--- title: 'Grav Course Companion Workflow Videos' published: true date: '20-01-2016 00:00' metadata: 'twitter:card': summary 'twitter:site': '@hibbittsdesign' 'twitter:title': 'Grav Course Companion Workflow Videos' 'twitter:description': 'A small sampling of both instructor and student workflows with the Grav Course Companion.' taxonomy: category: blog tag: - GravCMS - GitHub - FlatFileCMS - Deploy --- Here is a quick sampling of some Grav CMS Course Companion workflows: ![Install process video](install-process.m4v?resize=349,234) _Video 1. Simple install of the course companion on a Web server (in under 30 seconds)._ ===
![Instructor updates workflow video](instructor-update.m4v?resize=349,202) _Video 2. Instructor workflow of making a course companion edit and pushing change to live site (recommended desktop and server install)._
![Student changes workflow video](student-edit.m4v?resize=349,202) _Video 3. Student workflow of making a suggested change to the course companion (optional feature)._
![Instructor review of student changes video](review-student-edit.m4v?resize=349,202) _Video 4. Instructor review of proposed student changes to the course companion site (optional feature). Appointed students can also have the ability to review and approve submitted changes._