeft) - \d("ImageW") ElseIf \i("HAlign") = #CENTER dImageX + (\d("W") - *psV\CellMargin\dRight - *psV\CellMargin\dLeft) / 2 - \d("ImageW") / 2 EndIf ; // ; vertical align ; // dImageY = dPosY + *psV\CellMargin\dTop If \i("VAlign") = #BOTTOM dImageY + (\d("H") - *psV\CellMargin\dBottom - *psV\CellMargin\dTop) - \d("ImageH") ElseIf \i("VAlign") = #CENTER dImageY + (\d("H") - *psV\CellMargin\dBottom - *psV\CellMargin\dTop) / 2 - \d("ImageH") / 2 EndIf PDF::SetCellMargin(*psV\CellMargin\dTop) \i("PPDF_ImageMem") = EncodeImage(\i("Image"), #PB_ImagePlugin_PNG) PDF::Cell(\d("W"), \d("H"), "", \i("PPDF_Border"), \i("PPDF_Ln"), "", \i("Fill")) PDF::ImageMem("Image", \i("PPDF_ImageMem"), MemorySize(\i("PPDF_ImageMem")), dImageX, dImageY, \d("ImageW"), \d("ImageH")) FreeMemory(\i("PPDF_ImageMem")) ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf ; // ; fill ; // If \i("Border") = #ALL dFillX + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillY + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillW - \d("BorderSize") dFillH - \d("BorderSize") ElseIf \i("Border") <> #False If \i("Border") & #TOP dFillY + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillH - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM dFillH - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT dFillX + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillW - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT dFillW - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf EndIf VectorSourceColor(\i("FillColor")) If \i("Fill") MovePathCursor(dFillX, dFillY) AddPathBox(dFillX, dFillY, dFillW, dFillH) FillPath() EndIf ; // ; border ; // VectorSourceColor(\i("LineColor")) If \i("Border") = #ALL AddPathBox(dPosX, dPosY, \d("W"), \d("H")) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) ElseIf \i("Border") <> #False If \i("Border") & #TOP MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY + \d("H")) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY - Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2)) AddPathLine(0, \d("H") + (Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) + Bool(\i("Border") & #BOTTOM)) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2), #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT MovePathCursor(dPosX + \d("W"), dPosY - Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2)) AddPathLine(0, \d("H") + (Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) + Bool(\i("Border") & #BOTTOM)) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2), #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) EndIf ; // ; horizontal align ; // dImageX = dPosX + *psV\CellMargin\dLeft If \i("HAlign") = #RIGHT dImageX + (\d("W") - *psV\CellMargin\dRight - *psV\CellMargin\dLeft) - \d("ImageW") ElseIf \i("HAlign") = #CENTER dImageX + (\d("W") - *psV\CellMargin\dRight - *psV\CellMargin\dLeft) / 2 - \d("ImageW") / 2 EndIf ; // ; vertical align ; // dImageY = dPosY + *psV\CellMargin\dTop If \i("VAlign") = #BOTTOM dImageY + (\d("H") - *psV\CellMargin\dBottom - *psV\CellMargin\dTop) - \d("ImageH") ElseIf \i("VAlign") = #CENTER dImageY + (\d("H") - *psV\CellMargin\dBottom - *psV\CellMargin\dTop) / 2 - \d("ImageH") / 2 EndIf MovePathCursor(dImageX, dImageY) DrawVectorImage(ImageID(\i("Image")), 255, \d("ImageW"), \d("ImageH")) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure _drawHorizontalLine(*psV.VECVI, *psT.VECVI_BLOCK) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: drawing of a horizontal line (#ELEMENTTYPE_HLINE). ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psT - current VecVi block (returned by VecVi::_defTarget) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dPosX, dPosY, dLineX ; ---------------------------------------- With *psT\Elements() dPosX = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 0) dPosY = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 1) If \d("W") = 0 \d("W") = _calcPageWidth(*psV, VecVi::#RIGHT) - *psT\Elements()\PagePos\dX EndIf ; // ; horizontal align ; // If \i("HAlign") = #LEFT dLineX = dPosX ElseIf \i("HAlign") = #RIGHT dLineX = dPosX + _calcPageWidth(*psV) - \d("W") ElseIf \i("HAlign") = #CENTER dLineX = dPosX + _calcPageWidth(*psV) / 2 - \d("W") / 2 EndIf ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF PDF::SetPosXY(dLineX, dPosY) PDF::SetDrawColor(Red(\i("LineColor")), Green(\i("LineColor")), Blue(\i("LineColor"))) PDF::SetLineWidth(\d("LineSize")) PDF::DrawLine(dLineX, dPosY, dLineX + \d("W"), dPosY) ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf MovePathCursor(dLineX, dPosY) VectorSourceColor(\i("LineColor")) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure _drawVerticalLine(*psV.VECVI, *psT.VECVI_BLOCK) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: drawing of a vertical line (#ELEMENTTYPE_VLINE). ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psT - current VecVi block (returned by VecVi::_defTarget) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dPosX, dPosY, dLineY ; ---------------------------------------- With *psT\Elements() dPosX = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 0) dPosY = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 1) If \d("H") = 0 \d("H") = _calcPageHeight(*psV, #BOTTOM) - *psT\Elements()\PagePos\dY EndIf ; // ; vertical align ; // If \i("VAlign") = #TOP dLineY = dPosY ElseIf \i("VAlign") = #BOTTOM dLineY = _calcPageHeight(*psV, #BOTTOM) - \d("H") ElseIf \i("VAlign") = #CENTER dLineY = _calcPageHeight(*psV, #BOTTOM) - _calcPageHeight(*psV, #TOP | #BOTTOM, 0) / 2 - \d("H") / 2 EndIf ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF PDF::SetPosXY(dPosX, dLineY) PDF::SetDrawColor(Red(\i("LineColor")), Green(\i("LineColor")), Blue(\i("LineColor"))) PDF::SetLineWidth(\d("LineSize")) PDF::DrawLine(dPosX, dLineY, dPosX, dLineY + \d("H")) ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf MovePathCursor(dPosX, dLineY) VectorSourceColor(\i("LineColor")) AddPathLine(0, \d("H"), #PB_Path_Relative) _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure _drawXYLine(*psV.VECVI, *psT.VECVI_BLOCK) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: drawing of a xy line (#ELEMENTTYPE_XYLINE). ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psT - current VecVi block (returned by VecVi::_defTarget) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dPosX, dPosY, dLineX ; ---------------------------------------- With *psT\Elements() dPosX = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 0) dPosY = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 1) If \d("dX") = 0 \d("dX") = _calcPageWidth(*psV, #RIGHT) - dPosX EndIf If \d("dY") = 0 \d("dY") = _calcPageHeight(*psV, #BOTTOM) - dPosY EndIf ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF PDF::SetPosXY(dPosX, dPosY) PDF::SetDrawColor(Red(\i("LineColor")), Green(\i("LineColor")), Blue(\i("LineColor"))) PDF::SetLineWidth(\d("LineSize")) PDF::DrawLine(dPosX, dPosY, dPosX + \d("dX"), dPosY + \d("dY")) ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY) VectorSourceColor(\i("LineColor")) AddPathLine(\d("dX"), \d("dY"), #PB_Path_Relative) _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure _drawCurve(*psV.VECVI, *psT.VECVI_BLOCK) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: drawing of a curve (#ELEMENTTYPE_CURVE). ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psT - current VecVi block (returned by VecVi::_defTarget) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dPosX, dPosY Protected.i iFlags ; ---------------------------------------- With *psT\Elements() dPosX = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 0) dPosY = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 1) ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF PDF::SetPosXY(dPosX, dPosY) PDF::SetFillColor(Red(\i("FillColor")), Green(\i("FillColor")), Blue(\i("FillColor"))) PDF::SetDrawColor(Red(\i("LineColor")), Green(\i("LineColor")), Blue(\i("LineColor"))) PDF::SetLineWidth(\d("LineSize")) ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY) VectorSourceColor(\i("LineColor")) AddPathCurve(\d("S1X"), \d("S1Y"), \d("S2X"), \d("S2Y"), \d("EndX"), \d("EndY")) _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure _drawRectangle(*psV.VECVI, *psT.VECVI_BLOCK) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: drawing of a rectangle (#ELEMENTTYPE_RECTANGLE). ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psT - current VecVi block (returned by VecVi::_defTarget) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dPosX, dPosY, dFillX, dFillY, dFillW, dFillH ; ---------------------------------------- With *psT\Elements() dPosX = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 0) dPosY = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 1) dFillX = dPosX dFillY = dPosY If \d("W") = 0 \d("W") = _calcPageWidth(*psV, #RIGHT) - dPosX EndIf If \d("H") = 0 \d("H") = _calcPageHeight(*psV, #BOTTOM) - dPosY EndIf dFillW = \d("W") dFillH = \d("H") ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF PDF::SetPosXY(dPosX, dPosY) PDF::SetFillColor(Red(\i("FillColor")), Green(\i("FillColor")), Blue(\i("FillColor"))) PDF::SetDrawColor(Red(\i("LineColor")), Green(\i("LineColor")), Blue(\i("LineColor"))) PDF::SetLineWidth(\d("LineSize")) If \i("Border") = #ALL \i("PPDF_Border") = 1 Else If \i("Border") = #TOP \i("PPDF_Border") = PDF::#CELL_TOPBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") = #RIGHT \i("PPDF_Border") = PDF::#CELL_RIGHTBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") = #BOTTOM \i("PPDF_Border") = PDF::#CELL_BOTTOMBORDER EndIf If \i("Border") = #LEFT \i("PPDF_Border") = PDF::#CELL_LEFTBORDER EndIf EndIf Select \i("Ln") Case #RIGHT : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 0 Case #NEWLINE : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 1 Case #BOTTOM : \i("PPDF_Ln") = 2 EndSelect PDF::Cell(\d("W"), \d("H"), "", \i("PPDF_Border"), \i("PPDF_Ln"), "", \i("Fill")) ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf ; // ; border ; // VectorSourceColor(\i("LineColor")) If \i("Border") = #ALL AddPathBox(dPosX, dPosY, \d("W"), \d("H")) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) ElseIf \i("Border") <> #False If \i("Border") & #TOP MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY + \d("H")) AddPathLine(\d("W"), 0, #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT MovePathCursor(dPosX, dPosY - Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2)) AddPathLine(0, \d("H") + (Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) + Bool(\i("Border") & #BOTTOM)) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2), #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT MovePathCursor(dPosX + \d("W"), dPosY - Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2)) AddPathLine(0, \d("H") + (Bool(\i("Border") & #TOP) + Bool(\i("Border") & #BOTTOM)) * (\d("BorderSize") / 2), #PB_Path_Relative) EndIf _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) EndIf ; // ; fill ; // If \i("Border") = #ALL dFillX + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillY + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillW - \d("BorderSize") dFillH - \d("BorderSize") ElseIf \i("Border") <> #False If \i("Border") & #TOP dFillY + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillH - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #BOTTOM dFillH - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #LEFT dFillX + \d("BorderSize") / 2 dFillW - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf If \i("Border") & #RIGHT dFillW - \d("BorderSize") / 2 EndIf EndIf VectorSourceColor(\i("FillColor")) If \i("Fill") MovePathCursor(dFillX, dFillY) AddPathBox(dFillX, dFillY, dFillW, dFillH) FillPath() EndIf EndWith EndProcedure Procedure _drawSector(*psV.VECVI, *psT.VECVI_BLOCK) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: drawing of a ellipse sector (#ELEMENTTYPE_SECTOR). ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; *psT - current VecVi block (returned by VecVi::_defTarget) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dPosX, dPosY Protected.i iFlags ; ---------------------------------------- With *psT\Elements() dPosX = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 0) dPosY = _getElementPosition(*psV, *psT, 1) ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF PDF::SetPosXY(dPosX + \d("W") / 2, dPosY + \d("H") / 2) If \i("Fill") = #True And \i("Border") = #True \s("PPDF_Opt") = PDF::#STYLE_DRAWANDFILL EndIf If \i("Fill") = #True And \i("Border") = #False \s("PPDF_Opt") = PDF::#STYLE_FILL EndIf If \i("Fill") = #False And \i("Border") = #True \s("PPDF_Opt") = PDF::#STYLE_DRAW EndIf PDF::DrawSector(dPosX + \d("W") / 2, dPosY + \d("H") / 2, \d("W") / 2, \d("Start"), \d("End"), \s("PPDF_Opt")) ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf If \i("Connect") = #True iFlags = #PB_Path_Connected MovePathCursor(dPosX + \d("W") / 2, dPosY + \d("H") / 2) EndIf AddPathEllipse(dPosX + \d("W") / 2, dPosY + \d("H") / 2, \d("W") / 2, \d("H") / 2, \d("Start"), \d("End"), iFlags) If \i("Connect") = #True ClosePath() EndIf If \i("Fill") = #True VectorSourceColor(\i("FillColor")) FillPath(#PB_Path_Preserve) EndIf If \i("Border") = #True VectorSourceColor(\i("LineColor")) _applyLineStyle(@*psT\Elements()) EndIf ResetPath() EndWith EndProcedure Procedure _drawHeader(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: processes drawing of a page's header. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; draw all header elements ; // _defTarget(*psV, 11) _drawElements(*psV, -1) _defTarget(*psV, 0) EndProcedure Procedure _drawFooter(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: draws the page's footer. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dFooterHeight ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; draw all footer elements ; // _defTarget(*psV, 21) _drawElements(*psV, -1) _defTarget(*psV, 0) EndProcedure Procedure _drawNewPage(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: draws a new page and its bounds. ; param :: psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; for paged outputs, create a new page, if it's not the first one ; (it is created automatically.) ; // If *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_PAGED And *psV\iOutput <> #OUTPUT_PUREPDF And Not *psV\Sections()\Pages()\iNr = 1 NewVectorPage() EndIf If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF If *psV\Sections()\iOrientation = #VERTICAL PDF::AddPage("P", StrD(ValD(StringField(*psV\Sections()\zFormat, 1, ",")) * 2.83465, 2) + "," + StrD(ValD(StringField(*psV\Sections()\zFormat, 2, ",")) * 2.83465, 2)) Else PDF::AddPage("L", StrD(ValD(StringField(*psV\Sections()\zFormat, 1, ",")) * 2.83465, 2) + "," + StrD(ValD(StringField(*psV\Sections()\zFormat, 2, ",")) * 2.83465, 2)) EndIf Else ; // ; fill the page in the current sizes ; // If *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_SINGLE AddPathBox(*psV\RootPos\dX, *psV\RootPos\dY, *psV\Sections()\Size\dWidth, *psV\Sections()\Size\dHeight) ElseIf *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIH Or *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIV AddPathBox(*psV\RootPos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\DrawPos\dX, *psV\RootPos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\DrawPos\dY, *psV\Sections()\Size\dWidth, *psV\Sections()\Size\dHeight) EndIf VectorSourceColor(*psV\i("BackColor")) FillPath() EndIf ; // ; draw the header before all further content ; // _drawHeader(*psV) EndProcedure Procedure _drawEndPage(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: draws things related to a page finish ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: just calls VecVi::_processFooter() ; ---------------------------------------- _drawFooter(*psV) EndProcedure Procedure.i _drawElements(*psV.VECVI, piStartPageRef.i, piE.i = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: draws all elements within one block on the current definition target. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piStartPageRef - reference to page which the first element is on ; piE - (S: 0) reference to starting element inside the current block ; returns :: (i) drawing completion state ; 0: drawing aborted inside the block ; 1: full block has been drawed ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iOldPageRef Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; get definition target ; // *Target = _defTarget(*psV) ; // ; select the starting element in the block or the first one, ; if none given ; // If piE = 0 FirstElement(*Target\Elements()) If ListIndex(*Target\Elements()) = -1 ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf Else ChangeCurrentElement(*Target\Elements(), piE) If ListIndex(*Target\Elements()) = -1 ProcedureReturn 1 EndIf EndIf iOldPageRef = piStartPageRef ; // ; loop through all following elements in the block ; // Repeat ; // ; detect page breaks ; // If iOldPageRef > -1 And *Target\Elements()\iPageRef <> iOldPageRef ; // ; if drawing is for single page, stop ; // If *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_SINGLE ProcedureReturn 0 EndIf ; // ; draw next page ; // NextElement(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) _drawNewPage(*psV) _drawEndPage(*psV) iOldPageRef = *Target\Elements()\iPageRef EndIf ; // ; replace the page numbering tokens with the current page number and the total ; page number for text elements. ; // If FindMapElement(*Target\Elements()\s(), "TextRaw") If *psV\Sections()\Pages()\iNb > -1 *Target\Elements()\s("Text") = ReplaceString(*Target\Elements()\s("TextRaw"), *psV\s("NbCurrent"), Str(*psV\Sections()\Pages()\iNb)) *Target\Elements()\s("Text") = ReplaceString(*Target\Elements()\s("Text"), *psV\s("NbTotal"), Str(*psV\iNbTotal)) Else *Target\Elements()\s("Text") = *Target\Elements()\s("TextRaw") EndIf EndIf ; // ; split drawing by element type ; // Select *Target\Elements()\iType Case #ELEMENTTYPE_TEXTCELL : _drawTextCell(*psV, *Target) Case #ELEMENTTYPE_PARACELL : _drawParagraphCell(*psV, *Target) Case #ELEMENTTYPE_IMAGECELL : _drawImageCell(*psV, *Target) Case #ELEMENTTYPE_HLINE : _drawHorizontalLine(*psV, *Target) Case #ELEMENTTYPE_VLINE : _drawVerticalLine(*psV, *Target) Case #ELEMENTTYPE_XYLINE : _drawXYLine(*psV, *Target) Case #ELEMENTTYPE_CURVE : _drawCurve(*psV, *Target) Case #ELEMENTTYPE_RECTANGLE : _drawRectangle(*psV, *Target) Case #ELEMENTTYPE_SECTOR : _drawSector(*psV, *Target) EndSelect Until NextElement(*Target\Elements()) = #Null ; // ; all elements drawed, completed block ; // ProcedureReturn 1 EndProcedure Procedure _draw(*psV.VECVI, piOutput.i, piObject1.i, piObject2.i, pzPath.s, piPage.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: output of all VecVi stuff to the specified output channel. ; param :: psV - VecVi structure ; piOutput - output type ; #OUTPUT_CANVAS: output to PB's CanvasGadget() ; #OUTPUT_CANVASIMAGE: output to an image object which is loaded into a CanvasGadget() ; #OUTPUT_IMAGE: output to an image object ; #OUTPUT_WINDOW: direct output to a window ; #OUTPUT_PRINTER: send output to a printer using PB Printer lib ; #OUTPUT_SVG: output to a .svg file ; #OUTPUT_PDF: output to a .pdf file ; piObject1 - first output gadget, window or image ; piObject2 - second output image for piOutput = #OUTPUT_CANVASIMAGE ; pzPath - full output path for .svg and .pdf outputs ; piPage - only output the specified page ; for single-page output channels ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iOutput, iOldPageRef, i, iFail, iRes Protected siS.Integer Protected siB.Integer Protected siE.Integer ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; get output channel ; // *psV\iOutput = piOutput If piOutput = #OUTPUT_CANVAS iOutput = CanvasVectorOutput(piObject1, #PB_Unit_Millimeter) *psV\iOnlyPage = piPage ElseIf piOutput = #OUTPUT_CANVASIMAGE iOutput = ImageVectorOutput(piObject2, #PB_Unit_Millimeter) *psV\iOnlyPage = piPage ElseIf piOutput = #OUTPUT_IMAGE iOutput = ImageVectorOutput(piObject1, #PB_Unit_Millimeter) *psV\iOnlyPage = piPage ElseIf piOutput = #OUTPUT_WINDOW iOutput = WindowVectorOutput(piObject1, #PB_Unit_Millimeter) *psV\iOnlyPage = piPage ElseIf piOutput = #OUTPUT_PRINTER iOutput = PrinterVectorOutput(#PB_Unit_Millimeter) *psV\iOnlyPage = -1 ElseIf piOutput = #OUTPUT_SVG CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS = #PB_OS_Linux iOutput = SvgVectorOutput(pzPath, *psV\Sizes\dWidth, *psV\Sizes\dHeight, #PB_Unit_Millimeter) CompilerElse DebuggerError("SvgVectorOutput only supported on Linux.") CompilerEndIf *psV\iOnlyPage = -1 ElseIf piOutput = #OUTPUT_PDF CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS = #PB_OS_Windows DebuggerError("PdfVectorOutput not supported on Windows.") CompilerElse iOutput = PdfVectorOutput(pzPath, *psV\Sizes\dWidth, *psV\Sizes\dHeight, #PB_Unit_Millimeter) CompilerEndIf *psV\iOnlyPage = -1 ElseIf piOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF *psV\iOnlyPage = -1 EndIf ; // ; determine drawing mode ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PRINTER Or *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PDF Or *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_SVG Or *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_PAGED Else If *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") = #False *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_SINGLE ElseIf *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") = #HORIZONTAL *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIH ElseIf *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") = #VERTICAL *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIV EndIf EndIf ; // ; require processing? ; // If *psV\i("NoReprocessing") = 0 _process(*psV) *psV\i("NoReprocessing") = 1 EndIf ; // ; presets ; // If *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_PAGED ; // ; paged output does not need scaling or offsets ; // *psV\d("ScaleX") = 1 *psV\d("ScaleY") = 1 *psV\d("OutputOffsetLeft") = 0 *psV\d("OutputOffsetTop") = 0 *psV\RootPos\dX = 0 *psV\RootPos\dY = 0 Else ; // ; reset root drawing point to user defined offsets ; // *psV\RootPos\dX = *psV\d("OutputOffsetLeft") *psV\RootPos\dY = *psV\d("OutputOffsetTop") EndIf ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF If *psV\i("Orientation") = #VERTICAL *psV\s("PPDF_Orientation") = "P" Else *psV\s("PPDF_Orientation") = "L" EndIf PDF::Create(*psV\s("PPDF_Orientation"), "mm", StrD(ValD(StringField(*psV\s("Format"), 1, ",")) * 2.83465, 2) + "," + StrD(ValD(StringField(*psV\s("Format"), 2, ",")) * 2.83465, 2)) PDF::SetAutoPageBreak(0) iRes = 1 EndIf ; // ; start drawing to the specified output ; // If *psV\iOutput <> #OUTPUT_PUREPDF iRes = StartVectorDrawing(iOutput) EndIf If iRes ; // ; scaling ; // If *psV\iOutput <> #OUTPUT_PUREPDF ScaleCoordinates(*psV\d("ScaleX"), *psV\d("ScaleY")) EndIf ; // ; reset the drawing area if needed ; // If *psV\iDrawMode <> #DRAW_PAGED VectorSourceColor(*psV\i("DeskColor")) FillVectorOutput() EndIf ; // ; pre-select the very first element ; // iFail = 0 If FirstElement(*psV\Sections()) = #Null iFail = 1 Else While FirstElement(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) = #Null If NextElement(*psV\Sections()) = #Null iFail = 1 Break EndIf Wend EndIf If iFail = 1 ; // ; stop drawing ; // If *psV\iOutput <> #OUTPUT_PUREPDF StopVectorDrawing() EndIf ProcedureReturn EndIf FirstElement(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) iOldPageRef = -1 ; // ; determine the starting element ; // If *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_PAGED ; // ; allow to define a starting page for paged outputs ; // If *psV\iOnlyPage > 0 ForEach *psV\Sections() ForEach *psV\Sections()\Pages() If *psV\Sections()\Pages()\iNr = *psV\iOnlyPage *psV\iOnlyPage = @*psV\Sections()\Pages() _getFirstElementByPage(*psV, *psV\iOnlyPage, @siS, @siB, @siE) Break 2 EndIf Next Next EndIf ElseIf *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_SINGLE And *psV\iOnlyPage > 0 ; // ; single page output requires first element on given page ; // ForEach *psV\Sections() ForEach *psV\Sections()\Pages() If *psV\Sections()\Pages()\iNr = *psV\iOnlyPage *psV\iOnlyPage = @*psV\Sections()\Pages() _getFirstElementByPage(*psV, *psV\iOnlyPage, @siS, @siB, @siE) Break 2 EndIf Next Next Else ; // ; all other modes go by offset ; // _getFirstElementByOffset(*psV, @siS, @siB, @siE) EndIf ; // ; select the starting element ; // If siS\i ChangeCurrentElement(*psV\Sections(), siS\i) If siB\i ChangeCurrentElement(*psV\Sections()\Blocks(), siB\i) If siE\i ; // ; select the element ; // ChangeCurrentElement(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements(), siE\i) ; // ; select the corresponding page ; // iOldPageRef = *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\Elements()\iPageRef ChangeCurrentElement(*psV\Sections()\Pages(), iOldPageRef) EndIf EndIf EndIf ; // ; loop through all sections ; // i = 0 Repeat ; // ; for the first loop, don't reset the substructures as they were already preselected ; // If i > 0 ResetList(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) FirstElement(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) EndIf ; // ; loop through all blocks of the section ; // Repeat ; // ; performance: stop drawing if the block is not displayed in multi page outputs ; // If *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIV If -*psV\d("OutputOffsetTop") * *psV\d("ScaleY") + VectorOutputHeight() < *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\DrawPos\dY * *psV\d("ScaleY") Break 2 EndIf ElseIf *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIH If -*psV\d("OutputOffsetLeft") * *psV\d("ScaleX") + VectorOutputWidth() < *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\DrawPos\dX * *psV\d("ScaleX") Break 2 EndIf EndIf ; // ; detect page breaks ; // If *psV\iDrawMode <> #DRAW_SINGLE And (*psV\Sections()\Blocks()\iPageBeginRef <> iOldPageRef Or i = 0) ; // ; non-single page outputs´ ; // ; // ; select next page if it's not the preselected first one ; // If i > 0 NextElement(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) EndIf _drawNewPage(*psV) _drawEndPage(*psV) i + 1 ElseIf *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_SINGLE ; // ; single page output ; // ; // ; if the block is not on the page anymore, stop ; // If *psV\iOnlyPage <> *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\iPageBeginRef And *psV\iOnlyPage <> *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\iPageEndRef Break 2 EndIf ; // ; draw the only page that has to be displayed in single page output mode ; // If i = 0 _drawNewPage(*psV) _drawEndPage(*psV) i + 1 EndIf EndIf ; // ; draw the block's elements ; // If *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_SINGLE ; // ; single page output, define starting element and required page reference ; // If _drawElements(*psV, *psV\iOnlyPage, siE\i) = 0 Break 2 EndIf siE\i = 0 Else ; // ; other outputs, define the starting page reference for detecting page breaks inside the block ; // If _drawElements(*psV, *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\iPageBeginRef) = 0 Break 2 EndIf EndIf ; // ; current page after drawing of elements, may differ because ; of page breaks inside the block ; // iOldPageRef = *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\iPageEndRef Until NextElement(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) = #Null Until NextElement(*psV\Sections()) = #Null ; // ; stop drawing ; // If *psV\iOutput <> #OUTPUT_PUREPDF StopVectorDrawing() EndIf EndIf ; // ; if output channel is canvasimage, draw the image on the canvas gadget ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_CANVASIMAGE If StartVectorDrawing(CanvasVectorOutput(piObject1, #PB_Unit_Millimeter)) VectorSourceColor(RGBA(125, 125, 125, 255)) FillVectorOutput() DrawVectorImage(ImageID(piObject2)) StopVectorDrawing() EndIf EndIf ; // ; for PurePDF ; // If *psV\iOutput = #OUTPUT_PUREPDF PDF::Save(pzPath) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure _processBlock(*psV.VECVI, piTarget) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: processes a block ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; :: piTarget - definition target ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iSize, iIndex Protected.d dOldPagePos Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; get definition target ; // *Target = _defTarget(*psV, piTarget) ; // ; recalc size of the block ; // _calcBlockWidth(*Target, 1) _calcBlockHeight(*Target, 1) ; // ; reset x coordinates as blocks always start on the left side of the page ; // dOldPagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos\dX If piTarget = 0 ; // ; normal page block margins ; // *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft ElseIf piTarget = 11 ; // ; page header block margins ; // *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dLeft ElseIf piTarget = 21 ; // ; page footer block margins ; // *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dLeft EndIf *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + (*psV\CurrPagePos\dX - dOldPagePos) If *Target\iPageBreak = #False ; // ; if page breaks are forbidden within this block, check if the block size fits the ; left y space on the page, and create a new page, if it is necessary. ; // If piTarget = 0 And *psV\CurrPagePos\dY + *Target\Size\dHeight > _calcPageHeight(*psV, #BOTTOM) _processEndPage(*psV) _processNewPage(*psV) EndIf ; // ; set references to the page this block is on ; // *Target\iPageBeginRef = @*psV\Sections()\Pages() *Target\iPageEndRef = @*psV\Sections()\Pages() ; // ; set block positions ; // *Target\DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos *Target\PagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos *Target\SectPos\dX = *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX - *psV\Sections()\DrawPos\dX *Target\SectPos\dY = *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY - *psV\Sections()\DrawPos\dY ForEach *Target\Elements() With *Target\Elements() ; // ; set reference to the page this element is on ; // \iPageRef = @*psV\Sections()\Pages() ; // ; set position of element in global output ; // \DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos ; // ; set position of element inside the current page. ; // \PagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos ; // ; add positions ; // *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + \AddPos\dX *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY + \AddPos\dY *psV\CurrPagePos\dX + \AddPos\dX *psV\CurrPagePos\dY + \AddPos\dY EndWith Next ElseIf *Target\iPageBreak = #True ; // ; if page breaks are allowed in this block, check for page breaks in elements ; // ; // ; preset references to the page this block is on ; will be overwritten later by element page refs ; or stay if the block is empty ; // *Target\iPageBeginRef = @*psV\Sections()\Pages() *Target\iPageEndRef = @*psV\Sections()\Pages() iSize = ListSize(*Target\Elements()) ForEach *Target\Elements() With *Target\Elements() ; // ; check if the element size fits the left y space on the page, ; and create a new page, if it is necessary. ; // If *psV\CurrPagePos\dY + \Size\dHeight > _calcPageHeight(*psV, #BOTTOM) _processEndPage(*psV) _processNewPage(*psV, *Target\Elements()\BlockPos\dX) EndIf iIndex = ListIndex(*Target\Elements()) If iIndex = 0 ; // ; set block positions ; // *Target\DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos *Target\PagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos *Target\SectPos\dX = *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX - *psV\Sections()\DrawPos\dX *Target\SectPos\dY = *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY - *psV\Sections()\DrawPos\dY ; // ; set reference to the starting page this block is on ; // *Target\iPageBeginRef = @*psV\Sections()\Pages() EndIf If iIndex = iSize - 1 ; // ; set reference to the ending page this block is on ; // *Target\iPageEndRef = @*psV\Sections()\Pages() EndIf ; // ; set reference to the page this element is on ; // \iPageRef = @*psV\Sections()\Pages() ; // ; set position of element in global output ; // \DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos ; // ; set position of element inside the current page ; // \PagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos ; // ; add positions ; // *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + \AddPos\dX *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY + \AddPos\dY *psV\CurrPagePos\dX + \AddPos\dX *psV\CurrPagePos\dY + \AddPos\dY EndWith Next EndIf EndProcedure Procedure _processNewPage(*psV.VECVI, pdRestoreX.d = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: processes a page break ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdRestoreX - Restore x position retrieved from last element before page break ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dOldPagePos ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; for multi page output, add the margin between the pages ; // If *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIH If ListIndex(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) = -1 If *psV\Sections()\iNr = 1 *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX = *psV\Sections()\DrawPos\dX Else *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX = *psV\Sections()\DrawPos\dX + *psV\d("MultiPageOutputMargin") EndIf Else *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX = *psV\Sections()\Pages()\DrawPos\dX + *psV\Sections()\Size\dWidth + *psV\d("MultiPageOutputMargin") EndIf *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY = 0 ElseIf *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIV If ListIndex(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) = -1 If *psV\Sections()\iNr = 1 *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY = *psV\Sections()\DrawPos\dY Else *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY = *psV\Sections()\DrawPos\dY + *psV\d("MultiPageOutputMargin") EndIf Else *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY = *psV\Sections()\Pages()\DrawPos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Size\dHeight + *psV\d("MultiPageOutputMargin") EndIf *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX = 0 EndIf ; // ; add new page ; // AddElement(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) ; // ; set the global page nr ; // *psV\iNrPages + 1 *psV\Sections()\iNrPages + 1 *psV\Sections()\Pages()\iNr = *psV\iNrPages ; // ; if page numbering is activated, increment the current page number ; for this page based on the start value of the current ; section ; // If *psV\Sections()\iNb > 0 *psV\iNbCurrent = *psV\Sections()\iNbStartValue + *psV\Sections()\iNrPages - 1 *psV\iNbTotal + 1 *psV\Sections()\Pages()\iNb = *psV\iNbCurrent ElseIf *psV\Sections()\iNb = 0 *psV\iNbCurrent + 1 *psV\iNbTotal + 1 *psV\Sections()\Pages()\iNb = *psV\iNbCurrent EndIf ; // ; set the start coordinates of the page ; // *psV\Sections()\Pages()\DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos ; // ; copy the header and footer information ; // *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin = *psV\Sections()\Header\Margin *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin = *psV\Sections()\Footer\Margin *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Block\Size = *psV\Sections()\Header\Block\Size *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Block\Size = *psV\Sections()\Footer\Block\Size CopyList(*psV\Sections()\Header\Block\Elements(), *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Block\Elements()) CopyList(*psV\Sections()\Footer\Block\Elements(), *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Block\Elements()) ; // ; set the x coordinates to the header root values ; // *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dLeft *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + *psV\CurrPagePos\dX ; // ; set the y coordinates to the header root values ; // *psV\CurrPagePos\dY = *psV\Sections()\Margin\dTop + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dTop *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY + *psV\CurrPagePos\dY ; // ; set the header block positions ; // *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Block\DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Block\PagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos ; // ; process the header ; // _processBlock(*psV, 11) ; // ; set the x coordinates to the page root values ; // dOldPagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos\dX *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft + pdRestoreX *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + (*psV\CurrPagePos\dX - dOldPagePos) ; // ; add header y bottom margin ; // *psV\CurrPagePos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dBottom *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Header\Margin\dBottom EndProcedure Procedure _processEndPage(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: processes a page ending ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dOldPagePos ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; set the x coordinates to the footer root values ; // dOldPagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos\dX *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dLeft *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + (*psV\CurrPagePos\dX - dOldPagePos) ; // ; set the y coordinates to the footer root values ; // dOldPagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos\dY *psV\CurrPagePos\dY = _calcPageHeight(*psV, #BOTTOM) *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY + (*psV\CurrPagePos\dY - dOldPagePos) ; // ; add footer y top margin ; // *psV\CurrPagePos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dTop *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dTop ; // ; set the footer block positions ; // *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Block\DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Block\PagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos ; // ; process the footer ; // _processBlock(*psV, 21) ; // ; set the x coordinates to the pages bottom right corner ; // dOldPagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos\dX *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = *psV\Sections()\Size\dWidth *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + (*psV\CurrPagePos\dX - dOldPagePos) ; // ; add footer y bottom margin and page bottom margin ; // *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dBottom + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dBottom *psV\CurrPagePos\dY + *psV\Sections()\Pages()\Footer\Margin\dBottom + *psV\Sections()\Margin\dBottom EndProcedure Procedure _process(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; internal :: processes the VecVi definition before drawing ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; get number of sections ; // *psV\iNrSections = ListSize(*psV\Sections()) ; // ; reset current positions ; // *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX = 0 *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY = 0 *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = 0 *psV\CurrPagePos\dY = 0 ; // ; reset page numbering ; // *psV\iNrPages = 0 *psV\iNbCurrent = 0 *psV\iNbTotal = 0 ForEach *psV\Sections() ; // ; reset drawing position ; // *psV\Sections()\DrawPos\dX = *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX *psV\Sections()\DrawPos\dY = *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY ; // ; clear list of pages for this section ; // ClearList(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) *psV\Sections()\iNrPages = 0 ; // ; add first page ; // _processNewPage(*psV) ; // ; process blocks on the section ; // ForEach *psV\Sections()\Blocks() _processBlock(*psV, 0) Next ; // ; finish last page ; // _processEndPage(*psV) Next EndProcedure ;- >>> basic functions <<< Procedure.i Create(pzFormat.s, piOrientation.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new VecVi object ; param :: pzFormat - page format ('Short side,Long side') ; or constant - see #FORMAT_* ; piOrientation - page orientation ; #HORIZONTAL: width: short side, height: long side ; #VERTICAL: width: long side, height: short side ; returns :: pointer to VecVi object structure ; remarks :: this procedure has to be called before all other VecVi commands. ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *psV.VECVI ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; allocate the main structure ; // *psV = AllocateStructure(VECVI) With *psV ; // ; set default page sizes ; // \i("Orientation") = piOrientation \s("Format") = pzFormat If piOrientation = #VERTICAL \Size\dWidth = ValD(StringField(pzFormat, 1, ",")) \Size\dHeight = ValD(StringField(pzFormat, 2, ",")) ElseIf piOrientation = #HORIZONTAL \Size\dWidth = ValD(StringField(pzFormat, 2, ",")) \Size\dHeight = ValD(StringField(pzFormat, 1, ",")) EndIf ; // ; set default margins ; // \Margin\dBottom = 12.0 \Margin\dLeft = 14.0 \Margin\dRight = 12.0 \Margin\dTop = 15.0 \CellMargin\dBottom = 1.0 \CellMargin\dLeft = 1.0 \CellMargin\dRight = 1.0 \CellMargin\dTop = 1.0 ; // ; set default colors ; // \i("FillColor") = $FFFFFFFF \i("LineColor") = $FF000000 \i("TextColor") = $FF000000 \i("BackColor") = $FFFFFFFF \i("DeskColor") = $FF7D7D7D ; // ; set default line size and style ; // \d("LineSize") = 0.2 \i("LineStyle") = #LINESTYLE_STROKE \d("LineLen") = 1.0 ; // ; set page numbering tokens ; // \s("NbCurrent") = "{Nb}" \s("NbTotal") = "{NbTotal}" ; // ; set default scale factor ; // \d("ScaleX") = 1.0 \d("ScaleY") = 1.0 ; // ; multi page output margin ; // \d("MultiPageOutputMargin") = 10.0 ; // ; output offsets ; // \d("OutputOffsetLeft") = 0.0 \d("OutputOffsetTop") = 0.0 ; // ; load default font ; // SetFont(*psV, "Arial", 0, 5) EndWith ProcedureReturn *psV EndProcedure Procedure Process(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: manually reprocesses the VecVi data ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- _process(*psV) *psV\i("NoReprocessing") = 1 EndProcedure Procedure Free(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: frees all VecVi data. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; free fonts ; // ForEach *psV\Fonts() FreeFont(*psV\Fonts()\iHandle) Next ; // ; free images ; // ForEach *psV\Images() FreeImage(*psV\Images()\iHandle) Next ; // ; free structure ; // FreeStructure(*psV) EndProcedure ;- >>> area definition <<< Procedure BeginSection(*psV.VECVI, pzFormat.s = #FORMAT_INHERIT, piOrientation.i = #INHERIT, piNumbering = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: starts a new section on the current VecVi structure. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pzFormat - (S: #FORMAT_INHERIT) page format ('Short side,Long side') ; or constant - see #FORMAT_* ; piOrientation - (S: #INHERIT) page orientation inside this section ; #HORIZONTAL: width: short side, height: long side ; #VERTICAL: width: long side, height: short side ; #INHERIT: use the orientation specified with VecVi::Create() ; piNumbering - (S: 0) page numbering mode ; -1: no page numbering ; 0: resume page numbering from previous section ; >0: start value for page numbering in this section ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dOldPagePos ; ---------------------------------------- AddElement(*psV\Sections()) With *psV\Sections() \iNr = *psV\iNrSections + 1 ; // ; margin ; // \Margin = *psV\Margin ; // ; page numbering ; // \iNb = piNumbering If \iNb > 0 \iNbStartValue = piNumbering EndIf ; // ; header, footer ; // _calcBlockWidth(*psV\Header\Block) _calcBlockWidth(*psV\Footer\Block) _calcBlockHeight(*psV\Header\Block) _calcBlockHeight(*psV\Footer\Block) \Header\Margin = *psV\Header\Margin \Footer\Margin = *psV\Footer\Margin \Header\Block\Size = *psV\Header\Block\Size \Footer\Block\Size = *psV\Footer\Block\Size CopyList(*psV\Header\Block\Elements(), \Header\Block\Elements()) CopyList(*psV\Footer\Block\Elements(), \Footer\Block\Elements()) ; // ; format ; // If pzFormat <> #FORMAT_INHERIT Or piOrientation <> #INHERIT If pzFormat = #FORMAT_INHERIT pzFormat = *psV\s("Format") EndIf If piOrientation = #INHERIT piOrientation = *psV\i("Orientation") EndIf \iOrientation = piOrientation \zFormat = pzFormat If piOrientation = #VERTICAL \Size\dWidth = ValD(StringField(pzFormat, 1, ",")) \Size\dHeight = ValD(StringField(pzFormat, 2, ",")) ElseIf piOrientation = #HORIZONTAL \Size\dWidth = ValD(StringField(pzFormat, 2, ",")) \Size\dHeight = ValD(StringField(pzFormat, 1, ",")) EndIf Else \iOrientation = *psV\i("Orientation") \zFormat = *psV\s("Format") \Size = *psV\Size EndIf ; // ; set drawing position ; // \DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos ; // ; set x position back to the left page margin ; set y position back to the top page margin as ; the user coordinates start again ; // dOldPagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos\dX *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = \Margin\dLeft *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + (*psV\CurrPagePos\dX - dOldPagePos) *psV\CurrPagePos\dY = _calcPageHeight(*psV, #TOP, 1) EndWith *psV\iNrSections + 1 EndProcedure Procedure BeginBlock(*psV.VECVI, piPageBreak.i = #True) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: starts a new element block on the current section. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piPageBreak - (S: #True) wheter to accept page breaks within this block ; #True: accept page breaks ; #False: disallow page breaks ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dOldPagePos ; ---------------------------------------- *psV\iDefTarget = 0 AddElement(*psV\Sections()\Blocks()) ; // ; pagebreak setting ; // *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\iPageBreak = piPageBreak ; // ; reset x coordinates to left page margin as blocks always ; start on the left side of any page ; // dOldPagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos\dX *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = *psV\Sections()\Margin\dLeft *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + (*psV\CurrPagePos\dX - dOldPagePos) *psV\Sections()\Blocks()\DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos EndProcedure Procedure BeginHeader(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: begins the definition of the header block for the current and the following sections. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: The header has to be defined before the first section is created. ; Once defined, it will be used for every page until the header is redefined. ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dOldPagePos ; ---------------------------------------- *psV\iDefTarget = 1 ; // ; reset the header block ; // ClearList(*psV\Header\Block\Elements()) ; // ; reset x coordinates to left page margin as headers always ; start on the left side of any page ; // dOldPagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos\dX *psV\CurrPagePos\dX = *psV\Margin\dLeft *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX + (*psV\CurrPagePos\dX - dOldPagePos) ; // ; reset y page coordinates to top page margin as headers always ; start on the top of any page ; // dOldPagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos\dY *psV\CurrPagePos\dY = *psV\Margin\dTop *psV\CurrGlobPos\dY + (*psV\CurrPagePos\dY - dOldPagePos) ; // ; set header block positions ; // *psV\Header\Block\DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos *psV\Header\Block\PagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos EndProcedure Procedure BeginFooter(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: begins the definition of the footer block for the current and the following sections. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: The footer has to be defined before the first page is finished. ; Once defined, it will be used for every page until the footer is redefined. ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dOldPagePos ; ---------------------------------------- *psV\iDefTarget = 2 ; // ; reset the footer block ; // ClearList(*psV\Footer\Block\Elements()) ; // ; reset x coordinates to left page margin as footers always ; start on the left side of any page ; // dOldPagePos = *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX *psV\CurrGlobPos\dX = *psV\Margin\dLeft *psV\CurrPagePos\dX + (*psV\CurrGlobPos\dX - dOldPagePos) ; // ; set footer block positions ; // *psV\Footer\Block\DrawPos = *psV\CurrGlobPos *psV\Footer\Block\PagePos = *psV\CurrPagePos EndProcedure ;- >>> get/set <<< Procedure.i GetFillColor(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the color that is used for filling cells. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (i) color value, see RGBA() ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ProcedureReturn *psV\i("FillColor") EndProcedure Procedure SetFillColor(*psV.VECVI, piColor.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the color that is used for filling cells. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piColor - color value, see RGBA() ; if -1, reset color to white ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piColor = -1 *psV\i("FillColor") = $FFFFFFFF Else *psV\i("FillColor") = piColor EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.i GetTextColor(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the current font color. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (i) color value, see RGBA() ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ProcedureReturn *psV\i("TextColor") EndProcedure Procedure SetTextColor(*psV.VECVI, piColor.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the current font color. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piColor - color value, see RGBA() ; if -1, reset color to black ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piColor = -1 *psV\i("TextColor") = $FF000000 Else *psV\i("TextColor") = piColor EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.i GetBackColor(*psV.VECVI, piDeskColor.i = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the color that is used as page background. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piDeskColor - (S: #False) if #True, returns the color of the 'desk' in ; multi page outputs (standard: grey) ; returns :: (i) color value, see RGBA() ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piDeskColor = #False ProcedureReturn *psV\i("BackColor") Else ProcedureReturn *psV\i("DeskColor") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetBackColor(*psV.VECVI, piColor.i, piDeskColor.i = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the color that is used as page background. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piColor - color value, see RGBA() ; if -1, set color to the defaults ; piDeskColor - (S: #False) if #True, sets the color of the 'desk' in ; multi page outputs (standard: grey) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piDeskColor = #False If piColor = -1 *psV\i("BackColor") = $FFFFFFFF Else *psV\i("BackColor") = piColor EndIf Else If piColor = -1 *psV\i("DeskColor") = $FF7D7D7D Else *psV\i("DeskColor") = piColor EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.i GetLineColor(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the color that is used for lines and borders. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (i) color value, see RGBA() ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ProcedureReturn *psV\i("LineColor") EndProcedure Procedure SetLineColor(*psV.VECVI, piColor.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the color that is used for lines and borders. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piColor - color value, see RGBA() ; if -1, reset color to black ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piColor = -1 *psV\i("LineColor") = $FF000000 Else *psV\i("LineColor") = piColor EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.d GetLineSize(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the current width of lines and borders. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (d) border/line size/width ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ProcedureReturn *psV\d("LineSize") EndProcedure Procedure SetLineSize(*psV.VECVI, pdSize.d) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the current width of lines and borders ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdSize - border/line size/width ; if -1, reset size to 0.2 mm ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If pdSize = -1 *psV\d("LineSize") = 0.2 Else *psV\d("LineSize") = pdSize EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.d GetLineStyle(*psV.VECVI, piGetLength = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the current style of lines and borders. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piGetLenght - (S: #False) wheter to get the break length ; returns :: (d) border/line style or length ; remarks :: take care of the return value type (double) instead of (expected) integer when ; piGetLength = #False ; ---------------------------------------- If piGetLength = #False ProcedureReturn *psV\i("LineStyle") Else ProcedureReturn *psV\d("LineLen") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetLineStyle(*psV.VECVI, piStyle.i = -1, pdLength.d = -1) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the current style of lines and borders ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piStyle - (S: -1) border/line style ; if -1, the style is kept unchanged ; if -2, reset style to #LINESTYLE_STROKE ; piLength - (S: -1) length of the breaks in the line ; only used if piStyle & #LINESTYLE_DOT or #LINESTYLE_DASH ; if -1, the length is kept unchanged ; if -2, reset length to 1 ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piStyle > -1 *psV\i("LineStyle") = piStyle ElseIf piStyle = -2 *psV\i("LineStyle") = #LINESTYLE_STROKE EndIf If pdLength > -1 *psV\d("LineLen") = pdLength ElseIf pdLength = -2 *psV\d("LineLen") = 1 EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.d GetMargin(*psV.VECVI, piMargin.i, piArea.i = #AREA_SECTION, piDefault.i = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets VecVi's margin values of the specified area. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piMargin - which margin to get ; #BOTTOM: get bottom margin ; #LEFT: get left margin ; #RIGHT: get right margin ; #TOP: get top margin ; piArea - (S: #AREA_SECTION) margin area ; #AREA_SECTION: section margins, the outermost margins of every section ; #AREA_HEADER: header margins, only top/bottom margins are supported ; #AREA_FOOTER: footer margins, only top/bottom margins are supported ; #AREA_CELL: inner cell margins ; piDefault - (S: #False) which margin types to get, supported for sections, header and footer ; #True: get the default area margins ; #False: get the margins of the current area ; returns :: (d) margin value ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Margin.VECVI_MARGIN ; ---------------------------------------- If piArea = #AREA_SECTION If piDefault = #False *Margin = @*psV\Sections()\Margin Else *Margin = @*psV\Margin EndIf ElseIf piArea = #AREA_HEADER If piDefault = #False *Margin = @*psV\Sections()\Header\Margin Else *Margin = @*psV\Header\Margin EndIf ElseIf piArea = #AREA_FOOTER If piDefault = #False *Margin = @*psV\Sections()\Footer\Margin Else *Margin = @*psV\Footer\Margin EndIf ElseIf piArea = #AREA_CELL *Margin = @*psV\CellMargin EndIf If piMargin = #BOTTOM ProcedureReturn *Margin\dBottom ElseIf piMargin = #LEFT ProcedureReturn *Margin\dLeft ElseIf piMargin = #RIGHT ProcedureReturn *Margin\dRight ElseIf piMargin = #TOP ProcedureReturn *Margin\dTop EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetMargin(*psV.VECVI, piMargin.i, pdValue.d, piArea.i = #AREA_SECTION, piDefault.i = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets VecVi's margin values of the specified area. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piMargin - which margin to set ; #BOTTOM: set bottom margin ; #LEFT: set left margin ; #RIGHT: set right margin ; #TOP: set top margin ; pdValue - margin value to set for the area ; piArea - (S: #AREA_SECTION) margin area ; #AREA_SECTION: section margins, the outermost margins of every section ; #AREA_HEADER: header margins, only top/bottom margins are supported ; #AREA_FOOTER: footer margins, only top/bottom margins are supported ; #AREA_CELL: inner cell margins ; piDefault - (S: #False) which margin types to set, supported for sections, header and footer ; #True: set the default area margins ; #False: set the margins of the current area ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Margin.VECVI_MARGIN ; ---------------------------------------- If piArea = #AREA_SECTION If piDefault = #False *Margin = @*psV\Sections()\Margin Else *Margin = @*psV\Margin EndIf ElseIf piArea = #AREA_HEADER If piDefault = #False *Margin = @*psV\Sections()\Header\Margin Else *Margin = @*psV\Header\Margin EndIf ElseIf piArea = #AREA_FOOTER If piDefault = #False *Margin = @*psV\Sections()\Footer\Margin Else *Margin = @*psV\Footer\Margin EndIf ElseIf piArea = #AREA_CELL *Margin = @*psV\CellMargin EndIf If piMargin = #BOTTOM *Margin\dBottom = pdValue ElseIf piMargin = #LEFT *Margin\dLeft = pdValue ElseIf piMargin = #RIGHT *Margin\dRight = pdValue ElseIf piMargin = #TOP *Margin\dTop = pdValue EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.d GetXPos(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the current x position on the output ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (d) x position ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ProcedureReturn *psV\CurrPagePos\dX EndProcedure Procedure SetXPos(*psV.VECVI, pdX.d, piRelative = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the current x position on the output ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdX - new x position ; piRelative - (S: #False) method to move the x position ; #False: absolute positioning ; #True: relative positioning to the current x position ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_X \d("X") = pdX \i("Rel") = piRelative _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure.d GetYPos(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the current y position on the output ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (d) y position ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ProcedureReturn *psV\CurrPagePos\dY EndProcedure Procedure SetYPos(*psV.VECVI, pdY.d, piRelative = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the current y position on the output ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdY - new y position ; piRelative - (S: #False) method to move the y position ; #False: absolute positioning ; #True: relative positioning to the current y position ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_Y \d("Y") = pdY \i("Rel") = piRelative _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure.d GetPageWidth(*psV.VECVI, piSection.i = 0, piNet = #True) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the width of the specified page ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piSection - (S: 0) section to get the page width for ; 0: return the width for the current section's pages ; otherwise get the width of the specified section's pages ; piNet - (S: #True) wheter to get the net page width ; #True: get the net page width (without margins) ; #False: get the full page width ; returns :: (d) page width ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piNet = #True piNet = #LEFT | #RIGHT EndIf If piSection = 0 ProcedureReturn _calcPageWidth(*psV, piNet) Else PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ForEach *psV\Sections() If *psV\Sections()\iNr = piSection ProcedureReturn _calcPageWidth(*psV, piNet) EndIf Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.d GetPageHeight(*psV.VECVI, piSection.i = 0, piNet = #True) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the height of the specified page ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piSection - (S: 0) section to get the page height for ; 0: return the height for the current section's pages ; otherwise get the height of the specified section's pages ; piNet - (S: #True) wheter to get the net page height ; #True: get the net page height (without margins) ; #False: get the full page height ; returns :: (d) page height ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piNet = #True piNet = #TOP | #BOTTOM EndIf If piSection = 0 ProcedureReturn _calcPageHeight(*psV, piNet) Else PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ForEach *psV\Sections() If *psV\Sections()\iNr = piSection ProcedureReturn _calcPageHeight(*psV, piNet) EndIf Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.d GetOutputScale(*psV.VECVI, piAxis.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the scale factor to use for the outputs ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piAxis - direction to get the scale for ; 0: x axis ; 1: y axis ; returns :: (d) scale factor ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piAxis = 0 ProcedureReturn *psV\d("ScaleX") ElseIf piAxis = 1 ProcedureReturn *psV\d("ScaleY") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetOutputScale(*psV.VECVI, pdX.d = 1, pdY.d = 1) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the scale factor to use for the following outputs ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdX - (S: 1) scale to set for the x direction, see ScaleCoordinates() ; pdY - (S: 1) scale to set for the y direction, see ScaleCoordinates() ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- *psV\d("ScaleX") = pdX *psV\d("ScaleY") = pdY EndProcedure Procedure.d GetOutputOffset(*psV.VECVI, piOffset.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the current output offset ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piOffset - which offset to get ; #TOP: return top offset ; #LEFT: return left offset ; returns :: (d) value of the specified offset ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piOffset = #TOP ProcedureReturn *psV\d("OutputOffsetTop") ElseIf piOffset = #LEFT ProcedureReturn *psV\d("OutputOffsetLeft") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetOutputOffset(*psV.VECVI, piOffset.i, pdValue.d) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the current output offset ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piOffset - which offset to change ; #TOP: set top offset ; #LEFT: set left offset ; pdValue - value of the specified offset ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; prevent from trying to draw on strange values ; // If IsNAN(pdValue) pdValue = 0 EndIf If piOffset = #TOP *psV\d("OutputOffsetTop") = pdValue ElseIf piOffset = #LEFT *psV\d("OutputOffsetLeft") = pdValue EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.i GetMultiPageOutput(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the output mode for single page output channels ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (i) output mode ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ProcedureReturn *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") EndProcedure Procedure SetMultiPageOutput(*psV.VECVI, piOutput.i, pdMargin.d = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the output mode for single page output channels ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piOutput - new output mode ; #False: output only the page given in Output*() ; #VERTICAL: output all pages in vertical order ; #HORIZONTAL: output all pages in horizontal order ; pdMargin - (S: 0) which margin to use between the pages ; only used if piOutput > 0 ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If piOutput = #False If *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") = #VERTICAL *psV\d("OutputOffsetTop") = 0.0 ElseIf *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") = #HORIZONTAL *psV\d("OutputOffsetLeft") = 0.0 EndIf EndIf If piOutput = #VERTICAL *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIV ElseIf piOutput = #HORIZONTAL *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_MULTIH ElseIf piOutput = #False *psV\iDrawMode = #DRAW_SINGLE EndIf *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") = piOutput *psV\d("MultiPageOutputMargin") = pdMargin *psV\i("NoReprocessing") = 0 EndProcedure Procedure SetFont(*psV.VECVI, pzName.s, piStyle.i = 0, pdSize.d = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the currently used font for text elements. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pzName - name of the font ; piStyle - (S: 0) font styles, PB constants are accepted, see LoadFont() ; pdSize - (S: 0) font size (millimeters) ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: every font+style is saved in *psV\Fonts() and recalled if necessary ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; change font size ; // If pdSize > 0 *psV\d("FontSize") = pdSize EndIf ; // ; search for current font in the list of previous used fonts ; // ForEach *psV\Fonts() If *psV\Fonts()\zName = pzName And *psV\Fonts()\iStyle = piStyle *psV\i("CurrentFont") = *psV\Fonts()\iHandle ProcedureReturn EndIf Next ; // ; if newly used font, create entry for it and load it ; // AddElement(*psV\Fonts()) *psV\Fonts()\iHandle = LoadFont(#PB_Any, pzName, 1, piStyle) *psV\Fonts()\zName = pzName *psV\Fonts()\iStyle = piStyle *psV\i("CurrentFont") = *psV\Fonts()\iHandle EndProcedure Procedure.d GetFontSize(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the current font size. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (d) font size ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ProcedureReturn *psV\d("FontSize") EndProcedure Procedure SetFontSize(*psV.VECVI, pdSize.d) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the current font size. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdSize - new font size ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- *psV\d("FontSize") = pdSize EndProcedure Procedure.i GetFontStyle(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: gets the current font style ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (i) font style, see SetFont() ; if no current font is set, returns -1 ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ForEach *psV\Fonts() If *psV\Fonts()\iHandle = *psV\i("CurrentFont") ProcedureReturn *psV\Fonts()\iStyle EndIf Next ProcedureReturn -1 EndProcedure Procedure.i SetFontStyle(*psV.VECVI, piStyle.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the style of the currently used font family ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piStyle - new font style, see SetFont() ; returns :: 0: error while setting font style ; 1: success ; remarks :: invokes SetFont() ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iFound ; ---------------------------------------- ForEach *psV\Fonts() If *psV\Fonts()\iHandle = *psV\i("CurrentFont") iFound = 1 Break EndIf Next If iFound = 1 SetFont(*psV, *psV\Fonts()\zName, piStyle, *psV\d("FontSize")) EndIf ProcedureReturn iFound EndProcedure Procedure.i GetSectionCount(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: returns the number of sections in the current output ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (i) number of sections ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- ProcedureReturn *psV\iNrSections EndProcedure Procedure.i GetPageCount(*psV.VECVI, piSection.i = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: returns the number of pages in the current output. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piSection - (S: 0) get the page count for the specified section only ; if 0, return for all sections, otherwise range: 1 - ... ; returns :: (i) number of pages ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iCnt ; ---------------------------------------- If piSection = 0 ProcedureReturn *psV\iNrPages Else PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ForEach *psV\Sections() If *psV\Sections()\iNr = piSection iCnt = *psV\Sections()\iNrPages Break EndIf Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) EndIf ProcedureReturn iCnt EndProcedure Procedure.d GetPageStartOffset(*psV.VECVI, piPage) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: calculates the offset which will display the given page on the beginning of the output. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piPage - page to get the offset for ; returns :: (d) page offset ; remarks :: only useful with MultiPageOutput > 0 ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dOffset ; ---------------------------------------- dOffset = 0 PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ForEach *psV\Sections() PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) ForEach *psV\Sections()\Pages() If *psV\Sections()\Pages()\iNr = piPage If *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") = #HORIZONTAL dOffset = *psV\Sections()\Pages()\DrawPos\dX ElseIf *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") = #VERTICAL dOffset = *psV\Sections()\Pages()\DrawPos\dY EndIf Break EndIf Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()\Pages()) If dOffset > 0 Break EndIf Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ProcedureReturn -dOffset EndProcedure Procedure.d GetOutputSize(*psV.VECVI, piOrientation.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: calculates the full size of the output ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piOrientation - which size to get ; #HORIZONTAL: get the horizontal size ; #VERTICAL: get the vertical size ; returns :: (d) full size ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i i Protected.d dSize, dMax ; ---------------------------------------- If piOrientation = #VERTICAL If *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") = #VERTICAL PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ForEach *psV\Sections() dSize + *psV\Sections()\iNrPages * (*psV\Sections()\Size\dHeight + *psV\d("MultiPageOutputMargin")) - *psV\d("MultiPageOutputMargin") Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) Else dMax = 0 PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ForEach *psV\Sections() If *psV\Sections()\Size\dHeight > dMax dMax = *psV\Sections()\Size\dHeight EndIf Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) dSize + dMax EndIf ElseIf piOrientation = #HORIZONTAL If *psV\i("MultiPageOutput") = #HORIZONTAL PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ForEach *psV\Sections() dSize + *psV\Sections()\iNrPages * (*psV\Sections()\Size\dWidth + *psV\d("MultiPageOutputMargin")) - *psV\d("MultiPageOutputMargin") Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) Else dMax = 0 PushListPosition(*psV\Sections()) ForEach *psV\Sections() If *psV\Sections()\Size\dWidth > dMax dMax = *psV\Sections()\Size\dWidth EndIf Next PopListPosition(*psV\Sections()) dSize + dMax EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn dSize EndProcedure Procedure.d GetCanvasOutputResolution(piCanvas.i) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: calculates the resolution for outputs on CanvasGadgets ; param :: piCanvas - CanvasGadget ID ; returns :: (d) resolution in dpi ; remarks :: useful to control the display of the output (e.g. print preview) ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.d dRes ; ---------------------------------------- StartVectorDrawing(CanvasVectorOutput(piCanvas, #PB_Unit_Millimeter)) dRes = VectorResolutionX() StopVectorDrawing() ProcedureReturn dRes EndProcedure Procedure.d GetTextWidth(*psV.VECVI, pzText.s) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: calculates the needed width of the given text in the current font. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pzText - text to calculate the width ; returns :: (d) needed text width ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iImage Protected.d dWidth ; ---------------------------------------- iImage = CreateImage(#PB_Any, 1, 1) If Not IsImage(iImage) ProcedureReturn 0 EndIf If StartVectorDrawing(ImageVectorOutput(iImage, #PB_Unit_Millimeter)) VectorFont(FontID(*psV\i("CurrentFont")), Round(*psV\d("FontSize") * 2.83465, #PB_Round_Nearest) / 2.83465) dWidth = VectorTextWidth(pzText, #PB_VectorText_Visible) StopVectorDrawing() EndIf FreeImage(iImage) ProcedureReturn dWidth EndProcedure Procedure SetPageNumberingTokens(*psV.VECVI, pzCurrent.s = "", pzTotal.s = "") ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: sets the tokens which are replaced by the page numbering. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pzCurrent - (S: '') changes the token for the current page number ; if empty, it's kept unchanged ; pzTotal - (S: '') changes the token for the total number of pages ; if empty, it's kept unchanged ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- If pzCurrent <> "" *psV\s("NbCurrent") = pzCurrent EndIf If pzTotal <> "" *psV\s("NbTotal") = pzTotal EndIf EndProcedure ;- >>> graphical elements <<< Procedure TextCell(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, pdH.d, pzText.s, piLn.i = #RIGHT, piBorder.i = #False, piHAlign.i = #LEFT, piVAlign.i = #CENTER, piFill.i = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new text cell on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdW - width of the cell ; if 0, the cell starts at the current x position and ends at the right page margin ; pdH - height of the cell ; pzText - cell text (only one line) ; piLn - (S: #RIGHT) where to set the position after the cell ; #RIGHT: x to the right border of the cell, y keeps unchanged ; #BOTTOM: y to the bottom border of the cell, x keeps unchanged ; #NEWLINE: y to the bottom border of the cell, x to the left margin ; piBorder - (S: #False) which borders to show around the cell ; #False: show no borders ; #LEFT: show the left border ; #RIGHT: show the right border ; #TOP: show the top border ; #BOTTOM: show the bottom border ; #ALL: show all borders ; all borders are combineable. one half of each border width (see VecVi::SetLineSize()) ; is placed inside and outside the cell. ; piHAlign - (S: #LEFT) horizontal alignment of the text. The cell sizes keep unchanged. ; #LEFT: left horizontal align ; #RIGHT: right horizontal align ; #CENTER: central horizontal align ; piVAlign - (S: #CENTER) vertical alignment of the text. The cell sizes keep unchanged. ; #TOP: top vertical align ; #BOTTOM: bottom vertical align ; #CENTER: central vertical align ; piFill - (S: #False) wheter to fill the cell background with a color. ; #True: fill the cell background (see VecVi::SetFillColor()) ; #False: no fill, use the color of the background of the output ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_TEXTCELL \d("W") = pdW \d("H") = pdH \s("TextRaw") = pzText \i("Ln") = piLn \i("Border") = piBorder \i("HAlign") = piHAlign \i("VAlign") = piVAlign \i("Fill") = piFill \i("FillColor") = *psV\i("FillColor") \d("LineSize") = *psV\d("LineSize") \i("LineColor") = *psV\i("LineColor") \i("LineStyle") = *psV\i("LineStyle") \d("LineLen") = *psV\d("LineLen") \i("TextColor") = *psV\i("TextColor") \i("Font") = *psV\i("CurrentFont") \d("FontSize") = *psV\d("FontSize") _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure ParagraphCell(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, pdH.d, pzText.s, piLn.i = #RIGHT, piBorder.i = #False, piHAlign.i = #LEFT, piFill.i = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new paragraph cell on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdW - width of the cell ; if 0, the cell starts at the current x position and ends at the right page margin ; pdH - height of the cell ; if 0, the cell is expanded in y direction to fit the specified text in the current font ; pzText - cell text (multiline support) ; piLn - (S: #RIGHT) where to set the position after the cell ; #RIGHT: x to the right border of the cell, y keeps unchanged ; #BOTTOM: y to the bottom border of the cell, x keeps unchanged ; #NEWLINE: y to the bottom border of the cell, x to the left margin ; piBorder - (S: #False) which borders to show around the cell ; #False: show no borders ; #LEFT: show the left border ; #RIGHT: show the right border ; #TOP: show the top border ; #BOTTOM: show the bottom border ; #ALL: show all borders ; all borders are combineable. one half of each border width (see VecVi::SetLineSize()) ; is placed inside and outside the cell. ; piHAlign - (S: #LEFT) horizontal alignment of the text. The cell sizes keep unchanged. ; #LEFT: left horizontal align ; #RIGHT: right horizontal align ; #CENTER: central horizontal align ; piFill - (S: #False) wheter to fill the cell background with a color. ; #True: fill the cell background (see VecVi::SetFillColor()) ; #False: no fill, use the color of the background of the output ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected.i iImage Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_PARACELL \d("W") = pdW \d("H") = pdH \s("TextRaw") = pzText \i("Ln") = piLn \i("Border") = piBorder \i("HAlign") = piHAlign \i("Fill") = piFill \i("FillColor") = *psV\i("FillColor") \d("LineSize") = *psV\d("LineSize") \i("LineColor") = *psV\i("LineColor") \i("LineStyle") = *psV\i("LineStyle") \d("LineLen") = *psV\d("LineLen") \i("TextColor") = *psV\i("TextColor") \i("Font") = *psV\i("CurrentFont") \d("FontSize") = *psV\d("FontSize") ; // ; variable height of paragraph cells: try to calculate the needed height before ; the original drawing ; // If pdH = 0 If pdW = 0 \d("W") = _calcPageWidth(*psV, #RIGHT) - *psV\CurrPagePos\dX EndIf iImage = CreateImage(#PB_Any, 1, 1) StartVectorDrawing(ImageVectorOutput(iImage, #PB_Unit_Millimeter)) VectorFont(FontID(\i("Font")), \d("FontSize")) \d("H") = VectorParagraphHeight(\s("TextRaw"), \d("W"), 1e6) + *psV\CellMargin\dBottom + *psV\CellMargin\dTop StopVectorDrawing() FreeImage(iImage) EndIf _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure ImageCell(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, pdH.d, pdImageW.d, pdImageH.d, piImage.i, piLn.i = #RIGHT, piBorder.i = #False, piHAlign.i = #LEFT, piVAlign.i = #CENTER, piFill.i = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new text cell on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdW - width of the cell ; if 0, the cell starts at the current x position and ends at the right page margin ; pdH - height of the cell ; pdImageW - width of the image in the cell ; pdImageH - height of the image in the cell ; piImage - cell image, has to be a PB Image object ; piLn - (S: #RIGHT) where to set the position after the cell ; #RIGHT: x to the right border of the cell, y keeps unchanged ; #BOTTOM: y to the bottom border of the cell, x keeps unchanged ; #NEWLINE: y to the bottom border of the cell, x to the left margin ; piBorder - (S: #False) which borders to show around the cell ; #False: show no borders ; #LEFT: show the left border ; #RIGHT: show the right border ; #TOP: show the top border ; #BOTTOM: show the bottom border ; #ALL: show all borders ; all borders are combineable. one half of each border width (see VecVi::SetLineSize()) ; is placed inside and outside the cell. ; piHAlign - (S: #LEFT) horizontal alignment of the image in the cell. The cell sizes keep unchanged. ; #LEFT: left horizontal align ; #RIGHT: right horizontal align ; #CENTER: central horizontal align ; piVAlign - (S: #CENTER) vertical alignment of the image in the cell. The cell sizes keep unchanged. ; #TOP: top vertical align ; #BOTTOM: bottom vertical align ; #CENTER: central vertical align ; piFill - (S: #False) wheter to fill the cell background with a color. ; #True: fill the cell background (see VecVi::SetFillColor()) ; #False: no fill, use the color of the background of the output ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- ; // ; create a copy of the image to allow disallocation ; // AddElement(*psV\Images()) *psV\Images()\iHandle = CopyImage(piImage, #PB_Any) piImage = *psV\Images()\iHandle *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_IMAGECELL \d("W") = pdW \d("H") = pdH \d("ImageW") = pdImageW \d("ImageH") = pdImageH \i("Image") = piImage \i("Ln") = piLn \i("Border") = piBorder \i("HAlign") = piHAlign \i("VAlign") = piVAlign \i("Fill") = piFill \i("FillColor") = *psV\i("FillColor") \d("LineSize") = *psV\d("LineSize") \i("LineColor") = *psV\i("LineColor") \i("LineStyle") = *psV\i("LineStyle") \d("LineLen") = *psV\d("LineLen") _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure HorizontalLine(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, piHAlign.i = #LEFT) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new horizontal line on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdW - width of the horizontal line ; if 0, the line starts at the current x position and ends at the right page margin ; piHAlign - (S: #LEFT) horizontal alignment of the line ; #LEFT: left horizontal align ; #RIGHT: right horizontal align ; #CENTER: central horizontal align ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_HLINE \d("W") = pdW \i("HAlign") = piHAlign \d("LineSize") = *psV\d("LineSize") \i("LineColor") = *psV\i("LineColor") \i("LineStyle") = *psV\i("LineStyle") \d("LineLen") = *psV\d("LineLen") _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure VerticalLine(*psV.VECVI, pdH.d, piVAlign.i = #TOP) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new vertical line on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdH - width of the vertical line ; if 0, the line starts at the current y position and ends at the bottom page margin ; piHAlign - (S: #TOP) vertical alignment of the line ; #TOP: top vertical align ; #BOTTOM: bottom vertical align ; #CENTER: central vertical align ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_VLINE \d("H") = pdH \i("VAlign") = piVAlign \d("LineSize") = *psV\d("LineSize") \i("LineColor") = *psV\i("LineColor") \i("LineStyle") = *psV\i("LineStyle") \d("LineLen") = *psV\d("LineLen") _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure XYLine(*psV.VECVI, pdDeltaX.d, pdDeltaY.d) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new xy line on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdDeltaX - difference between the current x position and the new x position for the line's endpoint ; pdDeltaY - difference between the current y position and the new y position for the line's endpoint ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: The line always starts at the current xy position, see VecVi::SetXPos() and VecVi::SetYPos() ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_XYLINE \d("dX") = pdDeltaX \d("dY") = pdDeltaY \d("LineSize") = *psV\d("LineSize") \i("LineColor") = *psV\i("LineColor") \i("LineStyle") = *psV\i("LineStyle") \d("LineLen") = *psV\d("LineLen") _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure Curve(*psV.VECVI, pdS1X.d, pdS1Y.d, pdS2X.d, pdS2Y.d, pdEndX.d, pdEndY.d) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new curve on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdS1X - x position of the first control point ; pdS1Y - y position of the first control point ; pdS2X - x position of the second control point ; pdS2Y - y position of the second control point ; pdEndX - x position of the end point ; pdEndY - y position of the end point ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_CURVE \d("S1X") = pdS1X \d("S1Y") = pdS1Y \d("S2X") = pdS2X \d("S2Y") = pdS2Y \d("EndX") = pdEndX \d("EndY") = pdEndY \d("LineSize") = *psV\d("LineSize") \i("LineColor") = *psV\i("LineColor") \i("LineStyle") = *psV\i("LineStyle") \d("LineLen") = *psV\d("LineLen") _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure Ln(*psV.VECVI, pdLn.d = -1, piForPurePDF.i = 0) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new line break on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdLn - (S: -1) the height of the line break ; if -1, the height of the last line break will be used ; (also if you have used VecVi::TextCell() with #BOTTOM or #NEWLINE) ; otherwise, the line break will be as specified in this parameter ; piForPurePDF - (S: 0) if 1, use this only for PurePDF outputs ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_LN \d("Ln") = pdLn \i("PPDF") = piForPurePDF _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure Sp(*psV.VECVI, pdSp.d = -1) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new space on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdSp - (S: -1) the width of the space ; if -1, the width of the last space will be used ; otherwise, the space will be as specified in this parameter ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_SP \d("Sp") = pdSp _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure Rectangle(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, pdH.d, piLn.i = #RIGHT, piBorder.i = #False, piFill.i = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new recangle on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdW - width of the rectangle ; if 0, the rectangle starts at the current x position and ends at the right page margin ; pdH - height of the rectangle ; if 0, the rectangle starts at the current y position and ends at the bottom page margin ; piLn - (S: #RIGHT) where to set the position after the rectangle ; #RIGHT: x to the right border of the rectangle, y keeps unchanged ; #BOTTOM: y to the bottom border of the rectangle, x keeps unchanged ; #NEWLINE: y to the bottom border of the rectangle, x to the left margin ; piBorder - (S: #False) which borders to show around the rectangle ; #False: show no borders ; #LEFT: show the left border ; #RIGHT: show the right border ; #TOP: show the top border ; #BOTTOM: show the bottom border ; #ALL: show all borders ; all borders are combineable. one half of each border width (see VecVi::SetLineSize()) ; is placed inside and outside the rectangle. ; piFill - (S: #False) wheter to fill the rectangle background with a color. ; #True: fill the rectangle background (see VecVi::SetFillColor()) ; #False: no fill, use the color of the background of the output ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_RECTANGLE \d("W") = pdW \d("H") = pdH \i("Ln") = piLn \i("Border") = piBorder \i("Fill") = piFill \i("FillColor") = *psV\i("FillColor") \d("LineSize") = *psV\d("LineSize") \i("LineColor") = *psV\i("LineColor") \i("LineStyle") = *psV\i("LineStyle") \d("LineLen") = *psV\d("LineLen") _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure Procedure Sector(*psV.VECVI, pdW.d, pdH.d, pdStart.d, pdEnd.d, piLn.i = #RIGHT, piBorder.i = #False, piConnect.i = #True, piFill.i = #False) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: creates a new ellipse sector on the current block. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pdW - width of the ellipse sector ; pdH - height of the ellipse sector ; pdStart - start angle of the ellipse sector ; if 0, sector starts on the positive x axis ; bounds: 0...360 ; pdEnd - end angle of the ellipse sector ; if 0, sector ends on the positive x axis ; bounds: 0...360 ; piLn - (S: #RIGHT) where to set the position after the ellipse sector ; #RIGHT: x to the right border of the ellipse sector, y keeps unchanged ; #BOTTOM: y to the bottom border of the ellipse sector, x keeps unchanged ; #NEWLINE: y to the bottom border of the ellipse sector, x to the left margin ; piBorder - (S: #False) wheter to show borders around the ellipse sector ; #True: show borders ; #False: show no borders ; one half of each border width (see VecVi::SetLineSize()) is placed inside and outside the sector. ; piConnect - (S: #True) wheter to connect the sector borders with the midpoint if it's not a full ellipse ; #True: draw a line from the linear sector borders back to the midpoint ; #False: keep the ellipse "unclosed" ; this is also used for defining the filling borders ; piFill - (S: #False) wheter to fill the ellipse sector background with a color. ; #True: fill the ellipse sector background (see VecVi::SetFillColor()) ; #False: no fill, use the color of the background of the output ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: the sector midpoint will be at the half width and half height from the current xy position. ; ---------------------------------------- Protected *Target.VECVI_BLOCK ; ---------------------------------------- *Target = _defTarget(*psV) AddElement(*Target\Elements()) With *Target\Elements() \iType = #ELEMENTTYPE_SECTOR \d("W") = pdW \d("H") = pdH \d("Start") = pdStart \d("End") = pdEnd \i("Ln") = piLn \i("Border") = piBorder \i("Connect") = piConnect \i("Fill") = piFill \i("FillColor") = *psV\i("FillColor") \d("LineSize") = *psV\d("LineSize") \i("LineColor") = *psV\i("LineColor") \i("LineStyle") = *psV\i("LineStyle") \d("LineLen") = *psV\d("LineLen") _applyPosition(*psV, *Target, @*Target\Elements()) EndWith EndProcedure ;- >>> output functions <<< Procedure OutputCanvas(*psV.VECVI, piGadget.i, piPage.i = 1) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: outputs VecVi on a canvas gadget. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piGadget - canvas gadget ID ; piPage - page to show on the canvas ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- _draw(*psV, #OUTPUT_CANVAS, piGadget, -1, "", piPage) EndProcedure Procedure OutputCanvasImage(*psV.VECVI, piGadget.i, piImage.i, piPage.i = 1) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: outputs VecVi on a canvas gadget using an image. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piGadget - canvas gadget ID ; piImage - image ID ; piPage - page to show on the canvas ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- _draw(*psV, #OUTPUT_CANVASIMAGE, piGadget, piImage, "", piPage) EndProcedure Procedure OutputImage(*psV.VECVI, piImage.i, piPage.i = 1) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: outputs VecVi on an image. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piGadget - image ID ; piPage - page to show on the image ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- _draw(*psV, #OUTPUT_IMAGE, piImage, -1, "", piPage) EndProcedure Procedure OutputWindow(*psV.VECVI, piWindow.i, piPage.i = 1) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: outputs VecVi on a window. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; piGadget - window ID ; piPage - real page to show on the window ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- _draw(*psV, #OUTPUT_WINDOW, piWindow, -1, "", piPage) EndProcedure Procedure OutputPrinter(*psV.VECVI) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: outputs VecVi on a printer. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- _draw(*psV, #OUTPUT_PRINTER, -1, -1, "", 0) EndProcedure Procedure OutputSVG(*psV.VECVI, pzPath.s) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: outputs VecVi to a .svg file. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pzPath - full output path ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- _draw(*psV, #OUTPUT_SVG, -1, -1, pzPath, 0) EndProcedure Procedure OutputPDF(*psV.VECVI, pzPath.s) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: outputs VecVi to a .svg file. ; param :: *psV - VecVi structure ; pzPath - full output path ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- _draw(*psV, #OUTPUT_PDF, -1, -1, pzPath, 0) EndProcedure Procedure OutputPurePDF(*psV.VECVI, pzPath.s) ; ---------------------------------------- ; public :: outputs VecVi to PurePDF ; param :: *psV - VecVi Structure ; pzPath - full output path ; returns :: (nothing) ; remarks :: ; ---------------------------------------- _draw(*psV, #OUTPUT_PUREPDF, -1, -1, pzPath, 0) EndProcedure EndModule