title: "iPad Workflow for Updating Grav Website through GitHub (via blog.trentgill.ca)"
date: 02/09/2017
continue_link: false
header_image: false
category: blog
- LinkedPost
- GravCMS
- GitHub
- GitSync
- Workflow
link: http://blog.trentgill.ca/ipad-workflow-for-updating-grav-website-through-github/
'twitter:card' : summary
'twitter:site' : @hibbittsdesign
'twitter:title' : iPad Workflow for Updating Grav Website through GitHub
'twitter:description' : Through my day job, I'm regularly exposed to innovative work happening in educational technology and open educational resources..
'twitter:image': 'http://hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2017-02-09-ipad-workflow-for-updating-grav-website-through-github-linked-post/imgres.jpg'
iPad Workflow for Updating Grav Website through GitHub