--- title: "A Few Thoughts About... Flat-file CMSs" date: 11/13/2015 published: true taxonomy: category: blog tag: - FlatFileCMS - GitHub - GravCMS metadata: 'twitter:card' : summary 'twitter:site' : @hibbittsdesign 'twitter:title' : A Few Thoughts About Flat-file CMSs 'twitter:description' : A collection of a few recent thoughts about flat-file CMSs. --- _But first, what does the term 'flat-file CMS' mean? In a nutshell, content is stored as individual text files rather than in a database._

The fact that a flat-file CMS uses files vs. database is secondary: the game changer is the ECOSYSTEM available, i.e. GitHub, Markdown, etc.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) November 13, 2015

More and more I see flat-file CMS's as a solid candidate for e-portfolios too: no database, portable, and simple to install/transfer/backup.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) November 12, 2015

Hosting a flat-file (no DB) CMS course site on GitHub not only puts everything in the open, but also streamlines workflow + enables collab.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) November 4, 2015

I think many educators default to WordPress because, well it's WP. Flat-file CMS's enable GitHub collab and don't lock-in content into a DB.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) November 4, 2015

Being able to create dynamic + collaborative learning environments in the open on GitHub is an underappreciated aspect of flat-file CMS's.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) September 30, 2015

Example course companion w. flipped-LMS approach: http://t.co/V4gRb8kA5t Related posts: https://t.co/zuPIF9YCcJ and https://t.co/WNJH6248Z3

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) September 12, 2015

A flat-file CMS + GitHub = collaborative editing of content & behavior (code) for dynamic learning platforms #opened pic.twitter.com/PGskqTpZtx

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) September 2, 2015

CMS workflow nirvana? @getgrav (flat-file CMS) ➨ GitHub (version control & collab editing) ➨ @deployhq (auto server deployments) ➨ Web host

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) August 25, 2015