--- title: 'Moving Beyond the LMS with Grav Workshop Resources' published: true date: 06/03/2016 continue_link: true header_image: false metadata: 'twitter:card': summary 'twitter:site': '@hibbittsdesign' 'twitter:title': 'Moving Beyond the LMS with Grav - Resource List' 'twitter:description': 'A collection of resources for my Moving Beyond the LMS with Grav workshop.' 'twitter:image': 'http://hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2016-06-03-moving-beyond-the-lms-with-grav-workshop-resources/screenshot.jpg' taxonomy: category: blog tag: - GravCMS - Workshop --- Here is the list of resources for participants in my **Moving Beyond the LMS with Grav** workshop (URL of this page is [bit.ly/1Y6Aiso](http://bit.ly/1Y6Aiso)): # Grav Skeleton Downloads * [Grav Workshop Demo Site](../../downloads/grav-workshop-demo-site.zip) * [Course Hub Skeleton Site](../../downloads/grav-skeleton-course-hub-site.zip) === ! The Grav Course Hub installation process has been substantially simplified with the release of the [Git Sync plugin](../2016-12-22-touchdown-seamless-2-way-syncing-arrives-for-grav). View the updated [Open Course Hub](http://learn.hibbittsdesign.org/coursehub) documentation on the new [learn.hibbittsdesign.org](http://learn.hibbittsdesign.org) site. # Course Hub Documentation * [Demo](http://demo.hibbittsdesign.org/grav-course-hub/) (demo.hibbittsdesign.org/grav-course-hub/) * [ReadMe](https://github.com/hibbitts-design/grav-skeleton-course-hub/blob/master/README.md) (github.com/hibbitts-design/grav-skeleton-course-hub/blob/master/README.md) * [GitHub Repository](https://github.com/hibbitts-design/grav-skeleton-course-hub) (github.com/hibbitts-design/grav-skeleton-course-hub/) # Suggested Desktop Toolset * [MAMP](https://mamp.info) (mamp.info) * [Atom Text Editor](http://atom.io/) (atom.io) or [Adobe Brackets](http://brackets.io) (brackets.io) * [GitHub Desktop](https://desktop.github.com) (desktop.github.com) # Suggested Online (Cloud) Toolset * [Cloud9](https:c9.io) (c9.io) * [SourceLair](http://sourcelair.com) (sourcelair.com) # Installation ## Web Install **Pre-flight Checklist** 1. Confirm Web server PHP version (PHP 5.5.9 or higher) 1. Web server login credentials (username and password) **Installation Steps** 1. Download a Grav Skeleton from this page (see above list) 1. Unzip the package onto your desktop 1. Copy the _entire_ Grav folder to your Web server 1. Point your browser to the Web server folder 1. Create your site administrator account when prompted 1. And you're done! (press the icon in the Admin Panel to preview site) ## Desktop Install **Pre-flight Checklist** 1. Confirm Web server PHP version (PHP 5.5.9 or higher) 1. Download and install [MAMP](https://www.mamp.info/) (mamp.info) **Desktop Installation Steps** 1. Download a Grav Skeleton from this page (see above list) 1. Unzip the Grav package onto your desktop 1. Copy the _entire_ Grav folder into the 'htdocs' folder within your MAMP application folder 1. Launch MAMP 1. Press the MAMP 'Start Servers' button 1. Enter 'localhost:8888' as the URL in your Web Browser 1. Choose the displayed Grav folder name 1. Create your site administrator account when prompted 1. And you're done! (press the icon in the Admin Panel to preview site) Now that you have a Grav site present on your computer you can sync those site files to your server in the future, as described in the post [Using Grav with GitHub Desktop](http://hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2015-12-11-using-grav-with-github) (hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2015-12-11-using-grav-with-github). # Markdown Documentation * [Markdown Tutorial](http://designedbywaldo.com/en/tools/markdown-tutorial) (designedbywaldo.com/en/tools/markdown-tutorial) * [Markdown Cheat Sheet](https://warpedvisions.org/projects/markdown-cheat-sheet/) (warpedvisions.org/projects/markdown-cheat-sheet) # Grav Documentation ([learn.getgrav.org/](http://learn.getgrav.org)) * [Installation & Setup Problems](http://learn.getgrav.org/basics/installation#installation-setup-problems) (learn.getgrav.org/basics/installation#installation-setup-problems) * [Basic Tutorial](http://learn.getgrav.org/basics/basic-tutorial) (learn.getgrav.org/basics/basic-tutorial) # Git and GitHub Desktop Overview * [Git for Designers](http://danielfos.co/notes/git-for-designers) * [Getting your project on GitHub](https://guides.github.com/introduction/getting-your-project-on-github/) # Moving Beyond the LMS with Grav Slides
Psst - the above slides were created with [swipe.to](http://www.swipe.to) using Markdown, just like Grav uses! # Twig Language (for theme development) * [Twig Language Homepage](http://twig.sensiolabs.org/) * [Twig: The Basics (video)](https://knpuniversity.com/screencast/twig/basics)