--- title: "A Few Thoughts About... When Grav CMS (and not WordPress) in the Field of Education?" date: 06/05/2017 published: true continue_link: true header_image: false taxonomy: category: blog tag: - GravCMS - Open metadata: 'twitter:card' : summary 'twitter:site' : @hibbittsdesign 'twitter:title' : When Grav CMS (and not WordPress) in the Field of Education? 'twitter:description' : A collection of tweets highlighting some key aspects of the Grav CMS in the field of [open] education. 'twitter:image': 'http://hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2017-05-24-when-grav-and-not-wordpress-in-the-field-of-education/gravdotorg.png' 'og:title' : When Grav CMS (and not WordPress) in the field of Education? 'og:image' : 'http://hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2017-05-24-when-grav-cms-and-not-wordpress-in-the-field-of-education/gravdotorg.png' 'og:description' : A collection of tweets highlighting some key aspects of the Grav CMS in the field of [open] education. 'og:url' : 2017-05-24-when-grav-cms-and-not-wordpress-in-the-field-of-education --- _I recently tweeted some key aspects of when to use the Grav CMS in the field of education, and I thought I would share them here:_

(1/14) It's not WordPress or Grav, but when WordPress and when Grav. If WordPress meets all your needs as an educator, then that's AWESOME!🙌

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(2/14) However, sometimes Grav can be a better choice for tech-savvy educators (or students) especially when considering these key aspects:

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(3/14) OPEN COLLABORATION: File-based Git Sync can be used with today's collaborative ecosystem services such as GitHub/GitLab, and...

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(4/14) ...in addition to content files (ie Markdown & images) Grav themes can be synced to enable collaborative authoring of site behavior.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(5/14) FLEXIBLE CONTENT: Markdown and HTML can both be used, and modular content is supported for easy reuse of content within a site.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(6/14) IMAGE MEDIA PROCESSING: Site images can easily be cropped, resized, rotated, flipped, and even have various filters applied to them.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(7/14) EFFICIENT WORKFLOW: With file-based Git Sync you can mirror content to your desktop for editing & deploy changes with GitHub Desktop.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(8/14) SITE CUSTOMIZATION: Grav is built to be extensible, and themes can be easily modified using the friendly Twig templating language....

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(9/14) ...or if you are using Grav with a @gantry_fw theme then a visual theme builder is also available with drag-and-drop elements.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(10/14) READY-TO-RUN PACKAGES: Complete Grav sites pre-populated with sample content can be installed and running in as little as 1 minute.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(11/14) COMMAND LINE INTERFACE: In addition to the friendly Admin Panel a command line interface (CLI) is available for remote management.

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(12/14) NO DATABASE BONUS: Since a Grav site only consists of files (no database) backups and even server moves are simple file copies.👍

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(13/14) Interested yet? Check out example #OpenEd @getgrav Packages such as Open Course Hub and ePortfolio Blog at https://t.co/sSQsbho2yW

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017

(14/14) More questions? Tweet them my way, or book a 15-minute chat about the potential of Grav in #OpenEd #DoOO: https://t.co/wJaSRUfqp7

— Hibbitts Design (@hibbittsdesign) June 5, 2017