--- title: 'Welcome to 2018 🎉' date: 01/02/2018 continue_link: false header_image: false metadata: 'twitter:card': summary 'twitter:site': '@hibbittsdesign' 'twitter:title': 'Welcome to 2018' 'twitter:description': 'A long-awaited return to blog posting, and a sneak peek at further integration of the Grav CMS within Canvas.' 'twitter:image': 'http://hibbittsdesign.org/blog/posts/2018-01-02-welcome-to-2018/grav-inside-of-canvas.png' taxonomy: category: blog tag: - GravCMS - YearEndReview --- Having just finished my 20th offering (in 20 years, how did that happen?) of [CMPT-363](http://paulhibbitts.net/cmpt-363-173/) at SFU I will be getting back to posting more frequently about my on-going work with Grav in the field of education... stay tuned. === In the meanwhile, I await word for my most recent Grav-related proposal for the [Festival of Learning 2018](https://bccampus.ca/festival-of-learning-2018/) entitled [Delivering a Better Experience by Using the Open, Collaborative and Flexible Grav CMS – Inside or Outside of your LMS](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qRwTEYTms_XQ3aiX8xR6Y9DH-K65O3e6ie5suhtAOAo/edit?usp=sharing). You can see the results of my further integration of Grav Course Hub within an LMS (in this case Canvas) at [canvas.sfu.ca/courses/34140/](https://canvas.sfu.ca/courses/34140/) ![Grav Course Hub for CMPT-363 within the Canvas LMS](grav-inside-of-canvas.png) _Figure 1. Grav Course Hub for CMPT-363 within the Canvas LMS._