/* You can either copy and paste these lines in your script or use the #Include command https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/_Include.htm : #include nvda.ahk Place nvdaControllerClient64.dll and nvdaControllerClient32.dll in the same folder as you script */ nvdaSpeak(text) { return DllCall("nvdaControllerClient" A_PtrSize*8 ".dll\nvdaController_speakText", "wstr", text) } nvdaCancel() { return DllCall("nvdaControllerClient" A_PtrSize*8 ".dll\nvdaController_cancelSpeech") } nvdaBrailleMessage(text) { return DllCall("nvdaControllerClient" A_PtrSize*8 ".dll\nvdaController_brailleMessage", "wstr", text) } nvdaRunning() ; returns 0 if running { return DllCall("nvdaControllerClient" A_PtrSize*8 ".dll\nvdaController_testIfRunning") }