--- title: 'Why a Modern Flat-file (no database) CMS?' date: '01-12-2015 00:00' metadata: 'twitter:card': summary 'twitter:site': '@hibbittsdesign' 'twitter:title': 'Why a modern flat-file (no database) CMS?' 'twitter:description': 'Some key reasons why I am now focusing on flat-file CMS development.' taxonomy: category: blog tag: - FlatFileCMS --- While every project has different needs, I am finding that database-based CMS platforms such as WordPress are often too complex/feature-laden for the needs of _individual_ educators/publishers. In contrast, flat-file CMS platforms offer more simplicity and control. Here are some of the key reasons I am now focusing on using modern flat-file CMSs for my development work (especially when implementing a [flipped LMS](../redefining-a-flipped-lms-approach) approach): === * Modern * Modern PHP code (i.e. reliability, speed, extensibility, etc.) * Use of current standards (i.e. Markdown, Twig, YAML, etc.) * Modular/customizable content chunks (i.e. reuse of content) * Further separation of content (i.e. files) from presentation * Flat-file * No database means less (or no) IT involvement needed * Content stored in text files rather than in a database (often translating into faster page access times) * Takes full advantage of the collaborative ecosystem now available (i.e. GitHub) * Increased portability, as moving a site now only requires simply copying files to another location * All template and content files are 100% version controllable So, what is my favorite modern flat-file CMS right now? Without a doubt the rising star in this space to me is [Grav](http://www.getgrav.org), which is actually more of a web-platform than a traditional CMS. After trying out a number of flat-file CMSs, including [Kirby](http://getkirby.com/) and [Statamic](http://statamic.com/), I found Grav has a perfect mix of flexibility and ease of use for web-savvy educators. In addition, Grav is backed up with [solid documentation](http://learn.getgrav.org/) and [community support](http://getgrav.org/forum).